#' Aggregate the Infection Fatality Ratio
#' Function to aggregate the age-specific Infection Fatality Ratio (IFR) estimates reported by the REACT-2 large-scale community study of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in England according to user-defined age groups.
#' @param x data.frame;
#' an age distribution matrix. See \link[Bernadette]{age_distribution}.
#' @param user_AgeGrp vector;
#' a user-defined vector which maps the four age groups considered in REACT-2 to a new set of age groups.
#' @param data_cases data.frame;
#' time series dataset containing the age-stratified infection counts. See \link[Bernadette]{age_specific_infection_counts}.
#' @return A list of two data frames that contains the aggregated IFR estimates.
#' @references
#' Ward, H., Atchison, C., Whitaker, M. et al. (2021). SARS-CoV-2 antibody prevalence in England following the first peak of the pandemic. Nature Communications 12, 905
#' @examples
#' # Import the age distribution for Greece in 2020:
#' age_distr <- age_distribution(country = "Greece", year = 2020)
# Lookup table:
#' age_mapping <- c(rep("0-39", 8),
#' rep("40-64", 5),
#' rep("65+", 3))
#' data(age_specific_infection_counts)
#' # Aggregate the IFR:
#' aggr_age_ifr <- aggregate_ifr_react(age_distr, age_mapping, age_specific_infection_counts)
#' @export
aggregate_ifr_react <- function(x,
if( length(user_AgeGrp) != nrow(x) ) stop("The mapped age group labels do not correspond to the age group labels of the aggregated age distribution matrix.\n")
ifr_react <- data.frame(AgeGrp = c("0-14","15-44", "45-64", "65-74", "75-100"),
IFR = c(0, 0.03, 0.52, 3.13, 11.64)/100)
ifr_react$AgeGrpStart <- sapply(1:nrow(ifr_react), function(x){min(as.numeric(strsplit(ifr_react$AgeGrp, "-")[[x]]))})
ifr_react$AgeGrpEnd <- sapply(1:nrow(ifr_react), function(x){max(as.numeric(strsplit(ifr_react$AgeGrp, "-")[[x]]))})
temp_x <- x
temp_x$AgeGrp <- gsub("\\+", "-100", temp_x$AgeGrp)
temp_x$AgeGrpEnd <- sapply(1:nrow(temp_x), function(x){max(as.numeric(strsplit(temp_x$AgeGrp, "-")[[x]]))})
temp_x$IFR <- rep(0,nrow(temp_x))
temp_x$Group_mapping <- user_AgeGrp
output <- list()
# English data (population Europe Website):
if ("AgeGrpStart" %nin% colnames(temp_x) ) temp_x$AgeGrpStart <-
for (i in 1:nrow(temp_x)){
for (j in 1:nrow(ifr_react)) {
if ( (temp_x$AgeGrpStart[i] >= ifr_react$AgeGrpStart[j]) &
(temp_x$AgeGrpEnd[i] <= ifr_react$AgeGrpEnd[j]) ) temp_x$IFR[i] <- ifr_react$IFR[j]
}# End for
}# End for
# Group data by Group_mapping and calculate PopPerc and AgrIFR using base R functions
pop_total <- tapply(temp_x$PopTotal, temp_x$Group_mapping, sum)
output[[1]] <- base::transform(temp_x,
PopPerc = ave(PopTotal, Group_mapping, FUN = function(x) prop.table(x)) )
output[[1]] <- base::transform(output[[1]],
AgrIFR = ave(IFR * PopPerc, Group_mapping, FUN = sum))
#---- Time-independent IFR:
output[[2]] <- aggregate(AgrIFR ~ Group_mapping, output[[1]], FUN = function(x) x[1])
#---- Time-dependent IFR:
if( any( c("Index", "Right", "Week_ID") %in% colnames(data_cases) ) ) {
data_cases_weights <- data_cases[, !(colnames(data_cases) %in% c("Index", "Right", "Week_ID"))]
} else data_cases_weights <- data_cases
data_cases_weights <- cbind(data_cases_weights[, "Date", drop = FALSE],
data.frame(sapply(data_cases_weights[, -1, drop = FALSE], function(x) x / data_cases$Total_Cases)))
data_cases_weights$Date <- data_cases$Date
data_cases_weights <- data_cases_weights[, !(names(data_cases_weights) %in% "Total_Cases")]
colnames(data_cases_weights)[2:length(colnames(data_cases_weights))] <- output[[2]]$Group_mapping
data_cases_weights <- stats::reshape(data_cases_weights,
direction = "long",
varying = list(names(data_cases_weights)[2:ncol(data_cases_weights)]),
v.names = "Weight",
idvar = c("Date"),
timevar = "Group",
times = colnames(data_cases_weights)[-1])
rownames(data_cases_weights) <- NULL
data_cases_weights <- data_cases_weights[order(data_cases_weights$Date, data_cases_weights$Group), ]
data_cases_weights <- base::merge(data_cases_weights,
by.x = "Group",
by.y = "Group_mapping",
all.x = TRUE)
data_cases_weights$Weighted_IFR <- with(data_cases_weights, Weight * AgrIFR)
data_cases_weights <- data_cases_weights[, !(names(data_cases_weights) %in% c("Weight", "AgrIFR"))]
output[[3]] <- stats::reshape(data_cases_weights,
idvar = "Date",
timevar = "Group",
direction = "wide")
colnames(output[[3]]) <- gsub("Weighted_IFR.", "", colnames(output[[3]]))
output[[3]] <- output[[3]][order(output[[3]]$Date), ]
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