
Defines functions getHPDcoda highestDensityInterval

Documented in highestDensityInterval

#' Highest Density Interval
#' This function calculates highest density intervals (HDIs) for a given univariate vector.
#' Typically, this is done to obtain highest posterior density (HPD) for each freely varying
#' parameter estimated in the posterior of a Bayesian MCMC analysis. If these intervals are
#' calculated for more than one variable, they are referred to instead as regions. 
#' By default, HDI calculation is preformed by fitting
#' a kernal density estimate (KDE) via R function \code{density}
#' with default bandwidth, rescaling the kernal to a density, sorting intervals along the KDE
#' by that density, and then summing these values from largest to smallest, until the desired
#' alpha is reached. This algorithm is quick, and accounts for potentially multimodal distributions, 
#' or those with complex shapes, unlike unimodal intervals, such as quantiles, or the
#' \code{\link{HPDinterval}} in package \code{coda}.
#' Alternatively, a user can opt to use function \code{\link{HPDinterval}} from package \code{coda}
#' to calculate highest density intervals. These will work as long as the data has a single mode
#' - data with multiple modes may have overly large quantiles (to encompass those multiple modes), 
#' resulting in overly wide estimates of coverage. 

#' @param dataVector A vector of data, which can be reasonably assumed to
#' represent independent, identically-distributed random variables, such as
#' estimates of a parameter from a Bayesian MCMC.

#' @param alpha The threshold used for defining the highest density frequency
#' cut-off. If the highest density interval is applied to a Bayesian MCMC
#' posterior sample, then the interval is effectively calculated for this
#' value as a posterior probability density.

#' @param coda Default is \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, unimodal highest density regions will
#' instead be calculated using \code{\link{HPDinterval}} from package \code{coda}, which is
#' similar to the function \code{quantile} in that it calculates only a single interval.

#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{\link{density}}. 
#' A user may want to mess with this to adjust bandwidth, et cetera.

#' @param stopIfFlat If \code{TRUE} (the default), the function will terminate
#' and return an error if the distribution appears to be flat, with a
#' high number of tied values in the posterior. 
#' If \code{FALSE}, the function will instead attempt to move forward,
#' while returning a warning instead. The latter option is
#' mainly implemented so internal calls to \code{highestDensityInterval}
#' do not block otherwise long-running analyses.

#' @param verboseMultimodal If \code{TRUE}, the function will print a message
#' indicating when the inferred highest density interval is discontinuous, and
#' thus likely reflects that the supplied data is multimodal.

#' @references
#' Hyndman, R. J. 1996. Computing and Graphing Highest
#' Density Regions. \emph{The American Statistician} 50(2):120-126.

#' @seealso \code{\link{HPDinterval}} in package \code{coda} for an
#' alternative used by older versions of \code{TreEvo}
#' which cannot properly handle multimodal distributions.

#' @examples
#' set.seed(444)
#' # let's imagine we have some variable with
#'     # an extreme bimodal distribution
#' z <- sample(c(rnorm(50, 1, 2), rnorm(100, 50, 3)))
#' hist(z)
#' # now let's say we want to know the what sort of values
#' # are reasonably consistent with this distribution
#' # for example, let's say we wanted the ranges within
#' # which 80% of our data occurs
#' # one way to do this would be a quantile
#'     # two tailed 80% quantiles
#' quantile(z, probs = c(0.1, 0.9))
#' # that seems overly broad - there's essentially no density
#' # in the central valley - but we want to exclude values found there!
#' # A value of 30 doesn't match this data sample, right??
#' # the problem is that all quantile methods are essentially based on
#' # the empirical cumulative distribution function - which is monotonic
#' # (as any cumulutative function should be), and thus
#' # quantiles can only be a single interval
#' # A different approach is to use density from stats
#' density(z)
#' # we could then take the density estimates for
#' # particular intervals, rank-order them, and
#' # then cumulative sample until we reach
#' # our desired probability density (alpha)
#' # let's try that
#' alpha <- 0.8
#' zDensOut <- density(z)
#' zDensity <- zDensOut$y/sum(zDensOut$y)
#' inHPD <- cumsum(-sort(-zDensity)) <= alpha
#' # now reorder
#' inHPD <- inHPD[order(order(-zDensity))]
#' colDens <- rep(1, length(zDensity))
#' colDens[inHPD] <- 2
#' # and let's plot it, with colors
#' plot(zDensOut$x, zDensity, col = colDens)
#' # and we can do all that (except the plotting)
#'     # with highestDensityInterval
#' highestDensityInterval(z, alpha = 0.8)
#' #############################
#' # example with output from doRun_prc
#' data(simRunExample)
#' # we'll use summarizePosterior, which just automates picking
#'   # the last generation, and freely-varying parameters for HDRs 
#' # alpha = 0.95
#' summarizePosterior(
#'    resultsBMExample[[1]]$particleDataFrame, 
#'    alpha = 0.95)
#' # you might be tempted to use alphas like 95%, but with bayesian statistics
#' # we often don't sample the distribution well enough to know
#' # its shape to exceeding detail. alpha = 0.8 may be more reasonable.
#' summarizePosterior(
#'    resultsBMExample[[1]]$particleDataFrame, 
#'    alpha = 0.8)

#' @name highestDensityInterval
#' @rdname highestDensityInterval
#' @export
highestDensityInterval <- function(
        coda = FALSE, 
		verboseMultimodal = TRUE,
		stopIfFlat = TRUE,
    # test that its a vector
    dataVector <- as.numeric(dataVector)
        stop("Unable to coerce dataVector to being a numeric vector")
    # test alpha is of length 1
        stop("alpha should be of length 1")
    if(alpha >= 1 | alpha <= 0){
        stop("alpha should be numeric and be between zero and one")
        codaHPD <- getHPDcoda(dataVector, alpha)
        resMatrix <- matrix(codaHPD[1:2], 1, 2)
        densOut <- density(dataVector, ...)
        densityScaled <- densOut$y/sum(densOut$y)
        # count max number of ties
        maxTies <- max(table(densityScaled))
        # stop if more than half the dataset is tied
					"Values of distribution are more than half tied with each other, may be flat"
					"Values of distribution are more than half tied with each other, may be flat"
        inHPD <- cumsum(-sort(-densityScaled)) <= alpha
        # now reorder
        inHPD <- inHPD[order(order(-densityScaled))]
        # get breaks
        startInt <- densOut$x[c(inHPD[1], 
            sapply(2:length(inHPD), function(x) inHPD[x] & !inHPD[x-1])
        endInt <- densOut$x[c(
            sapply(1:(length(inHPD)-1), function(x) inHPD[x] & !inHPD[x+1])
            , inHPD[length(inHPD)]
        resMatrix <- cbind(startInt, endInt)
    # name the columns and rows
        # paste("LowerHPD_", alpha, sep = ""), paste("UpperHPD_", alpha, sep = "")
    colLabels <- c(paste0(c("LowerBound_alpha=", "UpperBound_alpha="), alpha))
    colnames(resMatrix) <- colLabels
    if(nrow(resMatrix)>1 & verboseMultimodal){
        message("Inferred highest density intervals are discontinuous, suggesting data may have multiple modes")

# internal function for getting unimodal HDR using coda
getHPDcoda <- function(data, alpha){
    codaHPD <- coda::HPDinterval(coda::as.mcmc(data), prob = alpha)
bomeara/treevo documentation built on Aug. 19, 2023, 6:52 p.m.