
Defines functions stein tauStein restricted tauRestricted dfl1

Documented in dfl1 restricted stein tauRestricted tauStein

stein <- function(tau, Vj, Z, S, activeSetCum, asLen, J) {
  #' This function returns the degrees of freedom using Steins' method
  #' @param tau vector of smoothing parameters for random effects
  #' @export

  A <- cbind(do.call(cbind, Vj), Z)
  activeSetCum <- c(0, cumsum(asLen), ncol(A))

  # Stein degrees of freedom -------------------------------
  Omega <- array(0, dim = rep(ncol(A), 2))
        ((activeSetCum[J+1]+1):activeSetCum[J+2])]  <- tau * as.matrix(S)

  dfStein <- NA
  dfSteinj = rep(NA, J+1)

  AtA <- crossprod(A)
  Adiag <- diag(ginv(AtA + Omega) %*% AtA)
  for (j in 1:(J+1)) {
    dfSteinj[j] <- sum(Adiag[(activeSetCum[j]+1):activeSetCum[j+1]])
  dfStein <- sum(dfSteinj) + 1

  return(list(dfSteinj = dfSteinj, dfStein = dfStein))

tauStein <- function(tau, Vj, Z, S, activeSetCum, asLen, J, sigma2b, SSE, sumn) {
  #' The root of this function gives tau
  #' @param tau vector of smoothing parameters for random effects
  #' @export

  return(tau - sigma2b / SSE * (sumn - stein(tau, Vj, Z, S, activeSetCum, asLen, J)$dfStein))

restricted <- function(tau, Vj, Z, S) {
  #' This function returns the degrees of freedom using restricted derivatives
  #' @param tau vector of smoothing parameters for random effects
  #' @export

  Hb <- Z %*% solve(crossprod(Z) + tau * S, t(Z), sparse = TRUE)

  dfResj <- c(sapply(Vj, function(V) {sum(solve(crossprod(V), crossprod(V)))}), sum(diag(Hb)))
  dfRes <- 1 + sum(dfResj)

  return(list(dfResj = dfResj, dfRes = dfRes, Hb = Hb))

tauRestricted <- function(tau, Vj, Z, S, sigma2b, SSE, sumn) {
  #' The root of this function gives tau
  #' @param tau vector of smoothing parameters for random effects
  #' @export

  return(tau - sigma2b / SSE * (sumn - restricted(tau, Vj, Z, S)$dfRes))

dfl1 <- function(tau, lambda, X, wNew, Z, S, SSE, sumn, sigma2b, uniUpper = uniUpper) {
  #' Obtain degrees of freedom for l1ADMM objects
  #' This function obtains degrees of freedom estimates
  #' for models fit with the admm function. Usually called from within admm.
  #' @param tau vector of smoothing parameters for random effects
  #' @param lambda scalar smoothing parameter for fixed effects
  #' @param X list of fixed effect design matrices setup by l1smooth
  #' @param wNew list of updated w parameters in ADMM algorithm
  #' @param Z random effect design matrix setup by randomEffects
  #' @param S random effect penalty matrix setup by randomEffects
  #' @keywords confidence intervals bands
  #' @export
  #' @examples
  #' dfTable <- dfl1(tau, lambda, X, wNew, Z, S)

  J <- length(X)

  # degrees of freedom --------------------------------------------------------
  activeSet <- list()
  for (j in 1:J) {
    activeSet[[j]] <- c(1:(X[[j]]$k+1), (X[[j]]$k+1) + which(wNew[[j]] != 0))
  asLen <- sapply(activeSet, length)
  H <- list()
  Vj <- list()
  for (j in 1:J) {
    H[[j]] <- X[[j]]$F %*% tcrossprod(ginv(as.matrix(crossprod(X[[j]]$F) + 
                         lambda[j] * crossprod(X[[j]]$D))), X[[j]]$F)
    M <- Mfun(k = X[[j]]$k, p = ncol(X[[j]]$Ftilde))
    Vj[[j]] <- as.matrix((X[[j]]$Ftilde %*% M)[, activeSet[[j]]])

  dfStein <- NA
  dfSteinj <- rep(NA, J + 1)
  dfRes <- NA
  dfResj <- rep(NA, J + 1)

  if(!is.null(tau)) {
    Hb <- Z %*% solve(crossprod(Z) + tau * S, t(Z), sparse = TRUE)

      tauOut <- stein(tau, Vj, Z, S, activeSetCum, asLen, J)
      dfSteinj <- tauOut$dfSteinj
      dfStein <- tauOut$dfStein

    tauOut <- restricted(tau, Vj, Z, S)
    dfResj <- tauOut$dfResj
    dfRes <- tauOut$dfRes

  # Stein method
  if (is.null(tau)){
      tau <- uniroot(tauStein, interval = c(0, uniUpper), 
                     Vj, Z, S, activeSetCum, asLen, J, sigma2b, SSE, sumn)$root

      tauOut <- stein(tau, Vj, Z, S, activeSetCum, asLen, J)
      dfSteinj <- tauOut$dfSteinj
      dfStein <- tauOut$dfStein
      Hb <- Z %*% solve(crossprod(Z) + tau * S, t(Z), sparse = TRUE)

  # restricted derivatives approximation ------------------
  if(is.null(tau)) {
      tau <- uniroot(tauRestricted, interval = c(0, uniUpper), 
                     Vj, Z, S, sigma2b, SSE, sumn)$root

      tauOut <- restricted(tau, Vj, Z, S)
      dfResj <- tauOut$dfResj
      dfRes <- tauOut$dfRes
      Hb <- tauOut$Hb

  if(is.null(tau)) {
    stop("Estimation of tau failed with both Stein's method and restricted derivatives. Try increasing uniUpper in call to dfl1")
  } else {
    # If possible, use the tau from Stein's method to get degrees of freedom
    dfResj <- c(sapply(Vj, function(V) {sum(solve(crossprod(V), crossprod(V)))}), sum(diag(Hb)))
    dfRes <- 1 + sum(dfResj)

  # ADMM approximation ------------------------------------
  kVec <- sapply(1:length(X), function(j) {X[[j]]$k})
  notCenterVec <- as.numeric(sapply(1:length(X), function(j) {!X[[j]]$center}))
  dfADMMj <- c(sapply(wNew, function(x) sum(x != 0)) + kVec + notCenterVec,
  dfADMM <- sum(dfADMMj) + 1

  # ridge approximation ----------------------------------
  Flist <- list()
  for (j in 1:J) {
    Flist[[j]] <- X[[j]]$F
  U <- cbind(do.call(cbind, Flist), Z)

  p <- c(sapply(Flist, ncol), ncol(Z))
  pCum <- c(0, cumsum(p))

  OmegaRidge <- array(0, dim = rep(ncol(U), 2))
  for (j in 1:J) {
    OmegaRidge[((pCum[j]+1):pCum[j+1]), ((pCum[j]+1):pCum[j+1])] <- 
      lambda[j] * crossprod(X[[j]]$D)
  OmegaRidge[((pCum[J+1]+1):pCum[J+2]),((pCum[J+1]+1):pCum[J+2])]  <- tau * as.matrix(S)

  # true ridge approximation
  dfRidge <- NA
  dfRidgej = rep(NA, J+1)
    UtU <- crossprod(U)
    Hdiag <- diag(ginv(UtU + OmegaRidge) %*% UtU)
    for (j in 1:(J+1)) {
      dfRidgej[j] <- sum(Hdiag[(pCum[j]+1):pCum[j+1]])
    names(dfRidgej) <- c(paste("F", 1:length(X), sep = ""), "Z")
    dfRidge <- sum(dfRidgej) + 1

  # restricted derivative ridge approximation -------------
  dfRidgeResj <- c(sapply(H, function(h) {sum(diag(h))}), sum(diag(Hb)))
  dfRidgeRes <- 1 + sum(dfRidgeResj)
  # dfRidgeResLambda <- sum(dfRidgeResj[-length(dfRidgeResj)])

  dfTable <- data.frame(rbind(c(dfStein, dfSteinj),
                              c(dfRes, dfResj),
                              c(dfADMM, dfADMMj),
                              c(dfRidge, dfRidgej),
                              c(dfRidgeRes, dfRidgeResj)))
  colnames(dfTable) <- c("Overall", c(paste("F", 1:J, sep = ""), "Z"))
  rownames(dfTable) <- c("Stein", "Restricted", "ADMM", "Ridge", "Ridge restricted")

bdsegal/psplinesl1 documentation built on July 22, 2019, 11:38 a.m.