
Defines functions eol_traits2 eol_traits eol_data

Documented in eol_data eol_traits eol_traits2

#' Query Encyclopedia of Life with a URL to return all data for a given taxon
#' @param species Species name to query
#' @return A data frame of trait category, value, source, and definitions
#' @export
eol_data <- function(species) {
	#url <- "https://eol.org/pages/919224/data"
	#url <- "https://eol.org/pages/491995/data"
	searchurl <- paste('http://eol.org/api/search/1.0.json?q=', URLencode(species), '&exact=1&page=1&key=', sep="")
	url <- NA
	url <- paste0(jsonlite::fromJSON(searchurl)$results$link[1], "/data")

	input <-  rvest::read_html(url)
	all_ul <-  rvest::html_elements(input,'ul')
	trait_ul <- all_ul[[5]]
	trait_list_text <- rvest::html_text2(rvest::html_nodes(trait_ul, "div"))
  trait_list_text <- gsub("([0-9]*) records hidden", " \\1 records hidden", trait_list_text)
  trait_list_text <- gsub("([0-9]*) record hidden", " \\1 record hidden", trait_list_text)
	trait_list_text <- gsub('\\d* record hidden \\— show all', "", trait_list_text)
	trait_list_text <- gsub('\\d* records hidden \\— show all', "", trait_list_text)

	trait_list_text <- gsub('\nshow all records', "", trait_list_text)
	trait_list_raw <- as.character(rvest::html_nodes(trait_ul, "div"))

	empty <- which(nchar(trait_list_text)==0)
	trait_list_text <- trait_list_text[-empty]
	trait_list_raw <- trait_list_raw[-empty]
	data_heads <- which(grepl("h3", trait_list_raw))
	trait_df <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=0, ncol=6))
	colnames(trait_df) <- c("species", "trait", "value", "source", "URI", "definition")
	data_head_plus_end <- c(-1+data_heads[-1], length(trait_list_text))
	for (i in seq_along(data_heads)) {
		relevant_rows <- trait_list_text[(data_heads[i]+1):(data_head_plus_end[i])]
		relevant_rows <- relevant_rows[grepl(".+\\\n.+\\\nURI", relevant_rows)]
		for(j in seq_along(relevant_rows)) {
			trait_info <- strsplit(relevant_rows[j], "\n")[[1]][2]
			source_info <- strsplit(relevant_rows[j], "\n")[[1]][1]
			URI_info <- strsplit(relevant_rows[j], "\n")[[1]][3]
			definition_info <- NA
			try(definition_info <- strsplit(relevant_rows[j], "\n")[[1]][4])

			trait_df <- rbind(trait_df, data.frame(species=species, trait=gsub("\n", "", trait_list_text[data_heads[i]]), value=trait_info, source=source_info, URI=URI_info, definition=definition_info))

#'  Collapse the data frame produced by eol_data to a single row with traits as columns
#' @param eol_df A data frame produced by the function eol_data
#' @return A data frame of one row with columns: behavior circadian rhythm, developmental mode, visual system, and wing morphology
#' This works for a single species but not for the multi-species data frame produced by get_eol
#' @export
eol_traits <- function(eol_df){
  df2 <- subset(eol_df, select = c(species, trait, value))
  #remove duplicate rows
  clean_df <- dplyr::distinct(df2, .keep_all = TRUE)
  #collapse values into a single cell
  group_df <- clean_df |> dplyr::select(species, trait, value) |> dplyr::group_by(trait) |> dplyr::mutate(Grp = paste0(value, collapse = ";")) |> dplyr::distinct(species, trait, Grp, .keep_all = FALSE)
  #pivot df so that each trait is a column
  wider_df <- tidyr::pivot_wider(group_df, names_from = trait, values_from = Grp)

#'  Collapse the data frame produced by eol_data to a single row with traits as columns
#' @param eol_df A data frame produced by the function eol_data
#' @return A data frame of one row with columns: behavior circadian rhythm, developmental mode, visual system, and wing morphology
#' @export
eol_traits2 <- function(eol_df){
	#select the columns we want
	df2 <- subset(eol_df, select = c(species, trait, value))
	#remove duplicate rows
 	clean_df <- dplyr::distinct(df2, .keep_all = TRUE)
	#group by species
	group_df <- dplyr::group_by(clean_df, species)
	#add a group by trait
	group_df2 <- dplyr::group_by(group_df, trait, .add = TRUE)
 	# create a new column with the values of each trait for each species in a single cell separated by a semicolon
 	newcol_df <- dplyr::mutate(group_df2, Grp = paste0(sort(unique(value)), collapse = "; "))
 	# keep the rows that are unique
 	distinct_df <- dplyr::distinct(newcol_df, species, trait, Grp, .keep_all = FALSE)
 	# pivot the df so that each trait is a column
	wider_df <- tidyr::pivot_wider(distinct_df, names_from = trait, values_from = Grp)
bomeara/chapter2 documentation built on July 27, 2024, 10:35 p.m.