
Defines functions .contrast2name .createContrast createContrast.list createContrast.lvmfit2 createContrast.lvmfit createContrast.character `createContrast`

Documented in .contrast2name createContrast.character createContrast.list createContrast.lvmfit createContrast.lvmfit2

### createContrast.R --- 
## Author: Brice Ozenne
## Created: jan 31 2018 (12:05) 
## Version: 
## Last-Updated: jan 18 2022 (10:38) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 491
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

## * Documentation - createContrast
#' @title Create Contrast matrix
#' @description Returns a contrast matrix corresponding an object.
#' The contrast matrix will contains the hypotheses in rows and the model coefficients in columns.
#' @name createContrast
#' @param object a \code{lvmfit} object or a list of  a \code{lvmfit} objects.
#' @param linfct [vector of characters] expression defining the linear hypotheses to be tested.
#' Can also be a regular expression (of length 1) that is used to identify the coefficients to be tested using \code{grep}.
#' See the examples section.
#' @param ... Argument to be passed to \code{.createContrast}:
#' \itemize{
#' \item diff.first [logical] should the contrasts between the first and any of the other coefficients define the null hypotheses.
#' \item add.rowname [logical] add rownames to the contrast matrix and names to the right-hand side.
#' \item rowname.rhs [logical] when naming the hypotheses, add the right-hand side (i.e. "X1-X2=0" instead of "X1-X2").
#' \item sep [character vector of length2] character surrounding the left part of the row names.
#' }
#' @details
#' One can initialize an empty contrast matrix setting the argument\code{linfct} to \code{character(0)}. \cr \cr
#' @return A list containing
#' \itemize{
#' \item{contrast} [matrix] a contrast matrix corresponding to the left hand side of the linear hypotheses.
#' \item{null} [vector] the right hand side of the linear hypotheses.
#' \item{Q} [integer] the rank of the contrast matrix.
#' \item{ls.contrast} [list, optional] the contrast matrix corresponding to each submodel.
#' Only present when the \code{argument} object is a list of models.
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Simulate data
#' mSim <- lvm(X ~ Age + Treatment,
#'             Y ~ Gender + Treatment,
#'             c(Z1,Z2,Z3) ~ eta, eta ~ treatment,
#'             Age[40:5]~1)
#' latent(mSim) <- ~eta
#' categorical(mSim, labels = c("placebo","SSRI")) <- ~Treatment
#' categorical(mSim, labels = c("male","female")) <- ~Gender
#' n <- 1e2
#' set.seed(10)
#' df.data <- lava::sim(mSim,n)
#' ## Estimate separate models
#' lmX <- lava::estimate(lvm(X ~ -1 + Age + Treatment), data = df.data)
#' lmY <- lava::estimate(lvm(Y ~ -1 + Gender + Treatment), data = df.data)
#' lvmZ <- lava::estimate(lvm(c(Z1,Z2,Z3) ~ -1 + 1*eta, eta ~ -1 + Treatment), 
#'                  data = df.data)
#' ## Contrast matrix for a given model
#' createContrast(lmX, linfct = "X~Age")
#' createContrast(lmX, linfct = c("X~Age=0","X~Age+5*X~TreatmentSSRI=0"))
#' createContrast(lmX, linfct = c("X~Age=0","X~Age+5*X~TreatmentSSRI=0"), sep = NULL)
#' createContrast(lmX, linfct = character(0))
#' ## Contrast matrix for the join model
#' ls.lvm <- list(X = lmX, Y = lmY, Z = lvmZ)
#' createContrast(ls.lvm, linfct = "TreatmentSSRI=0")
#' createContrast(ls.lvm, linfct = "TreatmentSSRI=0", rowname.rhs = FALSE)
#' createContrast(ls.lvm, linfct = character(0))
#' ## Contrast for multigroup models
#' m <- lava::lvm(Y~Age+Treatment)
#' e <- lava::estimate(list(m,m), data = split(df.data, df.data$Gender))
#' print(coef(e))
#' createContrast(e, linfct = "Y~TreatmentSSRI@1 - Y~TreatmentSSRI@2 = 0")
#' createContrast(e, linfct = "Y~TreatmentSSRI@2 - Y~TreatmentSSRI@1 = 0")
#' @export
`createContrast` <-
    function(object, ...) UseMethod("createContrast")

## * createContrast.character
#' @rdname createContrast
#' @export
createContrast.character <- function(object, ...){

    object.lhs <- strsplit(object,split = "=")[[1]] ## rm rhs
    object.term.lhs <- base::trimws(strsplit(object.lhs[[1]],split = "\\+|\\-")[[1]], which = "both") ## split with +/-
    object.coefname <- sapply(object.term.lhs, function(iE){tail(strsplit(iE,split="*",fixed=TRUE)[[1]],1)}) ## remove *

    return(.createContrast(object, object.coefname, ...))

## * createContrast.lvmfit
#' @rdname createContrast
#' @export
createContrast.lvmfit <- function(object, linfct, ...){
    name.param <- names(coef(object))
        stop("Argument \'linfct\' must be of type character (or vector of character) \n")
    ## if(length(linfct)==1 && all(linfct %in% name.param == FALSE) & all(sapply(linfct, function(iL){any(grepl(iL, name.param, fixed = TRUE))}))){
    ##     linfct <- grep(linfct, name.param,  value = TRUE)
    ## }
    out <- .createContrast(linfct = linfct, name.param = name.param, ...)

## * createContrast.lvmfit
#' @rdname createContrast
#' @export
createContrast.lvmfit2 <- function(object, linfct, ...){
        stop("Argument \'linfct\' must be of type character (or vector of character) \n")
    ## if(length(linfct)==1){
        ## name.param <- names(coef(object, as.lava = TRUE))
        ## name.param2 <- names(coef(object, as.lava = FALSE))

    ##     if(all(name.param != linfct) & all(sapply(linfct, function(iL){any(grepl(iL, name.param, fixed = TRUE))}))){
    ##         linfct <- grep(linfct, name.param,  value = TRUE)
    ##     }
    ## }else{
    ##     name.param <- names(coef(object))
    ## }
    name.param <- names(coef(object, as.lava = TRUE))
    name.param2 <- names(coef(object, as.lava = FALSE))
        if(any(sapply(setdiff(name.param2,name.param), function(iCoef){any(grepl(iCoef, linfct, fixed = TRUE))}))){
            out <- .createContrast(linfct = linfct, name.param = name.param2, ...)
            out <- .createContrast(linfct = linfct, name.param = name.param, ...)
        out <- .createContrast(linfct = linfct, name.param = name.param, ...)

## * createContrast.list
#' @rdname createContrast
#' @export
createContrast.list <- function(object, linfct = NULL, ...){

        stop("Argument \'linfct\' must be of type character (or vector of character) \n")

    ## ** find the names of the coefficients
    name.model <- names(object)
    n.model <- length(name.model)
        stop("Incorrect argument  \'object\' \n",
             "Each element of the list must be named \n")

    ls.coefname <- lapply(name.model, function(iModel){ ## list by model
        iResC <- createContrast(object[[iModel]],
                                linfct = character(0))
    names(ls.coefname) <- name.model

    ls.object.coefname <- lapply(name.model, function(iModel){ ## list by model with model name
        paste0(iModel,": ", ls.coefname[[iModel]])
    names(ls.object.coefname) <- name.model
    object.coefname <- unname(unlist(ls.object.coefname)) ## vector
    n.coef <- length(object.coefname)
    ## ** create full contrast matrix

        ## isolate left hand side of the linfct and remove multiplicative factor (e.g. 2*Age=0 -> Age)
        linfct.contrast <- createContrast(linfct, ...)
        linfct.coefname <- colnames(linfct.contrast$contrast)
        linfct.rhs <- as.double(linfct.contrast$null)
        linfct.factor <- as.double(linfct.contrast$contrast)
        ## name associated with each hypothesis
        name.linfct <- names(linfct)
            name.linfct <- rownames(linfct.contrast$contrast)
        ## generate contrast matrix with only 0
        out <- list(contrast = matrix(0, nrow = 0, ncol = n.coef,
                                      dimnames = list(NULL, object.coefname)),
                    null = numeric(0),
                    Q = 0)
        ## regressor corresponding to each coefficient
        tableCoef <- data.frame(name = unlist(lapply(object, function(iO){rownames(coef(iO, type = 9, labels = 2))})),
                                model = unlist(lapply(1:n.model, function(iO){rep(name.model[iO], NROW(coef(object[[iO]], type = 9, labels = 2)))})),
                                type = unlist(lapply(object, function(iO){attr(coef(iO, type = 9, labels = 2),"type")})),
                                to = unlist(lapply(object, function(iO){attr(coef(iO, type = 9, labels = 2),"var")})),
                                from = unlist(lapply(object, function(iO){attr(coef(iO, type = 9, labels = 2),"from")})))
        tableCoef <- tableCoef[tableCoef$type=="regression",]
        tableCoef$group <- interaction(tableCoef$model,tableCoef$to,drop=TRUE)
        tableCoef$group <- as.numeric(factor(tableCoef$group,unique(tableCoef$group)))

        ## fill contrast matrix
        for(iG in 1:max(tableCoef$group)){ ## iG <- 3
            if(all(linfct.coefname %in% tableCoef[tableCoef$group==iG,"from"])){

                iTemplate <- .createContrast(linfct, tableCoef[tableCoef$group==iG,"from"], ...)

                iRow <- matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = n.coef, dimnames = list(NULL,object.coefname))
                        rownames(iRow) <- paste0(unique(tableCoef[tableCoef$group==iG,"model"]),": ",name.linfct)
                iRow[,paste0(tableCoef[tableCoef$group==iG,"model"],": ",tableCoef[tableCoef$group==iG,"name"])] <- unname(iTemplate$contrast)

                out$contrast <- rbind(out$contrast,iRow)
                out$null <- c(out$null, unname(iTemplate$null))
                out$Q <- out$Q+1

                tableCoef[tableCoef$group==iG,"contrast"] <- as.double(iTemplate$contrast)

        out <- .createContrast(linfct, name.param = object.coefname, ...)

    ## ** create contrast matrix relative to each model
    out$mlf <- lapply(name.model, function(iModel){ ## iModel <- name.model[1]
        ## only keep columns corresponding to coefficients belonging the the current model
        iContrast <- out$contrast[,ls.object.coefname[[iModel]],drop=FALSE]

        ## update name by removing the name of the model
        colnames(iContrast) <- ls.coefname[[iModel]]

        ## remove lines in the contrast matrix containing only 0
          index.n0 <- which(rowSums(iContrast!=0)!=0)
    names(out$mlf) <- name.model    
    class(out$mlf) <- "mlf"

    ## remove right hand side from the names (like in multicomp)
    if(!is.null(list(...)$rowname.rhs) && list(...)$rowname.rhs==FALSE){
        out$mlf <- lapply(out$mlf, function(x){ ## x <- name.model[1]
                if("sep" %in% names(list(...))){
                    rownames(x) <- .contrast2name(x, null = NULL, sep = list(...)$sep)
                    rownames(x) <- .contrast2name(x, null = NULL)
        class(out$mlf) <- "mlf"
    names(out$null) <- rownames(out$contrast)
    ## ** export

## * createContrast.mmm
#' @rdname createContrast
#' @export
createContrast.mmm <- createContrast.list

## * .createContrast
.createContrast <- function(linfct, name.param, diff.first = FALSE, add.rowname = TRUE, rowname.rhs = TRUE, sep = c("[","]"), ...){

    n.param <- length(name.param)
    dots <- list(...)
        txt.args <- paste(names(dots), collapse = "\" \"")
        txt.s <- if(length(dots)>1){"s"}else{""}
        txt.verb <- if(length(dots)>1){"are"}else{"is"}
        warning("Extra argument",txt.s," \"",txt.args,"\" ",txt.verb," ignored. \n")

        linfct <- paste0(linfct[-1]," - ",linfct[1])

    n.hypo <- length(linfct)
    name.hypo <- names(linfct)
        stop("Argument contains empty character string(s) instead of an expression involving the model mean coefficients \n")
    null <- rep(NA, n.hypo)
    contrast <- matrix(0, nrow = n.hypo, ncol = n.param,
                       dimnames = list(NULL,name.param))

        for(iH in 1:n.hypo){ # iH <- 1
            iTempo.eq <- strsplit(linfct[iH], split = "=", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
            if(length(iTempo.eq)==1){ ## set null to 0 when second side of the equation is missing
                iTempo.eq <- c(iTempo.eq,"0")

            null[iH] <- as.numeric(trim(iTempo.eq[2]))
            iRh.plus <- strsplit(iTempo.eq[[1]], split = "+", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
            iRh <- trim(unlist(sapply(iRh.plus, strsplit, split = "-", fixed = TRUE)))
            iRh <- iRh[iRh!="",drop=FALSE]
            ls.iRh <- lapply(strsplit(iRh, split = "*", fixed = TRUE), trim)
            iN.tempo <- length(ls.iRh)

            for(iCoef in 1:iN.tempo){ # iCoef <- 1

                    iFactor <- 1
                    iName <- ls.iRh[[iCoef]][1]                
                    iFactor <- as.numeric(ls.iRh[[iCoef]][1])
                    iName <- ls.iRh[[iCoef]][2]
                if(iName %in% name.param == FALSE){
                    txt.message <- paste0("unknown coefficient ",iName," in hypothesis ",iH,"\n")
                    possibleMatch <- grep(iName, name.param, fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)
                    if(all(is.na(possibleMatch)) || length(possibleMatch)==0){
                        possibleMatch <- pmatch(iName, table = name.param)
                    }else if(length(linfct) == 1 && length(possibleMatch)>1){ ##
                        message("Guessing the contrast based on the string \"",linfct,"\" (",length(possibleMatch)," coefficients found). \n")
                        return(.createContrast(linfct = possibleMatch, name.param = name.param, diff.first = diff.first, add.rowname = add.rowname, rowname.rhs = rowname.rhs, sep = sep, ...))
                    if(all(is.na(possibleMatch)) || length(possibleMatch)==0){
                        possibleMatch <- agrep(iName, name.param, ignore.case = TRUE,value = TRUE)
                    if(all(!is.na(possibleMatch)) && length(possibleMatch)>0){
                        txt.message <- c(txt.message,
                                         paste0("candidates: \"",paste(possibleMatch, collapse = "\" \""),"\"\n"))

                ## identify if it is a minus sign
                iBeforeCoef <- strsplit(iTempo.eq[[1]], split = ls.iRh[iCoef])[[1]][1]
                if(iCoef > 1){
                    iBeforeCoef <- strsplit(iBeforeCoef, split = ls.iRh[iCoef-1])[[1]][2]
                test.sign <- length(grep("-",iBeforeCoef))>0
                contrast[iH,iName] <- c(1,-1)[test.sign+1] * iFactor
                name.hypo <- .contrast2name(contrast, null = if(rowname.rhs){null}else{NULL}, sep = sep)
            rownames(contrast) <- name.hypo
            null <- stats::setNames(null, name.hypo)
    return(list(contrast = contrast,
                null = null,
                Q = n.hypo))

## * .contrast2name
#' @title Create Rownames for a Contrast Matrix
#' @description Create rownames for a contrast matrix using the coefficients and the names of the coefficients. The rownames will be [value * name] == null, e.g. [beta + 4*alpha] = 0.
#' @name contrast2name
#' @param contrast [matrix] a contrast matrix defining the left hand side of the linear hypotheses to be tested.
#' @param null [vector, optional] the right hand side of the linear hypotheses to be tested.
#' @param sep [character of length 2, optional] character used in rownames to wrap the left hand side of the equation.
#' @details When argument \code{NULL} is null then the rownames will not be put into brackets and the right hand side will not be added to the name.
#' @return a character vector.
#' @keywords internal
.contrast2name <- function(contrast, null = NULL, sep = c("[","]")){
    contrast.names <- colnames(contrast)
    df.index <- as.data.frame(which(contrast != 0, arr.ind = TRUE))
    df.index$col <- contrast.names[df.index$col]
    index.order <- order(df.index$row,match(df.index$col,contrast.names))
    df.index <- df.index[index.order,]
    df.index$nrow <- unlist(tapply(df.index$row, df.index$row, function(x){1:length(x)}))

    ## find coef value to each  coefficient
    df.index$coef <- contrast[which(contrast!=0)][index.order]
    df.index$coefname <- as.character(df.index$coef)

    ## add positive sign
    df.index[df.index$coef>0,"coefname"] <- paste0("+",df.index$coefname[df.index$coef>0])
    ## add multiplicative symbol
    index.Npm1 <- which(df.index$coefname %in% c("","+1","-1") == FALSE)
    df.index[index.Npm1, "coefname"] <- paste0(df.index[index.Npm1, "coefname"],"*")

    ## simplify
    df.index[df.index$coefname == "+1" & df.index$nrow == 1, "coefname"] <- ""
    df.index[df.index$coefname == "+1", "coefname"] <- "+"            
    df.index[df.index$coefname == "-1", "coefname"] <- "-"
    df.index[df.index$nrow == 1, "coefname"] <- gsub("+","",df.index[df.index$nrow == 1, "coefname"], fixed = TRUE)

    ## add space between coefficients
    df.index$coefname <- gsub("+"," + ",df.index$coefname, fixed = TRUE)
    df.index$coefname <- gsub("-"," - ",df.index$coefname, fixed = TRUE)
    df.index[df.index$coefname == " - " & df.index$nrow == 1, "coefname"] <- "- "

    ## paste together value and coefficient names
    df.index$rowname <- paste0(df.index$coefname,df.index$col)
    ## paste together names from the same hypothesis
    out <- unlist(tapply(df.index$rowname,df.index$row,paste,collapse=""))

    ## add right hand side
        ## out <- paste0("[",out,"] = ",null)
        out <- paste0(sep[1],out,sep[2]," = ",null)
    }else if(!is.null(sep)){
        out <- paste0(sep[1],out,sep[2])


### createContrast.R ends here
bozenne/lavaSearch2 documentation built on Feb. 13, 2024, 10:18 p.m.