#' @include all_class.R
#' @include all_generic.R
#' Create a Data Reader for Neuroimaging Data
#' @title Create a Data Reader
#' @description Creates a data reader for accessing neuroimaging data from various file formats.
#' The reader provides a unified interface for reading data regardless of the underlying format.
#' @param x An object containing metadata required to create the reader (e.g., file path, format info)
#' @param offset Numeric. Byte offset where data reading should begin. Default is 0.
#' @return A BinaryReader object configured for the specific data format
#' @details
#' The data_reader function is a generic that creates appropriate readers for different
#' neuroimaging formats. It handles:
#' \itemize{
#' \item File format detection and validation
#' \item Endianness configuration
#' \item Data type conversion
#' \item Compression handling (e.g., gzip)
#' \item Proper byte alignment
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Create reader for NIFTI file
#' meta <- read_header("brain.nii")
#' reader <- data_reader(meta, offset = 0)
#' # Read first 100 voxels
#' data <- reader$read(100)
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{read_header}} for reading headers,
#' \code{\linkS4class{BinaryReader}} for reading binary data
#' @importFrom methods new setGeneric
#' @export
setGeneric("data_reader", function(x, offset) standardGeneric("data_reader"))
#' Get Dimensions of FileMetaInfo Object
#' @param x A FileMetaInfo object
#' @return Integer vector of image dimensions
#' @rdname dim-methods
#' @export
setMethod("dim", "FileMetaInfo", function(x) x@dims)
#' @param offset the offset to read from the file
#' @rdname data_reader-methods
setMethod("data_reader", "NIFTIMetaInfo",
function(x, offset = 0) {
assert_that(is.numeric(offset) && length(offset) == 1,
msg = "'offset' must be a single numeric value")
total_offset <- x@data_offset + offset
if (x@descriptor@data_encoding == "gzip") {
con <- tryCatch({
gzfile(x@data_file, "rb")
}, error = function(e) {
stop("Failed to open gzipped file: ", x@data_file, "\n", e$message)
} else {
con <- x@data_file
#' Create Data Reader for AFNI Format
#' @param x AFNIMetaInfo object
#' @param offset Numeric byte offset
#' @return BinaryReader object
#' @rdname data_reader-methods
setMethod("data_reader", "AFNIMetaInfo",
function(x, offset = 0) {
assert_that(is.numeric(offset) && length(offset) == 1,
msg = "'offset' must be a single numeric value")
total_offset <- x@data_offset + offset
if (x@descriptor@data_encoding == "gzip") {
con <- tryCatch({
gzfile(x@data_file, "rb")
}, error = function(e) {
stop("Failed to open gzipped file: ", x@data_file, "\n", e$message)
} else {
con <- x@data_file
#' Get transformation matrix
#' @name trans
#' @rdname trans-methods
#' @aliases trans,MetaInfo-method trans,NIFTIMetaInfo-method
#' @export
setMethod("trans", "MetaInfo",
function(x) {
D <- min(length(x@dims), 3)
trans <- diag(c(x@spacing, 1))
trans[1:D, D + 1] <- x@origin
#' Get NIFTI Transformation Matrix
#' @param x NIFTIMetaInfo object
#' @return 4x4 transformation matrix
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
setMethod("trans", "NIFTIMetaInfo",
function(x) x@header$qform)
#' Extract NIFTI Dimensions
#' @param nifti_header NIFTI header list
#' @return Vector of image dimensions
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
niftiDim <- function(nifti_header) {
dimarray <- nifti_header$dimensions
msg = "Invalid dimension array in NIFTI header")
lastidx <- min(which(dimarray == 1)) - 1
assert_that(lastidx >= 1,
msg = "Invalid dimension specification in NIFTI header")
#' Create MetaInfo Object
#' @title Create Neuroimaging Metadata Object
#' @description Creates a MetaInfo object containing essential metadata for neuroimaging data,
#' including dimensions, spacing, orientation, and data type information.
#' @param Dim Integer vector. Image dimensions (e.g., c(64, 64, 32) for 3D).
#' @param spacing Numeric vector. Voxel dimensions in mm.
#' @param origin Numeric vector. Coordinate origin. Default is zero vector.
#' @param data_type Character. Data type (e.g., "FLOAT", "SHORT"). Default is "FLOAT".
#' @param label Character. Image label(s). Default is "".
#' @param spatial_axes Object. Spatial orientation. Default is OrientationList3D$AXIAL_LPI.
#' @param additional_axes Object. Non-spatial axes. Default is NullAxis.
#' @return A MetaInfo object
#' @details
#' The MetaInfo object is fundamental for:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Spatial interpretation of image data
#' \item Data type handling and conversion
#' \item Memory allocation and mapping
#' \item File I/O operations
#' }
#' Input validation ensures:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Dimensions are positive integers
#' \item Spacing values are positive
#' \item Origin coordinates are finite
#' \item Data type is supported
#' }
#' @examples
#' # Create metadata for 3D structural MRI
#' meta <- MetaInfo(
#' Dim = c(256, 256, 180),
#' spacing = c(1, 1, 1),
#' data_type = "FLOAT",
#' label = "T1w"
#' )
#' # Get image dimensions
#' dim(meta)
#' # Get transformation matrix
#' trans(meta)
#' @seealso
#' \code{\linkS4class{NIFTIMetaInfo}}, \code{\linkS4class{AFNIMetaInfo}}
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
MetaInfo <- function(Dim, spacing, origin = rep(0, length(spacing)),
data_type = "FLOAT", label = "",
spatial_axes = OrientationList3D$AXIAL_LPI,
additional_axes = NullAxis) {
assert_that(is.numeric(Dim) && all(Dim > 0) && all(Dim == floor(Dim)),
msg = "'Dim' must be a vector of positive integers")
assert_that(is.numeric(spacing) && all(spacing > 0),
msg = "'spacing' must be a vector of positive numbers")
assert_that(is.numeric(origin) && all(is.finite(origin)),
msg = "'origin' must be a vector of finite numbers")
# Validate data type
valid_types <- c("BYTE", "SHORT", "INT", "FLOAT", "DOUBLE")
assert_that(data_type %in% valid_types,
msg = paste("'data_type' must be one of:", paste(valid_types, collapse = ", ")))
# Create object
dims = as.integer(Dim),
spacing = as.numeric(spacing),
origin = as.numeric(origin),
data_type = data_type,
label = as.character(label),
spatial_axes = spatial_axes,
additional_axes = additional_axes)
#' Create NIFTIMetaInfo Object
#' @title Create NIFTI Format Metadata Object
#' @description Creates a NIFTIMetaInfo object containing format-specific metadata
#' for NIFTI format neuroimaging files.
#' @param descriptor NIFTIFormat object specifying file format details
#' @param nifti_header List containing NIFTI header information
#' @return A NIFTIMetaInfo object
#' @details
#' The NIFTIMetaInfo object extends MetaInfo with NIFTI-specific features:
#' \itemize{
#' \item NIFTI header fields (qform, sform matrices)
#' \item Data scaling (slope, intercept)
#' \item File organization (separate vs. single file)
#' \item Orientation information
#' }
#' Validation ensures:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Valid NIFTI format
#' \item Consistent dimensions
#' \item Valid transformation matrices
#' \item Proper data scaling
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Read NIFTI header
#' header <- readNIftiHeader("brain.nii")
#' # Create format descriptor
#' fmt <- NIFTIFormat()
#' # Create metadata
#' meta <- NIFTIMetaInfo(fmt, header)
#' # Check dimensions
#' dim(meta)
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{MetaInfo}}
#' @export
NIFTIMetaInfo <- function(descriptor, nifti_header) {
# Validate inputs
if (!inherits(descriptor, "NIFTIFormat")) {
stop("'descriptor' must be a NIFTIFormat object")
if (!is.list(nifti_header)) {
stop("'nifti_header' must be a list")
if (is.null(nifti_header$file_type) || tolower(nifti_header$file_type) != "nifti") {
stop("Invalid NIFTI header: missing or incorrect file_type")
# Validate dimensions
dims <- try(niftiDim(nifti_header), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(dims, "try-error")) {
stop("Invalid dimensions in NIFTI header")
# Validate transformation
if (!is.matrix(nifti_header$qform) || nrow(nifti_header$qform) != 4 ||
ncol(nifti_header$qform) != 4) {
stop("Invalid qform matrix in NIFTI header")
# Create object with validation
header_file = header_file(descriptor, nifti_header$file_name),
data_file = data_file(descriptor, nifti_header$file_name),
descriptor = descriptor,
endian = nifti_header$endian,
data_offset = nifti_header$vox_offset,
data_type = nifti_header$data_storage,
bytes_per_element = as.integer(.getDataSize(nifti_header$data_storage)),
dims = dims,
spatial_axes = .nearestAnatomy(nifti_header$qform),
additional_axes = NullAxis,
spacing = nifti_header$pixdim[2:4],
origin = nifti_header$qoffset,
label = strip_extension(descriptor, basename(nifti_header$file_name)),
intercept = nifti_header$scl_intercept,
slope = nifti_header$scl_slope,
header = nifti_header)
}, error = function(e) {
stop("Failed to create NIFTIMetaInfo: ", e$message)
#' Create AFNIMetaInfo Object
#' @title Create AFNI Format Metadata Object
#' @description Creates an AFNIMetaInfo object containing format-specific metadata
#' for AFNI format neuroimaging files.
#' @param descriptor AFNIFormat object specifying file format details
#' @param afni_header List containing AFNI header information
#' @return An AFNIMetaInfo object
#' @details
#' The AFNIMetaInfo object extends MetaInfo with AFNI-specific features:
#' \itemize{
#' \item AFNI brick structure
#' \item Sub-brick labels and scaling
#' \item Space transformation
#' \item Statistical parameters
#' }
#' The function handles:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Dimension extraction and validation
#' \item Label generation for sub-bricks
#' \item Transformation from AFNI to NIFTI space
#' \item Data type and scaling setup
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Read AFNI header
#' header <- read_afni_header("brain+orig.HEAD")
#' # Create format descriptor
#' fmt <- AFNIFormat()
#' # Create metadata
#' meta <- AFNIMetaInfo(fmt, header)
#' # Check dimensions
#' dim(meta)
#' }
#' @export
AFNIMetaInfo <- function(descriptor, afni_header) {
# Validate inputs
if (!inherits(descriptor, "AFNIFormat")) {
stop("'descriptor' must be an AFNIFormat object")
if (!is.list(afni_header)) {
stop("'afni_header' must be a list")
# Extract and validate dimensions
if (is.null(afni_header$DATASET_DIMENSIONS) ||
is.null(afni_header$DATASET_DIMENSIONS$content)) {
stop("Missing DATASET_DIMENSIONS in AFNI header")
.Dim <- afni_header$DATASET_DIMENSIONS$content[
afni_header$DATASET_DIMENSIONS$content > 0
if (length(.Dim) < 3) {
stop("AFNI dataset must have at least 3 dimensions")
# Add time dimension if present
if (!is.null(afni_header$DATASET_RANK$content) &&
afni_header$DATASET_RANK$content[2] > 1) {
.Dim <- c(.Dim, afni_header$DATASET_RANK$content[2])
# Generate or extract labels
labs <- if (is.null(afni_header$BRICK_LABS$content)) {
paste0("#", seq(0, afni_header$DATASET_RANK$content[2] - 1))
} else {
# Calculate space transformation
Tdicom <- tryCatch({
matrix(afni_header$IJK_TO_DICOM$content, 3, 4, byrow = TRUE)
}, error = function(e) {
stop("Invalid IJK_TO_DICOM transformation in AFNI header")
TLPI <- perm_mat(OrientationList3D$AXIAL_RAI) %*% Tdicom[1:3, ]
TLPI <- rbind(TLPI, c(0, 0, 0, 1))
# Determine data type and size
data_type <- switch(as.character(afni_header$BRICK_TYPES$content[1]),
"0" = "BYTE",
"1" = "SHORT",
"3" = "FLOAT",
stop("Unsupported BRICK_TYPE in AFNI header"))
bytes_per_element <- switch(as.character(afni_header$BRICK_TYPES$content[1]),
"0" = 1L,
"1" = 2L,
"3" = 4L)
# Create object with validation
header_file = header_file(descriptor, afni_header$file_name),
data_file = data_file(descriptor, afni_header$file_name),
descriptor = descriptor,
endian = ifelse(afni_header[["BYTEORDER_STRING"]]$content == "MSB_FIRST",
"big", "little"),
data_offset = 0L,
data_type = data_type,
bytes_per_element = as.integer(bytes_per_element),
dims = .Dim,
spatial_axes = .nearestAnatomy(TLPI),
additional_axes = NullAxis,
spacing = abs(afni_header$DELTA$content),
origin = afni_header$ORIGIN$content,
label = labs,
intercept = 0,
slope = ifelse(afni_header$BRICK_FLOAT_FACS$content == 0,
header = afni_header)
}, error = function(e) {
stop("Failed to create AFNIMetaInfo: ", e$message)
#' read header information of an image file
#' @param file_name the name of the file to read
#' @return an instance of class \code{\linkS4class{FileMetaInfo}}
#' @export read_header
read_header <- function(file_name) {
desc <- find_descriptor(file_name)
if (is.null(desc)) {
stop(paste("could not find reader for file: ", file_name))
read_meta_info(desc, file_name)
#' @export
setAs(from="MetaInfo", to="NIFTIMetaInfo", def=function(from) {
if (inherits(from, "NIFTIMetaInfo")) {
} else {
hdr <- as_nifti_header(from)
desc <- find_descriptor(hdr$file_name)
NIFTIMetaInfo(desc, hdr)
#' show a \code{FileMetaInfo}
#' @param object the object
#' @export
setMethod(f="show", signature=signature("FileMetaInfo"),
def=function(object) {
cat("an instance of class", class(object), "\n\n")
cat("header_file:", "\t", object@header_file, "\n")
cat("data_file:", "\t", object@data_file, "\n")
cat("endian:", "\t", object@endian, "\n")
cat("data_offset:", "\t", object@data_offset, "\n")
cat("data_type:", "\t", object@data_type, "\n")
cat("dimensions:", "\t", object@dims, "\n")
cat("voxel size:", "\t", object@spacing, "\n")
cat("origin:", "\t", object@origin, "\n")
cat("label(s):", "\t", object@label, "\n")
cat("intercept:", "\t", object@intercept, "\n")
cat("slope:", "\t\t", object@slope, "\n\n")
cat("additional format-specific info may be contained in @header slot", "\n")
#' @rdname MetaInfo-methods
#' @aliases trans,MetaInfo-method
#' trans,NIFTIMetaInfo-method
#' data_reader,AFNIMetaInfo-method
#' data_reader,NIFTIMetaInfo-method
#' @export
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