# GBFSMSVM v1.0.0: R functions written by Beomjin Park
threshold_fun = function(x, ...)
threshold_fun.default = function(x, y, valid_x = NULL, valid_y = NULL, lambda = 1, nfolds = 10,
v_seq = NULL, Nofv = 100, u_seq = NULL, Nofu = 100,
gamma = 0.5, kernel = c("linear", "gaussian", "poly", "spline", "anova_gaussian"), kparam = c(1),
scale = FALSE, cv_type = c("standard", "osr"), criterion = c("0-1", "loss"),
interaction = FALSE, optModel = FALSE, nCores = 1, ...)
out = list()
call = match.call()
kernel = match.arg(kernel)
cv_type = match.arg(cv_type)
criterion = match.arg(criterion)
if (scale) {
x = scale(x)
if (!is.null(valid_x)) {
means = attr(x, "scaled:center")
stds = attr(x, "scaled:scale")
valid_x = (valid_x - matrix(means, NROW(valid_x), NCOL(valid_x), byrow = TRUE)) / matrix(stds, NROW(valid_x), NCOL(valid_x), byrow = TRUE)
# The number of classes
k = length(unique(y))
p = NCOL(x)
lambda = as.numeric(lambda)
kparam = as.numeric(kparam)
# Initial fitting
init_fit = ramsvm(x = x, y = y, gamma = gamma, lambda = lambda, kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam, scale = FALSE, ...)
# Compute the partial derivatives with respect to x
pderiv_vec = pderiv(alpha = fit$cmat, x = x, y = y, kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam)
# Compute threshold path
if (is.null(v_seq)) {
v_seq = seq(0, max(pderiv_vec), length.out = Nofv)
# v_seq = v_seq[-c(length(v_seq))]
if (!is.null(valid_x) & !is.null(valid_y)) {
fold_err = mclapply(v_seq,
function(v) {
msvm_fit = ramsvm(x = x[, pderiv_vec > v, drop = FALSE], y = y, gamma = gamma,
lambda = lambda, kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam, scale = FALSE, ...)
pred_val = predict.ramsvm(msvm_fit, newx = valid_x[, pderiv_vec > v, drop = FALSE])
if (criterion == "0-1") {
acc = sum(valid_y == pred_val$class) / length(valid_y)
err = 1 - acc
} else {
err = ramsvm_hinge(valid_y, pred_val$inner_prod, k = k, gamma = gamma)
}, mc.cores = nCores)
valid_err = unlist(fold_err)
opt_ind = max(which(valid_err == min(valid_err)))
opt_v = v_seq[opt_ind]
opt_valid_err = min(valid_err)
selected = as.integer(gd > opt_v)
} else {
fold_list = data_split(y, nfolds)
model_list = vector("list", nfolds)
valid_err = matrix(NA, nrow = nfolds, ncol = length(v_seq), dimnames = list(paste0("Fold", 1:nfolds)))
for (i in 1:nfolds) {
cat(nfolds, "-fold CV : ", i / nfolds * 100, "%", "\r", sep = "")
# fold = fold_list[[i]]
fold = which(fold_list == i)
y_fold = y[-fold]
x_fold = x[-fold, , drop = FALSE]
y_valid = y[fold]
x_valid = x[fold, , drop = FALSE]
# Initial fitting RAMSVM for computing the partial derivatives
fold_fit = ramsvm(x = x_fold, y = y_fold, gamma = gamma, lambda = lambda,
kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam, scale = FALSE, ...)
# Save the fitted model
model_list[[i]] = fold_fit
fold_pderiv_vec = pderiv(alpha = fold_fit$cmat, x = x_fold, y = y_fold, kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam)
fold_err = mclapply(v_seq,
function(v) {
error = try({
msvm_fit = ramsvm(x = x_fold[, fold_pderiv_vec > v, drop = FALSE], y = y_fold, gamma = gamma,
lambda = lambda, kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam, scale = FALSE, ...)
if (!inherits(error, "try-error")) {
pred_val = predict.ramsvm(msvm_fit, newx = x_valid[, fold_pderiv_vec > v, drop = FALSE])
if (criterion == "0-1") {
acc = sum(y_valid == pred_val$class) / length(y_valid)
err = 1 - acc
} else {
err = ramsvm_hinge(y_valid, pred_val$inner_prod, k = k, gamma = gamma)
} else {
err = Inf
}, mc.cores = nCores)
valid_err[i, ] = unlist(fold_err)
mean_valid_err = colMeans(valid_err)
cv_se = apply(valid_err, 2, sd) / sqrt(nfolds)
opt_ind = max(which(mean_valid_err == min(mean_valid_err)))
if (cv_type == "osr") {
opt_ind_osr = max(which(mean_valid_err <= (min(mean_valid_err) + cv_se[opt_ind])))
opt_v = v_seq[opt_ind_osr]
} else {
opt_v = v_seq[opt_ind]
opt_valid_err = min(mean_valid_err)
selected = as.integer(pderiv_vec > opt_v)
out$selected = selected
out$selection_inform = list(partial_deriv = pderiv_vec,
v_path = v_seq,
opt_v = opt_v,
opt_valid_err = opt_valid_err,
opt_ind = opt_ind,
valid_err = valid_err)
if (interaction) {
active_set = which(selected == 1)
# comb_set = combn(1:NCOL(x), 2)
if (length(active_set) == 1 | length(active_set) == 0) {
interaction_selected = rep(0, choose(p, 2))
so_pderiv_vec = rep(0, choose(p, 2))
opt_u = NULL
valid_err = NULL
u_path = NULL
} else {
so_pderiv_vec = pderiv_so(alpha = init_fit$cmat, x = x, y = y, kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam, active_set = active_set)
if (is.null(u_seq)) {
u_seq = seq(0, max(so_pderiv_vec), length.out = Nofu)
# u_seq = u_seq[-c(length(u_seq))]
temp = combn(active_set, 2)
valid_err = matrix(NA, nrow = nfolds, ncol = length(u_seq), dimnames = list(paste0("Fold", 1:nfolds)))
for (i in 1:nfolds) {
cat(nfolds, "-fold CV (interaction) : ", i / nfolds * 100, "%", "\r", sep = "")
fold = which(fold_list == i)
y_fold = y[-fold]
x_fold = x[-fold, , drop = FALSE]
y_valid = y[fold]
x_valid = x[fold, , drop = FALSE]
# Initial fitting RAMSVM for computing the partial derivatives
# init_fit = ramsvm(x = x_fold, y = y_fold, gamma = gamma, lambda = lambda,
# kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam, scale = FALSE, ...)
fold_fit = model_list[[i]]
fold_so_pderiv_vec = pderiv_so(alpha = fold_fit$cmat, x = x_fold, y = y_fold,
kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam, active_set = active_set)
fold_err = mclapply(u_seq,
function(u) {
KK = interaction_kernel(x_fold, x_fold, kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam,
active_set, temp[, fold_so_pderiv_vec > u, drop = FALSE])
# Fit model under the fold set
msvm_fit = ramsvm(K = KK, y = y_fold, gamma = gamma, lambda = lambda, ...)
valid_KK = interaction_kernel(x_valid, x_fold, kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam,
active_set, temp[, fold_so_pderiv_vec > u, drop = FALSE])
pred_val = predict.ramsvm(msvm_fit, newK = valid_KK)
if (criterion == "0-1") {
acc = sum(y_valid == pred_val$class) / length(y_valid)
err = 1 - acc
} else {
err = ramsvm_hinge(y_valid, pred_val$inner_prod, k = k, gamma = gamma)
}, mc.cores = nCores)
valid_err[i, ] = unlist(fold_err)
mean_valid_err = colMeans(valid_err)
cv_se = apply(valid_err, 2, sd) / sqrt(nfolds)
opt_ind = max(which(mean_valid_err == min(mean_valid_err)))
opt_ind_osr = max(which(mean_valid_err <= (mean_valid_err[opt_ind] + cv_se[opt_ind])))
if (cv_type == "osr") {
opt_u = u_seq[opt_ind_osr]
} else {
opt_u = u_seq[opt_ind]
opt_valid_err = min(mean_valid_err)
interaction_selected = as.integer(so_pderiv_vec > opt_u)
comb_f = combn(1:p, 2)
int_comb = temp[, interaction_selected == 1, drop = FALSE]
interaction_selected = as.integer(paste0(comb_f[1, ], comb_f[2, ]) %in% paste0(int_comb[1, ], int_comb[2, ]))
out$selected = c(selected, interaction_selected)
out$interaction_selection_inform = list(second_order_partial_deriv = so_pderiv_vec,
u_path = u_seq,
opt_u = opt_u,
opt_valid_err = opt_valid_err,
opt_ind = opt_ind,
valid_err = valid_err)
if (optModel) {
out$opt_model = ramsvm(x = x[, selected == 1, drop = FALSE], y = y, gamma = gamma, lambda = lambda,
kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam, scale = FALSE, ...)
out$cv_type = cv_type
out$call = call
cat(" The number of selected features out of ", length(out$selected), ":", sum(out$selected), "\r", "\n")
threshold_fun.dbvsmsvm = function(object, v_seq = NULL, Nofv = 100, u_seq = NULL, Nofu = 100,
cv_type = c("standard", "osr"), criterion = c("0-1", "loss"),
interaction = FALSE, optModel = FALSE, nCores = 1, ...)
out = list()
call = match.call()
cv_type = match.arg(cv_type)
criterion = match.arg(criterion)
x = object$x
y = object$y
valid_x = object$valid_x
valid_y = object$valid_y
lambda = object$opt_param["lambda"]
kparam = object$opt_param["kparam"]
gamma = object$gamma
kernel = object$kernel
# The number of classes
k = length(unique(y))
p = NCOL(x)
# Initial fitting
init_fit = ramsvm(x = x, y = y, gamma = gamma, lambda = lambda, kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam, scale = FALSE, ...)
# Compute the partial derivatives with respect to x
pderiv_vec = pderiv(alpha = init_fit$cmat, x = x, y = y, kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam)
# Compute thresholding path
if (is.null(v_seq)) {
v_seq = seq(0, max(pderiv_vec), length.out = Nofv)
# v_seq = v_seq[-c(length(v_seq))]
if (!is.null(valid_x) & !is.null(valid_y)) {
fold_err = mclapply(v_seq,
function(v) {
msvm_fit = ramsvm(x = x[, pderiv_vec > v, drop = FALSE], y = y, gamma = gamma,
lambda = lambda, kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam, scale = FALSE, ...)
pred_val = predict.ramsvm(msvm_fit, newx = valid_x[, pderiv_vec > v, drop = FALSE])
if (criterion == "0-1") {
acc = sum(valid_y == pred_val$class) / length(valid_y)
err = 1 - acc
} else {
err = ramsvm_hinge(valid_y, pred_val$inner_prod, k = k, gamma = gamma)
}, mc.cores = nCores)
valid_err = unlist(fold_err)
opt_ind = max(which(valid_err == min(valid_err)))
opt_v = v_seq[opt_ind]
opt_valid_err = min(valid_err)
selected = as.integer(pderiv_vec > opt_v)
} else {
# fold_list = object$fold_ind
nfolds = object$nfolds
fold_list = data_split(y, nfolds)
model_list = vector("list", nfolds)
valid_err = matrix(NA, nrow = nfolds, ncol = length(v_seq), dimnames = list(paste0("Fold", 1:nfolds)))
for (i in 1:nfolds) {
cat(nfolds, "-fold CV : ", i / nfolds * 100, "%", "\r", sep = "")
# fold = fold_list[[i]]
fold = which(fold_list == i)
y_fold = y[-fold]
x_fold = x[-fold, , drop = FALSE]
y_valid = y[fold]
x_valid = x[fold, , drop = FALSE]
# Initial fitting RAMSVM for computing the partial derivatives
fold_fit = ramsvm(x = x_fold, y = y_fold, gamma = gamma, lambda = lambda,
kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam, scale = FALSE, ...)
# Save the fitted model
model_list[[i]] = fold_fit
# Compute the partial derivatives
fold_pderiv_vec = pderiv(alpha = fold_fit$cmat, x = x_fold, y = y_fold, kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam)
fold_err = mclapply(v_seq,
function(v) {
# Fit model under the fold set
error = try({
msvm_fit = ramsvm(x = x_fold[, fold_pderiv_vec > v, drop = FALSE], y = y_fold, gamma = gamma,
lambda = lambda, kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam, scale = FALSE, ...)
if (!inherits(error, "try-error")) {
pred_val = predict.ramsvm(msvm_fit, newx = x_valid[, fold_pderiv_vec > v, drop = FALSE])
if (criterion == "0-1") {
acc = sum(y_valid == pred_val$class) / length(y_valid)
err = 1 - acc
} else {
err = ramsvm_hinge(y_valid, pred_val$inner_prod, k = k, gamma = gamma)
} else {
err = Inf
}, mc.cores = nCores)
valid_err[i, ] = unlist(fold_err)
mean_valid_err = colMeans(valid_err)
cv_se = apply(valid_err, 2, sd) / sqrt(nfolds)
opt_ind = max(which(mean_valid_err == min(mean_valid_err)))
if (cv_type == "osr") {
opt_ind_osr = max(which(mean_valid_err <= (min(mean_valid_err) + cv_se[opt_ind])))
opt_v = v_seq[opt_ind_osr]
} else {
opt_v = v_seq[opt_ind]
opt_valid_err = min(mean_valid_err)
selected = as.integer(pderiv_vec > opt_v)
out$selected = selected
out$selection_inform = list(partial_deriv = pderiv_vec,
v_path = v_seq,
opt_v = opt_v,
opt_valid_err = opt_valid_err,
opt_ind = opt_ind,
valid_err = valid_err)
if (interaction) {
active_set = which(selected == 1)
# comb_set = combn(1:NCOL(x), 2)
if (length(active_set) == 1 | length(active_set) == 0) {
interaction_selected = rep(0, choose(p, 2))
so_pderiv_vec = rep(0, choose(p, 2))
opt_u = NULL
valid_err = NULL
u_path = NULL
} else {
so_pderiv_vec = pderiv_so(alpha = init_fit$cmat, x = x, y = y, kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam, active_set = active_set)
if (is.null(u_seq)) {
u_seq = seq(0, max(so_pderiv_vec), length.out = Nofu)
# u_seq = u_seq[-c(length(u_seq))]
temp = combn(active_set, 2)
valid_err = matrix(NA, nrow = nfolds, ncol = length(u_seq), dimnames = list(paste0("Fold", 1:nfolds)))
for (i in 1:nfolds) {
cat(nfolds, "-fold CV (interaction) : ", i / nfolds * 100, "%", "\r", sep = "")
fold = which(fold_list == i)
y_fold = y[-fold]
x_fold = x[-fold, , drop = FALSE]
y_valid = y[fold]
x_valid = x[fold, , drop = FALSE]
# Initial fitting RAMSVM for computing the partial derivatives
# init_fit = ramsvm(x = x_fold, y = y_fold, gamma = gamma, lambda = lambda,
# kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam, scale = FALSE, ...)
fold_fit = model_list[[i]]
fold_so_pderiv_vec = pderiv_so(alpha = fold_fit$cmat, x = x_fold, y = y_fold,
kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam, active_set = active_set)
fold_err = mclapply(u_seq,
function(u) {
KK = interaction_kernel(x_fold, x_fold, kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam,
active_set, temp[, fold_so_pderiv_vec > u, drop = FALSE])
# Fit model under the fold set
msvm_fit = ramsvm(K = KK, y = y_fold, gamma = gamma, lambda = lambda, ...)
valid_KK = interaction_kernel(x_valid, x_fold, kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam,
active_set, temp[, fold_so_pderiv_vec > u, drop = FALSE])
pred_val = predict.ramsvm(msvm_fit, newK = valid_KK)
if (criterion == "0-1") {
acc = sum(y_valid == pred_val$class) / length(y_valid)
err = 1 - acc
} else {
err = ramsvm_hinge(y_valid, pred_val$inner_prod, k = k, gamma = gamma)
}, mc.cores = nCores)
valid_err[i, ] = unlist(fold_err)
mean_valid_err = colMeans(valid_err)
cv_se = apply(valid_err, 2, sd) / sqrt(nfolds)
opt_ind = max(which(mean_valid_err == min(mean_valid_err)))
opt_ind_osr = max(which(mean_valid_err <= (mean_valid_err[opt_ind] + cv_se[opt_ind])))
if (cv_type == "osr") {
opt_u = u_seq[opt_ind_osr]
} else {
opt_u = u_seq[opt_ind]
opt_valid_err = min(mean_valid_err)
interaction_selected = as.integer(so_pderiv_vec > opt_u)
comb_f = combn(1:p, 2)
int_comb = temp[, interaction_selected == 1, drop = FALSE]
interaction_selected = as.integer(paste0(comb_f[1, ], comb_f[2, ]) %in% paste0(int_comb[1, ], int_comb[2, ]))
out$selected = c(selected, interaction_selected)
out$interaction_selection_inform = list(second_order_partial_deriv = so_pderiv_vec,
u_path = u_seq,
opt_u = opt_u,
opt_valid_err = opt_valid_err,
opt_ind = opt_ind,
valid_err = valid_err)
if (optModel) {
out$selection_inform$opt_model = ramsvm(x = x[, selected == 1, drop = FALSE], y = y, gamma = gamma, lambda = lambda,
kernel = kernel, kparam = kparam, scale = FALSE, ...)
out$cv_type = cv_type
out$call = call
cat(" The number of selected features out of ", length(out$selected), ":", sum(out$selected), "\r", "\n")
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