create_motif: Create a motif.

create_motifR Documentation

Create a motif.


Create a motif from a set of sequences, a matrix, or generate a random motif. See the "Motif import, export and manipulation" vignette for details.


create_motif(input, alphabet, type = "PPM", name = "motif",
  pseudocount = 0, bkg, nsites, altname, family, organism, bkgsites, strand,
  pval, qval, eval, extrainfo, add.multifreq)

## S4 method for signature 'missing'
create_motif(input, alphabet, type = "PPM",
  name = "motif", pseudocount = 0, bkg, nsites, altname, family, organism,
  bkgsites, strand, pval, qval, eval, extrainfo, add.multifreq)

## S4 method for signature 'numeric'
create_motif(input, alphabet, type = "PPM",
  name = "motif", pseudocount = 0, bkg, nsites, altname, family, organism,
  bkgsites, strand, pval, qval, eval, extrainfo, add.multifreq)

## S4 method for signature 'character'
create_motif(input, alphabet, type = "PPM",
  name = "motif", pseudocount = 0, bkg, nsites, altname, family, organism,
  bkgsites, strand, pval, qval, eval, extrainfo, add.multifreq)

## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
create_motif(input, alphabet, type = "PPM",
  name = "motif", pseudocount = 0, bkg, nsites, altname, family, organism,
  bkgsites, strand, pval, qval, eval, extrainfo, add.multifreq)

## S4 method for signature 'DNAStringSet'
create_motif(input, alphabet, type = "PPM",
  name = "motif", pseudocount = 0, bkg, nsites, altname, family, organism,
  bkgsites, strand, pval, qval, eval, extrainfo, add.multifreq)

## S4 method for signature 'RNAStringSet'
create_motif(input, alphabet, type = "PPM",
  name = "motif", pseudocount = 0, bkg, nsites, altname, family, organism,
  bkgsites, strand, pval, qval, eval, extrainfo, add.multifreq)

## S4 method for signature 'AAStringSet'
create_motif(input, alphabet, type = "PPM",
  name = "motif", pseudocount = 0, bkg, nsites, altname, family, organism,
  bkgsites, strand, pval, qval, eval, extrainfo, add.multifreq)

## S4 method for signature 'BStringSet'
create_motif(input, alphabet, type = "PPM",
  name = "motif", pseudocount = 0, bkg, nsites, altname, family, organism,
  bkgsites, strand, pval, qval, eval, extrainfo, add.multifreq)



character, numeric, matrix, XStringSet, or missing.


character(1) One of c('DNA', 'RNA', 'AA'), or a combined string representing the letters. If no alphabet is provided then it will try and guess the alphabet from the input.


character(1) One of c('PCM', 'PPM', 'PWM', 'ICM').


character(1) Motif name.


numeric(1) Correction to be applied to prevent -Inf from appearing in PWM matrices. Defaults to 0.


numeric A vector of probabilities, each between 0 and 1. If higher order backgrounds are provided, then the elements of the vector must be named. If unnamed, then the order of probabilities must be in the same order as the alphabetically sorted sequence alphabet.


numeric(1) Number of sites the motif was constructed from. If blank, then create_motif() will guess the appropriate number if possible. To prevent this, provide nsites = numeric().


character(1) Alternate motif name.


character(1) Transcription factor family.


character(1) Species of origin.


numeric(1) Total number of sites used to find the motif.


character(1) Whether the motif is specific to a certain strand. Acceptable strands are '+', '-', and '+-' (to represent both strands). Note that '-+' and '*' can also be provided to represent both strands, but the final strand in the universalmotif object will be set to '+-'.


numeric(1) P-value associated with motif.


numeric(1) Adjusted P-value associated with motif.


numeric(1) E-value associated with motif.


character Any other extra information, represented as a named character vector.


numeric If the motif is created from a set of sequences, then the add_multifreq() function can be run at the same time (with RC = FALSE).


The aim of this function is provide an easy interface to creating universalmotif motifs, as an alternative to the default class constructor (i.e. new('universalmotif', name=...)). See examples for potential use cases.

Note: when generating random motifs, the nsites slot is also given a random value.

See the examples section for more info on motif creation.


universalmotif object.

Methods (by class)

  • missing: Create a random motif of length 10.

  • numeric: Create a random motif with a specified length.

  • character: Create motif from a consensus string.

  • matrix: Create motif from a matrix.

  • DNAStringSet: Create motif from a DNAStringSet.

  • RNAStringSet: Create motif from a RNAStringSet.

  • AAStringSet: Create motif from a AAStringSet.

  • BStringSet: Create motif from a BStringSet.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay,

See Also

convert_type(), add_multifreq(), create_sequences(), shuffle_motifs().


##### create motifs from a single string

# Motif is by default generated as a PPM: change final type as desired
DNA.motif <- create_motif("TATAWAW")
DNA.motif <- create_motif("TATAWAW", type = "PCM")

# Nsites will be set to the number of input sequences unless specified or
# a single string is used as input
DNA.motif <- create_motif("TTTTTTT", nsites = 10)

# Ambiguity letters can be used:
DNA.motif <- create_motif("TATAWAW")
DNA.motif <- create_motif("NNVVWWAAWWDDN")

# Be careful about setting nsites when using ambiguity letters!
DNA.motif <- create_motif("NNVVWWAAWWDDN", nsites = 1)

RNA.motif <- create_motif("UUUCCG")

# 'create_motif' will try to detect the alphabet type; this can be
# unreliable for AA and custom alphabets as DNA and RNA alphabets are
# detected first
AA.motif <- create_motif("AVLK", alphabet = "AA")

custom.motif <- create_motif("QWER", alphabet = "QWER")
# Specify custom alphabet
custom.motif <- create_motif("QWER", alphabet = "QWERASDF")

###### Create motifs from multiple strings of equal length

DNA.motif <- create_motif(c("TTTT", "AAAA", "AACC", "TTGG"), type = "PPM")
DNA.motif <- create_motif(c("TTTT", "AAAA", "AACC", "TTGG"), nsites = 20)
RNA.motif <- create_motif(c("UUUU", "AAAA", "AACC", "UUGG"), type = "PWM")
AA.motif <- create_motif(c("ARNDCQ", "EGHILK", "ARNDCQ"), alphabet = "AA")
custom.motif <- create_motif(c("POIU", "LKJH", "POIU", "CVBN"),
                             alphabet = "POIULKJHCVBN")

# Ambiguity letters are only allowed for single consensus strings: the
# following fails
## Not run: 
create_motif(c("WWTT", "CCGG"))
create_motif(c("XXXX", "XXXX"), alphabet = "AA")

## End(Not run)

##### Create motifs from XStringSet objects


DNA.set <- DNAStringSet(c("TTTT", "AAAA", "AACC", "TTGG"))
DNA.motif <- create_motif(DNA.set)
RNA.set <- RNAStringSet(c("UUUU", "AACC", "UUCC"))
RNA.motif <- create_motif(RNA.set)
AA.set <- AAStringSet(c("VVVLLL", "AAAIII"))
AA.motif <- create_motif(AA.set)

# Custom motifs can be created from BStringSet objects
B.set <- BStringSet(c("QWER", "ASDF", "ZXCV", "TYUI"))
custom.motif <- create_motif(B.set)

##### Create motifs with filled 'multifreq' slot

DNA.motif.k2 <- create_motif(DNA.set, add.multifreq = 2)

##### Create motifs from matrices

mat <- matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 1,
                2, 0, 2, 0,
                0, 2, 0, 2,
                0, 0, 0, 0),
                nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE)
DNA.motif <- create_motif(mat, alphabet = "DNA")
RNA.motif <- create_motif(mat, alphabet = "RNA", nsites = 20)
custom.motif <- create_motif(mat, alphabet = "QWER")

# Specify custom alphabet
custom.motif <- create_motif(mat, alphabet = "QWER")

# Alphabet can be detected from rownames
rownames(mat) <- DNA_BASES
DNA.motif <- create_motif(mat)
rownames(mat) <- c("Q", "W", "E", "R")
custom.motif <- create_motif(mat)

# Matrices can also be used as input
mat.ppm <- matrix(c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1,
                    0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5,
                    0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1,
                    0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3),
                    nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE)

DNA.motif <- create_motif(mat.ppm, alphabet = "DNA", type = "PPM")

##### Create random motifs

# These are generated as PPMs with 10 positions

DNA.motif <- create_motif()
RNA.motif <- create_motif(alphabet = "RNA")
AA.motif <- create_motif(alphabet = "AA")
custom.motif <- create_motif(alphabet = "QWER")

# The number of positions can be specified

DNA.motif <- create_motif(5)

# If the background frequencies are not provided, they are generated
# using `rpois`; positions are created using `rdirichlet(1, bkg)`.
# (calling `create_motif()` creates motifs with an average
# positional IC of 1)

DNA.motif <- create_motif(bkg = c(0.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3))
DNA.motif <- create_motif(10, bkg = c(0.1, 0.4, 0.4, 0.1))

bjmt/universalmotif documentation built on June 24, 2024, 1:25 p.m.