
# DES in function
DESin <- function(x, recent, bin.size, reps = 1, verbose = T) {

  # load data
  if ( {
    dat <- x
    dat <- read.table(x, sep = "\t", header = T, row.names = NULL)
  nes <- c("scientificName", "earliestAge", "latestAge", "higherGeography")
  if(!all(nes %in% names(dat))){
    stop(sprintf("did not find column %s. Check input data", nes[!nes %in% names(dat)]))
  if(! "midpointAge" %in% names(dat)){
    dat$midpointAge <- (dat$earliestAge + dat$latestAge)/2
    #warning("column midpointAge not found, calculating from earliestAge and latestAge")
  # load and prepare recent data
  if ( {
    rece <- recent
    rece <- read.table(recent, header = T, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = F, row.names = NULL)

  nes <- c("scientificName", "higherGeography")
  if(!all(nes %in% names(rece))){
    stop(sprintf("did not find column %s. Check input data", nes[!nes %in% names(rece)]))
  rece$higherGeography <- as.character(rece$higherGeography)
  rece[rece$higherGeography == sort(unique(rece$higherGeography))[1], "higherGeography"] <- 1
  rece[rece$higherGeography == sort(unique(rece$higherGeography))[2], "higherGeography"] <- 2
  rece <- unique(rece)
  rece$higherGeography <- as.numeric(rece$higherGeography)
  rece <- aggregate(higherGeography ~ scientificName, data = rece, sum)
  # code fossil data
  outp <- list()
  for (i in 1:reps) {
    if (verbose == TRUE) {
      print(sprintf("producing replicate %s of %s", i, reps))
    # simulate random age between min and max
    dat$age <- sapply(seq(1, length(dat$scientificName)), function(x) runif(1, max = dat$earliestAge[x], 
                                                                   min = dat$latestAge[x]))
    # define age class cutter and cut ages into timebins
    cutter <- seq(0, max(dat$age), bin.size)
    dat$timeint <- as.numeric(as.character(cut(dat$age, breaks = cutter, 
                                               digits = 5, labels = cutter[-length(cutter)])))
    # code the presence in each regions per scientificName
    dat.list <- split(dat, dat$scientificName)
    binned <- lapply(dat.list, function(x) {
      dat.out <- data.frame(timebin = cutter, higherGeography1 = rep(0, length(cutter)), 
                            higherGeography2 = rep(0, length(cutter)))
      if (length(x$higherGeography == sort(unique(dat$higherGeography))[1]) > 0) {
        dat.out[dat.out$timebin %in% x[x$higherGeography == sort(unique(dat$higherGeography))[1], 
                                       "timeint"], "higherGeography1"] <- 1
      if (length(x$higherGeography == sort(unique(dat$higherGeography))[2]) > 0) {
        dat.out[dat.out$timebin %in% x[x$higherGeography == sort(unique(dat$higherGeography))[2], 
                                       "timeint"], "higherGeography2"] <- 2
      presence <- rowSums(dat.out[, 2:3])
    # set timebins before first appearance to NaN
    out <- lapply(binned, function(x) {
      if (length(which(x > 0)) == 0) {
        x <- rep("nan", length(x))
      } else {
        if (max(which(x > 0)) < length(x)) {
          x[(max(which(x > 0)) + 1):length(x)] <- "nan"
        } else {
    # output format
    out <-"", out)
    names(out) <- (cutter + bin.size/2)
    # out <- out[,as.numeric(names(out)) < age.cut]
    out <- rev(out)
    outp[[i]] <- out
  # combine recent and fossil data
  outp2 <- lapply(outp, function(x) {
    outo <- merge(x, rece, by.x = "row.names", by.y = "scientificName", all.x = T)
    outo$higherGeography[$higherGeography)] <- 0
    names(outo)[1] <- "scientificName"
    names(outo)[ncol(outo)] <- 0
    # outo2 <- data.frame(apply(outo, 2, function(x) as.character(x)), stringsAsFactors = F)
     # names(outo2) <- names(outo)
  outp <- list(dat, rece, outp2, bin.size)
  class(outp) <- ""

# write to working directory <- function(x, file) {
  for (i in 1:length(x[[3]])) {
    write.table(x[[3]][[i]], paste(file, "_rep", i, ".txt", sep = ""), na = "NaN", 
                sep = "\t", row.names = F, quote = F)
} <- function(x, plottype = c("all", "samplelocations", "inputviz", "replicates"), 
                        xlim = c(-180, 180), ylim = c(-90, 90), pch = 1, ...) {
  if(!all(c("decimalLongitude", "decimalLatitude") %in% names(x[[1]]))){
    warning("no coordinates found, no locations are plotted")
  if ("all" %in% plottype) {
    .SampleLocations(x, ...)
    .InputData(x, ...)
  } else {
    if ("samplelocations" %in% plottype) {
      .SampleLocations(x, ...)
    if ("occurrencetimes" %in% plottype) {
      .IputData(x, ...)
    if ("inputviz" %in% plottype) {
      .InputData(x, ...)
    if ("replicates" %in% plottype) {

# summary <- function(x) {
  ares <- split(x[[1]], f = x[[1]]$higherGeography)
  list(Number_of_areas = length(ares), 
       Data = data.frame(row.names = c("Timerange_min", "Timerange_max", "Number of records", 
                                       "Mean record age", "Number of taxa",  "Mean taxon age"), 
                         Area_1 = c(min(ares[[1]]$midpointAge), max(ares[[1]]$midpointAge), 
                                    nrow(ares[[1]]), round(mean(ares[[1]]$midpointAge), 1), 
                                    round(mean(aggregate(ares[[1]]$midpointAge, by = list(ares[[1]]$scientificName),min)$x), 1)),
                         Area_2 = c(min(ares[[2]]$midpointAge), max(ares[[2]]$midpointAge),
                                    nrow(ares[[2]]), round(mean(ares[[2]]$midpointAge), 1), length(unique(ares[[2]]$scientificName)),
                                    round(mean(aggregate(ares[[2]]$midpointAge, by = list(ares[[2]]$scientificName), min)$x), 1))), 
       Number_of_Replicates = length(x[[3]]))

#auxillary functions
.SampleLocations <- function(x, ...) {
  map("world", ...)
  points(x[[1]]$decimalLongitude, x[[1]]$decimalLatitude, col = x[[1]]$higherGeography, ...)
  title("Input fossil locations")
  legend("topright", legend = unique(x[[1]]$higherGeography), fill = c("blue", "red"))

.InputData <- function(x, ...) {
  # Number of samples
  occ.all <- table(x[[1]]$midpointAge)
  occ.reg1 <- table(subset(x[[1]], x[[1]]$higherGeography == unique(x[[1]]$higherGeography)[1], 
                           select = "midpointAge"))
  occ.reg2 <- table(subset(x[[1]], x[[1]]$higherGeography == unique(x[[1]]$higherGeography)[2], 
                           select = "midpointAge"))
  plot(1, 1, xlim = c(max(as.numeric(names(occ.reg1))), min(as.numeric(names(occ.reg1)))),
       ylim = c(min(occ.all), max(occ.all)), xlab = "Time", 
       ylab = "Number of Records", type = "n")
  points(occ.reg1 ~ as.numeric(names(occ.reg1)), type = "b", col = "blue", ...)
  points(occ.reg2 ~ as.numeric(names(occ.reg2)), type = "b", col = "red", ...)
  legend("topleft", legend = as.character(unique(x[[1]]$higherGeography)), 
         col = c("blue", "red"), lty = 1, pch = 1)
  title("Number of samples")
  # Number of taxa
  dd <- split(x[[1]], f = x[[1]]$higherGeography)
  dd <- lapply(dd, function(x) aggregate(x$scientificName, by = list(x$midpointAge, 
                                                            x$scientificName), length))
  dd <- lapply(dd, function(x) aggregate(x$Group.2, by = list(x$Group.1), 
  plot(1, 1, xlim = c(max(c(as.numeric(dd[[1]]$Group.1)), as.numeric(dd[[2]]$Group.1)), 
                      min(c(as.numeric(dd[[1]]$Group.1)), as.numeric(dd[[2]]$Group.1))), 
       ylim = c(min(c(dd[[1]]$x), dd[[2]]$x), max(c(dd[[1]]$x), dd[[2]]$x)), 
       xlab = "Time", ylab = "Number of Records", 
       type = "n")
  points(dd[[1]]$x ~ as.numeric(dd[[1]]$Group.1), type = "b", col = "blue")  #, ...)
  points(dd[[2]]$x ~ as.numeric(dd[[2]]$Group.1), type = "b", col = "red")  #, ...)
  legend("topleft", legend = as.character(unique(x[[1]]$higherGeography)), 
         col = c("blue", "red"), lty = 1, pch = 1)
  title("Number of taxa")
  # boxplot fossil ages
  boxplot(x[[1]]$midpointAge ~ x[[1]]$higherGeography, col = c("blue", "red"))
  title("Fossil ages")
  # Number of records per taxon
  tax.num <- aggregate(x[[1]]$midpointAge, by = list(x[[1]]$scientificName, x[[1]]$higherGeography), 
  boxplot(tax.num$x ~ tax.num$Group.2, col = c("blue", "red"))
  title("Number of records per Taxon")

  #fraction of taxa per area in recent data
  frq <- round((table(x[[2]]$higherGeography)/ sum(table(x[[2]]$higherGeography))), 2)
  title("Fraction of Taxa per Area (present day)")

.ReplicateAges <- function(x) {
  meas <- unlist(lapply(x[[3]], length))
  if(isTRUE(all.equal(max(meas) , min(meas)))){
    dat <-x[[3]]
    numb <- which(meas < max(meas))
    for(i in 1:length(numb)){
      dat <- x[[3]]
      dat[[numb[i]]] <- c(rep(0, length(numb)), dat[[numb[i]]])
      names(dat[[numb[i]]])[1] <- (max(as.numeric(names(dat[[numb[i]]])), na.rm = T) + x[[4]])
  reg1 <- lapply(x[[3]], function(k) {apply(k[,-1], 2, function(z){
    test <- z[as.numeric(z) == 1]
    test <- length(test[complete.cases(test)])
  are1all <-"", reg1)
  names(are1all) <- names(reg1[[1]])
  reg2 <- lapply(x[[3]], function(k) {apply(k[,-1], 2, function(z){
    test <- z[as.numeric(z) == 2]
    test <- length(test[complete.cases(test)])
  are2all <-"", reg2)
  names(are2all) <- names(reg2[[1]])
  reg3 <- lapply(x[[3]], function(k) {apply(k[,-1], 2, function(z){
    test <- z[as.numeric(z) == 3]
    test <- length(test[complete.cases(test)])
  are3all <-"", reg3)
  names(are3all) <- names(reg3[[1]])
  tot <- lapply(x[[3]], function(k) {apply(k[,-1], 2, function(z){
    test <- z[as.numeric(z) %in% c(1,2,3)]
    test <- length(test[complete.cases(test)])
  totall <-"", tot)
  names(totall) <- names(tot[[1]])
  are1.max <- apply(are1all, 2, max)
  are1.min <- apply(are1all, 2, min)
  are2.max <- apply(are2all, 2, max)
  are2.min <- apply(are2all, 2, min)
  plot(1, 1, xlim = c(max(c(as.numeric(names(are1)), as.numeric(names(are2)))), 
                      min(c(as.numeric(names(are1)), as.numeric(names(are2))))), 
       ylim = c(min(c(are1.min, are2.min)), max(c(are1.max, are2.max))), 
       xlab = "Time", ylab = "Number of Taxa", 
       type = "n")
  polygon(c(names(are1), rev(names(are1))), c(are1.min, rev(are1.max)), 
          col = rgb(0, 0, 255, 125, maxColorValue = 255), 
          border = rgb(0, 0, 255, 125, maxColorValue = 255))
  polygon(c(names(are1), rev(names(are2))), c(are2.min, rev(are2.max)), 
          col = rgb(255, 0, 0, 125, maxColorValue = 255), 
          border = rgb(255, 0, 0, 125, maxColorValue = 255))
  legend("topleft", legend = unique(x[[1]]$higherGeography), 
         fill = c(rgb(0, 0, 255, 125, maxColorValue = 255), rgb(255, 0, 0, 125, maxColorValue = 255)))
  title(sprintf("Taxon number randomized ages, replicates = %s",length(x[[3]])))
  #Faction per area through time
  reg1all <- round(are1all/totall, 2)
  reg1.min <- apply(reg1all, 2, min)
  reg1.max <- apply(reg1all, 2, max)
  reg2all <- round(are2all/totall, 2)
  reg2.min <- apply(reg2all, 2, min)
  reg2.max <- apply(reg2all, 2, max)
  reg3all <- round(are3all/totall, 2)
  reg3.min <- apply(reg3all, 2, min)
  reg3.max <- apply(reg3all, 2, max)
  # plot
  plot(1, 1, xlim = c(max(as.numeric(names(reg1all))), 
       ylim = c(0, 1.1), 
       xlab = "Time", ylab = "Fraction of Taxa", 
       type = "n")
  polygon(c(names(reg1all), rev(names(reg1all))), c(reg1.min, rev(reg1.max)), 
          col = rgb(0, 0, 255, 100, maxColorValue = 255), 
          border = rgb(0, 0, 255, 100, maxColorValue = 255))
  polygon(c(names(reg2all), rev(names(reg2all))), c(reg2.min, rev(reg2.max)), 
          col = rgb(255, 0, 0, 100, maxColorValue = 255), 
          border = rgb(255, 0, 0, 100, maxColorValue = 255))
  polygon(c(names(reg3all), rev(names(reg3all))), c(reg3.min, rev(reg3.max)), 
          col = rgb(0, 255, 0, 100, maxColorValue = 255), 
          border = rgb(0, 255, 0, 100, maxColorValue = 255))
  legend("top", legend = c(as.character(unique(x[[1]]$higherGeography)), "both"), 
         fill = c(rgb(0, 0, 255, 125, maxColorValue = 255), 
                  rgb(255, 0, 0, 125, maxColorValue = 255),
                  rgb(0, 255, 0, 125, maxColorValue = 255)), ncol = 3)
  title(sprintf("Fraction of taxa per area, replicates = %s",length(x[[3]])))
benmarwick/pyrater documentation built on May 7, 2019, 10:38 a.m.