

## squash call so we ignore diffs when using all.equal()
uncall <- function(x) {
    attr(x, "call") <- NULL

pp <- read_params("PHAC_testify.csv")
## Making states and expanding states
state <- make_state(params = pp, testify = FALSE)
state_testified <- expand_stateval_testing(state, params = pp, method = "untested")

## global variables
## print(non_expanded_states)
## print(test_extensions)
## print(test_accumulators)

lfun <- function(x, n_exts = length(test_extensions), n_fixed = length(non_expanded_states)) {
    n_exts * (length(x) - n_fixed) + n_fixed


test_that("testified states make sense", {
    expect_equal(length(state_testified), lfun(state) + 2)
        sort(unique(gsub("_.*$", "", names(state_testified)))),
        c(sort(c("N", "P", names(state))))

test_that("make_state from scratch", {
        names(make_state(params = pp)),

test_that("make_ratemat from scratch (ignore testify in state)", {
    s0 <- make_state(params = pp, testify = FALSE)
    M0 <- make_ratemat(s0, pp)
    s1 <- make_state(params = pp)
    M1 <- make_ratemat(state = s1, params = pp)
    ## FIXME: why does testify/untestify swap order of D and R?
    ## should be harmless but ...
    M1 <- M1[rownames(M0), colnames(M0)]
    expect_equal(dim(M0), dim(M1))

## Making beta_vec wtr states (infectious compartments only)
beta_vec0 <- make_beta(state, pp, full = FALSE)
beta_vec0_testified <- make_beta(state_testified, pp, full = FALSE)
## full
beta_vec <- make_beta(state, pp)
beta_vec_testified <- make_beta(state_testified, pp)

test_that("testified betas make sense", {
    ## test names of testified beta against I_
    expect_equal(names(beta_vec0_testified), grep("^I[[:lower:]]", names(state_testified), value = TRUE))
        unname(beta_vec0_testified[grepl("_u$", names(beta_vec0_testified))]),

test_that("pos test vec check", {
    vn <- setdiff(names(state), non_expanded_states)
    badp <- c(Pxx = 1)
    expect_error(make_test_posvec(badp, vn), "vector names should match")

test_that("catch state/beta mismatch", {
    expect_error(update_foi(state, pp, beta_vec_testified), "not the same")

## Making ratemat
ratemat <- make_ratemat(state, pp)
ratemat_testified <- testify(ratemat, pp)
test_that("ratemat makes sense", {
    expect_equal(ncol(ratemat_testified), length(state_testified))

## Updating FOI
test_that("FOI doesn't change (for 'untested' expansion)", {
    pp2 <- update(pp, iso_t = 0)
        update_foi(state, pp2, beta_vec),
        update_foi(state_testified, pp2, beta_vec_testified)

sim0_testified_condensed <- run_sim(
    params = pp,
    ## specify testing time to avoid warning
    ratemat_args = list(testing_time = "sample")

if (interactive()) make_state(pp[["N"]], pp[["E0"]], params = pp)

test_that("obsolete testify spec", {
            params = pp,
            ratemat_args = list(testify = TRUE)
        "no longer needs to be passed"

test_that("testing time default", {
        sim0_tc2 <- run_sim(params = pp),
        "setting testing time to 'sample'"
    expect_equal(uncall(sim0_tc2), uncall(sim0_testified_condensed))

test_that("condensation is OK", {
            "date", "S", "E", "I", "H", "ICU", "R",
            "hosp", "X", "death", "D",
            "negtest", "N", "postest", "P",
            "foi", "incidence", "report",

test_that("time-varying test intensity", {
    pt <- data.frame(
        Date = as.Date(c("2020-04-01", "2020-04-15")),
        Symbol = rep("testing_intensity", 2),
        Value = c(0.1, 4),
        Type = "rel_orig"
    ## don't reduce testing to 0 - it will break things!
    pp[["testing_intensity"]] <- 0.002
    sim0_testified_timevar <- run_sim(
        params = pp,
        ratemat_args = list(testing_time = "sample"),
        params_timevar = pt
    ##     ## library(directlabels)
    p1 <- plot(sim0_testified_timevar, log = TRUE, log_lwr = 1e-7)
    ##     ## direct.label(p1,method="last.bumpup")
    pvars <- c("N", "P", "negtest", "postest")
    ##     expect_equal(unlist(tail(sim0_testified_timevar[,pvars],1)),
    ##                  c(N = 75642.0699087884, P = 55.0789129220698,
    ##                    negtest = 4971.36249153456,
    ##                    postest = 21.6243455422309))
test_that("testing with susceptibles only", {
    pp[["testing_intensity"]] <- 0.002
    pp_noinf <- update(pp, beta0 = 0, E0 = 0) ## no transmission, no infected people
    ## suppress warning about "initial values too small for rounding"
    sim0_noinf <- suppressWarnings(run_sim(
        params = pp_noinf,
        ratemat_args = list(testing_time = "sample"),
        end_date = "2021-01-01"
    ## negtest *should* converge on:
    expected_negtest <- with(as.list(pp), omega / (omega + testing_intensity) * testing_intensity * N)
    ## expect_equal(tail(sim0_noinf[["negtest"]],1),expected_negtest)

plotfun <- function(L) {
    if (require(dplyr) && require(ggplot2) && require(purrr) && require(tidyr)) {
        dd <- (map_dfr(L,
            ~ (select(., c(date, negtest, postest, report))),
            .id = "type"
            %>% pivot_longer(cols = c(negtest, postest, report))
            aes(date, value, colour = name, linetype = type)
            geom_line() +

test_that("testify + sampling time", {
    rvars <- c("N", "P")
    sim0_testified_report <- run_sim(
        params = pp,
        ratemat_args = list(testing_time = "report")
    res_report <- tail(sim0_testified_report[rvars], 1)
    sim0_testified_sample <- run_sim(
        params = pp,
        ratemat_args = list(testing_time = "sample")
    res_sample <- tail(sim0_testified_sample[rvars], 1)
    expect(!(all(res_report == res_sample)), "results don't differ according to testing time")
    ##     expect_equal(unlist(res_sample),c(N = 78578.6760706341, P = 107.200806051815))
    gg1 <- plotfun(list(report = sim0_testified_report, sample = sim0_testified_sample))
test_that("testify + alternative weights models", {
    rvars <- c("N", "P")
    ppw0 <- pp[!grepl("^W", names(pp))] ## remove all of the regular W-parameters
    class(ppw0) <- "params_pansim" ## restore class (lost after indexing) so we can use update()
    ppw1 <- update(ppw0, W_asymp = 0.2)
    ppw2 <- update(ppw0, c(W_asymp = 0.2, W_severe = 1.5))
    sim0_w0 <- run_sim(
        params = pp,
        ratemat_args = list(testing_time = "report")
    sim0_w1 <- run_sim(
        params = ppw1,
        ratemat_args = list(testing_time = "report")
    sim0_w2 <- run_sim(
        params = ppw2,
        ratemat_args = list(testing_time = "report")
    gg1 <- plotfun(list(w0 = sim0_w0, w1 = sim0_w1, w2 = sim0_w2))
    ref_val <- structure(list(
        N = c(62097.0986898706, 61789.5190257482, 61781.6457354169),
        P = c(13.9744057111373, 16.3878085964286, 16.3569118395614)
    row.names = c("43", "431", "432"), class = c("pansim", "data.frame")
    ## these are *almost* identical (is that what I expected?)
    ##     expect_equal(ref_val,
    ##         rbind(tail(sim0_w0[rvars],1),
    ##           tail(sim0_w1[rvars],1),
    ##           tail(sim0_w2[rvars],1)))
bbolker/McMasterPandemic documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 6:35 p.m.