
Defines functions calc_wad

Documented in calc_wad

#' Calculation of weighted average densities
#' Calculates weighted average densities for each microbial taxa in each sample replicate
#' @param data Data as a long-format data.table where each row represents a taxonomic feature within a single fraction.
#' @param tax_id Column name specifying unique identifier for each taxonomic feature. Required.
#' @param sample_id Column name specifying unique identifier for each replicate. Required
#' @param frac_id Column name specifying fraction identifier. Does not have to be unique to each replciate because \code{calc_wad} will
#'  combine the unique sample ID with the fraction ID to generate a unique sample-fraction code. Required
#' @param frac_dens Column name specifying buoyant density value for each fraction. Typically expressed as grams per milliliter from a cesium chloride
#'  density buffer. Required
#' @param frac_abund Column name specifying abundance measurement for each fraction. Typically either the numbers of a target gene amplicon
#'  (e.g., 16S, ITS such as from qPCR) or DNA concentration (e.g., nanograms per microliter such as from a Qubit). Required
#' @param rel_abund Column name specifying relativized abundance of each taxonomic feature, typically calculated after the removal of non-target
#'  lineages but before frequency filtering has been applied. Required
#' @param grouping_cols Additional columns that should be included as important treatment groups in the output.
#'  Not strictly necessary for the calculation, but these will be utilized next to calculate fractional isotopic enrichment.
#'  Taxonomic information may be included here as well.
#' @details The weighted average buoyant density (WAD) for taxon's DNA \emph{i} in replicate \emph{j}, designated as \eqn{W_{ij}}, is:
#'   \deqn{W_{ij} = \sum_{k=1}^{K} x_{jk} \cdot \left( \frac{y_{ijk}}{y_{ij}} \right)}
#'   Where
#'   \eqn{y_{ij} = \sum_{k=1}^{K} y_{ijk}}: Total abundance of taxon \emph{i} in replicate \emph{j}, by summing across all fractions (\emph{K})
#'   \eqn{y_{ijk} = P_{ijk} \cdot f_{jk}}: The total abundance per \eqn{\mu}L for taxon \emph{i} in density fraction
#'   \emph{k} of replicate \emph{i} as calculated by it's relative abundance, \eqn{P_{ijk}} in that fraction multiplied by the
#'   total abundance of DNA or specific amplicons in that fraction, \eqn{f_{jk}}
#'   \eqn{x_{jk}}: Density of fraction \emph{k} of replicate \emph{j} in (g cm\eqn{^-3})
#' @return \code{calc_wad} returns a reduced data.table where each row represents a taxonomic feature within a single replicate.
#'  The following columns are produced: weighted average densities (\code{wad}), weighted variance of densities (\code{wvd}), and
#'  replicate-level abundances (\code{abund}). \code{wad} values < 0 are removed.
#'  The \code{wvd} term produced is the weighted variance in density, essentially a measure of how spread-out a feature's WAD value is.
#'  It is not strictly necessary to calculate fractional enrichment.
#'  It can sometimes be useful as a diagnostic of the quality of a feature’s density estimate.
#'  Abundances are expressed in the same unit as fraction-level abundance measures of the community. For example, if fraction-level
#'  abundances were made using qPCR of a target gene (e.g., 16S or ITS), abundances represent the proportion of that gene attributed
#'  to a given taxon. If fraction-level abundances were made using DNA concentrations (e.g., such as from a Qubit measure), then the
#'  \code{abund} column is an expression of a taxon's proportional contribution to DNA concentration.
#' @examples
#'  # Load in example data
#'  data(example_qsip)
#'  # relativize sequence abundances (should be done after taxonomic filtering)
#'  example_qsip[, rel_abund := seq_abund / sum(seq_abund), by = sampleID]
#'  # calculate weighted average densities
#'  wads <- calc_wad(example_qsip,
#'                   tax_id = 'asv_id', sample_id = 'sampleID', frac_id = 'fraction',
#'                   frac_dens = 'Density.g.ml', frac_abund = 'avg_16S_g_soil',
#'                   rel_abund = 'rel_abund',
#'                   grouping_cols = c('treatment', 'isotope', 'iso_trt', 'Phylum'))
#' @references
#'  Hungate, Bruce, \emph{et al.} 2015. Quantitative microbial ecology through stable isotope probing.
#'  \emph{Applied and Environmental Microbiology} \strong{81}: 7570 - 7581.
#' @export

calc_wad <- function(data, tax_id = c(), sample_id = c(), frac_id = c(),
                     frac_dens = c(), frac_abund = c(), rel_abund = c(),
                     grouping_cols = c()) {
  vars <- list(tax_id, sample_id, frac_id, frac_dens, frac_abund, rel_abund)
  if(any(sapply(vars, is.null))) {
    null_vars <- which(sapply(vars, is.null))
    null_vars <- paste(c('taxon IDs', 'sample IDs', 'fraction IDs', 'densities',
                         'fraction abundances', 'relative taxon abundances')[null_vars],
                       sep = ',')
    stop("Must supply the following columns: ", null_vars)
  if(any(sapply(vars, function(x) !exists(x, data)))) {
    missing_vars <- which(sapply(vars, function(x) !exists(x, data)))
    missing_vars <- paste(vars[missing_vars], sep = ',')
    stop("Missing the following column(s) in supplied data: ", missing_vars)
  # rename columns used in the j expressions for computation
  setnames(data, old = c(rel_abund, frac_abund, frac_dens), new = c('rA', 'fA', 'fD'))
  # calculate per-taxon abundances in each fraction and sample
  data[, fAt := rA * fA, by = c(tax_id, sample_id, frac_id)
       ][, tA := sum(fAt), by = c(tax_id, sample_id)
         ][, weight := fAt / tA, by = c(tax_id, sample_id, frac_id)]
  # calculate WADs
  wads <- data[, .(wad = sum(weight * fD, na.rm = TRUE),
                   wvd = sum(weight * (fD - sum(weight * fD, na.rm = TRUE))^2, na.rm = TRUE),   # weighted variance of density
                   abund = sum(fAt, na.rm = TRUE)),
               by = c(tax_id, sample_id, grouping_cols)
               ][wad > 0]
  setnames(data, old = c('rA', 'fA', 'fD'), new = c(rel_abund, frac_abund, frac_dens))
  suppressWarnings(data[, `:=` (tA = NULL, fAt = NULL, fD = NULL, weight = NULL)])
bramstone/qSIP documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 3:14 p.m.