
Defines functions loadOvarianEsets

Documented in loadOvarianEsets

#' Function to load ovarian cancer expression sets from the Experiment Hub
#' This function returns ovarian cancer datasets from the hub and a vector of
#'   patients from the datasets that are most likely duplicates
#' @param removeDuplicates remove patients with a Spearman correlation greater
#'   than or equal to 0.98 with other patient expression profiles (default TRUE)
#' @param quantileCutoff A nueric between 0 and 1 specifying to remove genes
#'   with standard deviation below the required quantile (default 0)
#' @param rescale apply centering and scaling to the expression sets
#'   (default FALSE)
#' @param minNumberGenes an integer specifying to remove expression sets with
#'   less genes than this number (default 0)
#' @param minNumberEvents an integer specifying how man survival events must
#'   be in the dataset to keep the dataset (default 0)
#' @param minSampleSize an integer specifying the minimum number of patients
#'   required in an eset (default 0)
#' @param removeRetracted remove datasets from retracted papers (default TRUE,
#'   currently just PMID17290060 dataset)
#' @param removeSubsets remove datasets that are a subset of other datasets
#'   (defeault TRUE, currently just PMID19318476)
#' @param keepCommonOnly remove probes not common to all datasets
#'   (default FALSE)
#' @param imputeMissing remove patients from datasets with missing expression
#'   values
#' @return a list with 2 elements. The First element named esets contains the
#'   datasets. The second element named duplicates contains a vector with
#'   patient IDs for the duplicate patients (those with Spearman correlation
#'   greater than or equal to 0.98 with other patient expression profiles).
#' @examples
#' esetsAndDups = loadOvarianEsets()
#' @importFrom Biobase esApply featureNames sampleNames exprs pData 
#'   experimentData
#' @importFrom lattice levelplot
#' @importFrom impute impute.knn
#' @importFrom ExperimentHub ExperimentHub
#' @importFrom AnnotationHub query
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases sd quantile
#' @export
loadOvarianEsets <- function(
    removeDuplicates = TRUE, quantileCutoff = 0, rescale = FALSE,
    minNumberGenes = 0, minNumberEvents = 0, minSampleSize = 0,
    removeRetracted = TRUE, removeSubsets = TRUE, keepCommonOnly = FALSE,
    imputeMissing = FALSE)
    duplicates <- NULL
    filterQuantile <- function(object, q) {
        if (!identical(q >= 0 && q < 1, TRUE))
            stop("require 0 <= q < 1")
        if (!identical(class(object) == "ExpressionSet", TRUE))
            stop("object must be an ExpressionSet")
        geneSd <- Biobase::esApply(object, 1, sd, na.rm=TRUE)
        gene.quantile <- stats::quantile(geneSd, probs=q)
        actual.makescutoff <- sum(geneSd < gene.quantile) / length(geneSd)
        ##make sure the correct number of genes are getting filtered:
        if (abs(q - actual.makescutoff) > 0.01){
            stop("Not scaling this object, likely pre-scaled.")
            object <- object[geneSd > gene.quantile, ]
    ##recursive intersect function
    intersectMany <- function(lst) {
        ## Find the intersection of multiple vectors stored as elements of a
        ## list, through a tail-recursive function.
        if (length(lst) == 2) {
            return(intersect(lst[[1]], lst[[2]]))
                lst[[1]], lst[[2]])), lst[seq(-1, -2)]))

    ##Split out non-specific probe sets
    expandProbesets <- function(eset, sep = "///") {
        x <- lapply(Biobase::featureNames(eset),
            function(x) strsplit(x, sep)[[1]])
        eset <- eset[order(vapply(x, length, numeric(1))), ]
        x <- lapply(Biobase::featureNames(eset), function(x)
            strsplit(x, sep)[[1]])
        idx <- unlist(vapply(x, function(i) rep(i, length(x)),
        xx <- !duplicated(unlist(x))
        idx <- idx[xx]
        x <- unlist(x)[xx]
        eset <- eset[idx, ]
        Biobase::featureNames(eset) <- x

    ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ##load the esets
    ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    hub <- ExperimentHub::ExperimentHub()
    ovarianData <- query(hub, c("MetaGxOvarian", "ExpressionSet"))
    esets <- list()
    for (i in seq_len(length(ovarianData))) {
        esets[[i]] <- ovarianData[[names(ovarianData)[i]]]
        names(esets)[i] <- ovarianData[i]$title

    ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ##Explicit removal of samples from specified datasets:
    ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    delim <- ":"   ##This is the delimiter used to specify dataset:sample,
    load(system.file("extdata", "duplicates.rda", package="MetaGxOvarian"))

    rmix <- duplicates
    ii <- 1
    while (length(rmix) > ii) {
        rmix <- rmix [!is.element(names(rmix), rmix[[ii]])]
        ii <- ii + 1
    rmix <- unique(unlist(rmix))

    message("Clean up the esets.")
    for (i in seq_len(length(esets))) {
        eset <- esets[[i]]

        ##filter genes with standard deviation below the required quantile
        if(quantileCutoff > 0 && quantileCutoff < 1){
            eset <- filterQuantile(eset, q=quantileCutoff)
        ##rescale to z-scores
        if(rescale == TRUE){
            Biobase::exprs(eset) <- t(scale(t(Biobase::exprs(eset))))

        if(removeDuplicates == TRUE){
            keepix <- setdiff(colnames(eset@assayData$exprs), rmix)
            if (length(keepix) != length(colnames(eset@assayData$exprs))) {
                newEset <- ExpressionSet(Biobase::exprs(eset)[, keepix,
                newEset@experimentData <- eset@experimentData
                newEset@phenoData <- eset@phenoData
                newEset@phenoData@data <- Biobase::pData(eset)[keepix, , 
                newEset@featureData <- eset@featureData
                eset <- newEset

    ##include study if it has enough samples and events:
    if (!is.na(minNumberEvents) && exists("minSampleSize") &&
        !is.na(minSampleSize) && minNumberEvents > 0 &&
        sum(eset$vital_status == "deceased") < minNumberEvents ||
        ncol(eset) < minSampleSize)
        message(paste("excluding", "(minNumberEvents or minSampleSize)"))
    if (nrow(eset) < minNumberGenes) {
        message(paste("excluding experiment hub dataset", ovarianData[i]$title,
    if (removeRetracted && length(grep("retracted", 
        Biobase::experimentData(eset)@other$warnings$warnings)) > 0)
        message(paste("excluding experiment hub dataset", 
            ovarianData[i]$title, "(removeRetracted)"))
    if(removeSubsets &&
            Biobase::experimentData(eset)@other$warnings$warnings)) > 0)
        message(paste("excluding experiment hub dataset",
            ovarianData[i]$title, "(removeSubsets)"))
    message(paste("including experiment hub dataset", ovarianData[i]$title))
    esets[[i]] <- eset

  ##optionally take the intersection of genes common to all platforms:
  if(keepCommonOnly) {
    features.per.dataset <- lapply(esets, Biobase::featureNames)
    intersect.genes <- intersectMany(features.per.dataset)
    esets <- lapply(esets, function(eset){
      eset <- eset[intersect.genes, ]

    ids.with.missing.data <- which(vapply(esets, function(X)
        sum(!complete.cases(Biobase::exprs(X))) > 0, numeric(1)) == 1)
    message(paste("Ids with missing data:", paste(names(ids.with.missing.data),
        collapse=", ")))

    if (length(ids.with.missing.data) > 0 && imputeMissing) {
        for (i in ids.with.missing.data) {
            Biobase::exprs(esets[[i]]) <- 

  retList <- list(esets, duplicates)
  names(retList) <- c("esets", "duplicates")
bhklab/MetaGxOvarian documentation built on Aug. 14, 2021, 1:59 p.m.