normalize_data: Normalize expression data from a SummarizedExperiment or...

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normalize_dataR Documentation

Normalize expression data from a SummarizedExperiment or matrix to be used in hipathia


Transforms the rank of the SummarizedExperiment or matrix of gene expression to [0,1] in order to be processed by hipathia. The transformation may be performed in two different ways. If percentil = FALSE, the transformation is a re-scaling of the rank of the matrix. If percentil = TRUE, the transformation is performed assigning to each cell its percentil in the corresponding distribution. This option is recommended for distributions with very long tails.


  sel_assay = 1,
  by_quantiles = FALSE,
  by_gene = FALSE,
  percentil = FALSE,
  truncation_percentil = NULL



Either a SummarizedExperiment or a matrix of gene expression.


Character or integer, indicating the assay to be normalized in the SummarizedExperiment. Default is 1.


Boolean, whether to normalize the data by quantiles. Default is FALSE.


Boolean, whether to transform the rank of each row of the matrix to [0,1]. Default is FALSE.


Boolean, whether to take as value the percentil of each sample in the corresponding distribution.


Real number p in [0,1]. When provided, values beyond percentil p are truncated to the value of percentil p, and values beyond 1-p are truncated to percentil 1-p. By default no truncation is performed.


This transformation may be applied either to the whole matrix (by setting by_gene = FALSE), which we strongly recommend, or to each of the rows (by setting by_gene = TRUE), allowing each gene to have its own scale.

A previous quantiles normalization may be applied by setting by_quantiles = TRUE. This is recommended for noisy data.

For distributions with extreme outlayer values, a percentil p may be given to the parameter truncation_percentil. When provided, values beyond percentil p are truncated to the value of percentil p, and values beyond 1-p are truncated to percentil 1-p. This step is performed before any other tranformation. By default no truncation is performed.


Matrix of gene expression whose values are in [0,1].


trans_data <- translate_data(brca_data, "hsa")
exp_data <- normalize_data(trans_data)
exp_data <- normalize_data(trans_data, by_quantiles = TRUE,

babelomics/hipathia documentation built on July 27, 2022, 2:23 p.m.