ramsvm_solver = function(K = NULL, y, gamma = 0.5, lambda, weight = NULL,
epsilon_D = 1e-6, epsilon = 1e-6 * length(y) * length(unique(y)), maxit = 300)
out = list()
K = fixit(K)
D = K + 1
max_D = max(abs(D))
diag(D) = diag(D) + max_D * epsilon_D
y_temp = factor(y)
classname = levels(y_temp)
n_class = length(classname)
y_int = integer(length(y))
for (j in 1:n_class) y_int[which(y_temp %in% classname[j])] = j
if (is(y, "numeric")) {classname = as.numeric(classname)}
n = length(y_int)
if (is.null(weight)) weight = numeric(n) + 1.0
# Create k-vertex simplex. #
W = XI_gen(k = n_class)
yyi = Y_matrix_gen(k = n_class,
n = n,
y = y_int)
alpha_ij = matrix(data = 0.0, nrow = n, ncol = n_class)
alpha_yi = numeric(n)
erci = -diag(D) / 2 / as.double(n) / lambda
aa = .C("alpha_update",
outalpha_ij = as.vector(numeric(n * n_class)),
maxiter = as.integer(maxit),
PACKAGE = "dbvsmsvm")
alpha = matrix(data = aa$outalpha_ij, nrow = n, ncol = n_class)
cmat_list = coef_kernel(y = y_int,
k = n_class,
W = W,
alpha = alpha,
lambda = lambda)
cmat = cmat_list$cmat
c0vec = cmat_list$c0vec
Kcmat = (K %*% cmat) %*% W
W_c0vec = drop(t(c0vec) %*% W)
# compute the fitted values
fit = (matrix(W_c0vec, nrow = n, ncol = n_class, byrow = T) + Kcmat)
fit_class = apply(fit, 1, which.max)
fit_class = classname[fit_class]
if (is(y, "factor")) {fit_class = factor(fit_class, classname)}
out$y = y
out$classname = classname
out$alpha = alpha
out$cmat = cmat
out$c0vec = c0vec
out$fit = fit
out$fit_class = fit_class
out$n = n
out$n_class = n_class
out$gamma = gamma
out$weight = weight
out$lambda = lambda
ramsvm_compact = function(K, y, gamma = 0.5, lambda, epsilon = 1e-6, eig_tol_D = 0, epsilon_D = 1e-6)
out = list()
y_temp = factor(y)
classname = levels(y_temp)
n_class = length(classname)
y_int = integer(length(y))
for (j in 1:n_class) {y_int[which(y_temp %in% classname[j])] = j}
if (is(y, "numeric")) {classname = as.numeric(classname)}
n = length(y_int)
qp_dim = n * n_class
code_mat = code_ramsvm(y_int)
yyi = code_mat$yyi
W = code_mat$W
y_index = code_mat$y_index
Hmatj = code_mat$Hmatj
Lmatj = code_mat$Lmatj
D = 0
Amat = matrix(0, n * n_class, n_class - 1)
for (j in 1:(n_class - 1)) {
D = D + Hmatj[[j]] %*% K %*% t(Hmatj[[j]])
Amat[, j] = -Lmatj[[j]]
D = fixit(D, epsilon = eig_tol_D)
max_D = max(abs(D))
diag(D) = diag(D) + max_D * epsilon_D
g_temp = matrix(-1, n, n_class)
g_temp[y_index] = 1 - n_class
g = as.vector(g_temp)
dvec = -g * n * lambda
Amat = cbind(Amat, diag(-1, n * n_class), diag(1, n * n_class))
bvec_temp = matrix(gamma - 1, nrow = n, ncol = n_class)
bvec_temp[y_index] = -gamma
if (gamma == 0 | gamma == 1) {
bvec_temp = bvec_temp - epsilon
# bvec = c(rep(0, qp_dim + n_class), as.vector(bvec_temp))
bvec = c(rep(0, n_class - 1), as.vector(bvec_temp), rep(0, n * n_class))
nonzero = find_nonzero(Amat)
Amat = nonzero$Amat_compact
Aind = nonzero$Aind
dual = solve.QP.compact(D, dvec, Amat, Aind, bvec, meq = (n_class - 1))
# dual_temp = solve.QP(D, dvec, Amat, bvec, meq = n_class - 1)
alpha = dual$solution
alpha[alpha < 0] = 0
alpha_mat = matrix(alpha, nrow = n, ncol = n_class)
cmat = matrix(0, n, n_class - 1)
for (j in 1:(n_class - 1)) {
cmat[, j] = t(Hmatj[[j]]) %*% alpha / (n * lambda)
Kcmat = (K %*% cmat) %*% W
alp_temp = matrix(1 - gamma, nrow = n, ncol = n_class)
alp_temp[y_index] = gamma
alp = c(as.vector(alp_temp), rep(0, 2 * (n_class - 1)))
Alp1 = diag(qp_dim)
Alp2 = matrix(0, nrow = qp_dim, ncol = 2 * (n_class - 1))
for (i in 1:(n_class - 1)) {
Alp2[, (2 * i - 1)] = Lmatj[[i]]
Alp2[, (2 * i)] = -Lmatj[[i]]
Alp = cbind(Alp1, Alp2)
blp_temp = Kcmat + 1
blp_temp[y_index] = (n_class - 1) - Kcmat[y_index]
blp = as.vector(blp_temp)
const_dir = rep(">=", qp_dim)
# const_dir[1] = "="
cposneg = lp("min", objective.in = alp, const.mat = Alp, const.dir = const_dir,const.rhs = blp)$solution[(qp_dim + 1):(qp_dim + 2 * (n_class - 1))]
c0vec = rep(0, n_class - 1)
for(j in 1:(n_class - 1)) {
c0vec[j] = cposneg[(2 * j - 1)] - cposneg[(2 * j)]
W_c0vec = drop(t(c0vec) %*% W)
# compute the fitted values
fit = (matrix(W_c0vec, nrow = n, ncol = n_class, byrow = T) + Kcmat)
fit_class = apply(fit, 1, which.max)
fit_class = classname[fit_class]
if (is(y, "factor")) {fit_class = factor(fit_class, classname)}
# table(y, fit_class)
# Return the output
out$y = y
out$classname = classname
out$alpha = alpha_mat
out$cmat = cmat
out$c0vec = c0vec
out$fit = fit
out$fit_class = fit_class
out$n = n
out$n_class = n_class
out$gamma = gamma
out$weight = NULL
out$lambda = lambda
ramsvm = function(x = NULL, K = NULL, y, gamma = 0.5, lambda = 1,
kernel = NULL, kparam = NULL, scale = FALSE, type = c("type1", "type2"), ...)
out = list()
type = match.arg(type)
n = length(y)
n_class = length(unique(y))
center = NULL
scaled = NULL
if (!is.null(x)) {
p = ncol(x)
center = rep(0, p)
scaled = rep(1, p)
if (scale) {
x = scale(x)
center = attr(x, "scaled:center")
scaled = attr(x, "scaled:scale")
K = kernelMatrix(x, x, kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam)
if (type == "type1") {
solutions = ramsvm_solver(K = K, y = y, gamma = gamma, lambda = lambda, ...)
} else {
solutions = ramsvm_compact(K = K, y = y, gamma = gamma, lambda = lambda, ...)
out$x = x
out$K = K
out$y = y
out$classname = solutions$classname
out$gamma = gamma
out$n_class = n_class
out$lambda = lambda
out$kernel = kernel
out$kparam = kparam
out$cmat = solutions$cmat
out$c0vec = solutions$c0vec
out$alpha = solutions$alpha
out$scale = scale
out$center = center
out$scaled = scaled
out$fit_class = solutions$fit_class
out$epsilon = list(...)
class(out) = "ramsvm"
predict.ramsvm_core = function(object, newK = NULL) {
cmat = object$cmat
c0vec = object$c0vec
n_class = object$n_class
W = XI_gen(n_class)
W_c0 = drop(t(c0vec) %*% W)
fit = matrix(W_c0, nrow = nrow(newK), ncol = n_class, byrow = T) + ((newK %*% cmat) %*% W)
pred_y = apply(fit, 1, which.max)
pred_y = object$classname[pred_y]
if (is(object$y, "factor")) {pred_y = factor(pred_y, object$classname)}
# for(i in 1:object$n_class) {
# pred_y[pred_y == i] = object$classname[i]
# }
# return(list(class = pred_y, inner_prod = inner_prod))
return(list(class = pred_y, pred_value = fit))
predict.ramsvm = function(object, newx = NULL, newK = NULL, ...) {
if (is.null(newK)) {
newK = kernelMatrix(newx, object$x, kernel = object$kernel, kparam = object$kparam)
# newK = kernelMatrix(rbfdot(sigma = object$kparam), newx, object$x)
cmat = object$cmat
c0vec = object$c0vec
n_class = object$n_class
W = XI_gen(n_class)
W_c0 = drop(t(c0vec) %*% W)
fit = matrix(W_c0, nrow = nrow(newK), ncol = n_class, byrow = T) + ((newK %*% cmat) %*% W)
pred_y = apply(fit, 1, which.max)
pred_y = object$classname[pred_y]
if (is(object$y, "factor")) {pred_y = factor(pred_y, object$classname)}
# for(i in 1:object$n_class) {
# pred_y[pred_y == i] = object$classname[i]
# }
return(list(class = pred_y, pred_value = fit))
coef_kernel = function(y, k, W, alpha, lambda){
n = length(y)
cmat = matrix(data = 0, nrow = n, ncol = (k - 1))
c0vec = numeric(k - 1)
for (q in 1:(k - 1)) {
temp = numeric(n)
temp0 = 0
for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in 1:k) {
t1 = alpha[i, j] * W[q, j]
t2 = (2 * {y[i] == j} - 1)
temp[i] = temp[i] + t2 * t1
temp0 = temp0 + t2 * t1
cmat[, q] = temp / n / lambda
c0vec[q] = temp0 / n / lambda
return(list(cmat = cmat, c0vec = c0vec))
cv.ramsvm = function(x, y, gamma = 0.5, valid_x = NULL, valid_y = NULL, nfolds = 10, lambda_seq = 2^{seq(-10, 15, length.out = 100)},
kernel = c("linear", "gaussian", "poly", "spline", "anova_gaussian"), kparam = 1,
scale = FALSE, criterion = c("0-1", "loss"), optModel = FALSE, nCores = 1, ...)
out = list()
call = match.call()
kernel = match.arg(kernel)
criterion = match.arg(criterion)
if (scale) {
x = scale(x)
if (!is.null(valid_x)) {
means = attr(x, "scaled:center")
stds = attr(x, "scaled:scale")
valid_x = (valid_x - matrix(means, NROW(valid_x), NCOL(valid_x), byrow = TRUE)) / matrix(stds, NROW(valid_x), NCOL(valid_x), byrow = TRUE)
lambda_seq = as.numeric(lambda_seq)
kparam = as.numeric(kparam)
lambda_seq = sort(lambda_seq, decreasing = FALSE)
kparam = sort(kparam, decreasing = TRUE)
# The number of classes
k = length(unique(y))
# Combination of hyper-parameters
params = expand.grid(lambda = lambda_seq, kparam = kparam)
if (!is.null(valid_x) & !is.null(valid_y)) {
model_list = vector("list", 1)
fold_list = NULL
# Parallel computation on the combination of hyper-parameters
fold_err = mclapply(1:nrow(params),
function(j) {
msvm_fit = ramsvm(x = x, y = y, gamma = gamma, lambda = params$lambda[j],
kernel = kernel, kparam = params$kparam[j], ...)
pred_val = predict.ramsvm(msvm_fit, newx = valid_x)
if (criterion == "0-1") {
acc = sum(valid_y == pred_val$class) / length(valid_y)
err = 1 - acc
} else {
err = ramsvm_hinge(valid_y, pred_val$pred_value, k = k, gamma = gamma)
return(list(error = err, fit_model = msvm_fit))
}, mc.cores = nCores)
valid_err = sapply(fold_err, "[[", "error")
model_list[[1]] = lapply(fold_err, "[[", "fit_model")
opt_ind = max(which(valid_err == min(valid_err)))
opt_param = params[opt_ind, ]
opt_valid_err = min(valid_err)
} else {
# set.seed(y[1])
# fold_list = createFolds(y, k = nfolds, list = TRUE)
fold_list = data_split(y, nfolds)
valid_err = matrix(NA, nrow = nfolds, ncol = nrow(params), dimnames = list(paste0("Fold", 1:nfolds)))
# model_list = vector("list", nfolds)
for (i in 1:nfolds) {
cat(nfolds, "-fold CV : ", i / nfolds * 100, "%", "\r", sep = "")
# fold = fold_list[[i]]
fold = which(fold_list == i)
y_fold = y[-fold]
x_fold = x[-fold, , drop = FALSE]
y_valid = y[fold]
x_valid = x[fold, , drop = FALSE]
# Parallel computation on the combination of hyper-parameters
fold_err = mclapply(1:nrow(params),
function(j) {
msvm_fit = ramsvm(x = x_fold, y = y_fold, gamma = gamma, lambda = params$lambda[j],
kernel = kernel, kparam = params$kparam[j], ...)
pred_val = predict.ramsvm(msvm_fit, newx = x_valid)
if (criterion == "0-1") {
acc = sum(y_valid == pred_val$class) / length(y_valid)
err = 1 - acc
} else {
err = ramsvm_hinge(y_valid, pred_val$pred_value, k = k, gamma = gamma)
# return(list(error = err, fit_model = msvm_fit))
}, mc.cores = nCores)
# valid_err_mat[i, ] = sapply(fold_err, "[[", "error")
valid_err[i, ] = unlist(fold_err)
# model_list[[i]] = lapply(fold_err, "[[", "fit_model")
mean_valid_err = colMeans(valid_err)
opt_ind = max(which(mean_valid_err == min(mean_valid_err)))
# opt_ind = min(which(valid_err == min(valid_err)))
opt_param = params[opt_ind, ]
opt_valid_err = min(mean_valid_err)
out$opt_param = c(lambda = opt_param$lambda, kparam = opt_param$kparam)
out$opt_valid_err = opt_valid_err
out$opt_ind = opt_ind
out$valid_err = valid_err
out$nfolds = nfolds
# out$fold_models = lapply(model_list, "[[", opt_ind)
# out$fold_ind = fold_list
out$x = x
out$y = y
out$valid_x = valid_x
out$valid_y = valid_y
out$kernel = kernel
out$gamma = gamma
out$scale = scale
if (optModel) {
opt_model = ramsvm(x = x, y = y, gamma = gamma, lambda = opt_param$lambda,
kernel = kernel, kparam = opt_param$kparam, ...)
out$opt_model = opt_model
out$call = call
class(out) = "ramsvm"
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