circularRandomizeRegions: Circular Randomize Regions

View source: R/circularRandomizeRegions.R

circularRandomizeRegionsR Documentation

Circular Randomize Regions


Given a set of regions A and a genome, this function returns a new set of regions created by applying a random spin to each chromosome.


circularRandomizeRegions(A, genome="hg19", mask=NULL, max.mask.overlap=NULL, max.retries=10, verbose=TRUE, ...)



The set of regions to randomize. A region set in any of the accepted formats by toGRanges (GenomicRanges, data.frame, etc...)


The reference genome to use. A valid genome object. Either a GenomicRanges or data.frame containing one region per whole chromosome or a character uniquely identifying a genome in BSgenome (e.g. "hg19", "mm10" but not "hg"). Internally it uses getGenomeAndMask.


The set of regions specifying where a random region can not be (centromeres, repetitive regions, unmappable regions...). A region set in any of the accepted formats by toGRanges (GenomicRanges,data.frame, ...). If NULL it will try to derive a mask from the genome (currently only works is the genome is a character string) and if NA it will explicitly give an empty mask.


numeric value


numeric value


a boolean.


further arguments to be passed to or from methods.


This randomization strategy is useful when the spatial relation between the regions in the RS is important and has to be conserved.


It returns a GenomicRanges object with the regions resulting from the randomization process.

See Also

randomizeRegions, toDataframe, toGRanges, getGenome, getMask, getGenomeAndMask, characterToBSGenome, maskFromBSGenome, resampleRegions, createRandomRegions


A <- data.frame("chr1", c(1, 10, 20, 30), c(12, 13, 28, 40))

mask <- data.frame("chr1", c(20000000, 100000000), c(22000000, 130000000))

genome <- data.frame(c("chr1", "chr2"), c(1, 1), c(180000000, 20000000))


circularRandomizeRegions(A, genome=genome, mask=mask, per.chromosome=TRUE, non.overlapping=TRUE)

bernatgel/regioneR documentation built on Sept. 10, 2023, 12:03 a.m.