
title: 'RATs: Plots' author: "Kimon Froussios" date: "08 JUL 2019" output: html_document: keep_md: yes theme: readable toc: yes toc_float: yes vignette: > \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %\VignetteIndexEntry{RATs 3: Plots} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}

Set up an example.

# Simulate some data.
simdat <- sim_boot_data(clean=TRUE) 
# For convenience let's assign the contents of the list to separate variables
mycond_A <- simdat[[2]]   # Simulated bootstrapped data for one condition.
mycond_B <- simdat[[3]]   # Simulated bootstrapped data for other condition.
myannot <- simdat[[1]]    # Transcript and gene IDs for the above data.

# Call DTU
mydtu <- call_DTU(annot= myannot, verbose= FALSE,
                  boot_data_A= mycond_A, boot_data_B= mycond_B,
                  dprop_thresh=0.1, qboot=TRUE, rboot=FALSE)

Visualisation of results

The RATs output object provides a host of information and we encourage users to familiarize themselves with it. But a good plot is worth a thousand numbers. RATs provides a non-exhaustive set of basic visualisation options for the results.

The plotting functions return a ggplot2 object. You can just print() it, or assign it to a variable, further customise it with standard ggplot2 operations, or even pass it on to other viewing functions, like plotly::ggplotly().

Inspection of a given gene

Isoform abundances

This is a very useful function for inspecting a gene of interest. It enables quick visual evaluation of the dispersion of the replicate measurements, the magnitude of the absolute and proportion changes, the presence of outliers, and the consistency among the replicates.

# Grouping by condition (DEFAULT):
plot_gene(mydtu, "MIX", style="bycondition")

When there are many replicates or many isoforms, it may be preferable to group abundances by isoform, making individual comparisons easier:

# Grouping by isoform:
plot_gene(mydtu, "MIX", style="byisoform")

Customisation of the abundances plot

Change information layers

The fillby, colourby and shapeby parameters of plot_gene() can be respectively used to control which information layers are encoded as fill, line/point colour, and point shape. Possible values are c("isoform", "condition", "DTU", "none", "replicate"). Be aware that some combinations of plot style and information layers are not possible.

Change colour code

Colour codes can be customised by specifying new values to the corresponding parameters of plot_gene():

An example of a colour vector, using standard R colour aliases, would be c('blue', darkred', 'gold').

Structure of the given gene

With the use of the third-party Bioconductor package ggbio, one can plot gene models from GRanges/GRangesList objects. This can be useful in interpreting transcript expression and DTU.

Therefore RATs offers a helper function to create an appropriate collection of GRanges/GRangesList objects from a GTF file. The collection is structured as a list, indexed by the GTF gene ID values. Each list element is a GRangesList object with the annotated transcripts for that gene.

models <- annot2models('/my/annotation/file.gtf')
# This will plot the structure of all isoforms for the given gene ID.

For more options and more refined plots, refer to the ggbio documentation.

Overview plots

Our simulated dataset is too small to properly demonstrate what these plots might look like. So, instead, each one is accompanied by a static image of the plot created with a real and much larger dataset.

Possibly the most common plot in differential expression is the volcano plot, which plots the effect size against the statistical significance. The thresholds are also shown, although the default significance threshold of 0.05 is very low (hint: no lines are drawn for the axes).

# Proportion change VS transcript-level significance. Each point is a transcript
plot_overview(mydtu, type="tvolcano")

# This can also be plotted for genes, by using the largest isoform effect size as proxy.
plot_overview(mydtu, type="gvolcano")

This is what these look like on a larger dataset: Transcript significance VS effect size

You can also get density histograms for the volcanos (the Y axis is square-root compressed):

# Distribution of proportion change.
plot_overview(mydtu, type="dprop")

# Distribution of largest isoform proportion change per gene.
plot_overview(mydtu, type="maxdprop")

This is what these look like on a larger dataset: Effect size distribution

Although fold-changes of transcript expression are not tied to DTU, you can plot the traditional FC volcano and the relationship between FC and proportion change. Bear in mind that the FCs will be based on the abundances provided as input, without any adjustments such as library size normalization.

# Proportion change VS transcript-level significance. Each point is a transcript
plot_overview(mydtu, type="fcvolcano")

# This can also be plotted for genes, by using the largest isoform effect size as proxy.
plot_overview(mydtu, type="fcVSdprop")

Fold change VS significance Fold change VS proportion change

Diagnostic plots

Currently there is only one plot type in this category.

# Pairwise Pearson's correlations among samples.
plot_diagnostics(mydtu, type='cormat') # Default type.

What you want to see here, is a nice separation between the samples of different conditions. Anomalies in this plot may indicate batch effects or mislabelled samples.

Interactive plots

If you prefer picking points from a plot rather than sorting through tables, the gene-level volcano plot is also available through an interactive shiny app, that pulls up the relevant Gene and Transcript results and the isoform abundance plot for any volcano point you select.

# Start the interactive volcano plot.
  1. Hovering over a point (or cluster of points) will show the gene IDs and some summary info.
  2. Clicking on a point will display the all the available information calculated for the gene and its isoforms, as well as draw the isoform abundance plot for the gene.

When you finish exploring the volcano plot, close the popup window or stop the shiny runtime in order to return to your R terminal.

Contact information

The rats R package was developed within The Barton Group at The University of Dundee by Dr. Kimon Froussios, Dr. Kira Mourão and Dr. Nick Schurch.

To report problems or ask for assistance, please raise a new issue on the project's support forum. Providing a reproducible working example that demonstrates your issue is strongly encouraged to help us understand the problem. Also, be sure to read the vignette(s), and browse/search the support forum before posting a new issue, in case your question is already answered there.


bartongroup/RATS documentation built on June 8, 2022, 12:40 a.m.