
#' Extract results
#' Extract results from an object created by \code{\link[lme4]{lmer}} or \code{\link[lme4]{glmer}} from the \code{lme4} package.
#' In principle, \code{get.lmer.effects} collects only output already contained in the
#' lme4-output. Additionally, the marginal and conditional r-squared from Nakagawa and
#' Schielzeth (2013) is provided. The parameters are labeled \code{R2_m} and \code{R2_c}
#' in the \code{par}-column.
#'@param lmerObj An object of class \code{merMod} or \code{glmerMod}, as created by \code{\link[lme4]{lmer}} or \code{\link[lme4]{glmer}} from the \code{lme4} package.
#'@param bootMerObj Optional: An object of S3 class \code{boot}, as created by \code{bootMer}. Applies if standard error and/or confidence intervals from a bootstrap should be augmented to the \code{lme4} results object.
#'@param conf Applies if confidence intervals from a bootstrap should be augmented to the \code{lme4} results object. Define the upper bound of the confidence interval.
#'@param saveData Logical: Should the data frame be attached to the output as an attribute?
#'@return A data frame with at least 10 columns comprising the results of the GLMM analysis.
#' \item{model}{The name of the object the analysis results are assigned to.}
#' \item{source}{The lmer-function called}
#' \item{var1}{First variable name}
#' \item{var2}{Second variable name}
#' \item{type}{Type of variable and/or derived parameter}
#' \item{group}{The group a model parameter belongs to}
#' \item{par}{Name of the model parameter}
#' \item{derived.par}{Second name of the model parameter}
#' \item{var2}{Second variable name}
#' \item{value}{Corresponding numerical value}
#'@author Sebastian Weirich
#'library ( lme4 )
#' ### First example: GLMM analysis
#' fmVA <- glmer( r2 ~ Anger + Gender + btype + situ + (1|id) + (1|item),
#'                family = binomial, data = VerbAgg)
#' results    <- get.lmer.effects ( fmVA )
#' ### second example: obtain standard errors and confidence intervals from the model estimated
#' ### in the first example via bootstrap (using only 5 bootstrap samples for illustration)
#' ### We use the 'bootMer' function fom the lme4 package
#' fmVAB<- bootMer(x = fmVA, FUN = get.lmer.effects.forBootMer, nsim = 5)
#' resultsBoot<- get.lmer.effects ( lmerObj = fmVA, bootMerObj = fmVAB, conf = .95, saveData = FALSE)
get.lmer.effects <- function ( lmerObj , bootMerObj = NULL, conf = .95, saveData = FALSE) {
        ### untere Zeile: man muss diesen komplizierten Weg waehlen, weil sonst das Objekt 'model' eine laenge > 1 hat, wenn das uebergebene Objekt 'lmerObj' etwa 'mod[[1]]' heisst
        model    <- as.character(utils::capture.output(substitute(lmerObj)))      ### implementieren wie in p:\ZKD\07_Code\dev\get.lmer.effects\get.lmer.effects_Konzept.xlsx
        # eatRep:::checkForPackage (namePackage = "reshape", targetPackage = "eatGet")### Beispiel in c:\diskdrv\Winword\Psycho\IQB\Dropbox\Literatur\R_help\Bates_2010_lme4_book.rsy
        # if(!exists("fixef"))        {library(lme4)}
        random   <- lme4::VarCorr( lmerObj )
        fixed    <- lme4::fixef(lmerObj)
        ### Sektion 'random effects einlesen'
        randomF  <- do.call("rbind", lapply(names(random), FUN = function ( y ) {
                ret <- data.frame(model = model, Var1 = colnames(random[[y]]), Var2 = NA, type = "random", group = y, par = "var",
                                  derived.par = NA, value = diag(random[[y]]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
                ret <- rbind(ret, data.frame(model = model, Var1 = colnames(random[[y]]), Var2 = NA, type = "random", group = y, par = "sd",
                                             derived.par = NA, value = sqrt(diag(random[[y]])), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ))
                if(nrow(attr(random[[y]], "correlation")) > 1)  {      ### Gibt es Korrelationen?
                        korTab   <- reshape2::melt(attr(random[[y]], "correlation"))
                        wahl2    <- which(!korTab[,1] == korTab[,2])
                        for (u in 1:2) {korTab[,u] <- as.character(korTab[,u])}
                        wahl1    <- which(!duplicated(apply(korTab, 1, FUN = function ( xx ) { paste( sort(c(xx[1], xx[2])), collapse="_") })))
                        ret      <- plyr::rbind.fill( ret, data.frame ( model=model, korTab[intersect(wahl1, wahl2),], type = "random", group = y, par = "correlation",
                                                                  derived.par = NA, stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) )
        if ( !is.na(attr(random, "sc"))) {                                 ### vergleichen zwischen Versionen!
                randomF  <- plyr::rbind.fill ( randomF, rbind ( data.frame ( model=model, Var1 = "residual", type = "random", par = "var",
                                                                       derived.par = NA, value = attr(random, "sc")^2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE ),
                                                          data.frame ( model=model, Var1 = "residual", type = "random", par = "sd",
                                                                       derived.par = NA, value = attr(random, "sc"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE )))
        }                                                                  ### jetzt kommen die fixed effects

       # browser()
        ### Sektion 'fixed effects einlesen'
        fixedF   <- data.frame ( model=model, Var1 = names(fixed), Var2 = NA, type = "fixed", group = NA, par = "est",
                                 derived.par = NA, value = as.numeric(fixed), stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
        fixedF   <- rbind(fixedF, data.frame ( model=model, Var1 = names(fixed), Var2 = NA, type = "fixed", group = NA, par = "se",
                                               derived.par = NA, value = sqrt(Matrix::diag(stats::vcov(lmerObj))), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ))
        fixedF   <- rbind(fixedF, data.frame ( model=model, Var1 = names(fixed), Var2 = NA, type = "fixed", group = NA, par = "z.value",
                                               derived.par = NA, value = fixedF[fixedF[,"par"] == "est","value"] / fixedF[fixedF[,"par"] == "se","value"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE ))
        fixedF   <- rbind(fixedF, data.frame ( model=model, Var1 = names(fixed), Var2 = NA, type = "fixed", group = NA, par = "p.value",
                                               derived.par = NA, value = 2*(1 - stats::pnorm(abs(fixedF[fixedF[,"par"] == "z.value","value"]))), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ))
        #if(lme4Ver == "0"){
        #    rr       <- as(sigma(lmerObj)^2 * chol2inv(lmerObj@RX, size = lmerObj@dims['p']), "dpoMatrix")
        #    nms      <- colnames(lmerObj@X)                                ### extract matrix of fixed effects, for lme4 version < 1
        #} else {
        # lme4 version > 1
        rr       <- methods::as(stats::sigma(lmerObj)^2 * chol2inv(lme4::getME(lmerObj, name = "RX")), "dpoMatrix")
        nms      <- colnames(lmerObj@pp$X)                             ### for lme4 version > 1
        dimnames(rr) <- list(nms, nms)
        if(is.null(nms)) {dimnames(rr) <- list(names(fixed), names(fixed))}
        korMat <- as.matrix(methods::as(rr, "corMatrix"))
        if(nrow( korMat ) > 1 ) {
                korTab   <- reshape2::melt(korMat)
                wahl2    <- which(!korTab[,1] == korTab[,2])
                namenFixed <- gsub(":", "________XX________",names(fixed))     ### That's the problem: a <- 1:3; car::recode(a, "1 = 'test'; 2 = 'mist'; 3 = 'test:mist'")
                recodeString <- paste("'", 1:length(fixed),"' = '", namenFixed,"'", sep = "", collapse = "; ")
                for ( u in 1:2) {
                        if(inherits(try( korTab[,u] <- car::recode(korTab[,u], recodeString) ),"try-error"))  { cat("Umbenennung der Spalten der Korrelationsmatrix misslungen.\n")}
                        if(inherits(try( korTab[,u] <- gsub("________XX________",":",korTab[,u]) ),"try-error"))  { cat("Umbenennung der Spalten der Korrelationsmatrix misslungen.\n")}
                wahl1    <- which(!duplicated(apply(korTab, 1, FUN = function ( xx ) { paste( sort(c(xx[1], xx[2])), collapse="_") })))
                fixedF   <- plyr::rbind.fill( fixedF, data.frame ( model=model, korTab[intersect(wahl1, wahl2),], type = "fixed", group = NA, par = "correlation",
                                                             derived.par=NA, stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) )
        ### Sektion 'deviance measures einlesen'
        LogLik   <- stats::logLik(lmerObj)
        # if(lme4Ver == "0"){ deviancF <- data.frame(model=model, type = "model", par = c("LogLik", "df", paste("Deviance",names(lmerObj@deviance),sep="_"), "AIC", "BIC"), value = c(LogLik[[1]], attr(LogLik, "df"), lmerObj@deviance, AIC(LogLik ), BIC(LogLik)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
        deviancF <- data.frame(model=model, type = "model", par = c("LogLik", "df", paste("Deviance",names(lmerObj@devcomp$cmp),sep="_"), "AIC", "BIC"),
                               value = c(LogLik[[1]], attr(LogLik, "df"), lmerObj@devcomp$cmp, stats::AIC(LogLik ), stats::BIC(LogLik)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
        err      <- NA                                                     ### Fehlerterm initialisieren
        if(class(lmerObj) %in% "glmerMod") {                               ### jetzt das R^2, dazu Fehlerkomponente bestimmen, haengt von Linkfunktion ab
                if ( lmerObj@resp$family$family == "binomial" & lmerObj@resp$family$link == "logit")  {err <- pi^2/3}
                if ( lmerObj@resp$family$family == "binomial" & lmerObj@resp$family$link == "probit") {err <- 1}
                ### Achtung, kompliziert: poisson-models brauchen das Nullmodell (alle random effects, keine fixed effects)
                if ( lmerObj@resp$family$family == "poisson" & lmerObj@resp$family$link == "log") {
                        cat("Calculation of r^2 needs estimation of the null model. Will be implemented at a later date.\n")}
        }                                                                  ### problem: was, wenn LMMs ueber "glmer" mit family=gaussian aufgerufen werden? --> ok, gibt eine lme4-Warnung
        if(class(lmerObj) %in% "lmerMod") { err <- attr(lme4::VarCorr(lmerObj), "sc")^2 }
        if(!is.na(err)) {                                                  ### r^2 wird nur berechnet, wenn es irgendwie gelungen ist, die Fehlerkomponente zu identifizieren
                VarFixed <- stats::var(as.vector(lme4::fixef(lmerObj) %*% t(lme4::getME(lmerObj, name="X"))))
                namesRan <- names(lme4::VarCorr(lmerObj))
                string   <- paste("lme4::VarCorr(lmerObj)[[\"",namesRan,"\"]][1]", sep="", collapse=" + ")
                R2_m     <- paste("VarFixed/(VarFixed + ", string, " + err)",sep="")
                R2_m     <- eval(parse(text=R2_m))
                R2_c     <- paste("(VarFixed + ",string,")/(VarFixed + ",string," + err)", sep="")
                R2_c     <- eval(parse(text=R2_c))
                deviancF <- rbind(deviancF, data.frame(model=model, type = "model", par = c("R2_m", "R2_c"), value = c(R2_m, R2_c), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
        ### Sektion 'Ergebnisse sammeln'
        ret      <- plyr::rbind.fill(randomF, fixedF)
        ret      <- plyr::rbind.fill(ret, deviancF)
        groups   <- lapply(names(table(randomF[,"group"])), FUN = function ( rg ) {
                checkVar <- rg %in% colnames(lmerObj@frame)
                if(checkVar == TRUE) {return(length(unique(lmerObj@frame[,rg])))} else { return(NULL)} })
        groups   <- groups[ which ( unlist(lapply(groups, is.null)) == FALSE)]
        names(groups) <- names(table(randomF[,"group"])) [ which(unlist ( lapply(names(table(randomF[,"group"])), FUN = function ( rg ) {
                checkVar <- rg %in% colnames(lmerObj@frame)
                if(checkVar == TRUE) {return(TRUE)} else { return(FALSE)} })))]
        groups$obs    <- nrow(lmerObj@frame)
        attr(ret, "groups")  <- groups
        #if(lme4Ver == "0"){ attr(ret, "formula") <- lmerObj@call } else {  ### dies beides fuer lme4 version < 1; pruefen ob das andere auch klappt ...
        attr(ret, "formula") <- list(completeCall =  gsub(" +"," ", paste(deparse(lmerObj@call),collapse="", sep="")), sepCall = as.character(lmerObj@call))
        if(saveData == TRUE ) { attr(ret, "data")    <- lmerObj@frame }
        ret      <- data.frame ( ret[,1,drop=FALSE], source = attr(ret, "formula")$sepCall[1], ret[,-1], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        class(ret) <- c("data.frame", "lmer.effects")                      ### untere Zeile: wenn bootMerObj uebergeben, dann werden jetzt bootstrap-Parameter angebunden
        if(!is.null(bootMerObj)) {
                stopifnot(length(bootMerObj$t0) == nrow(ret))                   ### check: passen bootMerObj und lmerObj zusammen?
                stopifnot(all ( round(stats::na.omit(bootMerObj$t0),digits=4) == round(stats::na.omit(ret[,"value"]), digits=4)))
                btSE<- sapply(data.frame ( bootMerObj$t), stats::sd)                   ### bootstrap standard errors
                btBs<- sapply(data.frame ( bootMerObj$t), mean) - bootMerObj$t0 ### bootstrap bias
                btMe<- sapply(data.frame ( bootMerObj$t), mean)                 ### bootstrap mean
                btMd<- sapply(data.frame ( bootMerObj$t), stats::median)               ### bootstrap median
                ci  <- do.call("rbind", lapply(1:length(bootMerObj$t0), FUN = function ( l ) {
                        if(!is.na(bootMerObj$t0[l]) & length(table(bootMerObj$t[,l])) > 1) {
                                ci.l <- boot::boot.ci(bootMerObj, type=c("norm", "basic"), conf=conf, index=l)
                                if(is.null(ci.l)) { ci.d <- NULL} else {
                                        ci.nb<- data.frame ( source = "boot.ci", derived.par = paste ( rep(c("lb","ub"), 2), ci.l$normal[1]*10^(nchar(ci.l$normal[1])-2) , rep(c("normal", "basic"),each=2),sep="."),
                                                             value = c ( ci.l$normal[(length(ci.l$normal)-1):length(ci.l$normal)], ci.l$basic[(length(ci.l$basic)-1):length(ci.l$basic)]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                                        bt.SE<- data.frame ( source = "boot.ci", derived.par = c("bootSE", "bootMean", "bootMedian", "bootBias"),
                                                             value = c(btSE[l], btMe[l], btMd[l], btBs[l]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                                        bootM<- data.frame ( source = "bootMer", derived.par = paste("Iteration", gsub(" ", "0", formatC(1:nrow(bootMerObj$t), width= nchar(nrow(bootMerObj$t)))),sep=""),
                                                             value = bootMerObj$t[,l], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                                        ci.d <- data.frame ( ret[l,-match(c("source", "derived.par", "value"), colnames(ret)) ], rbind(ci.nb, bt.SE, bootM), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                        } else { ci.d <- NULL}
                ret <- rbind(ret, ci)
        colnames(ret) <- tolower(colnames(ret))
        return(ret) }

#' \code{get.lmer.effects} for bootstrap
#' This is a wrapper for the \code{\link{get.lmer.effects}} only intended to prepare bootstrap analyses.
#' See examples of \code{\link{get.lmer.effects}} for further details.
#'@param lmerObj An object of class \code{merMod} or \code{glmerMod}, as created by \code{\link[lme4]{lmer}} or \code{\link[lme4]{glmer}} from the \code{lme4} package.
#'@return A numerical vector of values.
#'@author Sebastian Weirich
#' ### See examples of 'get.lmer.effects' for further details.
get.lmer.effects.forBootMer <- function ( lmerObj) {get.lmer.effects ( lmerObj=lmerObj , saveData = FALSE)[,"value"]}

#' Save lme4-output to disc
#' The output of any lme4 analysis is saved in a memory saving manner.
#'@param lmerObj An \code{lme4} object to be saved.
#'@param lmerObjRestrict Optional: a second (restricted) lme4 analysis output. Needs to be nested to the first one. Intended if model comparison should be saved likewise.
#'@param fileName Name of the file for the output (without file extension).
#'@param scipen Maximum number of decimal places before exponential notation is used.
#'@return No output is returned to console. Two files are created in the desired directory.
#'@author Sebastian Weirich
#' library(lme4)
#' ### Example from the help page of lmer().
#' fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)
#' save.lmer.effects(fm1, fileName = tempfile())
#' ### with model comparison
#' ### specify a "null model" nested in the first one: no fixed effects, only intercept
#' fm0 <- lmer(Reaction ~ (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)
#' save.lmer.effects(lmerObj = fm1, lmerObjRestrict = fm0, fileName = tempfile())
save.lmer.effects <- function ( lmerObj, lmerObjRestrict = NULL, fileName, scipen=6) {
           ret   <- get.lmer.effects(lmerObj, saveData = FALSE)
           save(ret, file = paste0(fileName,".rda"))
           orSci <- options()$scipen                                            ### lmerObj und lmerObjRestrict muessen zueinander genestet sein!
           if(scipen != unlist(orSci) ) { options(scipen=scipen) }
           sink(file = paste0(fileName,".txt"))                                 ### file to sink wird geoeffnet
     ### get version information
           ver   <- utils::sessionInfo(package = "eatAnalysis")
           cat(paste0("Output captured by 'eatAnalysis', Version ",ver[["otherPkgs"]][["eatAnalysis"]][["Version"]],", build ",ver[["otherPkgs"]][["eatAnalysis"]][["Date"]],".\n"))
           inf   <- Sys.getenv()
           cat(paste("User: ",inf["USERNAME"],", computer: ",inf["COMPUTERNAME"],", ", R.version$version.string , ", Time: ",date(),"\n", sep=""))
           if(!is.null(lmerObjRestrict)) { cat("H1 model:\n\n")}
           print(summary(lmerObj), correlation=TRUE)
     ### Sektion R^2 abspeichern (falls vorhanden)
           zeileC<- match("R2_c", ret[,"par"])
           zeileM<- match("R2_m", ret[,"par"])
           if( length(zeileC) == 1 ) {
               cat(paste("\nR^2 according to Nakagawa & Schielzeth (2013), p. 137:\n     marginal R2: ",
                         formatC(round(100*ret[zeileM,"value"], digits = 2),width=5)," %\n  conditional R2: ",
                         formatC(round(100*ret[zeileC,"value"],digits = 2),width=5)," %\n",sep=""))
     ### Sektion 'Modellvergleich' (optional) ... auch hier das R^2 abspeichern!
           if(!is.null(lmerObjRestrict)) {
               retR  <- get.lmer.effects(lmerObjRestrict, saveData = FALSE)
               cat("\n\nH0 model:\n\n")
               zeileC<- match("R2_c", retR[,"par"])
               zeileM<- match("R2_m", retR[,"par"])
               if( length(zeileC) == 1 ) {
                   cat(paste("\nR^2 according to Nakagawa & Schielzeth (2013), p. 137:\n     marginal R2: ",
                             formatC(round(100*retR[zeileM,"value"], digits = 2),width=5)," %\n  conditional R2: ",
                             formatC(round(100*retR[zeileC,"value"],digits = 2),width=5)," %\n",sep=""))
               cat("\n\nModel comparison:\n\n")
               print(stats::anova(lmerObj, lmerObjRestrict))
           sink()                                                               ### file to sink wird geschlossen
           if(!is.null(lmerObjRestrict)) {
               retR    <- get.lmer.effects(lmerObjRestrict, saveData = FALSE)
               save(retR, file = paste0(fileName,"_Restrict.rda")) }
           if(scipen != unlist(orSci) ) {options(scipen=orSci)}   }             ### scipen-Option wieder zuruecksetzen

#' @importFrom nlme logLik
#' @importFrom lme4 vcov, anova
beckerbenj/eatAnalysis documentation built on July 7, 2023, 5:51 p.m.