
Defines functions gmd_deflationR truncate.genpca reconstruct.genpca gmdLA project_cols.genpca project.genpca singular_values.genpca contributions.genpca predict.genpca project_xav loadings.genpca genpca prep_constraints .msqrt diagonal

Documented in genpca

diagonal <- function(x) {
  diag(x, nrow=length(x), ncol=length(x))
.msqrt <- function(a) {
  a.eig <- eigen(a)
  keep <- which(a.eig$values > 0)
  a.sqrt <- a.eig$vectors[,keep] %*% diag(1/sqrt(a.eig$values[keep])) %*% t(a.eig$vectors[,keep])

prep_constraints <- function(X, A, M) {
  if (is.null(A)) {
    A <- sparseMatrix(i=1:ncol(X), j=1:ncol(X),x=rep(1, ncol(X)))
  if (is.null(M)) {
    M <- sparseMatrix(i=1:nrow(X), j=1:nrow(X),x=rep(1,nrow(X)))
  if (is.vector(A)) {
    assert_that(length(A) == ncol(X))
    A <- sparseMatrix(i=1:length(A), j=1:length(A),x=A)
  } else {
    assert_that(nrow(A) == ncol(X), msg=paste("nrow(A) != ncol(X) -- ", nrow(A), " != ", ncol(X)))
    assert_that(ncol(A) == ncol(X), msg=paste("ncol(A) != ncol(X) -- ", ncol(A), " != ", ncol(X)))
  if (is.vector(M)) {
    assert_that(length(M) == nrow(X))
    M <- sparseMatrix(i=1:length(M), j=1:length(M),x=M)
  } else {
    assert_that(nrow(M) == nrow(X))
    assert_that(ncol(M) == nrow(X))
  list(A=A, M=M)

#' Generalized Principal Components Analysis
#' Compute a PCA in a inner-product space defined by row and coulmn constraint matrices.
#' @inheritParams pca
#' @param A the column constraints. Can be a \code{vector}, symmetric \code{matrix}, or symmetric sparse matrix with \code{ncol(X)} rows and columns.
#' @param M the row constraints. Can be a \code{vector}, symmetric \code{matrix}, or symmetric sparse matrix with \code{nrow(X)} rows and columns.
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom Matrix sparseMatrix t isDiagonal
#' @export
#' @references 
#' Abdi, H. (2007). Singular value decomposition (SVD) and generalized singular value decomposition. \emph{Encyclopedia of measurement and statistics}, 907-912.
#' Allen, G. I., Grosenick, L., & Taylor, J. (2014). A generalized least-square matrix decomposition. \emph{Journal of the American Statistical Association}, 109(505), 145-159.
#' @examples 
#' N <- 10
#' coords <- expand.grid(x=seq(1,N), y=seq(1,N))
#' img <- apply(coords, 1, function(x) {
#'   x1 <- 1 - pnorm(abs(x[1] - N/2), sd=8)
#'   x2 <- 1 - pnorm(abs(x[2] - N/2), sd=8)
#'   x1*x2
#' })
#' mat <- matrix(img, N,N)
#' mlist <- replicate(10, as.vector(mat + rnorm(length(mat))*.02), simplify=FALSE)
#' X <- do.call(rbind, mlist)
#' ## spatial smoother
#' S <- neighborweights:::spatial_smoother(coords, sigma=3, nnk=4)
#' S <- cov(as.matrix(S))
#' S <- S/eigen(S)$values[1]
#' T <- neighborweights:::spatial_smoother(as.matrix(1:10), sigma=3, nnk=3)
#' T <- cov(as.matrix(T))
#' T <- T/(eigen(T)$values[1])
#' gp1 <- genpca(X, A=S, ncomp=9)
#' gp1a <- genpca(X, A=S, M=T, ncomp=9)
#' Xs <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:nrow(X), function(i) X[i,,drop=FALSE] %*% S))
#' gp2 <- genpca(as.matrix(Xs), ncomp=2)
#' ## use an adjacency matrix to weight items sharing an index.
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(50*100), 50, 100)
#' colind <- rep(1:10, 10)
#' S <- neighborweights:::spatial_adjacency(as.matrix(colind), dthresh=4, sigma=1, nnk=27, normalized=TRUE, include_diagonal=TRUE, weight_mode="heat")
#' diag(S) <- 1
#' S <- S/RSpectra::svds(S,k=1)$d
#' gp1 <- genpca(X, A=S, ncomp=2)
genpca <- function(X, A=NULL, M=NULL, ncomp=min(dim(X)), 
                   preproc=center(), deflation=FALSE, svd_init=TRUE, threshold=1e-06, 
                   use_cpp=TRUE, maxeig=800) {
  pcon <- prep_constraints(X, A, M)
  A <- pcon$A
  M <- pcon$M
  procres <- prep(preproc)
  Xp <- procres$init(X)

  assert_that(ncomp > 0)
  ncomp <- min(min(dim(Xp)), ncomp)
  n = nrow(Xp)
  p = ncol(Xp)
  if (deflation) {
    if (n < p) {
      if (use_cpp) {
        svdfit <- gmd_deflation_cpp(t(Xp), A, M, ncomp, threshold)
        #svdfit <- gmd_deflationR(t(Xp), A, M, ncomp, threshold,svd_init)
        svdfit$d <- svdfit$d[,1]
      } else {
        svdfit <- gmd_deflationR(t(Xp), A, M, ncomp, threshold,svd_init)
    } else {
      if (use_cpp) {
        svdfit <- gmd_deflation_cpp(Xp, M, A, ncomp, threshold)
        svdfit$d <- svdfit$d[,1]
      } else {
        svdfit <- gmd_deflationR(Xp, M, A, ncomp, threshold, svd_init)
  } else { 
    if(n < p){
      ret = gmdLA(t(Xp), A,M, ncomp,p,n, maxeig=maxeig)
      svdfit = list(u=ret$v, v=ret$u,d=ret$d, cumv=ret$cumv,propv=ret$propv)
    } else{
      svdfit = gmdLA(Xp, M,A,ncomp,n,p, maxeig=maxeig)
  scores <- t(t(as.matrix(M %*% svdfit$u)) * svdfit$d)
  col_scores <- t(t(as.matrix(A %*% svdfit$v)) * svdfit$d)
  #scores <- t(t(as.matrix(svdfit$u)) * svdfit$d)
  row.names(scores) <- row.names(X)
  #norm_loadings <- t(t(as.matrix(svdfit$v)) * svdfit$d)
  ret <- bi_projector(
              ## generalized singular vector v
              ## generalized singular vector u
              ## loadings
              v=A %*% svdfit$v,
              ## normalized scores
              u=M %*% svdfit$u,
              classes=c("genpca", "pca"),


#' @export
loadings.genpca <- function(obj) {

project_xav <- function(X, A, V) {
  ## x$M %*% scale(X, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE) %*% x$A %*% x$ov
  if (is.vector(A)) {
    t(t(X) * A) %*% V
  } else {
    X %*% A %*% V
#' @export
predict.genpca <- function(x, newdata, comp=1:x$ncomp, pre_process=TRUE) {
  Xsup <- if (pre_process) {
    reprocess(x, newdata)
  } else {
  Xsup %*% x$v[,comp, drop=FALSE]
  #project_xav(Xsup, x$A, x$v[,comp,drop=FALSE])

#' @export
contributions.genpca <- function(x, type=c("column", "row")) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (type == "column") {
    t(x$ov^2) %*% x$A
  } else {
    t(x$ou^2) %*% x$M

#' @export
singular_values.genpca <- function(x) {

#' @export
project.genpca <- function(x, newdata=NULL, comp=1:x$ncomp, pre_process=TRUE, colind=NULL) {
  if (is.null(newdata) && is.null(colind)) {
  ## what if colind != NULL and newdata == NULL
  if (is.vector(newdata)) {
    newdata <- matrix(newdata,nrow=1)
  if (is.null(colind)) {
    Xsup <- if (pre_process) reprocess(x, newdata) else newdata
    Xsup %*% x$v[,comp,drop=FALSE]
  } else {
    assertthat::assert_that(length(colind) == ncol(newdata))
    Xsup <- if (pre_process) {
      reprocess(x, newdata, colind)
    } else {
    comp <- comp[which(comp <= x$ncomp)]
    ##project_xav(Xsup, x$A[colind,colind,drop=FALSE], x$v[colind,comp,drop=FALSE])
    Xsup %*% x$v[colind,comp,drop=FALSE]

#' @export
project_cols.genpca <- function(x, newdata, comp=1:ncomp(x)) {
  ## if no newdata, then simply return the loadings
  if (missing(newdata)) {
    return(loadings(x)[,comp, drop=FALSE])
  } else {
    if (is.vector(newdata)) {
      newdata <- as.matrix(newdata, ncol=1)
    assert_that(nrow(newdata) == nrow(x$u))
    t(newdata) %*% x$M %*% (x$u[,comp,drop=FALSE]) %*% diag(1/x$d[comp], nrow=length(comp), ncol=length(comp))

#' @keywords internal
gmdLA <- function(X, Q, R, k=min(n,p), n, p, maxeig=800) {

  if (isDiagonal(R)) {
    Rtilde <- Matrix::Diagonal(x=sqrt(Matrix::diag(R)))
    Rtilde.inv = Matrix::Diagonal(x=1/sqrt(Matrix::diag(R)))
  } else {
    decomp <- if (!is.null(attr(R, "decomp"))) {
      ## cached decomposition (should validate)
      attr(R, "decomp")
    } else {
      if (nrow(R) > maxeig) {
        ## large matrix, truncate for speed
        RSpectra::eigs_sym(R, k=maxeig)
      } else {
        eigen(R, symmetric=TRUE)
    if (length(decomp$values) > 1) {
      v <- decomp$values
      if (sum(v < 0) > 1) {
        warning(paste("genpca: removing ", sum(v<0), 
                      " negative eigenvalues when computing inverse of constraint matrix"))
    keep <- which(decomp$values > 0 & (abs(decomp$values) > 1e-6))
    decomp$vectors <- decomp$vectors[, keep]
    decomp$values <- decomp$values[keep]
    ## R^(1/2)
    Rtilde <- decomp$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(decomp$values)) %*% t(decomp$vectors)
    inv.values = 1 / sqrt(decomp$values)
    ## R^(-1/2)
    Rtilde.inv = decomp$vectors %*% diag(inv.values) %*% t(decomp$vectors)
  ## X' %*% Q %*% X
  inmat <- Matrix::crossprod(X, Q) %*% X
  ## R^(1/2) %*% X' %*% Q %*% X %*% R^(1/2) 
  RtinRt <- Rtilde %*% inmat %*% Rtilde
  XR <- X %*% R
  ## nXn * n*n * pXp
  ## R %*% X' %*% Q %*% X %*% R
  RnR <- R %*% inmat %*% R
  xtilde.decomp <- if (k == min(n,p)) {
  } else {
    #RSpectra::eigs_sym(RtinRt, k=k)
    ret <- RSpectra::eigs_sym(RtinRt, k=k+1)
    list(vectors=ret$vectors, values=ret$values)

  keep <- which(abs(xtilde.decomp$values) > 1e-6 & (xtilde.decomp$values > 0 ))
  k <- min(k, length(keep))
  xtilde.decomp$vectors <- xtilde.decomp$vectors[, 1:k]
  xtilde.decomp$values <- xtilde.decomp$values[1:k]
  #Rtilde.inv %*% xtilde.decomp$vectors
  ## R^(-1/2) %*% v
  vgmd <- Rtilde.inv %*% xtilde.decomp$vectors
  dgmd <- sqrt(xtilde.decomp$values[1:k])
  ugmd <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = k)
  cumv <- rep(0, k)
  propv <- dgmd ^ 2 / sum(diag(as.matrix(inmat %*% R)))
  normalizing.number <- 1
  for (i in 1:k) {
    normalizing.number = sqrt(vgmd[, i] %*% RnR %*% vgmd[, i])
    ugmd[, i] = as.matrix(XR %*% vgmd[, i]) / as.double(normalizing.number)
    cumv[i] = sum(propv[1:i])
    u = ugmd[, 1:k, drop=FALSE],
    v = vgmd[, 1:k, drop=FALSE],
    d = dgmd[1:k],
    k = k,
    cumv = cumv,
    propv = propv

#' @examples 
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(100*100), 100,100)
#' res <- genpca(X)
reconstruct.genpca <- function(x, newdata=NULL,
                               colind=NULL, rowind=NULL, reverse_pre_process=TRUE) {
  ## X = FV
  ## F = M(XAV)
  ## F = MUD
  ## X = M(AV')(F')
  #Xr = x$M %*% (Fp %*% t(x$A %*% x$ov))
  ## Xr = x$ou %*% diag(x$d) %*% t(x$ov)
  ## does not work when X is uncentered
  assert_that(max(comp) <= length(x$d))
  if (!is.null(newdata)) {
    assert_that(ncol(newdata) == length(comp) && nrow(newdata) == nrow(scores(x)))
  } else {
    newdata <- x$ou[,comp, drop=FALSE]
    #newdata <- scores(x)[,comp, drop=FALSE]
  if (is.null(rowind)) {
    rowind <- 1:nrow(newdata)
  } else {
    assert_that(all(rowind > 0) && max(rowind) < nrow(newdata))
  if (is.null(colind)) {
    if (reverse_pre_process) {
      nd <- newdata[rowind,,drop=FALSE]
      x$preproc$reverse_transform(nd %*% diagonal(x$d[comp]) %*% t(x$ov[,comp,drop=FALSE]))
    } else {
      newdata %*% diagonal(x$d[comp]) %*% t(x$ov[,comp,drop=FALSE])
  } else {
    if (reverse_pre_process) {
      x$preproc$reverse_transform(newdata[rowind,,drop=FALSE] %*% diagonal(x$d[comp]) %*% t(x$ov[,comp,drop=FALSE])[,colind], 
    } else {
      newdata[rowind,,drop=FALSE] %*% diagonal(x$d[comp]) %*% t(x$ov[,comp,drop=FALSE])[,colind]
 #' @export
truncate.genpca <- function(obj, ncomp) {
  if (ncomp >= obj$ncomp) {
    warning("number of components to keep is greater than or equal to rank of pca fit, returning original model")
    ret <- obj
  } else {
    ret <- list(v=obj$v[,1:ncomp], 
                ncomp=ncomp, svd.method=obj$svd.method, 
    class(ret) <- c("genpca", "pca", "projector", "list")

# mmult <- function(X, q) {
#   if (is.vector(q)) {
#     t(t(X) * q)
#   } else {
#     X %*% q
#   }
# }
# mmult2 <- function(q, X) {
#   if (is.vector(q)) {
#     t(q * t(X))
#   } else {
#     q %*% X
#   }
# }
# cprod <- function(X, q) {
#   if (is.vector(q)) {
#     t(X * q)
#   } else {
#     Matrix::crossprod(X, q)
#   }
# }

gmd_deflationR <- function(X, Q, R, k, thr = 1e-6, svd_init=TRUE) {
  n = nrow(X)
  p = ncol(X)
  #arma::mat ugmd(n, k, fill::zeros);
  #arma::mat vgmd(p, k, fill::zeros);

  ugmd = matrix(nrow=n, ncol = k)
  vgmd = matrix(nrow=p, ncol = k)
  dgmd = rep(0,k)
  propv = rep(0,k)
  Xhat = X
  if (svd_init) {
    init <- rsvd::rsvd(Xhat,k=1)
    u <- init$u[,1,drop=FALSE]
    v <- init$v[,1,drop=FALSE]
  } else {
    u = cbind(rnorm(n))
    v = cbind(rnorm(p))
  #if (p > n) {
  #  qrnorm = trace(X * R * X.t() * Q);
  #} else {
  #  qrnorm = trace(X.t() * Q * X * R);
  qrnorm = sum(Matrix::diag(Matrix::crossprod(X,Q) %*% X %*% R))
  cumv = rep(0,k)
  print("begin loop")
  for(i in 1:k){
    err <- 1
    if (svd_init && i > 1) {
      init <- rsvd::rsvd(Xhat,k=1)
      v <- init$v[,1,drop=FALSE]
    while(err > thr){
      oldu = u
      oldv = v
      uhat = Xhat %*% (R %*% v)
      #u = uhat/as.double(sqrt(t(uhat)%*% Q %*% uhat))
      u = uhat/as.double(sqrt(Matrix::crossprod(uhat, Q) %*% uhat))
      #vhat = t(Xhat) %*% Q %*% u
      #vhat2 <- t(Xhat) %*% (Q %*% u)
      vhat <- Matrix::crossprod(Xhat, (Q %*% u)) 
      #v = vhat/as.double(sqrt(t(vhat) %*% R %*% vhat))
      v <- vhat / as.double(sqrt(Matrix::crossprod(vhat, R) %*% vhat))
      err = as.numeric(t(oldu - u) %*% (oldu - u) + t(oldv -v ) %*% (oldv - v))
      print(paste("err: ", err))
      if (is.na(err)) {
        print(paste("t(oldu - u) %*% (oldu - u)", t(oldu - u) %*% (oldu - u)))
        print(paste("t(oldv -v ) %*% (oldv - v)", t(oldv -v ) %*% (oldv - v)))
    dgmd[i] = Matrix::crossprod(u, Q) %*% X %*% (R %*% v)
    ugmd[,i] = u[,1]
    vgmd[,i] = v[,1]
    Xhat = Xhat - dgmd[i] *  u %*% t(v)
    propv[i] = dgmd[i]^2/as.double(qrnorm)
    cumv[i] = sum(propv[1:i])
  list(d=as.vector(dgmd), v=vgmd, u=ugmd, cumv=cumv, propv=propv)
bbuchsbaum/neuropls documentation built on April 17, 2022, 8:46 a.m.