
Defines functions import_layout_from_paths import_layout_from_excel select_single_file select_directory select_from_list backup_file normalizePath as_well

Documented in as_well backup_file import_layout_from_excel import_layout_from_paths normalizePath select_directory select_from_list select_single_file

#  HELPERS ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Interpret characters as well names
#' @param well Character vector.
#' @param as.tibble If \code{TRUE}, a \code{\link[dplyr:tibble]{tibble}} is
#' returned instead of a list.
#' @param to.upper Should well letters be converted to uppercase if they are not?
#' @param zero.padding Number of digits the well number should be padded to.
#' @return A list with \code{well_let}, \code{well_num} and \code{well} or a
#' tibble with the corresponding column names.
#' @examples
#' as_well(c("a1", "B2", "Q23"))
#' as_well("23a")
#' as_well("n_2")
#' @export
as_well <- function(well, as.tibble = FALSE, to.upper = TRUE, zero.padding = 2) {

  # pre-processing to handle NULL values in a list

  well <- sapply(well, function(x) if(is.null(x)) NA_character_ else x)

  # extract parts

  res <- list(well_let = NA_character_, well_num = NA_character_, well = NA_character_)

  well_raw <- stringr::str_extract(well, "[:alnum:]+")

  well_num <- stringr::str_extract(well_raw, "[0-9]+")
  well_let <- stringr::str_extract(well_raw, stringr::regex("[A-Z]+", ignore_case = TRUE))

  defects <- mapply(function(x, y) any(is.na(x), is.na(y)), well_let, well_num)
  defects <- as.integer(defects)

  if (to.upper == TRUE) well_let <- toupper(well_let)

  well_num <- sprintf(paste0("%0", zero.padding, "d"), as.numeric(well_num))
  well_tot <- paste0(well_let, well_num)

  well_let[defects] <- NA_character_
  well_num[defects] <- NA_character_
  well_tot[defects] <- NA_character_

  res <- list(well_let = well_let, well_num = well_num, well = well_tot)

  if (as.tibble == TRUE) {

    res <- dplyr::as_tibble(res)




#  DIRECTORY NAVIGATION --------------------------------------------------------

#' Express file paths in their canonical form -- Truly
#' Under Windows and UNIX, \code{\link[base:.Platform]{.Platform$file.sep}} both
#' may expand to "\code{/}", whereas some upstream applications may still use
#' "\code{\\}" to separate folders and files.
#' @param path A character vector of file paths.
#' @inheritParams base::normalizePath
#' @details
#' Calls \code{\link[base:normalizePath]{normalizePath}} with \code{.Platform$file.sep}.
#' In addition, trailing slashes are removed.
#' @return
#' A character vector.
#' @export
normalizePath <- function(path, winslash = .Platform$file.sep, mustWork = FALSE) {

  log_debugging("received", sQuote(path))

  norm_path <- stringr::str_replace(
    base::normalizePath(path, winslash = winslash, mustWork = mustWork),
    # remove trailing path separator which is not accepted on Windows
    pattern = paste0(.Platform$file.sep, "$"), replacement = ""

  log_debugging("returned", sQuote(norm_path))



#' Backup a file if necessary
#' @param path A file path.
#' @param sep A character to separate the existing file path and the stamp added.
#' @param stamp A datestamp (default) and/or timestamp constructed according
#' to this specification (\link[base:strptime]{POSIXct}) is added to pre-existing
#' files in path.
#' @details
#' The stamp is extracted from an existing file's modification time.
#' For details \link[base:file.info]{file.mtime(...)}.
#' If a backup file with the same stamp exists, it is replaced In practical terms
#' this means that by using \code{"\%y\%m\%d"} as stamp, only the last backup per
#' day is preserved.
#' @return
#' \code{TRUE} if succesful, \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @export
backup_file <- function(path, sep = "_", stamp = "%y%m%d") {

  if (file.exists(path)) {

    bkp_file <- summerr::normalizePath(paste0(path, sep, format(file.mtime(path), stamp)))

    if (file.exists(bkp_file)) file.remove(bkp_file)

    file.rename(path, bkp_file)

  } else {




#' Prompt to select from a list of options
#' Helper asking the user to select an item from a list.
#' @param items A character vector of options/items.
#' @param caption The prompt.
#' @return
#' A single character element.
select_from_list <- function(items, caption = "Select an item") {


  if (length(items) == 1) return(items)

  choice <- readline(paste0(
    caption, "\n",
    paste(sprintf(paste0("%", as.integer(log10(length(items)) + 3), "s %s"),
                  sprintf("[%i]", c(0, seq_along(items))),
                  c("None of these (skip)", items)),
          collapse = "\n"), "  "))

  choice <- as.numeric(stringr::str_extract(choice, "[0-9]+"))

  if (choice %in% seq_along(items)) {

    item <- items[choice]

  } else {

    item <- character()




#' Interactively choose a directory
#' This is a wrapper to select a directory \code{path} to process. Depending on
#' the mode R is invoked from, choosing is interactive and may use the RStudio IDE.
#' @param path A character vector of length 1 to start browsing; defaults to the
#' current working directory.
#' @inheritParams rstudioapi::selectDirectory
#' @return
#' A character with the path of the chosen directory.
#' @export
select_directory <- function(path = getwd(), caption = "Select a directory",
                             label = "Select") {

  if (interactive()) {

    if (rstudioapi::isAvailable()) {

      Sys.sleep(0.9) # allow some time for flushing previous outputs

      path <- rstudioapi::selectDirectory(caption = caption, label = label, path = path)

    } else {

      dirs <- list.dirs(path = ".", full.names = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

      dirs <- dirs[which(!grepl(pattern = "^\\..+", x = dirs))]
      dirs <- dirs[which(nchar(dirs) > 0)]

      path <- file.path(path, select_from_list(
        caption = caption, items = dirs))



  path <- summerr::normalizePath(path)



#' Interactively choose a single file
#' This is a convenient wrapper to select one file in the directory \code{path}
#' from multiple files matching \code{pattern}.
#' @param path A character vector of file paths; the default corresponds to the
#' working directory, \code{\link[base]{getwd}()}. Tilde expansion (see \code{
#' \link[base]{path.expand}}) is performed.
#' @param pattern A \link[base:regex]{regular expression}. Only file names which
#' match the regular expression will be returned.
#' @param prefix A regular expression to match the filename (without extension).
#' @param suffix A character to match the file extension, e.g. "csv".
#' @param filetype A human-readable file type designation. Along with \code{suffix}
#' will be used to construct \code{filter} in \code{\link[rstudioapi:selectFile]{rstudioapi::selectFile}}.
#' @inheritParams rstudioapi::selectDirectory
#' @details
#' In case multiple files are found, the user is prompted to choose one option
#' or none.
#' If \code{pattern} is not \code{NULL}, \code{prefix} and \code{suffix} will be
#' ignored.
#' \code{prefix} is ignored when the RStudio API is used.
#' @return
#' A character vector with a single element in case a single file matches \code{pattern}
#' or a single choice was made, else an empty character vector.
#' In a non-interactive session, returns an empty character vector and a warning
#' if multiple files were found.
#' @export
select_single_file <- function(path = getwd(), prefix = ".+", suffix = "*",
                               pattern = NULL, filetype = "file",
                               caption = "Select a", label = "Select") {

  if (is.null(pattern)) {

    pattern <- ifelse(suffix == "*",
                      paste0(prefix, "\\.", suffix, "$"))


  dir_files <- list.files(path = path, pattern = pattern, full.names = TRUE,
                          no.. = TRUE, recursive = FALSE)
  dirs <- list.dirs(path = path, full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE)

  dir_files <- setdiff(dir_files, dirs)

  if (length(dir_files) != 1) {

    if (interactive()) {

      if (rstudioapi::isAvailable(version_needed = "1.1.287")) {

        Sys.sleep(0.9) # allow some time for flushing previous outputs

        dir_files <- rstudioapi::selectFile(
          caption = paste(caption, filetype), label = label,
          path = path, filter = ifelse(suffix == "*", "All Files (*)",
                                       paste0(filetype, "(*.", suffix, ")")))

      } else {

        dir_files <- file.path(path, select_from_list(
          caption = caption, items = basename(dir_files)))


    } else {

      # message("Warning: '", pattern, "' matched multiple files in '", path, "'. Skipping.")
      # dir_files <- character()

      path <- file.path(path, select_from_list(
        caption = caption, items = dir_files))



  if (is.null(dir_files)) dir_files <- character()

  if (length(dir_files) != 1) message("Warning: No files matching '", pattern, "'.")

  dir_files <- summerr::normalizePath(dir_files)



#  GENERAL FILE IMPORT AND EXPORT ----------------------------------------------

#' Import a (plate) layout from an Excel file
#' A (square plate) layout assigning each cell (well) to a specific content with
#' metadata to be taken from columns and/or rows parallel to the plate design.
#' @param file A path or URL to an xlsx file or workbook.
#' @inheritParams openxlsx::read.xlsx
#' @param data_upper_left A string specifying the top left corner (i.e. cell)
#' in Excel coordinates of the plate.
#' @param index_row A string specifying the row (in Excel coordinates) where the
#' plate column index (e.g. running 1 through 24) is found.
#' @param index_col A string specifying the column (in Excel coordinates) where
#' the plate rows index (e.g. running A through P) is found.
#' @param meta_row A named character vector to specify additional metadata to be
#' assigned to each plate column.
#' @param meta_col A named character vector to specify additional metadata to be
#' assigned to each plate row.
#' @param plate_nrow Number of rows to import starting from \code{data_upper_left}.
#' @param plate_ncol Number of columns to import starting from \code{data_upper_left}.
#' @details
#' The content of each Excel cell of the plate is read as a string. Merged cells
#' are allowed and will be unmerged (see \code{\link[openxlsx:read.xlsx]{read.xlsx}}).
#' When importing metadata, it is assumed that \code{meta_row} and \code{meta_col}
#' run parallel to the plate. Offset is allowed. The category names of the metadata
#' must be specified explicitly during the setup; they are not imported.
#' In the example below, the first cell of the acutal plate is "B3". Three metadata
#' columns are given: One in row "1" (here: Concentration), which is applied column-wise,
#' and two parallel to the rows in column "Z" (here: Duplicate) and "AA" (here: Source).
#' The name tags highlighted in yellow are not imported since they are not parallel to
#' the actual plate rows. So is the text "xyz" shown in red.
#' \figure{platelayout_maldi.png}{options: width=600 alt="A sample plate layout provided in \code{summerrmass}."}
#' @return
#' A \code{\link[tibble:tibble]{tibble}} in long form with the columns \code{well},
#' \code{well_let} (letters, row index of the plate), \code{well_num} (integers
#' as strings, column index of the plate), \code{content} and a column for each
#' metadata specified.
#' @examples
#' layout_file <- system.file("extdata", "platelayout_maldi.xlsx", package = "summerrmass")
#' import_layout_from_excel(layout_file,
#'   # metadata stored in row number "1" (Excel coordinates) contains concentration
#'   meta_row = c(Concentration = 1),
#'   # metadata stored in column "Z" (Excel coordinates) contains rowwise metadata;
#'   # missing values are "NA", the order in meta_col determines the column arrangement
#'   meta_col = c(Source = "AA", Duplicates = "Z"))
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
import_layout_from_excel <- function(
  sheet = 1,
  data_upper_left = "B3",
  index_row = "2",
  index_col = "A",
  meta_row  = c(concentration = "1"),
  meta_col  = character(),
  plate_nrow = 16,
  plate_ncol = 24
) {

  # convert excel coordinates to R coordinates

  from.excel <- function(s) {

    # from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34537243

    s_upper <- toupper(s)
    # Convert string to a vector of single letters
    s_split <- unlist(strsplit(s_upper, split=""))
    # Convert each letter to the corresponding number
    s_number <- sapply(s_split, function(x) {which(LETTERS == x)})
    # Derive the numeric value associated with each letter
    numbers <- 26^((length(s_number)-1):0)
    # Calculate the column number
    column_number <- sum(s_number * numbers)


  # only the first match to a continuous string of numerals or letters is matched
  # and interpreted as row/column indexes
  from.excel.row <- function(x) as.numeric(stringr::str_extract(x, "[0-9]+"))
  from.excel.col <- function(x) from.excel(stringr::str_extract(
    x, stringr::regex("[A-Z]+", ignore_case = TRUE)))

  index_row <- from.excel.row(index_row)
  index_col <- from.excel.col(index_col)

  data_row <- from.excel.row(data_upper_left)
  data_col <- from.excel.col(data_upper_left)

  meta_row <- lapply(meta_row, from.excel.row)
  meta_col <- lapply(meta_col, from.excel.col)

  plate <- openxlsx::read.xlsx(file, fillMergedCells = TRUE, colNames = FALSE)
  # fillMergedCells does not work when rows and cols specification is given; thus
  # need to separate from the following code
  datap <- plate[
    data_row:(data_row + plate_nrow - 1),
    data_col:(data_col + plate_ncol - 1)] %>%
    # set row and column names according to the values specified by the user within
    # the excel sheet; this allows for more flexibility when adjusting plate layout
    magrittr::set_rownames(plate[data_row:(data_row + plate_nrow - 1), index_col]) %>%
    magrittr::set_colnames(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(
      plate[index_row, data_col:(data_col + plate_ncol - 1)]))) %>%
    tibble::as_tibble(rownames = "well_let") %>%
    # make sure all entries (including NA) are of type character
                                as.character)) %>%
    # make long form
    tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = -.data$well_let, names_to = "well_num",
                        values_to = "content") %>%
    tidyr::unite(.data$well_let, .data$well_num, col = "well", sep = "",
                 remove = FALSE)

  # for each metadata row or column we assume that it is parallel to the plate

  get_meta_row <- function(i) tibble::tibble(
    # well numbers from the index row
    well_num = sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(
      plate[index_row, data_col:(data_col + plate_ncol - 1)])),
    # data from the metadata row
    meta = as.character(plate[i, data_col:(data_col + plate_ncol - 1)])

  get_meta_col <- function(i) tibble::tibble(
    # well letters from the index col
    well_let = plate[data_row:(data_row + plate_nrow - 1), index_col],
    # data from the metadata col
    meta = as.character(plate[data_row:(data_row + plate_nrow - 1), i])

  if (length(meta_row) > 0) datap <- dplyr::left_join(datap, dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(
    as.list(meta_row), get_meta_row), .id = "mtype") %>%
      tidyr::pivot_wider(id_cols = "well_num", names_from = .data$mtype, values_from = .data$meta),
    by = "well_num")

  if (length(meta_col) > 0) datap <- dplyr::left_join(datap, dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(
    as.list(meta_col), get_meta_col), .id = "mtype") %>%
      tidyr::pivot_wider(id_cols = "well_let", names_from = .data$mtype, values_from = .data$meta),
    by = "well_let")

  attr(datap, "file") <- file



#' Import an experiment layout from nested directories
#' Some data is organized in folders that contain files with similar or even
#' identical names. Given a list of paths pointing to those files, the layout
#' of the experiment is established from the nesting of folders.
#' @param paths A list character vector or list of file paths. See Details.
#' @param pivot A \link[base:regex]{regular expression} describing the
#' name of a single folder in each tree up to which "groups" and from which
#' "replicates" are established. See Details.
#' @param relative_to If not \code{NULL}, this subpath is hidden from the paths
#' for all operations; "" to suppress hiding; \code{NULL} will hide the subpath
#' that is common in all elements of \code{paths}.
#' @details
#' \code{paths} can be a vector such as \code{c("path1", "path2", "path3")}
#' or a list of character vectors, e.g. as a result of averaging data, such as
#' \code{list(c("path1", "path2"), "path3")}. The latter case is usually not
#' exposed to the user; the algorithm applies to "path1" and "path3".
#' \code{pivot} must be a unique match for each path. Nesting above and within
#' the matched folder can differ from path to path; care is taken to handle the
#' grouping accordingly.
#' If \code{pivot} is a regular expression with lookahead or lookbehind, these
#' elements are kept in the path.
#' If \code{pivot} has multiple matches in the path, it is advisable to call this
#' function with \code{relative_to = (common path)} since it will be removed from
#' the paths before a match is sought for. Alternatively, \code{relative_to = NULL}
#' will automatically consume the longest shared path between all \code{paths}.
#' \code{relative_to} is expanded (like all \code{paths}) before the regular
#' expression is looked for.
#' \code{relative_to} is preserved as \code{attr(., "dir")} for future use.
#' \subsection{Sample groups by nesting parent folders}{
#' Sample groups are determined from the enclosing (parent) folders. For example,
#' in
#' \preformatted{
#' /common1/folder1/folderA/0_A1/...
#'                       ../0_A2/...
#'               ../folderB/0_A1/...
#' /common1/folder2/folderA/0_A1/...
#'               ../folderB/0_A1/...
#'                         /0_A2/...
#' }
#' two nested groupings are identified: (1) "folder1" and "folder2" as \code{grp_0},
#' and (2) "folderA" and "folderB" as \code{grp_1}. The common path "common1"
#' will not be used as a grouping variable. The first parent is always used as a
#' grouping variable. The full (unique) grouping is returned under \code{group}.
#' Grouping can allow to anaylze multiple directories simultaneously with their
#' own set of parameters enclosed at an appropriate level of nesting.
#' }
#' \subsection{Replicates by nesting subfolders}{
#' Sample replicates are determined from the enclosed (child) folders. For example,
#' in
#' \preformatted{
#' ../0_A1/1/targetfile
#'        /2/targetfile
#' ../0_A2/1/targetfile
#' }
#' the first pivot ("0_A1") contains two replicates, the second pivot ("0_A2") one.
#' }
#' @return
#' A tibble with the experiment layout as determined from the \code{paths}
#' with columns
#' \code{grp_N}, ..., \code{grp_0} specifiying the sample groups,
#' \code{sub_1}, ..., \code{sub_N} specifiying the subfolder nesting,
#' \code{pivot},
#' \code{replicate} and \code{n_replicates}, based on \code{sub_1},
#' the \code{path} of the file relative to \code{relative_to} and its original
#' position in \code{paths} as \code{findex}.
#' @examples
#' demo_paths <- c("folderA/0_A1/1/file.x", "folderA/0_A1/2/file.x",
#'   "folderA/0_A2/1/file.x", "folderB/0_A1/1/file.x")
#' import_layout_from_paths(demo_paths, relative_to = NULL)
#' import_layout_from_paths(paste0("folderX/", demo_paths), relative_to = NULL)
#' import_layout_from_paths(paste0("folderX/", demo_paths[1:2]), relative_to = NULL)
#' import_layout_from_paths(paste0("folderY/folderX/", demo_paths), relative_to = NULL)
#' # more complex scenarios
#' import_layout_from_paths(paste0(c("folderY/", "folderX/"), demo_paths), relative_to = NULL)
#' import_layout_from_paths(paste0(c("folderZ/folderY/", "folderX/"), demo_paths), relative_to = NULL)
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
import_layout_from_paths <- function(paths, pivot = "[0-9]_[A-Z]+[0-9]+",
                                     relative_to = getwd()) {

  if (is.null(paths) || length(paths) == 0) {

    datad <- tibble::tibble(grp_0 = character(0),
                            pivot = character(0),
                            replicate = NA_integer_, n_replicates = NA_integer_,
                            findex = NA_integer_,
                            gindex = NA_integer_,
                            path_to_files = character(0),
                            path_to_group = character(0),
                            group = character(0),
                            file  = character(0))



  grp_prefix <- "grp_"
  sub_prefix <- "sub_"

  usr.relative_to <- relative_to  # store user argument

  # only keep the first element if this was a nested list to # transform paths
  # into a plain character vector

  first_paths <- sapply(paths, "[[", 1)

  datad <- tibble::as_tibble(summerr::normalizePath(first_paths))

  # To avoid spurious matching of the regex to a common base directory, remove
  # the common path first.

  if (is.null(relative_to)) {

    relative_to <- ""

    if (nrow(datad) == 1) {

      relative_to <- stringr::str_extract(datad$value, paste0("^.+(?=", pivot, ")"))

    } else {

      # determine common basis and replace with "."

      folderlist <- stringr::str_split(datad$value, pattern = .Platform$file.sep,
                                       simplify = TRUE)

      log_debugging("initial folder list", object = folderlist)

      foldersame <- apply(folderlist, MARGIN = 2, FUN = dplyr::n_distinct)

      # browser()

      if (foldersame[1] == 1) {

        # Beware that which(foldersame == 1) may be true for elements after the
        # pivot has been identified. This is why we do it more "complicated".
        # We omit the last common element to account for such cases in which also
        # the pivot itself is identical for all elements (and only differences in
        # the replicates exist).

        foldersame <- folderlist[1, which(cumsum(abs(diff(foldersame))) == 0)]

        log_debugging("common folder list", object = foldersame)

        if (length(foldersame) > 0) relative_to <- paste0(
          foldersame, collapse = .Platform$file.sep)




  relative_to <- summerr::normalizePath(relative_to)

  if (relative_to != "") {

    # The "." will designate the common path designated by the user as input
    # or identified as topmost shared directory. If there is no ".", there are
    # no common directories.

    datad$value <- sapply(datad$value, sub, pattern = relative_to,
                          replacement = ".", fixed = TRUE)


  log_debugging("assessed paths relative to", sQuote(relative_to))

  # V1: grp parts
  # V2: sub parts (or pivot in cases where fill = "left")

  datad <- datad %>%
    dplyr::mutate(pivot = stringr::str_extract(.data$value, pivot)) %>%
    tidyr::separate(.data$value, into = c("V1", "V2"), sep = pivot, fill = "left") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(V1 = stringr::str_remove(.data$V1, pattern = paste0(.Platform$file.sep, "$")))

  datad <- datad %>%
    # Remove trailing path separator as we do not count "empty" directories; the
    # grp parts then look like "dir1/dir2/dir3" of which the leftmost may be
    # shared across all observations. This should have been done in all cases.
    # dplyr::mutate(V1 = cleanup_path(.data$V1)) %>%
      grps_level = stringr::str_count(.data$V1, pattern = .Platform$file.sep),
      subs_level = stringr::str_count(.data$V2, pattern = .Platform$file.sep)
    ) %>%
    # unnest the groups: X X grp_N ... grp_0 (pivot)
    tidyr::separate(.data$V1, into = paste0(grp_prefix, seq(max(c(0, .$grps_level),
                                                                na.rm = TRUE), 0)),
                    sep = .Platform$file.sep, fill = "left", extra = "drop",
                    remove = FALSE) %>%
    # unnest the replicates: (pivot) sub_1 X X sub_2 ... sub_N (= file)
    tidyr::separate(.data$V2, into = c(NA, paste0(sub_prefix, "1"), "V3"),
                    sep = .Platform$file.sep, fill = "left", extra = "merge",
                    remove = FALSE) %>%
    tidyr::separate(.data$V3, into = paste0(sub_prefix, seq(2, max(c(2, .$subs_level),
                                                                   na.rm = TRUE))),
                    sep = .Platform$file.sep, fill = "left", extra = "drop") %>%
    # process data
    dplyr::rename(group = "V1") %>%
    dplyr::rename(file  = paste0(sub_prefix, max(.$subs_level))) %>%
    # remove trailing path separators
    dplyr::mutate(group = stringr::str_replace(.data$group, paste0(.Platform$file.sep,
                                                                   "$"), "")) %>%
    # add file paths as provided by the user as long as the table is in the
    # order corresponding to the original argument; if the paths argument was
    # a nested list, we only continue with the topmost entry
    dplyr::mutate(path_to_files = sapply(paths, "[[", 1)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(path_to_group = summerr::normalizePath(stringr::str_remove(
      .data$path_to_files, stringr::str_c(pivot, .data$V2)))) %>%
    # preserve the file order index
    dplyr::mutate(findex = dplyr::row_number())

  log_debugging(object = datad)

  datad <- datad %>%
    # grp_N is root ("C:" under Windows, "" under UNIX) when all paths are
    # normalized, we drop it
    dplyr::select(!paste0(grp_prefix, max(.$grps_level, na.rm = TRUE))) %>%
    # remove additionally empty groups
    dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(tidyselect::starts_with(grp_prefix), ~ dplyr::na_if(., ""))) %>%
    dplyr::select(!tidyselect::vars_select_helpers$where(~ all(is.na(.)))) %>%
    # preserve the group index
    dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(tidyselect::starts_with(grp_prefix))) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(gindex = dplyr::cur_group_id()) %>%
    # sort by well in alphabetical order (in case needed); replicates are at
    # level sub_1; if no subfolder exists, sub_1 will equal "file", which is
    # acceptable
    dplyr::arrange(.data$pivot, .data[[paste0(sub_prefix, 1)]], .by_group = TRUE) %>%
    # group replicates per well
    dplyr::group_by(.data$pivot, .add = TRUE) %>%
    # add replicate information
      replicate = dplyr::case_when(
        lengths(.data$path_to_files) > 1 ~ NA_character_,
        TRUE ~ .data[[paste0(sub_prefix, 1)]]),
      n_replicates = dplyr::case_when(
        lengths(.data$path_to_files) > 1 ~ lengths(path_to_files),
        TRUE ~ dplyr::n_distinct(.data$replicate)))

  if (all(lengths(paths) == 1)) datad <- dplyr::group_by(datad, .data$replicate,
                                                         .add = TRUE)

  datad <- datad %>%
    dplyr::select(!tidyselect::any_of(c("grps_level", "subs_level", "V2"))) %>%
                  tidyselect::any_of(c("n_replicates", "findex", "gindex",
                                       "path_to_files", "path_to_group")),

  attr(datad, "dir") <- relative_to



# PLOTTING ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Display a layout with ggplot2
#' The function returns the basic layer to be modified with further geoms by
#' the user, depending on the purpose.
#' @param layout A plate layout.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to the \code{\link[ggplot2:geom_tile]{ggplot2::geom_tile()}}
#' aesthetic.
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' layout_file <- system.file("extdata", "platelayout_maldi.xlsx", package = "summerrmass")
#' plate_384 <- import_layout_from_excel(layout_file, meta_row = c(Concentration = 1))
#' display_plate_layout(plate_384)  # all defined wells
#' display_plate_layout(plate_384, fill = content)
#' display_plate_layout(plate_384, fill = as.numeric(Concentration))
#' display_plate_layout(plate_384, fill = content, alpha = as.numeric(Concentration)) +
#'   labs(alpha = "concentration")
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
display_plate_layout <- function(layout, ...) {

  ggplot2::ggplot(layout, ggplot2::aes(x = .data$well_num, y = forcats::fct_rev(.data$well_let))) +
    ggplot2::geom_tile(ggplot2::aes(...)) +
    ggplot2::coord_fixed() +
    ggplot2::theme_minimal() + ggplot2::theme(
      axis.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      panel.grid = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      legend.box = "vertical",
      legend.box.just = "left",
      legend.position = "bottom"


#' Display a fitted curve
#' Draw a plot after fitting a two-dimensional model.
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::aes
#' @param df A grouped data frame, created with \code{\link{model_cleanly_groupwise}}
#' @param digits Integer indicating the number of significant digits
#' to be used when fitted parameters are substituted in the model formula.
#' Negative values are allowed; see \link[base:Round]{signif(...)}.
#' @return
#' A \code{\link[ggplot2:ggplot]{ggplot}} that can be further customized.
#' @details
#' The parameters of the model, usually accessible via the \code{.$tidy}
#' column after \code{model_cleanly_groupwise} has been called, are substituted
#' in the fitted formula and can be accessed as \code{.$sub.formula}.
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' # create some noisy data for fitting a linear model
#' x <- seq(1, 10)
#' y1 <- 3 * x + 5 + rnorm(10)
#' y2 <- 1 * x + 1 + rnorm(10)
#' my_data <- bind_rows(data1 = tibble(x, y = y1),
#'                      data2 = tibble(x, y = y2), .id = "dataset") %>%
#'            group_by(dataset)
#' my_data %>%
#'   model_cleanly_groupwise(lm, formula = y ~ x) %>%
#'   model_display(color = dataset)
#' ## positioning of per-facet text labels in ggplot is inherently
#' ## difficult; the visual of the example could be improved
#' my_data %>%
#'   model_cleanly_groupwise(lm, formula = y ~ x) %>%
#'   model_display() +
#'   # add substituted formula
#'   geom_text(aes(x = -Inf, y = Inf, label = sub.formula),
#'     hjust = 0, vjust = 1) +
#'   # add R square
#'   geom_text(data = . %>% tidyr::unnest(glance),
#'     aes(x = Inf, y = Inf, label = paste("R^2 =", signif(r.squared, 3))),
#'     hjust = 1, vjust = 1) +
#'   # show as facet
#'   facet_wrap(vars(dataset))
#' @importFrom  rlang .data
#' @export
model_display <- function(df, ..., digits = 2) {

  # substitute the fitted values

  substitute_and_simplify <- function(x, digits = 2) {

    FML <- stats::formula(x)
    COF <- stats::coef(x)

    # substitute formula with coefficients

    if (class(x) == "lm") {

      # only "unnamed" coefficients given

      SFL <- stats::as.formula(paste0(
        formula.tools::lhs(FML), "~", paste0(sprintf("%f*%s", signif(COF[-1],
                                                                     digits = digits),
                                                     names(COF[-1])), collapse = "+"),
        "+", signif(COF[1], digits = digits)))

    } else {

      # coefficients are values of parameters

      SFL <- do.call("substitute", list(FML, as.list(signif(COF, digits = digits))))


    LHS <- formula.tools::lhs(SFL)
    RHS <- Deriv::Simplify(formula.tools::rhs(SFL))

    NFL <- substitute(y ~ x, list(y = LHS, x = RHS))

    LHS.VARS <- formula.tools::lhs.vars(NFL)
    RHS.VARS <- setdiff(formula.tools::get.vars(NFL), LHS.VARS)

    tibble::tibble(sub.formula = list(NFL), lhs = list(LHS), rhs = list(RHS),
                   lhs.vars = list(LHS.VARS), rhs.vars = list(RHS.VARS))


  df$.tmp <- lapply(df$model, substitute_and_simplify, digits = digits)
  df <- dplyr::mutate(tidyr::unnest(df, ".tmp"), sub.formula = as.character(

  # log_object(df)

  # make sure to get a 2D plot

  stopifnot(all(length(X_VAR <- unique(unlist(df$rhs.vars))) == 1,
                length(Y_VAR <- unique(unlist(df$lhs.vars))) == 1))

  X_VAR <- rlang::ensym(X_VAR)

  ggplot2::ggplot(data = df, mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = !!X_VAR, ...)) +
    # original data points
      data = . %>%
        dplyr::select(dplyr::group_vars(.), .data$augment_old) %>%
      ggplot2::aes(y = .data$.fitted + .data$.resid),
      stat = "summary", fun.data = ggplot2::mean_se, fatten = 1) +
    # fitted lines
    ggplot2::geom_line(  ## geom_line connects in order on x axis
      data = . %>%
        dplyr::select(dplyr::group_vars(.), .data$augment_new) %>%
      ggplot2::aes(y = .data$.fitted)) +
    # labels
    ggplot2::labs(y = Y_VAR)


#' Arrange plots on a page
#' This helper can be used to arrange plots with \code{\link[graphics:layout]{layout}}
#' on multiple pages. Unused positions on the grid are indexed with \code{NA}.
#' @param items A list of items to arrange.
#' @param byrow Whether to fill rows or columns first per page.
#' @details
#' As a side-effect of calling this function, the \code{\link[graphics:layout]{layout}}
#' of the current device is set to a matrix of \code{nrow} x \code{ncol}.
#' @return
#' An integer vector of indices that can be used to sort \code{items} so that they
#' are neatly placed on a single page or multiple pages with \code{nrow} x \code{ncol}
#' places. The index is filled with \code{NA} on the last page.
#' @examples
#' op <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)  # reconstitute par(...) afterwards
#' par(mfcol = c(4, 2), mar = rep(0, 4))
#' graphics::layout.show(9)  # one single plot on page 2
#' plot_me <- function(n) {
#'   for (i in n) {
#'     plot.new()
#'     text(0.5, 0.5, i)
#'   }
#' }
#' plot_me(seq(1, 3))  # appended on same page
#' par(mfcol = c(4, 2), mar = rep(0, 4))  # starts new page, but not always "accessible"
#' plot_me(arrange_on_page(seq(1, 9), byrow = FALSE))
#' plot_me(LETTERS[arrange_on_page(seq(1, 2), byrow = TRUE)])
#' rm(plot_me)
#' par(op)
#' @export
arrange_on_page <- function(items = NULL, byrow = TRUE) {

  nrow <- graphics::par("mfcol")[1]
  ncol <- graphics::par("mfcol")[2]
  ipp <- nrow * ncol  # items per page

  if (is.null(items)) items <- seq_len(ipp)

  nop <- length(items) %/% ipp + (length(items) %% ipp > 0)  # number of pages

  # call for side-effects on graphics device

  graphics::layout(matrix(seq_len(ipp), nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, byrow = byrow))

  # order of elements over pages

  c(seq_along(items), rep(NA, ipp - length(items) %% ipp))


#' Get the indices of plots that are on page borders
#' Returns indices where \code{items} is next (in the direction of \code{border})
#' to a cell containing \code{NA}; all outer borders are also \code{NA}.
#' @inheritParams arrange_on_page
#' @param border Top (\code{"t"}), bottom (\code{"b"}), left (\code{"l"}), right
#' (\code{"r"}).
#' @param include.widows \code{TRUE} if the last items on a semi-full page should
#' also be returned.
#' @export
get_border_indices <- function(items = NULL, border = "b", byrow = TRUE, include.widows = TRUE) {

  nrow <- graphics::par("mfcol")[1]
  ncol <- graphics::par("mfcol")[2]
  ipp <- nrow * ncol  # items per page

  if (is.null(items)) items <- seq_len(ipp)

  nop <- length(items) %/% ipp + (length(items) %% ipp > 0)  # number of pages

  # ensure we have unique indices to process

  index <- seq_along(items)
  index[which(is.na(items))] <- NA  # propagate NA

  if (byrow) {

    all.pages <- matrix(c(index, rep(NA, ipp - length(items) %% ipp)),
                        nrow = nrow * nop, ncol = ncol, byrow = TRUE)

    all.pages <- lapply(seq(1, nop), function(p) all.pages[which(rep(
      seq(1, nop), each = nrow) == p), ])

  } else {

    all.pages <- cbind(t(matrix(c(index, rep(NA, nrow - length(items) %% nrow)),
                                nrow = length(items) %/% nrow + length(items) %% ncol,
                                ncol = nrow, byrow = TRUE)),
                       matrix(rep(NA, nop * ipp - nrow * (length(items) %/% nrow +
                                                            length(items) %% ncol)),
                              nrow = nrow))

    all.pages <- lapply(seq(1, nop), function(p) all.pages[, which(rep(
      seq(1, nop), each = ncol) == p)])


  log_debugging("page layout", object = all.pages)

  na.b <- function(M) M[which(is.na(apply(M, 2, function(x)
    ifelse(is.na(x), 0, c(x[-1], NA)))))]
  na.t <- function(M) M[which(is.na(apply(M, 2, function(x)
    ifelse(is.na(x), 0, c(NA, x[-1])))))]
  na.r <- function(M) M[which(is.na(t(apply(M, 1, function(x)
    ifelse(is.na(x), 0, c(NA, x[-1]))))))]
  na.l <- function(M) M[which(is.na(t(apply(M, 1, function(x)
    ifelse(is.na(x), 0, c(x[-1], NA))))))]

  all.pages <- lapply(all.pages, function(x) do.call(paste0("na.", border),
                                                     args = list(M = x)))



# MODELLING --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Fit, tidy and augment a model
#' Fits a modelling call to each group of a grouped data frame, extracts the
#' fitted parameters using \code{\link[broom:tidy]{broom::tidy}} and interpolates
#' missing values using \code{\link[broom:tidy]{broom::augment}} on existing points
#' or the \code{newdata}.
#' @param x Grouped data to apply \code{expr} upon. \code{x} is passed to \code{expr}
#' as first argument.
#' @param FUN A name of a function that returns a model object or another R object
#' with model information.
#' @param ... Arguments to \code{expr}.
#' @param newdata Data points at which to evaluate the model.
#' @details
#' The fitting is wrapped with \code{\link[purrr:possibly]{purrr::possibly}} and
#' will return empty objects instead of errors.
#' @return
#' A \link[dplyr:grouped_df]{grouped data frame} with additional columns, \code{data},
#' \code{model}, \code{tidy}, \code{augment_old}, and \code{augment_new}.
#' @seealso model_display
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
model_cleanly_groupwise <- function(x, FUN, newdata = NULL, ...) {

  # warn if not all dots arguments are named

  .call <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)

  if(any(nchar(names(.call$...)) == 0)) {

    log_warn("not all arguments passed to", sQuote(.call$FUN), "are named")


  # suppress error and warning messages from now on

  old_ep <- getOption("show.error.messages")
  on.exit(options(show.error.messages = old_ep))

  options(show.error.messages = FALSE)


      model = purrr::map(.data$data,  purrr::possibly(FUN, NULL), ...),
      tidy  = purrr::map(.data$model, purrr::possibly(broom::tidy, tibble::tibble())),
      glance= purrr::map(.data$model, purrr::possibly(broom::glance, tibble::tibble())),
      augment_old = purrr::map2(.data$model, .data$data, purrr::possibly(broom::augment, tibble::tibble())),
      augment_new = purrr::map2(.data$model, .data$data, purrr::possibly(broom::augment, tibble::tibble()),
                                newdata = newdata)


benjbuch/summerr documentation built on July 11, 2021, 9:40 a.m.