#' @title Estimate the alpha parameter of a Beta distribution
#' @description Estimate the alpha parameter from the mean and the variance
#' of a Beta distribution.
#' @param meanCtrl a \code{double}, the mean of the controls (CTRL) at a
#' specific CpG site.
#' @param varCtrl a \code{double}, the variance of the controls
#' (CTRL) at a specific CpG site.
#' @param minVal a \code{double}, the minimum value accepted for the mean
#' value. If \code{meanCtrl} is smaller than
#' \code{minVal}, then \code{minVal} is used in the calculation of the alpha
#' parameter.
#' Default: \code{1e-06}.
#' @return a \code{double}, the alpha parameter of a Beta distribution.
#' @examples
#' ## Estimate alpha parameters with mean = 0.5 and variance = 0.1
#' methInheritSim:::estBetaAlpha(meanCtrl = 0.5, varCtrl = 0.1)
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @keywords internal
estBetaAlpha <- function(meanCtrl, varCtrl, minVal = 1e-06){
mu <- max(meanCtrl, minVal)
sigma2 <- max(varCtrl, ifelse(mu < 0.01, min(minVal, mu/1000), minVal))
# mu must be smaller than 1
mu <- min(mu, 1 - min(0.001, sigma2 * 10^(-log10(minVal)/2)))
return(max(0, -mu * (sigma2 + mu^2 - mu) / sigma2))
#' @title Estimate the beta parameter of a beta distribution
#' @description Estimate the beta parameter from the mean and the variance
#' of a beta distribution.
#' @param meanCtrl a \code{double}, the mean of the controls (CTRL) at a
#' specific CpG site.
#' @param varCtrl a \code{double}, the variance of the controls (CTRL) at a
#' specific CpG site.
#' @param minVal a \code{double}, the minimum value accepted for the mean
#' value. If \code{meanCtrl} is smaller than
#' \code{minVal}, then \code{minVal} is used in the calculation of the beta
#' paramter.
#' Default: \code{1e-06}.
#' @return a \code{double}, the beta parameter of a Beta distribution.
#' @examples
#' ## Estimate beta parameters with mean = 0.5, variance = 0.1
#' methInheritSim:::estBetaBeta(meanCtrl=0.5, varCtrl=0.1)
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @keywords internal
estBetaBeta <- function(meanCtrl, varCtrl, minVal = 1e-06) {
mu <- max(meanCtrl, minVal)
# variance is at least minVal or mu / 1000
sigma2 <- max(varCtrl, ifelse(mu < 0.01, min(minVal, mu/1000), minVal))
# mu must be smaller than 1.
mu <- min(mu, 1 - min(0.001, sigma2 * 10^(-log10(minVal)/2)))
return(max(0, (sigma2 + mu^2 - mu) * (mu -1) / sigma2))
#' @title Create a synthetic chromosome with the CTRL genome
#' @description Create a synthetic chromosome with the sampling of a specified
#' number of blocks and a specified number of consecutive CpG.
#' @param methInfo is object of class \code{methylBase}, the CpG information
#' from controls (CTRL) that will be used to create the sythetic chromosome.
#' The object can also contain information from cases but only the controls
#' will be used.
#' @param nbBlock a positive \code{integer}, the number of blocks used
#' for sampling.
#' @param nbCpG a \code{integer}, the number of consecutive CpG positions used
#' for sampling from \code{methInfo}.
#' @return a \code{GRanges} object, the synthetic chromosome.
#' @examples
#' ## Load methyl information
#' data(samplesForChrSynthetic)
#' ## Ensure results are reproducible
#' set.seed(32)
#' ## Create synthetic chromosome
#' methInheritSim:::getSyntheticChr(methInfo = samplesForChrSynthetic,
#' nbBlock = 10, nbCpG = 20)
#' @author Pascal Belleau
#' @importFrom stats runif var
#' @importFrom methylKit getData
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @keywords internal
getSyntheticChr <- function(methInfo, nbBlock, nbCpG) {
seqChr <- unique(methInfo$chr) # list of Chr
# Sample nbBlock chromosomes, the same can be sample more than once
chr <- seqChr[sample(seq_len(length(seqChr)), nbBlock, replace=TRUE)]
# The position of the CTRL
posCTRL <- which(methInfo@treatment == 0)
# Init the data.frame
total <- nbBlock * nbCpG
res <- data.frame(chr = rep("S", total), start=rep(0, total),
end = rep(0, total), meanCTRL = rep(0, total),
varCTRL = rep(0, total), alphaCTRL = rep(0, total),
betaCTRL = rep(0, total), chrOri = rep(0, total),
startOri = rep(0, total))
# First position
l <- 1000
for(i in seq_len(nbBlock)){ # For each block of CpG
# Select a position in the block
v <- round(runif(1, 0, 1) *
(length(methInfo$start[methInfo$chr == chr[i]]) - nbCpG))
methBlock <- getData(methInfo[methInfo$chr ==
chr[i]][(v + 1):(v + nbCpG)])
matProp <- sapply(posCTRL, function(x, methCur) {
unname(unlist(methCur[3*(x - 1) + 2]/methCur[3*(x - 1) + 1]))},
methCur = methBlock[5:length(methBlock)])
res$chrOri[((i - 1) * nbCpG + 1):(i * nbCpG)] <- rep(chr[i], nbCpG)
res$startOri[((i - 1) * nbCpG + 1):(i * nbCpG)] <-
res$start[((i - 1) * nbCpG + 1):(i * nbCpG)] <-
unname(unlist(methBlock[2])) -
unname(unlist(methBlock[2]))[1] + l
res$end[((i - 1) * nbCpG + 1):(i * nbCpG)] <-
res$start[((i - 1) * nbCpG + 1):(i * nbCpG)]
res$meanCTRL[((i - 1) * nbCpG + 1):(i * nbCpG)] <- rowMeans(matProp)
res$varCTRL[((i - 1) * nbCpG + 1):(i * nbCpG)] <-
apply(matProp, 1, var)
l <- res$start[i * nbCpG] + 10000
res$alphaCTRL <- apply(res[, c(4,5)], 1, FUN = function(x) {
estBetaAlpha(x[1], x[2])})
res$betaCTRL <- apply(res[, c(4,5)], 1, FUN = function(x) {
estBetaBeta(x[1], x[2])})
## Create returned value
res <- GRanges(seqnames = res$chr,
ranges = IRanges(start = res$start, end = res$end),
strand = rep("+", total), chrOri = res$chrOri,
startOri = res$startOri, meanCTRL = res$meanCTRL,
varCTRL = res$varCTRL)
#' @title Get the C/T proportion at a selected site,
#' differentially methylated or not, for all cases
#' @description Simulate the proportion of C/T for each case at a selected
#' site, differentially methylated or not.
#' @param ctrlMean a \code{double}, the mean of the CTRL at the site.
#' @param ctrlVar a \code{double}, the variance of the CTRL at the site.
#' @param selectedAsDM a \code{integer}, \code{1} if the site is selected as
#' differentially methylated, otherwise \code{0}.
#' @param nbCase a \code{integer}, the number of cases.
#' @param sDiff a non-negative \code{double}
#' included in [0,1], the proportion of C/T for a case differentially
#' methylated that follows
#' a beta distribution where the mean is shifted of \code{vDiff}
#' from the CTRL distribution.
#' @param nbDiffCase an \code{integer}, the number of cases differentially
#' methylated.
#' @return a \code{vector} containing 3 + \code{nbCase} entries of type
#' \code{double}:
#' \itemize{
#' \item The mean proportion of C/T of the differentially methylated cases
#' \item The number of cases simulated using shifted distribution
#' \item The number of cases simulated using the control distribution
#' \item The proportion of C/T for each case
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Fix seed to obtain replicable results
#' set.seed(2010)
#' ## Get the proportion of C/T for each case at a specific site.
#' methInheritSim:::getDiffCase(ctrlMean = 0.9814562, ctrlVar =
#' 0.0003607153, selectedAsDM = 0, nbCase=6, sDiff = 0.8,
#' nbDiffCase = round(6 * 0.9))
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @importFrom stats rbeta
#' @keywords internal
getDiffCase <- function(ctrlMean, ctrlVar, selectedAsDM, nbCase, sDiff,
nbDiffCase) {
meanDiff <- 0
if(selectedAsDM == 0) {
## Site selected as not differentially methylated
val <- rbeta(nbCase, estBetaAlpha(ctrlMean, ctrlVar),
estBetaBeta(ctrlMean, ctrlVar))
meanDiff <- ctrlMean
partitionDiff <- c(0, nbCase)
} else {
## Site selected as differentially methylated
meanDiff <- ifelse(ctrlMean < 0.5, min(1, ctrlMean + sDiff),
max(0, ctrlMean - sDiff))
partitionDiff <- c(nbDiffCase, nbCase - nbDiffCase)
val <- c(rbeta(partitionDiff[1], estBetaAlpha(meanDiff, ctrlVar),
estBetaBeta(meanDiff, ctrlVar)),
rbeta(partitionDiff[2], estBetaAlpha(ctrlMean, ctrlVar),
estBetaBeta(ctrlMean, ctrlVar)))
return(c(meanDiff, partitionDiff, val))
#' @title Simulate the proportion of C/T at each site of synthetic CHR for
#' each control and case
#' @description For each control and case, generate the proportion of C/T at
#' each of the synthetic CHR.
#' @param nbCtrl a positive \code{integer}, the number of controls.
#' @param nbCase a positive \code{integer}, the number of cases.
#' @param generation a positive \code{integer}, the number of generations.
#' @param stateInfo a \code{GRanges} object, the synthetic chromosome
#' generated by \code{getSyntheticChr} function.
#' @param stateDiff a \code{vector} of \code{integer} (\code{0}
#' and \code{1}) with length corresponding the length of \code{stateInfo}.
#' The \code{vector} indicates, using a \code{1}, the positions where the CpG
#' sites are differentially methylated.
#' @param stateInherite a \code{vector} of \code{integer} (\code{0} and
#' \code{1}) with length corresponding the length of \code{stateInfo}. The
#' \code{vector} indicates, using a \code{1}, the positions where the CpG
#' values are inherited.
#' @param diffValue a non-negative \code{double} between between [0,1], the
#' proportion of C/T for a case differentially methylated following a
#' beta distribution
#' where the mean is shifted of \code{diffValue} from the CTRL distribution.
#' @param propDiff a \code{double} superior to \code{0} and inferior or equal
#' to \code{1}, the mean value for the proportion of samples that will have,
#' for a specific position, differentially methylated values. It can be
#' interpreted as the penetrance.
#' @param propDiffsd a non-negative \code{double}, the standard deviation
#' associated to the \code{propDiff}.
#' @param propInheritance a non-negative \code{double} between [0,1], the
#' proportion of case that inherite differentially methylated sites.
#' @param propHetero a non-negative \code{double} between [0,1], the
#' reduction of \code{vDiff} for the second and following generations.
#' @return a \code{GRangesList}, the object contains information about the
#' simulation. The file have four metadata related to the real dataset:
#' \itemize{
#' \item meanDiff, the means of the shifted distribution.
#' \item meanCTRL, the means of the control distribution.
#' \item partitionCase, the number of cases simulated using the shifted
#' distribution.
#' \item partitionCtrl, the number of cases simulated using the control
#' distribution and a metadata for each cases and controls
#' the proportion of C/T.
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Fix seed to have reproducible results
#' set.seed(312)
#' ## Load dataset
#' data("samplesForChrSynthetic")
#' ## Generate a stateInfo object using samples
#' stateInformation <- methInheritSim:::getSyntheticChr(methInfo =
#' samplesForChrSynthetic, nbBlock = 1, nbCpG = 3)
#' ## Generate a stateDiff and stateInherite objects with length corresponding
#' ## to nbBlock * nbCpG from stateInformation
#' stateDiff <- c(1, 0, 1)
#' stateInherite <- c(1, 0, 0)
#' ## Create a simulation using stateInformation, stateDiff and stateInherite
#' methInheritSim:::getSim(nbCtrl = 3, nbCase = 2, generation = 3,
#' stateInfo = stateInformation, stateDiff = stateDiff,
#' stateInherite = stateInherite, diffValue = 10,
#' propDiff = 0.8, propDiffsd = 0.2, propInheritance = 0.8,
#' propHetero = 0.1)
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @importFrom msm rtnorm
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRangesList GRanges
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqnames
#' @importFrom IRanges ranges
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics strand
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
#' @keywords internal
getSim <- function(nbCtrl, nbCase, generation, stateInfo, stateDiff,
stateInherite, diffValue, propDiff, propDiffsd,
propInheritance, propHetero) {
## Returned object
res <- GRangesList()
## Calculate the number of differentially methylated cases
diffCase <- calculateNbDiffCase(nbCase = nbCase, propDiff = propDiff,
propDiffSd = propDiffsd)
ctrl <- t(apply(mcols(stateInfo)[3:4], 1, function(x, nb){
rbeta(nb, estBetaAlpha(x[1], x[2]), estBetaBeta(x[1], x[2]))},
nb = nbCtrl))
case <- t(apply(cbind(matrix(unlist(mcols(stateInfo)[3:4]) , ncol = 2),
stateDiff), 1, function(x, nbCase, diffValue, diffCase)
{getDiffCase(x[1], x[2], x[3], nbCase, diffValue,
diffCase)}, nbCase = nbCase, diffValue = diffValue,
diffCase = diffCase))
# TODO change meanCTRL.meanCTRL in meanCTRL
#tmpCol <- matrix(mcols(stateInfo)[3]$meanCTRL, nc = 1)
res[[1]] <- GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(stateInfo),
ranges = ranges(stateInfo), strand = strand(stateInfo),
meanDiff = case[, 1], meanCTRL = mcols(stateInfo)[3],
partitionCase = case[, 2], partitionCtrl = case[, 3],
ctrl = ctrl, case = case[, 4:length(case[1,])])
for(i in 2:generation)
rm(case, ctrl)
## Adapt proportion of DM to the generation
inR <- propDiff * propInheritance^(i - 2) # One generation move
diffCur <- diffValue * propHetero # Change diffValue
## Calculate the number of differentially methylated cases
diffCase <- calculateNbDiffCase(nbCase = nbCase, propDiff = inR,
propDiffSd = propDiffsd)
# Note mcols(stateInfo)[3:4] is a matrix with foreach position a row
# meanCTRL, varianceCTRL
ctrl <- t(apply(mcols(stateInfo)[3:4], 1, function(x, nb) {
rbeta(nb, estBetaAlpha(x[1], x[2]), estBetaBeta(x[1], x[2]))},
nb = nbCtrl))
case <- t(apply(cbind(matrix(unlist(mcols(stateInfo)[3:4]) , ncol = 2),
stateInherite), 1, function(x, nbCase, diffCur, diffCase)
{getDiffCase(x[1], x[2], x[3], nbCase, diffCur, diffCase)},
nbCase = nbCase, diffCur = diffCur, diffCase = diffCase))
res[[i]] <- GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(stateInfo),
ranges = ranges(stateInfo),
strand = strand(stateInfo), meanDiff = case[, 1],
meanCTRL = mcols(stateInfo)[3],
partitionCase = case[, 2], partitionCtrl = case[, 3],
ctrl = ctrl, case = case[, 4:length(case[1,])])
#' @title Calculate the number of differentially methylated cases.
#' @description Identify the number of differentially methylated cases.
#' @param nbCase a positive \code{integer}, the number of cases.
#' @param propDiff a \code{double} superior to \code{0} and inferior or equal
#' to \code{1}, the mean value for the proportion of samples that will have,
#' for a specific position, differentially methylated values. It can be
#' interpreted as the penetrance.
#' @param propDiffSd a non-negative \code{double}, the standard deviation
#' associated to the \code{propDiff}
#' @return a \code{integer}, the number of differentially methylated cases.
#' @examples
#' ## Fix seed to have reproducible results
#' set.seed(3122)
#' ## Obtained the number of differential cases
#' methInheritSim:::calculateNbDiffCase(nbCase = 8,
#' propDiff = 0.8, propDiffSd = 0.2)
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @importFrom msm rtnorm
#' @keywords internal
calculateNbDiffCase <- function(nbCase, propDiff, propDiffSd) {
if (propDiffSd < 0.0000001) {
diffCase <- round(nbCase * propDiff)
} else{
diffCase <- round(nbCase * rtnorm(1, mean = propDiff, sd = propDiffSd,
lower = 0, upper = 1))
#' @title Identify differentially methylated sites and among those, the ones
#' that are inherited.
#' @description Identify the site positions where the cases are differentially
#' methylated and, among those, the one that are inherited.
#' @param stateInfo a \code{GRanges} that contains the CpG (or methylated
#' sites).
#' The \code{GRanges} have four metadata from the real dataset:
#' \itemize{
#' \item chrOri, the chromosome from the real dataset
#' \item startOri, the position of the site in the real dataset
#' \item meanCTRL, the mean of the control in the real dataset
#' \item varCTRL, the variance of the control in the real dataset
#' }
#' @param rateDiff a positive \code{double} inferior to \code{1}, the mean of
#' the chance that a site is differentially
#' methylated.
#' @param minRate a non-negative \code{double} inferior to \code{1}, the
#' minimum rate for differentially methylated sites.
#' @param propInherite a non-negative \code{double} inferior or equal
#' to \code{1},
#' the proportion of differentially methylated regions that
#' are inherated.
#' @param c a positive \code{double}, a factor in the formula to compute the
#' probabylity of site to be diffentially methylated in a differentially
#' methylated region.
#' The probability formula of site in differentially methylated region is
#' \code{c} * exp(\code{b} * log(distance with the preceding sites))
#' Default: \code{1.0}.
#' @param b a negative \code{double}, a factor in the formula to compute the
#' probabylity of site to be diffentially methylated in a differentially
#' methylated region.
#' The probability formula of site in differentially methylated region is
#' \code{c} * exp(\code{b} * log(distance with the preceding sites)).
#' Default: \code{-1e-01}.
#' @param endLength a positive \code{integer}, when the distance with the
#' preceding sites in a differentially
#' methylated region is larger than \code{endLength}, the differentially
#' methylated region is finished. Default: \code{1000}.
#' @return a \code{list} containing the 2 following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{stateDiff} a \code{vector} of \code{integer} (\code{0}
#' and \code{1}) with length corresponding the length of \code{stateInfo}.
#' The \code{vector}
#' indicates, using \code{1}, the positions where the CpG sites are
#' differentially methylated.
#' \item \code{stateInherite} a \code{vector} of \code{integer} (\code{0} and
#' \code{1})
#' with length corresponding the length of \code{stateInfo}. The
#' \code{vector}
#' indicates, using \code{1}, the positions where the CpG values are
#' inherited.
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Load dataset containing a list of objects used by
#' ## methInheritSim internal functions
#' data(dataSimExample)
#' ## Identify differentially methylated sites and among those, the ones
#' ## that are inherited
#' methInheritSim:::getDiffMeth(stateInfo =
#' dataSimExample$stateInfo, rateDiff = 0.3, minRate = 0.3,
#' propInherite = 0.3)
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics start
#' @importFrom stats rbeta rexp runif rpois
#' @keywords internal
getDiffMeth <- function(stateInfo, rateDiff, minRate, propInherite,
c = 1.0, b = -1e-01, endLength = 1000) {
nbPos <- length(stateInfo)
nbTry <- 1
flag <- TRUE
while (nbTry < 1000 & flag) {
stateDiff <- rep(0, nbPos)
stateInherite <- rep(0, nbPos)
vExp <- rexp(nbPos, rateDiff)
m<- max(1, round(vExp[i]))
while(m <= nbPos){
flagInherite <- ifelse(runif(1, 0, 1) < propInherite, TRUE, FALSE)
stateDiff[m] <- 1
stateInherite[m] <- 1
m <- m + 1
while(m <= nbPos &&
(start(stateInfo)[m] - start(stateInfo)[m - 1]) <= endLength) {
cutOff <- c *
exp(b*log(start(stateInfo)[m] - start(stateInfo)[m-1]))
u <- runif(1,0,1)
if(u < cutOff) {
stateDiff[m] <- 1
if(flagInherite) {
stateInherite[m] <- 1
m <- m + 1
i <- i + 1
m <- m + round(vExp[i])
if (length(which(stateDiff == 1)) >= minRate * nbPos) {
flag <- FALSE
nbTry <- nbTry + 1
if (flag) {
stateDiff <- NULL
stop(paste0("Enable to generate the differentially methyyleted ",
"proportion fin\n"))
return(list(stateDiff = stateDiff, stateInherite = stateInherite))
#' @title Simulate a multigenerational methylation experiment with inheritance
#' @description Simulate a multigenerational methylation case versus control
#' experiment with inheritance relation using a real control dataset.
#' The simulation can be parametrized to fit different models. The number of
#' cases and controls, the proportion of the case affected
#' by the treatment (penetrance), the effect of the treatment on the mean of
#' the distribution, the proportion of sites inherited, the proportion of the
#' differentially methylated sites from the precedent generation inherited,
#' etc..
#' The function simulates a multigeneration dataset like a bisulfite
#' sequencing experiment. The simulation includes the information about
#' control and case for each generation.
#' @param pathOut a string of \code{character} or \code{NULL}, the path
#' where the
#' files created by the function will be saved. When \code{NULL}, the files
#' are saved in the current directory.
#' @param pref a string of \code{character} representing the parameters of
#' specific simulation the string is composed of those elements, separated
#' by "_":
#' \itemize{
#' \item a \code{fileID}
#' \item the chromosome number, a number between 1 and \code{nbSynCHR}
#' \item the number of samples, a number in the \code{vNbSample} \code{vector}
#' \item the mean proportion of samples that has,
#' for a specific position, differentially methylated values, a
#' number in the \code{vpDiff} \code{vector}
#' \item the proportion of
#' C/T for a case differentially methylated that follows a shifted beta
#' distribution, a
#' number in the \code{vDiff} \code{vector}
#' \item the
#' proportion of cases that inherits differentially sites, a number in the
#' \code{vInheritance} \code{vector}
#' }
#' @param k a positive \code{integer}, an ID for the current simulation.
#' @param nbCtrl a positive \code{integer}, the number of controls.
#' @param nbCase a positive \code{integer}, the number of cases.
#' @param treatment a \code{vector} of integer denoting controls and cases. The
#' \code{vector} length must correspond to the sum of cases and controls.
#' @param sample.id a matrix the name of each samples for each generation (row)
#' and each case and control (column).
#' @param generation a positive \code{integer}, the number of generations
#' simulated.
#' @param stateInfo a \code{GRanges} that contains the CpG (or
#' methylated sites).
#' The \code{GRanges} have four metadata from the real dataset:
#' \itemize{
#' \item chrOri a \code{numeric}, the chromosome from the real dataset
#' \item startOri a \code{numeric}, the position of the site in the real dataset
#' \item meanCTRL a \code{numeric}, the mean of the control in the real dataset
#' \item varCTRL a \code{numeric}, the variance of the control in the real
#' dataset.
#' }
#' @param rateDiff a positive \code{double} inferior to \code{1}, the mean of
#' the chance that a site is differentially methylated.
#' @param minRate a non-negative \code{double} inferior to \code{1}, the
#' minimum rate for differentially methylated sites.
#' Default: \code{0.01}.
#' @param propInherite a non-negative \code{double} inferior or equal
#' to \code{1},
#' the proportion of differentially methylated regions that
#' are inherated.
#' @param diffValue a non-negative \code{double}
#' included in [0,1], the proportion of C/T for a case differentially
#' methylated that follows
#' a beta distribution where the mean is shifted by \code{vDiff}
#' from the CTRL distribution.
#' @param propDiff a \code{double} superior to
#' \code{0} and inferior or equal
#' to \code{1}, the mean value for the proportion of samples that will have,
#' for a specific position, differentially methylated values. It can be
#' interpreted as the penetrance.
#' @param propDiffsd a non-negative \code{double}, the
#' standard deviation associated to the \code{vpDiff}. Note that
#' \code{vpDiff} and \code{vpDiffsd} must be the same length.
#' @param propInheritance a non-negative \code{double}
#' included in [0,1], the proportion of cases
#' that inherits differentially methylated sites.
#' @param propHetero a non-negative \code{double} between [0,1], the
#' reduction of \code{vDiff} for the second and following generations.
#' @param minReads a positive \code{integer}, sites and regions having lower
#' coverage than this count are discarded. The parameter
#' corresponds to the \code{lo.count} parameter in
#' the \code{methylKit} package.
#' @param maxPercReads a \code{double} between [0,100], the percentile of read
#' counts that is going to be used as upper cutoff. Sites and regions
#' having higher
#' coverage than \code{maxPercReads} are discarded. This parameter is used for
#' both CpG sites and tiles analysis. The parameter
#' correspond to the \code{hi.perc} parameter in the \code{methylKit} package.
#' @param context a string of \code{character}, the short description of the
#' methylation context, such as "CpG", "CpH", "CHH", etc..
#' @param assembly a string of \code{character}, the short description of the
#' genome assembly, such as "mm9", "hg18", etc..
#' @param meanCov a positive \code{integer}, the mean of the coverage
#' at the simulated CpG sites.
#' @param diffRes a \code{list} with 2 entries:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{stateDiff} a \code{vector} of \code{integer} (\code{0}
#' and \code{1}) with length corresponding the length of \code{stateInfo}.
#' The \code{vector}
#' indicates, using a \code{1}, the positions where the CpG sites are
#' differentially methylated.
#' \item \code{stateInherite} a \code{vector} of \code{integer} (\code{0} and
#' \code{1})
#' with length corresponding the length of \code{stateInfo}. The
#' \code{vector}
#' indicates, using a \code{1}, the positions where the CpG values are
#' inherited.
#' } when is \code{NULL} generate a new ones with \code{getDiffMeth}.
#' @param saveGRanges a \code{logical}, when \code{true}, the package save two
#' files type. The first generate for each simulation contains a \code{list}.
#' The length of the \code{list} corresponds to the number of generation.
#' The generation are stored in order (first entry = first generation,
#' second entry = second generation, etc..). All samples related to one
#' generations are contained in a \code{GRangesList}.
#' The \code{GRangeaList} store a \code{list} of \code{GRanges}. Each
#' \code{GRanges} stores the raw mehylation data of one sample.
#' The second file a numeric \code{vector} denoting controls and cases
#' (a file is generates by entry in the \code{vector} parameters
#' \code{vNbSample}).
#' @param saveMethylKit a \code{logical}, when \code{TRUE}, the package save
#' a file contains a \code{list}. The length of the
#' \code{list} corresponds to the number of generation. The generation are
#' stored in order (first entry = first generation,
#' second entry = second generation, etc..). All samples related to one
#' generations are contained in a S4 \code{methylRawList} object. The
#' \code{methylRawList} object contains two Slots:
#' 1. treatment: A numeric \code{vector} denoting controls and cases.
#' 2. .Data: A \code{list} of \code{methylRaw} objects. Each object stores the
#' raw methylation data of one sample.
#' @param runAnalysis a \code{logical}, if \code{TRUE}, two files are saved :
#' \itemize{
#' \item 1. The first file is the methylObj... file formated
#' with the \code{methylkit} package in a S4 \code{methylBase}
#' object (with the \code{methylKit}
#' functions: \code{filterByCoverage}, \code{normalizeCoverage} and
#' \code{unite}).
#' \item 2. The second file contains a S4 \code{calculateDiffMeth} object
#' generated with the \code{methylKit} functions \code{calculateDiffMeth}
#' using the first file.
#' }
#' @return \code{0} indicating that the function has been successful.
#' @examples
#' ## Name of the directory that will contained the generated files
#' temp_dir <- "test_simInheritance"
#' ## Load dataset
#' data(dataSimExample)
#' ## Generate a stateDiff object with length corresponding to
#' ## nbBlock * nbCpG from stateInformation
#' stateDiff <- list()
#' stateDiff[["stateDiff"]] <- c(1, 0, 1)
#' stateDiff[["stateInherite"]] <- c(1, 0, 0)
#' ## Simulate multigenerational methylation experiment with inheritance
#' methInheritSim:::simInheritance(pathOut = temp_dir,
#' pref = "S1_6_0.9_0.8_0.5", k = 1, nbCtrl = 6, nbCase = 6,
#' treatment = dataSimExample$treatment,
#' sample.id = dataSimExample$sample.id,
#' generation = 3, stateInfo = dataSimExample$stateInfo[1:3],
#' propDiff = 0.9, propDiffsd = 0.1, diffValue = 0.8,
#' propInheritance = 0.5, rateDiff = 0.3, minRate = 0.3,
#' propInherite = 0.3, propHetero = 0.5, minReads = 10, maxPercReads = 99,
#' assembly="RNOR_5.0", context="Cpg", meanCov = 40, diffRes = stateDiff,
#' saveGRanges = FALSE, saveMethylKit = FALSE, runAnalysis = FALSE)
#' ## Delete directory
#' if (dir.exists(temp_dir)) {
#' unlink(temp_dir, recursive = TRUE, force = FALSE)
#' }
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @keywords internal
simInheritance <- function(pathOut, pref, k, nbCtrl, nbCase, treatment,
sample.id, generation, stateInfo, propDiff, propDiffsd,
diffValue, propInheritance, rateDiff, minRate,
propInherite, propHetero, minReads, maxPercReads,
context, assembly, meanCov, diffRes, saveGRanges,
saveMethylKit, runAnalysis) {
# Test if the simulation was done before
# if just a part of the simulation is done it do it again
if (!is.null(pathOut) && !dir.exists(pathOut)) {
dir.create(pathOut, showWarnings = TRUE)
# Test if the simulation has already been done
alreadyDone <- testIfAlreadyDone(pathOut, pref, k, saveGRanges,
saveMethylKit, runAnalysis)
if (!(alreadyDone)) {
# Create extension used for all saved files
extension <- paste0(pref, "_", k, ".rds")
if (is.null(diffRes)) {
## Generate the stataeDiff and stateInherite data needed
## for the simulation
diffRes <- getDiffMeth(stateInfo = stateInfo, rateDiff = rateDiff,
minRate = minRate, propInherite = propInherite)
## Simulate multigenerational methylation experiment
## Premiere generation seulement ?
simV0.1 <- getSim(nbCtrl = nbCtrl, nbCase = nbCase,
generation = generation, stateInfo = stateInfo,
stateDiff = diffRes$stateDiff,
stateInherite = diffRes$stateInherite,
diffValue = diffValue,
propDiff = propDiff, propDiffsd = propDiffsd,
propInheritance = propInheritance,
propHetero = propHetero)
saveRDS(diffRes, file = paste0(pathOut, "/stateDiff_", extension))
saveRDS(simV0.1, file = paste0(pathOut, "/simData_", extension))
## Generate data formatted for methylKit
## TODO : decrire ce que ca fait
simData <- simEachGeneration(simulation = simV0.1,
nbCtrl = nbCtrl, nbCase = nbCase,
treatment = treatment, sample.id = sample.id,
generation = generation, stateInfo = stateInfo,
minReads = minReads, maxPercReads = maxPercReads,
context = context, assembly = assembly,
meanCov = meanCov, saveGRanges = saveGRanges,
saveMethylKit = saveMethylKit,
runAnalysis = runAnalysis)
## Save results
saveData(pathOut = pathOut, extension = extension,
gRanges = simData$myGR, methylData = simData$myObj,
methUnit = simData$meth, diffData = simData$myDiff,
saveGRanges = saveGRanges, saveMethylKit = saveMethylKit,
runAnalysis = runAnalysis)
#' @title Simulate a multigeneration methylation experiment with inheritance
#' @description Simulate a multigeneration methylation case versus control
#' experiment with inheritance relation using a real control dataset.
#' The simulation can be parametrized to fit different models. The number of
#' cases and controls, the proportion of the case affected
#' by the treatment (penetrance), the effect of the treatment on the mean of
#' the distribution, the proportion of sites inherited, the proportion of the
#' differentially methylated sites from the precedent generation inherited,
#' etc..
#' The function simulates a multigeneration dataset like a bisulfite
#' sequencing experiment. The simulation includes the information about
#' control and case for each generation.
#' @param nbCtrl a positive \code{integer}, the number of controls.
#' @param nbCase a positive \code{integer}, the number of cases.
#' @param treatment a numeric vector denoting controls and cases
#' @param sample.id a matrix the name of each samples for each generation (row)
#' and each case and control (column).
#' @param generation a positive \code{integer}, the number of generations
#' simulated.
#' @param stateInfo a \code{GRanges} that contains the CpG (or
#' methylated sites).
#' The \code{GRanges} have four metadata from the real dataset:
#' \itemize{
#' \item chrOri a \code{numeric}, the chromosome from the real dataset
#' \item startOri a \code{numeric}, the position of the site in the real dataset
#' \item meanCTRL a \code{numeric}, the mean of the control in the real dataset
#' \item varCTRL a \code{numeric}, the variance of the control in the real
#' dataset.
#' }
#' @param minReads a positive \code{integer}, sites and regions having lower
#' coverage than this count are discarded. The parameter
#' corresponds to the \code{lo.count} parameter in
#' the \code{methylKit} package.
#' @param maxPercReads a \code{double} between [0,100], the percentile of read
#' counts that is going to be used as upper cutoff. Sites and regions
#' having higher
#' coverage than \code{maxPercReads} are discarded. This parameter is used for
#' both CpG sites and tiles analysis. The parameter
#' correspond to the \code{hi.perc} parameter in the \code{methylKit} package.
#' @param context a string of \code{character}, the short description of the
#' methylation context, such as "CpG", "CpH", "CHH", etc..
#' @param assembly a string of \code{character}, the short description of the
#' genome assembly, such as "mm9", "hg18", etc..
#' @param meanCov a positive \code{integer}, the mean of the coverage
#' at the simulated CpG sites.
#' @param saveGRanges a \code{logical}, when \code{true}, the package save two
#' files type. The first generate for each simulation contains a \code{list}.
#' The length of the \code{list} corresponds to the number of generation.
#' The generation are stored in order (first entry = first generation,
#' second entry = second generation, etc..). All samples related to one
#' generations are contained in a \code{GRangesList}.
#' The \code{GRangeaList} store a \code{list} of \code{GRanges}. Each
#' \code{GRanges} stores the raw mehylation data of one sample.
#' The second file a numeric \code{vector} denoting controls and cases
#' (a file is generates by entry in the \code{vector} parameters
#' \code{vNbSample}).
#' @param saveMethylKit a \code{logical}, when \code{TRUE}, the package save
#' a file contains a \code{list}. The length of the
#' \code{list} corresponds to the number of generation. The generation are
#' stored in order (first entry = first generation,
#' second entry = second generation, etc..). All samples related to one
#' generations are contained in a S4 \code{methylRawList} object. The
#' \code{methylRawList} object contains two Slots:
#' 1. treatment: A numeric \code{vector} denoting controls and cases.
#' 2. .Data: A \code{list} of \code{methylRaw} objects. Each object stores the
#' raw methylation data of one sample.
#' @param runAnalysis a \code{logical}, if \code{TRUE}, two files are saved :
#' \itemize{
#' \item 1. The first file is the methylObj... file formated
#' with the \code{methylkit} package in a S4 \code{methylBase}
#' object (with the \code{methylKit}
#' functions: \code{filterByCoverage}, \code{normalizeCoverage} and
#' \code{unite}).
#' \item 2. The second file contains a S4 \code{calculateDiffMeth} object
#' generated with the \code{methylKit} functions \code{calculateDiffMeth}
#' using the first file.
#' }
#' @return \code{0} indicating that the function has been successful.
#' @examples
#' ## Load dataset
#' data("samplesForChrSynthetic")
#' data("dataSimExample")
#' ## Generate a stateInfo object using samples
#' stateInformation <- methInheritSim:::getSyntheticChr(methInfo =
#' samplesForChrSynthetic, nbBlock = 1, nbCpG = 3)
#' ## Generate a stateDiff and stateInherite objects with length corresponding
#' ## to nbBlock * nbCpG from stateInformation
#' stateDiff <- c(1, 0, 1)
#' stateInherite <- c(1, 0, 0)
#' ## Create simulation
#' sim <- methInheritSim:::getSim(nbCtrl = 3, nbCase = 2,
#' generation = 3, stateInfo = stateInformation, stateDiff = stateDiff,
#' stateInherite = stateInherite, diffValue = 10,
#' propDiff = 0.8, propDiffsd = 0.2, propInheritance = 0.8,
#' propHetero = 0.1)
#' ## TODO
#' methInheritSim:::simEachGeneration(simulation = sim,
#' nbCtrl = 3, nbCase = 2, treatment = c(0,0,0,1,1),
#' sample.id = dataSimExample$sample.id,
#' generation = 3, stateInfo = stateInformation, minReads = 10,
#' maxPercReads = 99, context = "Cpg", assembly = "RNOR_5.0", meanCov = 80,
#' saveGRanges = FALSE, saveMethylKit = FALSE, runAnalysis = FALSE)
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @importFrom methylKit read filterByCoverage normalizeCoverage unite
#' calculateDiffMeth get.methylDiff getData tileMethylCounts methRead
#' getSampleID getAssembly getContext getTreatment
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importFrom stats rpois
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics start end strand
#' @keywords internal
simEachGeneration <- function(simulation, nbCtrl, nbCase, treatment,
sample.id, generation, stateInfo, minReads,
maxPercReads, context, assembly, meanCov, saveGRanges,
saveMethylKit, runAnalysis) {
## Returned objects
myobj <- list()
myGR <- list()
meth <- list()
myDiff <- list()
for(i in seq_len(generation)) {
outList <- list()
outGR <- GRangesList()
for(j in seq_len((nbCtrl + nbCase))) {
coverage <- rpois(length(stateInfo), meanCov) + 1
testM <- GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(stateInfo),
ranges = ranges(stateInfo), strand = strand(stateInfo),
coverage = coverage, numCs = round(coverage *
if(saveMethylKit || runAnalysis || saveGRanges) {
outList[[j]] <- new("methylRaw",
data.frame(chr = seqnames(testM), start = start(testM),
end = end(testM), strand = strand(testM),
coverage = testM$coverage, numCs = testM$numCs,
numTs = testM$coverage - testM$numCs),
sample.id = sample.id[[i]][[j]], assembly = assembly,
context = context, resolution = 'base')
if (saveGRanges) {
outGR[[j]] <- testM
if (saveMethylKit || runAnalysis) {
myobj[[i]] <- new("methylRawList", outList, treatment = treatment)
if (saveGRanges) {
myGR[[i]] <- outGR
if (runAnalysis) {
filtered.myobj <- filterByCoverage(myobj[[i]],
lo.count = minReads, lo.perc = NULL,
hi.count = NULL, hi.perc = maxPercReads)
filtered.myobj <- normalizeCoverage(filtered.myobj, "median")
meth[[i]] <- suppressWarnings(unite(filtered.myobj,
destrand = FALSE))
if (nrow(meth[[i]]) > 0) {
myDiff[[i]] <- calculateDiffMeth(meth[[i]])
} else {
## calculateDiffMeth throws an error when meth is empty
## Create an empty methylDiff
myDiff[[i]] <- new("methylDiff", data.frame(chr = character(),
start = integer(), end = integer(),
strand = strand(), pvalue = double(),
qvalue = double(), meth.diff = double()),
sample.ids = getSampleID(meth[[i]]),
destranded = FALSE,
assembly = getAssembly(meth[[i]]),
context = getContext(meth[[i]]),
treatment = getTreatment(meth[[i]]),
resolution = 'base')
return(list("myObj" = myobj, "myGR" = myGR, "meth" = meth,
"myDiff" = myDiff))
#' @title Save data created during the simulation
#' @description Save data created during the simulation.
#' @param pathOut a string of \code{character}, the path
#' where the files are saved.
#' @param extension a string of \code{character} representing the extension
#' that will be given to the saved files.
#' @param gRanges a \code{list} of \code{methylRawList} TODO
#' @param methylData a \code{list} of \code{methylRawList}, the results
#' of the normalization of the coverage.
#' @param methUnit a \code{list} of \code{methylBase}, the results of the
#' base filtering for all samples.
#' @param diffData a \code{list} of \code{methylDiff}, the results of the
#' calculation of differential methylation statistics.
#' @param saveGRanges a \code{logical}, when \code{true}, files containing
#' \code{GRangeaList} are saved.
#' @param saveMethylKit a \code{logical}, when \code{TRUE}, files
#' \code{methylRawList} object are saved.
#' @param runAnalysis a \code{logical}, when \code{TRUE}, two files related
#' to the analysis are saved.
#' @return \code{0} indicating that the function has been successful.
#' @examples
#' ## TODO
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @keywords internal
saveData <- function(pathOut, extension, gRanges, methylData, methUnit,
diffData, saveGRanges, saveMethylKit, runAnalysis) {
if (saveGRanges) {
saveRDS(gRanges, file = paste0(pathOut, "/methylGR_", extension))
if (saveMethylKit) {
saveRDS(methylData, file = paste0(pathOut, "/methylObj_", extension))
if (runAnalysis) {
saveRDS(methUnit, file = paste0(pathOut, "/meth_", extension))
saveRDS(diffData, file = paste0(pathOut, "/methDiff_", extension))
#' @title Test if a specific simulation has already be done.
#' @description Test if a specific simulation has already be done.
#' @param pathOut a string of \code{character}, the path
#' where the files are saved.
#' @param preference a string of \code{character} representing the
#' parameters of specific simulation.
#' @param id a positive \code{integer}, a ID for the current simulation.
#' @param saveGRanges a \code{logical}, when \code{true}, files containing
#' \code{GRangeaList} are saved.
#' @param saveMethylKit a \code{logical}, when \code{TRUE}, files
#' \code{methylRawList} object are saved.
#' @param runAnalysis a \code{logical}, when \code{TRUE}, two files related
#' to the analysis are saved.
#' @return \code{logical} indicating if the simulation has already done.
#' @examples
#' ## Return TRUE when the specified simulation has already be done;
#' ## otherwise, return FALSE.
#' methInheritSim:::testIfAlreadyDone(pathOut = ".",
#' preference = "S1_6_0.9_0.8_0.5", id = 33,
#' saveGRanges = FALSE, saveMethylKit = FALSE, runAnalysis = FALSE)
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @keywords internal
testIfAlreadyDone <- function(pathOut, preference, id, saveGRanges,
saveMethylKit, runAnalysis) {
extension <- paste0(preference, "_", id, ".rds")
alreadyDone <- TRUE
if(! (file.exists(paste0(pathOut, "/stateDiff_", extension)))
|| ! (file.exists(paste0(pathOut, "/simData_", extension)))) {
alreadyDone <- FALSE
if(saveGRanges &&
! (file.exists(paste0(pathOut, "/methylGR_", extension)))) {
alreadyDone <- FALSE
if(saveMethylKit &&
! (file.exists(paste0(pathOut, "/methylObj_", extension)))) {
alreadyDone <- FALSE
if(runAnalysis &&
(! (file.exists(paste0(pathOut, "/meth_", extension)))
|| ! (file.exists(paste0(pathOut, "/methDiff_", extension))))) {
alreadyDone <- FALSE
#' @title Parameters validation for the \code{\link{runSim}} function.
#' @description Validation of all parameters needed by the public
#' \code{\link{runSim}} function.
#' @param vpDiff a \code{double} superior to \code{0} and inferior or equal
#' to \code{1}, the mean value for the proportion of samples that will have,
#' for a specific position, differentially methylated values. It can be
#' interpreted as the penetrance.
#' @param vpDiffsd a non-negative \code{double}, the standard deviation
#' associated to the \code{propDiff}.
#' @param vDiff a positive \code{double} between [0,1], the proportion of
#' C/T for a case differentially methylated follow a beta distribution
#' where the mean is shifted of \code{vDiff} from the CTRL distribution
#' @param vInheritance a positive \code{double} between [0,1], the
#' proportion of cases that inherited differentially sites.
#' @param propInherite a non-negative \code{double} inferior or equal to
#' \code{1}, the proportion of differentially methylated site
#' are inherated
#' @param rateDiff a positive \code{double} inferior to \code{1}, the mean of
#' the chance that a site is differentially methylated.
#' @param minRate a non-negative \code{double} inferior to \code{1}, the
#' minimum rate of differentially methylated sites.
#' @param propHetero a positive \code{double} between [0,1], the
#' reduction of vDiff for the second and following generations.
#' @param maxPercReads a \code{double} between [0,100], the percentile of read
#' counts that is going to be used as upper cutoff. Bases ore regions
#' having higher
#' coverage than this percentile are discarded. Parameter used for both CpG
#' sites and tiles analysis. The parameter
#' correspond to the \code{hi.perc} parameter in the \code{methylKit} package.
#' @param nbSynCHR a positive \code{integer}, the number of distinct
#' synthetic chromosomes that will be generated.
#' @param nbSimulation a positive \code{integer}, the number of simulations
#' for each parameter (\code{vNbSample}, \code{vpDiff}, \code{vDiff} and
#' \code{vInheritance}).
#' @param nbBlock a positive \code{integer}, the number of blocks used
#' for sampling.
#' @param nbCpG a positive \code{integer}, the number of consecutive CpG
#' positions used for sampling from \code{methInfo}.
#' @param vNbSample a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer}, the number of
#' methData (CTRL) and cases in the the simulation dataset. In
#' the simulated dataset, the number of CTRL equals the number of Case.
#' The number of CTRL do not need to be equal to the number of Case in
#' the real dataset.
#' @param nbGeneration a positive \code{integer}, the number of generations.
#' @param minReads a positive \code{integer} Bases and regions having lower
#' coverage than this count are discarded. The parameter
#' correspond to the \code{lo.count} parameter in the \code{methylKit} package.
#' @param meanCov a positive \code{integer} represent the mean of the coverage
#' at the CpG site Default: \code{80}.
#' @param nbCores a positive \code{integer}, the number of cores to use when
#' creating the simulated datasets. Default: \code{1} and always
#' \code{1} for Windows.
#' @param vSeed a \code{integer}, a seed used when reproducible results are
#' needed. When a value inferior or equal to zero is given, a random integer
#' is used. Default: \code{-1}.
#' @param keepDiff \code{logical} if true, the differentially methyled sites
#' will be the same for each parameter (\code{vpDiff},
#' \code{vDiff} and \code{vInheritance}). Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @param saveGRanges a \code{logical}, when \code{true}, the package save two
#' files type. The first generate for each simulation contains a \code{list}.
#' The length of the \code{list} corresponds to the number of generation.
#' The generation are stored in order (first entry = first generation,
#' second entry = second generation, etc..). All samples related to one
#' generations are contained in a \code{GRangesList}.
#' The \code{GRangeaList} store a \code{list} of \code{GRanges}. Each
#' \code{GRanges} stores the raw mehylation data of one sample.
#' The second file a numeric \code{vector} denoting controls and cases
#' (a file is generates by entry in the \code{vector} parameters
#' \code{vNbSample}).
#' @param saveMethylKit a \code{logical}, when \code{TRUE}, for each
#' simulations save a file contains a \code{list}. The length of the
#' \code{list} corresponds to the number of generation. The generation are
#' stored in order (first entry = first generation,
#' second entry = second generation, etc..). All samples related to one
#' generations are contained in a S4 \code{methylRawList} object. The
#' \code{methylRawList} object contains two Slots:
#' 1. treatment: A numeric \code{vector} denoting controls and cases.
#' 2. .Data: A \code{list} of \code{methylRaw} objects. Each object stores the
#' raw methylation data of one sample.
#' @param runAnalysis a \code{logical}, if \code{TRUE}, two files are saved
#' for each simulation:
#' \itemize{
#' \item 1. The first file is the methylObj... file formated with
#' the \code{methylkit} package in a S4 \code{methylBase} object
#' (with the \code{methylKit} functions: \code{filterByCoverage},
#' \code{normalizeCoverage} and \code{unite}).
#' \item 2. The second file contains a S4 \code{calculateDiffMeth} object
#' generated with the \code{methylKit} functions \code{calculateDiffMeth} on
#' the first file.
#' }
#' @param outputDir a string of \code{character} or \code{NULL}, the path
#' where the
#' files created by the function will be saved. When \code{NULL}, the files
#' are saved in the current directory.
#' @param fileID a string of \code{character}, a identifiant that will be
#' included in each output file name. Each output
#' file name is
#' composed of those elements, separated by "_":
#' \itemize{
#' \item a type name, ex: methylGR, methylObj, etc..
#' \item a \code{fileID}
#' \item the chromosome number, a number between 1 and \code{nbSynCHR}
#' \item the number of samples, a number in the \code{vNbSample} \code{vector}
#' \item the mean proportion of samples that has,
#' for a specific position, differentially methylated values, a
#' number in the \code{vpDiff} \code{vector}
#' \item the proportion of
#' C/T for a case differentially methylated that follows a shifted beta
#' distribution, a
#' number in the \code{vDiff} \code{vector}
#' \item the
#' proportion of cases that inherits differentially sites, a number in the
#' \code{vInheritance} \code{vector}
#' \item the identifiant for the simulation, a number
#' between 1 and \code{nbSimulation}
#' \item the file extension ".rds"
#' }
#' @param methData an object of class \code{methylBase}, the CpG information
#' from controls (CTRL) that will be used to create the sythetic chromosome.
#' The \code{methData} object can also contain information from cases but
#' only the controls will be used.
#' @param context a string of \code{character}, the methylation context
#' string, ex: CpG,CpH,CHH, etc.
#' @param assembly a string of \code{character}, the short description of the
#' genome assembly. Ex: mm9,hg18 etc.
#' @return \code{0} indicating that the function has been successful.
#' @examples
#' ## Load dataset
#' data("samplesForChrSynthetic")
#' ## The function returns 0 when all paramaters are valid
#' methInheritSim:::validateRunSimParameters(vpDiff =0.2,
#' vpDiffsd = 0.3, vDiff = 0.4, vInheritance = 0.2, propInherite = 0.5,
#' rateDiff = 0.2, minRate = 0.1, propHetero = 0.2, maxPercReads = 99.1,
#' nbSynCHR = 1, nbSimulation = 2, nbBlock = 10, nbCpG = 4, vNbSample = 10,
#' nbGeneration = 3, minReads = 10, meanCov = 80,
#' nbCores = 1, vSeed = -1, keepDiff = FALSE, saveGRanges = TRUE,
#' saveMethylKit = FALSE, runAnalysis = FALSE, outputDir = "test",
#' fileID = "test", methData = samplesForChrSynthetic,
#' context = "CpG", assembly = "Rnor_5.0")
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @importFrom S4Vectors isSingleInteger isSingleNumber
#' @keywords internal
validateRunSimParameters <- function(vpDiff, vpDiffsd, vDiff, vInheritance,
propInherite, rateDiff, minRate, propHetero,
maxPercReads, nbSynCHR, nbSimulation, nbBlock, nbCpG,
vNbSample, nbGeneration, minReads, meanCov, nbCores,
vSeed, keepDiff, saveGRanges, saveMethylKit,
runAnalysis, outputDir, fileID, methData, context, assembly) {
## Validate double parameters
validateRunSimDoubleParameters(vpDiff = vpDiff, vpDiffsd = vpDiffsd,
vDiff = vDiff, vInheritance = vInheritance,
propInherite = propInherite, rateDiff = rateDiff,
minRate = minRate, propHetero = propHetero,
maxPercReads = maxPercReads)
## Validate integer parameters
validateRunSimIntegerParameters(nbSynCHR = nbSynCHR, nbSimulation =
nbSimulation, nbBlock = nbBlock, nbCpG = nbCpG,
vNbSample = vNbSample, nbGeneration = nbGeneration,
minReads = minReads, meanCov = meanCov, nbCores = nbCores,
vSeed = vSeed)
## Validate logical parameters
validateRunSimLogicalParameters(keepDiff = keepDiff, saveGRanges =
saveGRanges, saveMethylKit = saveMethylKit,
runAnalysis = runAnalysis)
## Validate other parameters
validateRunSimOtherParameters(outputDir = outputDir, fileID = fileID,
methData = methData, context = context, assembly = assembly)
#' @title Parameters validation for the \code{\link{runSim}} function. Only
#' integer parameters are validated.
#' @description Validation of all parameters needed by the public
#' \code{\link{runSim}} function. Only integer parameters are validated.
#' @param nbSynCHR a positive \code{integer}, the number of distinct
#' synthetic chromosomes that will be generated.
#' @param nbSimulation a positive \code{integer}, the number of simulations
#' for each parameter (\code{vNbSample}, \code{vpDiff}, \code{vDiff} and
#' \code{vInheritance}).
#' @param nbBlock a positive \code{integer}, the number of blocks used
#' for sampling.
#' @param nbCpG a positive \code{integer}, the number of consecutive CpG
#' positions used for sampling from \code{methInfo}.
#' @param vNbSample a \code{vector} of positive \code{integer}, the number of
#' methData (CTRL) and cases in the the simulation dataset. In
#' the simulated dataset, the number of CTRL equals the number of Case.
#' The number of CTRL do not need to be equal to the number of Case in
#' the real dataset.
#' @param nbGeneration a positive \code{integer}, the number of generations.
#' @param minReads a positive \code{integer} Bases and regions having lower
#' coverage than this count are discarded. The parameter
#' correspond to the \code{lo.count} parameter in the \code{methylKit} package.
#' @param meanCov a positive \code{integer} represent the mean of the coverage
#' at the CpG site Default: \code{80}.
#' @param nbCores a positive \code{integer}, the number of cores to use when
#' creating the simulated datasets. Default: \code{1} and always
#' \code{1} for Windows.
#' @param vSeed a \code{integer}, a seed used when reproducible results are
#' needed. When a value inferior or equal to zero is given, a random integer
#' is used. Default: \code{-1}.
#' @return \code{0} indicating that the function has been successful.
#' @examples
#' ## The function returns 0 when all paramaters are valid
#' methInheritSim:::validateRunSimIntegerParameters(nbSynCHR = 1,
#' nbSimulation = 2, nbBlock = 10, nbCpG = 4, vNbSample = 10,
#' nbGeneration = 3, minReads = 10, meanCov = 80,
#' nbCores = 1, vSeed = -1)
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @importFrom S4Vectors isSingleInteger isSingleNumber
#' @keywords internal
validateRunSimIntegerParameters <- function(nbSynCHR, nbSimulation, nbBlock,
nbCpG, vNbSample, nbGeneration, minReads,
meanCov, nbCores, vSeed) {
## Validate that nbSynCHR is an positive integer
if (!(isSingleInteger(nbSynCHR) || isSingleNumber(nbSynCHR)) ||
as.integer(nbSynCHR) < 1) {
stop("nbSynCHR must be a positive integer or numeric")
## Validate that nbSimulation is an positive integer
if (!(isSingleInteger(nbSimulation) || isSingleNumber(nbSimulation)) ||
as.integer(nbSimulation) < 1) {
stop("nbSimulation must be a positive integer or numeric")
## Validate that nbBlock is an positive integer
if (!(isSingleInteger(nbBlock) || isSingleNumber(nbBlock)) ||
as.integer(nbBlock) < 1) {
stop("nbBlock must be a positive integer or numeric")
## Validate that nbCpG is an positive integer
if (!(isSingleInteger(nbCpG) || isSingleNumber(nbCpG)) ||
as.integer(nbCpG) < 1) {
stop("nbCpG must be a positive integer or numeric")
## Validate that nbGeneration is an positive integer
if (!(isSingleInteger(nbGeneration) || isSingleNumber(nbGeneration)) ||
as.integer(nbGeneration) < 1) {
stop("nbGeneration must be a positive integer or numeric")
## Validate that vNbSample is a vector of distinct positive integer
if (! is.numeric(vNbSample) || anyDuplicated(vNbSample) > 0 ||
any(vNbSample < 1) || ! all(as.integer(vNbSample) == vNbSample)) {
stop("vNbSample must be a vector of distinct positive integer")
## Validate that minReads is an positive integer
if (!(isSingleInteger(minReads) || isSingleNumber(minReads)) ||
as.integer(minReads) < 1) {
stop("minReads must be a positive integer or numeric")
## Validate that meanCov is an positive integer
if (!(isSingleInteger(meanCov) || isSingleNumber(meanCov)) ||
as.integer(meanCov) < 1) {
stop("meanCov must be a positive integer or numeric")
## Validate that nbCores is an positive integer
if (!(isSingleInteger(nbCores) || isSingleNumber(nbCores)) ||
as.integer(nbCores) < 1) {
stop("nbCores must be a positive integer or numeric")
## Validate that nbCores is set to 1 on Windows system
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows" && as.integer(nbCores) != 1) {
stop("nbCores must be 1 on a Windows system")
## Validate that vSeed is an integer
if (!(isSingleInteger(vSeed) || isSingleNumber(vSeed))) {
stop("vSeed must be an integer or numeric")
#' @title Fix seed value.
#' @description Fix seed value when specified value is -1.
#' @param vSeed a \code{integer}, a seed used when reproducible results are
#' needed. When a value inferior or equal to zero is given, a random integer
#' is used.
#' @return a \code{double}, the seed value.
#' @examples
#' ## Return vSeed value when value is not -1
#' methInheritSim:::fixSeed(vSeed = 10)
#' ## Return new value when value is -1
#' methInheritSim:::fixSeed(vSeed = -1)
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @keywords internal
fixSeed <- function(vSeed) {
if (vSeed <= -1) {
tSeed <- as.numeric(Sys.time())
vSeed <- 1e8 * (tSeed - floor(tSeed))
#' @title Parameters validation for the \code{\link{runSim}} function. Only
#' double parameters are validated.
#' @description Validation of all parameters needed by the public
#' \code{\link{runSim}} function. Only double parameters are validated.
#' @param vpDiff a \code{double} superior to \code{0} and inferior or equal
#' to \code{1}, the mean value for the proportion of samples that will have,
#' for a specific position, differentially methylated values. It can be
#' interpreted as the penetrance.
#' @param vpDiffsd a non-negative \code{double}, the standard deviation
#' associated to the \code{propDiff}.
#' @param vDiff a positive \code{double} between [0,1], the proportion of
#' C/T for a case differentially methylated follow a beta distribution
#' where the mean is shifted of \code{vDiff} from the CTRL distribution
#' @param vInheritance a positive \code{double} between [0,1], the
#' proportion of cases that inherited differentially sites.
#' @param propInherite a non-negative \code{double} inferior or equal to
#' \code{1}, the proportion of differentially methylated site
#' are inherated
#' @param rateDiff a positive \code{double} inferior to \code{1}, the mean of
#' the chance that a site is differentially methylated.
#' @param minRate a non-negative \code{double} inferior to \code{1}, the
#' minimum rate of differentially methylated sites.
#' @param propHetero a positive \code{double} between [0,1], the
#' reduction of vDiff for the second and following generations.
#' @param maxPercReads a \code{double} between [0,100], the percentile of read
#' counts that is going to be used as upper cutoff. Bases ore regions
#' having higher
#' coverage than this percentile are discarded. Parameter used for both CpG
#' sites and tiles analysis. The parameter
#' correspond to the \code{hi.perc} parameter in the \code{methylKit} package.
#' @return \code{0} indicating that the function has been successful.
#' @examples
#' ## The function returns 0 when all paramaters are valid
#' methInheritSim:::validateRunSimDoubleParameters(vpDiff =0.2,
#' vpDiffsd = 0.3, vDiff = 0.4, vInheritance = 0.2, propInherite = 0.5,
#' rateDiff = 0.2, minRate = 0.1, propHetero = 0.2, maxPercReads = 99.1)
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @importFrom S4Vectors isSingleInteger isSingleNumber
#' @keywords internal
validateRunSimDoubleParameters <-function(vpDiff, vpDiffsd, vDiff,
vInheritance,propInherite, rateDiff,
minRate, propHetero, maxPercReads) {
## Validate that vpDiff is an positive double include in (0,1]
if (! is.numeric(vpDiff) || anyDuplicated(vpDiff) > 0 ||
any(vpDiff <= 0.00) || any(vpDiff > 1.00)) {
stop(paste0("vpDiff must be a vector of distinct positive double ",
"include in (0,1]"))
## Validate that vpDiffsd is an non-negative double
if (! is.numeric(vpDiffsd) || any(vpDiffsd < 0.00) ) {
stop("vpDiffsd must be a vector of non-negative double")
## Validate that vpDiff and vpDiffsd must be the same length
if (length(vpDiff) != length(vpDiffsd)) {
stop("vpDiff and vpDiffsd must be the same length")
## Validate that vDiff is a vector of distinct non-negative double
## include in [0,1]
if (! is.numeric(vDiff) || anyDuplicated(vDiff) > 0 ||
any(vDiff < 0.00) || any(vDiff > 1.00)) {
stop(paste0("vDiff must be a vector of distinct non-negative double",
" include in [0,1]"))
## Validate that vInheritance is a vector of distinct non-negative double
## include in [0,1]
if (! is.numeric(vInheritance) || anyDuplicated(vInheritance) > 0 ||
any(vInheritance < 0.00) || any(vInheritance > 1.00)) {
stop(paste0("vInheritance must be a vector of distinct non-negative ",
"double include in [0,1]"))
## TODO finish unit test
## Validate that rateDiff is an positive double include in (0,1)
if (!(isSingleNumber(rateDiff)) || rateDiff <= 0.00 || rateDiff >= 1.00) {
stop("rateDiff must be a positive double include in (0,1)")
## Validate that minRate is an non-negative double include in [0,1)
if (!(isSingleNumber(minRate)) || minRate < 0.00 || minRate >= 1.00) {
stop("minRate must be a non-negative double include in [0,1)")
## Validate that propInherite is a non-negative double include in [0,1]
if (!(isSingleNumber(propInherite)) ||
propInherite < 0.00 || propInherite > 1.00) {
stop("propInherite must be a non-negative double include in [0,1]")
## Validate that propHetero is an non-negative double include in [0,1]
if (!(isSingleNumber(propHetero)) ||
propHetero < 0.00 || propHetero > 1.00) {
stop("propHetero must be a non-negative double include in [0,1]")
## Validate that maxPercReads is an positive double between [0,100]
if (!(isSingleNumber(maxPercReads)) ||
maxPercReads < 0.00 || maxPercReads > 100.00) {
stop("maxPercReads must be a positive double between [0,100]")
#' @title Parameters validation for the \code{\link{runSim}} function. Only
#' logical parameters are validated.
#' @description Validation of all parameters needed by the public
#' \code{\link{runSim}} function. Only logical parameters are validated.
#' @param keepDiff \code{logical} if true, the differentially methyled sites
#' will be the same for each parameter (\code{vpDiff},
#' \code{vDiff} and \code{vInheritance}). Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @param saveGRanges a \code{logical}, when \code{true}, the package save two
#' files type. The first generate for each simulation contains a \code{list}.
#' The length of the \code{list} corresponds to the number of generation.
#' The generation are stored in order (first entry = first generation,
#' second entry = second generation, etc..). All samples related to one
#' generations are contained in a \code{GRangesList}.
#' The \code{GRangeaList} store a \code{list} of \code{GRanges}. Each
#' \code{GRanges} stores the raw mehylation data of one sample.
#' The second file a numeric \code{vector} denoting controls and cases
#' (a file is generates by entry in the \code{vector} parameters
#' \code{vNbSample}).
#' @param saveMethylKit a \code{logical}, when \code{TRUE}, for each
#' simulations save a file contains a \code{list}. The length of the
#' \code{list} corresponds to the number of generation. The generation are
#' stored in order (first entry = first generation,
#' second entry = second generation, etc..). All samples related to one
#' generations are contained in a S4 \code{methylRawList} object. The
#' \code{methylRawList} object contains two Slots:
#' 1. treatment: A numeric \code{vector} denoting controls and cases.
#' 2. .Data: A \code{list} of \code{methylRaw} objects. Each object stores the
#' raw methylation data of one sample.
#' @param runAnalysis a \code{logical}, if \code{TRUE}, two files are saved
#' for each simulation:
#' \itemize{
#' \item 1. The first file is the methylObj... file formated with
#' the \code{methylkit} package in a S4 \code{methylBase} object
#' (with the \code{methylKit} functions: \code{filterByCoverage},
#' \code{normalizeCoverage} and \code{unite}).
#' \item 2. The second file contains a S4 \code{calculateDiffMeth} object
#' generated with the \code{methylKit} functions \code{calculateDiffMeth} on
#' the first file.
#' }
#' @return \code{0} indicating that the function has been successful.
#' @examples
#' ## Load dataset
#' data("samplesForChrSynthetic")
#' ## The function returns 0 when all paramaters are valid
#' methInheritSim:::validateRunSimLogicalParameters(keepDiff = FALSE,
#' saveGRanges = TRUE, saveMethylKit = FALSE, runAnalysis = FALSE)
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @importFrom S4Vectors isSingleInteger isSingleNumber
#' @keywords internal
validateRunSimLogicalParameters <-function(keepDiff, saveGRanges,
saveMethylKit, runAnalysis) {
## Validate that keepDiff is a logical
if (!is.logical(keepDiff)) {
stop("keepDiff must be a logical")
## Validate that saveGRanges is a logical
if (!is.logical(saveGRanges)) {
stop("saveGRanges must be a logical")
## Validate that saveMethylKit is a logical
if (!is.logical(saveMethylKit)) {
stop("saveMethylKit must be a logical")
## Validate that runAnalysis is a logical
if (!is.logical(runAnalysis)) {
stop("runAnalysis must be a logical")
#' @title Parameters validation for the \code{\link{runSim}} function. Only
#' parameters other than double, integer and logical are validated.
#' @description Validation of all parameters needed by the public
#' \code{\link{runSim}} function. Only parameters other than double, integer
#' and logical are validated.
#' @param outputDir a string of \code{character} or \code{NULL}, the path
#' where the
#' files created by the function will be saved. When \code{NULL}, the files
#' are saved in the current directory.
#' @param fileID a string of \code{character}, a identifiant that will be
#' included in each output file name. Each output
#' file name is
#' composed of those elements, separated by "_":
#' \itemize{
#' \item a type name, ex: methylGR, methylObj, etc..
#' \item a \code{fileID}
#' \item the chromosome number, a number between 1 and \code{nbSynCHR}
#' \item the number of samples, a number in the \code{vNbSample} \code{vector}
#' \item the mean proportion of samples that has,
#' for a specific position, differentially methylated values, a
#' number in the \code{vpDiff} \code{vector}
#' \item the proportion of
#' C/T for a case differentially methylated that follows a shifted beta
#' distribution, a
#' number in the \code{vDiff} \code{vector}
#' \item the
#' proportion of cases that inherits differentially sites, a number in the
#' \code{vInheritance} \code{vector}
#' \item the identifiant for the simulation, a number
#' between 1 and \code{nbSimulation}
#' \item the file extension ".rds"
#' }
#' @param methData an object of class \code{methylBase}, the CpG information
#' from controls (CTRL) that will be used to create the sythetic chromosome.
#' The \code{methData} object can also contain information from cases but
#' only the controls will be used.
#' @param context a string of \code{character}, the methylation context
#' string, ex: CpG,CpH,CHH, etc.
#' @param assembly a string of \code{character}, the short description of the
#' genome assembly. Ex: mm9,hg18 etc.
#' @return \code{0} indicating that the function has been successful.
#' @examples
#' ## Load dataset
#' data("samplesForChrSynthetic")
#' ## The function returns 0 when all paramaters are valid
#' methInheritSim:::validateRunSimOtherParameters(
#' outputDir = "test", fileID = "test", methData = samplesForChrSynthetic,
#' context = "CpG", assembly = "Rnor_5.0")
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @importFrom S4Vectors isSingleInteger isSingleNumber
#' @keywords internal
validateRunSimOtherParameters <-function(outputDir, fileID, methData,
context, assembly) {
## Validate that the outputDir is an not empty string
if (!is.null(outputDir) && !is.character(outputDir)) {
stop("outputDir must be a character string or NULL")
## Validate that the fileID is an not empty string
if (!is.null(fileID) && !is.character(fileID)) {
stop("fileID must be a character string or NULL")
## Validate that the methData is a methylBase object
if (!"methylBase" %in% class(methData)) {
stop("methData must be an object of class \"methyBase\"")
## Validate that context is a character string
if(!is.character(context)) {
stop("context must be a character string")
## Validate that assembly is a character string
if (!is.character(assembly)) {
stop("assembly must be a character string")
#' @title Generate the samples ID for the simulated dataset.
#' @description Generate the samples ID for the simulated dataset. The
#' standard format of the samples ID is :
#' "F[Number for the generation]_[Number for the sample]
#' _[OC for case or C for control]"
#' @param nbGeneration a positive \code{integer}, the number of generations
#' simulated.
#' @param nbSample a positive \code{integer},
#' the number of controls (CTRL) and cases in the simulated dataset.
#' @return a \code{list} containing a \code{list} of sample ID for
#' each generation.
#' @examples
#' ## Create sample ID
#' methInheritSim:::createSampleID(nbGeneration = 3, nbSample = 6)
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @keywords internal
createSampleID <- function(nbGeneration, nbSample) {
sample.id <- list()
for (i in seq_len(2 * nbSample)) {
if (i <= nbSample) {
for (j in seq_len(nbGeneration)) {
if(i == 1) {
sample.id[[j]] <- list()
sample.id[[j]][[i]] <- paste0("F", j, "_", i, "_C")
} else {
for (j in seq_len(nbGeneration)) {
sample.id[[j]][[i]] <- paste0("F", j, "_", i, "_OC")
#' @title Simulate a multigeneration methylation experiment with inheritance on
#' each synthetic chromosome.
#' @description Simulate a multigeneration methylation case versus control
#' experiment with inheritance relation using a real control dataset.
#' @param methData an object of class \code{methylBase}, the CpG information
#' from controls (CTRL) that will be used to create the synthetic chromosome.
#' The \code{methData} object can also contain information from cases but
#' only the controls are used.
#' @param nbSynCHR a positive \code{integer}, the number of distinct synthetic
#' chromosomes that will be generated.
#' @param nbSimulation a positive \code{integer}, the number of simulations
#' generated
#' for each parameter (\code{vNbSample}, \code{vpDiff}, \code{vDiff} and
#' \code{vInheritance}).
#' The total number of simulation is
#' nbSimulation * \code{length(vNbSample)} * \code{length(vpDiff)} *
#' \code{length(vInheritance)})
#' @param nbBlock a positive \code{integer}, the number of blocks used
#' for sampling.
#' @param nbCpG a positive \code{integer}, the number of consecutive CpG
#' positions used for sampling from \code{methInfo}.
#' @param nbGeneration a positive \code{integer}, the number of generations
#' simulated.
#' @param vNbSample a \code{vector} of distinct positive \code{integer},
#' the number of controls (CTRL) and cases in the simulated dataset. In
#' the simulated dataset, the number of CTRL equals the number of cases.
#' The number of CTRL do not need to be equal to the number of Case in
#' the real \code{methData} dataset.
#' @param vpDiff a \code{vector} of distinct \code{double} superior to
#' \code{0} and inferior or equal
#' to \code{1}, the mean value for the proportion of samples that will have,
#' for a specific position, differentially methylated values. It can be
#' interpreted as the penetrance. Note that \code{vpDiff} and \code{vpDiffsd}
#' must be the same length.
#' @param vpDiffsd a \code{vector} of a non-negative \code{double}, the
#' standard deviation associated to the \code{vpDiff}. Note that
#' \code{vpDiff} and \code{vpDiffsd} must be the same length.
#' @param vDiff a \code{vector} of distinct non-negative \code{double}
#' included in [0,1], the proportion of C/T for a case differentially
#' methylated that follows
#' a beta distribution where the mean is shifted by \code{vDiff}
#' from the CTRL distribution.
#' @param vInheritance a \code{vector} of distinct non-negative \code{double}
#' included in [0,1], the proportion of cases
#' that inherits differentially methylated sites.
#' @param rateDiff a positive \code{double} inferior to \code{1}, the mean of
#' the chance that a site is differentially
#' methylated.
#' @param minRate a non-negative \code{double} inferior to \code{1}, the
#' minimum rate for differentially methylated sites.
#' @param propInherite a non-negative \code{double} inferior or equal
#' to \code{1}, the proportion of differentially methylated regions that
#' are inherated.
#' @param propHetero a non-negative \code{double} between [0,1], the
#' reduction of \code{vDiff} for the second and following generations.
#' @param keepDiff a \code{logical}, when \code{TRUE}, the
#' differentially methylated sites
#' will be the same for all simulated datasets. Datasets generated using
#' differents parameter values from vector parameters (\code{vpDiff},
#' \code{vDiff} and \code{vInheritance}) wil all have the same differentially
#' methylated sites.
#' @param outputDir a string of \code{character} or \code{NULL}, the path
#' where the files created by the function will be saved. When \code{NULL},
#' the files are saved in a directory called "outputDir" that is located in
#' the current directory.
#' @param fileID a string of \code{character}, a identifiant that will be
#' included in each output file name. Each output file name is
#' composed of those elements, separated by "_":
#' \itemize{
#' \item a type name, ex: methylGR, methylObj, etc..
#' \item a \code{fileID}
#' \item the chromosome number, a number between 1 and \code{nbSynCHR}
#' \item the number of samples, a number in the \code{vNbSample} \code{vector}
#' \item the mean proportion of samples that has,
#' for a specific position, differentially methylated values, a
#' number in the \code{vpDiff} \code{vector}
#' \item the proportion of
#' C/T for a case differentially methylated that follows a shifted beta
#' distribution, a
#' number in the \code{vDiff} \code{vector}
#' \item the
#' proportion of cases that inherits differentially sites, a number in the
#' \code{vInheritance} \code{vector}
#' \item the identifiant for the simulation, a number
#' between 1 and \code{nbSimulation}
#' \item the file extension ".rds"
#' }
#' @param minReads a positive \code{integer}, sites and regions having lower
#' coverage than this count are discarded. The parameter
#' corresponds to the \code{lo.count} parameter in
#' the \code{methylKit} package.
#' @param maxPercReads a \code{double} between [0,100], the percentile of read
#' counts that is going to be used as upper cutoff. Sites and regions
#' having higher
#' coverage than \code{maxPercReads} are discarded. This parameter is used for
#' both CpG sites and tiles analysis. The parameter
#' correspond to the \code{hi.perc} parameter in the \code{methylKit} package.
#' @param meanCov a positive \code{integer}, the mean of the coverage
#' at the simulated CpG sites.
#' @param context a string of \code{character}, the short description of the
#' methylation context, such as "CpG", "CpH", "CHH", etc..
#' @param assembly a string of \code{character}, the short description of the
#' genome assembly, such as "mm9", "hg18", etc..
#' @param saveGRanges a \code{logical}, when \code{true}, the package save two
#' files type. The first generate for each simulation contains a \code{list}.
#' The length of the \code{list} corresponds to the number of generation.
#' The generation are stored in order (first entry = first generation,
#' second entry = second generation, etc..). All samples related to one
#' generations are contained in a \code{GRangesList}.
#' The \code{GRangeaList} store a \code{list} of \code{GRanges}. Each
#' \code{GRanges} stores the raw mehylation data of one sample.
#' The second file a numeric \code{vector} denoting controls and cases
#' (a file is generates by entry in the \code{vector} parameters
#' \code{vNbSample}).
#' @param saveMethylKit a \code{logical}, when \code{TRUE}, for each
#' simulations save a file contains a \code{list}. The length of the
#' \code{list} corresponds to the number of generation. The generation are
#' stored in order (first entry = first generation,
#' second entry = second generation, etc..). All samples related to one
#' generations are contained in a S4 \code{methylRawList} object. The
#' \code{methylRawList} object contains two Slots:
#' 1. treatment: A numeric \code{vector} denoting controls and cases.
#' 2. .Data: A \code{list} of \code{methylRaw} objects. Each object stores the
#' raw methylation data of one sample.
#' @param runAnalysis a \code{logical}, if \code{TRUE}, two files are saved
#' for each simulation:
#' \itemize{
#' \item 1. The first file is the methylObj... file formated with
#' the \code{methylkit}
#' package in a S4 \code{methylBase} object (using the \code{methylKit}
#' functions: \code{filterByCoverage}, \code{normalizeCoverage} and
#' \code{unite}).
#' \item 2. The second file contains a S4 \code{calculateDiffMeth} object
#' generated
#' using the \code{methylKit} functions \code{calculateDiffMeth} on the
#' first file.
#' }
#' @param nbCores a positive \code{integer}, the number of cores used when
#' creating the simulated datasets. Default: \code{1} and always
#' \code{1} for Windows.
#' @param vSeed a \code{integer}, a seed used when reproducible results are
#' needed. When a value inferior or equal to zero is given, a random integer
#' is used. .
#' @return \code{0} indicating that the function have been
#' successful.
#' @examples
#' ## Load dataset containing methyl information
#' data(samplesForChrSynthetic)
#' ## Set the output directory where files will be created
#' temp_dir <- "test_runOnEachSynCHR"
#' ## Create directory
#' if(!dir.exists(temp_dir)) {
#' dir.create(temp_dir, showWarnings = TRUE)
#' }
#' ## Create 2 simulated dataset (nbSimulation = 2)
#' ## over 3 generations (nbGenration = 3) with
#' ## 6 cases and 6 controls (nNbsample = 6) using only one set
#' ## of parameters (vpDiff = 0.9, vpDiffsd = 0.1, vDiff = 0.8)
#' methInheritSim:::runOnEachSynCHR(methData = samplesForChrSynthetic,
#' nbSynCHR = 1, nbSimulation = 2, nbBlock = 10, nbCpG = 20,
#' nbGeneration = 3, vNbSample = c(6), vpDiff = c(0.9), vpDiffsd = c(0.1),
#' vDiff = c(0.8), vInheritance = c(0.5), propInherite = 0.3,
#' rateDiff = 0.3, minRate = 0.2, propHetero = 0.5, keepDiff = FALSE,
#' outputDir = temp_dir, fileID = "F1", minReads = 10,
#' maxPercReads = 99.9, meanCov = 80, context = "CpG", assembly="Rnor_5.0",
#' saveGRanges = FALSE, saveMethylKit = FALSE,
#' runAnalysis = FALSE, nbCores = 1, vSeed = 32)
#' ## Delete the output directory and its content
#' if (dir.exists(temp_dir)) {
#' unlink(temp_dir, recursive = TRUE, force = FALSE)
#' }
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschenes
#' @keywords internal
runOnEachSynCHR <- function(methData, nbSynCHR, nbSimulation, nbBlock, nbCpG,
nbGeneration, vNbSample, vpDiff, vpDiffsd, vDiff,
vInheritance, rateDiff, minRate, propInherite, propHetero,
keepDiff, outputDir, fileID, minReads, maxPercReads,
meanCov, context, assembly, saveGRanges, saveMethylKit,
runAnalysis, nbCores, vSeed)
## Fix seed
for(s in 1:nbSynCHR) {
# Create synthetic chromosome
res <- getSyntheticChr(methInfo = methData, nbBlock = nbBlock,
nbCpG = nbCpG)
adPref <- paste0(fileID, "_", s)
saveRDS(res, file = paste0(outputDir, "/syntheticChr_", adPref, ".rds"))
for(nbSample in vNbSample) {
adPrefSample <- paste0(adPref, "_", nbSample)
nbCtrl <- nbSample
nbCase <- nbSample
# Define treatment and sample.id
treatment <- c(rep(0,nbSample), rep(1,nbSample))
if (saveGRanges) {
saveRDS(treatment, file = paste0(outputDir, "/treatment_",
adPrefSample, ".rds"))
# Define sample.id
sample.id <- createSampleID(nbGeneration = nbGeneration,
nbSample = nbSample)
## Obtain the positions of the DMS when those have to be
## the same in all generated simulation
if (keepDiff == TRUE) {
diffRes <- getDiffMeth(stateInfo = res, rateDiff = rateDiff,
minRate = minRate, propInherite = propInherite)
} else {
diffRes <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(length(vInheritance))) {
for(j in seq_len(length(vpDiff))) {
propDiff <- vpDiff[j]
propDiffsd <- vpDiffsd[j]
for (k in seq_len(length(vDiff))) {
diffValue <- vDiff[k]
propInheritance <- ifelse(vInheritance[i] >= 0,
vInheritance[i], vpDiff[j])
prefBase <- paste0(adPrefSample , "_", propDiff,
"_", diffValue, "_", propInheritance)
if (nbCores > 1) {
.Random.seed <- nextRNGSubStream(.Random.seed)
a <- mclapply(seq_len(nbSimulation),
FUN = simInheritance, pathOut = outputDir,
pref = prefBase, nbCtrl = nbCtrl,
nbCase = nbCase, treatment = treatment,
sample.id = sample.id, generation =
nbGeneration, stateInfo = res, rateDiff =
rateDiff, minRate = minRate,
propInherite = propInherite,
diffValue = diffValue, propDiff = propDiff,
propDiffsd = propDiffsd,
propInheritance = propInheritance,
propHetero = propHetero, minReads =
minReads, maxPercReads = maxPercReads,
context = context, assembly = assembly,
meanCov = meanCov, diffRes = diffRes,
saveGRanges = saveGRanges,
saveMethylKit = saveMethylKit,
runAnalysis = runAnalysis,
mc.preschedule = FALSE)
} else {
## Manage case where mclapply is transformed into
## lapply on Windows. This case created
## unrepoducible results on Windows and other OS.
a <- lapply(seq_len(nbSimulation),
FUN = simInheritance, pathOut = outputDir,
pref = prefBase, nbCtrl = nbCtrl,
nbCase = nbCase, treatment = treatment,
sample.id = sample.id, generation =
nbGeneration, stateInfo = res, rateDiff =
rateDiff, minRate = minRate,
propInherite = propInherite, diffValue =
diffValue, propDiff = propDiff,
propDiffsd = propDiffsd, propInheritance =
propInheritance, propHetero = propHetero,
minReads = minReads, maxPercReads =
maxPercReads, context = context, assembly =
assembly, meanCov = meanCov, diffRes =
diffRes, saveGRanges = saveGRanges,
saveMethylKit = saveMethylKit,
runAnalysis = runAnalysis)
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