
Defines functions compMean

Documented in compMean

### compMean.R --- 
## Author: Brice Ozenne
## Created: nov 10 2020 (10:27) 
## Version: 
## Last-Updated: okt  3 2023 (10:32) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 62
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

## * compMean (documentation)
##' @title Permutation Test for the Mean
##' @description Permutation test for comparing mean between groups with efficient adjustment for multiple comparisons
##' @param Y [matrix] Matrix where each column correspond to a difference outcome.
##' @param group [character vector] Group variable.
##' @param time [character vector] Optional time variable.
##' Can only take two different values. The mean difference and the mean change over time between the two groups will then be tested.
##' @param permutation.type [character] Should the group labels (\code{"group"}) or the outcome labels (\code{"Y"}) be permuted.
##' In the latter case, exactly two outcomes should be specified and the function will test whether the group differences are the same for both outcomes.
##' @param n.perm [integer, >0] number of permutations.
##' @param na.rm [logical] Should missing values be ignored when evaluating mean and variance (complete case analysis).
##' @param cl [integer, >0] Optional cluster or number of cores used to run the permutations in parallel.
##' No available for Windows OS.
##' @param trace [logical] Should a progress bar be displayed to follow the permutations.
##' @details Several adjustment for multiple comparisons are available via the print function \itemize{
##' \item Holm: only accounts for the ordering of the tests to gain efficiency compared to a Bonferroni adjustment.
##' \item max: only accounts for the correlation between the tests to gain efficiency compared to a Bonferroni adjustment.
##' \item Step-down max: accounts both for the correlation between the tests and their ordering to gain efficiency compared to a Bonferroni adjustment.
##' }
##' @references
##' Westfall, P. H. and  Troendle, J. F. Multiple Testing with Minimal Assumptions, Biometrical Journal 50 (2008) 5, 745–755 DOI: 10.1002/bimj.200710456b.
##' Dudoit S., Shaffer J. P. and Boldrick J. C. Multiple  Hypothesis Testing  in Microarray  Experiments. Statistical Science 2003, Vol. 18, No. 1, 71–103.

## * compMean (examples)
#' @examples
#' library(data.table)
#' set.seed(11)
#' n <- 100
#' #### 1- H0 under the global null ####
#' dtH0 <- rbind(data.table(Y1 = rnorm(n), Y2 = rnorm(n), group = "C", time = "D1"),
#'               data.table(Y1 = rnorm(n), Y2 = rnorm(n), group = "T", time = "D1"),
#'               data.table(Y1 = rnorm(n), Y2 = rnorm(n), group = "C", time = "W1"),
#'               data.table(Y1 = rnorm(n), Y2 = rnorm(n), group = "T", time = "W1"))
#' dtH0.mean <- dtH0[,.(meanY1 = mean(Y1)),by=c("group","time")]
#' dtH0.mean[group=="T", diff(meanY1)] - dtH0.mean[group=="C", diff(meanY1)]
#' res1 <- compMean(Y = cbind(Y1 = dtH0$Y1, Y2 = dtH0$Y2),
#'                  group = dtH0$group, time = dtH0$time, permutation.type = "group")
#' print(res1)
#' print(res1, method = "max")
#' print(res1, method = "holm")
#' summary(lm(Y1~time*group, data = dtH0))$coef
#' summary(lm(Y2~time*group, data = dtH0))$coef
#' res11 <- compMean(Y = cbind(Y1 = dtH0$Y1, Y2 = dtH0$Y2),
#'                   group = dtH0$group, time = dtH0$time, permutation.type = "Y")
#' print(res11)
#' dtWH0 <- melt(dtH0, id.vars = c("group","time"), value.name = "Y")
#' summary(lm(Y~variable*group*time, data = dtWH0))$coef
#' #### 2- H1 under the alternative for the group effect ####
#' dtH1 <- rbind(data.table(Y1 = rnorm(n), Y2 = rnorm(n), group = "C", time = "D1"),
#'               data.table(Y1 = rnorm(n), Y2 = rnorm(n), group = "T", time = "D1"),
#'               data.table(Y1 = rnorm(n), Y2 = rnorm(n), group = "C", time = "W1"),
#'               data.table(Y1 = rnorm(n)+0.5, Y2 = rnorm(n)+0.5, group = "T", time = "W1"))
#' dtH1.mean <- dtH1[,.(meanY1 = mean(Y1)),by=c("group","time")]
#' dtH1.mean[group=="T", diff(meanY1)] - dtH1.mean[group=="C", diff(meanY1)]
#' set.seed(10)
#' res2 <- compMean(Y = cbind(Y1 = dtH1$Y1, Y2 = dtH1$Y2),
#'                  group = dtH1$group, time = dtH1$time, permutation.type = "group")
#' print(res2, method = "max")
#' summary(lm(Y1~time*group, data = dtH1))$coef
#' summary(lm(Y2~time*group, data = dtH1))$coef
#' res22 <- compMean(Y = cbind(Y1 = dtH1$Y1, Y2 = dtH1$Y2),
#'                   group = dtH1$group, time = dtH1$time, permutation.type = "Y")
#' print(res22, method = "max")
#' dtWH1 <- melt(dtH1, id.vars = c("group","time"), value.name = "Y")
#' summary(lm(Y~variable*group*time, data = dtWH1))$coef
#' #### 3- H1 under the alternative for the marker effect ####
#' dtH2 <- rbind(data.table(Y1 = rnorm(n), Y2 = rnorm(n), group = "C", time = "D1"),
#'               data.table(Y1 = rnorm(n), Y2 = rnorm(n), group = "T", time = "D1"),
#'               data.table(Y1 = rnorm(n), Y2 = rnorm(n), group = "C", time = "W1"),
#'               data.table(Y1 = rnorm(n) + 0.5, Y2 = rnorm(n) + 1, group = "T", time = "W1"))
#' res3 <- compMean(Y = cbind(Y1 = dtH2$Y1, Y2 = dtH2$Y2),
#'                  group = dtH2$group, time = dtH2$time, permutation.type = "group")
#' print(res3, method = "max")
#' summary(lm(Y1~time*group, data = dtH2))$coef
#' summary(lm(Y2~time*group, data = dtH2))$coef
#' res33 <- compMean(Y = cbind(Y1 = dtH2$Y1, Y2 = dtH2$Y2),
#'                   group = dtH2$group, time = dtH2$time, permutation.type = "Y")
#' print(res33)
#' dtWH2 <- melt(dtH2, id.vars = c("group","time"), value.name = "Y")
#' summary(lm(Y~variable*group*time, data = dtWH2))$coef
#' #### 4- Without time ####
#' n <- 500
#' set.seed(10)
#' dtNT <- rbind(data.table(Y1 = rnorm(n), Y2 = rnorm(n), Y3 = rnorm(n), group = "C"),
#'               data.table(Y1 = rnorm(n), Y2 = rnorm(n), Y3 = rnorm(n), group = "T"))
#' res4 <- compMean(Y = cbind(Y1 = dtNT$Y1, Y2 = dtNT$Y2, Y3 = dtNT$Y3),
#'                  group = dtNT$group, permutation.type = "group", n.perm = 1e4)
#' print(res4, method = "max")
#' print(res4, method = "max-step-down")
#' res44 <- compMean(Y = cbind(Y1 = dtNT$Y1, Y2 = dtNT$Y2),
#'                   group = dtNT$group, permutation.type = "Y")
#' res44
#' ## comparison to multtest (BiocManager::install("multtest"))
#' library(multtest)
#' mt.maxT(X = t(cbind(Y1 = dtNT$Y1, Y2 = dtNT$Y2, Y3 = dtNT$Y3)),
#'         classlabel = as.numeric(as.factor(dtNT$group))-1)
#' ## comparison to multcomp
#' library(multcomp)
#' dtNT$group <- as.factor(dtNT$group)
#' lll <- mmm(Y1 = lm(Y1 ~ group, data = dtNT),
#'           Y2 = lm(Y2 ~ group, data = dtNT),
#'           Y3 = lm(Y3 ~ group, data = dtNT))
#' summary(glht(lll, linfct = mlf(mcp(group = "Dunnett"))))
#' #### 5- With more than two groups ####
#' n <- 500
#' set.seed(10)
#' dtMG <- rbind(data.table(Y1 = rnorm(n), Y2 = rnorm(n), group = "C", time = "D1"),
#'               data.table(Y1 = rnorm(n)+0.1, Y2 = rnorm(n), group = "T1", time = "D1"),
#'               data.table(Y1 = rnorm(n)+0.2, Y2 = rnorm(n), group = "T2", time = "D1"),
#'               data.table(Y1 = rnorm(n), Y2 = rnorm(n), group = "C", time = "W1"),
#'               data.table(Y1 = rnorm(n), Y2 = rnorm(n), group = "T1", time = "W1"),
#'               data.table(Y1 = rnorm(n), Y2 = rnorm(n), group = "T2", time = "W1"))
#' dtMGD1 <- dtMG[time=="D1"]
#' res5 <- compMean(Y = cbind(Y1 = dtMGD1$Y1, Y2 = dtMGD1$Y2),
#'                  group = dtMGD1$group, permutation.type = "group")
#' print(res5)
#' summary(lm(Y1~group, data = dtMGD1))
#' summary(lm(Y2~group, data = dtMGD1))
#' res55 <- compMean(Y = cbind(Y1 = dtMG$Y1, Y2 = dtMG$Y2),
#'                   time = dtMG$time, group = dtMG$group, permutation.type = "group")
#' print(res55)
#' summary(lm(Y1~group*time, data = dtMG))
#' summary(lm(Y2~group*time, data = dtMG))

## * compMean (code)
##' @export
compMean <- function(Y,
                     time = NULL,
                     permutation.type = "group",
                     n.perm = 1e3,
                     na.rm = FALSE,
                     cl = NULL,
                     trace = TRUE){ 
    ## require(gtools)
    n <- NROW(Y)
    p <- NCOL(Y)
    G <- length(unique(group))
        Y <- cbind(Y)
    name <- colnames(Y)
        name <- paste0("Y",1:p)
    ## ** test args
    permutation.arg <- match.arg(permutation.type, c("group","Y"))
        stop("Argument \'group\' does not has the same length as the number of rows in \'Y\' \n")
            stop("Argument \'time\' does not has the same length as argument \'group\' \n")
            stop("Argument \'time\' must take exactly two different values \n")
        Y <- as.matrix(Y)
        stop("Argument \'Y\' must be numeric \n")
    if(permutation.type == "Y"){
            stop("Argument \'Y\' must should be a matrix with exactly two columns when argument \'permutation.type\' is \"Y\" \n")
            Name <- paste0("(",paste0(rev(name), collapse = "-"),")")
        P <- 1
        P <- p
        Name <- name
    if(!is.null(cl) && trace == FALSE){
        stop("Argument \'cl\' only available when trace is FALSE \n")
    if(any(name == "perm")){
        stop("The \'Y\' argument should not have a column called \'perm\' \n",
             "This name is used internally. \n")

    ## ** contrast function
    Ugroup <- unique(group)
        Utime <- unique(time)
        index.time1 <- which(time==Utime[1])
        index.time2 <- which(time==Utime[2])
        n.time1 <- sum(time==Utime[1])
        n.time2 <- sum(time==Utime[2])
        grid <- cbind(expand.grid(
            strata = Name,
            time = c("T1","T2","T12"),
            group = Ugroup[-1]
        ), estimate = NA, se = NA, statistic = NA)
        grid$collapse <- paste(grid$strata,grid$time,grid$group,sep=".")
        UgroupTime <- expand.grid(Ugroup, Utime)

        calcDiff <- function(Y, group, time, type){

            ls.Y <- lapply(1:NROW(UgroupTime), function(iRow){ ## iRow <- 1
            names(ls.Y) <- interaction(UgroupTime[,1],UgroupTime[,2])
            out <- grid

            for(iG in 2:G){ ## iG <- 2

                    for(iP in 1:P){ ## iP <- 1

                        ## position
                        iPos.T1 <- which(out$collapse == paste0(Name[iP],".T1.",Ugroup[iG]))
                        iPos.T2 <- which(out$collapse == paste0(Name[iP],".T2.",Ugroup[iG]))
                        iPos.T12 <- which(out$collapse == paste0(Name[iP],".T12.",Ugroup[iG]))

                        ## outcome
                            iYref <- list(ls.Y[[paste(Ugroup[1],Utime[1],sep=".")]][,iP],ls.Y[[paste(Ugroup[1],Utime[2],sep=".")]][,iP])
                            iYcomp <- list(ls.Y[[paste(Ugroup[iG],Utime[1],sep=".")]][,iP],ls.Y[[paste(Ugroup[iG],Utime[2],sep=".")]][,iP])
                                n.iYref <- lapply(iYref,function(x){sum(!is.na(x))})
                                n.iYcomp <- lapply(iYcomp,function(x){sum(!is.na(x))})
                                n.iYref <- lapply(iYref,length)
                                n.iYcomp <- lapply(iYcomp,length)
                            iYref <- list(ls.Y[[paste(Ugroup[1],Utime[1],sep=".")]],ls.Y[[paste(Ugroup[1],Utime[2],sep=".")]])
                            iYcomp <- list(ls.Y[[paste(Ugroup[iG],Utime[1],sep=".")]],ls.Y[[paste(Ugroup[iG],Utime[2],sep=".")]])
                                n.iYref <- lapply(iYref,function(x){colSums(!is.na(x))})
                                n.iYcomp <- lapply(iYcomp,function(x){colSums(!is.na(x))})
                                n.iYref <- lapply(iYref,function(x){rep(NROW(x),2)})
                                n.iYcomp <- lapply(iYref,function(x){rep(NROW(x),2)})
                        ## Welch t-test
                            out[iPos.T1,"estimate"] <- mean(iYcomp[[1]], na.rm = na.rm) - mean(iYref[[1]], na.rm = na.rm)
                            out[iPos.T1,"se"] <- sqrt(var(iYcomp[[1]], na.rm = na.rm)/n.iYcomp[[1]] + var(iYref[[1]], na.rm = na.rm)/n.iYref[[1]])
                        }else if(permutation.type=="Y"){
                            out[iPos.T1,"estimate"] <- diff(colMeans(iYcomp[[1]]), na.rm = na.rm) - diff(colMeans(iYref[[1]]), na.rm = na.rm)
                            term1.T1 <- var(iYcomp[[1]][,1], na.rm = na.rm)/n.iYcomp[[1]][1] + var(iYcomp[[1]][,2], na.rm = na.rm)/n.iYcomp[[1]][2]
                            term2.T1 <- var(iYref[[1]][,1], na.rm = na.rm)/n.iYref[[1]][1] + var(iYref[[1]][,2], na.rm = na.rm)/n.iYref[[1]][2]
                            out[iPos.T1,"se"] <- sqrt(term1.T1 + term2.T1)
                        out[iPos.T1,"statistic"] <- out[iPos.T1,"estimate"]/out[iPos.T1,"se"]
                            out[iPos.T2,"estimate"] <- mean(iYcomp[[2]], na.rm = na.rm) - mean(iYref[[2]], na.rm = na.rm)
                            out[iPos.T2,"se"] <- sqrt(var(iYcomp[[2]], na.rm = na.rm)/n.iYcomp[[2]] + var(iYref[[2]], na.rm = na.rm)/n.iYref[[2]])
                        }else if(permutation.type=="Y"){
                            out[iPos.T2,"estimate"] <- diff(colMeans(iYcomp[[2]], na.rm = na.rm)) - diff(colMeans(iYref[[2]], na.rm = na.rm))
                            term1.T2 <- var(iYcomp[[2]][,1], na.rm = na.rm)/n.iYcomp[[2]][1] + var(iYcomp[[2]][,2], na.rm = na.rm)/n.iYcomp[[2]][2]
                            term2.T2 <- var(iYref[[2]][,1], na.rm = na.rm)/n.iYref[[2]][1] + var(iYref[[2]][,2], na.rm = na.rm)/n.iYref[[2]][2]
                            out[iPos.T2,"se"] <- sqrt(term1.T2 + term2.T2)
                        out[iPos.T2,"statistic"] <- out[iPos.T2,"estimate"]/out[iPos.T2,"se"]

                        out[iPos.T12,"estimate"] <- out[iPos.T2,"estimate"] - out[iPos.T1,"estimate"]
                        out[iPos.T12,"se"] <- sqrt(out[iPos.T1,"se"]^2 + out[iPos.T2,"se"]^2)
                        out[iPos.T12,"statistic"] <- out[iPos.T12,"estimate"]/out[iPos.T12,"se"]
        Utime <- NULL
        grid <- cbind(expand.grid(
            strata = Name,
            group = Ugroup[-1]
        ), estimate = NA, se = NA, statistic = NA)
        grid$collapse <- paste(grid$strata,grid$group,sep=".")
        calcDiff <- function(Y, group, type, ...){
            ls.Y <- lapply(Ugroup, function(iG){
                if(permutation.type == "group"){
                }else if(permutation.type == "Y"){
            names(ls.Y) <- Ugroup
            out <- grid
            for(iG in 2:G){

                for(iP in 1:P){

                    ## position
                    iPos <- which(out$collapse == paste0(Name[iP],".",Ugroup[iG]))

                    ## outcome
                    iYref <- ls.Y[[Ugroup[1]]][,iP]
                    iYcomp <- ls.Y[[Ugroup[iG]]][,iP]

                    ## Welch t-test
                    out[iPos,"estimate"] <- mean(iYcomp) - mean(iYref)
                    out[iPos,"se"] <- sqrt(var(iYcomp)/length(iYcomp) + var(iYref)/length(iYref))
                    out[iPos,"statistic"] <- out[iPos,"estimate"]/out[iPos,"se"]
    ## ** compute means
    out <- list(estimate = calcDiff(Y = Y, group = group, time = time, type = permutation.type),
                time = Utime,
                Yname = name,
                group = Ugroup,
                permutation.type = permutation.type,
                n.perm = n.perm)
    ## class(out$estimate)

    ## ** run permutation

    fct.apply <- switch(as.character(trace),
                        "TRUE" = pbapply::pblapply,
                        "FALSE" = lapply)
    ls.out <- do.call(fct.apply, args = list(1:n.perm, function(iPerm){## iPerm <- 1
        if(permutation.type == "group"){
                newgroup <- rep(NA, length = n)
                newgroup[index.time1] <- sample(group[time==Utime[1]], size = n.time1, replace = FALSE)
                newgroup[index.time2] <- sample(group[time==Utime[2]], size = n.time2, replace = FALSE)
                newgroup <- sample(group, size = n, replace = FALSE)
            iOut <- calcDiff(Y = Y, group = newgroup, time = time)
            return(cbind(out$estimate, perm = iPerm, perm.estimate = iOut$estimate, perm.se = iOut$se, perm.statistic = iOut$statistic))
        }else if(permutation.type == "Y"){
            newY <- Y
            indexExchange <- rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = 0.5)
            newY[indexExchange==1,1] <- Y[indexExchange==1,2]
            newY[indexExchange==1,2] <- Y[indexExchange==1,1]
            iOut <- calcDiff(Y = newY, group = group, time = time, type = permutation.type)
            return(cbind(out$estimate, perm = iPerm, perm.estimate = iOut$estimate, perm.se = iOut$se, perm.statistic = iOut$statistic))
    }, cl = cl))
    out$permutation <- as.data.table(do.call(rbind, ls.out))
    ## p-value
    if(is.null(time)){out$permutation[,c("time") := "T1"]}
    out$p.value <- out$permutation[,.(estimate = mean(abs(perm.estimate)>abs(estimate)),
                                      statistic = mean(abs(perm.statistic)>abs(statistic))),
                                   by = c("strata","group","time")]
    ## adjusted p-value (holm)
    out$p.value$adjHolm.statistic <- p.adjust(out$p.value$statistic, method = "holm")

    ## adjusted p-value (max)
    iStatistic.max <- abs(out$estimate$statistic)
    iRank <- rank(iStatistic.max)  ## find the rank of the observed statistic 

    permutationW <- out$permutation[,setNames(as.list(abs(perm.statistic)),collapse), by = "perm"] ## reshape the permutation statistics
    name.test <- setdiff(names(permutationW),"perm")
    permutation.max <- apply(permutationW[,.SD,.SDcols = name.test],1,max)
    out$p.value$adjMax.statistic <- NA
    out$p.value$adjMaxDown.statistic <- NA
    p.test <- switch(permutation.type,
                     "group" = length(unique(out$p.value$time))*p*(G-1),
                     "Y" = length(unique(out$p.value$time)))
    for(iTest in 1:p.test){ ## iTest <- 1
        iIndex <- which(iRank == (p.test - iTest + 1) ) ## will not work with ex-aequo

        ## always take the largest
        out$p.value$adjMax.statistic[iIndex] <- max(c(mean(permutation.max > abs(iStatistic.max[iIndex])),
                                                    na.rm = TRUE)
        ## take the iTest-th largest
        iRemaining <- name.test[which(is.na(out$p.value$adjMaxDown.statistic))]
        iPermutation.max <- apply(permutationW[,.SD,.SDcols = iRemaining],1,max)
        out$p.value$adjMaxDown.statistic[iIndex] <- max(c(mean(iPermutation.max > abs(iStatistic.max[iIndex])),
                                                        na.rm = TRUE)

    ## output
    class(out) <- "permTest"

## * print.permTest
##' @export
print.permTest <- function(x, method = "max-step-down", setkeyv = NULL, ...){
    time <- x$time
    ref <- x$group[1]
    other <- setdiff(x$group,ref)
        label.other <- "."
        label.other <- other[1]
        cat("\n     Comparison between ",length(x$group)," groups with respect to each marker Y\n\n",sep="")
        cat(" - groups:  ",paste(other,collapse="/")," (alternative) vs. ",ref," (reference) \n",sep="")

            Y.T1ref <- paste0("Y(",x$time[1],",",ref,")")
            Y.T2ref <- paste0("Y(",x$time[2],",",ref,")")
            Y.T1comp <- paste0("Y(",x$time[1],",",label.other,")")
            Y.T2comp <- paste0("Y(",x$time[2],",",label.other,")")

            cat(" - times :\n",
                "     at the first time  (",x$time[1],")   :  ",Y.T1comp," - ",Y.T1ref,"\n",
                "     at the second time (",x$time[2],")   :  ",Y.T2comp," - ",Y.T2ref,"\n",
                "     temporal evolution (",x$time[2],"-",x$time[1],"): (",Y.T2comp," - ",Y.T2ref,") - (",Y.T1comp," - ",Y.T1ref,") \n",
            Y.G1 <- paste0("Y(",ref,")")
            Y.G2 <- paste0("Y(",label.other,")")
            cat(" - test  : ",Y.G2," - ",Y.G1,"\n",sep="")
    }else if(x$permutation.type=="Y"){
        cat("\n     Comparison of the group effect between two markers Y1 and Y2\n\n")
        cat(" - groups:  ",paste(other,collapse="/")," (alternative) vs. ",ref," (reference) \n",sep="")

            Y1.T1ref <- paste0("Y1(",x$time[1],",",ref,")")
            Y1.T2ref <- paste0("Y1(",x$time[2],",",ref,")")
            Y1.T1comp <- paste0("Y1(",x$time[1],",",label.other,")")
            Y1.T2comp <- paste0("Y1(",x$time[2],",",label.other,")")
            Y2.T1ref <- paste0("Y2(",x$time[1],",",ref,")")
            Y2.T2ref <- paste0("Y2(",x$time[2],",",ref,")")
            Y2.T1comp <- paste0("Y2(",x$time[1],",",label.other,")")
            Y2.T2comp <- paste0("Y2(",x$time[2],",",label.other,")")

            cat(" - times :\n",
                "     at the first time  (",x$time[1],")   :  (",Y2.T1comp," - ",Y2.T1ref,") - (",Y1.T1comp," - ",Y1.T1ref,")\n",
                "     at the second time (",x$time[2],")   :  (",Y2.T2comp," - ",Y2.T2ref,") - (",Y1.T2comp," - ",Y1.T2ref,")\n",
                "     temporal evolution (",x$time[2],"-",x$time[1],"): [(",Y2.T2comp," - ",Y2.T2ref,") - (",Y1.T2comp," - ",Y1.T2ref,")] \n",
                "                                  - [(",Y2.T1comp," - ",Y2.T1ref,") - (",Y1.T1comp," - ",Y1.T1ref,")] \n",

            Y1.ref <- paste0("Y1(",ref,")")
            Y2.ref <- paste0("Y2(",ref,")")
            Y1.comp <- paste0("Y1(",label.other,")")
            Y2.comp <- paste0("Y2(",label.other,")")
            cat(" - test  : (",Y2.comp," - ",Y2.ref,") - (",Y1.comp," - ",Y1.ref,")\n",sep ="")


        table <- cbind(x$estimate[,c("strata","group","time","estimate","se")],
                       p.value = x$p.value$statistic)
        names(table)[names(table)=="group"] <- "alternative"
        table <- cbind(x$estimate[,c("strata","group","estimate","se")],
                       p.value = x$p.value$statistic)
        names(table)[names(table)=="group"] <- "alternative"
    if(method == "holm"){
        table$adj.p.value <- x$p.value$adjHolm.statistic
    }else if(method == "max"){
        table$adj.p.value <- x$p.value$adjMax.statistic
    }else if(method == "max-step-down"){
        table$adj.p.value <- x$p.value$adjMaxDown.statistic
    }else stop("Incorrect \'method\' argument, must be \"holm\", \"max\", or \"max-step-down\". \n")
    table <- as.data.table(table)
        setkeyv(table, c("strata","time"))
        table$time <- factor(table$time, levels = c("T1","T2","T12"), labels = c(x$time[1],x$time[2],paste0(x$time[2],"-",x$time[1])))
        setkeyv(table, c("strata"))
        table$strata <- as.character(table$strata)
        table$strata[duplicated(table$strata)] <- ""
        names(table)[1] <- "Y"
    }else if(x$permutation.type == "Y"){
        table$strata <- NULL
        table$adj.p.value <- NULL

    ## display
        data.table::setkeyv(table, setkeyv)
    print(table, row.names = FALSE)
    cat("(based on ",x$n.perm," repetitions)\n",sep="")
        cat("(adjustment for multiple comparisons: ",method,")\n",sep="")
    ## export

### compMean.R ends here
bozenne/butils documentation built on July 3, 2024, 2:34 p.m.