#' @include all_class.R
#' @include all_generic.R
#' @name NeuroVecSeq
#' @title NeuroVecSeq: A Container for Sequential NeuroVec Objects
#' @description
#' The NeuroVecSeq class provides a container for managing a sequence of NeuroVec objects,
#' particularly useful for handling time series or multi-session neuroimaging data where
#' each segment may have different lengths.
#' @details
#' NeuroVecSeq objects store:
#' \itemize{
#' \item A list of NeuroVec objects, each potentially with different time dimensions
#' \item The lengths of each constituent NeuroVec
#' \item A combined NeuroSpace object representing the total space
#' }
#' The class provides methods for:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Accessing individual time points across all vectors
#' \item Extracting subsequences
#' \item Computing statistics across the sequence
#' \item Linear access to the underlying data
#' }
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#' \item{[[}{Extract a single volume at a specified time point}
#' \item{length}{Get the total number of time points}
#' \item{sub_vector}{Extract a subsequence of volumes}
#' \item{linear_access}{Access data linearly across all vectors}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Create some example NeuroVec objects
#' v1 <- NeuroVec(array(0, c(5, 5, 5, 2)),
#' space = NeuroSpace(dim = c(5, 5, 5, 2)))
#' v2 <- NeuroVec(array(1, c(5, 5, 5, 4)),
#' space = NeuroSpace(dim = c(5, 5, 5, 4)))
#' v3 <- NeuroVec(array(2, c(5, 5, 5, 6)),
#' space = NeuroSpace(dim = c(5, 5, 5, 6)))
#' # Combine them into a sequence
#' vs <- NeuroVecSeq(v1, v2, v3)
#' # Access properties
#' length(vs) # Total time points
#' vs[[5]] # Get the 5th volume
#' # Extract a subsequence
#' sub_seq <- sub_vector(vs, 1:5)
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{NeuroVec-class}} for the base vector class
#' \code{\link{NeuroSpace-class}} for spatial information
#' @export
#' Create a NeuroVecSeq Instance
#' @description
#' Constructs a NeuroVecSeq object to represent a variable-length sequence of NeuroVec objects.
#' This is particularly useful for managing time series data where different segments may have
#' different lengths.
#' @param ... One or more instances of type \code{\link{NeuroVec}}.
#' @return A NeuroVecSeq object containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item The provided NeuroVec objects
#' \item Associated space information
#' \item Length information for each vector
#' }
#' @details
#' The function performs several validations:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Ensures all inputs are NeuroVec objects
#' \item Verifies spatial compatibility
#' \item Combines spatial information appropriately
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Create sample vectors
#' v1 <- NeuroVec(array(0, c(5, 5, 5, 2)),
#' space = NeuroSpace(dim = c(5, 5, 5, 2)))
#' v2 <- NeuroVec(array(0, c(5, 5, 5, 4)),
#' space = NeuroSpace(dim = c(5, 5, 5, 4)))
#' # Combine into sequence
#' vs <- NeuroVecSeq(v1, v2)
#' print(vs)
#' }
#' @export
NeuroVecSeq <- function(...) {
vecs <- list(...)
assertthat::assert_that(all(purrr::map_lgl(vecs, ~ inherits(., "NeuroVec"))))
# Validate spatial compatibility
sp <- space(vecs[[1]])
base_dims <- dim(sp)[1:3]
all(purrr::map_lgl(vecs, function(x) {
all(dim(space(x))[1:3] == base_dims)
msg = "All NeuroVec objects must have the same spatial dimensions"
# Calculate lengths and create combined space
lens <- purrr::map_dbl(vecs, function(x) dim(x)[4])
sp <- add_dim(drop_dim(sp), sum(lens))
new("NeuroVecSeq", space=sp, vecs=vecs, lens=lens)
#' @export
setMethod("length", signature=c("NeuroVecSeq"),
def=function(x) {
sum(purrr::map_dbl(x@vecs, ~ length(.)))
#' Extract Element from NeuroVecSeq
#' @description
#' Extracts a single volume from a NeuroVecSeq object at the specified time point.
#' @param x A NeuroVecSeq object
#' @param i Numeric index specifying the time point to extract
#' @return A NeuroVol object representing the extracted volume
#' @rdname NeuroVecSeq-methods
#' @export
setMethod(f="[[", signature=signature(x="NeuroVecSeq", i="numeric"),
def = function(x, i) {
assertthat::assert_that(length(i) == 1 && i > 0 && i <= dim(x)[4],
msg = "Index must be a single positive integer within bounds")
# Calculate cumulative offsets
offsets <- cumsum(c(1, x@lens))[1:(length(x@lens))]
vnum <- i - offsets
vnum[vnum < 0] <- Inf
bucket <- which.min(vnum)
bucket_elnum <- vnum[bucket] + 1
#' Extract Subsequence from NeuroVecSeq
#' @description
#' Extracts a subsequence of volumes from a NeuroVecSeq object.
#' @param x A NeuroVecSeq object
#' @param i Numeric vector of indices specifying the time points to extract
#' @return A NeuroVecSeq object containing the extracted subsequence
#' @rdname sub_vector-methods
#' @export
setMethod(f="sub_vector", signature=signature(x="NeuroVecSeq", i="numeric"),
def=function(x, i) {
assertthat::assert_that(max(i) <= dim(x)[4],
msg = "Indices must be within bounds")
lens <- sapply(x@vecs, function(v) dim(v)[4])
offset <- c(0, cumsum(lens)) + 1
svecs <- list()
for (j in seq_along(x@vecs)) {
idx <- i[i >= offset[j] & i < offset[j+1]]
if (length(idx) > 0) {
vidx <- idx - offset[j] + 1
svecs[[length(svecs) + 1]] <- sub_vector(x@vecs[[j]], vidx)
do.call(NeuroVecSeq, svecs)
#' Linear Access to NeuroVecSeq Data
#' @description
#' Provides linear access to the data across all vectors in the sequence.
#' @param x A NeuroVecSeq object
#' @param i Numeric vector of indices for linear access
#' @return Numeric vector of accessed values
#' @rdname linear_access-methods
#' @export
#' @import bit64
setMethod(f = "linear_access",
signature = signature(x = "NeuroVecSeq", i = "numeric"),
def = function(x, i) {
msg = "Index must be numeric")
# Calculate dimensions and offsets
nels <- prod(dim(x)[1:3])
els <- nels * x@lens
csum <- cumsum(nels * x@lens) + 1
cels <- c(1, csum[-length(csum)])
# Find which vector each index belongs to
vnum <- findInterval(i, cels)
offsets <- i - cels[vnum] + 1
# Split indices by vector
soff <- split(offsets, vnum)
sind <- split(seq_along(vnum), vnum)
# Access each vector
res <- purrr::map(names(soff), function(vnum) {
# Combine results
out <- numeric(length(i))
for (j in seq_along(res)) {
out[sind[[j]]] <- res[[j]]
# # @rdname series-methods
## @param x A NeuroVecSeq object
## @param i Integer indices specifying voxel coordinates
## @param j Optional second coordinate
## @param k Optional third coordinate
## @param drop whether to drop dimension of length 1
## @return A matrix where each column represents a voxel's time series
## @export
#' setMethod("series", signature(x="NeuroVecSeq", i="integer"),
#' def=function(x, i, j, k, drop=TRUE) {
#' if (missing(j) && missing(k)) {
#' # Linear spatial indexing case
#' # Get series from each vector and combine them
#' series_list <- purrr::map(x@vecs, ~ series(., i))
#' # Stack the matrices vertically
#' do.call(rbind, series_list)
#' } else {
#' # Voxel coordinate indexing case
#' assertthat::assert_that(length(i) == 1 && length(j) == 1 && length(k) == 1)
#' purrr::map(x@vecs, ~ series(., i, j, k)) %>%
#' purrr::flatten_dbl()
#' }
#' })
#' @rdname series-methods
#' @param x A NeuroVecSeq object
#' @param i Numeric indices specifying voxel coordinates
#' @param j Optional second coordinate
#' @param k Optional third coordinate
#' @param drop whether to drop dimension of length 1
#' @return A matrix where each column represents a voxel's time series
#' @export
setMethod("series", signature(x="NeuroVecSeq", i="numeric"),
def=function(x, i, j, k, drop=TRUE) {
series(x, as.integer(i), j, k, drop)
# Ensure we have a series method for NeuroVecSeq that behaves like NeuroVec
setMethod("series", signature(x="NeuroVecSeq", i="integer"),
function(x, i, j, k, drop=TRUE) {
# If user only supplies i (voxel indexing)
if (missing(j) && missing(k)) {
# series for a single voxel index i should return a time series vector
# Combine the time series from each underlying NeuroVec
ts_list <- lapply(x@vecs, function(v) series(v, i))
out <- unlist(ts_list, recursive=TRUE, use.names=FALSE)
if (drop) drop(out) else out
} else {
# If j,k provided (3D indexing), do similar logic:
# Convert (i,j,k) to voxel index or directly call series on each vec and combine.
# For simplicity, assume user gave a single voxel coordinate i,j,k:
if (length(i)==1 && length(j)==1 && length(k)==1) {
# Extract time series by combining from each vec
ts_list <- lapply(x@vecs, function(v) series(v, i, j, k))
out <- unlist(ts_list, recursive=TRUE, use.names=FALSE)
if (drop) drop(out) else out
} else {
# multiple voxels requested?
# Then we must replicate the logic used for NeuroVec:
# For multiple voxels, we get a matrix. Combine each voxel's series similarly.
# This can be more involved. For now, assume simpler usage.
stop("Multiple voxel indexing not fully implemented here.")
setMethod("series", signature(x="NeuroVecSeq", i="numeric"),
function(x,i,j,k,drop=TRUE) {
# Just convert numeric i to integer and call the integer method
callGeneric(x, as.integer(i), j, k, drop=drop)
#' @rdname series-methods
#' @param x A NeuroVecSeq object
#' @param i A matrix of voxel coordinates (n x 3)
#' @return A matrix where each column represents a voxel's time series
#' @export
setMethod("series", signature(x="NeuroVecSeq", i="matrix"),
def=function(x, i) {
assertthat::assert_that(ncol(i) == 3, msg="Coordinate matrix must have 3 columns")
# More efficient to pre-allocate and bind
do.call(rbind, purrr::map(x@vecs, ~ series(., i)))
#' @rdname series-methods
#' @param x A NeuroVecSeq object
#' @param i A matrix of ROI coordinates (n x 3)
#' @return A ROIVec object containing the time series for the specified ROI
#' @export
setMethod("series_roi", signature(x="NeuroVecSeq", i="matrix"),
def=function(x, i) {
assertthat::assert_that(ncol(i) == 3, msg="ROI coordinate matrix must have 3 columns")
# Get ROIs for each vector in sequence
rois <- purrr::map(x@vecs, ~ series_roi(., i))
# Optimize concatenation based on number of ROIs
if (length(rois) == 1) {
} else if (length(rois) == 2) {
concat(rois[[1]], rois[[2]])
} else {
# For 3+ ROIs, use reduce for efficient concatenation
purrr::reduce(rois, concat)
#' @export
setMethod("vectors", signature(x="NeuroVecSeq", subset="missing"),
function(x) {
# For a NeuroVec, vectors() returns a deflist of length nvox,
# each element is a function returning the voxel time course.
nvox <- prod(dim(x)[1:3])
ind <- seq_len(nvox)
f <- function(i) series(x, ind[i]) # returns a vector (the time series)
deflist::deflist(f, nvox)
#' @export
setMethod("vectors", signature(x="NeuroVecSeq", subset="numeric"),
function(x, subset) {
n <- length(subset)
f <- function(i) series(x, subset[i])
deflist::deflist(f, n)
#' @export
setMethod("vectors", signature(x="NeuroVecSeq", subset="logical"),
function(x, subset) {
ind <- which(subset)
f <- function(i) series(x, ind[i])
deflist::deflist(f, length(ind))
#' @export
setMethod("show", "NeuroVecSeq",
def=function(object) {
cat("\n", crayon::bold(crayon::blue("NeuroVecSeq")), " ",
crayon::silver(paste0("(", length(object@vecs), " vectors)")), "\n", sep="")
cat(crayon::bold("\n╔═ Sequence Info "), crayon::silver("───────────────────────────"), "\n", sep="")
cat("║ ", crayon::yellow("Length"), " : ", length(object@vecs), "\n", sep="")
cat("║ ", crayon::yellow("Total Time"), " : ", sum(object@lens), " points\n", sep="")
sp <- space(object@vecs[[1]])
cat(crayon::bold("\n╠═ Spatial Info "), crayon::silver("───────────────────────────"), "\n", sep="")
cat("║ ", crayon::yellow("Dimensions"), " : ", paste(dim(object@vecs[[1]])[1:3], collapse=" × "), "\n", sep="")
cat("║ ", crayon::yellow("Spacing"), " : ", paste(sp@spacing[1:3], collapse=" × "), "\n", sep="")
cat("║ ", crayon::yellow("Origin"), " : ", paste(round(sp@origin[1:3], 2), collapse=" × "), "\n", sep="")
cat("║ ", crayon::yellow("Orientation"), " : ", paste(sp@axes@i@axis, sp@axes@j@axis, sp@axes@k@axis), "\n", sep="")
cat(crayon::bold("\n╚═ Vector Details "), crayon::silver("──────────────────────────"), "\n", sep="")
for (i in seq_along(object@vecs)) {
v <- object@vecs[[i]]
vclass <- sub(".*:", "", class(v)[1])
cat(" ", crayon::green(paste0(i, ".")), " ",
crayon::cyan(vclass), " ",
crayon::silver(paste0("(", dim(v)[4], " timepoints)")),
"\n", sep="")
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