# Plot heatmap
# @param object SummarizedExperiment
# @param scale_features TRUE or FALSE: whether to scale (i.e. z-score) features
# @examples
# file <- system.file('extdata/atkin.metabolon.xlsx', package = 'autonomics')
# object <- read_metabolon(file, fit = 'limma', subgroupvar = 'Time', block = 'Subject')
# object %<>% cluster()
feature_sample_heatmap <- function(object){
# Reverse clutser information to have first item on top
features_clustered <- all(c('cluster', 'cluster_order') %in% fvars(object))
if (features_clustered){
object %<>% extract(rev(fdata(object)$cluster_order), )
fdata(object)$cluster %<>% factor(rev(levels(.)))
# Z-score features
values(object) %<>% t() %>% scale() %>% t()
# Plot image
x = seq(1,ncol(object)),
y = seq(1,nrow(object)),
z = t(values(object)),
col = hcl.colors(12, "YlOrRd", rev = TRUE),
xaxt= "n", yaxt= "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
axis( 1, at=seq(1,length.out=ncol(object) ), labels= colnames(object), las= 2, cex.axis = 0.7)
axis( 2, at=seq(1,length.out=nrow(object) ), labels= rownames(object), las= 2, cex.axis = 0.7)
# Add subgroup lines. Add cluster lines
abline(v = cumsum(table(object[[subgroupvar]]))+0.5)
#abline(v = cumsum(table(split_subgroup_values(object)$V1))+0.5, lwd = 3)
if (features_clustered){
abline(h = cumsum(table(fdata(object)$cluster))+0.5)
fsplit <- function(object, fvar){
Map(function(x) object[fdata(object)[[fvar]] == x, ],
flevels(object, fvar))
plot_cluster_contrastograms <- function(object, subgroupvar){
n <- length(flevels(object, 'cluster'))
par(mfrow = c(ceiling(sqrt(n)), floor(sqrt(n))), # 2x2 layout
oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0), # bottom, left, top, right space
mar = c(2, 2, 2, 2), # space for one row of text at ticks and to separate plots
mgp = c(2, 1, 0), # axis label at 2 rows distance, tick labels at 1 row
xpd = NA)
lapply(fsplit(object, 'cluster'), plot_contrastogram, subgroupvar=subgroupvar)
# Cluster features
# @examples
# file <- download_data('atkin.metabolon.xlsx')
# object <- read_metabolon(file, fit = 'limma', subgroupvar = 'Time', block = '')
cluster <- function(object, formula = ~ Subject + Time){
# Fit
for (col in all.vars(formula)){
if (is.character(object[[col]])) object[[col]] %<>% factor()
factors <- vapply(sdata(object)[, all.vars(formula), drop=FALSE], is.factor, logical(1))
factors <- names(factors)[factors]
contrast.arg <- rep('contr.sum', length(factors))
names(contrast.arg) <- factors
mode(contrast.arg) <- 'list'
contrastdefs <- create_design(object, formula = formula)
fit_limma(object, formula=formula, contrastdefs = contrastdefs)
# Filter
idx <- rowAnys(metadata(object )[[fit]][,,'p'] < filter_p, na.rm=TRUE)
idx[is.na(idx)] <- FALSE
object %<>% extract(idx, )
# t
mat <- metadata(object)[[fit]][rownames(object), , quantity]
#dt <- sumexp_to_longdt(object, fvars='feature_id', svars = c('sample_id', subgroupvar))
#dt %<>% extract(, .(value = median(value, na.rm = TRUE)), by=c('feature_id', subgroupvar))
#dt %<>% dcast.data.table(formula=as.formula(sprintf('feature_id ~ %s', subgroupvar)))
#mat <- dt2mat(dt)
#mat %<>% extract(rownames(object), )
#tmat[is.na(tmat)] <- 0
cormat <- propagate::bigcor(t(mat))
cormat %<>% extract(seq_len(nrow(.)), seq_len(ncol(.)))
apres <- apcluster::apcluster(s=cormat, details=TRUE, q=0)
fdata(object)$cluster <- NA_character_
exemplars <- rownames(tmat)[apres@exemplars]
cl <- apres@clusters
fdata(object)$cluster[unlist(cl)] <- rep(exemplars, vapply(cl, length, integer(1)))
fdata(object)$cluster %<>% factor(exemplars)
#heatmapres <- apcluster::heatmap(apres, cormat, col = rev(heat.colors(12)))
formula <- ~ Subject + Time
contrastdefs <- colnames(create_design(object, formula = formula))[-1]
object %<>% fit_limma(formula = formula, contrastdefs = contrastdefs)
values(object)[1:3, 1:3]
blockeffects <- limma(object)[, levels(factor(object$Subject))[-1], 'effect']
blockeffects %<>% data.table(keep.rownames = TRUE)
setnames(blockeffects, 'rn', 'feature_id')
blockeffects %<>% melt.data.table(id.vars = 'feature_id', variable.name = block, value.name = 'blockeffect')
valuedt <- sumexp_to_longdt(object, svars = c('Subject', 'Time'), fvars = c('feature_id'))
valuedt %<>% merge(blockeffects, by = c('feature_id', 'Subject'), all.x = TRUE)
valuedt[is.na(blockeffect), blockeffect := 0]
valuedt[, correctedvalue := value - blockeffect]
ggplot(valuedt[feature_id==feature_id[3]], aes(x = Time, y = value, color = Time, group = Subject)) + geom_point() + geom_line() + theme_bw()
ggplot(valuedt[feature_id==feature_id[3]], aes(x = Time, y = correctedvalue, color = Time, group = Subject)) + geom_point() + geom_line() + theme_bw()
difftype <- function(object, fit='limma', plot=TRUE){
fitres <- metadata(object)[[fit]][rownames(object), ]
type <- matrix('.', nrow(fitres), ncol(fitres))
rownames(type) <- rownames(fitres)
colnames(type) <- colnames(fitres)
type[fitres[, , 'effect'] < 0 & fitres[, , 'p' ] < 0.05] <- 'd'
type[fitres[, , 'effect'] > 0 & fitres[, , 'p' ] < 0.05] <- 'u'
fdata(object)$difftype <- apply(type, 1, paste, collapse='')
if (plot){
subject <- filter_features(object, stri_detect_fixed(difftype, '.', negate = TRUE), verbose=TRUE)
fdata(subject)$difftype %<>% factor()
idx <-c(which(fdata(subject)$difftype==levels(fdata(subject)$difftype)[1])[1:2],
plot_subgroup_points(subject[idx, ], subgroup = Time, block = Subject, nrow=3)
type %<>% extract(rowAlls(!is.na(type)), )
type %<>% apply(1, paste, collapse='')
fdata(object)$difftype <- NA_character_
type[data.table(fitres %>% extract(, colnames(.)[1], ))[, effect<0 & p<0.05]] <- 'd'
type[data.table(fitres %>% extract(, colnames(.)[1], ))[, effect>0 & p<0.05]] <- 'u'
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