
Defines functions set_rave_theme get_rave_theme.rave_running .get_rave_theme `print.rave-palettes`

Documented in set_rave_theme

#' @export
`print.rave-palettes` <- function(x, plot=FALSE, dark, ...){
  ctx <- rave_context()
  cat('RAVE palettes in "', paste(x$themes, collapse = '", "'), '" mode', 
      ifelse(length(x$themes) > 1, 's', ''), ' for "', 
      paste(x$types, collapse = '", "'), '" variables\n', sep = '')
  npal <- length(x$palettes)
  cat('Total ', npal, ' palettes:\n', sep = '')
  lapply(x$palettes, function(p){
    cat('  ', p$name, ' (', length(p$colors), ' unique colors)\n', sep = '')
  max_col <- max(sapply(x$palettes, function(p){ length(p$colors) }))
  if( plot || ctx$context == 'rave_module_debug' ){
      dark <- 'dark' %in% x$themes
    mfrow <- par('mfrow')
    bg <- par('bg')
    fg <- par('fg')
    on.exit(par(mfrow = mfrow, bg = bg, fg = fg), add = TRUE)
    par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
    if( dark ){
      par(bg = '#1E1E1E', fg = 'white')
      par(bg = 'white', fg = 'black')
    font_col <- ifelse(dark, 'white', 'black')
    plot(c(0, npal*2+1), c(0, max_col + 1), type = 'n', 
         main = 'Color Palettes', axes = FALSE, cex.main = 2,
         xlab = '', ylab = '', col.main = font_col)
    axis(1, line = NA, at = seq_len(npal)*2-0.5, labels = seq_len(npal), 
         lwd = 0, cex.axis = 1.6, col.axis = font_col)
    draw_cols_cont <- function(p, idx){
      y <- seq_len(max_col)
      rect(xleft = idx-0.5, xright = idx+0.5, ybottom = y-0.5, ytop = y+0.5,
           col = p$colors, border = NA)
    draw_cols_disc <- function(p, idx){
      y <- seq_along(p$colors)
      points(rep(idx, length(y)), y, col = p$colors, pch = 16)
    lapply(seq_along(x$palettes), function(ii){
      p <- x$palettes[[ii]]
      draw_cols_cont(p, ii*2-1)
      draw_cols_disc(p, ii*2)

#' @title Get RAVE Theme from Package Settings
#' @param packages packages to check
#' @param type characters, \code{"continuous"}, \code{"discrete"}, or both
#' @param theme \code{"light"} or \code{"dark"}; default is current 
#' theme saved in \code{rave_options('current_theme')}
#' @param session shiny session
#' @return A list contains all palettes found in the packages.
#' @name get_rave_theme
#' @examples 
#' pal = get_rave_theme('rave', type = c('continuous', 'discrete'), theme='light')
#' print(pal, plot=TRUE)
#' pal = get_rave_theme('rave', type = c('continuous', 'discrete'), theme='dark')
#' print(pal, plot=TRUE)

.get_rave_theme <- function(
  packages = NULL, type = 'continuous', theme = NULL,
  session = shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()
  if(missing(theme) || !length(theme)){
    theme <- NULL
      theme <- session$userData$rave_theme
    theme %?<-% rave_options('default_theme')
    theme %?<-% 'light'
  stopifnot2(length(theme)==1 && theme %in% c('light', 'dark'),
             msg = 'theme must be either light or dark')
  stopifnot2(all(type %in% c('continuous', 'discrete')),
             msg = 'type must be either continuous or discrete, or both')
  packages <- unique(c(packages, 'rave'))
  packages <- packages[dipsaus::package_installed(packages)]
  # for each one of them, get yaml
  pals <- lapply(packages, function(pkg){
    .__rave_package__. <- pkg
    pal_yaml <- get_path('inst/palettes.yaml')
    if(length(pal_yaml) && file.exists(pal_yaml)){
      pal <- as.list(raveio::load_yaml(pal_yaml))
      re <- lapply(pal, function(p){
        p <- as.list(p)
        if(any(type %in% p$type) && 
           any(theme %in% p$theme) && 
           any(type %in% p$type)){
          p$package <- pkg
      re <- dipsaus::drop_nulls(re)
      if(!length(re)){ re <- NULL }else{ names(re) <- NULL }
  pals <- unlist(pals, recursive = FALSE)
  # Find duplicated palettes
  nms <- sapply(pals, '[[', 'name')
  pals <- lapply(seq_along(nms), function(ii){
    p <- pals[[ii]]
  names(pals) <- sprintf('%d. %s', seq_along(nms), nms)
  re <- list(
    names = names(pals),
    types = type,
    themes = theme,
    packages = packages,
    palettes = pals
  class(re) <- c('rave-palettes', 'list')

#' @export
get_rave_theme <- rave_context_generics('get_rave_theme', .get_rave_theme)

#' @export
get_rave_theme.default <- .get_rave_theme

#' @export
get_rave_theme.rave_running <- function(
  packages = NULL, type = 'continuous', theme = NULL, 
  session = shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()){
  ctx <- rave_context()
  packages <- c(ctx$package, packages)
  .get_rave_theme(packages, type, theme, session)

#' @export
get_rave_theme.rave_running_local <- get_rave_theme.rave_running

#' @title Set and Return RAVE theme
#' @param theme \code{"light"} or \code{"dark"}. See details if missing
#' @param .set_default whether to save current theme as default, default is no.
#' @param session shiny session
#' @details RAVE support two themes: "light" mode and "dark" mode. In "light"
#' mode, the web application background will be light gray and white. In "dark"
#' mode, the application background will be gray and foreground will be white.
#' If \code{theme} is missing and RAVE is running as web application, then 
#' it is set from current session, otherwise, the default theme is retrieved 
#' from \code{rave_options('default_theme')}. If option \code{"default_theme"}
#' is missing, then it defaults to "light".
#' @return \code{theme} under current context.
#' @examples 
#' # Retrieve current theme
#' get_val(rave_options('default_theme'), default = 'light')
#' # Set light mode
#' set_rave_theme('light')
#' plot(1:10, main = 'test light mode')
#' # Set dark mode
#' set_rave_theme('dark')
#' plot(1:10, main = 'test dark mode')
#' @export
set_rave_theme <- function(theme, .set_default = FALSE, 
                           session = shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()){
    default_theme <- session$userData$rave_theme
  default_theme %?<-% rave_options('default_theme')
    theme <- default_theme
    if(is.null(theme) || !theme %in% c('light', 'dark')){
      theme <- 'light'
  theme <- match.arg(theme, c('light', 'dark'), several.ok = FALSE)
  if(!isTRUE(theme == default_theme) && .set_default){
    rave_options('default_theme' = theme)
    if( theme == 'light' ){
      session$userData$rave_theme <- 'light'
      session$sendCustomMessage('rave_set_theme', list(theme = 'light'))
      session$userData$rave_theme <- 'dark'
      session$sendCustomMessage('rave_set_theme', list(theme = 'dark'))
  if(theme == 'light'){
    par(bg = 'white', fg = 'black', col = 'black', col.axis = 'black',
        col.main = 'black', col.lab = 'black', col.sub = 'black')
    par(bg = '#1E1E1E', fg = 'white', col = 'white', col.axis = 'white',
        col.main = 'white', col.lab = 'white', col.sub = 'white')
beauchamplab/rave documentation built on Feb. 23, 2024, 7:20 a.m.