
Defines functions plotABC_3D

Documented in plotABC_3D

#' 3D ABCplots
#' Plot posterior density distribution for each generation in 3d plot window
#' This opens a new interactive 3d plotting window and plots the posterior
#' density distribution of accepted particles from each generation.  Several
#' options are available to add to the plot: plotting particles by weight or
#' distance, plotting particle parantage, and plotting the real parameter
#' values (if known).
#' As of version 0.6.0, rejected particles are not saved for
#' outputting by the parallelized algorithm, 
#' and thus they are no longer displayed by this function,
#' unlike previous versions.

#' @note
#' This function requires access to the function \code{triangulate}
#' and the \code{as} method for class \code{gpc.poly} from package \code{gpclib}.
#' As of 08-22-19, this package was not available from CRAN as a
#' Windows binary, and thus this function is likely
#' unavailable to many (if not all) Windows users.
#' This function also requires the package \code{rgl}, which is usually easier to
#' obtain than package \code{gpclib}, but may not be buildable on some UNIX workstations.

#' @param particleDataFrame A \code{particleDataFrame} object, as found among the output from \code{\link{doRun}} functions.

#' @param parameter Column number of parameter of interest from
#' \code{particleDataFrame}.

#' @param show.particles Option to show particles on 3d plot as "none" or as a
#' function of "weights" or "distance".

#' @param plot.parent Option to plot lines on the floor of the 3d plot to show
#' particle parantage.

#' @param realParam Option to display real parameter value as a solid line, 
#' also must give actual value for this (realParamValues).  Note: this should
#' only be done with simulated data where real param values are recorded.

#' @param realParamValues Value for \code{realParam}.

#' @author Barb Banbury

# @references O'Meara and Banbury, unpublished

# @keywords plotABC_3D

#' @examples
#' # need to check for required suggested packages
#' if(requireNamespace("gpclib", quietly = TRUE) & requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)){
#'  data(simRunExample)
#'  plotABC_3D(
#'      particleDataFrame = resultsBMExample[[1]]$particleDataFrame, 
#'      parameter = 7, 
#'      show.particles = "none", 
#'      plot.parent = FALSE, 
#'      realParam = FALSE, 
#'      realParamValues = NA
#'      )
#' }

#' @name plotABC_3D
#' @rdname plotABC_3D
#' @export
plotABC_3D <- function(particleDataFrame, parameter, show.particles = "none", 
    plot.parent = FALSE, realParam = FALSE, realParamValues = NA) {

    # check if gpclib exists, if not - FAIL
    has_gpclib <- requireNamespace("gpclib", quietly = TRUE)
        "This function cannot be run without package gpclib available (Note: Windows binaries of gpclib were not unavailable as of 08-22-19).")
    # check if rgl exists, if not - FAIL
    has_rgl <- requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)
        "This function cannot be run without package rgl available.")
    # ugh ugh
    #generation <- NULL #to appease R CMD CHECK
    # yes??? I think this is right, not sure
    generation <- particleDataFrame$generation
    param.position <- parameter
    pdfMaxGen <- particleDataFrame[particleDataFrame$weight>0  & particleDataFrame$generation == max(particleDataFrame$generation), ]
    nParticles <- dim(pdfMaxGen)[1]
    nparams <- dim(particleDataFrame)[2]-6
    q <- vector() #vector of x vals
    r <- vector() #vector of y vals
    s <- vector() #generation each x-y coord is found
    rangeParam <- (max(particleDataFrame[particleDataFrame$weight>0, param.position])
        -min(particleDataFrame[particleDataFrame$weight>0, param.position]))
    if (rangeParam  !=  0) {
            v <- vector("list", max(particleDataFrame$generation))
            for (i in 1:max(particleDataFrame$generation)){
                which.gen <- (i+1)-1 # the hell is this?
                pdfParam <- particleDataFrame[(particleDataFrame$weight>0 & particleDataFrame$generation == i), param.position]
                pdfSix <- particleDataFrame[particleDataFrame$weight>0 & particleDataFrame$generation == i, 6]
                v[[i]] <- density(pdfParam, weights = nParticles*pdfSix/sum(nParticles*pdfSix))
                q <- c(q, v[[i]]$x)
                r <- c(r, v[[i]]$y)
                #s <- c(s, v[[i]]$x)    # return a$generation which v[[i]]
                s <- c(s, rep(which.gen, times = length(v[[i]]$x)))
                T <- as.matrix(cbind(q, r, s))
            x <- T[, 1]
            y <- T[, 2]
            z <- T[, 3]
            # plotting with rgl
            rgl::open3d()  #make bigger window
            #bg3d("color)  #gives background color for plot
            rgl::plot3d(x, y, z, col = "black", box = FALSE, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", zlab = "", 
                zlim = c(0, max(particleDataFrame$generation)), ylim = c(0, max(y)))
            rgl::rgl.viewpoint(35, 1, 90)  #sets viewpoint for initial plot
            rgl::title3d(colnames(x)[param.position], col = 'red', pos = c(NA, -2, max(z)))
            #text3d(x = min(x), y = mean(y), z = max(z), text = "Density" col = 'blue')
            #title3d("Starting States", col = 'purple', pos = c(NA, 0, max(which.gen)))
            for (i in 1:max(s)){
                ngen <- (i+1)-1
                triangles <- gpclib::triangulate(as(cbind(x[which(z == i)], y[which(z == i)]), "gpc.poly"))
                xyzGen <- data.frame(zG = z[which(z == i)], xG = x[which(z == i)], yG = y[which(z == i)])
                zfit <- predict(lm(zG ~ xG + yG, xyzGen), newdata = data.frame(xG = triangles[, 1], yG = triangles[, 2]))
                opacity <- 0.8*(ngen/length(v))
                rgl::rgl.material(color = "black", alpha = opacity, lit = FALSE)
                if(length(zfit) != (dim(triangles)[1])){
                    stop("Error, predict() not properly returning vector for same number of input")
                    rgl::triangles3d(cbind(triangles, zfit), col = "red")
                #readline(prompt = "hit enter ")
                if (realParam) {
                    rgl::rgl.material(color = "blue", lwd = 2)
                    rgl::lines3d(x = c(realParamValues[1], realParamValues[1]), y = c(0, 0), z = c(min(s), max(s)))    
        else {
            warning(paste("You are attempting to plot", colnames(x)[param.position], ", which is a fixed value")) #return fixed val
        show.particles <- match.arg(arg = show.particles, choices = c("none", "weights", "distance"), several.ok = FALSE)
        #kept <- subset(particleDataFrame[which(particleDataFrame$id>0), ])[, ]    
        #reject <- subset(particleDataFrame[which(particleDataFrame$id<0), ])[, ]
        #short.kept <- subset(kept[which(kept$generation>1), ])[, ]
        kept <- particleDataFrame[particleDataFrame$id>0, ]
        short.kept <- kept[kept$generation>1, ]

        if (show.particles == "none"){
            message("Note: Currently not plotting particles.  To plot particles modify the show.particles =  argument.")
        else if (show.particles == "weights") {
            for (j in 1:(dim(kept)[1])) {
                circle.size <- (kept[j, 6]/max(kept[, 6]))*(.1*(max(kept[, param.position])-min(kept[, param.position])))*10
                rgl::spheres3d(x = kept[j, param.position], y = -1*(.05*(max(y)-min(y))), z = kept[j, 1], radius = circle.size, type = "s", col = "black", add = TRUE, aspect = TRUE)
        else if (show.particles == "distance") {
            for (j in 1:(dim(kept)[1])) {
                circle.size <- (kept[j, 5]/max(kept[, 5]))*(.1*(max(kept[, param.position])-min(kept[, param.position])))*15
                rgl::spheres3d(x = kept[j, param.position], y = -1*(.05*(max(y)-min(y))), z = kept[j, 1], radius = circle.size, type = "s", col = "black", add = TRUE, aspect = TRUE)
        if (plot.parent){
            for (k in 1:(dim(short.kept)[1])) {
            prev.gen <- subset(kept[which(kept$generation == short.kept[k, 1]-1), ])[, ]  #works to retreive prev gen
            rgl::rgl.material(color = "black", alpha = 0.5)
            rgl::lines3d(x = c(short.kept[k, param.position], prev.gen[short.kept[k, ]$parentid, param.position]), y = c(0, 0), z = c(short.kept[k, 1], short.kept[k, 1]-1))        }    
bomeara/treevo documentation built on Aug. 19, 2023, 6:52 p.m.