
Defines functions CasinoTest

Documented in CasinoTest

### CasinoTest.R --- 
## Author: Brice Ozenne
## Created: mar 22 2023 (15:15) 
## Version: 
## Last-Updated: jul 18 2023 (12:06) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 111
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

## * CasinoTest (documentation)
##' @title Multi-group GPC (EXPERIMENTAL)
##' @description Perform Generalized Pairwise Comparisons (GPC) for two or more groups.
##' Can handle one or several binary, continuous and time-to-event endpoints.
##' @param formula [formula] a symbolic description of the GPC model, see the \code{BuyseTest} function
##' @param data [data.frame] dataset.
##' @param type [character] Type of estimator: can be \code{"unweighted"} or \code{"weighted"}.
##' @param add.halfNeutral [logical] should half of the neutral score be added to the favorable and unfavorable scores?
##' @param method.inference [character] method used to compute confidence intervals and p-values.
##' Can be \code{"none"}, \code{"u-statistic"}, or \code{"rank"}.
##' @param method.multcomp [character] method used to adjust for multiple comparisons.
##' Can be any element of ‘p.adjust.methods’ (e.g. "holm"), "maxT-integration", or "maxT-simulation".
##' @param conf.level [numeric] confidence level for the confidence intervals.
##' Default value read from \code{BuyseTest.options()}.
##' @param alternative [character] the type of alternative hypothesis: \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"greater"}, or \code{"less"}.
##' Default value read from \code{BuyseTest.options()}.
##' @param transformation [logical]  should the CI be computed on the inverse hyperbolic tangent scale / log scale for the net benefit / win ratio and backtransformed.
##' Otherwise they are computed without any transformation.
##' Default value read from \code{BuyseTest.options()}. Not relevant when using permutations or percentile bootstrap.
#' @param seed [integer, >0] Random number generator (RNG) state used when adjusting for multiple comparisons.
#' If \code{NULL} no state is set.
##' @details Require to have installed the package riskRegression and BuyseTest
##' Setting argument \code{method.inference} to \code{"rank"} uses a U-statistic approach with a small sample correction to match the variance estimator derived in Result 4.16 page 228 of Brunner (2018).
##' @return An S3 object of class \code{CasinoTest} that inherits from data.frame.
##' @references Edgar Brunner, Arne C Bathke, and Frank Konietschke (2018). \bold{Rank and pseudo-rank procedures for independent observations in factorial designs}. Springer.
##' @keywords models

## * CasinoTest (example)
##' @examples
##' library(data.table)
##' library(BuyseTest)
##' #### simulate data ####
##' set.seed(11)
##' n <- 4
##' dt <- rbind(data.table(score = rnorm(n), group = "A"),
##'             data.table(score = rnorm(2*n), group = "B"),
##'             data.table(score = rnorm(3*n), group = "C"))
##' dt$index <- 1:NROW(dt)
##' #### estimation ####
##' score.casino <- dt$score
##' ## naive casino (by hand)
##' M.score <- outer(dt[group=="A",score],score.casino,function(x,y){x>y+0.5*(x==y)})
##' mean(M.score)
##' ## naive casino (via BuyseTest)
##' CasinoTest(group ~ cont(score), data = dt, type = "weighted")
##' ## harmonic casino (by hand)
##' hweight <- unlist(tapply(dt$group, dt$group, function(x){rep(1/length(x),length(x))}))
##' M.scoreW <- sweep(M.score, MARGIN = 2, FUN = "*", STATS = NROW(dt)*hweight/3)
##' mean(M.scoreW)
##' ## harmonic casino (via BuyseTest)
##' CasinoTest(group ~ cont(score), data = dt, type = "unweighted")
##' #### Relative liver weights data (Brunner 2018, table 4.1, page 183) ####
##' liverW <- rbind(
##'   data.frame(value = c(3.78, 3.40, 3.29, 3.14, 3.55, 3.76, 3.23, 3.31),
##'              group = "Placebo"),
##'   data.frame(value = c(3.46,3.98,3.09,3.49,3.31,3.73,3.23),
##'              group = "Dose 1"),
##'   data.frame(value = c(3.71, 3.36, 3.38, 3.64, 3.41, 3.29, 3.61, 3.87),
##'              group = "Dose 2"),
##'   data.frame(value = c(3.86,3.80,4.14,3.62,3.95,4.12,4.54),
##'              group = "Dose 3"),
##'   data.frame(value = c(4.14,4.11,3.89,4.21,4.81,3.91,4.19, 5.05),
##'              group = "Dose 4")
##' )
##' liverW$valueU <- liverW$value + (1:NROW(liverW))/1e6
##' ## same as table 4.1, page 183 in Brunner et al (2018)
##' CasinoTest(group ~ cont(value), data = liverW, type = "weighted", add.halfNeutral = TRUE)
##' CasinoTest(group ~ cont(valueU), data = liverW, type = "unweighted", add.halfNeutral = TRUE)

## * CasinoTest (code)
##' @export
CasinoTest <- function(formula, data, type = "unweighted", add.halfNeutral = NULL,
                       method.inference = "u-statistic",
                       conf.level = NULL, transformation = NULL, alternative = NULL, method.multcomp = "none",
                       seed = NA){

    requireNamespace("riskRegression") ## for confidence bands

    ## ** normalize arguments
    option <- BuyseTest.options()
        conf.level <- option$conf.level
        transformation <- option$transformation
        alternative <- option$alternative
        type <- "unweighted"
    type <- match.arg(type, c("weighted","unweighted"))
    if("XXindexXX" %in% names(data)){
        stop("Argument \'data\' should not contain a column named \"XXindexXX\" as this name is used internally by the CasinoTest function. \n")
    if("XXweightXX" %in% names(data)){
        stop("Argument \'data\' should not contain a column named \"XXweightXX\" as this name is used internally by the CasinoTest function. \n")
    data <- as.data.frame(data)
    data$XXindexXX <- 1:NROW(data)
    method.inference <- match.arg(method.inference, c("none","u-statistic","rank"))
        method.inference <- "u-statistic"
        ssc <- TRUE
        ssc <- FALSE

    ## ** read formula
    details.formula <- initializeFormula(formula, hierarchical = TRUE, envir = environment())
    name.treatment <- details.formula$treatment
    name.endpoint <- details.formula$endpoint
        data[[name.treatment]] <- as.factor(data[[name.treatment]])
        data[[name.treatment]] <- droplevels(data[[name.treatment]])
    level.treatment <- levels(data[[name.treatment]])
    elevel.treatement <- paste(level.treatment,collapse=".")
    n.treatment <- length(level.treatment)
    n.obs <- NROW(data)
    ## prepare normalization
    n.group <- table(data[[name.treatment]])
    norm.groupvar <- 1/n.group
    norm.group <- norm.groupvar[data[[name.treatment]]]
    ## ** re-organize data (split by treatment and duplicate with new treatment level)
    ls.data <- by(data,data[[name.treatment]],function(x){x})
    ls.data2 <- lapply(ls.data, function(x){
        x[[name.treatment]] <- elevel.treatement
    data2 <- do.call(rbind,ls.data2)

    ## ** pairwise comparisons
    ## grid
    grid <- .unorderedPairs(level.treatment)
    n.grid <- NCOL(grid)
    grid.BT <- vector(length = n.grid, mode = "list")

    ## prepare to store output
    M.estimate <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.treatment, ncol = n.treatment,
                         dimnames = list(level.treatment, level.treatment))
    if(method.inference == "u-statistic"){
        M.iid <- array(0, dim = c(n.obs,n.treatment,n.treatment),
                       dimnames = list(NULL, level.treatment, level.treatment))
        M.iid <- NULL
    M.null <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.treatment, ncol = n.treatment,
                     dimnames = list(level.treatment, level.treatment))

    ## loop
    for(iGrid in 1:n.grid){ ## iGrid <- 1
        iTreat1 <- grid[1,iGrid]
        iTreat2 <- grid[2,iGrid]
        iData <- rbind(ls.data[[iTreat1]],ls.data2[[iTreat2]])
        iData[[name.treatment]] <- droplevels(stats::relevel(iData[[name.treatment]], iTreat1))

        ## GPC
        grid.BT[[iGrid]] <- BuyseTest(formula, data = iData, method.inference = method.inference, add.halfNeutral = add.halfNeutral, trace = FALSE)

        ## store estimate
        iInference <- confint(grid.BT[[iGrid]], statistic = "favorable")
        M.estimate[iTreat1,iTreat2] <- iInference$estimate
        M.null[iTreat1,iTreat2] <- iInference$null
            M.estimate[iTreat2,iTreat1] <- coef(grid.BT[[iGrid]], statistic = "unfavorable")
            M.null[iTreat2,iTreat1] <- iInference$null

        ## store iid
        if(method.inference == "u-statistic"){
                iIndex <- unique(sort(iData$XXindexXX))
                M.iid[iIndex,iTreat1,iTreat1] <- getIid(grid.BT[[iGrid]], statistic = "favorable", scale = FALSE, center = TRUE, cluster = iData$XXindexXX)/n.group[iTreat1]
                iIndex <- iData$XXindexXX
                M.iid[iIndex,iTreat1,iTreat2] <- getIid(grid.BT[[iGrid]], statistic = "favorable", scale = TRUE, center = TRUE)
                M.iid[iIndex,iTreat2,iTreat1] <- getIid(grid.BT[[iGrid]], statistic = "unfavorable", scale = TRUE, center = TRUE)

    ## ** collect results averaged over all treatments
    out.estimate <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = n.treatment, ncol = 6,
                                         dimnames = list(level.treatment, c("estimate","se","lower.ci","upper.ci","null","p.value"))))
        weight.GPC <- n.group/n.obs
    }else if(type=="unweighted"){
        weight.GPC <- rep(1/n.treatment, n.treatment)
    out.estimate$estimate <- colSums(.colMultiply_cpp(M.estimate, weight.GPC))
    out.estimate$null <- colSums(.colMultiply_cpp(M.null, weight.GPC))

        out.iid <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.obs, ncol = n.treatment,
                          dimnames = list(NULL, level.treatment))

        for(iT in 1:n.treatment){ ## iT <- 1
            out.iid[,iT] <- rowSums(.rowMultiply_cpp(M.iid[,,iT], weight.GPC))
                out.iid[,iT] <- out.iid[,iT]*sqrt(n.group/(n.group-1))[data[[name.treatment]]]
        ## print(tapply(out.iid[,1]^2,data[[name.treatment]],sum))

        ## ** statistical inference
            type.trans <- "atanh2"
            type.trans <- "none"
        out.estimate$se <- sqrt(colSums(out.iid^2))
        out.estimate$lower.ci <- NA
        out.estimate$upper.ci <- NA
        out.estimate$p.value <- NA

        e.Band <- riskRegression::transformCIBP(estimate = rbind(out.estimate$estimate),
                                                se = rbind(out.estimate$se),
                                                iid = array(out.iid, dim = c(n.obs,n.treatment,1)),
                                                null = out.estimate$null,
                                                conf.level = conf.level,
                                                alternative = alternative,
                                                ci = TRUE, type = type.trans, min.value = 0, max.value = 1,
                                                p.value = TRUE, band = method.multcomp!="none", 
                                                method.band = method.multcomp,
                                                seed = seed)

        out.estimate$lower.ci <- e.Band$lower[1,]
        out.estimate$upper.ci <- e.Band$upper[1,]
        out.estimate$p.value <- e.Band$p.value[1,]
            out.estimate$lower.band <- e.Band$lowerBand[1,]
            out.estimate$upper.band <- e.Band$upperBand[1,]
            out.estimate$adj.p.value <- e.Band$adj.p.value[1,]
        attr(out.estimate,"iid") <- out.iid
    ## ** export
    class(out.estimate) <- append("CasinoTest",class(out.estimate))

## * .unorderedPairs (from LMMstar package)
.unorderedPairs <- function (x, distinct = FALSE){
    n.x <- length(x)
    out <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:n.x, function(iK) {
        rbind(x[iK], x[iK:n.x])
    if (distinct) {
        return(out[, out[1, ] != out[2, ], drop = FALSE])
    else {

## alternative implementation 
##     if(method.inference == "u-statistic"){
##         if(iTreat1==iTreat2){
##             iIndex <- unique(sort(iData$XXindexXX))
##             M.iid[iIndex,iTreat1,iTreat1] <- getIid(grid.BT[[iGrid]], statistic = "favorable", scale = FALSE, center = FALSE, cluster = iData$XXindexXX)
##         }else{
##             iIndex <- iData$XXindexXX
##             M.iid[iIndex,iTreat1,iTreat2] <- getIid(grid.BT[[iGrid]], statistic = "favorable", scale = FALSE, center = FALSE)
##             M.iid[iIndex,iTreat2,iTreat1] <- getIid(grid.BT[[iGrid]], statistic = "unfavorable", scale = FALSE, center = FALSE)
##         }
##     }
## }

## ## ** collect results averaged over all treatments
## out.estimate <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = n.treatment, ncol = 6,
##                                      dimnames = list(level.treatment, c("estimate","se","lower.ci","upper.ci","null","p.value"))))
## out.iid <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.obs, ncol = n.treatment,
##                   dimnames = list(NULL, level.treatment))

## if(type=="weighted"){
##     weight.GPC <- n.group/n.obs
## }else if(type=="unweighted"){
##     weight.GPC <- rep(1/n.treatment, n.treatment)
## }
## out.estimate$estimate <- colSums(.colMultiply_cpp(M.estimate, weight.GPC))
## out.estimate$null <- colSums(.colMultiply_cpp(M.null, weight.GPC))

## for(iT in 1:n.treatment){ ## iT <- 1

##     iExpectation <- rowSums(.rowMultiply_cpp(M.iid[,,iT], weight.GPC))
##     iCenter <- tapply(iExpectation, data[[name.treatment]], mean)
##     if(ssc){
##         ## one n.group is used to evaluate the variance of the H-decomposition, i.e. becomes n.group-1
##         ## one n.group is from the H-decomposition (1/n \sum H)
##         out.iid[,iT] <- (iExpectation-iCenter[data[[name.treatment]]])/sqrt(n.group[data[[name.treatment]]]*(n.group[data[[name.treatment]]]-1))
##     }else{
##         out.iid[,iT] <- (iExpectation-iCenter[data[[name.treatment]]])/n.group[data[[name.treatment]]]
##     }

## }

### CasinoTest.R ends here
bozenne/BuyseTest documentation built on Feb. 16, 2024, 5:35 a.m.