
Defines functions make_omicron_model

Documented in make_omicron_model

#' Make an Omicron invasion model
#' @inheritDotParams init_model
#' @inheritParams make_vaccination_model
#' @family flexmodels
#' @family canned_models
#' @export
make_omicron_model = function(..., do_variant = FALSE) {

  spec_check("0.1.0", "model structure")

  args = list(...)

  stopifnot(attr(params, "model_type") != 'twodose')
  if(is.null(state)) state = make_state(params = params)
  if(has_vax(state)) {
    stopifnot(attr(state, "model_type") != 'twodose')
  } else {
    state <- expand_state_vax(
      x = state,
      model_type = "twodose",
      unif = FALSE

  # problem dimensions
  (epi_states = c(attr(state, "epi_cat")))
  (asymp_cat = c("S", "E", "Ia", "Ip", "R"))
  (vax_cat = c(attr(state, "vax_cat")))
  (dose_from = rep(asymp_cat, 2))
  (dose_to = c(asymp_cat, rep("V", 5)))
  (accum = c("X", "V"))
  (non_accum = base::setdiff(epi_states, accum))
  (non_accum_non_S = non_accum[-1])

  # Specify structure of the force of infection calculation
  Istate = (c('Ia', 'Ip', 'Im', 'Is')
            %>% expand_names(vax_cat)
            %>% vec
  baseline_trans_rates =
      '(1 - iso_m) * (Cm)',
      '(1 - iso_s) * (Cs)') *
    struc('(beta0) * (1/N)')
  if(!do_variant) {
    vax_trans_red = struc_block(vec(
      '(1 - vax_efficacy_dose1)',
      '(1 - vax_efficacy_dose1)',
      '(1 - vax_efficacy_dose2)'),
      row_times = 1, col_times = 5)
  } else {
    vax_trans_red = struc_block(vec(
      '(1 - variant_prop) + (variant_advantage) * (variant_prop)',
      '(1 - variant_prop) + (variant_advantage) * (variant_prop)',
      '(1 - vax_efficacy_dose1) * (1 - variant_prop) + (1 - variant_vax_efficacy_dose1) * (variant_advantage) * (variant_prop)',
      '(1 - vax_efficacy_dose1) * (1 - variant_prop) + (1 - variant_vax_efficacy_dose1) * (variant_advantage) * (variant_prop)',
      '(1 - vax_efficacy_dose2) * (1 - variant_prop) + (1 - variant_vax_efficacy_dose2) * (variant_advantage) * (variant_prop)'),
      row_times = 1, col_times = 5)

  alpha   = c("alpha", "alpha", "vax_alpha_dose1", "vax_alpha_dose1", "vax_alpha_dose2")
  mu      = c("mu",    "mu",    "vax_mu_dose1",    "vax_mu_dose1",    "vax_mu_dose2")
  sigma   = struc("sigma")
  gamma_p = struc("gamma_p")
  E_to_Ia_rates  = vec(           alpha ) * sigma
  E_to_Ip_rates  = vec(complement(alpha)) * sigma
  Ip_to_Im_rates = vec(              mu ) * gamma_p
  Ip_to_Is_rates = vec(complement(   mu)) * gamma_p

  model = (init_model(...)

           # Flow within vaccination categories,
           # with constant rates across categories
           %>% rep_rate("Ia",   "R",    ~                      (gamma_a))
           %>% rep_rate("Im",   "R",    ~                      (gamma_m))
           %>% rep_rate("Is",   "D",    ~ (    nonhosp_mort) * (gamma_s))
           %>% rep_rate("Is",   "H",    ~ (1 - nonhosp_mort) * (gamma_s) * (    phi1))
           %>% rep_rate("Is",   "X",    ~ (1 - nonhosp_mort) * (gamma_s) * (    phi1))
           %>% rep_rate("Is",   "ICUs", ~ (1 - nonhosp_mort) * (gamma_s) * (1 - phi1) * (1 - phi2))
           %>% rep_rate("Is",   "ICUd", ~ (1 - nonhosp_mort) * (gamma_s) * (1 - phi1) * (    phi2))
           %>% rep_rate("ICUs", "H2",   ~                                  (    psi1))
           %>% rep_rate("ICUd", "D",    ~                                  (    psi2))
           %>% rep_rate("H2",   "R",    ~                                  (    psi3))
           %>% rep_rate("H",    "R",    ~ (rho))

           # Flow within vaccination categories,
           # with rates that depend on category
           # (see struc objects created above)
           %>% vec_rate("E", "Ia",  E_to_Ia_rates)
           %>% vec_rate("E", "Ip",  E_to_Ip_rates)
           %>% vec_rate("Ip", "Im", Ip_to_Im_rates)
           %>% vec_rate("Ip", "Is", Ip_to_Is_rates)

           # Vaccination Response Rates
           %>% add_rate("R_vaxdose1", "R_vaxprotect1",  ~ (vax_response_rate_R))
           %>% add_rate("R_vaxdose2", "R_vaxprotect2",  ~ (vax_response_rate_R))
           %>% add_rate("S_vaxdose1", "S_vaxprotect1",  ~ (vax_response_rate))
           %>% add_rate("S_vaxdose2", "S_vaxprotect2",  ~ (vax_response_rate))

           # Forces of Infection
           %>% vec_rate(
             "S" %_% vax_cat,
             "E" %_% vax_cat,
             kronecker(vax_trans_red, t(baseline_trans_rates)) %*% Istate

           # Sums across vaccination categories
           %>% add_state_param_sum("asymp_unvax_N",       asymp_cat %_% "unvax")
           %>% add_state_param_sum("asymp_vaxprotect1_N", asymp_cat %_% "vaxprotect1")

           # Flow among vaccination categories
           # (see dose_* above for epi states that are involved)
           %>% rep_rate(
             dose_from %_% 'unvax',
             dose_to   %_% 'vaxdose1',
             ~ (    vax_prop_first_dose) * (vax_doses_per_day) * (1 / asymp_unvax_N))
           %>% rep_rate(
             dose_from %_% 'vaxprotect1',
             dose_to   %_% 'vaxdose2',
             ~ (1 - vax_prop_first_dose) * (vax_doses_per_day) * (1 / asymp_vaxprotect1_N))
  ## FIXME: take this out when doing my own model spec (add_parallel_accumuators is depreciated) and continue the model pipe
  if(spec_ver_lt('0.1.1')) {
    # no deprecation period for add_parallel_accumulators
    model = add_parallel_accumulators(model, c('V' %_% vax_cat, 'X' %_% vax_cat))
  } else {
    model = (model

             # definitely need a better syntax here
             %>% add_outflow(
               "^" %+% alt_group(non_accum) %_% alt_group(vax_cat))

             # Update parameters for use with the linearized model
             # -- confirmed correct (TODO: check if params are missing? variant-related?)
             %>% update_linearized_params('N', 1) # scale population to 1
             %>% update_linearized_params('E0', 1e-5)
             %>% update_linearized_params('vax_doses_per_day', 0)
             %>% update_linearized_params('vax_response_rate', 0)
             %>% update_linearized_params('vax_response_rate_R', 0)

             # Set the disease-free equilibrium of the linearized model
             # FIXME: make this S0 instead of N -- shouldn't really matter,
             #        but just to be sure...
             %>% update_disease_free_state('S_unvax', 'S0')

             # Perturb the disease-free equilibrium of the linearized model
             %>% update_disease_free_state('E_unvax', 'E0')

             # Define outflows for the linearized model
             # -- confirmed that this is producing the correct indices
             %>% add_linearized_outflow("^S", "^S") # S_pos, S_pos
             %>% add_linearized_outflow(
               "^" %+% alt_group(non_accum_non_S) %_% alt_group(vax_cat), # notS_pos
               "^" %+% alt_group(non_accum)       %_% alt_group(vax_cat)) # p_states

             # Define state mappings used to put the initial state values in
             # the correct positions of the initial state vector
             %>% add_state_mappings(

               # regular expression to find states to drop before computing
               # the eigenvector of the linearized system
               # -- generated indices are correct
               eigen_drop_pattern = '^(X|V)',

               # regular expression to find states to drop from the eigenvector
               # before distributing individuals among infected compartments
               # -- generated indices are correct
               infected_drop_pattern = '^(S|D|R)',

               # regular expression to find states in the initial population
               # of susceptibles
               initial_susceptible_pattern = '^S_unvax$'

             # Set the total number of individuals and the total number of
             # infected individuals in the initial state vector
             %>% initial_population(total = 'N', infected = 'E0')

bbolker/McMasterPandemic documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 6:35 p.m.