
Defines functions .neighbors_to_graph find_all_neighbors findNeighbors

Documented in find_all_neighbors

#' @include all_class.R
#' @include all_generic.R

findNeighbors <- function(graph, node, radius, edgeWeights, max_order=NULL) {
  if (is.null(max_order)) {
    avg_weight <- mean(edgeWeights)
    max_order <- radius/avg_weight + (2*avg_weight)

  cand <- igraph::ego(graph, order= max_order, nodes=node)[[1]]
  D <- igraph::distances(graph, node, cand, weights=edgeWeights, algorithm="dijkstra")
  keep <- which(D < radius)[-1]

#' find node neighbors
#' find all neighbors in a surface mesh within a radius
#' @param surf the \code{SurfaceGeometry} object
#' @param radius the spatial radius to search within
#' @param edgeWeights the set of edgeWeights used to compute distances
#' @param nodes the subset of nodes to find neighbors of. If `NULL` use all nodes.
#' @param distance_type the distance metric to use
#' @export
#' @importFrom FNN get.knn
find_all_neighbors <- function(surf, radius, edgeWeights, nodes=NULL,
                               distance_type=c("euclidean", "geodesic", "spherical")) {
  ## check out geosphere package
  if (inherits(surf, "igraph")) {
    g <- surf
  } else {
    g <- graph(surf)

  distance_type <- match.arg(distance_type)

  avg_weight <- stats::quantile(edgeWeights, .25)

  if (is.null(nodes)) {
    nodes <- igraph::V(g)

  all_can <- FNN::get.knn(coords(surf), k=ceiling((radius+2)/avg_weight)^3)

  cds <- coords(g)

  if (distance_type == "spherical") {
    R <- diff(range(cds[,1]))/2
    lat <- asin(cds[,3]/R)
    lon <- atan2(cds[,2], cds[,1])

  nabeinfo <- lapply(nodes, function(v) {
    cand <- c(v, all_can$nn.index[v,])
    if (distance_type == "geodesic") {
      D <- igraph::distances(g, v, cand, weights=edgeWeights, algorithm="dijkstra")
    } else if (distance_type == "euclidean") {
      D <- c(0, all_can$nn.dist[v,])
    } else if (distance_type == "spherical") {
      ind <- all_can$nn.index[v,]
      ang <- acos(sin(lat[v]) * sin(lat[ind]) + cos(lat[v]) * cos(lat[ind]) * cos(abs(lon[v] - lon[ind])))
      D <- c(0, R * ang)

    keep <- which(D < radius)
    if (length(keep) > 0) {
      knabes <- cand[keep]
      cbind(i=rep(v, length(knabes)), j=knabes, d=D[keep])
    } else {



# convert an edge list to an 'igraph' instance
#' @importFrom plyr rbind.fill.matrix
.neighbors_to_graph <- function(nabelist) {
  mat <- plyr::rbind.fill.matrix(nabelist)
  g <- igraph::graph.edgelist(mat[,1:2])
  igraph::E(g)$dist <- as.numeric(mat[,3])

#' @rdname neighbor_graph
#' @importFrom grDevices rainbow
#' @param distance_type the distance function
#' @export
#' @aliases neighbor_graph,igraph,numeric,missing,missing
setMethod(f="neighbor_graph", signature=c(x="igraph", radius="numeric", edgeWeights="missing", nodes="missing"),
          def=function(x, radius, distance_type=c("geodesic", "euclidean", "spherical")) {
            distance_type <- match.arg(distance_type)
            nabeinfo <- find_all_neighbors(x, radius, as.vector(edgeWeights),

#' @rdname neighbor_graph
#' @importFrom grDevices rainbow
#' @export
#' @aliases neighbor_graph,igraph,numeric,missing,missing
setMethod(f="neighbor_graph", signature=c(x="SurfaceGeometry", radius="numeric", edgeWeights="missing", nodes="missing"),
          def=function(x, radius, distance_type=c("geodesic", "euclidean", "spherical")) {
            distance_type <- match.arg(distance_type)
            nabeinfo <- find_all_neighbors(x, radius, as.vector(edgeWeights), distance_type=distance_type)

#' @rdname neighbor_graph
#' @export
#' @aliases neighbor_graph,igraph,numeric,numeric,missing
setMethod(f="neighbor_graph", signature=c(x="SurfaceGeometry", radius="numeric", edgeWeights="numeric", nodes="missing"),
          def=function(x, radius, edgeWeights, distance_type=c("geodesic", "euclidean", "spherical")) {
            distance_type <- match.arg(distance_type)
            stopifnot(length(edgeWeights) == length(igraph::E(graph(x))))
            nabeinfo <- find_all_neighbors(x, radius, edgeWeights, distance_type=distance_type)

#' @rdname neighbor_graph
#' @export
#' @aliases neighbor_graph,igraph,numeric,numeric,integer
setMethod(f="neighbor_graph", signature=c(x="SurfaceGeometry", radius="numeric", edgeWeights="numeric", nodes="integer"),

          def=function(x,radius, edgeWeights, nodes, distance_type=c("geodesic", "euclidean", "spherical")) {
            distance_type <- match.arg(distance_type)
            assert_that(length(edgeWeights) == length(igraph::E(graph(x))))
            nabeinfo <- find_all_neighbors(x,radius, edgeWeights, nodes, distance_type=distance_type)

#' @rdname neighbor_graph
#' @export
#' @aliases neighbor_graph,igraph,numeric,missing,integer
setMethod(f="neighbor_graph", signature=c(x="SurfaceGeometry", radius="numeric", edgeWeights="missing", nodes="integer"),
          def=function(x,radius, nodes, distance_type=c("geodesic", "euclidean", "spherical")) {
            distance_type <- match.arg(distance_type)
            nabeinfo <- find_all_neighbors(x, radius, igraph::E(graph(x))$dist, nodes,distance_type=distance_type)

#' @export
#' @rdname laplacian
setMethod(f="laplacian", signature=c(x="SurfaceGeometry", normalized="missing", weights="missing"),
          def=function(x) {

#' @export
#' @rdname laplacian
setMethod(f="laplacian", signature=c(x="SurfaceGeometry", normalized="missing", weights="numeric"),
          def=function(x, weights) {
            igraph::laplacian_matrix(neurosurf::graph(x), weights=weights)

#' @export
#' @rdname adjacency
setMethod(f="adjacency", signature=c(x="SurfaceGeometry", attr="numeric"),
          def=function(x, attr) {
            g <- graph(x)
            igraph::E(g)$awt <- attr
            igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(g, attr="awt")

#' @export
#' @rdname adjacency
setMethod(f="adjacency", signature=c(x="SurfaceGeometry", attr="character"),
          def=function(x, attr) {
            igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(graph(x), attr=attr)

#' @export
#' @rdname adjacency
setMethod(f="adjacency", signature=c(x="SurfaceGeometry", attr="missing"),
          def=function(x) {

#' @export
#' @import Rvcg
#' @rdname smooth
#' @param type the smoothing method
#' @param lambda smoothing parameter (see Rvcg::vcgSmooth)
#' @param mu smoothing parameter (see Rvcg::vcgSmooth)
#' @param delta smoothing parameter (see Rvcg::vcgSmooth)
#' @param iteration number of smoothing iterations
setMethod(f="smooth", signature=c(x="SurfaceGeometry"),
          def=function(x, type=c("taubin","laplace","HClaplace","fujiLaplace","angWeight","surfPreserveLaplace"),
                       lambda=.7, mu=-.53, delta=.1, iteration=25) {
            smesh <- Rvcg::vcgSmooth(x@mesh, type=type, lambda=lambda, mu=mu, delta=delta, iteration=iteration)
            x@mesh <- smesh

#' @export
#' @rdname smooth
#' @param sigma the smoothing radius
setMethod(f="smooth", signature=c(x="NeuroSurface"),
           def=function(x, sigma=5, ...) {
             g <- graph(geometry(x))

             ind <- x@indices
             vlist <- igraph::adjacent_vertices(g, ind)
             cds <- coords(x)

             svals <- purrr::map_dbl(1:length(vlist), function(i) {
               m <- series(x, c(ind[i], vlist[[i]]))

             NeuroSurface(x@geometry, indices=ind, data=unlist(svals))
bbuchsbaum/neurosurf documentation built on April 6, 2021, 10:08 a.m.