
Defines functions preprocess normalize_counts process_with_edger reformat process_with_deseq sgene_heatmap step_030_diffexp

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

# pipeline
# select differentially expressed genes from the parsed bam lfc data

# functions

preprocess <- function(fc, experiment_definitions, expr.cutoff, samples) {
    x <- edgeR::DGEList(counts=fc$counts, genes=fc$annotation[,c("GeneID","Length")])

    id <- as.character(experiment_definitions$Bam.File)  
    id <- vapply(strsplit(id,"/"),"[",3, FUN.VALUE=character(1))
    id <- vapply(strsplit(id,"-"),"[",2, FUN.VALUE=character(1))

    names <- grep(paste(id,collapse = "|"),colnames(x$counts),value = T)
    stopifnot(all.equal(names,colnames(x$counts)[1:70])) # here something could potentially go wrong 
    x$counts <- x$counts[,which(colnames(x$counts) %in% names)]
    x$samples <- x$samples[which(rownames(x$samples) %in% names),]

    # Look up the gene names in the UCSC hg38 annotation
    #print("Are the rownames of the counts matrix in the same order as the gene IDs?")
    rownames(x$counts) <- x$genes$GeneID
    #print("Look Up gene names in UCSC hg38 annotation")
    require(org.Hs.eg.db, quietly = TRUE)  # sorry for this hack
    rownames(x$counts) <- annotate::lookUp(rownames(x$counts), 'org.Hs.eg', 'SYMBOL')       
    # rename colnames(x$counts)
    samples_all <- paste(experiment_definitions$Gene,experiment_definitions$shRNA,experiment_definitions$Biological.Rep)
    # don't overwrite samples from config
    colnames(x$counts) <- samples_all
    # print dimensions of the raw counts matrix
    #print("Dimensions of the raw counts matrix:")
    #print("Range of absolute unnormalized expression values [cpm]: ")
    # filter out genes that don't vary by more than expr.cutoff in more than 2 experiments
    keep <- rowSums(edgeR::cpm(x) > expr.cutoff) >= 2
    x <- x[keep, , keep.lib.sizes=FALSE]

    # filtering out strange one "RARA 8C B" 
    get.rid.off <- c("RARA 8C B")
    x <- x[,-which(colnames(x$counts) %in% get.rid.off), keep.lib.sizes=TRUE]

    controls <- grep("POS.CONTROL",colnames(x$counts),value = T)
    index <- colnames(x$counts[,order(colnames(x$counts))])[-which(colnames(x$counts) %in% controls)]

    index <- c(controls,samples)
    sel <- x
    sel <- sel[,which(colnames(sel$counts) %in% index)]

    return(list(sel, controls))
normalize_counts <- function(pos.norm) {
    # Normalize by dividing all samples INCLUDING pos.control by the pos.control
      controls <- grep("CONTROL",colnames(pos.norm$counts),value = T)
      non_nas <- sel$counts[ -which(0 == rowMeans(sel$counts[,controls])), ]
      pos.norm$counts <- non_nas
      pos.norm$counts <- pos.norm$counts/rowMeans(pos.norm$counts[,controls], na.rm=TRUE)

process_with_edger <- function(sel, controls, selected.genes) {
    # based on: https://www.bioconductor.org/help/workflows/RnaSeqGeneEdgeRQL/
    data <- sel
    # adjusting design matrix (because we removed some samples above!)
    group <- vapply(strsplit(colnames(data$counts)," "),"[",1, FUN.VALUE=character(1))
    group <- factor(group)
    data$samples$group <- group
    # new design matrix for the conditions we want to contrast
    design.succ <- model.matrix(~0+group)
    colnames(design.succ) <- levels(group)
    # This design matrix simply links each group to the samples that belong to it. Each row of the design matrix        corresponds to a sample whereas each column represents a coefficient corresponding to one of the six groups

    # calculate normalization factors
    norm.factors <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(data, method = "TMM")
    # obtain normalized counts for downstream purposes
    edgeR.cpm <- edgeR::cpm(norm.factors, normalized.lib.sizes=F)
    # Dispersion estimation
    dispersion <- edgeR::estimateDisp(norm.factors, 

    # NB model extended with quasi-likelihood estimation
    fit <- edgeR::glmQLFit(dispersion, 

    # generate the vector of contrasted genes
    targets <- colnames(design.succ)[-which(colnames(design.succ)=="POS.CONTROL")]
    contrasted.genes <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(targets)) {
        contrasted.genes[[i]] <- paste0(targets[[i]],"vsPOS.CONTROL = ",targets[[i]],"-POS.CONTROL")
    contrasted.genes <- as.vector(unlist(contrasted.genes))
    # selecting DGEs for downstream modeling
    # cutoff will be drawn by padj=0.05 
    # looping over every single condition to perform the tests (padj=0.05)
    contrast.list <- list()
    glmQLFTest.list <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(contrasted.genes)){
        contrast.list[[i]] <- edgeR::makeContrasts(contrasts=contrasted.genes[[i]], levels = design.succ)
    for (i in 1:length(contrast.list)){    
        glmQLFTest.list[[i]] <- edgeR::glmQLFTest(fit, contrast=contrast.list[[i]]) # An object of class "DGELRT"
    return.val <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(glmQLFTest.list)) {
        table <- glmQLFTest.list[[i]]$table
        return.val[[i]] <- table[,c(1,4)]
        colnames(return.val[[i]]) <- c("log2FoldChange", "padj")
    names(return.val) <- selected.genes

reformat <- function(sel, controls) {
    counts <- sel$counts
    condition <- factor(vapply(strsplit(colnames(counts)," "),"[",1, FUN.VALUE=character(1)))
    experiments <- grep(paste0(condition[-which(condition %in% grep("CONTROL",condition,value = T))], 
                               collapse = "|"),
                               value = T
    sort.idx <- c(controls,sort(experiments))
    counts <- counts[,sort.idx]
    # adjusting condition before generating dds since counts are sorted differently now
    condition <- factor(vapply(strsplit(colnames(counts)," "),"[",1, FUN.VALUE=character(1)))
    return(list(counts, condition))

process_with_deseq <- function(counts, condition, selected.genes) {
    coldata <- data.frame(row.names=colnames(counts), condition)
    # actual DESeq2 analysis
    dds <- DESeq2::DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=counts, 
    # just pulling out the normalizes counts (+devided by sizeFactor)
    dds <- DESeq2::estimateSizeFactors(dds)
    DESeq.norm.counts <- DESeq2::counts(dds, normalized=TRUE)
    # DGE analysis
    dds <- DESeq2::DESeq(dds)

    # to make pairwise comparisons
    # has to be done by looping 
    # over the contrasts (pairwise)
    res.list <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(selected.genes)){
    res.list[[i]] <- DESeq2::results(dds, 
                             alpha = 0.05, # alpha refers to FDR cutoff
                             contrast = c("condition","POS.CONTROL",paste0(selected.genes[i]))
    names(res.list) <- selected.genes
    shrink.list <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(selected.genes)){  
        shrink.list[[i]] <- DESeq2::lfcShrink(dds, 
                                  contrast = c("condition","POS.CONTROL",paste0(selected.genes[i])),
                                  res = res.list[[i]] # this is important, because otherwise the settings above will be neglected - e.g. the p.adjust <0.05 setting
    names(shrink.list) <- selected.genes

sgene_heatmap <- function(diffexp, diffexp_method, input_file_name, selected.genes, diffexp_dir) {
    stat <- "log2FoldChange"
    d <- data.frame()
    for (sg in selected.genes) {
        d <- rbind(d, diffexp[[sg]][selected.genes,stat])
    rownames(d) <- paste("ko", selected.genes)
    colnames(d) <- selected.genes
    ifn <- gsub("Rds", "pdf", input_file_name)
    output_file_name <- paste("sgene_heatmap", diffexp_method, ifn, sep=".")
    pdf(file.path(diffexp_dir, output_file_name))
    pheatmap(d, cluster_rows=FALSE, cluster_cols=FALSE)
    # rows are knockdowns
    # cols are lfc

# main

step_030_diffexp <- function(project, aligner, diffexp_method, lfc_dir, diffexp_dir, experiment_definitions, expr.cutoff, samples, selected.genes) {
    print("selected genes")
    print("selected genes")
    input_file_name <- paste(aligner, project, "Rds", sep=".")
    fc <- readRDS(file.path(lfc_dir, input_file_name))
    foo <- preprocess(fc, experiment_definitions, expr.cutoff, samples)
    sel <- foo[[1]]
    controls <- foo[[2]]
    #nsel <- normalize_counts(sel)
    nsel <- sel

    l <- reformat(nsel, controls)
    counts <- l[[1]]
    condition <- l[[2]]
    if (diffexp_method == "DESeq") {
        diffexp <- process_with_deseq(counts, condition, selected.genes)
    } else if (diffexp_method == "edgeR") {
        diffexp <- process_with_edger(sel, controls, selected.genes)
    output_file_name <- paste(diffexp_method, input_file_name, sep=".")
    saveRDS(diffexp, file.path(diffexp_dir, output_file_name))
    # generate sanity check heatmap
    sgene_heatmap(diffexp, diffexp_method, input_file_name, selected.genes, diffexp_dir)

    # save control data for bnem -- abs values, not lfc
    ctrl <- as.data.frame(rowMeans(sel[!grepl("^NA[0-9]*$",rownames(sel$counts)),controls]$counts))
    rownames(ctrl) <- rownames(sel[!grepl("^NA[0-9]*$",rownames(sel$counts)),]$counts)
    colnames(ctrl) <- c("ctrl")
    output_file_name <- paste("controls", input_file_name, sep=".")
    saveRDS(ctrl, file.path(diffexp_dir, output_file_name))
bitmask/NEMpipeline documentation built on Jan. 30, 2020, 12:42 p.m.