
Defines functions estimateIteratedMean

Documented in estimateIteratedMean

#' Estimation for the Method of Iterated Means
#' @description This function computes an estimate of the G-computation
#'  regression at a specified time \code{t} using \code{\link[stats]{glm}} or
#'  \code{\link[SuperLearner]{SuperLearner}}. The structure of the function is
#'  specific to how it is called within \code{\link{mean_tmle}}. In particular,
#'  \code{wideDataList} must have a very specific structure for this function
#'  to run properly. The list should consist of \code{data.frame} objects. The
#'  first should have all rows set to their observed value of \code{trt}. The
#'  remaining should in turn have all rows set to each value of
#'  \code{trtOfInterest} in the \code{\link{survtmle}} call. Currently the code
#'  requires each \code{data.frame} to have named columns for each name in
#'  \code{names(adjustVars)}, as well as a column named \code{trt}. It must
#'  also have a columns named \code{Nj.Y} where j corresponds with the numeric
#'  values input in \code{allJ}. These are the indicators of failure due to the
#'  various causes before time \code{t} and are necessary for determining who
#'  to include in the regression. Similarly, each \code{data.frame} should have
#'  a column call \code{C.Y} where Y is again \code{t - 1}, such that
#'  right-censored observations are not included in the regressions. The
#'  function will fit a regression with \code{Qj.star.t+1} (also needed as a
#'  column in \code{wideDataList}) on functions of \code{trt} and
#'  \code{names(adjustVars)} as specified by \code{glm.ftime} or
#'  \code{SL.ftime}.
#' @param wideDataList A list of \code{data.frame} objects.
#' @param t The timepoint at which to compute the iterated mean.
#' @param whichJ Numeric value indicating the cause of failure for which
#'  regression should be computed.
#' @param allJ Numeric vector indicating the labels of all causes of failure.
#' @param t0 The timepoint at which \code{survtmle} was called to evaluate.
#'  Needed only because the naming convention for the regression if \code{t ==
#'  t0} is different than if \code{t != t0}.
#' @param adjustVars Object of class \code{data.frame} that contains the
#'  variables to adjust for in the regression.
#' @param SL.ftime A character vector or list specification to be passed to the
#'  \code{SL.library} argument in the call to \code{SuperLearner} for the
#'  outcome regression (either cause-specific hazards or conditional mean). See
#'  the documentation of \code{\link[SuperLearner]{SuperLearner}} for more
#'  information on how to specify valid \code{SuperLearner} libraries. It is
#'  expected that the wrappers used in the library will play nicely with the
#'  input variables, which will be called \code{"trt"} and
#'  \code{names(adjustVars)}.
#' @param glm.ftime A character specification of the right-hand side of the
#'  equation passed to the \code{\link[stats]{formula}} option of a call to
#'  \code{\link[stats]{glm}} for the outcome regression (either cause-specific
#'  hazards or conditional mean). Ignored if \code{SL.ftime != NULL}. Use
#'  \code{"trt"} to specify the treatment in this formula (see examples). The
#'  formula can additionally include any variables found in
#'  \code{names(adjustVars)}.
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} indicating whether the function should print
#'  messages to indicate progress.
#' @param cvControl A \code{list} providing control options to be fed directly
#'  into calls to \code{\link[SuperLearner]{SuperLearner}}. This should match
#'  the contents of \code{SuperLearner.CV.control} exactly. For details,
#'  consult the documentation of the \pkg{SuperLearner} package. This is passed
#'  in from \code{\link{mean_tmle}} or \code{\link{hazard_tmle}} via
#'  \code{\link{survtmle}}.
#' @param returnModels A \code{logical} indicating whether to return the
#'  \code{glm} or \code{SuperLearner} objects used to estimate the nuisance
#'  parameters. Must be set to \code{TRUE} to make downstream calls to
#'  \code{\link{timepoints}} for obtaining estimates at times other than
#'  \code{t0}. See documentation of \code{\link{timepoints}} for more
#'  information.
#' @param bounds A list of bounds to be used when performing the outcome
#'  regression (Q) with the Super Learner algorithm. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.
#' @param ... Other arguments. Not currently used.
#' @importFrom stats as.formula predict model.matrix optim glm binomial
#'  gaussian
#' @importFrom speedglm speedglm
#' @importFrom SuperLearner SuperLearner
#' @return The function then returns a list that is exactly the same as the
#'  input \code{wideDataList}, but with a column named \code{Qj.t} added to it,
#'  which is the estimated conditional mean of \code{Qj.star.t+1} evaluated at
#'  the each of the rows of each \code{data.frame} in \code{wideDataList}.
estimateIteratedMean <- function(wideDataList,
                                 SL.ftime = NULL,
                                 glm.ftime = NULL,
                                 returnModels = FALSE,
                                 bounds = NULL,
                                 ...) {
  ## determine who to include in estimation
  include <- rep(TRUE, nrow(wideDataList[[1]]))
  if (t != 1) {
    for (j in allJ) {
      # exclude previously failed subjects
      include[wideDataList[[1]][[paste0("N", j, ".", t - 1)]] == 1] <- FALSE
    # exclude previously censored subjects
    include[wideDataList[[1]][[paste0("C.", t - 1)]] == 1] <- FALSE

  ## determine the outcome for the regression
  outcomeName <- ifelse(t == t0, paste("N", whichJ, ".", t0, sep = ""),
    paste("Q", whichJ, "star.", t + 1, sep = "")

  ## create an indicator of any failure prior to t
  wideDataList <- lapply(wideDataList, function(x, t) {
    if (length(allJ) > 1) {
      x[[paste0("NnotJ.", t - 1)]] <-
        rowSums(cbind(rep(0, nrow(x)), x[, paste0(
          "N", allJ[allJ != whichJ],
          ".", t - 1
    } else {
      x[[paste0("NnotJ.", t - 1)]] <- 0
  }, t = t)

  lj.t <- paste0("l", whichJ, ".", t)
  uj.t <- paste0("u", whichJ, ".", t)
  Qtildej.t <- paste0("Qtilde", whichJ, ".", t)
  Nj.tm1 <- paste0("N", whichJ, ".", t - 1)
  Qj.t <- paste0("Q", whichJ, ".", t)
  NnotJ.tm1 <- paste0("NnotJ.", t - 1)
  Qform <- paste(outcomeName, "~", glm.ftime, sep = " ")
  ## GLM code
  if (is.null(SL.ftime)) {
    if (is.null(bounds)) { # with no bounds
        Qmod <- fast_glm(
          reg_form = stats::as.formula(Qform),
          data = wideDataList[[1]][include, ],
          family = stats::binomial()
        if (unique(class(Qmod) %in% c("glm", "lm"))) {
          Qmod <- cleanglm(Qmod)

        wideDataList <- lapply(wideDataList, function(x, whichJ, t) {
            x[[Qj.t]] <- x[[Nj.tm1]] + (1 - x[[NnotJ.tm1]] - x[[Nj.tm1]]) *
              predict(Qmod, newdata = x, type = "response")
        }, t = t, whichJ = whichJ)
    } else { # with bounds
      X <- stats::model.matrix(
        data = wideDataList[[1]][include, ]
      Ytilde <- (wideDataList[[1]][include, outcomeName] -
        wideDataList[[1]][[lj.t]][include]) /
        (wideDataList[[1]][[uj.t]][include] -
      Qmod <- stats::optim(
        par = rep(0, ncol(X)), fn = LogLikelihood,
        Y = Ytilde, X = X, method = "BFGS", gr = grad,
        control = list(reltol = 1e-7, maxit = 50000)
      beta <- Qmod$par
      wideDataList <- lapply(wideDataList, function(x, j, t) {
        newX <- stats::model.matrix(stats::as.formula(Qform), data = x)
        x[[Qj.t]] <- x[[Nj.tm1]] + (1 - x[[NnotJ.tm1]] - x[[Nj.tm1]]) *
          (plogis(newX %*% beta) * (x[[uj.t]] - x[[lj.t]]) + x[[lj.t]])
      }, j = whichJ, t = t)
  } else if (is.null(glm.ftime)) { # Super Learner
    if (is.null(bounds)) { # with no bounds
      # some stability checks
      # number of unique outcome values
      nUniq <- length(unique(wideDataList[[1]][include, outcomeName]))
      if (t == t0) {
        # if there are less than 2 events at t0, just fit regression using only Z
        nE <- sum(wideDataList[[1]][include, outcomeName])
        ignoreSL <- nE <= 2
        if (ignoreSL) {
            Qform_trt <- paste(outcomeName, "~", "trt", sep = " ")
            Qmod <- fast_glm(
              reg_form = stats::as.formula(Qform_trt),
              data = wideDataList[[1]][include, ],
              family = stats::gaussian()
            wideDataList <- lapply(wideDataList, function(x, whichJ, t) {
                x[[Qj.t]] <- x[[Nj.tm1]] + (1 - x[[NnotJ.tm1]] - x[[Nj.tm1]]) *
                  predict(Qmod, newdata = data.frame(trt = x$trt))
            }, t = t, whichJ = whichJ)
        } else {
          simplify <- nE <= cvControl$V
          if (simplify) cvControl <- list(V = nE - 1, stratifyCV = TRUE)
            Qmod <- SuperLearner::SuperLearner(
              Y = wideDataList[[1]][include, outcomeName],
              X = wideDataList[[1]][include, c("trt", names(adjustVars))],
              SL.library = SL.ftime,
              family = "binomial",
              cvControl = cvControl,
              verbose = verbose
          wideDataList <- lapply(wideDataList, function(x, whichJ, t) {
            x[[Qj.t]] <- x[[Nj.tm1]] + (1 - x[[NnotJ.tm1]] - x[[Nj.tm1]]) *
                newdata = x[, c("trt", names(adjustVars))],
                onlySL = TRUE
          }, t = t, whichJ = whichJ)
      } else {
          Qmod <- SuperLearner::SuperLearner(
            Y = wideDataList[[1]][include, outcomeName],
            X = wideDataList[[1]][include, c("trt", names(adjustVars))],
            SL.library = SL.ftime,
            cvControl = cvControl,
            family = "binomial",
            verbose = verbose
        wideDataList <- lapply(wideDataList, function(x, whichJ, t) {
            x[[Qj.t]] <- x[[Nj.tm1]] + (1 - x[[Nj.tm1]] - x[[NnotJ.tm1]]) *
                newdata = x[, c("trt", names(adjustVars))],
                onlySL = TRUE
        }, t = t, whichJ = whichJ)
    } else {
      stop("Super Learner code with bounds not written yet")
  out <- list(
    wideDataList = wideDataList,
    ftimeMod = if (returnModels == TRUE) {
    } else {
benkeser/survtmle documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 4:45 a.m.