
# load required functions and packages

# generate the data -- note that this is a simple setting, for speed -----------
p <- 2
n <- 5e4
x <- replicate(p, stats::rnorm(n, 0, 1))
# apply the function to the x's
y <- 1 + 0.5 * x[, 1] + 0.75 * x[, 2] + stats::rnorm(n, 0, 1)
# get the 'true' SPVIMs
true_var <- mean((y - mean(y)) ^ 2)
mse_one <- mean((y - (1 + 0.5 * x[, 1])) ^ 2)
mse_two <- mean((y - (1 + 0.75 * x[, 2])) ^ 2)
mse_full <- mean((y - (1 + 0.5 * x[, 1] + 0.75 * x[, 2])) ^ 2)
# get the true SPVIMs
r2_one <- 1 - mse_one / true_var
r2_two <- 1 - mse_two / true_var
r2_full <- 1 - mse_full / true_var
shapley_val_1 <- (1/2) * (r2_one - 0) + (1/2) * (r2_full - r2_two)
shapley_val_2 <- (1/2) * (r2_two - 0) + (1/2) * (r2_full - r2_one)
# create a binomial outcome, get true AUC
y_bin <- as.numeric(y > 0)
true_auc <- cvAUC::AUC(pnorm(1 + 0.5 * x[, 1] + 0.75 * x[, 2]), y_bin)
# make this a two-phase study, assume that X is only measured on
# subjects in the second phase; note C = 1 is inclusion
C <- rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = exp(y) / (1 + exp(y)))
tmp_x <- x
tmp_x[C == 0, ] <- NA
x <- tmp_x
x_df <- as.data.frame(x)
ipc_weights <- 1 / predict(glm(C ~ y, family = "binomial"), type = "response")

learners <- c("SL.glm", "SL.mean")
V <- 2

# test IPW VIM -----------------------------------------------------------------
# test that VIM with inverse probability of coarsening weights works
test_that("VIM with inverse probability of coarsening weights works", {
  est <- vim(Y = y, X = x_df, indx = 1, type = "r_squared", run_regression = TRUE,
             SL.library = learners, method = "method.CC_LS",
             alpha = 0.05, delta = 0, C = C, Z = "Y", ipc_weights = ipc_weights,
             cvControl = list(V = V), env = environment())
  expect_equal(est$est, r2_one, tolerance = 0.2, scale = 1)
cc <- complete.cases(x_df)
y_cc <- y_bin[cc]
x_cc <- x_df[cc, ]
weights_cc <- ipc_weights[cc]
# test that AUC estimation with the mean works
test_that("IPW AUC estimation with the mean works", {
  sl_fit <- SuperLearner(Y = y_cc, X = x_cc, family = binomial(),
                         SL.library = "SL.mean", obsWeights = weights_cc)
  est_auc <- measure_auc(fitted_values = sl_fit$SL.predict, y = y_cc,
                         full_y = y_bin, C = cc, Z = data.frame(Y = y_bin),
                         ipc_est_type = "ipw",
                         ipc_weights = ipc_weights, ipc_fit_type = "SL",
                         SL.library = "SL.glm", method = "method.CC_LS")
  est_auc_wauc <- WeightedROC::WeightedAUC(WeightedROC::WeightedROC(
    guess = sl_fit$SL.predict, label = y_cc, weight = weights_cc
  expect_equal(est_auc$point_est, 0.5, tolerance = 0.001, scale = 1)
  expect_equal(est_auc$point_est, est_auc_wauc, tolerance = 0.001, scale = 1)
# test that AUC estimation with a better learner works
expect_warning(sl_fit <- SuperLearner(Y = y_cc, X = x_cc, family = "binomial",
                                      SL.library = "SL.glm", obsWeights = weights_cc))
est_auc <- measure_auc(fitted_values = sl_fit$SL.predict, y = y_cc,
                       full_y = y_bin, C = cc, Z = data.frame(Y = y_bin),
                       ipc_est_type = "ipw",
                       ipc_weights = ipc_weights, ipc_fit_type = "SL",
                       SL.library = "SL.glm", method = "method.CC_LS")
est_auc_wauc <- WeightedROC::WeightedAUC(WeightedROC::WeightedROC(
  guess = sl_fit$SL.predict, label = y_cc, weight = weights_cc
# bootstrap to get weighted AUC SE
wuac_boot_stat <- function(data, indices) {
    guess = data$fit[indices], label = data$y[indices], weight = data$weight[indices]
boot_wauc <- boot::boot(data = data.frame(fit = sl_fit$SL.predict, y = y_cc,
                                          weight = weights_cc),
                        statistic = wuac_boot_stat,
                        R = 1000)
boot_wauc_se <- sqrt(apply(boot_wauc$t, 2, function(x) mean((x - mean(x)) ^ 2)))
boot_wauc_ci <- boot::boot.ci(boot_wauc, type = "norm")
auc_se <- sqrt(mean(est_auc$eif ^ 2) / length(est_auc$eif))
test_that("IPW AUC estimation with a better learner works", {
  expect_equal(est_auc$point_est, true_auc, tolerance = 0.1, scale = 1)
  expect_equal(est_auc$point_est, est_auc_wauc, tolerance = 0.001, scale = 1)
  expect_equal(auc_se, boot_wauc_se, tolerance = 0.002, scale = 1)
# test IPW AUC with much larger, outlying weights ------------------------------
big_weights <- ipc_weights
big_weights[big_weights > 10] <- ipc_weights[ipc_weights > 10] * 50
big_weights_cc <- big_weights[cc]
expect_warning(sl_fit <- SuperLearner(Y = y_cc, X = x_cc, family = "binomial",
                                      SL.library = "SL.glm", obsWeights = big_weights_cc))
est_auc <- measure_auc(fitted_values = sl_fit$SL.predict, y = y_cc,
                       full_y = y_bin, C = cc, Z = data.frame(Y = y_bin),
                       ipc_est_type = "ipw",
                       ipc_weights = big_weights, ipc_fit_type = "SL",
                       SL.library = "SL.glm", method = "method.CC_LS")
est_auc_wauc <- WeightedROC::WeightedAUC(WeightedROC::WeightedROC(
  guess = sl_fit$SL.predict, label = y_cc, weight = big_weights_cc
# bootstrap to get weighted AUC SE
wuac_boot_stat <- function(data, indices) {
    guess = data$fit[indices], label = data$y[indices], weight = data$weight[indices]
boot_wauc <- boot::boot(data = data.frame(fit = sl_fit$SL.predict, y = y_cc,
                                          weight = big_weights_cc),
                        statistic = wuac_boot_stat,
                        R = 1000)
boot_wauc_se <- sqrt(apply(boot_wauc$t, 2, function(x) mean((x - mean(x)) ^ 2)))
boot_wauc_ci <- boot::boot.ci(boot_wauc, type = "norm")
auc_se <- sqrt(mean(est_auc$eif ^ 2) / length(est_auc$eif))
# with stabilized weights
stabilized_weights <- big_weights / mean(big_weights)
stabilized_weights_cc <- stabilized_weights[cc]
expect_warning(stabilized_sl_fit <- SuperLearner(Y = y_cc, X = x_cc, family = "binomial",
                                      SL.library = "SL.glm", obsWeights = stabilized_weights_cc))
stabilized_est_auc <- measure_auc(fitted_values = sl_fit$SL.predict, y = y_cc,
                       full_y = y_bin, C = cc, Z = data.frame(Y = y_bin),
                       ipc_est_type = "ipw",
                       ipc_weights = stabilized_weights, ipc_fit_type = "SL",
                       SL.library = "SL.glm", method = "method.CC_LS")
stabilized_est_auc_wauc <- WeightedROC::WeightedAUC(WeightedROC::WeightedROC(
  guess = stabilized_sl_fit$SL.predict, label = y_cc, weight = stabilized_weights_cc
# bootstrap to get weighted AUC SE
stabilized_boot_wauc <- boot::boot(data = data.frame(fit = stabilized_sl_fit$SL.predict, y = y_cc,
                                          weight = stabilized_weights_cc),
                        statistic = wuac_boot_stat,
                        R = 1000)
stabilized_boot_wauc_se <- sqrt(apply(stabilized_boot_wauc$t, 2, function(x) mean((x - mean(x)) ^ 2)))
stabilized_boot_wauc_ci <- boot::boot.ci(stabilized_boot_wauc, type = "norm")
stabilized_auc_se <- sqrt(mean(stabilized_est_auc$eif ^ 2) / length(stabilized_est_auc$eif))
test_that("IPW AUC estimation with large weights works", {
  expect_equal(est_auc$point_est, true_auc, tolerance = 0.1, scale = 1)
  expect_equal(est_auc$point_est, est_auc_wauc, tolerance = 0.001, scale = 1)
  expect_equal(auc_se, boot_wauc_se, tolerance = 0.025, scale = 1)
  # stabilized weights
  expect_equal(stabilized_est_auc$point_est, true_auc, tolerance = 0.1, scale = 1)
  expect_equal(stabilized_est_auc$point_est, stabilized_est_auc_wauc, tolerance = 0.001, scale = 1)
  expect_equal(auc_se / stabilized_auc_se, 10, tolerance = 5, scale = 1)

# test IPW CV-VIM --------------------------------------------------------------
# test that VIM with inverse probability of coarsening weights and cross-fitting works
test_that("CV-VIM with inverse probability of coarsening weights works", {
  est_cv <- cv_vim(Y = y, X = x_df, indx = 1, type = "r_squared", V = 2,
                   run_regression = TRUE, SL.library = learners[1], method = "method.CC_LS",
             alpha = 0.05, delta = 0, C = C, Z = "Y", ipc_weights = ipc_weights,
             cvControl = list(V = V), env = environment())
  expect_equal(est_cv$est, r2_one, tolerance = 0.3, scale = 1)

# test that CV-VIM with IPW and fully-observed data works
n2 <- 1000
n_splits <- 10
df2 <- dplyr::tibble(
  id = 1:n2,
  x1 = rnorm(n2),
  x2 = rnorm(n2),
  x3 = runif(n2),
  y = x1 + 5 * x3 * (x3 <= 0.95) + rnorm(n2),
  split_id = sample(n_splits, n2, replace = TRUE),
  w = 1 + 10 * (x3 > 0.95),
  w2 = 1

x_df2 <- select(df2, x1, x2, x3)

validRows <- purrr::map(sort(unique(df2$split_id)), ~which(.x == df2$split_id))
cv_ctl <- SuperLearner::SuperLearner.CV.control(V = n_splits, validRows = validRows)
inner_cv_ctl <- list(list(V = n_splits / 2))

full_fit <- suppressWarnings(SuperLearner::CV.SuperLearner(
  Y = df2$y,
  X = x_df2,
  SL.library = c("SL.glm", "SL.mean"),
  cvControl = cv_ctl,
  innerCvControl = inner_cv_ctl,
  obsWeights = df2$w
cross_fitted_f1 <- full_fit$SL.predict
idx <- 3
red_fit <- suppressWarnings(SuperLearner::CV.SuperLearner(
  Y = full_fit$SL.predict,
  X = x_df2[, -idx, drop = FALSE],
  SL.library = c("SL.glm", "SL.mean"),
  cvControl = cv_ctl,
  innerCvControl = inner_cv_ctl,
  obsWeights = df2$w
cross_fitted_f2 <- red_fit$SL.predict
ss_folds <- vimp::make_folds(unique(df2$split_id), V = 2)
test_that("CV-VIM with IPW and fully-observed data works", {
  result <- vimp::cv_vim(
    Y = df2$y,
    type = "r_squared",
    indx = idx,
    cross_fitted_f1 = cross_fitted_f1,
    cross_fitted_f2 = cross_fitted_f2,
    SL.library = c("SL.mean"),
    cross_fitting_folds = df2$split_id,
    sample_splitting_folds = ss_folds,
    run_regression = FALSE,
    V = n_splits / 2,
    ipc_weights = df2$w,
    Z = "Y"
  expect_equal(result$p_value < 0.05, FALSE)

full_fit2 <- suppressWarnings(SuperLearner::CV.SuperLearner(
  Y = df2$y,
  X = x_df2,
  SL.library = c("SL.glm", "SL.mean"),
  cvControl = cv_ctl,
  innerCvControl = inner_cv_ctl,
  obsWeights = df2$w2
cross_fitted_f12 <- full_fit2$SL.predict
red_fit2 <- suppressWarnings(SuperLearner::CV.SuperLearner(
  Y = full_fit2$SL.predict,
  X = x_df2[, -idx, drop = FALSE],
  SL.library = c("SL.glm", "SL.mean"),
  cvControl = cv_ctl,
  innerCvControl = inner_cv_ctl,
  obsWeights = df2$w2
cross_fitted_f22 <- red_fit2$SL.predict
test_that("CV-VIM with no IPW and fully-observed data works", {
  result <- vimp::cv_vim(
    Y = df2$y,
    type = "r_squared",
    indx = idx,
    cross_fitted_f1 = cross_fitted_f12,
    cross_fitted_f2 = cross_fitted_f22,
    SL.library = c("SL.mean"),
    cross_fitting_folds = df2$split_id,
    sample_splitting_folds = ss_folds,
    run_regression = FALSE,
    V = n_splits / 2,
    ipc_weights = df2$w2,
    Z = "Y"
  expect_equal(result$p_value < 0.05, TRUE)

# test IPW SPVIM ---------------------------------------------------------------
univariate_learners <- "SL.glm"
# test that SPVIM with inverse probability of coarsening weights works
test_that("SPVIM with inverse probability of coarsening weights works", {
  expect_warning(est_spvim <- sp_vim(Y = y, X = x_df, type = "r_squared", V = 2,
                      SL.library = learners, method = "method.CC_LS",
                      univariate_SL.library = univariate_learners, gamma = 0.1,
                      alpha = 0.05, delta = 0, C = C, Z = "Y",
                      ipc_weights = ipc_weights,
                      cvControl = list(V = 2), env = environment()))
  expect_equal(est_spvim$est[3], shapley_val_2, tolerance = 0.3, scale = 1)
# binary SPVIM
n <- 250
W <- runif(n, min = -1,  max = 1)
A <- rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = plogis(W))
Y <- rbinom(n,1,plogis(A * (1 + W + 2*W^2) + sin(5*W)))
propW <- 1/rnorm(n,0.5,0.1)
censoringW <-  runif(n, min = 1,  max = 5)
data <- data.frame(W,A,Y, propW, censoringW)

X_for_vim <- data.frame(X1 = W, X2=A)

test_that("SPVIM with IPW and binary outcome works", {
  expect_warning(est <- sp_vim(Y = Y, X = X_for_vim, V = 2, type = "auc",
                               SL.library = learners,
                               univariate_SL.library = univariate_learners, gamma = 0.1,
                               stratified = TRUE, C = rep(1,nrow(X_for_vim)),
                               cvControl = list(V = 2),
                               ipc_weights = propW*censoringW, ipc_est_type = "ipw",
                               Z = c("Y","X1","X2")))
  expect_equal(est$est[2], 0.1, tolerance = 0.05, scale = 1)
bdwilliamson/nova documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 10:04 p.m.