# provide list of ICDs as outcome of interest for cases (ADE)
get_ade_icd_list <- function(ADE_FILE) {
# read csv
ade <- read.csv(ADE_FILE, sep = ',')
# split VAR_NAME by VAR_GRP
ade_icd_list <- split(ade$VAR_NAME, factor(ade$VAR_GRP))
# functions to filter cases based on diagnosis
add_ade_col <- function(diag, outcome_diag_type, outcome_icds_pattern) {
diag[, ADE := ""][]
sapply(X = names(outcome_icds_pattern),
FUN = function(x) {
diag[((DIAG_TYPE %in% outcome_diag_type) &
grepl(x = ICD, pattern = outcome_icds_pattern[[x]])),
ADE := x][]
add_sec_ade_col <- function(diag, outcome_diag_type, outcome_icds_pattern) {
diag[, ADE2 := ""][]
sapply(X = names(outcome_icds_pattern),
FUN = function(x) {
diag[((!(DIAG_TYPE %in% outcome_diag_type)) &
grepl(x = ICD, pattern = outcome_icds_pattern[[x]])),
ADE2 := x][]
# function to split data table by birth year into chunks
# and to sample paired controls from those chunks
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8358098/how-to-set-seed-for-random-simulations-with-foreach-and-domc-packages
create_matched_cc_cohort <- function(pat,
ttflag = NULL,
first_split_var = "BIRTHY",
nmatches = 4) {
if (!is.null(ttflag)) {
pat <- pat[TRAIN == ttflag]
expected <- split(pat, by = first_split_var)
expected_full <- vector(mode = "list")
# lapply(expected, function(x) {x[CASE == 1, .N]})
for (j in 1:length(expected)) {
if (dim(expected[[j]][CASE == 1])[1] != 0) {
expected_full[[j]] <- expected[[j]]
expected_full <- Filter(Negate(is.null), expected_full)
rs <- foreach(i = 1:length(expected_full),
.packages = c('data.table'),
.combine = rbind) %dopar% {
subs <- expected_full[[i]]
subs_cases <- subs[CASE == 1]
subs_ctrl <- subs[CASE == 0 & PAIR == 0]
l <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(subs_cases))
for (ca in 1:nrow(subs_cases)) {
r <- subs_cases[ca, RID]
s <- subs_cases[ca, SEX]
b <- subs_cases[ca, BIRTHY]
ade <- subs_cases[ca, ADE]
# in case byear +/- 1 year: b <- seq(b-1, b+1)
# find match
gp <- subs_ctrl[SEX == s & BIRTHY == b & PAIR == 0 & (is.na(DEATH_DAT) | DEATH_DAT <= INDEX_DAT), ]
# sample from them
# in case nrow < nmatches required then all matches are stored
# in case 0 matches found, an empty (NA) row will return
# TODO: ifelse(nrow(gp) > 0, because it returns
# one empty record if nrow(gp) == 0,
# or nrow(gp) which can be < 4
smr <- tryCatch(
sample(nrow(gp), nmatches),
error = function(e) {
# TODO: read covars table and check if ncovar = 0
# sm <- gp[smr, ][, INDEX_DAT := subs_cases[ca, INDEX_DAT]][] #PROD
sm <- gp[smr, ][, c("INDEX_DAT", "TIME_TO_EVENT") := subs_cases[ca, list(INDEX_DAT, TIME_TO_EVENT)]][]
rm(gp); gc()
# flag and never remove sampled items
# because cases from same year need ctrls too (without replacement)
# delete row slows down the function by reallocating memory for the whole
# data.table. Slow down from 1.5h to 24h
subs_ctrl[sm, on = "IDNUM", PAIR := r] #PROD
# subs_ctrl[sm, on = "IDNUM"]
l[[ca]] <- rbind(subs_cases[ca, ], sm)
l[[ca]][, c("PAIR", "SUBCOHORT") := list(r, ade)]
dcast_dt <- function(dt, dcols, dvar) {
dformula <- as.formula(
paste0(paste0(dcols, collapse = ' + '), ' ~ ', dvar)
dcasted <- data.table::dcast.data.table(
value.var = dvar,
fun.aggregate = function(x) length(x),
drop = c(TRUE, FALSE),
fill = 0
# remove the NA column (in case of straightforward dcast)
suppressWarnings(dcasted[, "NA" := NULL][])
data.table::setkeyv(dcasted, dcols)
chunk_dcast_dt <- function(num_chunks = 50, dt, dcols, dvar) {
indx <- split(seq(nrow(dt)), dt[[dvar]])
n <- length(indx)
chunks <- BBmisc::chunk(1:n, n.chunks = num_chunks)
dcast_list <- vector(mode = 'list', length = num_chunks)
for (i in 1:num_chunks) {
ind <- unlist(indx[chunks[[i]]], use.names = FALSE)
dcast_list[[i]] <- dcast_dt(dt[ind, ], dcols, dvar)
# merge chuncks
# https://daranzolin.github.io/2016-12-10-join-list-dataframes/
dcm <- dcast_list %>%
purrr::reduce(dplyr::full_join) %>%
dplyr::mutate_if(is.numeric, as.integer) %>%
data.table(key = 'IDNUM')
# mutate_if(is.numeric, replace_na, replace = 0)
rm(dcast_list); gc()
# replace NA rows with 0, they come from the Reduce merge
# dcm[is.na(dcm)] <- 0
# workaround to return patients with 0 covars
if (nrow(dcm) != uniqueN(dt, by = 'IDNUM')) {
dcasted <- rbind(dt[!dcm, on = 'IDNUM'][, ..dcols],
fill = TRUE)
} else {
dcasted <- dcm
# replace NA rows with 0, they come from the Reduce merge AND rbind
# dcasted[is.na(dcasted)] <- 0 # produces erros
# workaround: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7235657/fastest-way-to-replace-nas-in-a-large-data-table
for (j in seq_len(ncol(dcasted))) {
set(dcasted, which(is.na(dcasted[[j]])), j, 0)
setkeyv(dcasted, dcols)
call_dcast_dt <- function(...) {
error = function(e) { chunk_dcast_dt(...) }
# create a matrix for each ADE sub-cohort
create_cov_mat <- function(subcohort = NULL,
disease_covar, drug_covar,
dcols, dvar, nchar_icd = 4) {
if (is.null(subcohort)) {
dr_dt <- drug_covar
ds_dt <- disease_covar[, .(COV = unique(substr(COV, 1, nchar_icd))), by = dcols]
else {
dr_dt <- drug_covar[subcohort][DAT <= INDEX_DAT, .(IDNUM, COV)][subcohort[, ..dcols], on = 'IDNUM']
ds_dt <- disease_covar[subcohort][DAT <= INDEX_DAT, .(IDNUM, COV)
][, .(COV = unique(substr(COV, 1, nchar_icd))),
by = 'IDNUM'][subcohort[, ..dcols], on = 'IDNUM']
# keep drugs before index date, and cast them
pdc <- call_dcast_dt(
dt = dr_dt,
dcols = dcols,
dvar = dvar
# same with diseases
pdsc <- call_dcast_dt(
dt = ds_dt,
dcols = dcols,
dvar = dvar
# TODO: convert to matrix?
ddcov <- merge(pdc, pdsc, all = TRUE)
# ddcov[, IDNUM := NULL]
#### summary ####
summarize_cov_matrix <- function(sums) {
list(mean = round(mean(sums), 1),
sd = round(sd(sums), 1),
range1 = min(sums),
range2 = max(sums))
describe_cov_matrix <- function(s, start, end) {
t4 <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 7))
colnames(t4) <- c("ca", "ctrl", "tot")
rownames(t4) <- c("tot", "m", "sd", "min", "max", "zn", "zp")
tot <- cube(s, j = lapply(.SD, sum), .SDcols = start:end, by = 'CASE')[c(2,1,3), ]
ncov <- length(start:end)
zn <- apply(tot[, .SD == 0, .SDcols = 2:ncol(tot)], 1, function(x) length(which(x)))
# total (dim exclue zero)
t4[1, 1:3] <- ncov - zn
t4[2:5, 1] <- unlist(summarize_cov_matrix(s[CASE == 1, rowSums(.SD), .SDcols = start:end]))
t4[2:5, 2] <- unlist(summarize_cov_matrix(s[CASE == 0, rowSums(.SD), .SDcols = start:end]))
t4[2:5, 3] <- unlist(summarize_cov_matrix(s[, rowSums(.SD), .SDcols = start:end]))
t4[6, 1:3] <- zn
t4[7, 1:3] <- round(zn / ncov * 100, 1)
describe_groups_in_cohort <- function(groups) {
tg <- vector(length = 9)
names(tg) <- c("g_tot", "g_totp", "g_n", "g_m", "g_sd", "g_min", "g_max",
"s_tot", "s_totp")
ncov <- length(unique(unlist(groups)))
# the groups are both of FTs and dummy groups for singletons
# is it possible that FTs can contain only one predictor?
ft <- names(groups)[!(grepl(x = names(groups), pattern = '^grp'))]
g_tot <- length(unique(unlist(groups[ft])))
s_tot <- ncov - g_tot
tg[1] <- g_tot
tg[2] <- round((g_tot / ncov) * 100, 1)
tg[3] <- length(ft)
tg[4:7] <- unlist(summarize_cov_matrix(
sapply(groups[ft], length)
tg[8] <- s_tot
tg[9] <- round((s_tot / ncov) * 100, 1)
# the code below assumes that we want to describe groups > 1 even if they are
# FTs of 1
# g_tot <- length(unique(unlist(
# Filter(groups, f = function(x) {length(x) > 1})
# )))
# s_tot <- length(unique(unlist(
# Filter(groups, f = function(x) {length(x) == 1})
# )))
# tg[1] <- g_tot
# tg[2] <- round((g_tot / ncov) * 100, 1)
# tg[3] <- length(Filter(groups, f = function(x) {length(x) > 1}))
# tg[4:7] <- unlist(summarize_cov_matrix(
# sapply(Filter(groups, f = function(x) {length(x) > 1}),
# length)
# ))
# tg[8] <- s_tot
# tg[9] <- round((s_tot / ncov) * 100, 1)
describe_group_matrix <- function(s, groups, start, end) {
tg <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 9))
colnames(tg) <- c("ca", "ctrl", "tot")
rownames(tg) <- c("g_tot", "g_totp", "g_n", "g_m", "g_sd", "g_min", "g_max",
"s_tot", "s_totp")
tg[, 3] <- describe_groups_in_cohort(groups)
# remove predictors that are not observed in CA/CTRLs
tot <- cube(s, j = lapply(.SD, sum), .SDcols = start:end, by = 'CASE')[c(2,1), ]
zero_list <- apply(tot[, .SD == 0, .SDcols = 2:ncol(tot)], 1, function(x) which(x))
# cases
groups_ca <- Filter(length, lapply(groups,
function(x) {
setdiff(x, zero_list[[1]])
tg[, 1] <- describe_groups_in_cohort(groups_ca)
# ctrl
groups_ctrl <- Filter(length, lapply(groups,
function(x) {
setdiff(x, zero_list[[2]])
tg[, 2] <- describe_groups_in_cohort(groups_ctrl)
split_dt_by_group <- function(s, covnames, groups) {
predictors <- s[, ..covnames]
lapply(groups, function(x) {
subset(predictors, select = x)
# n.cov is the number of covariates, and groups are the groups as usual.
create_groups_for_single_covariates <- function(ncov, groups, dt_colnames, rename = FALSE) {
# Any variable not in a group gets assigned their own group
gnames <- names(groups)
glen <- length(groups)
variables_in_groups <- do.call(c, groups)
variables_not_in_groups <- as.list(setdiff(1:ncov, variables_in_groups))
if (isTRUE(rename)) {
names(variables_not_in_groups) <- paste0("grp", glen+1:length(variables_not_in_groups))
} else {
names(variables_not_in_groups) <- dt_colnames[unlist(variables_not_in_groups)]
# n.cov is the number of covariates, and groups are the groups as usual.
append_groups_for_single_covariates <- function(ncov, groups) {
# Any variable not in a group gets assigned their own group
variables_not_in_groups <- create_groups_for_single_covariates(ncov, groups)
return(c(groups, variables_not_in_groups))
assign_to_atc_icd <- function(dt_colnames, demographic_vars, nchar_atc = 4,
nchar_icd = 3) {
# avoid using length function
drug_disease_vars <- dt_colnames[!dt_colnames %in% demographic_vars]
drugs_vars <- drug_disease_vars[1:which(drug_disease_vars == 'V90N')]
diseases_vars <- drug_disease_vars[(which(drug_disease_vars == 'V90N') + 1):length(drug_disease_vars)]
drug_grp_name <- paste0('dr', substr(drugs_vars, 1, nchar_atc))
disease_grp_name <- paste0('ds',substr(diseases_vars, 1, nchar_icd))
pathways <- data.table(var_name = drug_disease_vars, grp_name = c(drug_grp_name, disease_grp_name), index = as.numeric(na.omit(match(drug_disease_vars, dt_colnames))))
pathways <- split(pathways[, list(index, grp_name)], by = 'grp_name')
pathways <- lapply(pathways, function(x) {x[, index]})
# assign all columns of a data table to ft groups, return index
create_covars_groups <- function(dt_colnames, demographic_vars = NULL, ftargetsl = NULL,
nchar_atc = 4,
nchar_icd = 3,
create_groups_for_single_covariates = TRUE,
singletons_as_one_group = FALSE,
rename = FALSE) {
if (is.null(ftargetsl)) {
pathways <- assign_to_atc_icd(dt_colnames = dt_colnames,
demographic_vars = demographic_vars,
nchar_atc = nchar_atc, nchar_icd = nchar_icd)
} else {
# assign a vector of covariate names to groups by string matching, return index
pathways <- assign_to_ft(dt_colnames, ftargetsl)
# get leftover covariates
singletons <- setdiff(1:length(dt_colnames), unique(unlist(pathways)))
# get leftover dr and ds
extra_colnames <- dt_colnames[unlist(singletons, use.names = FALSE)]
# remove drugs, here we use full drug code, no need to increase search time
extra_colnames <- extra_colnames[(which(extra_colnames == 'V90N') + 1):length(extra_colnames)]
# assign by grep
extra_pathways <- assign_to_ft_by_grep_disease(dt_colnames,
extra_colnames, ftargetsl)
# merge the two lists
pathways <- Map(function(val1, val2) union(val1, val2), pathways, extra_pathways)
# remove empty pathways
pathways <- Filter(length, pathways)
if (isTRUE(create_groups_for_single_covariates)) {
# get singletons
singletons <- create_groups_for_single_covariates(length(dt_colnames), pathways,
dt_colnames, rename = rename)
if (isTRUE(singletons_as_one_group)) {
# gnames <- names(singletons)[1:2]
demographics_grp <- as.numeric(na.omit(match(demographic_vars, dt_colnames)))
predictors_grp <- setdiff(unlist(singletons, use.names = FALSE), demographics_grp)
singletons <- list(
# not assume that there were singleton predictors
singletons <- Filter(length, singletons)
names(singletons) <- paste0("grp", length(pathways)+1:length(singletons))
# length(unique(unlist(pathways))) + length(unlist(singletons)) == length(dt_colnames)
pathways <- c(pathways, singletons)
# add the diseases that start with the ICD
assign_to_ft_by_grep_disease <- function(dt_colnames, extra_colnames, ftargetsl) {
extra_pathways <- lapply(ftargetsl, function(x) {
matches <- names(Filter(length, sapply(extra_colnames, function(j) {
x[grep(x = x, pattern = paste0("^", j))]
as.numeric(na.omit(match(matches, dt_colnames)))
# assign a vector of covariate names to groups, return index
assign_to_ft <- function(dt_colnames, ftargetsl) {
# try to clean colnames
dt_colnames <- gsub(x = dt_colnames, pattern = "^d(r|s)", replacement = "")
# create a list, fill it in with covars indices, and name it
pathways <- lapply(ftargetsl, function(x) {
as.numeric(na.omit(match(x, dt_colnames)))
# exact equivalent to which(dt_colnames %in% x)
# get the predictors for each person in an ADE subcohort
get_ds_predictors <- function(subcohort, diag, amb, begin_yr) {
ade <- subcohort[1, SUBCOHORT]
# diseases
# ds_response <- diag[(IDNUM %in% subcohort[, IDNUM] & ADE == ade), ]
ds_pred <- rbind(diag[(IDNUM %in% subcohort[, IDNUM] & ADE != ade & !is.na(ICD) & DIAG_DAT >= as.IDate(paste0(begin_yr, '-01-01'))), ],
amb[(IDNUM %in% subcohort[, IDNUM] & DIAG_DAT >= as.IDate(paste0(begin_yr, '-01-01'))), ])
setnames(ds_pred, c("ICD", "DIAG_DAT"), c("COV", "DAT"))
setkey(ds_pred, IDNUM)
setindex(ds_pred, COV)
ds_pred[, FIRST_DAT := min(DAT), by = .(IDNUM, COV)]
ds_pred <- unique(ds_pred[, list(IDNUM, COV, FIRST_DAT)])
setnames(ds_pred, "FIRST_DAT", "DAT")
# uniqueN(ds_pred, by = 'IDNUM')
# merge disp with cohort
sc_ds <- merge(subcohort, ds_pred, all.x = TRUE)
# keep cov before INDEX_DAT
if (uniqueN(sc_ds, by = 'IDNUM') != uniqueN(subcohort, by = 'IDNUM')) {
sc_ds <- rbind(subcohort[!sc_ds, list(IDNUM, SEX, GKZ5, AGE, TIME_TO_EVENT, CASE, TRAIN), on = 'IDNUM'], sc_ds, fill = TRUE)
# uniqueN(sc_ds, by = 'IDNUM')
get_dr_predictors <- function(subcohort, disp) {
ade <- subcohort[1, SUBCOHORT]
setkey(disp, IDNUM)
sc_dr <- disp[subcohort, ]
setnames(sc_dr, c("ATC", "DEL_DAT"), c("COV", "DAT"))
setkey(sc_dr, IDNUM)
setindex(sc_dr, COV)
# uniqueN(sc_dr, by = 'IDNUM')
# keep cov before INDEX_DAT
if (uniqueN(sc_dr, by = 'IDNUM') != uniqueN(subcohort, by = 'IDNUM')) {
sc_dr <- rbind(subcohort[!sc_dr, list(IDNUM, SEX, GKZ5, AGE, TIME_TO_EVENT, CASE, TRAIN), on = 'IDNUM'], sc_dr, fill = TRUE)
# uniqueN(sc_dr, by = 'IDNUM')
matrix_to_list <- function(boolean_matrix) {
llist <- vector(mode = "list", length = dim(boolean_matrix)[1])
names(llist) <- rownames(boolean_matrix)
for (row_index in 1:dim(boolean_matrix)[1]) {
m = dimnames(boolean_matrix[row_index, boolean_matrix[row_index,] == 1, drop = F])
llist[[row_index]] = m[[2]]
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