sequence_complexity: Calculate sequence complexity.

View source: R/sequence_complexity.R

sequence_complexityR Documentation

Calculate sequence complexity.


Calculate sequence complexity using either the Wootton-Federhen, Trifonov, or DUST algorithms.


sequence_complexity(seqs, window.size = 20,
  window.overlap = round(window.size/2), method = c("WoottonFederhen",
  "WoottonFederhenFast", "Trifonov", "TrifonovFast", "DUST"),
  trifonov.max.word.size = 7, nthreads = 1, return.granges = FALSE)



XStringSet Input sequences.


numeric Window size. If a number between 0 and 1 is provided, the value is calculated as the number multiplied by the sequence length.


numeric Overlap between windows. If a number between 0 and 1 is provided, the value is calculated as the number multiplied by the sequence length.


character(1) Choose one of the available methods for calculating sequence complexity. See details.


numeric(1) The maximum word size within each window used to calculate complexity using method = c("Trifonov", "TrifonovFast"). In other words, the Trifonov method involves counting the number of possible different sub-words in a window at different sizes up to the values provided by this option. It also involves calculating the product of ever increasing sequences of numbers and so in order to reduce the computations involed this can be limited to a specific maximum sub-word size.


numeric(1) Run sequence_complexity() in parallel with nthreads threads. nthreads = 0 uses all available threads.


logical(1) Return the results as a GRanges object. Requires the GenomicRanges package to be installed.


The Wootton-Federhen (Wootton and Federhen, 1993) and Trifonov (Trifonov, 1990) algorithms as well as their faster approximations are well described within Orlov and Potapov (2004). These algorithms score less complex sequences closer to 0, and more complex ones closer to 1. Please note that the 'fast' approximation versions of the two methods are not actually faster within sequence_complexity(), and so speed should not be a major consideration when choosing which method to use within the universalmotif package. The DUST algorithm implementation is described in Morgulis et al. (2006). In this case, less complex sequences score higher, and more complex ones closer to 0.

Briefly, the Wootton-Federhen complexity score is a reflection of the numbers of each unique letter found in the window (e.g. for DNA, the more of all four letters can be found in the window the higher the score). An increasing Trifonov score is a relection of the numbers of increasingly larger k-mers (e.g. the count of possible 1-mers, 2-mers, 3-mers, ..., until trifonov.max.word.size). Finally, the DUST score approaches 0 as the count of unique 3-mers increases. (See the final section in the examples to see how different types of sequence compositions affect the methods.)

Please note that the authors of the different methods recommend various window sizes and complexity thresholds. The authors of DUST for example, suggest using a window size of 64 and a threshold of 2 for low complexity. Wootton and Federhen suggest a window size of 40, though show that 10 and 20 can be appropriate as well (for amino acid sequences). Keep in mind however that these algorithms were implemented at a time when computers were much slower; perhaps the authors would suggest different window sizes today. One thing to note is that the Wootton-Federhen algorithm has a hard limit due to the need to caculate the product from 1:window.size. This can end up calculating values which are greater than what a double can hold (e.g. try prod(1:500)). Its approximation does not suffer from this though, as it skips calculating the product.

In terms of speed, the Wootton-Federhen algorithms are fastest, with DUST being 1-3 times slower and the Trifonov algorithms being several times slower (though the exact amount depends on the max word size).


DataFrame, GRanges with each row getting a complexity score for each window in each input sequence.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay,


Morgulis A, Gertz EM, Schaffer AA, Agarwala R (2006). "A fast and symmetric DUST implementation to mask low-complexity DNA sequences." Journal of Computational Biology, 13, 1028-1040.

Orlov YL, Potapov VN (2004). "Complexity: an internet resource for analysis of DNA sequence complexity." Nucleic Acids Research, 32, W628-W633.

Trifonov EN (1990). "Making sense of the human genome." In Sarma RH, Sarma MH (Eds), Structure & Methods Adenine Press, Albany, 1, 69-77.

Wootton JC, Federhen S (1993). "Statistics of local complexity in amino acid sequences and sequence databases." Computers & Chemistry, 17, 149-163.

See Also

calc_complexity(), count_klets(), get_bkg(), mask_ranges(), mask_seqs()


## Feel free to play around with different toy sequences to get a feel for
## how the different methods perform

test.seq <- DNAStringSet(c("AAAAAAAAAAA", "ATGACTGATGC"))

sequence_complexity(test.seq, method = "WoottonFederhen")
sequence_complexity(test.seq, method = "WoottonFederhenFast")
sequence_complexity(test.seq, method = "Trifonov")
sequence_complexity(test.seq, method = "TrifonovFast")
sequence_complexity(test.seq, method = "DUST")

## You could also use this in conjuction with mask_ranges() to hide
## low complexity regions from scanning, de novo motif discovery, etc

if (requireNamespace("GenomicRanges", quiet = TRUE)) {

# Calculate complexity in 20 bp windows, sliding every 1 bp
to.mask <- sequence_complexity(ArabidopsisPromoters, method = "DUST",
  window.size = 20, window.overlap = 19, return.granges = TRUE)

# Get the ranges with a complexity score greater than 3.5
to.mask <- to.mask[to.mask$complexity > 3.5]

# See what the low complexity regions look like

# Mask them with the default '-' character:
mask_ranges(ArabidopsisPromoters, to.mask)

## To demonstrate how the methods work, consider:
## (These examples use the calc_complexity() utility which utilizes
## the same algorithms and works on character vectors, but lacks
## the ability to use sliding windows.)
a <- "ACGT"

# For Wootton-Federhen, it can be easily shown it is only dependent
# on the counts of individual letters (though do note that the
# original paper discusses this method in the context of amino acid
calc_complexity("AAACCCGGGTTT", alph = a)  # 0.7707
calc_complexity("AACCGGTTACGT", alph = a)  # 0.7707
calc_complexity("ACGTACGTACGT", alph = a)  # 0.7707

# As letters start to see drops in counts, the scores go down too:
calc_complexity("AAAACCCCGGGG", alph = a)  # 0.6284
calc_complexity("AAAAAACCCCCC", alph = a)  # 0.4105
calc_complexity("AAAAAAAAAACC", alph = a)  # 0.2518

# Trifonov on the other hand is greatly affected by the number
# of higher order combinations:
calc_complexity("AAACCCGGGTTT", c = "Trifonov", alph = a)  # 0.6364
calc_complexity("AACCGGTTACGT", c = "Trifonov", alph = a)  # 0.7273

# This next one may seem surprising, but it indeed scores very low.
# This is because although it has many of each individual letter,
# the number of higher order letter combinations in fact is quite
# low due to this particular repeating pattern!
calc_complexity("ACGTACGTACGT", c = "Trifonov", alph = a)  # 0.01231

# By extension, this means it scores sequences with fewer
# counts of individual letters lower too.
calc_complexity("AAAACCCCGGGG", c = "Trifonov", alph = a)  # 0.2386
calc_complexity("AAAAAACCCCCC", c = "Trifonov", alph = a)  # 0.0227
calc_complexity("AAAAAAAAAACC", c = "Trifonov", alph = a)  # 0.0011

# As for DUST, it considers the number of 3-mers in the sequence.
# The higher the numbers of 3-mers, the lower the score.
# (0 = the max possible number of DNA 3-mers for the window size)
calc_complexity("AAACCCGGGTTT", c = "DUST", alph = a)  # 0
calc_complexity("AACCGGTTACGT", c = "DUST", alph = a)  # 0
calc_complexity("ACGTACGTACGT", c = "DUST", alph = a)  # 0.8889
calc_complexity("AAAACCCCGGGG", c = "DUST", alph = a)  # 0.333
calc_complexity("ACGACGACGACG", c = "DUST", alph = a)  # 1.333
calc_complexity("AAAAAACCCCCC", c = "DUST", alph = a)  # 1.333
# Similarly to Trifonov, the next one also scores as less complex
# compared to the previous one:
calc_complexity("ACACACACACAC", c = "DUST", alph = a)  # 2.222
calc_complexity("AAAAAAAAAACC", c = "DUST", alph = a)  # 3.111
calc_complexity("AAAAAAAAAAAC", c = "DUST", alph = a)  # 4
calc_complexity("AAAAAAAAAAAA", c = "DUST", alph = a)  # 5

# Just to show once more why the seemingly more complex sequences
# such as "ACACACACACAC" score as less complex than "AAAAAACCCCCC"
# for the Trifonov and DUST methods:
count_klets("ACACACACACAC", k = 3)  # Only 2 possible 3-mers
count_klets("AAAAAACCCCCC", k = 3)  # Now 4 possible 3-mers!

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