
Defines functions perform_t_tests_all_classes_each_pair perform_t_tests_all_classes_one_vs_rest tTestWithErrorHandling

Documented in perform_t_tests_all_classes_each_pair perform_t_tests_all_classes_one_vs_rest tTestWithErrorHandling

#' This chunk of code is from EDec paper
#' Select informative loci (EDec stage 0)
#' \code{run_edec_stage_0} selects loci/probes that display cell type specific
#' patterns of methylation, and are likely to be informative for deconvolution.
#' This selection is based on comparison of reference methylation profiles
#' representing different cell types.
#' There are two versions of this method. The user can choose which one to use
#' by setting the \code{version} argument to either "one.vs.rest" (default) or
#' "each.pair". In the first version, the method will perform two-sample T-tests
#' to compare the levels of methylation on each locus/probe between references
#' of one class against all other references. These comparisons will be done for
#' each reference class in turn. The method will then select the most hyper- and
#' hypo-methylated loci/probes that showed p-value less than or equal to
#' \code{max_p_value}. The same number of markers will be selected from each
#' comparison, adding up to \code{num_markers}. The difference between the
#' "one.vs.rest" version and the "each.pair" version of the method is that,
#' instead of comparing one class of references against all others as is done in
#' "one.vs.rest" version, the "each.pair" version will perform comparisons
#' between each pair of reference classes.
#' p_1, data_group_2)
tTestWithErrorHandling <- function(x){
    ##testResult = try(stats::t.test(x[1:nGroup1],x[(nGroup1 + 1):(nGroup1 + nGroup2)]),silent=TRUE);
    testResult = try(stats::t.test(x[seq_len(nGroup1)],x[(nGroup1 + 1):(nGroup1 + nGroup2)]),silent=TRUE);
    if (is.character(testResult)) {
        c(NA, NA, NA)
    } else {
        c(testResult$p.value, testResult$estimate)
    results = matrix(unlist(apply(dataAll, 1, tTestWithErrorHandling)), ncol=3,byrow=TRUE)
    colnames(results) = c("P.value", "Mean.group.1", "Mean.group.2")
    rownames(results) = rownames(data_group_1)

#' Comparison of one class against all others
#' For each row of a matrix, this function performs T-tests comparing the values
#' of that row for samples in one class against the values in that row for all
#' other samples. Such comparisons are done for each reference class in turn.
#' @param data_matrix Matrix containing the data for all samples. Columns
#'   correspond to different samples.
#' @param class_vector A vector of numbers or strings representing the classes
#'   associated with each column in \code{data_matrix}.
#' @return A list containing:
#' @return \describe{
#'   \item{\code{p.values}}{A matrix containing the p-values
#'     for each comparison. Each column corresponds to the comparison between a
#'     class and all others.
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{diff.means}}{A matrix containing the
#'     difference between group means for each comparison. Each column corresponds
#'     to the comparison between a class and all others.
#'   }
#' }
perform_t_tests_all_classes_one_vs_rest = function(data_matrix, class_vector){
    perform_t_tests_all_rows<- NULL

    if (ncol(data_matrix) != length(class_vector)) {
        stop("Number of columns of data matrix must be equal to the length of the
            class vector")
    possibleClasses = unique(class_vector)
    nClasses = length(possibleClasses)

    allPvalues = matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(data_matrix), ncol = nClasses)
    allDiffMeans = matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(data_matrix), ncol = nClasses)
    colnames(allPvalues) = possibleClasses
    rownames(allPvalues) = rownames(data_matrix)
    colnames(allDiffMeans) = possibleClasses
    rownames(allDiffMeans) = rownames(data_matrix)

    ##for (i in 1:nClasses) {
    for (i in seq_len(nClasses)) {
        class = possibleClasses[i]
        resultTest = perform_t_tests_all_rows(data_matrix[ ,class_vector == class],
                                            data_matrix[ ,class_vector != class])
        allPvalues[ ,i] = resultTest[ ,1]
        allDiffMeans[ ,i] = resultTest[ ,2] - resultTest[ ,3]
    result = list(allPvalues, allDiffMeans)
    names(result) = c("p.values", "diff.means")

#' Comparison of each pair of classes
#' For each row of a matrix, this function performs T-tests comparing the values
#' of that row for samples in one class against the values in that row samples
#' in another class. Such comparisons are done for each pair of reference
#' classes.
#' @param data_matrix Matrix containing the data for all samples. Columns
#'   correspond to different samples.
#' @param class_vector A vector of numbers or strings representing the classes
#'   associated with each column in \code{data_matrix}.
#' @return A list containing:
#' @return \describe{
#'   \item{\code{p.values}}{A matrix containing the p-values
#'     for each comparison. Each column corresponds to the comparison between a
#'     pair of classes.
#'   }
#'   \item{\code{diff.means}}{A matrix containing the
#'     difference between group means for each comparison. Each column
#'     corresponds to the comparison between a pair of classes.
#'   }
#' }
perform_t_tests_all_classes_each_pair = function(data_matrix, class_vector){
    perform_t_tests_all_rows<- NULL

    if (ncol(data_matrix)!=length(class_vector)) {
        stop("Number of columns of data matrix must be equal to the length
                of the class vector")
    possibleClasses = unique(class_vector)
    nClasses = length(possibleClasses)

    allPValues = NULL
    allDiffMeans = NULL
    names = NULL
    ##for (i in 1:(nClasses - 1)) {
    for (i in seq_len(nClasses - 1)) {
        for (j in (i + 1):nClasses) {
            class1 = possibleClasses[i]
            class2 = possibleClasses[j]
            names = c(names, paste(class1, class2, sep="."))
            result = perform_t_tests_all_rows(data_matrix[ ,class_vector == class1],
                                        data_matrix[ ,class_vector == class2])
            allPValues = cbind(allPValues, result[ ,1])
            allDiffMeans = cbind(allDiffMeans, result[ ,2] / result[ ,3])
    colnames(allPValues) = names
    colnames(allDiffMeans) = names
    result = list(allPValues, allDiffMeans)
    names(result) = c("p.values", "diff.means")
bozdaglab/CTDPathSim2.0 documentation built on April 14, 2022, 12:39 a.m.