#' Compares gene expression for a specificed set of features over specific
#' drug dosages vs time
#' This function generates a plot visualizing the relationship between gene
#' expression, time and dose level for the selected tSet. The plot is generated
#' with ggplot2 and can be customized using ggplot plot + function() syntax.
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' drugGeneResponseCurve(TGGATESsmall, dose = c("Control", "Low", "Middle"),
#' mDataTypes="rna", drug = treatmentNames(TGGATESsmall)[1],
#' duration = c("2", "8", "24"), features = "ENSG00000002726_at")
#' }
#' @param tSet \code{ToxicoSet} A ToxicoSet to be plotted in this graph. Currently
#' only a single tSet is supported.
#' @param dose \code{character} A vector of dose levels to be included in the
#' plot. Default to include all dose levels available for a drug. If you specify
#' more than two features you may only pass in up to two dose levels.
#' @param mDataTypes \code{vector} A vector specifying the molecular data types to
#' include in this plot. Defaults to the first mDataType if not specified.ex
#' This release version only accepts one mDataType, more to be added in
#' forthcoming releases.
#' @param features \code{character} A vector of feature names to include in the
#' plot. If you specify more than two dose levels, you may only pass in up to
#' two features.
#' @param drug \code{character} A drug name to include in this plot.
#' See treatmentNames(tSet) for a list of options.
#' @param duration \code{character} A vector of durations to include in the plot.
#' @param summarize_replicates \code{logical} If TRUE will average viability
#' across replicates for each unique drug-dose-duration combination.
#' @param cell_lines \code{character} A vector of cell lines to include in the
#' plot.
#' @param line_width \code{numeric} A number specifying the thickness of lines
#' in the plot, as passed to size in geom_line(). Defaults to 1.
#' @param point_size \code{numeric} A number specifying how large points should
#' be in the plot, as passed to size in geom_point(). Defaults to 2.5.
#' @param ggplot_args \code{list} A list of ggplot2 functions which can be
#' called using the plot + function() syntax. This allows arbitrary
#' customization of the plot including changing the title, axis labels,
#' colours, etc. Please see the included examples for basic usage or ggplot2
#' documentation for advanced customization.
#' @param verbose \code{boolean} Should warning messages about the data passed
#' in be printed?
#' @return Plot of the viabilities for each drug vs time of exposure
#' @importFrom data.table data.table melt.data.table `:=`
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @export
drugGeneResponseCurve <- function(
duration = NULL,
cell_lines = NULL,
mDataTypes = NULL,
features = NULL,
dose = NULL,
drug = NULL,
summarize_replicates = TRUE,
line_width = 1,
point_size = 2.5,
ggplot_args = NULL,
) {
# Place tSet in a list if not already
if (!is(tSet, "list")) { tSet <- list(tSet) }
## Tempary warnings until function is finished
if (length(tSet) > 1) { stop("This function currently only supports one tSet per plot...")}
if (length(drug) > 1) { stop("This function currently only supports one drug per plot...")}
if (length(mDataTypes) > 1) {stop("This function currently only supports one molecular data type per plot...")}
if (length(features) > 2) { if (length(dose) > 2) { stop("To plot more than one feature, please specify only up to two dose levels...")}}
if (length(dose) > 2) { if (length(features) > 2) { stop("To plot more than one dose level, please specify up to two molecular feature...")}}
# Deal with controls (i.e., treated with DMSO)
if (any(vapply(tSet, function(tSet) { name(tSet) %in% c("drugMatrix_rat", "EMEXP2458")}, FUN.VALUE = logical(1)))) {
drug <- c("DMSO", drug)
## TODO:: Generalize this to work with multiple data types
if (missing(mDataTypes)) { mDataTypes <- names(molecularProfilesSlot(tSet[[1]])) }
if (is.null(features)) {
features <- lapply(tSet, function(tSet) {
rownames(featureInfo(tSet, "rna"))[seq_len(5)]
if (missing(cell_lines)) {cell_lines <- unique(phenoInfo(tSet[[1]], mDataTypes[1])$sampleid)}
if (length(cell_lines) > 1) { stop("Only one cell type per plot is currently supported...")}
# Places features in list if not already
if (!is(features, "list")) {
features <- list(features)
names(features) <- vapply(tSet, function(x) name(x), FUN.VALUE = character(1))
# Subsetting the tSet based on parameter arguments
tSet <- lapply(tSet, function(tSet) {
suppressWarnings({ToxicoGx::subsetTo(tSet, mDataType = mDataTypes, drugs = drug,
duration = duration, features = unique(unlist(features)), cell_lines=unique(cell_lines))})
# Get only the dose levels available for that drug
dose <- intersect(dose, as.character(unique(phenoInfo(tSet[[1]], "rna")$dose_level)))
# Gather the plot data
plotData <- lapply(tSet, function(tSet) {
m <- lapply(mDataTypes, function(mDataType) {
mProf <- molecularProfiles(tSet, mDataType)
"data" = data.table(
keep.rownames = TRUE
"pInfo" = data.table(as.data.frame(phenoInfo(tSet, mDataType)))
names(m) <- mDataTypes; m
names(plotData) <- vapply(tSet, function(x) name(x), FUN.VALUE = character(1))
#### Assembling the plot data ####
d <- plotData[[1]][[1]]$data
pInfo <- plotData[[1]][[1]]$pInfo
data <- melt.data.table(d, id.vars = 1, variable.factor = FALSE)
colnames(data) <- c("feature", "samplename", "expression")
if (is.numeric(data$samplename)) data[, samplename := as.character(samplename)]
if (is.numeric(pInfo$samplename)) pInfo[, samplename := as.character(samplename)]
fInfo <- data.table(as.data.frame(featureInfo(tSet[[1]], "rna")))
colnames(fInfo)[2] <- "feature"
plotData <- merge(data, pInfo[, .(samplename, individual_id,
treatmentid, dose_level, duration)],
by = "samplename")
plotData <- merge(plotData, fInfo[, .(Symbol, feature)], by = "feature")
plotData[, dose_level := as.factor(dose_level)]
plotData[dose_level == "Control",
expression := mean(expression),
by = .(dose_level, duration, Symbol)]
max_rep <- max(plotData[dose_level != 'Control', unique(individual_id)])
plotData <- plotData[individual_id %in% seq_len(max_rep), .SD, by = .(dose_level, duration)]
plotData <- plotData[dose_level %in% dose, .SD]
#### Rendering the plot ####
if (summarize_replicates == FALSE) {
plot <- ggplot(as_tibble(plotData),
aes(x = as.numeric(duration),
y = expression,
color = factor(dose_level, levels=dose),
linetype = as.factor(individual_id),
shape = Symbol,
group = interaction(dose_level, individual_id, Symbol))) +
geom_line(size = line_width) +
geom_point(size = point_size)
} else {
plotData <- plotData[, expression := mean(expression), by = .(dose_level, duration, Symbol)][individual_id == 1]
plot <- ggplot(plotData,
color = factor(dose_level, levels=c("Control", "Low", "Middle", "High")))) +
geom_line(aes(linetype = Symbol), size = line_width) +
geom_point(size = point_size)
plot <- plot +
title = paste0("Drug Gene Response Curve for ", paste(drug, collapse = " & "), " in ", paste(cell_lines, collapse = " & "), collapse = " & "),
color = "Dose Level",
linetype = "Replicate",
shape = "Feature"
) +
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 14)
) + xlab("Duration (hrs)") +
ylab("Expression") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=as.numeric(duration), labels = duration)
if (!is.null(ggplot_args)) {
plot <- plot + ggplot_args
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