
#' Build Y matrix from supplied data
#' Build Y matrix from supplied data
#' Build Y matrix from supplied data
#' @param p number of lags
#' @param Y_in multivariate time series [T_in x m]
#' @return Y [T x m] matrix of left hand side endogeneous variables, T = T_in - p
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Yraw)
#' Y <- bvar_build_Y(Yraw, p = 4)
bvar_build_Y <- function(Y_in, p = 1) {

  # transform Y_in from data.frame to matrix
  # so that cbind(NULL, Y_block) will work
  Y_in <- as.matrix(Y_in)

  # p first observations of Y_in are used only as regressors
  Y <- utils::tail(Y_in, -p)


#' Build X matrix from supplied data
#' Build X matrix from supplied data
#' Build X matrix from supplied data
#' @param p number of lags
#' @param Y_in endogeneous variables [T_in x m]
#' @param Z_in optional exogeneous variables [T_in x ...]
#' @param constant whether the constant should be included, default is TRUE
#' @return X [T x k] matrix of right hand side regressors: endogeneous and exogeneous variables,
#' T = T_in - p, k = m * p + d, d is the number of exogeneous variables including constant if present
#' X = [endo | const | other exo]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Yraw)
#' X <- bvar_build_X(Yraw, constant = TRUE, p = 4)
bvar_build_X <- function(Y_in, Z_in = NULL, constant = TRUE, p = 1) {

  # if Z_in is provided it should have the same number of rows that Y_in
  if (!is.null(Z_in))
    if (!nrow(Y_in) == nrow(Z_in)) {
      stop("Number of rows in Y_in and Z_in should be equal.
           The first p rows of Z_in are not used and may be filled with NA")
  # if requested add constant to exogeneous regressors
  if (constant) {
    Z_in <- cbind(rep(1, nrow(Y_in)), Z_in)
    colnames(Z_in)[1] <- "const"

  # transform Y_in from data.frame to matrix
  # so that cbind(NULL, Y_block) will work
  Y_in <- as.matrix(Y_in)

  # p first observations of Y_in are used only as regressors
  Y <- utils::tail(Y_in, -p)
  # p first observations of Z_in are not used only at all
  Z <- utils::tail(Z_in, -p)

  # number of observations supplied
  T_in <- nrow(Y_in)

  # create X matrix
  X <- NULL
  for (j in 1:p) {
    Y_block <- Y_in[(p + 1 - j):(T_in - j),]
    colnames(Y_block) <- paste0(colnames(Y), ", l = ", j)
    X <- cbind(X, Y_block)
  X <- cbind(X, Z)


#' Recover original Y_in from Y, X and number of lags p
#' Recover original Y_in from Y, X and number of lags p
#' Recover original Y_in from Y, X and number of lags p
#' @param p number of lags
#' @param X [T x k] matrix of right hand side regressors: endogeneous and exogeneous variables
#' @param Y [T x m] matrix of left hand side endogeneous variables
#' @return original supplied Y_in
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Yraw)
#' Y <- bvar_build_Y(Yraw, p = 4)
#' X <- bvar_build_X(Yraw, constant = TRUE, p = 4)
#' Y_in <- bvar_get_Y_in(Y, X, p = 4)
bvar_get_Y_in <- function(Y, X, p) {
  # Y contains all obs except the first p
  m <- ncol(Y)
  Y_in <- rbind(X[1:p, (m * (p - 1) + 1):(m * p)] , Y)
  colnames(Y_in) <- colnames(Y)
  rownames(Y_in) <- NULL

#' Calculate hyperparameters from artificial observations
#' Calculate hyperparameters from artificial observations
#' Calculate hyperparameters from artificial observations. Can be used both for prior and posterior
#' hyperparameters. In the case of prior hyperparameters X_star usually consists of X_cniw, X_io and X_sc.
#' In the case of posterior hyperparameters X_star usually consists of X, X_cniw, X_io and X_sc.
#' @param X_star [T_star x k] matrix of right hand side regressors: endogeneous and exogeneous variables
#' @param Y_star [T_star x m] matrix of left hand side endogeneous variables
#' @return list of hyperparameters: Omega, Omega_root, Phi, S
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Yraw)
#' X <- bvar_build_X(Yraw, constant = TRUE, p = 4)
#' Y <- bvar_build_Y(Yraw, p = 4)
#' post <- bvar_conj_dummy2hyper(Y,X) # no dummy observation, just for demo
bvar_conj_dummy2hyper <- function(Y_star, X_star) {

  X_star_svd <- svd(X_star) # risky operation

  diag_inv <- diag(1 / X_star_svd$d)

  # if (all(is.finite(diag_inv))) {
    Omega_root <- X_star_svd$v %*% diag_inv %*% t(X_star_svd$v)

    # following operations are riskless (no inverse, no root, + and * only)
    Omega <- Omega_root %*% Omega_root

    Phi_star <- Omega %*% crossprod(X_star, Y_star)
    E_star <- Y_star - X_star %*% Phi_star
    S <- crossprod(E_star)

    endo_varnames <- bvar_get_endo_varnames(Y_star)
    X_varnames <- colnames(X_star)
  #} else { # we'll do our best to deal with infinite values...

  colnames(Omega) <- X_varnames
  rownames(Omega) <- X_varnames
  colnames(Omega_root) <- X_varnames
  rownames(Omega_root) <- X_varnames
  colnames(S) <- endo_varnames
  rownames(S) <- endo_varnames
  colnames(Phi_star) <- paste0("eq_", endo_varnames)
  rownames(Phi_star) <- X_varnames

  hyper <- list(Omega_root = Omega_root, Omega = Omega, Phi = Phi_star, S = S)

#' Calculate artificial observations from hyperparameters
#' Calculate artificial observations from hyperparameters
#' Calculate artificial observations from hyperparameters.
#' Usually used to calculate artificial observations
#' from prior hyperparameters.
#' @param Omega [k x k] hyperparameter, scale matrix for covariance of coefficients
#' @param S [m x m] hyperparameter, scale matrix for IW-distribution
#' @param Phi [k x m] hyperparameter, expected values of coefficients
#' @return list of artificial observations: X_plus, Y_plus
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Yraw)
#' X <- bvar_build_X(Yraw, constant = TRUE, p = 4)
#' Y <- bvar_build_Y(Yraw, p = 4)
#' hyper <- bvar_conj_dummy2hyper(Y, X) # no dummy observation, just for demo
#' dummy <- bvar_conj_hyper2dummy(hyper$Omega, hyper$S, hyper$Phi)
bvar_conj_hyper2dummy <- function(Omega, S, Phi) {
  # http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/712993/cholesky-decomposition-of-the-inverse-of-a-matrix
  X_block_1 <- solve(chol(Omega)) # very risky operation: both chol and solve may fail
  Y_block_1 <- solve(X_block_1, t(X_block_1) %*% X_block_1 %*% Phi)

  X_block_2 <- matrix(0, nrow = ncol(S), ncol = ncol(Omega))
  Y_block_2 <- chol(S)

  X_plus <- rbind(X_block_1, X_block_2)
  Y_plus <- rbind(Y_block_1, Y_block_2)

  rownames(X_plus) <- NULL
  rownames(Y_plus) <- NULL
  colnames(Y_plus) <- colnames(S)

  dummy <- list(X_plus = X_plus, Y_plus = Y_plus)

#' Create prior hyperparameters from lambdas
#' Create prior hyperparameters from lambdas
#' Create prior hyperparameters from lambdas.
#' Lambdas specification is based on Carriero
#' "Bayesian VARs: Specification Choices and Forecast Accuracy" section 3.2.
#' @param p number of lags
#' @param Y_in multivariate time series
#' @param lambda vector = (l_1, l_lag, l_sc, l_io, l_const, l_exo), the l_kron is set to 1 automatically for
#' conjugate N-IW prior. Short summary valid for NO sc/io case:
#' sd(const in eq i) = l_const * sigma_i
#' sd(exo in eq i)= l_exo * sigma_i
#' sd(coef for var j lag l in eq i) = l_1*sigma_i/sigma_j/l^l_lag
#' lambdas may be Inf
#' l_io or l_sc equal to NA means no corresponding dummy observations
#' @param Z_in exogeneous variables
#' @param constant logical, default is TRUE, whether the constant should be included
#' @param s2_lag number of lags in AR() model used to estimate s2 (equal to p by default)
#' Carriero uses 1 in his matlab code
#' http://cremfi.econ.qmul.ac.uk/efp/info.php
#' @param delta vector [m x 1] or scalar or "AR1". Are used for prior Phi_1 and in sc/io dummy observations
#' Scalar value is replicated m times. If set to "AR1" then deltas will be estimated as AR(1) coefficients (but not greater than one).
#' Diagonal of Phi_1 is equal to delta. y_bar is multiplied by delta componentwise.
#' By default delta is equal to 1.
#' @param y_bar_type (either "all" or "initial"). Determines how y_bar for sc and io dummy is calculated.
#' "all": y_bar is mean of y for all observations, "initial": p initial observations
#' Carriero: all, Sim-Zha: initial
#' @param carriero_hack logical, if TRUE sigma^2 will be estimated using biased estimator
#' and supposed error with no square roots in dummy observations will be reproduced
#' FALSE by default
#' @return dummy list containing:
#' Omega, Omega_root
#' S, Phi
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Yraw)
#' prior <- bvar_conj_lambda2hyper(Yraw, p = 4, lambda = c(0.2, 1, 1, 1, 100, 100))
bvar_conj_lambda2hyper <- function(Y_in, Z_in = NULL, constant = TRUE, p = 4,
                                   lambda = c(0.2, 1, 1, 1, 100, 100),
                                   delta = 1,
                                   s2_lag = NULL,
                                   y_bar_type = c("initial", "all"),
                                   carriero_hack = FALSE) {

  message("Calculation of hyperparameters from lambdas is not implemented yet :(")
  message("You may safely ignore the message if you supply lambdas :)")

  prior <- list()

#' Create [m x 1] vector of deltas from delta description
#' Create [m x 1] vector of deltas from delta description
#' Create [m x 1] vector of deltas from delta description
#' @param Y_in multivariate time series
#' @param delta description of delta. May be: one number, "AR1", or ready to go [m x 1] vector
#' @export
#' @return [m x 1] vector of deltas
#' @examples
#' data(Yraw)
#' dummy <- bvar_conj_delta(Yraw, delta = "AR1")
bvar_conj_delta <- function(Y_in, delta) {
  m <- ncol(Y_in)
  if (delta[1] == "AR1") { # set deltas as AR(1) coefficients but no more than 1
    delta <- rep(1, m) # reserve space
    for (j in 1:m) {
      y_uni <- Y_in[, j] # univariate time series
      # more robust version: fails only in the case of  severe multicollinearity
      AR_1 <- stats::ar.ols(y_uni, aic = FALSE, order.max = 1) # AR(1) model
      delta[j] <- AR_1$ar
      if (delta[j] > 1) {
        delta[j] <- 1
  if (length(delta) == 1) {
    delta <- rep(delta, m) # copy scalar values
  if (!length(delta) == m) {
    stop("Length of delta should be equal to 1 or m")

#' Create [m x 1] vector of sigma^2 from supplied time series
#' Create [m x 1] vector of sigma^2 from supplied time series
#' Create [m x 1] vector of sigma^2 from supplied time series
#' @param Y_in multivariate time series
#' @param s2_lag number of lags to estimate sigma^2
#' @param carriero_hack logical, if TRUE sigma^2 will be estimated using biased estimator
#' and supposed error with no square roots in dummy observations will be reproduced
#' FALSE by default
#' @export
#' @return [m x 1] vector of sigmas^2
#' @examples
#' data(Yraw)
#' sigma2 <- bvar_conj_sigma2(Yraw)
bvar_conj_sigma2 <- function(Y_in, s2_lag = 1, carriero_hack = FALSE) {
  m <- ncol(Y_in)

  sigmas_sq <- rep(NA, m)
  for (j in 1:m) {
    y_uni <- Y_in[, j] # univariate time series
    # more robust version: fails only in the case of  severe multicollinearity
    AR_p <- stats::ar.ols(y_uni, aic = FALSE, order.max = s2_lag) # AR(p) model
    resid <- utils::tail(AR_p$resid, -s2_lag) # omit first p NA in residuals
    sigmas_sq[j] <- sum(resid ^ 2) / (length(resid) - s2_lag - 1)
    if (carriero_hack) { # Carriero uses biased sigma^2 estimator in his code
      sigmas_sq[j] <- sum(resid ^ 2) / length(resid)


#' Create dummy observations from lambdas
#' Create dummy observations from lambdas
#' Create dummy observations from lambdas.
#' Lambdas specification is based on Carriero
#' "Bayesian VARs: Specification Choices and Forecast Accuracy" section 3.2.
#' @param p number of lags
#' @param Y_in multivariate time series
#' @param lambda vector = (l_1, l_lag, l_sc, l_io, l_const, l_exo), the l_kron is set to 1 automatically for
#' conjugate N-IW prior. Short summary valid for NO sc/io case:
#' sd(const in eq i) = l_const * sigma_i
#' sd(exo in eq i)= l_exo * sigma_i
#' sd(coef for var j lag l in eq i) = l_1*sigma_i/sigma_j/l^l_lag
#' lambdas may be Inf
#' l_io or l_sc equal to NA means no corresponding dummy observations
#' @param Z_in exogeneous variables
#' @param constant logical, default is TRUE, whether the constant should be included
#' @param s2_lag number of lags in AR() model used to estimate s2 (equal to p by default)
#' Carriero uses 1 in his matlab code
#' @param delta vector [m x 1] or scalar or "AR1". Are used for prior Phi_1 and in sc/io dummy observations
#' Scalar value is replicated m times. If set to "AR1" then deltas will be estimated as AR(1) coefficients (but not greater than one).
#' Diagonal of Phi_1 is equal to delta. y_bar is multiplied by delta componentwise. All observations in Y_in are
#' used to estimate AR(1) coefficient.
#' By default delta is equal to 1.
#' @param y_bar_type (either "all" or "initial"). Determines how y_bar for sc and io dummy is calculated.
#' "all": y_bar is mean of y for all observations, "initial": p initial observations
#' Carriero: all, Sim-Zha: initial
#' @param carriero_hack logical, if TRUE sigma^2 will be estimated using biased estimator
#' and supposed error with no square roots in dummy observations will be reproduced
#' FALSE by default
#' @return dummy list containing:
#' X_cniw,  Y_cniw
#' X_sc, Y_sc
#' X_io, Y_io
#' X_plus, Y_plus binding all corresponging Xs and Ys
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Yraw)
#' dummy <- bvar_conj_lambda2dummy(Yraw, p = 4, lambda = c(0.2, 1, 1, 1, 100, 100))
bvar_conj_lambda2dummy <- function(Y_in, Z_in = NULL, constant = TRUE, p = 4,
                                   lambda = c(0.2, 1, 1, 1, 100, 100),
                                   delta = 1,
                                   s2_lag = NULL,
                                   y_bar_type = c("initial", "all"),
                                   carriero_hack = FALSE) {

  l_1 <- lambda[1]
  # l_kron <- 1 # for the reader of this code. l_kron is always 1 for conjugate NIW
  l_lag <- lambda[2]
  l_sc <- lambda[3]
  l_io <- lambda[4]
  l_const <- lambda[5]
  l_exo <- lambda[6]

  y_bar_type <- match.arg(y_bar_type)

  Y_in <- as.matrix(Y_in) # to clear tbl_df if present :)
  m <- ncol(Y_in)

  # get variable names
  endo_varnames <- bvar_get_endo_varnames(Y_in)
  exo_varnames <- bvar_get_exo_varnames(Z_in, constant = constant)

  # calculate d, the number of exogeneous regressors
  if (is.null(Z_in)) {
    d <- 1 * constant
  } else {
    d <- ncol(Z_in) + 1 * constant

  # if requested add constant to exogeneous regressors
  # constant to the left of other exo variables
  if (constant) Z <- cbind(rep(1, nrow(Y_in)), Z_in)

  k <- m * p + d

  ##### create vector of delta from Y_in and delta descriptions
  delta <- bvar_conj_delta(Y_in, delta)

  ######  estimate sigma^2 from univariate AR(p) processes
  # Carriero matlab code: always AR(1)!
  if (is.null(s2_lag)) {
    s2_lag <- p
  sigmas_sq <- bvar_conj_sigma2(Y_in, s2_lag, carriero_hack = carriero_hack)

  ###### calculate y_bar
  if (y_bar_type == "initial") {
    sc_io_numrows <- p
  if (y_bar_type == "all") {
    sc_io_numrows <- nrow(Y_in)

  y_bar <- apply(as.matrix(Y_in[1:sc_io_numrows, ],
                    nrow = sc_io_numrows), 2, mean) # vector [m x 1] of mean values of each endo-series
  if (is.null(Z)) { # special case of no constant and no exo vars
    z_bar <- NULL
  if (!is.null(Z)) { # "as.matrix" is needed to avoid errors for sc_io_numrows=1 or d=1
    z_bar <- apply(as.matrix(Z[1:sc_io_numrows, ],
                    nrow = sc_io_numrows), 2, mean) # vector [d x 1] of mean values of each exo-series

  # sc, sum of coefficients prior
  Y_sc <- NULL
  X_sc <- NULL
  if (!is.na(l_sc)) {
    Y_sc <- matrix(0, m, m) # zero matrix [m x m]
    colnames(Y_sc) <- endo_varnames

    diag(Y_sc) <- delta * y_bar / l_sc

    exo_dummy <- matrix(0, m, d)

    X_sc <- cbind(kronecker(matrix(1, 1, p), Y_sc) , exo_dummy)  # zero matrix [m x k]
    colnames(X_sc) <- bvar_create_X_colnames(endo_varnames, exo_varnames, p)

  # io, dummy initial observation
  Y_io <- NULL
  X_io <- NULL
  if (!is.na(l_io)) {
    Y_io <- matrix(delta * y_bar / l_io, nrow = 1)
    colnames(Y_io) <- endo_varnames

    X_io <- matrix(c(rep(delta * y_bar / l_io, p), z_bar / l_io), nrow = 1)
    colnames(X_io) <- bvar_create_X_colnames(endo_varnames, exo_varnames, p)

  # dummy cNIW = conjugate Normal Inverse Wishart
  y_cniw_block_1 <- diag(sqrt(sigmas_sq) * delta) / l_1
  y_cniw_block_2 <- matrix(0, nrow = m * (p - 1), ncol = m)
  y_cniw_block_3 <- diag(sqrt(sigmas_sq))
  y_cniw_block_4 <- matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = m)

  if (carriero_hack) { # wrong formulas, but useful for comparison with carriero code
    y_cniw_block_1 <- diag(sigmas_sq * delta) / l_1
    y_cniw_block_3 <- diag(sigmas_sq)

  Y_cniw <- rbind(y_cniw_block_1, y_cniw_block_2, y_cniw_block_3, y_cniw_block_4)
  colnames(Y_cniw) <- endo_varnames

  x_cniw_block_1 <- cbind(kronecker(diag((1:p) ^ l_lag), diag(sqrt(sigmas_sq))) / l_1,
                           matrix(0, nrow = m * p, ncol = d))
  x_cniw_block_2 <- matrix(0, nrow = m, ncol = k)
  x_cniw_block_3 <- c(rep(0, m * p), rep(1 / l_const, constant), rep(1 / l_exo, d - constant))

  if (carriero_hack) { # wrong formulas, but useful for comparison with carriero code
    x_cniw_block_1 <- cbind(kronecker(diag((1:p) ^ l_lag),
                                       diag(sigmas_sq)) / l_1, matrix(0, nrow = m * p, ncol = d))

  X_cniw <- rbind(x_cniw_block_1, x_cniw_block_2, x_cniw_block_3)
  rownames(X_cniw) <- NULL
  colnames(X_cniw) <- bvar_create_X_colnames(endo_varnames, exo_varnames, p)

  X_plus <- rbind(X_cniw, X_sc, X_io)
  Y_plus <- rbind(Y_cniw, Y_sc, Y_io)

  dummy <- list(X_sc = X_sc, Y_sc = Y_sc,
                X_io = X_io, Y_io = Y_io,
                X_cniw = X_cniw, Y_cniw = Y_cniw,
                X_plus = X_plus, Y_plus = Y_plus,
                sigma_sq = sigmas_sq)

#' Get endogeneous variable names from supplied data
#' Get endogeneous variable names from supplied data
#' Get endogeneous variable names from supplied data
#' @param Y_in [T_in x m] multivariate time series
#' @export
#' @return vector of variable names
#' @examples
#' data(Yraw)
#' bvar_get_endo_varnames(Yraw)
bvar_get_endo_varnames <- function(Y_in) {
  endo_varnames <- colnames(Y_in)
  if (is.null(endo_varnames)) {
    endo_varnames <- paste0("endo_", 1:ncol(Y_in))

#' Get exogeneous variable names from supplied data
#' Get exogeneous variable names from supplied data
#' Get exogeneous variable names from supplied data
#' @param constant logical, default is TRUE, whether the constant should be included
#' @param Z_in [T_in x m] multivariate time series
#' @export
#' @return vector of variable names
#' @examples
#' data(Yraw)
#' bvar_get_exo_varnames(Yraw)
bvar_get_exo_varnames <- function(Z_in, constant = TRUE) {
  exo_varnames <- colnames(Z_in)
  if (is.null(exo_varnames) & !is.null(Z_in)) {
    exo_varnames <- paste0("exo_",1:ncol(Z_in))

  exo_varnames <- c(rep("const", constant), exo_varnames)

#' Get X column names from exo_varnames and endo_varnames
#' Get X column names from exo_varnames and endo_varnames
#' Get X column names from exo_varnames and endo_varnames
#' @param p number of lags
#' @param exo_varnames exogeneous variable names
#' @param endo_varnames endogeneous variable names
#' @export
#' @return vector of variable names
#' @examples
#' data(Yraw)
#' exo_names <- bvar_get_exo_varnames(Yraw)
#' endo_names <- bvar_get_endo_varnames(Yraw)
#' bvar_create_X_colnames(endo_names, exo_names, p = 2)
bvar_create_X_colnames <- function(endo_varnames, exo_varnames, p) {
  X_colnames <- paste0(rep(endo_varnames,p), ", l = ",
                       rep(1:p, each = length(endo_varnames)))
  X_colnames <- c(X_colnames, exo_varnames)

#' Create model setup from lambdas
#' Create model setup from lambdas
#' Create model setup from lambdas
#' Lambdas specification is based on Carriero p. 52-53
#' @param p number of lags
#' @param Y_in multivariate time series
#' @param lambda vector = (l_1, l_lag, l_sc, l_io, l_const, l_exo), the l_kron is set to 1 automatically for
#' conjugate N-IW prior. Short summary valid for NO sc/io case:
#' sd(const in eq i) = l_const * sigma_i
#' sd(exo in eq i)= l_exo * sigma_i
#' sd(coef for var j lag l in eq i) = l_1*sigma_i/sigma_j/l^l_lag
#' lambdas may be Inf
#' l_io or l_sc equal to NA means no corresponding dummy observations
#' @param Z_in exogeneous variables
#' @param constant logical, default is TRUE, whether the constant should be included
#' @param s2_lag number of lags in AR() model used to estimate s2 (equal to p by default)
#' Carriero uses 1 in his matlab code
#' @param delta vector [m x 1] or scalar or "AR1". Are used for prior Phi_1 and in sc/io dummy observations
#' Scalar value is replicated m times. If set to "AR1" then deltas will be estimated as AR(1) coefficients (but not greater than one).
#' Diagonal of Phi_1 is equal to delta. y_bar is multiplied by delta componentwise.
#' @param y_bar_type (either "all" or "initial"). Determines how y_bar for sc and io dummy is calculated.
#' "all": y_bar is mean of y for all observations, "initial": p initial observations
#' Carriero: all, Sim-Zha: initial
#' @param carriero_hack logical, if TRUE sigma^2 will be estimated using biased estimator
#' and supposed error with no square roots in dummy observations will be reproduced
#' FALSE by default
#' @param v_prior prior value of hyperparameter nu, m + 2 by default,
#' may use character formula involving m, k, p, T_dummy, constant, something like "T_dummy+2"
#' @return setup list containing
#' X, Y, X_plus, Y_plus,
#' p, v_prior
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Yraw)
#' setup <- bvar_conj_setup(Yraw, p = 4, lambda = c(0.2, 1, 1, 1, 100, 100))
bvar_conj_setup <- function(Y_in, Z_in = NULL, constant = TRUE, p = 4,
                            lambda = c(0.2, 1, 1, 1, 100, 100),
                            delta = 1,
                            s2_lag = NULL,
                            y_bar_type = c("initial", "all"),
                            v_prior = NULL,
                            carriero_hack = FALSE) {

  # general philosophy: calculate everything but use bare minimum

  m <- ncol(Y_in)

  Y <- bvar_build_Y(Y_in = Y_in, p = p)
  X <- bvar_build_X(Y_in = Y_in, Z_in = Z_in, constant = constant, p = p)

  dummy <- bvar_conj_lambda2dummy(Y_in = Y_in, Z_in = Z_in, constant = constant, p = p,
                                  lambda = lambda, delta = delta, s2_lag = s2_lag,
                                  y_bar_type = y_bar_type,
                                  carriero_hack = carriero_hack)

  if (is.null(v_prior)) {
    v_prior <- m + 2

  if (is.character(v_prior)) {
    # parse character formula for v_prior
    k <- ncol(dummy$X_plus)
    T_dummy <- nrow(dummy)
    v_prior <- eval(parse(text = v_prior))

  # these are needed only for bvar_conj_mdd() and not for forecasting/estimation:
  prior <- bvar_conj_lambda2hyper(Y_in = Y_in, Z_in = Z_in, constant = constant, p = p,
                                   lambda = lambda, delta = delta, s2_lag = s2_lag,
                                   y_bar_type = y_bar_type,
                                   carriero_hack = carriero_hack)

  setup <- list(Y = Y, X = X, Y_plus = dummy$Y_plus, X_plus = dummy$X_plus, v_prior = v_prior, p = p,
                constant = constant,
                # Omega_prior = prior$Omega,
                # S_prior = prior$S,
                # Omega_prior_root = prior$Omega_root,
                # Phi_prior = prior$Phi,
                # S_prior = prior$S,
                Y_in = Y_in,
                Z_in = Z_in)

#' Estimate bvar conjugate model from setup
#' Estimate bvar conjugate model from setup
#' Estimate bvar conjugate model from setup
#' @param setup list containing:
#' X [T x k]
#' Y [T x m]
#' X_plus [T_plus x k]
#' Y_plus [T_plus x m]
#' v_prior
#' p number of lags
#' @param keep the number of simulations.
#' If keep is zero only posterior hyperparameters are calculated
#' @param verbose TRUE will show some debugging messages, FALSE by default
#' @return model list containing
#' X, Y, X_plus, Y_plus,
#' p, v_prior,
#' sample (if keep>0)
#' Omega_post, v_post, S_post, Phi_post
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Yraw)
#' setup <- bvar_conj_setup(Yraw, p = 4, lambda = c(0.2, 1, 1, 1, 100, 100))
#' model <- bvar_conj_estimate(setup, keep = 10)
bvar_conj_estimate <- function(setup, keep = 2000, verbose = FALSE) {

  T <- nrow(setup$Y)  # number of observations

  # calculate hyperpar of posterior
  X_star <- rbind(setup$X_plus, setup$X)
  Y_star <- rbind(setup$Y_plus, setup$Y)

  if (verbose) {
    message("Calculating posterior hyperparameters...")
  post <- bvar_conj_dummy2hyper(Y_star, X_star)
  v_post <- setup$v_prior + T

  # simulate
  if (verbose) {
  if (keep > 0) {
    setup$sample <- bvar_conj_simulate(v_post = v_post, Omega_post_root = post$Omega_root,
                                       S_post = post$S, Phi_post = post$Phi, verbose = verbose, keep = keep)

  setup$v_post <- v_post
  setup$S_post <- post$S
  setup$Omega_post <- post$Omega
  setup$Phi_post <- post$Phi


#' Set conjugate N-IW priors from lambdas as in Carriero
#' Set conjugate N-IW priors from lambdas as in Carriero
#' Set conjugate N-IW priors from lambdas as in Carriero
#' Based on Carriero "Bayesian VARs: Specification Choices and Forecast Accuracy" section 3.2
#' @param p number of lags
#' @param Y_in [T_in x m] multivariate time series
#' @param lambdas vector = (l_1, l_lag, l_sc, l_io, l_const, l_exo), the l_kron is set to 1 automatically for
#' conjugate N-IW prior. Short summary:
#' sd(const in eq i) = l_const * sigma_i
#' sd(exo in eq i)= l_exo * sigma_i
#' sd(coef for var j lag l in eq i) = l_1*sigma_i/sigma_j/l^l_lag
#' lambdas may be Inf
#' l_io or l_sc equal to NA means no corresponding dummy observations
#' @param Z_in [T_in x ...] exogeneous variables
#' @param constant logical, default is TRUE, whether the constant should be included
#' @param s2_lag number of lags in AR() model used to estimate s2 (equal to p by default)
#' Carriero uses 1 in his matlab code
#' @param delta vector [m x 1] or scalar or 'AR1'. Are used for prior Phi_1 and in sc/io dummy observations
#' Scalar value is replicated m times. If set to 'AR1' then deltas will be estimated as AR(1) coefficients (but not greater than one).
#' Diagonal of Phi_1 is equal to delta. y_0_bar is multiplied by delta componentwise.
#' @param y_0_bar_type (either 'all' or 'initial'). Determines how y_bar0 for sc and io dummy is calculated.
#' 'all': y_bar0 is mean of y for all observations, 'initial': p initial observations
#' Carriero: all, Sim-Zha: initial
#' @return priors list containing Phi_prior [k x m], Omega_prior [k x k], S_prior [m x m], v_prior [1x1],
#' where k = mp+d
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Yraw)
#' priors <- Carriero_priors(Yraw, p = 4, lambdas = c(0.2, 1, 1, 1, 100, 100))
#' model <- bvar_conjugate0(priors = priors, keep = 100)
#' # if something goes wrong then we need info!
#' model <- bvar_conjugate0(priors = priors, keep = 10, verbose = TRUE)
Carriero_priors <- function(Y_in, Z_in = NULL, constant = TRUE, p = 4,
                            lambdas = c(0.2, 1, 1, 1, 100, 100), delta = 1, s2_lag = NULL, y_0_bar_type = c("initial",
                                                                                                            "all")) {
  l_1 <- lambdas[1]
  l_kron <- 1
  l_lag <- lambdas[2]
  l_sc <- lambdas[3]
  l_io <- lambdas[4]
  l_const <- lambdas[5]
  l_exo <- lambdas[6]

  y_0_bar_type <- match.arg(y_0_bar_type)

  Y_in <- as.matrix(Y_in)  # to clear tbl_df if present :)

  m <- ncol(Y_in)

  # get variable names
  endo_varnames <- colnames(Y_in)
  if (is.null(endo_varnames)) {
    endo_varnames <- paste0("endo_", 1:m)

  exo_varnames <- NULL

  # calculate d, the number of exogeneous regressors
  if (is.null(Z_in)) {
    d <- 1 * constant
    exo_varnames <- "const"
  } else {
    d <- ncol(Z_in) + 1 * constant

    exo_varnames <- colnames(Z_in)
    if (is.null(exo_varnames)) {
      exo_varnames <- paste0("exo_", 1:ncol(Z_in))
    if (constant) {
      exo_varnames <- c("const", exo_varnames)

  # if requested add constant to exogeneous regressors constant to the
  # left of other exo variables
  if (constant) {
    Z <- cbind(rep(1, nrow(Y_in)), Z_in)

  k <- m * p + d

  if (delta == "AR1") {
    # set deltas as AR(1) coefficients but no more than 1
    delta <- rep(1, m)  # reserve space
    for (j in 1:m) {
      y_uni <- Y_in[, j]  # univariate time series
      # more robust version: fails only in the case of severe
      # multicollinearity
      AR_1 <- stats::ar.ols(y_uni, aic = FALSE, order.max = 1)  # AR(1) model
      delta[j] <- AR_1$ar
      if (delta[j] > 1)
        delta[j] <- 1

  if (length(delta) == 1) {
    delta <- rep(delta, m)  # copy scalar values
  if (!length(delta) == m) {
    stop("Length of delta should be equal to 1 or m")

  # VAR_in <- match.arg(VAR_in)

  if (!l_kron == 1) {
    warning("Conjugate N-IW is impossible for lambda_2 <> 1")

  # Litterman takes 6 lags in AR(p)

  # estimate sigma^2 from univariate AR(p) processes Carriero matlab
  # code: always AR(1)!
  if (is.null(s2_lag)) {
    s2_lag <- p

  sigmas_sq <- rep(NA, m)
  for (j in 1:m) {

    y_uni <- Y_in[, j]  # univariate time series

    # old version: it fails when ML estimation fails :) AR_p <-
    # forecast::Arima(y_uni, order = c(p,0,0), method='ML') # AR(p) model
    # sigmas_sq[j] <- AR_p$sigma2

    # more robust version: fails only in the case of severe
    # multicollinearity
    AR_p <- stats::ar.ols(y_uni, aic = FALSE, order.max = s2_lag)  # AR(p) model
    resid <- utils::tail(AR_p$resid, -s2_lag)  # omit first p NA in residuals
    sigmas_sq[j] <- sum(resid ^ 2)/(length(resid) - s2_lag - 1)

  # set Phi_prior
  Phi_1 <- matrix(0, m, m)
  diag(Phi_1) <- delta
  Phi_prior <- t(cbind(Phi_1, matrix(0, nrow = m, ncol = k - m)))

  colnames(Phi_prior) <- paste0("eq_", endo_varnames)
  rownames(Phi_prior) <- c(paste0(rep(endo_varnames, p), ", l=", rep(1:p,
                                                                     each = m)), exo_varnames)

  S_prior <- diag(sigmas_sq)
  v_prior <- m + 2

  colnames(S_prior) <- endo_varnames
  rownames(S_prior) <- endo_varnames

  # set Omega_prior the diagonal of Omega_prior begins with endogeneous
  # part:
  endo_diagonal <- l_1^2/rep(sigmas_sq, p)/rep((1:p) ^ (2 * l_lag), each = m)

  # and ends with exogeneous part:
  exo_diagonal <- c(rep(l_const^2, constant), rep(l_exo ^ 2, d - constant))

  Omega_diagonal <- c(endo_diagonal, exo_diagonal)
  # and set zero prior covariances
  Omega_prior <- diag(Omega_diagonal)

  # create dummy observations
  if (y_0_bar_type == "initial") {
    sc_io_numrows <- p
  if (y_0_bar_type == "all") {
    sc_io_numrows <- nrow(Y_in)

  y_0_bar <- apply(as.matrix(Y_in[1:sc_io_numrows, ], nrow = sc_io_numrows),
                   2, mean)  # vector [m x 1] of mean values of each endo-series
  if (is.null(Z)) {
    z_bar <- NULL  # special case of no constant and no exo vars
  if (!is.null(Z)) {
    z_bar <- apply(as.matrix(Z[1:sc_io_numrows, ], nrow = sc_io_numrows),
                   2, mean)  # vector [d x 1] of mean values of each exo-series
  # 'as.matrix' above is needed to avoid errors for sc_io_numrows=1 or
  # d=1

  # sum of coefficients prior
  Y_dummy_sc <- NULL
  X_dummy_sc <- NULL
  if (!is.na(l_sc)) {
    Y_dummy_sc <- matrix(0, m, m)  # zero matrix [m x m]
    diag(Y_dummy_sc) <- delta * y_0_bar/l_sc

    exo_dummy <- matrix(0, m, d)

    X_dummy_sc <- cbind(kronecker(matrix(1, 1, p), Y_dummy_sc), exo_dummy)  # zero matrix [m x k]

  # dummy initial observation
  Y_dummy_io <- NULL
  X_dummy_io <- NULL
  if (!is.na(l_io)) {
    Y_dummy_io <- matrix(delta * y_0_bar / l_io, nrow = 1)
    X_dummy_io <- matrix(c(rep(delta * y_0_bar / l_io, p), z_bar / l_io),
                         nrow = 1)

  # dummy cNIW = conjugate Normal Inverse Wishart
  y_cniw_block_1 <- diag(sqrt(sigmas_sq) * delta)/l_1
  y_cniw_block_2 <- matrix(0, nrow = m * (p - 1), ncol = m)
  y_cniw_block_3 <- diag(sqrt(sigmas_sq))
  y_cniw_block_4 <- matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = m)
  Y_dummy_cniw <- rbind(y_cniw_block_1, y_cniw_block_2, y_cniw_block_3,

  x_cniw_block_1 <- cbind(kronecker(diag((1:p) ^ l_lag), diag(sqrt(sigmas_sq))) / l_1,
                          matrix(0, nrow = m * p, ncol = d))
  x_cniw_block_2 <- matrix(0, nrow = m, ncol = k)
  x_cniw_block_3 <- c(rep(0, m * p), rep(1 / l_const, constant), rep(1 / l_exo,
                                                                   d - constant))
  X_dummy_cniw <- rbind(x_cniw_block_1, x_cniw_block_2, x_cniw_block_3)

  # robust calculation of (Omega_prior)^{-1/2} the diagonal of
  # Omega_prior begins with endogeneous part:
  endo_diagonal_m05 <- 1 / l_1 * rep(sqrt(sigmas_sq), p) / rep((1:p) ^ (l_lag),
                                                           each = m)

  # and ends with exogeneous part:
  exo_diagonal_m05 <- rep(1 / l_exo, d)
  if (constant) {
    exo_diagonal_m05[1] <- 1 / l_const

  Omega_diagonal_m05 <- c(endo_diagonal_m05, exo_diagonal_m05)
  # and set zero prior covariances
  Omega_prior_m05 <- diag(Omega_diagonal_m05)
  # end of robust calculation of Omega_diagonal_m05

  # order of dummies does not matter
  X_dummy <- rbind(X_dummy_io, X_dummy_sc)
  Y_dummy <- rbind(Y_dummy_io, Y_dummy_sc)

  priors <- list(v_prior = v_prior, S_prior = S_prior, Phi_prior = Phi_prior,
                 Omega_prior = Omega_prior, Y_dummy = Y_dummy, X_dummy = X_dummy,
                 X_dummy_io = X_dummy_io, Y_dummy_io = Y_dummy_io, X_dummy_sc = X_dummy_sc,
                 Y_dummy_sc = Y_dummy_sc, X_dummy_cniw = X_dummy_cniw, Y_dummy_cniw = Y_dummy_cniw,
                 sc_io_numrows = sc_io_numrows, Y_in = Y_in, Z_in = Z_in, p = p,
                 sigmas_sq = sigmas_sq, endo_varnames = endo_varnames, exo_varnames = exo_varnames,
                 Omega_prior_m05 = Omega_prior_m05, lambdas = lambdas)  # get more info from function


#' Set conjugate N-IW priors as in matlab code of Koops-Korobilis
#' Set conjugate N-IW priors as in matlab code of Koops-Korobilis
#' Set conjugate N-IW priors as in matlab code of Koops-Korobilis. Mainly for testing.
#' @param p number of lags
#' @param Y_in multivariate time series
#' @param constant logical, default is TRUE, whether the constant should be included
#' @param Z_in exogeneous variables
#' @return priors list containing Phi_prior [k x m], Omega_prior [k x k], S_prior [m x m], v_prior [1x1],
#' where k = mp+d
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Yraw)
#' priors <- KK_code_priors(Yraw, p = 4)
#' model <- bvar_conjugate0(priors = priors, keep = 100)
KK_code_priors <- function(Y_in, Z_in = NULL, constant = TRUE, p = 4) {

  Y_in <- as.matrix(Y_in)  # to clear tbl_df if present :)

  m <- ncol(Y_in)

  # get variable names
  endo_varnames <- colnames(Y_in)
  if (is.null(endo_varnames)) {
    endo_varnames <- paste0("endo_", 1:m)

  exo_varnames <- NULL

  # calculate d, the number of exogeneous regressors
  if (is.null(Z_in)) {
    d <- 1 * constant
    exo_varnames <- "const"
  } else {
    d <- ncol(Z_in) + 1 * constant

    exo_varnames <- colnames(Z_in)
    if (is.null(exo_varnames)) {
      exo_varnames <- paste0("exo_", 1:ncol(Z_in))
    if (constant) {
      exo_varnames <- c("const", exo_varnames)

  # if requested add constant to exogeneous regressors constant to the
  # left of other exo variables
  if (constant) {
    Z <- cbind(rep(1, nrow(Y_in)), Z_in)

  k <- m * p + d

  v_prior <- m + 1
  S_prior <- diag(m)
  Omega_prior <- 10 * diag(k)
  Phi_prior <- matrix(0, nrow = k, ncol = m)

  X_dummy <- NULL
  Y_dummy <- NULL

  priors <- list(v_prior = v_prior, S_prior = S_prior, Phi_prior = Phi_prior,
                 Omega_prior = Omega_prior, Y_dummy = Y_dummy, X_dummy = X_dummy,
                 Y_in = Y_in, Z = Z_in, p = p, endo_varnames = endo_varnames, exo_varnames = exo_varnames)  # get more info from function


#' Simulate from conjugate N-IW posterior distribution
#' Simulate from conjugate N-IW posterior distribution
#' Simulate from conjugate N-IW posterior distribution
#' @param keep number of simulations
#' @param verbose TRUE will show some debugging messages, FALSE by default
#' @param Omega_post_root [k x k] 'root' of Omega posterior matrix
#' @param v_post posterior nu, scalar
#' @param S_post [m x m] posterior scale matrix for noise covariance
#' @param Phi_post [k x m] posterior expected values for coefs
#' @export
#' @return coda object with simulations
#' @examples
#' data(Yraw)
#' dummy <- bvar_conj_lambda2dummy(Yraw, p = 2)
#' hyper <- bvar_conj_dummy2hyper(dummy$Y_cniw, dummy$X_cniw)
#' # these are priors but just for testing let's pretend that they are posteriors
#' post_sample <- bvar_conj_simulate(v_post = 10,
#' hyper$Omega_root, hyper$S, hyper$Phi)
bvar_conj_simulate <- function(v_post, Omega_post_root, S_post, Phi_post,
                               verbose = FALSE, keep = 10) {
  k <- nrow(Phi_post)
  m <- ncol(Phi_post)

  answer <- matrix(0, nrow = keep, ncol = m * k + m * m)

  for (i in 1:keep) {
    if ((verbose) & (i %% 10 ^ 3 == 0)) {
      message("Iteration ", i, " out of ", keep)

    Sigma <- MCMCpack::riwish(v_post, S_post)

    # fast way to generate matrix-variate normal
    V <- matrix(stats::rnorm(k * m), ncol = m)  # [(mp+d) x m] matrix of standard normal
    Phi <- Phi_post + Omega_post_root %*% V %*% chol(Sigma)

    Phi_vec <- as.vector(Phi)
    Sigma_vec <- as.vector(Sigma)  # length = m x m

    answer[i, ] <- c(Phi_vec, Sigma_vec)
  }  # cycle from 1 to keep

  # save as mcmc object to make some good functions available
  answer <- coda::as.mcmc(answer)

#' Compute inverse of symmetric positive definite matrix using Cholesky decomposition
#' Compute inverse of symmetric positive definite matrix using Cholesky decomposition
#' Compute inverse of symmetric positive definite matrix using Cholesky decomposition
#' @param A symmetric matrix
#' @return inverse of A
#' @export
#' @examples
#' A <- matrix(c(2, 1, 1, 2), nrow = 2)
#' sym_inv(A)
sym_inv <- function(A) {
  A_chol <- try(chol(A), silent = TRUE)
  if (class(A_chol) == "try-error") {
    inv_A <- MASS::ginv(A)  # for more stable results in multicollinearity cases
    attr(inv_A, "Moore-Penrose") <- TRUE
  } else {
    inv_A <- chol2inv(A_chol)

#' check whether matrix is diagonal
#' check whether matrix is diagonal
#' check whether matrix is diagonal
#' @param A symmetric matrix
#' @param epsilon tolerance, default is 0.
#' @return logical, TRUE/FALSE, TRUE for diagonal matrices
#' @export
#' @examples
#' A <- matrix(c(2, 1, 1, 2), nrow = 2)
#' sym_inv(A)
is.diagonal <- function(A, epsilon = 0) {
  non_diag_elements <- !diag(nrow(A))
  answer <- all(abs(A[non_diag_elements]) <= epsilon)

#' predict with conjugate Normal-Inverse-Wishart bayesian VAR model
#' predict with conjugate Normal-Inverse-Wishart bayesian VAR model
#' predict with conjugate Normal-Inverse-Wishart bayesian VAR model
#' @param model estimated conjugate N-IW model
#' @param h number of periods for forecasting
#' @param level confidence levels for prediction intervals
#' @param Y_in (NULL by default) past values of endogeneous variables (shold have at least p observations).
#' If NULL, then Y_in supplied for estimation will be used. For out-of-sample forecast only last p values of Y_in are used
#' @param Z_f future values of exogeneous variables
#' @param type ('prediction' by default) type of interval: 'prediction' incorporates uncertainty about
#' future shocks; 'credible' deals only with parameter uncertainty.
#' @param output (default 'long') --- long or wide table for mean/quantiles of forecasts
#' @param out_of_sample logical, default is TRUE, whether forecasts are out-of-sample or in-sample.
#' If forecasts are not out-of-sample, then parameter h is ignored
#' @param include (default is c('mean', 'median', 'sd', 'raw')) what type of summary to provide
#' If 'raw' is present raw forecasts will be reported. If only 'raw' is present
#' then function will return coda mcmc object with raw forecasts.
#' Otherwise raw forecasts will be attached as attribute.
#' @param fast_forecast logical, FALSE by default. If TRUE then only mean forecast is calculated,
#' posterior expected values of hyperparameters are used. No confidence intervals, no sd, no median.
#' This mode is activated by default if there are no simulations in supplied model.
#' @param verbose (default FALSE) if true some messages will be printed
#' @export
#' @return forecast results
#' @examples
#' data(Yraw)
#' setup <- bvar_conj_setup(Yraw, p = 4)
#' model <- bvar_conj_estimate(setup, keep = 100)
#' bvar_conj_forecast(model, h=2, output = 'wide')
#' bvar_conj_forecast(model, out_of_sample = FALSE, include = 'mean')
bvar_conj_forecast <- function(model, Y_in = NULL, Z_f = NULL, output = c("long",
                                                                          "wide"), h = 1, out_of_sample = TRUE, type = c("prediction", "credible"),
                               level = c(80, 95), include = c("mean", "median", "sd", "interval",
                                                              "raw"), fast_forecast = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {

  # select type of prediction specified by user
  type <- match.arg(type)
  output <- match.arg(output)

  # simplify notation, extract params from attribute
  T <- nrow(model$Y)  # number of observations in regression
  p <- model$p
  k <- ncol(model$X)
  m <- ncol(model$Y)
  d <- k - m * p
  T_dummy <- nrow(model$X_plus)

  keep <- 0
  if ("sample" %in% names(model)) {
    keep <- nrow(model$sample)

  constant <- model$constant

  if ((keep == 0) & (!fast_forecast)) {
    if (verbose)
      message("No simulations found in 'model', fast_forecast option is set to TRUE.")
    fast_forecast <- TRUE

  if (fast_forecast) {
    level <- NULL
    include <- "mean"
    keep <- 1

    # type of confidence interval does not make sense for fast mean
    # forecast but setting type to 'credible' avoids simulations of future
    # epsilon, so
    type <- "credible"

  # if Y_in is not supplied take Y_in from estimation. Or is it better to
  # save it in model list?
  if (is.null(Y_in)) {
    Y_in <- bvar_get_Y_in(model$Y, model$X, p = p)

  # in case of in-sample forecast h is set to T, or is is better set to
  # NA?
  if (!out_of_sample) {
    h <- T

  # sanity check
  if (!is.null(Z_f)) {
    if (!nrow(Z_f) == h) {
      stop("I need exactly h = ", h, " observations for exogeneous variables.")

  if (nrow(Y_in) < p) {
    stop("Model has ", p, " lags. To predict I need at least ", p,
         " observations, but only ", nrow(Y_in), " are provided.")

  # if requested add constant to exogeneous regressors
  if (constant) {
    Z_f <- cbind(rep(1, h), Z_f)

  if (out_of_sample) {
    # take last p observations of Y_in (out-of-sample forecast)
    Y_in <- utils::tail(Y_in, p)
  } else {
    # take first p observations of Y_in (in-sample forecast)
    Y_in <- utils::head(Y_in, p)

  e_t <- rep(0, m)  # ok for bayesian credible intervals

  # space to store all forecasted values
  forecast_raw <- matrix(0, nrow = keep, ncol = m * h)

  x_t <- rep(0, k)

  for (i in 1:keep) {
    # forecast h steps for given sampling of Phi

    if (fast_forecast) {
      # use posterior expected value of Phi
      Phi <- model$Phi_post
    } else {
      # use Phi^[s] and Sigma^[s]
      Phi <- matrix(model$sample[i, 1:(k * m)], nrow = k)

      Sigma <- matrix(model$sample[i, (k * m + 1):(m * k + m * m)],
                      nrow = m)  # Sigma [m x m]
      # find square root of draw from Sigma (code is part of mvtnorm
      # function)
      ev <- eigen(Sigma, symmetric = TRUE)
      if (!all(ev$values >= -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) * abs(ev$values[1]))) {
        warning("Omega_post is not positive definite numerically")
      # precalculate R to do less operations in case h>1
      R <- t(ev$vectors %*% (t(ev$vectors) * sqrt(ev$values)))

    Phi_transp <- t(Phi)  # precalculate to do less operations in case h>1

    for (j in 1:h) {

      if (out_of_sample) {
        # out-of-sample forecast fill exogeneous values in x_t
        x_t[(m * p + 1):(m * p + d)] <- Z_f[j, ]

        # fill endogeneous values in x_t (first out-of-sample forecast)
        if (j == 1)
          x_t[1:(m * p)] <- as.vector(t(Y_in)[, p:1])

        # fill endogeneous values recursively (second+ out-of-sample forecast)
        if (j > 1) {
          if (p > 1) {
            x_t[(m + 1):(m * p)] <- x_t[1:(m * (p - 1))]
          x_t[1:m] <- y_t
      } else {
        # in-sample forecast
        x_t <- model$X[j, ]

      if (type == "prediction")
        e_t <- R %*% stats::rnorm(m)
      # e_t is 0 for bayesian credible intervals

      y_t <- Phi_transp %*% x_t + e_t
      forecast_raw[i, (m * (j - 1) + 1):(m * j)] <- y_t
    }  # end_for j in 1:h
  }  # end_for i in 1:keep

  # save as mcmc object for standartisation
  forecast_raw <- coda::as.mcmc(forecast_raw)

  # we have m endogeneous variables and h forecasts for each
  id_block <- data.frame(variable = rep(bvar_get_endo_varnames(Y_in),
                                        h), h = rep(1:h, each = m))

  forecast_summary <- NULL

  # calculate mean
  if ("mean" %in% include) {
    what <- rep("mean", h * m)
    value <- apply(forecast_raw, 2, mean)
    block <- cbind(id_block, what, value)  # block of information
    forecast_summary <- rbind(forecast_summary, block)

  # calculate median
  if ("median" %in% include) {
    what <- rep("median", h * m)
    value <- apply(forecast_raw, 2, stats::median)
    block <- cbind(id_block, what, value)  # block of information
    forecast_summary <- rbind(forecast_summary, block)

  # sd
  if ("sd" %in% include) {
    what <- rep("sd", h * m)
    value <- apply(forecast_raw, 2, stats::sd)
    block <- cbind(id_block, what, value)  # block of information
    forecast_summary <- rbind(forecast_summary, block)

  # calculate quantiles
  if ("interval" %in% include) {
    for (lev in level) {
      # lower
      what <- rep(paste0("lower_", lev), h * m)
      value <- apply(forecast_raw, 2, function(x) stats::quantile(x, probs = (1 -
      block <- cbind(id_block, what, value)  # block of information
      forecast_summary <- rbind(forecast_summary, block)

      # upper
      what <- rep(paste0("upper_", lev), h * m)
      value <- apply(forecast_raw, 2, function(x) stats::quantile(x, probs = (1 +
      block <- cbind(id_block, what, value)  # block of information
      forecast_summary <- rbind(forecast_summary, block)

  rownames(forecast_summary) <- NULL

  if ((output == "wide") & (!is.null(forecast_summary))) {
    # transform to wide format if requested
    forecast_summary <- reshape2::dcast(forecast_summary, variable +
                                          h ~ what)

  if ("raw" %in% include) {
    if (length(include) == 1) {
      # only raw forecasts are requested
      forecast_summary <- forecast_raw
    } else {
      # attach raw forecasts as attribute
      attr(forecast_summary, "forecast_raw") <- forecast_raw

#' Estimate conjugate Normal-Inverse-Wishart bayesian VAR model
#' Estimate conjugate  Normal-Inverse-Wishart bayesian VAR model
#' Estimate conjugate  Normal-Inverse-Wishart bayesian VAR model
#' @param Y_in the matrix or data.frame with endogeneous VAR variables
#' @param Z_in (NULL by default) the matrix or data.frame with exogeneous VAR variables
#' @param constant (TRUE by default) whether we should include constant
#' @param p (2 by default) the number of lags
#' @param keep (10000 by default) the number of Gibbs sampling replications to keep
#' Is ignored when the fast_forecast is TRUE.
#' @param verbose (FALSE by default)
#' @param priors the list containing at least Phi_prior [k x m], Omega_prior [k x k],
#' S_prior [m x m], v_prior [1x1],
#' it may also contain
#' Y_dummy [T_dummy x m], X_dummy [T_dummy x k]
#' where k = mp+d
#' @param fast_forecast logical, FALSE by default. If TRUE then no simulations are done,
#' only posterior hyperparameters are calculated.
#' @param way_omega_post_root the way for (Omega_post)^{1/2} calculation: 'svd' or 'cholesky'
#' @return the list containing all results of bayesian VAR estimation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Yraw)
#' priors <- Carriero_priors(Yraw, p = 4)
#' model <- bvar_conjugate0(priors = priors, keep = 100)
bvar_conjugate0 <- function(Y_in = NULL, Z_in = NULL, constant = TRUE,
                            p = NULL, keep = 10000, verbose = FALSE, priors = list(), fast_forecast = FALSE,
                            way_omega_post_root = c("cholesky", "svd")) {

  exo_varnames <- priors$exo_varnames
  endo_varnames <- priors$endo_varnames

  way_omega_post_root <- match.arg(way_omega_post_root)

  if ((is.null(Y_in)) & (!is.null(priors$Y_in))) {
    Y_in <- priors$Y_in
    if (verbose)
      message("Y_in is inferred from priors data.")

  if ((is.null(Z_in)) & (!is.null(priors$Z_in))) {
    Z_in <- priors$Z_in
    if (verbose)
      message("Z_in is inferred from priors data.")

  if ((is.null(p)) & (!is.null(priors$p))) {
    p <- priors$p
    if (verbose)
      message("Number of lags is inferred from priors data: p = ",

  if ((is.null(p)) & (is.null(priors$p))) {
    p <- 4
    if (verbose)
      message("Number of lags, p, is not specified inside and outside priors, set to p = ",

  # if Z_in is provided it should have the same number of rows that Y_in
  if (!is.null(Z_in)) {
    if (!nrow(Y_in) == nrow(Z_in)) {
      stop("Number of rows in Y_in and Z_in should be equal.
           The first p rows of Z_in are not used and may be filled with NA")

  # number of observations supplied
  T_in <- nrow(Y_in)

  # if requested add constant to exogeneous regressors
  if (constant) {
    Z_in <- cbind(rep(1, nrow(Y_in)), Z_in)

  # transform Y_in from data.frame to matrix so that cbind(NULL, Y_block)
  # will work
  Y_in <- as.matrix(Y_in)

  # p first observations of Y_in are used only as regressors
  Y <- utils::tail(Y_in, -p)
  # p first observations of Z_in are not used only at all
  Z <- utils::tail(Z_in, -p)

  # create X matrix
  X <- NULL
  for (j in 1:p) {
    Y_block <- Y_in[(p + 1 - j):(T_in - j), ]
    X <- cbind(X, Y_block)
  X <- cbind(X, Z)

  # save X and Y to include them in output later:
  X_wo_dummy <- X
  Y_wo_dummy <- Y

  # dimension of deterministic regressors
  d <- ncol(Z)

  # here we add dummy observations
  T_dummy <- 0
  if (!is.null(priors$Y_dummy)) {
    if (!nrow(priors$Y_dummy) == nrow(priors$X_dummy)) {
      stop("X_dummy and Y_dummy should have the same number of rows")
    T_dummy <- nrow(priors$Y_dummy)

  # order of dummy observation does not matter :)
  Y <- rbind(priors$Y_dummy, Y)
  X <- rbind(priors$X_dummy, X)

  # get dimensions, here T counts: T_in (supplied obs) - n_lag + T_dummy
  T <- nrow(Y)
  m <- ncol(Y)
  k <- m * p + d

  if (verbose) {
    message("Number of lags, p = ", p)
    message("Number of endogeneos variables, m = ", m)
    message("Number of exogeneos variables (including constant), d = ",
    message("Number of parameters, k = mp + d = ", k)
    message("Initial number of observations, T_in = ", T_in)
    message("Number of dummy observations, T_dummy = ", T_dummy)
    message("Number of observations available for regression, T = T_in + T_dummy - p = ",
    message("'fast_forecast' is ", fast_forecast)

  # set some bad priors for lazy guys if not supplied
  if (is.null(priors$v_prior)) {
    priors$v_prior <- m + 1
    if (verbose) {
      message("v_prior was not specified, set to (m + 1)")
  if (is.null(priors$S_prior)) {
    priors$S_prior <- diag(m)
    if (verbose) {
      message("S_prior was not specified, set to I [m x m]")
  if (is.null(priors$Omega_prior)) {
    priors$Omega_prior <- 10 * diag(k)
    if (verbose) {
      message("Omega_prior was not specified, set to 10I [k x k]")
  if (is.null(priors$Phi_prior)) {
    priors$Phi_prior <- matrix(0, nrow = k, ncol = m)
    if (verbose) {
      message("Phi_prior was not specified, set to 0 [k x m]")

  # extract priors from list for simplier notation
  v_prior <- priors$v_prior
  S_prior <- priors$S_prior
  Omega_prior <- priors$Omega_prior
  Phi_prior <- priors$Phi_prior

  # Phi|Sigma ~ MN(Phi_prior,Sigma o Omega_prior) Sigma ~IW(S_prior,
  # v_prior)

  # convinient short-cuts
  XtX <- t(X) %*% X

  if (verbose) {
    message("Calculating (XtX)^{-1}...")
  XtX_inv <- sym_inv(XtX)
  if (!is.null(attr(XtX_inv, "Moore-Penrose"))) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("The XtX matrix is so ugly... kappa(XtX) = ", kappa(XtX),
              ". I will use the Moore-Penrose inverse :)")
  # calculate posterior hyperparameters
  v_post <- v_prior + T

  if (verbose)
    message("Calculating Omega_prior^{-1}...")
  if (is.diagonal(Omega_prior)) {
    # if Omega_prior is diagonal we may accept Inf on diagonal
    Omega_prior_inv <- matrix(0, nrow = k, ncol = k)
    diag(Omega_prior_inv) <- 1/diag(Omega_prior)
  } else {
    # sym_inv cannot deal with Inf on the diagonal
    Omega_prior_inv <- sym_inv(Omega_prior)
    if (!is.null(attr(Omega_prior_inv, "Moore-Penrose"))) {
      if (verbose)
        message("The Omega_prior matrix is so ugly... kappa(Omega_prior) = ",
                kappa(Omega_prior), ". I will use the Moore-Penrose inverse :)")

  if (verbose) {
    message("Calculating Omega_post...")
  Omega_post <- sym_inv(Omega_prior_inv + XtX)
  if (!is.null(attr(Omega_post, "Moore-Penrose"))) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("The (Omega_prior_inv + XtX) matrix is so ugly... kappa(Omega_prior_inv+XtX) = ",
              kappa(Omega_prior_inv + XtX), ". I will use the Moore-Penrose inverse :)")

  # here was a mistake :)
  if (verbose) {
    message("Calculating Phi_post...")
  Phi_post <- Omega_post %*% (Omega_prior_inv %*% Phi_prior + t(X) %*%

  colnames(Phi_post) <- paste0("eq_", endo_varnames)
  rownames(Phi_post) <- c(paste0(rep(endo_varnames, p), ", l=", rep(1:p,
                                                                    each = m)), exo_varnames)

  Phi_hat <- XtX_inv %*% t(X) %*% Y
  E_hat <- Y - X %*% Phi_hat

  # Karlsson, p 15
  if (verbose) {
    message("Calculating S_post...")

  S_post <- S_prior + t(E_hat) %*% E_hat + t(Phi_prior - Phi_hat) %*%
    sym_inv(Omega_prior + XtX_inv) %*% (Phi_prior - Phi_hat)

  # Carriero, end of section 3.1, p. 51 (mistake should be S_post=S_0+...)  S_post <- S_prior
  # + t(E_hat) %*% E_hat + t(Phi_hat) %*% XtX %*% Phi_hat + t(Phi_prior)
  # %*% solve(Omega_prior) %*% Phi_prior - t(Phi_post) %*%
  # solve(Omega_post) %*% Phi_post

  if (fast_forecast) {
    # no simulations
    answer <- "Option 'fast_forecast' is TRUE. Hyperparameters available in attr(.,'posterior')."

  if (!fast_forecast)
    # simulate phi, sigma

    # reserve space for Gibbs sampling replications
    answer <- matrix(0, nrow = keep, ncol = m * k + m * m)

    # precalculate ~(Omega_post)^{1/2} for faster cycle way 1:
    if (way_omega_post_root == "cholesky") {
      if (verbose)
        message("Calculating ~'Omega_post^{1/2}' using chol(Omega_post)...")
      Omega_post_root <- t(chol(Omega_post))

    # way 2: (Omega_post)^{1/2} is equal to (Omega_prior^{-1}+X'X)^{-1/2}
    # But Omega_prior^{-1}+X'X maybe replaced using augmented X* as: X*'X*
    # = Omega_prior^{-1}+X'X so we nedd to find (Omega_post)^{1/2} =
    # (X*'X*)^{-1/2} http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/106774
    if (way_omega_post_root == "svd") {
      if ("Omega_prior_m05" %in% names(priors)) {
        Omega_prior_m05 <- priors$Omega_prior_m05
      } else {
        Opm_eigen <- eigen(Omega_prior_inv)
        Omega_prior_m05 <- Opm_eigen$vectors %*% diag(Opm_eigen$values) %*%
      X_star <- rbind(Omega_prior_m05, X)
      X_star_svd <- svd(X_star)
      Omega_post_root <- X_star_svd$v %*% diag(1/X_star_svd$d) %*%

    for (i in 1:keep) {
      if ((verbose) & (i %% 10 ^ 3 == 0))
        message("Iteration ", i, " out of ", keep)

      Sigma <- MCMCpack::riwish(v_post, S_post)

      # fast way to generate matrix-variate normal
      V <- matrix(stats::rnorm((m * p + d) * m), ncol = m)  # [(mp+d) x m] matrix of standard normal
      Phi <- Phi_post + Omega_post_root %*% V %*% chol(Sigma)

      Phi_vec <- as.vector(Phi)
      Sigma_vec <- as.vector(Sigma)  # length = m x m

      answer[i, ] <- c(Phi_vec, Sigma_vec)
    }  # cycle from 1 to keep

    # save as mcmc object to make some good functions available
    answer <- coda::as.mcmc(answer)
  }  # simulations

  # set prior attributes:
  attr(answer, "params") <- data.frame(k = k, m = m, p = p, d = d, T_in = T_in,
                                       T = T, T_dummy = T_dummy, constant = constant, keep = keep, fast_forecast = fast_forecast)

  attr(answer, "data") <- list(Y_in = Y_in, Z_in = Z_in, X_dummy = priors$X_dummy,
                               Y_dummy = priors$Y_dummy, X_wo_dummy = X_wo_dummy, Y_wo_dummy = Y_wo_dummy,
                               endo_varnames = endo_varnames, exo_varnames = exo_varnames)

  priors$type <- "conjugate"
  attr(answer, "prior") <- priors
  attr(answer, "posterior") <- list(Omega_post = Omega_post, v_post = v_post,
                                    Phi_post = Phi_post, S_post = S_post)


#' predict with conjugate Normal-Inverse-Wishart bayesian VAR model
#' predict with conjugate Normal-Inverse-Wishart bayesian VAR model
#' predict with conjugate Normal-Inverse-Wishart bayesian VAR model
#' @param model estimated conjugate N-IW model
#' @param h number of periods for forecasting
#' @param level confidence levels for prediction intervals
#' @param Y_in (NULL by default) past values of endogeneous variables (shold have at least p observations).
#' If NULL, then Y_in supplied for estimation will be used. For out-of-sample forecast only last p values of Y_in are used
#' @param Z_f future values of exogeneous variables
#' @param type ('prediction' by default) type of interval: 'prediction' incorporates uncertainty about
#' future shocks; 'credible' deals only with parameter uncertainty.
#' @param output (default 'long') --- long or wide table for mean/quantiles of forecasts
#' @param out_of_sample logical, default is TRUE, whether forecasts are out-of-sample or in-sample.
#' If forecasts are not out-of-sample, then parameter h is ignored
#' @param include (default is c('mean', 'median', 'sd', 'raw')) what type of summary to provide
#' If 'raw' is present raw forecasts will be reported. If only 'raw' is present
#' then function will return coda mcmc object with raw forecasts.
#' Otherwise raw forecasts will be attached as attribute.
#' @param fast_forecast logical, FALSE by default. If TRUE then only mean forecast is calculated,
#' posterior expected values of hyperparameters are used. No confidence intervals, no sd, no median.
#' This mode is activated by default if there are no simulations in supplied model.
#' @param verbose (default FALSE) if true some messages will be printed
#' @export
#' @return forecast results
#' @examples
#' data(Yraw)
#' priors <- Carriero_priors(Yraw, p = 4)
#' model <- bvar_conjugate0(priors = priors, keep = 100)
#' forecast_conjugate(model, h = 2, output = 'wide')
#' forecast_conjugate(model, out_of_sample = FALSE, include = 'mean', level = NULL, type = 'credible')
forecast_conjugate <- function(model, Y_in = NULL, Z_f = NULL, output = c("long",
                                                                          "wide"), h = 1, out_of_sample = TRUE, type = c("prediction", "credible"),
                               level = c(80, 95), include = c("mean", "median", "sd", "interval",
                                                              "raw"), fast_forecast = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {

  # select type of prediction specified by user
  type <- match.arg(type)
  output <- match.arg(output)

  # simplify notation, extract params from attribute
  T <- attr(model, "params")$T  # number of observations minus p plus T_dummy
  p <- attr(model, "params")$p
  k <- attr(model, "params")$k
  m <- attr(model, "params")$m
  d <- attr(model, "params")$d
  T_dummy <- attr(model, "params")$T_dummy

  keep <- attr(model, "params")$keep

  constant <- attr(model, "params")$constant

  if ((attr(model, "params")$fast_forecast) & (!fast_forecast)) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("No simulations found in 'model', fast_forecast option is set to TRUE.")
    fast_forecast <- TRUE

  if (fast_forecast) {
    level <- NULL
    include <- "mean"
    keep <- 1

    # type of confidence interval does not make sense for fast mean
    # forecast but setting type to 'credible' avoids simulations of future
    # epsilon, so
    type <- "credible"

  # if Y_in is not supplied take Y_in from estimation
  if (is.null(Y_in)) {
    Y_in <- attr(model, "data")$Y_in

  # in case of in-sample forecast h is set to T-T_dummy, or is is better
  # set to NA?
  if (!out_of_sample) {
    h <- T - T_dummy

  # sanity check
  if (!is.null(Z_f)) {
    if (!nrow(Z_f) == h) {
      stop("I need exactly h = ", h, " observations for exogeneous variables.")

  if (nrow(Y_in) < p) {
    stop("Model has ", p, " lags. To predict I need at least ", p,
         " observations, but only ", nrow(Y_in), " are provided.")

  # if requested add constant to exogeneous regressors
  if (constant) {
    Z_f <- cbind(rep(1, h), Z_f)

  if (out_of_sample) {
    # take last p observations of Y_in (out-of-sample forecast)
    Y_in <- utils::tail(Y_in, p)
  } else {
    # take first p observations of Y_in (in-sample forecast)
    Y_in <- utils::head(Y_in, p)

  e_t <- rep(0, m)  # ok for bayesian credible intervals

  # space to store all forecasted values
  forecast_raw <- matrix(0, nrow = keep, ncol = m * h)

  x_t <- rep(0, k)

  for (i in 1:keep) {
    # forecast h steps for given sampling of Phi

    if (fast_forecast) {
      # use posterior expected value of Phi
      Phi <- attr(model, "posterior")$Phi_post
    } else {
      # use Phi^[s] and Sigma^[s]
      Phi <- matrix(model[i, 1:(k * m)], nrow = k)

      Sigma <- matrix(model[i, (k * m + 1):(m * k + m * m)], nrow = m)  # Sigma [m x m]
      # find square root of draw from Sigma (code is part of mvtnorm
      # function)
      ev <- eigen(Sigma, symmetric = TRUE)
      if (!all(ev$values >= -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) * abs(ev$values[1]))) {
        warning("Omega_post is numerically not positive definite")
      # precalculate R to do less operations in case h>1
      R <- t(ev$vectors %*% (t(ev$vectors) * sqrt(ev$values)))

    Phi_transp <- t(Phi)  # precalculate to do less operations in case h>1

    for (j in 1:h) {

      if (out_of_sample) {
        # out-of-sample forecast fill exogeneous values in x_t
        x_t[(m * p + 1):(m * p + d)] <- Z_f[j, ]

        # fill endogeneous values in x_t (first out-of-sample forecast)
        if (j == 1)
          x_t[1:(m * p)] <- as.vector(t(Y_in)[, p:1])

        # fill endogeneous values recursively (second+ out-of-sample forecast)
        if (j > 1) {
          if (p > 1) {
            x_t[(m + 1):(m * p)] <- x_t[1:(m * (p - 1))]
          x_t[1:m] <- y_t
      } else {
        # in-sample forecast
        x_t <- attr(model, "data")$X_wo_dummy[j, ]

      if (type == "prediction")
        e_t <- R %*% stats::rnorm(m)
      # e_t is 0 for bayesian credible intervals

      y_t <- Phi_transp %*% x_t + e_t
      forecast_raw[i, (m * (j - 1) + 1):(m * j)] <- y_t
    }  # end_for j in 1:h
  }  # end_for i in 1:keep

  # save as mcmc object for standartisation
  forecast_raw <- coda::as.mcmc(forecast_raw)

  # we have m endogeneous variables and h forecasts for each
  id_block <- data.frame(variable = rep(attr(model, "data")$endo_varnames,
                                        h), h = rep(1:h, each = m))

  forecast_summary <- NULL

  # calculate mean
  if ("mean" %in% include) {
    what <- rep("mean", h * m)
    value <- apply(forecast_raw, 2, mean)
    block <- cbind(id_block, what, value)  # block of information
    forecast_summary <- rbind(forecast_summary, block)

  # calculate median
  if ("median" %in% include) {
    what <- rep("median", h * m)
    value <- apply(forecast_raw, 2, stats::median)
    block <- cbind(id_block, what, value)  # block of information
    forecast_summary <- rbind(forecast_summary, block)

  # sd
  if ("sd" %in% include) {
    what <- rep("sd", h * m)
    value <- apply(forecast_raw, 2, stats::sd)
    block <- cbind(id_block, what, value)  # block of information
    forecast_summary <- rbind(forecast_summary, block)

  # calculate quantiles
  if ("interval" %in% include) {
    for (lev in level) {
      # lower
      what <- rep(paste0("lower_", lev), h * m)
      value <- apply(forecast_raw, 2, function(x) stats::quantile(x, probs = (1 -
                                                                         lev / 100) / 2))
      block <- cbind(id_block, what, value)  # block of information
      forecast_summary <- rbind(forecast_summary, block)

      # upper
      what <- rep(paste0("upper_", lev), h * m)
      value <- apply(forecast_raw, 2, function(x) stats::quantile(x, probs = (1 +
                                                                         lev / 100) / 2))
      block <- cbind(id_block, what, value)  # block of information
      forecast_summary <- rbind(forecast_summary, block)

  rownames(forecast_summary) <- NULL

  if ((output == "wide") & (!is.null(forecast_summary))) {
    # transform to wide format if requested
    forecast_summary <- reshape2::dcast(forecast_summary, variable +
                                          h ~ what)

  if ("raw" %in% include) {
    if (length(include) == 1) {
      # only raw forecasts are requested
      forecast_summary <- forecast_raw
    } else {
      # attach raw forecasts as attribute
      attr(forecast_summary, "forecast_raw") <- forecast_raw

#' summary of a conjugate Normal-Inverse-Wishart bayesian VAR model
#' summary of a conjugate Normal-Inverse-Wishart bayesian VAR model
#' summary of a conjugate Normal-Inverse-Wishart bayesian VAR model
#' @param model estimated conjugate N-IW model
#' @export
#' @return nothing
#' @examples
#' data(Yraw)
#' setup <- bvar_conj_setup(Yraw, p = 4)
#' model <- bvar_conj_estimate(setup = setup, keep = 100)
#' bvar_conj_summary(model)
bvar_conj_summary <- function(model) {
  T <- nrow(model$X)  # number of observations minus p
  p <- model$p
  k <- ncol(model$X)
  m <- ncol(model$Y)
  constant <- model$constant
  d <- k - m * p

  keep <- 0
  if ("sample" %in% names(model))
    keep <- nrow(model$sample)
  T_in <- T + p
  T_dummy <- nrow(model$X_plus)

  message("Number of lags, p = ", p)
  message("Number of endogeneos variables, m = ", m)

  const_message <- "(no constant is present)"
  if (constant)
    const_message <- "(including constant)"
  message("Number of exogeneos variables ", const_message, ", d = ",

  message("Number of parameters, k = mp + d = ", k)
  message("Initial number of observations, T_in = ", T_in)
  message("Number of dummy observations, T_dummy = ", T_dummy)
  message("Number of observations available for classic VAR, T = T_in - p = ",

  message("Posterior mean of Phi (VAR coefficients) [k = ", k, " x m = ",
          m, "]:")

  message("Posterior nu = ", model$v_post)

  if (keep > 0) {
    message("Number of mcmc simulations, keep = ", keep)

    post_mean <- apply(model$sample, 2, mean)
    post_sd <- apply(model$sample, 2, stats::sd)

    message("Posterior sample mean of Phi (VAR coefficients) [k = ",
            k, " x m = ", m, "]:")
    Phi_post_sample_mean <- matrix(utils::head(post_mean, k * m), nrow = k)
    colnames(Phi_post_sample_mean) <- colnames(model$Phi_post)
    rownames(Phi_post_sample_mean) <- rownames(model$Phi_post)

    message("Posterior sample mean of Sigma (noise covariance matrix) [m = ",
            m, " x m = ", m, "]:")
    Sigma_post_sample_mean <- matrix(utils::tail(post_mean, m * m), nrow = m)
    colnames(Sigma_post_sample_mean) <- bvar_get_endo_varnames(model$Y)
    rownames(Sigma_post_sample_mean) <- bvar_get_endo_varnames(model$Y)

    message("Posterior sample sd of Phi (VAR coefficients) [k = ",
            k, " x m = ", m, "]:")
    Phi_post_sample_sd <- matrix(utils::head(post_sd, k * m), nrow = k)
    colnames(Phi_post_sample_sd) <- colnames(model$Phi_post)
    rownames(Phi_post_sample_sd) <- rownames(model$Phi_post)

    message("Posterior sample sd of Sigma (noise covariance matrix) [m = ",
            m, " x m = ", m, "]:")
    Sigma_post_sample_sd <- matrix(utils::tail(post_sd, m * m), nrow = m)
    colnames(Sigma_post_sample_sd) <- bvar_get_endo_varnames(model$Y)
    rownames(Sigma_post_sample_sd) <- bvar_get_endo_varnames(model$Y)
  } else {
    message("No mcmc simulations were done, only posteriors were calculated.")

#' summary of a conjugate Normal-Inverse-Wishart bayesian VAR model
#' summary of a conjugate Normal-Inverse-Wishart bayesian VAR model
#' summary of a conjugate Normal-Inverse-Wishart bayesian VAR model
#' @param model estimated conjugate N-IW model
#' @export
#' @return nothing
#' @examples
#' data(Yraw)
#' priors <- Carriero_priors(Yraw, p = 4)
#' model <- bvar_conjugate0(priors = priors, keep = 100)
#' summary_conjugate(model)
summary_conjugate <- function(model) {
  T <- attr(model, "params")$T  # number of observations minus p
  p <- attr(model, "params")$p
  k <- attr(model, "params")$k
  m <- attr(model, "params")$m
  d <- attr(model, "params")$d
  keep <- attr(model, "params")$keep
  T_in <- attr(model, "params")$T_in
  T_dummy <- attr(model, "params")$T_dummy
  fast_forecast <- attr(model, "params")$fast_forecast

  message("Number of lags, p = ", p)
  message("Number of endogeneos variables, m = ", m)
  message("Number of exogeneos variables (including constant), d = ",
  message("Number of parameters, k = mp + d = ", k)
  message("Initial number of observations, T_in = ", T_in)
  message("Number of dummy observations, T_dummy = ", T_dummy)
  message("Number of observations available for regression, T = T_in + T_dummy - p = ",

  message("Posterior mean of Phi (VAR coefficients) [k = ", k, " x m = ",
          m, "]:")
  print(attr(model, "posterior")$Phi_post)

  message("Posterior nu = ", attr(model, "posterior")$v_post)

  if (fast_forecast) {
    message("'fast_forecast' option is TRUE. Only posterior hyperparameters are calculated.")
  } else {
    message("Number of mcmc simulations, keep = ", keep)
    post_mean <- apply(model, 2, mean)
    post_sd <- apply(model, 2, stats::sd)

    message("Posterior sample mean of Phi (VAR coefficients) [k = ",
            k, " x m = ", m, "]:")
    Phi_post_sample_mean <- matrix(utils::head(post_mean, k * m), nrow = k)
    colnames(Phi_post_sample_mean) <- colnames(attr(model, "posterior")$Phi_post)
    rownames(Phi_post_sample_mean) <- rownames(attr(model, "posterior")$Phi_post)

    message("Posterior sample mean of Sigma (noise covariance matrix) [m = ",
            m, " x m = ", m, "]:")
    Sigma_post_sample_mean <- matrix(utils::tail(post_mean, m * m), nrow = m)
    colnames(Sigma_post_sample_mean) <- attr(model, "data")$endo_varnames
    rownames(Sigma_post_sample_mean) <- attr(model, "data")$endo_varnames

    message("Posterior sample sd of Phi (VAR coefficients) [k = ",
            k, " x m = ", m, "]:")
    Phi_post_sample_sd <- matrix(utils::head(post_sd, k * m), nrow = k)
    colnames(Phi_post_sample_sd) <- colnames(attr(model, "posterior")$Phi_post)
    rownames(Phi_post_sample_sd) <- rownames(attr(model, "posterior")$Phi_post)

    message("Posterior sample sd of Sigma (noise covariance matrix) [m = ",
            m, " x m = ", m, "]:")
    Sigma_post_sample_sd <- matrix(utils::tail(post_sd, m * m), nrow = m)
    colnames(Sigma_post_sample_sd) <- attr(model, "data")$endo_varnames
    rownames(Sigma_post_sample_sd) <- attr(model, "data")$endo_varnames



#' Multivariate log-gamma-function
#' Multivariate log-gamma-function
#' Multivariate log-gamma-function. Wikipedia-style parametrisation (p,a)
#' @param p dimension
#' @param a argument
#' @export
#' @return log G_p(a), log of multivariate gamma-function
#' @examples
#' lmvgamma(2, 3)
lmvgamma <- function(p, a) {
  # wikipedia parameters
  res <- p * (p - 1) / 4 * log(pi) + sum(lgamma(a + (1 - (1:p)) / 2))

#' Calculate log marginal data density
#' Calculate log marginal data density
#' Calculate log marginal data density. Formula (22) from Carriero
#' "Bayesian VARs: Specification Choices and Forecast Accuracy" section 4.1.
#' @param model estimated conjugate N-IW model
#' @export
#' @return log of marginal data density
#' @examples
#' data(Yraw)
#' priors <- Carriero_priors(Yraw, p = 4)
#' model <- bvar_conjugate0(priors = priors, fast_forecast = TRUE)
#' marginal_data_density(model)
marginal_data_density <- function(model) {

  params <- attr(model, "params")
  data <- attr(model, "data")
  prior <- attr(model, "prior")
  post <- attr(model, "post")

  p <- params$p
  k <- params$k
  m <- params$m
  d <- params$d
  keep <- params$keep
  T_in <- params$T_in
  T_dummy <- params$T_dummy
  fast_forecast <- params$fast_forecast
  Omega_prior <- prior$Omega_prior
  Phi_prior <- prior$Phi_prior
  S_prior <- prior$S_prior
  v_prior <- prior$v_prior

  # what are exactly T, X, Y and v_post (it uses T). Shall we include
  # dummy variables?!
  X <- data$X_wo_dummy  # here we may experiment :)
  Y <- data$Y_wo_dummy

  T <- nrow(X)
  v_post <- v_prior + T

  I_XoX <- diag(T) + X %*% Omega_prior %*% t(X)  # diag() = Identity matrix
  I_XoX_inv <- sym_inv(I_XoX)
  e_prior <- Y - X %*% Phi_prior

  # just to avoid a very long line:
  line_1 <- -T * m/2 * log(pi) - m/2 * log(det(I_XoX)) + v_prior/2 *
  line_2 <- -v_post/2 * log(det(t(e_prior) %*% I_XoX_inv %*% e_prior))
  res <- lmvgamma(m, v_post/2) - lmvgamma(m, v_prior/2) + line_1 + line_2


#' Calculate log marginal data density
#' Calculate log marginal data density
#' Calculate log marginal data density. Formula (22) from Carriero
#' "Bayesian VARs: Specification Choices and Forecast Accuracy" section 4.1.
#' @param model estimated conjugate N-IW model
#' @export
#' @return log of marginal data density
#' @examples
#' data(Yraw)
#' setup <- bvar_conj_setup(Yraw, p = 4)
#' model <- bvar_conj_estimate(setup = setup, keep = 100)
#' bvar_conj_mdd(model)
bvar_conj_mdd <- function(model) {

  T <- nrow(model$X)  # number of observations minus p
  p <- model$p
  k <- ncol(model$X)
  m <- ncol(model$Y)
  constant <- model$constant
  d <- k - m * p

  # old:
  prior <- bvar_conj_dummy2hyper(model$Y_plus, model$X_plus)
  # model was estimated using additional dummy observations but we use
  # Omega_prior, Phi_prior and S_prior directly obtained from lambdas
  # this is more robust, than obtaining them from calculated dummy
  # observations
  Omega_prior <- prior$Omega  # model$Omega_prior #
  Phi_prior <- prior$Phi  # model$Phi_prior #
  S_prior <- prior$S  # model$S_prior #

  v_prior <- model$v_prior

  X <- model$X
  Y <- model$Y

  v_post <- model$v_post

  if (all(is.finite(Omega_prior))) {
    I_XoX <- diag(T) + X %*% Omega_prior %*% t(X)  # diag() = Identity matrix
    I_XoX_inv <- sym_inv(I_XoX)
    e_prior <- Y - X %*% Phi_prior

    # just to avoid a very long line:
    line_1 <- -T * m/2 * log(pi) - m/2 * log(det(I_XoX)) + v_prior/2 *
    line_2 <- -v_post/2 * log(det(S_prior + t(e_prior) %*% I_XoX_inv %*%
    res <- lmvgamma(m, v_post/2) - lmvgamma(m, v_prior/2) + line_1 + line_2
  } else {
    res <- NaN
    warning("Omega prior contains Inf, I could not calculate marginal data density. Sorry.")

bdemeshev/bvarr documentation built on May 12, 2019, 3:40 a.m.