
## This is to setup a simple SIR model and run the simulations


# N0 <- 1e+06 #total population

sir.model <- function(t,x,params){
  ## extract the state variables
  S <- x[1]
  I <- x[2]
  R <- x[3]
  ## extract the parameters
  beta <- params["beta"] #transition rate
  gamma <- params["gamma"] #recovery rate
  N <- params["N"] #total population
  ## BMB: with(as.list(c(x,params)), { ... }) OR McMasterPandemic::unpack(c(x,params)) can simplify this slightly
      ## the model equations
  dS.dt <- -beta*S*I/N
  dI.dt <- beta*S*I/N-gamma*I
  dR.dt <- gamma*I
  ## combine results into a single vector
  dxdt <- c(dS.dt,dI.dt,dR.dt)
  ## return result as a list!

dd <- (data.frame(date=seq(as.Date("2020-02-14"),
                           by="1 day"))

params0 <- c(N=100, beta=1,gamma=1/3)

xstart <- c(S=as.numeric(params0["N"]),I=1,R=0) ## initial conditions

out <-
    times=seq(1:length(dd$date)), ## BMB: use seq() *or* colon

out2 <- out %>%
  pivot_longer(c(S, I, R), names_to = "compartment", values_to = "value")

ggplot(data=out2, aes(x=time,y=value,col=compartment))+geom_line()  

R0 <- params0["beta"]/params0["gamma"]

# step 2: using run_sim_loglin machinery with changing the params to the corresponding deterministic SIR model
# goal: Can we get the same result as of the deterministic SIR model?
devtools::load_all() ## update code if necessary

my_inf <- 100 #Inf
params <- read_params("ICU1.csv")
# set all params to be 0 except for the corresponding params in SIR

params["Ca"] <-1
params[3:5] <- 0 # all relative transmissions, i.e., C_ 
params["beta0"] <- 1
params["alpha"] <-1 #assuming that all exposed people go to I_a

params["sigma"] <- my_inf #Inf

## BMB:
params[1:length(params)] <- 0  
params["beta0"] <- 1  ## BMB: this isn't used by MacPan. beta0?

params["gamma_a"] <- 1/3
params["gamma_m"] <- my_inf

params["gamma_s"] <- my_inf
params["gamma_p"] <- my_inf
params["rho"] <- my_inf

params["delta"] <-0
params["mu"] <-0

params["N"] <- N0
params["E0"] <- 1


## BMB: how do you want to simplify the flow chart?
## setting alpha=0 will mean there are no asymptomatic cases,
##  so everyone flows S -> E -> Ip -> {Im, Is} -> (H/ICU/etc.)
## setting mu=0 will mean there are only severe cases, so everyone flows
##  S -> E -> Ip -> Is
## setting all the other gamma parameters to zero will mean no one ever flows
## out of the exposed class ... (or out of other compartments if they
## could ever get there)
## maximal simplification is probably from
params <- update(params,
                 alpha=0,  ## no asymptomatic
                 mu=1,     ## all mild cases (thus no hospital/ICU/etc.)
                 Cp=0)     ## no presymptomatic transmission
## this means we have two parallel 'exposed' (but noninf.) classes
## i.e. the distribution of exposed time is Gamma(2) (or Erlang(2)) rather
##  than exponential
## alternately you could make *everyone* asymptomatic (alpha=1)
## and set Ca=1 (fully infectious), in which case we would have a
## straight SEIR model (but it could get weird if we want to introduce testing)
## the only way to get to a true SIR model is to make sigma arbitrarily large,
##  (i.e. time in exposed class -> 0)
##  which is numerically problematic

## run calibrate_comb() with interesting spline settings to
##  return the time-varying beta log-linear model matrix:
X <- calibrate_comb(data=dd, params=params,
matplot(X, type="l",lty=1, lwd=2,
        xlab="day",ylab="basis function value")

# debugonce(run_sim_loglin)
sims <- run_sim_loglin(params=params,
                       ## BMB: you do need to supply a coef vector
                       ## if not (if (length(extra_pars$time_beta)) ==0)
                       ## then the spline component will be skipped
                       ## (we'll run with constant Rt)
                       time_args=list(X_date=dd$date, X=X),

out_temp <- na.omit([c("date","S","I","R")]))
out3 <- out_temp %>%
  pivot_longer(c(S, I, R), names_to = "compartment", values_to = "value")

ggplot(data=out3, aes(x=date,y=value,col=compartment))+geom_line()

## BMB: get object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
## replace date with dd$date
## add condense_args() to skip computing reports (on a currently empty
##  vector ...)

## right now beta0=0, time_beta=NULL, and sigma=0; so there is no
## transmission, *and* no-one ever leaves the E compartment ...

## BMB: Depending on what you are aiming to test here (time-varying
##  beta?  testing? both?, you may be able to simplify. In particular,
## if you want to run the model with no exogenous/non-autonomous
## components, you can use run_sim_range() for a greatly simplified
## interface (see ?run_sim_range)

## BMB: while we are somewhat interested in the comparison of an SIR
## with a simplified version of the model, our main goal here is to
## compare a simple version of the model with _testing machinery_
## see MacPan/notes/ratemat_vis.Rmd and notes/testing_flow_graph.R
## in particular you will want to allow for different ways to
## scale the weights, e.g. see R/sim_funs.R line 228, and make_test_wtsvec
## in R/testify.R ..
bbolker/McMasterPandemic documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 6:35 p.m.