
Defines functions timevar_order_indices factory_fresh_macpan_options get_macpan_options r_tmb_comparable r_mode tmb_mode reset_spec_version set_spec_version compare_hessians compare_grads compare_sims_unlist compare_sims_diffmat compare_sims_plot compare_sims_cbind time_wrap compare_sims update_params_calibrated compute_num_iters simulation_dates tmb_param_names tmb_map_indices tmb_params_init tmb_params_trans tmb_params parse_loss_form parse_opt_form parse_name_sum resolve_param hyperparam_to_vec valid_dim_hyperparam dim_hyperparam get_form_dim get_hyperparam_list tmb_opt_form parse_and_resolve_loss_form parse_and_resolve_opt_form set_hyperparam_dims length_tv_mult_series parse_opt_param remove_opt_param rate_matrix_lookup lookup_pairwise get_indices_per_rate factr_algo compute_factr_from_indices compute_rate_from_indices get_var_list eval_formulas compute_factrs compute_rates sum_dependent_rates state_dependent_rates which_time_varying_rates time_varying_rates has_time_varying regen_sim_report_expr rate_summary regen_rates regen_model reduce_rates combine_rates make_nested_indices find_vec_indices rateform_as_char parse_formula check_from_to block pwise cross check_in_rate_fun find_pos_grep factor_table find_operators get_variables variable_regex int0_to_0 null_to_0 null_to_logNA null_to_numNA null_to_intNA null_to_charNA null_to_log0 null_to_num0 null_to_int0 null_to_char0 ff condense_names update_full_condensation_map unlist_params make_latex_flows make_latex_rates make_latex_symbols v2d pad_convs pad_lag_diffs condensed_sim_report_names final_sim_report_names intermediate_sim_report_names initial_sim_report_names as_data_frame_no_row_names as_vector_no_attr omit_empty is_empty is_fitted_by_bbmle exists_opt_params assert_len1_int is_len1_int assert_len1_char is_len1_char init_def.def_dataframe init_def.def_nlist init_def.def_list init_def.def_struc init_def.def_formula init_def.def_character init_def.def_double init_def.def_integer init_def.def_logical init_def check_def.def_logical check_def model make_def_function bundle_def check_len check_len_bounds filter_loss_params

Documented in compare_grads compare_hessians compare_sims compare_sims_cbind compare_sims_diffmat compare_sims_plot compare_sims_unlist factory_fresh_macpan_options get_macpan_options parse_formula rateform_as_char rate_summary reset_spec_version r_mode r_tmb_comparable set_spec_version time_wrap tmb_mode tmb_params tmb_params_trans v2d

# objects ----------------------

valid_loss_params = list(
  negative_binomial = 'nb_disp',
  poisson = character(0L),
  log_normal = 'normal_sd',
  normal = 'normal_sd',
  beta = c('beta_shape1', 'beta_shape2')
valid_loss_functions = names(valid_loss_params)
valid_prior_families = c('flat', 'normal')
valid_trans = c('log', 'log10', 'logit', 'cloglog', 'inverse')
valid_tv_types = c(
  'rel_orig', 'rel_prev',
  'rel_orig_logit', 'rel_prev_logit'

filter_loss_params = function(loss_params, param_nms, dist_nm){
    Parameter == param_nms,
    Distribution == dist_nm

init_initialization_mapping = list(
  eigen = character(0L),
  infected = character(0L),
  susceptible = character(0L)

init_initial_population = list(
  total = character(0L),
  infected = character(0L)

init_factr_vector = numeric(0L)
init_pow_vector = numeric(0L)
init_pow = setNames(
  as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = 0L, ncol = 5)),
  c("pow_nms", "pow_arg1_nms", "pow_arg2_nms", "pow_const_nms", "initial_value")

init_condensation = list(
  include = list(),
  # ordered list of condensation steps
  steps = list()

init_condensation_map = character(0L)

init_observed = list(
  data = data.frame(
    date = Date(),
    var = character(),
    value = numeric()
  loss_params = data.frame(
    Parameter = character(),
    Distribution = character(),
    Variable = character()

init_tmb_indices = list(
  make_ratemat_indices = list(
    from = integer(0L),
    to = integer(0L),
    count = integer(0L),
    spi = integer(0L),
    modifier = integer(0L)
  par_accum_indices = integer(0L),
  updateidx = integer(0L),
  sum_indices = list(
    sumidx = integer(0L),
    sumcount = integer(0L),
    summandidx = integer(0L)
  factr_indices = list(
    spi_factr = integer(0L),
    count = integer(0L),
    spi = integer(0L),
    modifier = integer(0L)
  pow_indices = list(
    powidx = integer(0L),
    powarg1idx = integer(0L),
    powarg2idx = integer(0L),
    powconstidx = integer(0L)
  condense_indices = list(
    sri_output = integer(0L),
    sr_count = integer(0L),
    sri = integer(0L),
    sr_modifier = integer(0L)
  opt_params = list(
    index_table = data.frame(
      param_nms = character(0),
      param_trans = character(0),
      prior_distr = character(0),
      prior_trans = character(0),
      count_hyperparams = integer(0),
      init_trans_params = numeric(0),
      prior_trans_id = integer(0),
      param_trans_id = integer(0),
      prior_distr_id = integer(0),
      opt_param_id = integer(0)
    hyperparameters = numeric(0L),
    index_tv_table = data.frame(
      param_nms = character(0),
      param_trans = character(0),
      prior_distr = character(0),
      prior_trans = character(0),
      count_hyperparams = integer(0),
      init_trans_params = numeric(0),
      prior_trans_id = integer(0),
      param_trans_id = integer(0),
      prior_distr_id = integer(0),
      tv_breaks = integer(0),
      opt_tv_mult_id = integer(0)
    hyperparameters_tv = numeric(0L)

# test functions ------------------------------------------------

check_len_bounds = function(min_length, max_length) {
  stopifnot(is.integer(min_length) & (is.integer(max_length) | is.infinite(max_length)) & min_length >= 0L & max_length >= min_length)

check_len = function(x) {
  len = length(x$default)
  check_len_bounds(x$min_len, len)
  check_len_bounds(len, x$max_len)

bundle_def = function(..., class) {
  structure(nlist(...), class = class)

def_vectors = c('logical', 'integer', 'double', 'character', 'list')
def_numerics = c('integer', 'double')
def_named_containers = c('nlist', 'dataframe')

make_def_function = function(def_name) {
  if (def_name %in% def_named_containers) {
    f = function(...) {
      l = list(...)
      structure(l, class = 'def' %_% def_name)
  f = function() {
    l = as.list(environment())
    if (!l$optional & l$extra) {
      stop('extra components must be optional')
    if (isFALSE(l$allow_dups)) {
      if (any(duplicated(l$default))) {
        stop('must either allow dups or supply an appropriate default if minimum length is greater than one')
    structure(l, class = 'def' %_% def_name)
  if (def_name %in% def_vectors) {
    formals(f) = c(formals(f), alist(min_len = 0L, max_len = 1L, default = vector(def_name, min_len)))
    if (def_name != 'logical') {
      formals(f) = c(formals(f), alist(allow_dups = TRUE))
  if (def_name %in% def_numerics) {
    formals(f) = c(formals(f), alist(min_val = -Inf, max_val = Inf))
  if (def_name == 'character') {
    formals(f) = c(formals(f), alist(pattern = '^.*$'))
  } else if (def_name == 'formula') {
    formals(f) = c(formals(f), alist(n_sides = 'any')) # 'one', 'two'
  } else if (def_name == 'list') {
    formals(f) = c(formals(f), alist(component_def = make_def_function('character')()))
  formals(f) = c(formals(f), alist(optional = FALSE, extra = FALSE))

def = sapply(c(
), make_def_function, simplify = FALSE)

def$model = function(name, model_spec_version) {
    name = def$character(min_len = 1L, max_len = Inf, default = name),
    model_spec_version = def$character(
      min_len = 1L, max_len = 1L,
      pattern = '[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+',
      default = model_spec_version
    states = def$dataframe(
      state = def$character(min_len = 1L, max_len = Inf, allow_dups = FALSE),
      description = def$character(allow_dups = FALSE, optional = TRUE),
      layers = def$character(allow_dups = TRUE, option = TRUE, extra = TRUE)
    parameters = def$dataframe(
      parameter = def$character(allow_dups = FALSE),
      description = def$character(allow_dups = FALSE, optional = TRUE),
      layers = def$character(option = TRUE, extra = TRUE)
    rates = def$dataframe(
      from = def$character(),
      to = def$character(),
      expression = def$character(),
      outflow = def$logical()
    summaries = def$dataframe(
      summary = def$character(allow_dups = FALSE),
      type = def$character(pattern = "^(sum|intermediate|lag_n_diff|conv)$"),
      expression = def$character()
    structure = def$list(
      allow_dups = FALSE,
      component_def = def$struc()

check_def = function(x, ...) {

check_def.def_logical = function(x, ...) {

init_def = function(x, ...) {
  if (isTRUE(x$extra)) return(NULL)

init_def.def_logical = function(x, ...) {

init_def.def_integer = function(x, ...) {

init_def.def_double = function(x, ...) {

init_def.def_character = function(x, ...) {

init_def.def_formula = function(x, ...) {
  if (x$n_sides == 'two') return(. ~ 1)
  ~ 1

init_def.def_struc = function(x, ...) {

init_def.def_list = function(x, ...) {
  if (x$min_len == 0L) return(list())
  rep(list(init_def(x$component_def)), x$min_len)

init_def.def_nlist = function(x, ...) {
  sapply(x, init_def, simplify = FALSE)

init_def.def_dataframe = function(x, ...) {
  l = sapply(x, init_def, simplify = FALSE)
  l[sapply(l, is.null)] = NULL

is_len1_char = function(x) {
  isTRUE((length(x) == 1L) & is.character(x))

assert_len1_char = function(x) {
  nm = deparse(substitute(x))
  if(!is_len1_char(x)) {
    stop(nm, ' must be a length-1 character')

is_len1_int = function(x) {
  # not good enough to just check for integer, because
  # a double may effectively be an integer
  (length(x) == 1L) & isTRUE(all.equal(x, as.integer(x)))

assert_len1_int = function(x) {
  nm = deparse(substitute(x))
  if(!is_len1_int(x)) {
    stop(nm, ' must be a length-1 integer')

exists_opt_params = function(model) {
   $  tmb_indices
   $  ad_fun_map
   %>% unlist
   %>% is.na
   %>% all
   %>% `!`

is_fitted_by_bbmle = function(model) {
  x = inherits(model, "flexmodel_calibrated")
  if (!isTRUE(x)) return(x)
  x & isTRUE(attr(class(model$opt_obj), "package") == "bbmle")

# constructing names and strings ----------------------

is_empty = function(x) {
  x = as.character(x)
  is.na(x) | (nchar(x) == 0L) | is.nan(x)

omit_empty = function(x) x[!is_empty(x)]

as_vector_no_attr = function(x) {
  nms = names(x)
  attributes(x) = NULL
  setNames(x, nms)

as_data_frame_no_row_names = function(x) {
  rownames(x) = NULL

initial_sim_report_names = function(model) {

intermediate_sim_report_names = function(model) {

final_sim_report_names = function(model) {
  if (spec_ver_gt('0.2.0')) {
    lags = model$lag_diff_uneven
  } else {
    lags = model$lag_diff
    unlist(lapply(lags, getElement, "output_names")),
    #unlist(lapply(model$lag_diff_uneven, getElement, "output_names")),
    unlist(lapply(model$conv, getElement, "output_names"))

condensed_sim_report_names = function(model) {
  nms = final_sim_report_names(model)
  if (model$no_condensation) return(nms)
  condense_names(nms, model$condensation_map)

pad_lag_diffs = function(sims, lag_diff) {
  if(length(lag_diff) == 0L) return(sims)
  ff = function(x) {
    as.data.frame(x[c('delay_n', 'output_names')])
  d = bind_rows(lapply(lag_diff, ff))
  for(i in 1:nrow(d)) {
    sims[1:as.integer(d[i,'delay_n']), d[i,'output_names']] = NA

pad_convs = function(sims, conv, conv_indices) {
  if(length(conv) == 0L) return
  conv_nms = unlist(lapply(conv, getElement, 'output_names'))
  qmax = conv_indices$qmax
  for(i in 1:length(conv_nms)) {
    sims[1:(qmax[i]-2L), conv_nms[i]] = NA

# constructing data frames ----------------

#' Vector to Data Frame
#' Convert a named vector to a data frame with two columns, one for the
#' names and one for the values.
#' @param x named vector
#' @param values_col name of the values column -- the default takes a guess
#' @param names_col name of the names column
#' @export
v2d = function(x, values_col = NULL, names_col = "names") {
  if (is.null(values_col)) {
    values_col = make.names(deparse(substitute(x)))
  x = setNames(data.frame(names(x), x), c(names_col, values_col))
  row.names(x) = NULL

# flexmodel to latex (experimental) -------------------

make_latex_symbols = function(nms) {
  greek_letters = c(
    "gamma", "Gamma",
    "delta", "Delta",
    "epsilon", "varepsilon",
    "theta", "vartheta", "Theta",
    "lambda", "Lambda",
    "xi", "Xi",
    "pi", "Pi",
    "rho", "varrho",
    "sigma", "Sigma",
    "upsilon", "Upsilon",
    "phi", "varphi", "Phi",
    "psi", "Psi",
    "omega", "Omega"

  # 1. split into two parts, the second of which becomes a subscript
  #    -- splitting mechanisms checked in this order
  #    a) first underscore
  #    b) letters followed by one or more numbers
  #    c) case change that is not in greek_letters or items in user-defined
  #       word_patterns
  #    e) do not split
  # 2. figure out if the first part is a greek letter, and if so escape for use
  #    with latex

  pats = list(
    lu = '^([a-z]+)([A-Z]+)(.*)$',
    ul = '^([A-Z]+)([a-z]+)(.*)$',
    nm = '^([A-z]+)([0-9]+)(.*)$')
  nms_first = nms
  nms_second = rep('', length(nms))
  for(i in seq_along(pats)) {
    l = grepl(pats[[i]], nms, perl = TRUE)
    nms_first[l] = sub(pats[[i]], '\\1', nms[l], perl = TRUE)
    nms_second[l] = sub(pats[[i]], '\\2\\3', nms[l], perl = TRUE)
  l = grepl('^(\\w+)_', nms)
  nms_first[l] = index_sep(nms[l], 1)
  nms_second[l] = index_sep(nms[l], -1)

  is_greek = nms_first %in% greek_letters
  nms_first[is_greek] = "\\" %+% nms_first[is_greek]

  is_symb_word = (nchar(nms_first) > 1L) & !is_greek
  is_subscr_word = nchar(nms_second) > 1L
  nms_first[is_symb_word] = "\\text{" %+% nms_first[is_symb_word] %+% "}"
  nms_second[is_subscr_word] = "\\text{" %+% nms_second[is_subscr_word] %+% "}"

  latex_vars = nms_first
  empty_second = is_empty(nms_second)
  latex_vars[!empty_second] = nms_first[!empty_second] %_% nms_second[!empty_second]

make_latex_rates = function(model) {
   %>% bind_rows(.id = "rate")
   %>% separate(rate, c("from", "to"), '_to_') # fragile
   %>% mutate(latex_var = make_latex_symbols(var))
   %>% mutate(latex_var = ifelse(compl, "1-" %+% latex_var, latex_var))
   %>% mutate(latex_var = ifelse(invrs, "1/" %+% latex_var, latex_var))
   %>% mutate(latex_var = "(" %+% latex_var %+% ")")
   %>% group_by(latex_var, from, to)
   %>% mutate(multiplicity = n())
   %>% ungroup()
   %>% group_by(from, to)
   %>% mutate(is_common_fact = (max(prod_indx) != 1L) & (multiplicity == max(prod_indx)))
   %>% ungroup()
   %>% group_by(prod_indx, from, to)
   %>% summarise(
     latex = paste0(latex_var[!is_common_fact], collapse = ""),
     latex_common_fact = paste0(latex_var[is_common_fact], collapse = "")
   %>% ungroup
   %>% group_by(from, to)
   %>% summarise(
     left = ifelse(is_empty(latex_common_fact[1]), "", "\\left("),
     right = ifelse(is_empty(latex_common_fact[1]), "", "\\right)"),
     latex = latex_common_fact[1] %+% left %+% paste0(latex, collapse = "+") %+% right
   %>% ungroup
   %>% select(-left, -right)

make_latex_flows = function(model) {
  rates = rate_summary(model, include_formula = TRUE, include_latex = TRUE)
  inflow = (rates
            %>% group_by(to)
            %>% summarise(flow = '+' %+% paste0(latex, collapse = "+"))
            %>% ungroup
            %>% rename(state = to)
  outflow = (rates
             %>% group_by(from)
             %>% summarise(flow = '-\\left(' %+% paste0(latex, collapse = "+") %+% '\\right)')
             %>% ungroup
             %>% rename(state = from)
  flows = (bind_rows(inflow, outflow)
           %>% group_by(state)
           %>% summarise(flow = paste0(flow, collapse = ''))
           %>% ungroup
  latex_states = make_latex_symbols(flows$state)
  latex_states %+% "(t+1) = " %+% latex_states %+% "(t)" %+% flows$flow

# constructing vectors ---------------------

unlist_params = function(x) {
  # -- would be nice to use get_attr and put_attr from utils.R, but
  #    the latter will set things back to pansim and this is not exactly
  #    what we want
  pattr = attributes(x)
  x = setNames(unlist(x), names(x))  # FIXME: will silently fail for nested lists
  attributes(x) = c(attributes(x), pattr)

update_full_condensation_map = function(model) {
  srn = final_sim_report_names(model)
  model$condensation_map = setNames(srn, srn)

condense_names = function(nms, nm_map) {
  nm_map[nms[nms %in% names(nm_map)]]

ff = function(x) {
  if (is.atomic(x)) {
  n = length(x) # number of hyperparameters
  d = lapply(x, dim) %>% unique
  if (length(d) != 1L) {
    stop('inconsistent hyperparameter dimensions')
  d = unlist(d)
  if (!is.null(d)) {
    stop('cannot handle matrix-valued hyperparameters yet')
  l = lapply(x, length) %>% unique
  if (length(l) != 1L) {
    stop('inconsistent hyperparameter lengths')
  l = unlist(l)
  ii = outer(seq(from = 1, by = l, len = n), seq_len(l) - 1, `+`) %>% c

# null-safe coercion ----------------------------

# Used in tmb_fun -- needs work, but this is a
# good approach generally

null_to_char0 = function(x) {
  if(is.null(x)) return(character(0L))

null_to_int0 = function(x) {
  if(is.null(x)) return(integer(0L))

null_to_num0 = function(x) {
  if(is.null(x)) return(numeric(0L))

null_to_log0 = function(x) {
  if(is.null(x)) return(logical(0L))

null_to_charNA = function(x) {
  if(is.null(x)) return(as.character(NA))

null_to_intNA = function(x) {
  if(is.null(x)) return(as.integer(NA))

null_to_numNA = function(x) {
  if(is.null(x)) return(as.numeric(NA))

null_to_logNA = function(x) {
  if(is.null(x)) return(as.logical(NA))

null_to_0 = function(x) {
  if(is.null(x)) return(0L)

int0_to_0 = function(x) {
  if(length(x) == 0L) return(0L)

# utilities for rate functions ----------------------------

## regex pattern for finding variables
## (e.g. any parameter or state variable)
## variable_regex looks like this '(beta0|Ca|...|zeta|S|E|Ia|...|V)'
variable_regex <- function(...) {
  # only works because there are no reserved words allowed yet

  # this strategy failed (e.g. Isum matches Is)
  character_class <-
     %>% lapply(names)
     %>% unlist()
     %>% paste0(collapse = "|")
  paste0("(", character_class, ")", sep = "")
get_variables <- function(x) {
  r = gregexpr(variable_regex(), x)
  unlist(regmatches(x, r))
## FIXME: this only works because complements (1 - x) and
## inverses (1 / x) are so similar in structure
find_operators <- function(x, operator) {
    paste0("\\( *1 *", operator, " *",
           #variable_regex(params, state),
           collapse = ""
    ), x

factor_table <- function(x) {
    var = unlist(lapply(x, get_variables)),
    compl = unlist(lapply(x, find_operators, "-")),
    invrs = unlist(lapply(x, find_operators, "/"))

find_pos_grep <- function(tags, x) {
  pos_list = (tags
              %>% sprintf(fmt = "^%s(_|$)")
              %>% lapply(grep, x)
              %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE)

# FIXME: this is not being used anywhere
check_in_rate_fun = function(pf) {
  stopifnot(inherits(get("model", envir = pf), 'flexmodel'))
  f = get("formula", envir = pf)
    inherits(f, "formula") |
      inherits(f, "struc") |
      inherits(f, "character")

cross = function(from, to, mat) {
    from_pos = unique(find_pos_grep(from, rownames(mat))),
    to_pos = unique(find_pos_grep(to, colnames(mat)))

pwise = function(from, to, mat) {
  if (length(from) == 1L) {from = rep(from, length(to))}
  if (length(to) == 1L) {to = rep(to, length(from))}
  from_pos = find_pos_grep(from, rownames(mat))
  to_pos = find_pos_grep(to, colnames(mat))
  if(length(from_pos) != length(to_pos)) {
    stop("\nargument 'from' matches to ", length(from_pos), " row indices.",
         "\nargument 'to' matches to ", length(to_pos), " column indices.",
         "\nbut these numbers must match for valid pairwise indexing of ",
         "the rate matrix")
  cbind(from_pos, to_pos)

block = function(from, to, mat) {
  stop('Blockwise rate specification is not implemented')

## not currently working
check_from_to = function(from, to, state_nms) {
  bads = c(
    from[!from %in% state_nms],
    to[!to %in% state_nms]
  if (length(bads) > 0L) {
      "the following states involved in flows are not in the model:\n",
      paste0(bads, collapse = ', ')

#' Parse a Flexmodel Formula
#' @param x one-sided formula, character vector, or struc object describing
#' the dependence of rate matrix elements on parameter and/or state variables
#' @return depends on the spec version (TODO: add detail once we converge)
#' @export
parse_formula = function(x) {
   %>% rateform_as_char
   %>% strsplit(split = "\\+") %>% getElement(1L)
   %>% strsplit(split = "\\*")

  #pf = function(y) {
  #  (y
  #   %>% strsplit(split = "\\+") %>% getElement(1L)
  #   %>% strsplit(split = "\\*")
  #  )

  #o = lapply(y, pf)
  #if(spec_ver_lt('0.1.0')) {
  #  return(o[[1L]])

#' @rdname parse_formula
#' @export
rateform_as_char = function(x) {
  y = as.character(x)
  if(inherits(x, "formula")) y = y[[2L]]

# @param x character vector of names to look for in \code{vec} or
# \code{names(vec)}
# @param vec character vector or object with names
find_vec_indices <- function(x, vec) {
  if(!is.character(vec)) vec = names(vec)
  missing_variables = x[!x %in% vec]
  if(length(missing_variables) > 0L) {
    stop("the following variables were used but not found in the model:\n",
         paste0(missing_variables, collapse = "\n"),
         "\nyou might find the help page for ?avail_for_rate useful")
    %>% as.character()
    %>% outer(vec, "==")
    %>% apply(1, which)

# Nested Indices
# Create and return a nested set of character vectors from a sequence
# of regular expressions, and return indices into each vector for recovering
# other shorter vectors that are lower in the hierarchy.
# @section Motivating Example:
# There are three nested state vectors
# a_states -- all states
# p_states -- excludes accumulators
# e_states -- includes only infected states
# There are three index vectors
# i_ap -- indexes a_states to yield p_states
# i_ae -- indexes a_states to yield e_states
# i_pe -- indexes p_states to yield e_states
# There are also three inverse index vectors
# j_ap -- indexes a_states to yield setdiff(a_states, p_states)
# j_ae -- indexes a_states to yield setdiff(a_states, e_states)
# j_pe -- indexes p_states to yield setdiff(p_states, e_states)
# In general -- assume that y_states are nested in x_states
# i_xy -- indexes x_states to yield y_states
# j_xy -- indexes x_states to yeild setdiff(x_states, y_states)
# i_yx -- doesn't exist because not all x_states are also y_states
# @param x character vector
# @param patterns named list or vector of regular expressions to be applied
# sequentially to create a nested set of character vectors
# @return List with three elements.
# \describe{
#   \item{\code{x}}{Nested character vectors.}
#   \item{\code{i}}{
#     List of lists, with inner list giving the indices into character vectors
#     that are higher in the hierarchy. For example, one may read this
#     expression, \code{x$e == x$p\\[i$e$p\\]}, as "e equals p at the index
#     that takes p to e".
#   }
#   \item{\code{j}}{Set difference version of \code{i}.}
# }

make_nested_indices = function(x, patterns, invert = FALSE) {

  stopifnot(all(sapply(patterns, is.character)))
  stopifnot(all(sapply(patterns, length) == 1L))

  nms = c(deparse(substitute(x)), names(patterns))

  x_list = list(x)
  i_list = j_list = list()

  # p indexes list of patterns
  # v indexes list of vectors (i.e. list of nested subsets of x)
  for(p in seq_along(patterns)) {
    x_list[[p+1]] = grep(patterns[[p]], x_list[[p]], value = TRUE, perl = TRUE, invert = invert)
    i_list[[p+1]] = j_list[[p+1]] = list()

    for(v in seq_len(p)) {
      indicators = x_list[[v]] %in% x_list[[p+1]]
      i_list[[p+1]][[v]] = which( indicators)
      j_list[[p+1]][[v]] = which(!indicators)

    names(i_list[[p+1]]) = names(j_list[[p+1]]) = nms[1:p]

  drop_null_elements = function(e) e[!sapply(e, is.null)]
    x = setNames(x_list, nms) %>% drop_null_elements,
    i = setNames(i_list, nms) %>% drop_null_elements,
    j = setNames(j_list, nms) %>% drop_null_elements)

combine_rates = function(rates) {
  rate = list()
  rate$from = rates[[1]]$from
  rate$to = rates[[1]]$to
  rate$formula = (rates
    %>% lapply(getElement, "formula")
    %>% lapply(rateform_as_char)
    %>% lapply(unlist)
    %>% c(list(sep = " + "))
    %>% do.call(what = "paste")
  factors = lapply(rates, getElement, "factors")
  prod_indx = (factors
   %>% lapply(getElement, "prod_indx")
   %>% lapply(as.integer)
  max_prod_indx = c(0, (rates[-length(rates)]
    %>% lapply(getElement, "factors")
    %>% lapply(getElement, "prod_indx")
    %>% lapply(as.integer)
    %>% lapply(max)
    %>% unlist(use.names = FALSE)
    %>% cumsum
  rate$factors = bind_rows(factors)
  rate$factors$prod_indx = (`+`
    %>% mapply(max_prod_indx, prod_indx, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    %>% unlist
  rate$factors$prod_indx = as.character(rate$factors$prod_indx)
  rate$ratemat_indices = rates[[1]]$ratemat_indices
  lapply_any = function(name) {
      %>% lapply(getElement, name)
      %>% unlist
      %>% any
  rate$state_dependent = lapply_any("state_dependent")
  rate$time_varying = lapply_any("time_varying")
  rate$sum_dependent = lapply_any("sum_dependent")
  structure(rate, class = "rate-struct")

# reduce rates that act on a single from-to state pair
# to a single total rate
reduce_rates = function(rates) {
  is_greater_than = function(x, y) x > y
  repeated_transitions = (rates
   %>% names
   %>% table
   %>% is_greater_than(1L)
   %>% which
   %>% names
  if (length(repeated_transitions) == 0L) return(rates)
  if (getOption("MP_warn_repeated_rates")) {
    warning("More than one rate was specified for at least one from-to state pair")
  combined_rates = (repeated_transitions
    %>% lapply(function(name) rates[names(rates) %in% name])
    %>% lapply(combine_rates)
    %>% setNames(repeated_transitions)
  rates[names(rates) %in% repeated_transitions] = NULL
  rates = c(rates, combined_rates)

# regenerate rates in a model. this is useful if parameters get inserted
# into a model and therefore throw off the indices that are saved in the
# rates component of a model -- the utility of this function is actually
# a sign that we have spaghetti code and therefore should create a more
# formal class structure
regen_model = function(model) {
   %>% regen_rates
   %>% regen_sim_report_expr

regen_rates = function(model) {
  remodel = model
  remodel$rates = list()
  for(r in seq_along(model$rates)) {
    args = c(list(model = remodel), model$rates[[r]][c('from', 'to', 'formula')])
    remodel = do.call(add_rate, args)

##' Rate Summary
##' Summarize the properties of the rates of transition amongst the
##' compartments in the model.
##' @param model a \code{\link{flexmodel}} object
##' @param include_parse_info include information of numbers of variables,
##' products, and factors associated with each rate
##' @param include_formula include a column for the expanded rate formula
##' @param include_latex include a column with latex code for the rate formula
##' (experimental)
##' @export
rate_summary = function(model, include_parse_info = TRUE, include_formula = FALSE, include_latex = FALSE) {
  summary = data.frame(
    from = get_rate_info(model, "from") %>% unlist,
    to = get_rate_info(model, "to") %>% unlist

  if(include_parse_info) {
    summary$n_fctrs = get_n_factors(model) %>% unlist
    summary$n_prdcts = get_n_products(model) %>% unlist
    summary$n_vrbls = get_n_variables(model) %>% unlist
    summary$state_dependent = get_rate_info(model, "state_dependent") %>% unlist
    summary$time_varying = get_rate_info(model, "time_varying") %>% unlist
    summary$sum_dependent = get_rate_info(model, "sum_dependent") %>% unlist

  if(include_formula) {
    summary$formula = (model
      %>% get_rate_info('formula')
      %>% lapply(rateform_as_char)
      %>% unlist

  if(include_latex) {
    summary = inner_join(
      by = c("from", "to")


regen_sim_report_expr = function(model) {
  remodel = model
  remodel$sim_report_exprs = list()
  for(r in seq_along(model$sim_report_exprs)) {
    args = c(list(model = remodel), model$sim_report_exprs[[r]][c('expr_nm', 'formula')])
    remodel = do.call(add_sim_report_expr, args)

## @param x parameter vector or flexmodel
has_time_varying <- function(x) {
    feature = "Time-varying parameters",
    introduced_version = "0.0.3"
  if(inherits(x, 'flexmodel')) {
    # more reliable test than looking at parameter attributes
    return(length(x$timevar$piece_wise$schedule$Value) > 0L)
  } else {
    return("tv_param_indices" %in% names(attributes(x)))

time_varying_rates <- function(model) {

which_time_varying_rates <- function(model) {
  sd  <- get_rate_info(model, "state_dependent") %>% unlist
  tv  <- get_rate_info(model, "time_varying") %>% unlist
  smd <- get_rate_info(model, "sum_dependent") %>% unlist
  which(sd | tv | smd)

state_dependent_rates <- function(model) {
  i = get_rate_info(model, "state_dependent") %>% unlist

sum_dependent_rates = function(model) {
  i = get_rate_info(model, "sum_dependent") %>% unlist

compute_rates = function(model) {
   %>% get_rate_info("formula")
   %>% eval_formulas(get_var_list(model))
   %>% setNames(names(model$rates))

compute_factrs = function(model) {
   %>% get_factr_info("formula")
   %>% eval_formulas(get_var_list(model))
   %>% setNames(names(model$factrs))

eval_formulas = function(formula_list, var_list) {
   %>% lapply(function(x) ifelse(inherits(x, 'formula'), as.character(x[2]), x))
   %>% sapply(as.character)
   %>% struc
   %>% struc_eval(var_list)
   %>% c()

get_var_list = function(model) {

compute_rate_from_indices = function(model, i) {
  unpack(get_indices_per_rate(model, i))
  from = model$tmb_indices$make_ratemat_indices$from[i]
  to = model$tmb_indices$make_ratemat_indices$to[i]
  count = model$tmb_indices$make_ratemat_indices$count[i]
  sp = c(model$state, model$param, model$sum_vector)
  factr_algo(spi, sp, modifier)

compute_factr_from_indices = function(model, i) {
  stop("not implemented")

factr_algo = function(spi, sp, modifier) {
  result = 0
  prod = 1.0
  for (j in seq_along(spi)) {
    x = sp[spi[j]]
    if (modifier[j] > 3) {
      result = result + prod
      prod = 1
    if (modifier[j] %in% c(1, 3, 5, 7)) {
      x = 1-x
    } else if (modifier[j] %in% c(2, 3, 6, 7)){
      if (x != 0) {
        x = 1/x
    prod = prod * x
  result = result + prod

get_indices_per_rate = function(model, i) {
  start = sum(c(1, count)[1:i])
  end = start + count[i] - 1L
  list(spi = spi[start:end],
       modifier = modifier[start:end],
       start = start, end = end)

lookup_pairwise = function(from, to, M) {
  i = pwise(from, to, M)
    from = rownames(M)[i[,"from_pos"]],
    to = colnames(M)[i[,"to_pos"]]

# Rate Matrix Lookup Table
# @param state state_pansim object
# @param ratemat rate matrix
rate_matrix_lookup = function(ratemat) {
  ratemat = as(ratemat, "dgTMatrix")
    from_pos = ratemat@i + 1,
    to_pos = ratemat@j + 1)
    %>% mutate(
      from_state = ratemat@Dimnames[[1]][from_pos],
      to_state = ratemat@Dimnames[[2]][to_pos]

# utilities for parsing opt_params and loss_params formulas and structures ------------------

remove_opt_param = function(model, focal_param) {
  opt_param_is_focal = (model$opt_params
    %>% lapply(getElement, 'param')
    %>% lapply(getElement, 'param_nms')
    %>% lapply(`==`, focal_param)
  opt_params = model$opt_params[!unlist(lapply(opt_param_is_focal, all))]
  model$opt_params = mapply(function(x, y) {
      x$param$param_nms = x$param$param_nms[!y]

# Parse Fitted Parameter Formula
# \code{trans1_parameter ~ trans2_prior(hyperparameter1, ..., laplace = FALSE)}
# If \code{parameter}
# @param x opt_params formula
# @param params parameter vector
# @param regex_param_nm should the parameter name be treated as a regular
# expression used to produce a vector of parameter names

parse_opt_param = function(x, params, params_timevar = NULL) {

  # TODO: allow for transformations associated with the regularization function
  # TODO: allow for vector-valued hyperparameters to be used with time variation
  stopifnot(as.character(x)[[1]] == '~')
  stopifnot(length(x) == 3L)

  # string parameter expressions are treated as regex patterns
  regex_param_nm = is.character(x[[2]])

  # non-regex patterns are split on plus
  if (!regex_param_nm) {
    param_nm = (x[2]
      %>% as.character
      %>% strsplit("+", fixed = TRUE)
      %>% lapply(trimws)
      %>% unlist
  } else {
    param_nm = x[[2]]

  # separate parameter name from transformation
  trans_nm = sapply(param_nm, index_sep,  1L, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  for (i in seq_along(trans_nm)) {
    if (trans_nm[i] %in% valid_trans) {
      param_nm[i] = sapply(param_nm[i], index_sep, -1L, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    } else {
      trans_nm[i] = ""

  # expand param_nm into a vector of parameter names that match
  if (regex_param_nm) {
    param_nm = grep(param_nm, names(params), value = TRUE, perl = TRUE)

  # lengths of the parameter vector, p, and the time series, l
  p = length(param_nm)
  l = 0
  if (!is.null(params_timevar)) {
    l = sapply(param_nm, length_tv_mult_series, params_timevar)
    if (length(unique(l)) != 1L) {
      stop("all time varying parameters must have the same series length ",
           "if they are going to get the same prior")
    l = l[1]

  # cases:
  #  p = 1, l = 0: baseline prior on one parameter (scalar hyperparameters)
  #  p = 1, l > 0: tv_mult prior or priors on one parameter (scalar or l-vector hyperparameters)
  #  p > 1, l = 0: baseline priors on several parameters (scalar or p-vector hyperparameters)
  #  p > 1, l > 0: tv_mult priors on one parameter (scalar or l-by-p matrix hyperparameters)

  stopifnot(all(param_nm %in% names(params)))

  # re = "^" %+% alt_group(valid_trans %_% '') %+% "?" %+% alt_group(names(params)) %+% "$"
  # if (!grepl(re, param_nm)) {
  #   stop('unrecognized transformation or parameter is not in the model')
  # }
  # trans_nm = sub(re, '\\1', param_nm, perl = TRUE) %>% sub(pattern = '_$', replacement = '', perl = TRUE)
  # param_nm = sub(re, '\\2', param_nm, perl = TRUE)

  # extract prior and starting value information
  param_spec = x[[3]]
  prior_family = ''
  if (is.call(param_spec)) {
    rhs_func = as.character(param_spec[[1]])
    prior_trans = index_sep(rhs_func, 1)
    if (prior_trans %in% valid_trans) {
      prior_family = index_sep(rhs_func, -1)
    } else {
      prior_trans = ''
      prior_family = rhs_func
    if (prior_family %in% valid_prior_families) {
      reg_params = vector("list", p * l)
      dim(reg_params) = c(l, p)
      for (i in l) {
        for(j in p) {
          reg_params[[i, j]] = try(eval(param_spec[[i+1]]))
      #reg_params = vector("list", length(param_spec) - 1)
      for (i in seq_along(reg_params)) {
        reg_params[[i]] = try(eval(param_spec[[i+1]]))
        reg_params[[i]] = set_hyperparam_dims(reg_params[[i]], l, p, param_nm)
    } else {
      # TODO: worry about eval environments??
      reg_params = try(eval(param_spec))
      if (!is.numeric(reg_params)) {
        stop('unrecognized parameter specification')
      reg_params = set_hyperparam_dims(reg_params, l, p, param_nm)
  } else {
    if (!is.numeric(param_spec)) {
      stop('unrecognized parameter specification')
    reg_params = set_hyperparam_dims(param_spec, l, p, param_nm)
    prior_family = ''
    prior_trans = ''
  nlist(param_nm, trans_nm, prior_family, prior_trans, reg_params)


length_tv_mult_series = function(x, params_timevar, tv_type) {
  sum(is.na(params_timevar$Value) & (params_timevar$Symbol == x) & (params_timevar$Type == tv_type))

set_hyperparam_dims = function(x, l, p, param_nm) {
  if (length(x) == 1L) {
    if (l > 0 & p > 1) {
      x = matrix(x, l, p)
    } else if (l > 0) {
      x = rep(x, l)
    } else if (p > 1) {
      x = rep(x, p)
  } else {
    if (l > 0 & p > 1) {
      if (!all(dim(x) == c(l, p))) {
        stop("incompatible hyperparameter dimensions")
    } else if (l > 0) {
      if (length(x) != l) {
        stop("incompatible numbers of hyperparameters")
    } else if (p > 1) {
      if (length(x) != p) {
        stop("incompatible numbers of hyperparameters")
    } else {
      stop("incompatible numbers of hyperparameters")
  if (is.matrix(x)) {
    colnames(x) = param_nm

parse_and_resolve_opt_form = function(x, params) {
  pf = parse_opt_form(x)
  pf$param = resolve_param(pf$param, params)
  if (length(unique(c(pf$param$trans, pf$prior$trans))) != 1L) {
    example_bad = (pf$param$trans[1]
        %_% pf$param$param_nms[1]
        %~% (pf$prior$trans[1] %_% pf$prior$distr[1])
        %+% "(" %+% paste0(pf$prior$reg_params, collapse = ', ') %+% ")"
    example_good = (pf$param$trans[1]
        %_% pf$param$param_nms[1]
        %~% (pf$param$trans[1] %_% pf$prior$distr[1])
        %+% "(" %+% paste0(pf$prior$reg_params, collapse = ', ') %+% ")"
      '\nthe transformation scale used when a parameter is an argument',
      '\nof an objective function, must be the same transformation used',
      '\nwhen it is an argument of a prior density function.',
      '\nfor example one may not optimize the transmission rate on the',
      '\nlog scale but take the normal prior density over the identity scale.',
      '\nthis restriction might be lifted in the future, which is the reason',
      '\nwhy the notation makes it possible to decouple these two types of',
      '\n\nproblematic example inspired by your input:',
      '\n', example_bad,
      '\n\nvalid example inspired by your input:',
      '\n', example_good

parse_and_resolve_loss_form = function(x, hist_nms, param_nms) {
  pf = parse_loss_form(x)
  if (!all(unique(pf$Parameter) %in% param_nms)) {
    if (!all(is.na(pf$Parameter))) {
        'parameters used in an error distribution are missing from the ',
        'model parameter vector'
    } else if (length(pf$Parameter) != 1L) {
        'error distribution without parameters is specified with parameters'
  if (!all(unique(pf$Variable) %in% hist_nms)) {
      'variables declared for observation error are missing from the ',
      'model simulation history'

tmb_opt_form = function(pf, params, params_timevar = NULL, tv_type = NULL) {
  if (is.null(params_timevar)) {
    if (!all(pf$param$param_nms %in% names(params))) {
      stop('parameters declared for optimization are missing from the model')
  } else {
    if (!all(pf$param$param_nms %in% filter(params_timevar, is.na(Value))$Symbol)) {
      stop('time varying multipliers declared for optimization are not scheduled to vary in simulation time')
  fd = get_form_dim(pf, params, params_timevar, tv_type)
  hyperparams_vec = (pf$prior$reg_param
    %>% lapply(hyperparam_to_vec, l = fd$l, p = fd$p)
    %>% unlist
    %>% matrix(nrow = fd$h, ncol = max(fd$l, 1) * fd$p, byrow = TRUE)
    %>% c
  init_trans_params = c(pf$prior$reg_param[[1]])
  param_nms = rep(pf$param$param_nms, each = max(fd$l, 1))
  param_trans = rep(pf$param$trans, each = max(fd$l, 1))
  prior_distr = pf$prior$distr
  d = data.frame(param_nms, param_trans, prior_distr = pf$prior$distr, prior_trans = pf$prior$trans, count_hyperparams = fd$h, init_trans_params)
  d$prior_trans_id = find_vec_indices(d$prior_trans, c('', valid_trans))
  d$param_trans_id = find_vec_indices(d$param_trans, c('', valid_trans))
  d$prior_distr_id = find_vec_indices(d$prior_distr, valid_prior_families)
  if (is.null(params_timevar)) {
    d$opt_param_id = find_vec_indices(d$param_nms, params)
  } else {
    lookup_tv_table = (params_timevar
      %>% mutate(v = ifelse(is.na(Value), Symbol, ''))
    lookup_tv_vec = filter(lookup_tv_table, Type == tv_type)$v
    d$tv_breaks = filter(
      is.na(Value) & (Symbol == param_nms[1]) & (Type == tv_type)
    # d$tv_breaks = filter(lookup_tv_table, Symbol == param_nms[1])$breaks
    #  %>% mutate()
    d$opt_tv_mult_id = filter(
      Symbol %in% param_nms,
      Type == tv_type
      # unlist(lapply(
      #   unique(param_nms),
      #   find_vec_indices,
      #   lookup_tv_vec
      # ))
  nlist(d, hyperparams_vec)
get_hyperparam_list = function(reg_params,  n_hyperparams, n_params, n_breaks) {
  h = n_hyperparams
  p = n_params
  l = n_breaks
  ll = vector("list", max(1, l) * p)
  dim(ll) = c(max(1, l), p)
  for (k in seq_len(h)) {
    hyper_mat = matrix(reg_params[[k]], max(1, l), p)
    for (i in seq_len(max(1, l))) {
      for (j in seq_len(p)) {
        ll[[i, j]] = c(ll[[i, j]], hyper_mat[i, j])
get_form_dim = function(x, params, params_timevar = NULL, tv_type = NULL) {
  param_nm = x$param$param_nms
  # lengths of the parameter vector, p, and the time series, l
  h = x$prior$reg_params %>% length
  p = length(param_nm)
  l = 0
  if (!is.null(params_timevar)) {
    l = sapply(param_nm, length_tv_mult_series, params_timevar, tv_type)
    if (length(unique(l)) != 1L) {
      stop("all time varying parameters must have the same series length ",
           "if they are going to get the same prior")
    l = l[1]
  l = unname(l)
  lapply(x$prior$reg_params, valid_dim_hyperparam, l, p)
  nlist(h, p, l)
dim_hyperparam = function(x) {
  if (is.null(dim(x))) {
    y = c(length(x), 1)
  } else {
    y = dim(x)
  if (length(y) != 2) stop('only matrices, vectors, and scalar hyperparameters are allowed')
valid_dim_hyperparam = function(x, l, p) {
  dh = dim_hyperparam(x)
  if (!any(
    isTRUE(all.equal(dh, c(l, p))),
    isTRUE(all.equal(dh, c(1, 1))),
    isTRUE(all.equal(dh, c(p, 1))) & (l == 0L),
    isTRUE(all.equal(dh, c(l, 1))) & (p == 1L)
  )) {
    stop('inconsistent hyperparameter dimensions')
hyperparam_to_vec = function(hyperparam, l, p) {
  hyperparam = (hyperparam
                %>% matrix(max(1, l), p)
                %>% t
                %>% c
resolve_param = function(x, params) {
  if (inherits(x, 'param_regex')) {
    param_nms = grep(x$regex, names(params), perl = TRUE, value = TRUE)
    trans = rep(x$trans, length(param_nms))
  } else {
    param_nms = x
    if (inherits(param_nms, 'param_vector')){
      param_nms = unclass(param_nms)
    if (!is.character(param_nms)) {
      stop('unable to resolve parameter optimization specification')
    trans = index_sep(param_nms, 1)
    which_have_trans = trans %in% valid_trans
    trans = ifelse(which_have_trans, trans, '')

    param_nms = ifelse(which_have_trans, Vectorize(index_sep)(param_nms, -1), param_nms)
  if (!all(param_nms %in% names(params))) {
    stop('cannot find opimization parameters in the params vector')
  nlist(param_nms, trans)

# Recursive function to parse a formula containing sums of names
parse_name_sum = function(x) {
  stop("sums in opt_param formulas is under construction. ",
       "please specify the prior for each parameter separately.")
  y = character(0L)
  if (is.call(x)) {
    if (as.character(x[[1]]) != '+') {
      stop('you cannot apply functions or operators to terms in a sum, ',
           'but ', as.character(x[[1]]), ' was used')
    y = c(parse_name_sum(x[[2]]), parse_name_sum(x[[3]]))
  } else if (is.name(x)) {
  } else {
    stop('parameters must be expressed as valid R names (e.g. not character strings) ',
         'when summing parameters on the left-hand-side. if you are trying to ',
         'programmatically create formulas, you should instead programmatically ',
         'create the results of parsing the formula')
# Recursive function to parse a formula containing parameter
# optimization specifications
# trans1_param ~ trans2_prior(hyperparameters, ...)
# trans1_param can be:
#   (1) a symbol/name (or sum of symbols)
#   (2) an expression that evaluates (in the environment of the formula)
#       to a character vector
#   (3) a literal length-1 character vector
# if trans1_param is a symbol:
# trans1 = name of a valid parameter transformation, giving the scale
#          on which the optimizer treats the parameter(s)
# param = name of a parameter in the parameter vector
# if trans1_param is an expression

parse_opt_form = function(x, e = NULL) {
  if (is.call(x)) {
    func = parse_opt_form(x[[1]], e)
    if (func == '~') {
      if (!is.null(e)) {
        # note that this message will display wrongly if someone
        # calls this function directly with an environment,
        # but this should be ok given that we are not going to
        # export this function
        stop('one may not use more than one tilde in optimization formulas')
      # capture the environment of the formula so that it can
      # be recursively passed down, and used when/if eval is called
      e = environment(x)
      if (is.character(x[[2]])) {
        trans = index_sep(x[[2]], 1)
        if (trans %in% valid_trans) {
          regex = index_sep(x[[2]], -1)
        } else {
          regex = x[[2]]
          trans = ''
        param = structure(nlist(regex, trans), class = 'param_regex')
      } else {
        param = parse_opt_form(x[[2]], e)
        if (!inherits(param, 'param_sum')) {
          param = structure(param, class = 'param_vector')
      prior = parse_opt_form(x[[3]], e)
      if (is.numeric(prior)) {
        stop('need to specify a prior distribution or initial value for the optimizer')
      if (inherits(prior, 'param_sum')) {
        stop('summing prior distributions is not allowed')
      return(nlist(param, prior))
    } else if (func == '+') {
      return(structure(parse_name_sum(x), class = 'param_vector'))
    } else {
      trans = index_sep(func, 1)
      if (trans %in% valid_trans) {
        distr = index_sep(func, -1)
      } else {
        distr = func
        trans = ''
      if (distr %in% valid_prior_families) {
        reg_params = lapply(x[-1], parse_opt_form, e)
        return(structure(nlist(distr, trans, reg_params), class = 'prior'))
      } else {
        # if the function of the call is not a valid prior distribution,
        # assume that we just want to evaluate the call and do so in the
        # environment of the formula -- is this a good idea? -- could there
        # be issues if we decide to allow two tildes?
        return(parse_opt_form(eval(x, e), e))
  } else if (is.name(x)) {
    return(parse_opt_form(as.character(x), e))
  } else if (is.character(x)) {
  } else if (is.numeric(x)) {
  } else {
    stop('not a valid type')

parse_loss_form = function(x, e = NULL) {
  if (is.call(x)) {
    func = parse_loss_form(x[[1]], e)
    if (func == '~') {
      if (!is.null(e)) {
        # note that this message will display wrongly if someone
        # calls this function directly with an environment,
        # but this should be ok given that we are not going to
        # export this function
        stop('one may not use more than one tilde in optimization formulas')
      # capture the environment of the formula so that it can
      # be recursively passed down, and used when/if eval is called
      e = environment(x)
      if (is.character(x[[2]])) {
        trans = index_sep(x[[2]], 1)
        if (trans %in% valid_trans) {
          regex = index_sep(x[[2]], -1)
        } else {
          regex = x[[2]]
          trans = ''
        param = structure(nlist(regex, trans), class = 'param_regex')
      } else {
        history_variable = parse_loss_form(x[[2]], e)
        # if (!inherits(history_variable, 'param_sum')) {
        #   history_variable = structure(history_variable, class = 'history_vector')
        # }
      loss_dist = parse_loss_form(x[[3]], e)
      if (is.numeric(loss_dist)) {
        stop('need to specify a prior distribution or initial value for the optimizer')
      loss_dist$Variable = history_variable
    } else if (func == '+') {
      stop('loss formulas cannot contain sums')
      # return(structure(parse_name_sum(x), class = 'param_vector'))
    } else {
      # at this point we should know that the function is a loss function
      loss_func = func
      if (loss_func %in% valid_loss_functions) {
        loss_params = lapply(x[-1], parse_loss_form, e)

        # check for the right number of loss parameters,
        # given the loss function
        if (length(loss_params) != length(valid_loss_params[[loss_func]])) {
            length(loss_params), ' loss parameters were ',
            'specified, but exactly ', length(valid_loss_params[[loss_func]]),
            ' needs to be provided'

        # check that the loss parameters are specified as length-1
        # character vectors
        all_len1_char = all(unlist(lapply(loss_params, is_len1_char)))
        if (!all_len1_char) {
            'loss parameters must be length-1 character vectors, ',
            'with names that will be added to the param vector'

        # check that the parameter names are syntactically valid
        name_re = wrap_exact(getOption("MP_name_search_regex"))
        all_valid_param_nms = all(
          unlist(lapply(loss_params, grepl, pattern = name_re))
        if (!all_valid_param_nms) {
          stop('not all loss parameter names are syntactically valid')

        unlist_loss_params = unlist(loss_params)
        if (is.null(unlist_loss_params)) unlist_loss_params = NA
        loss_params_data = data.frame(
          Parameter = unlist_loss_params,
          Distribution = loss_func
      } else {
          '\n', loss_func,
          ' is not one of the following valid loss functions:\n',
          paste0(valid_loss_functions, collapse = ', ')
  } else if (is.name(x)) {
    return(parse_loss_form(as.character(x), e))
  } else if (is.character(x)) {
  } else if (is.numeric(x)) {
  } else {
    stop('not a valid type')

# date and time utilities -----------

# retrieving information from tmb objective function --------------

#' Extract Parameter Vector to Pass to a TMB Function
#' Get all of the parameters from a flexmodel in a vector that is
#' ready to be passed to a TMB AD objective function, gradient function,
#' hessian function, simulate function, report function.
#' Currently this includes \code{params} and if \code{spec_ver_gt('0.1.0')}
#' it also includes time-varying multipliers in
#' \code{model$timevar$piece_wise$schedule$last_tv_mult}. If
#' \code{spec_ver_gt('0.1.2')}, only the parameters to be optimized are
#' returned.
#' @param model flexmodel
#' @export
tmb_params = function(model) {
  model = update_tmb_indices(model)
  if (inherits(model, "flexmodel_to_calibrate")) {
    p = tmb_params_trans(model)
    if (length(p) == 0L) {
      stop("observed data have been supplied, but optimization parameters have not been specified")
  full_param_vec = c(unlist(model$params))
  if (spec_ver_gt('0.1.0')) {
    if(has_time_varying(model)) {
      last_tv_mult = model$timevar$piece_wise$schedule$last_tv_mult
      if (any(is.na(last_tv_mult)))
        stop('missing time-varying multipliers need to be replaced for use with TMB')
      full_param_vec = c(full_param_vec, last_tv_mult)
  if (spec_ver_gt('0.1.2')) {
    if (exists_opt_params(model)) {
      full_param_vec = setNames(

#' Parameter Vectors Transformed for TMB
#' TODO: this should not be user-facing
#' @param model flexmodel
#' @param vec_type type of vector to return:
#' (1) tmb_fun_arg = same length as the argument for TMB objective function,
#' (2) params = same length as the params element in \code{model}
#' (3) tv_mult = same length as the \code{model$timevar$piece_wise$schedule$init_tv_mult}
#' @export
tmb_params_trans = function(model, vec_type = c('tmb_fun_arg', 'params', 'tv_mult')) {
    introduced_version = '0.2.0',
    feature = 'parameter transformations'
  vec_type = match.arg(vec_type)
  model = update_tmb_indices(model)
  if (vec_type != 'tmb_fun_arg') {
    opt_params = model$tmb_indices$opt_params
    table = switch(vec_type
      , params = opt_params$index_table
      , tv_mult = opt_params$index_tv_table
    id = switch(vec_type
      , params = table$opt_param_id
      , tv_mult = table$opt_tv_mult_id
    vec = switch(vec_type
      , params = model$params
      , tv_mult = model$timevar$piece_wise$schedule$init_tv_mult
    vec[id] = table$init_trans_params
  } else {
    init_trans_params_ = with(model$tmb_indices$opt_params$index_table, {
        param_trans %_% param_nms
    itvt = model$tmb_indices$opt_params$index_tv_table
    if (nrow(itvt) == 0L) return(c(init_trans_params_))
    init_trans_tv_mult_ = with(itvt, {
        param_trans %_% param_nms %_% "t" %+% tv_breaks
    return(c(init_trans_params_, init_trans_tv_mult_))

# FIXME: not used
tmb_params_init = function(model) {
  model = update_tmb_indices(model)
  init_trans_params = (model
     $  tmb_indices
     $  opt_params
     $  index_table
    %>% with(setNames(init_trans_params, param_nms))
  init_trans_tv_mult = (model
     $  tmb_indices
     $  opt_params
     $  index_tv_table
    %>% getElement('init_trans_params')
  c(init_trans_params, init_trans_tv_mult)

tmb_map_indices = function(model) {
    introduced_version = '0.2.0',
    feature = 'flex models can use map argument of MakeADFun'
    $  tmb_indices
    $  ad_fun_map
   %>% unlist
   %>% is.na
   %>% `!`
   %>% which
   %>% unname

tmb_param_names = function(model) {
  stop("not working")
    introduced_version = '0.2.0',
    feature = 'flex models can use map argument of MakeADFun'
     $  tmb_indices
     $  ad_fun_map
    %>% unlist
    %>% as.character
    %>% omit_empty

simulation_dates = function(model) {
    by = 1)

compute_num_iters = function(model) {
    %>% difftime(model$start_date, units = 'days')
    %>% as.integer

update_params_calibrated = function(model) {
  # TODO: check if opt_par exists
  if (!inherits(model, 'flexmodel_calibrated')) {
    stop('this is not a flexmodel_calibrated object. ',
         'please first use nlminb_flexmodel or optim_flexmodel.')
  obj_fun = tmb_fun(model)
  report = obj_fun$report(model$opt_par)
  params_calibrated = model$params
  params_calibrated[] = report$params
  params_calibrated_timevar = (model$timevar$piece_wise$schedule
    %>% select(Date, Symbol, Value, Type)
    %>% within(Value[is.na(Value)] <- report$tv_mult[is.na(Value)])
  model$params = params_calibrated
  model = update_piece_wise(model, params_calibrated_timevar)
  model$opt_params = list()
  model$opt_tv_params = list()
  model = update_tmb_indices(model)

# benchmarking and comparison in tests -----------------------

#' Compare TMB-based and classic MacPan Simulations
#' Exceptions to drop-in replacement:
#' 1. don't require that the attributes are in the same order
#' 2. don't require that the r version returns everything that the tmb
#'    version does (e.g. flexmodel)
#' 3. don't require that the row.names are identical (is this ok?
#'    the r version counts iterations with skips, but is this informative?)
#' 4. don't require that the call is identical (obvious i guess, but
#'    being exhaustive)
#' 5. don't look for parameter called S0 in classic simulation results
#'    (FIXME: this one might not be necessary anymore)
#' 6. don't require the ordering of params_timevar rows to be the same
#'    (FIXME: this should probably be handled in run_sim itself)
#' @param classic_sim result of `run_sim` without using TMB
#' @param tmb_sim result of `run_sim` using TMB
#' @param tolerance numerical tolerance
#' @param compare_attr compare attributes or just the simulations themselves
#' @param na_is_zero should NAs be replaced with zeros?
#' @param index length-one vector for extracting the simulated variable to be
#' compared
#' @param state vector of state names to compare
#' @param op binary comparison operator
#' @family compare
#' @importFrom testthat testthat_tolerance
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange
#' @export
compare_sims = function(classic_sim, tmb_sim, tolerance = NULL, compare_attr = TRUE, na_is_zero = FALSE) {
  if (is.null(tolerance)) {
    #if (require(testthat)) {
      tolerance = testthat_tolerance()
    #} else {
    #  tolerance = .Machine$double.eps^0.5
  if (na_is_zero) {
    classic_sim[is.na(classic_sim)] = 0
    tmb_sim[is.na(tmb_sim)] = 0
  if(compare_attr) {
    params_to_keep = which(names(attr(tmb_sim, 'params')) != "S0")
    attr(tmb_sim, 'params')[params_to_keep] = attr(tmb_sim, 'params')[params_to_keep]
    attr(tmb_sim, 'row.names') = attr(classic_sim, 'row.names') = NULL
    attr(tmb_sim, 'call') = attr(classic_sim, 'call') = NULL

    # FIXME: this should probably be handled in run_sim itself
    params_timevar = attr(tmb_sim, "params_timevar")
    if(!is.null(params_timevar)) {
      attr(tmb_sim, "params_timevar") = arrange(params_timevar, Date, Symbol)
      attr(attr(tmb_sim, "params_timevar"), "row.names") = NULL
      attr(attr(classic_sim, "params_timevar"), "row.names") = NULL

    for(a in names(attributes(classic_sim))) {
      expect_equal(attr(tmb_sim, a), attr(classic_sim, a), tolerance = tolerance)
  attributes(classic_sim) <- attributes(tmb_sim) <- NULL
  expect_equal(tmb_sim, classic_sim, tolerance = tolerance)

#' Time Two Expressions
#' Evaluate two expressions in the environment in which
#' \code{time_wrap} is called, and record the system
#' time associated with each expression.
#' @param expr1 first expression
#' @param expr2 second expression
#' @param units time units with which to measure the system time
#' of each expression (see \code{\link{difftime}})
#' @return list with three components: (1) time to evaluate
#' the first expression, (2) time to evaluate the second expression,
#' and (3) the time for the first expression divided by the time
#' for the second
#' @family compare
#' @export
time_wrap = function(expr1, expr2, units = 'secs') {
  e = parent.frame()

  strt1 = Sys.time()
  eval(expr1, e)
  nd1 = Sys.time()
  dff1 = difftime(nd1, strt1, units = units)

  strt2 = Sys.time()
  eval(expr2, e)
  nd2 = Sys.time()
  dff2 = difftime(nd2, strt2, units = units)

  list(dff1, dff2, as.numeric(dff2)/as.numeric(dff1))

#' @rdname compare_sims
#' @export
compare_sims_cbind = function(classic_sim, tmb_sim, index) {
  stopifnot(length(index) == 1L)
  x = cbind(unlist(classic_sim[,index]),
  colnames(x) = c('classic', 'tmb') %_% names(classic_sim[index])

#' @inheritDotParams compare_sims_cbind
#' @rdname compare_sims
#' @export
compare_sims_plot = function(...) {
  x = compare_sims_cbind(...)
  ss = sub('^classic_', '', colnames(x))
  plot(x[,1], type = 'l', main = ss[[1L]][1])
  lines(x[,2], col = 'red', lty = 2)

#' @rdname compare_sims
#' @export
compare_sims_diffmat = function(classic_sim, tmb_sim, state, op = `-`) {

#' @rdname compare_sims
#' @export
compare_sims_unlist = function(classic_sim, tmb_sim, tolerance = testthat_tolerance()) {
  all.equal(unlist(tmb_sim), unlist(classic_sim), tolerance)

#' Compare Automatic and Numerical Differentiation
#' Compare differences in gradients of loss functions computed using
#' automatic and numerical differentiation
#' @param model flexmodel
#' @param tolerance numerical tolerance to pass to \code{all.equal} --
#' if \code{NA}, then a list is returned that can be passed to
#' \code{all.equal} using \code{do.call}
#' @param tmb_pars optional parameters to pass to the tmb functions
#' @param ... additional arguments to pass to \code{numDeriv::grad}
#' @return either (1) the return value of \code{all.equal} comparing
#' gradients using TMB auto differentiation to \code{numDeriv::grad} if
#' \code{is.numeric(tolerance)},
#' or (2) a list is returned that can be passed to
#' \code{all.equal} using \code{do.call} if \code{is.na(tolerance)}
#' @importFrom numDeriv grad
#' @family compare
#' @export
compare_grads = function(model, tolerance = 1e-5, tmb_pars = NULL, ...) {

  args = list(...)
  if (!'method.args' %in% names(args)) {
    args$method.args = list(
        eps = 1e-4, d = 0.1,
        zero.tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps / 7e-7), r = 4, v = 2,
        show.details = FALSE
  dd = tmb_fun(model)
  if (is.null(tmb_pars)) {
    tmb_pars = dd$par
  current <- numDeriv::grad(dd$fn, tmb_pars, ...)
  target <- dd$gr(tmb_pars)
  attributes(target) <- attributes(current) <- NULL
  if (is.na(tolerance)) return(nlist(target, current))
  all.equal(target, current, tolerance)

#' @rdname compare_grads
#' @export
compare_hessians = function(model, tolerance = 1e-5, tmb_pars = NULL, ...) {
  args = list(...)
  if (!'method.args' %in% names(args)) {
    args$method.args = list(
      eps = 1e-4, d = 0.1,
      zero.tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps / 7e-7), r = 4, v = 2,
      show.details = FALSE
  dd = tmb_fun(model)
  if (is.null(tmb_pars)) {
    tmb_pars = dd$par
  current <- numDeriv::hessian(dd$fn, tmb_pars, ...)
  target <- dd$he(tmb_pars)
  dms = dim(target)
  stopifnot(all.equal(dms, dim(current)))
  attributes(target) <- attributes(current) <- NULL
  dim(target) = dim(current) = dms
  if (is.na(tolerance)) return(nlist(target, current))
  all.equal(target, current, tolerance)

# spec version and global option control ----------------------

##' Set and Reset Spec Version
##' Set the spec version and optionally compile a
##' specific c++ file associated with this version.
##' The user need to have write permissions to
##' \code{cpp_path}, because object and shared
##' object files will be created in this
##' directory.
##' \code{reset_spec_version} returns specs
##' being assumed and c++ file being used to
##' factory-fresh settings.
##' @param v character string with spec version
##' @param cpp_path string containing path
##' to a directory containing a file called
##' \code{macpan.cpp}, which is to be used
##' to construct the objective function --
##' the default is \code{NULL}, which will
##' make use of the packaged source file
##' @param use_version_directories is cpp_path
##' organized by sub-directories with names
##' given by the spec version number? (as
##' they are in \code{inst/tmb})
##' \code{McMasterPandemic.cpp}
##' @rdname set_spec_version
##' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
##' @export
set_spec_version = function(v, cpp_path = NULL, use_version_directories = TRUE) {
  spec_version <- as.character(unlist(v))[1]
  options(MP_flex_spec_version = spec_version)

  if(is.null(cpp_path)) {
    options(MP_flex_spec_dll = "McMasterPandemic")
  } else {
    sub_dir = ifelse(use_version_directories, spec_version, '')
    cpp <- file.path(cpp_path, sub_dir, "macpan.cpp")
    dll <- file_path_sans_ext(cpp)
    options(MP_flex_spec_dll = basename(dll))

#' @rdname set_spec_version
#' @export
reset_spec_version = function() {
  flex_version <- readLines(
                package = "McMasterPandemic"))
  options(MP_flex_spec_version = flex_version)
  options(MP_flex_spec_dll = "McMasterPandemic")

##' TMB Mode
##' Set options so that R engine runs in a manner
##' that is comparable with the TMB engine
##' @export
tmb_mode = function() {
    MP_use_state_rounding = FALSE,
    MP_vax_make_state_with_hazard = FALSE,
    MP_force_dgTMatrix = TRUE)

##' R Mode
##' Set options so that TMB engine runs in a manner
##' that is comparable with the R engine
##' @export
r_mode = function() {
    MP_tmb_models_match_r = TRUE,
    MP_default_do_hazard = TRUE,
    MP_default_do_make_state = TRUE

##' Compare R and TMB Engines
##' Set options so that the TMB and R engines
##' can be compared.
##' This is useful for testing.
##' @export
r_tmb_comparable = function() {

##' Get McMasterPandemic Options
##' @export
get_macpan_options = function() {
   %>% names
   %>% grep(pattern = "^MP_", value = TRUE)
   %>% sapply(getOption, simplify = FALSE)

##' Factory Fresh MacPan Options
##' @export
factory_fresh_macpan_options = function() {
  flex_version <- readLines(
            package = "McMasterPandemic"

        # -- spec version settings ---------------------------------------------

        # default spec version
        MP_flex_spec_version = flex_version,

        # url containing spec version descriptions
        MP_flex_spec_doc_site = "https://canmod.net/misc/flex_specs",

        # default object file for c++ implementation of the spec
        #   - the default means that src/McMasterPandemic.src will be used
        #   - a common alternative is "macpan", which will correspond to
        #     different spec versions in inst/tmb
        MP_flex_spec_dll = "McMasterPandemic",

        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8396577/check-if-character-value-is-a-valid-r-object-name
        # need to wrap this in wrap_exact for names that are not embedded in
        # character strings representing expressions
        MP_name_search_regex = "((([[:alpha:]]|[.][._[:alpha:]])[._[:alnum:]]*)|[.])",

        # -- default behaviour of classic macpan engine ------------------------

        # ??
        MP_badsum_action = "warning",

        # ??
        MP_badsum_tol = 1e-12,

        # default number of steps to take in the iterative eigenvector solver
        MP_rexp_steps_default = 100,

        # -- warnings associated with flexmodel structure ----------------------

        # warn if there are multiple rates for the same state transition
        MP_warn_repeated_rates = FALSE,

        # warn if there is no outflow in the model (rarely what users want)
        # -- setting to FALSE because of MP_auto_outflow
        MP_warn_no_outflow = FALSE,

        # warn if there are time-variation breakpoints outside of the
        # simulation bounds
        MP_warn_bad_breaks = TRUE,

        # -- flexmodel defaults ------------------------------------------------
        # -- see ?flexmodel for description of these arguments -----------------
        MP_default_do_hazard = FALSE,
        MP_default_do_hazard_lin = FALSE,
        MP_default_do_approx_hazard = FALSE,
        MP_default_do_approx_hazard_lin = FALSE,
        MP_default_do_make_state = FALSE,
        MP_default_do_sim_constraint = FALSE,
        MP_default_sim_lower_bound = 1e-12,

        # -- tmb_fun behaviour -------------------------------------------------

        # if the user does not specify any outflows, automatically add
        # an outflow for every inflow
        MP_auto_outflow = TRUE,

        # automatically update the tmb indices when (re)generating the
        # tmb ad fun
        MP_auto_tmb_index_update = TRUE,

        # do state condensation with c++ code as opposed to r
        MP_condense_cpp = TRUE,

        MP_silent_tmb_function = TRUE,

        # optimizer options ----------------------------------------------------
        MP_get_bbmle_init_from_nlminb = FALSE,

        # -- control how comparable r and tmb engines are ----------------------
        # -- see r_tmb_comparable ----------------------------------------------
        MP_use_state_rounding = TRUE,         # FALSE ~ comparable
        MP_vax_make_state_with_hazard = TRUE, # FALSE ~ comparable
        MP_tmb_models_match_r = FALSE,        # TRUE  ~ comparable
        MP_force_dgTMatrix = FALSE            # TRUE  ~ comparable

# converting between classic and tmb params_timevar -------

#   this is annoying:
#   macpan_ontario orders by Symbol then Date
#   macpan.cpp orders by breaks then spi (which is roughly Date then Symbol)

timevar_order_indices = function(schedule) {
  # FIXME: need to do something different if rel_orig/rel_prev are both used?

  # arrange classic method
  schedule = arrange(schedule, Symbol, Date)
  schedule$classic_row_num = seq_len(nrow(schedule))

  # arrange tmb method
  schedule = arrange(schedule, breaks, tv_spi)
  schedule$classic_order = order(schedule$classic_row_num)
  schedule$tmb_row_num = seq_len(nrow(schedule))

  # arrange back to classic
  schedule = arrange(schedule, Symbol, Date)
  schedule$tmb_order = order(schedule$tmb_row_num)

  select(schedule, classic_order, tmb_order)
bbolker/McMasterPandemic documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 6:35 p.m.