
Defines functions diskCache

Documented in diskCache

#' Create a disk cache object
#' A disk cache object is a key-value store that saves the values as files in a
#' directory on disk. Objects can be stored and retrieved using the `get()`
#' and `set()` methods. Objects are automatically pruned from the cache
#' according to the parameters `max_size`, `max_age`, `max_n`,
#' and `evict`.
#' @section Missing Keys:
#'   The `missing` and `exec_missing` parameters controls what happens
#'   when `get()` is called with a key that is not in the cache (a cache
#'   miss). The default behavior is to return a [key_missing()]
#'   object. This is a *sentinel value* that indicates that the key was not
#'   present in the cache. You can test if the returned value represents a
#'   missing key by using the [is.key_missing()] function. You can
#'   also have `get()` return a different sentinel value, like `NULL`.
#'   If you want to throw an error on a cache miss, you can do so by providing a
#'   function for `missing` that takes one argument, the key, and also use
#'   `exec_missing=TRUE`.
#'   When the cache is created, you can supply a value for `missing`, which
#'   sets the default value to be returned for missing values. It can also be
#'   overridden when `get()` is called, by supplying a `missing`
#'   argument. For example, if you use `cache$get("mykey", missing =
#'   NULL)`, it will return `NULL` if the key is not in the cache.
#'   If your cache is configured so that `get()` returns a sentinel value
#'   to represent a cache miss, then `set` will also not allow you to store
#'   the sentinel value in the cache. It will throw an error if you attempt to
#'   do so.
#'   Instead of returning the same sentinel value each time there is cache miss,
#'   the cache can execute a function each time `get()` encounters missing
#'   key. If the function returns a value, then `get()` will in turn return
#'   that value. However, a more common use is for the function to throw an
#'   error. If an error is thrown, then `get()` will not return a value.
#'   To do this, pass a one-argument function to `missing`, and use
#'   `exec_missing=TRUE`. For example, if you want to throw an error that
#'   prints the missing key, you could do this:
#'   \preformatted{
#'   diskCache(
#'     missing = function(key) {
#'       stop("Attempted to get missing key: ", key)
#'     },
#'     exec_missing = TRUE
#'   )
#'   }
#'   If you use this, the code that calls `get()` should be wrapped with
#'   [tryCatch()] to gracefully handle missing keys.
#' @section Cache pruning:
#'   Cache pruning occurs when `set()` is called, or it can be invoked
#'   manually by calling `prune()`.
#'   The disk cache will throttle the pruning so that it does not happen on
#'   every call to `set()`, because the filesystem operations for checking
#'   the status of files can be slow. Instead, it will prune once in every 20
#'   calls to `set()`, or if at least 5 seconds have elapsed since the last
#'   prune occurred, whichever is first. These parameters are currently not
#'   customizable, but may be in the future.
#'   When a pruning occurs, if there are any objects that are older than
#'   `max_age`, they will be removed.
#'   The `max_size` and `max_n` parameters are applied to the cache as
#'   a whole, in contrast to `max_age`, which is applied to each object
#'   individually.
#'   If the number of objects in the cache exceeds `max_n`, then objects
#'   will be removed from the cache according to the eviction policy, which is
#'   set with the `evict` parameter. Objects will be removed so that the
#'   number of items is `max_n`.
#'   If the size of the objects in the cache exceeds `max_size`, then
#'   objects will be removed from the cache. Objects will be removed from the
#'   cache so that the total size remains under `max_size`. Note that the
#'   size is calculated using the size of the files, not the size of disk space
#'   used by the files --- these two values can differ because of files are
#'   stored in blocks on disk. For example, if the block size is 4096 bytes,
#'   then a file that is one byte in size will take 4096 bytes on disk.
#'   Another time that objects can be removed from the cache is when
#'   `get()` is called. If the target object is older than `max_age`,
#'   it will be removed and the cache will report it as a missing value.
#' @section Eviction policies:
#' If `max_n` or `max_size` are used, then objects will be removed
#' from the cache according to an eviction policy. The available eviction
#' policies are:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{`"lru"`}{
#'       Least Recently Used. The least recently used objects will be removed.
#'       This uses the filesystem's mtime property. When "lru" is used, each
#'       `get()` is called, it will update the file's mtime.
#'     }
#'     \item{`"fifo"`}{
#'       First-in-first-out. The oldest objects will be removed.
#'     }
#'   }
#' Both of these policies use files' mtime. Note that some filesystems (notably
#' FAT) have poor mtime resolution. (atime is not used because support for
#' atime is worse than mtime.)
#' @section Sharing among multiple processes:
#' The directory for a DiskCache can be shared among multiple R processes. To
#' do this, each R process should have a DiskCache object that uses the same
#' directory. Each DiskCache will do pruning independently of the others, so if
#' they have different pruning parameters, then one DiskCache may remove cached
#' objects before another DiskCache would do so.
#' Even though it is possible for multiple processes to share a DiskCache
#' directory, this should not be done on networked file systems, because of
#' slow performance of networked file systems can cause problems. If you need
#' a high-performance shared cache, you can use one built on a database like
#' Redis, SQLite, mySQL, or similar.
#' When multiple processes share a cache directory, there are some potential
#' race conditions. For example, if your code calls `exists(key)` to check
#' if an object is in the cache, and then call `get(key)`, the object may
#' be removed from the cache in between those two calls, and `get(key)`
#' will throw an error. Instead of calling the two functions, it is better to
#' simply call `get(key)`, and use `tryCatch()` to handle the error
#' that is thrown if the object is not in the cache. This effectively tests for
#' existence and gets the object in one operation.
#' It is also possible for one processes to prune objects at the same time that
#' another processes is trying to prune objects. If this happens, you may see
#' a warning from `file.remove()` failing to remove a file that has
#' already been deleted.
#' @section Methods:
#'  A disk cache object has the following methods:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{`get(key, missing, exec_missing)`}{
#'       Returns the value associated with `key`. If the key is not in the
#'       cache, then it returns the value specified by `missing` or,
#'       `missing` is a function and `exec_missing=TRUE`, then
#'       executes `missing`. The function can throw an error or return the
#'       value. If either of these parameters are specified here, then they
#'       will override the defaults that were set when the DiskCache object was
#'       created. See section Missing Keys for more information.
#'     }
#'     \item{`set(key, value)`}{
#'       Stores the `key`-`value` pair in the cache.
#'     }
#'     \item{`exists(key)`}{
#'       Returns `TRUE` if the cache contains the key, otherwise
#'       `FALSE`.
#'     }
#'     \item{`size()`}{
#'       Returns the number of items currently in the cache.
#'     }
#'     \item{`keys()`}{
#'       Returns a character vector of all keys currently in the cache.
#'     }
#'     \item{`reset()`}{
#'       Clears all objects from the cache.
#'     }
#'     \item{`destroy()`}{
#'       Clears all objects in the cache, and removes the cache directory from
#'       disk.
#'     }
#'     \item{`prune()`}{
#'       Prunes the cache, using the parameters specified by `max_size`,
#'       `max_age`, `max_n`, and `evict`.
#'     }
#'   }
#' @param dir Directory to store files for the cache. If `NULL` (the
#'   default) it will create and use a temporary directory.
#' @param max_age Maximum age of files in cache before they are evicted, in
#'   seconds. Use `Inf` for no age limit.
#' @param max_size Maximum size of the cache, in bytes. If the cache exceeds
#'   this size, cached objects will be removed according to the value of the
#'   `evict`. Use `Inf` for no size limit.
#' @param max_n Maximum number of objects in the cache. If the number of objects
#'   exceeds this value, then cached objects will be removed according to the
#'   value of `evict`. Use `Inf` for no limit of number of items.
#' @param evict The eviction policy to use to decide which objects are removed
#'   when a cache pruning occurs. Currently, `"lru"` and `"fifo"` are
#'   supported.
#' @param destroy_on_finalize If `TRUE`, then when the DiskCache object is
#'   garbage collected, the cache directory and all objects inside of it will be
#'   deleted from disk. If `FALSE` (the default), it will do nothing when
#'   finalized.
#' @param missing A value to return or a function to execute when
#'   `get(key)` is called but the key is not present in the cache. The
#'   default is a [key_missing()] object. If it is a function to
#'   execute, the function must take one argument (the key), and you must also
#'   use `exec_missing = TRUE`. If it is a function, it is useful in most
#'   cases for it to throw an error, although another option is to return a
#'   value. If a value is returned, that value will in turn be returned by
#'   `get()`. See section Missing keys for more information.
#' @param exec_missing If `FALSE` (the default), then treat `missing`
#'   as a value to return when `get()` results in a cache miss. If
#'   `TRUE`, treat `missing` as a function to execute when
#'   `get()` results in a cache miss.
#' @param logfile An optional filename or connection object to where logging
#'   information will be written. To log to the console, use `stdout()`.
#' @export
diskCache <- function(
  dir = NULL,
  max_size = 10 * 1024 ^ 2,
  max_age = Inf,
  max_n = Inf,
  evict = c("lru", "fifo"),
  destroy_on_finalize = FALSE,
  missing = key_missing(),
  exec_missing = FALSE,
  logfile = NULL)
  DiskCache$new(dir, max_size, max_age, max_n, evict, destroy_on_finalize,
                missing, exec_missing, logfile)

DiskCache <- R6Class("DiskCache",
  public = list(
    initialize = function(
      dir = NULL,
      max_size = 10 * 1024 ^ 2,
      max_age = Inf,
      max_n = Inf,
      evict = c("lru", "fifo"),
      destroy_on_finalize = FALSE,
      missing = key_missing(),
      exec_missing = FALSE,
      logfile = NULL)
      if (exec_missing && (!is.function(missing) || length(formals(missing)) == 0)) {
        stop("When `exec_missing` is true, `missing` must be a function that takes one argument.")
      if (is.null(dir)) {
        dir <- tempfile("DiskCache-")
      if (!is.numeric(max_size)) stop("max_size must be a number. Use `Inf` for no limit.")
      if (!is.numeric(max_age))  stop("max_age must be a number. Use `Inf` for no limit.")
      if (!is.numeric(max_n))    stop("max_n must be a number. Use `Inf` for no limit.")

      if (!dirExists(dir)) {
        private$log(paste0("initialize: Creating ", dir))
        dir.create(dir, recursive = TRUE)

      private$dir                 <- normalizePath(dir)
      private$max_size            <- max_size
      private$max_age             <- max_age
      private$max_n               <- max_n
      private$evict               <- match.arg(evict)
      private$destroy_on_finalize <- destroy_on_finalize
      private$missing             <- missing
      private$exec_missing        <- exec_missing
      private$logfile             <- logfile

      private$prune_last_time     <- as.numeric(Sys.time())

    get = function(key, missing = private$missing, exec_missing = private$exec_missing) {
      private$log(paste0('get: key "', key, '"'))
      self$is_destroyed(throw = TRUE)


      filename <- private$key_to_filename(key)

      # Instead of calling exists() before fetching the value, just try to
      # fetch the value. This reduces the risk of a race condition when
      # multiple processes share a cache.
      read_error <- FALSE
          value <- suppressWarnings(readRDS(filename))
          if (private$evict == "lru"){
            Sys.setFileTime(filename, Sys.time())
        error = function(e) {
          read_error <<- TRUE
      if (read_error) {
        private$log(paste0('get: key "', key, '" is missing'))

        if (exec_missing) {
          if (!is.function(missing) || length(formals(missing)) == 0) {
            stop("When `exec_missing` is true, `missing` must be a function that takes one argument.")
        } else {

      private$log(paste0('get: key "', key, '" found'))

    set = function(key, value) {
      private$log(paste0('set: key "', key, '"'))
      self$is_destroyed(throw = TRUE)

      file <- private$key_to_filename(key)
      temp_file <- paste0(file, "-temp-", createUniqueId(8))

      save_error <- FALSE
      ref_object <- FALSE
          saveRDS(value, file = temp_file,
            refhook = function(x) {
              ref_object <<- TRUE
          file.rename(temp_file, file)
        error = function(e) {
          save_error <<- TRUE
          # Unlike file.remove(), unlink() does not raise warning if file does
          # not exist.
      if (save_error) {
        private$log(paste0('set: key "', key, '" error'))
        stop('Error setting value for key "', key, '".')
      if (ref_object) {
        private$log(paste0('set: value is a reference object'))
        warning("A reference object was cached in a serialized format. The restored object may not work as expected.")


    exists = function(key) {
      self$is_destroyed(throw = TRUE)

    # Return all keys in the cache
    keys = function() {
      self$is_destroyed(throw = TRUE)
      files <- dir(private$dir, "\\.rds$")
      sub("\\.rds$", "", files)

    remove = function(key) {
      private$log(paste0('remove: key "', key, '"'))
      self$is_destroyed(throw = TRUE)

    reset = function() {
      self$is_destroyed(throw = TRUE)
      file.remove(dir(private$dir, "\\.rds$", full.names = TRUE))

    prune = function() {
      # TODO: It would be good to add parameters `n` and `size`, so that the
      # cache can be pruned to `max_n - n` and `max_size - size` before adding
      # an object. Right now we prune after adding the object, so the cache
      # can temporarily grow past the limits. The reason we don't do this now
      # is because it is expensive to find the size of the serialized object
      # before adding it.

      self$is_destroyed(throw = TRUE)

      current_time <- Sys.time()

      filenames <- dir(private$dir, "\\.rds$", full.names = TRUE)
      info <- file.info(filenames)
      info <- info[info$isdir == FALSE, ]
      info$name <- rownames(info)
      rownames(info) <- NULL
      # Files could be removed between the dir() and file.info() calls. The
      # entire row for such files will have NA values. Remove those rows.
      info <- info[!is.na(info$size), ]

      # 1. Remove any files where the age exceeds max age.
      if (is.finite(private$max_age)) {
        timediff <- as.numeric(current_time - info$mtime, units = "secs")
        rm_idx <- timediff > private$max_age
        if (any(rm_idx)) {
          private$log(paste0("prune max_age: Removing ", paste(info$name[rm_idx], collapse = ", ")))
          info <- info[!rm_idx, ]

      # Sort objects by priority. The sorting is done in a function which can be
      # called multiple times but only does the work the first time.
      info_is_sorted <- FALSE
      ensure_info_is_sorted <- function() {
        if (info_is_sorted) return()

        info <<- info[order(info$mtime, decreasing = TRUE), ]
        info_is_sorted <<- TRUE

      # 2. Remove files if there are too many.
      if (is.finite(private$max_n) && nrow(info) > private$max_n) {
        rm_idx <- seq_len(nrow(info)) > private$max_n
        private$log(paste0("prune max_n: Removing ", paste(info$name[rm_idx], collapse = ", ")))
        rm_success <- file.remove(info$name[rm_idx])
        info <- info[!rm_success, ]

      # 3. Remove files if cache is too large.
      if (is.finite(private$max_size) && sum(info$size) > private$max_size) {
        cum_size <- cumsum(info$size)
        rm_idx <- cum_size > private$max_size
        private$log(paste0("prune max_size: Removing ", paste(info$name[rm_idx], collapse = ", ")))
        rm_success <- file.remove(info$name[rm_idx])
        info <- info[!rm_success, ]

      private$prune_last_time <- as.numeric(current_time)


    size = function() {
      self$is_destroyed(throw = TRUE)
      length(dir(private$dir, "\\.rds$"))

    destroy = function() {
      if (self$is_destroyed()) {

      private$log(paste0("destroy: Removing ", private$dir))
      # First create a sentinel file so that other processes sharing this
      # cache know that the cache is to be destroyed. This is needed because
      # the recursive unlink is not atomic: another process can add a file to
      # the directory after unlink starts removing files but before it removes
      # the directory, and when that happens, the directory removal will fail.
      file.create(file.path(private$dir, "__destroyed__"))
      # Remove all the .rds files. This will not remove the setinel file.
      file.remove(dir(private$dir, "\\.rds$", full.names = TRUE))
      # Next remove dir recursively, including sentinel file.
      unlink(private$dir, recursive = TRUE)
      private$destroyed <- TRUE

    is_destroyed = function(throw = FALSE) {
      if (!dirExists(private$dir) ||
          file.exists(file.path(private$dir, "__destroyed__")))
        # It's possible for another process to destroy a shared cache directory
        private$destroyed <- TRUE

      if (throw) {
        if (private$destroyed) {
          stop("Attempted to use cache which has been destroyed:\n  ", private$dir)

      } else {

    finalize = function() {
      if (private$destroy_on_finalize) {

  private = list(
    dir = NULL,
    max_age = NULL,
    max_size = NULL,
    max_n = NULL,
    evict = NULL,
    destroy_on_finalize = NULL,
    destroyed = FALSE,
    missing = NULL,
    exec_missing = FALSE,
    logfile = NULL,

    prune_throttle_counter = 0,
    prune_last_time = NULL,

    key_to_filename = function(key) {
      # Additional validation. This 80-char limit is arbitrary, and is
      # intended to avoid hitting a filename length limit on Windows.
      if (nchar(key) > 80) {
        stop("Invalid key: key must have fewer than 80 characters.")
      file.path(private$dir, paste0(key, ".rds"))

    # A wrapper for prune() that throttles it, because prune() can be
    # expensive due to filesystem operations. This function will prune only
    # once every 20 times it is called, or if it has been more than 5 seconds
    # since the last time the cache was actually pruned, whichever is first.
    # In the future, the behavior may be customizable.
    prune_throttled = function() {
      # Count the number of times prune() has been called.
      private$prune_throttle_counter <- private$prune_throttle_counter + 1

      if (private$prune_throttle_counter > 20 ||
          private$prune_last_time - as.numeric(Sys.time()) > 5)
        private$prune_throttle_counter <- 0

    # Prunes a single object if it exceeds max_age. If the object does not
    # exceed max_age, or if the object doesn't exist, do nothing.
    maybe_prune_single = function(key) {
      obj <- private$cache[[key]]
      if (is.null(obj)) return()

      timediff <- as.numeric(Sys.time()) - obj$mtime
      if (timediff > private$max_age) {
        private$log(paste0("pruning single object exceeding max_age: Removing ", key))
        rm(list = key, envir = private$cache)

    log = function(text) {
      if (is.null(private$logfile)) return()

      text <- paste0(format(Sys.time(), "[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS3] DiskCache "), text)
      writeLines(text, private$logfile)
austin3087/https-github.com-rstudio-shiny documentation built on Nov. 3, 2019, 2:01 p.m.