
Defines functions combine_sources

Documented in combine_sources

#' Combine sources from a finished MixSIAR model (\emph{a posteriori})
#' \code{combine_sources} aggregates the proportions from multiple sources.
#' Proportions are summed across posterior draws, since the source proportions
#' are correlated.
#' \emph{Note: Aggregating sources after running the mixing model (a posteriori)
#' effectively changes the prior weighting on the sources.} Aggregating
#' uneven numbers of sources will turn an 'uninformative'/generalist
#' prior into an informative one. Because of this, \code{combine_sources}
#' automatically generates a message describing this effect and a figure
#' showing the original prior, the effective/aggregated prior, and what the
#' 'uninformative'/generalist prior would be if sources were instead grouped
#' before running the mixing model (a priori).
#' @param jags.1 \code{rjags} model object, output from \code{\link{run_model}}
#' @param mix list, output from \code{\link{load_mix_data}}
#' @param source list, output from \code{\link{load_source_data}}
#' @param alpha.prior vector with length = n.sources, Dirichlet prior on p.global (default = 1, uninformative)
#' @param groups list, which sources to combine, and what names to give the new combined sources. See example.
#' @return \code{combined}, a list including:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{combined$post}: matrix, posterior draws with new source groupings
#'  \item \code{combined$source.new}: list, original \code{source} list with modified entries for \code{n.sources} and \code{source_names}
#'  \item \code{combined$groups}: (input) list, shows original and combined sources
#'  \item \code{combined$jags.1}: (input) \code{rjags} model object
#'  \item \code{combined$source.old}: (input) list of original source data
#'  \item \code{combined$mix}: (input) list of original mix data
#'  \item \code{combined$prior.old}: (input) prior vector on original sources
#'  \item \code{combined$prior.new}: (output) prior vector on combined sources
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{summary_stat}} and \code{\link{plot_intervals}}

#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' # first run mantis shrimp example

#' # combine 6 sources into 2 groups of interest (hard-shelled vs. soft-bodied)
#' #   'hard' = 'clam' + 'crab' + 'snail'           # group 1 = hard-shelled prey
#' #   'soft' = 'alphworm' + 'brittlestar' + 'fish' # group 2 = soft-bodied prey
#' combined <- combine_sources(jags.1, mix, source, alpha.prior=alpha, 
#'                 groups=list(hard=c("clam","crab","snail"), soft=c("alphworm","brittlestar","fish")))
#' # get posterior medians for new source groupings
#' apply(combined$post, 2, median)
#' summary_stat(combined, meanSD=FALSE, quantiles=c(.025,.5,.975), savetxt=FALSE)
#' }
#' @export
combine_sources <- function(jags.1, mix, source, alpha.prior=1, groups){
  old.source.names <- sort(unlist(groups, use.names=FALSE))
  if(!identical(old.source.names, source$source_names)){
    stop(paste("Source names in 'groups' list do not match those in
  'source$source_names'. All previous sources must appear in 'groups'.",sep=""))    
  # New source object (only names and # of sources changed, not data) 
  n.sources <- source$n.sources
  source.new <- source
  source.new$n.sources <- length(groups)
  source.new$source_names <- names(groups)

  # Get matrix of posterior draws
  # post <- jags.1$BUGSoutput$sims.array
  # names(dimnames(post)) <- c("iterations", "chains","parameters")
  post.mat <- jags.1$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix
  old.other <- post.mat[,-c(grep("p.global",colnames(post.mat)), grep("p.fac1",colnames(post.mat)), grep("p.fac2",colnames(post.mat)))]
  new.fac1 <- new.fac2 <- new.both <- NULL

  # Combine posterior draws into new source groupings
  old.global <- post.mat[,grep("p.global",colnames(post.mat))]
  n.draws <- dim(old.global)[1]
  new.global <- matrix(NA, nrow=n.draws, ncol=source.new$n.sources)
  colnames(new.global) <- paste0("p.global[",1:source.new$n.sources,"]")
  for(i in 1:source.new$n.sources){
    old <- groups[[i]]
    old.levels <- match(old, source$source_names)
    new.global[,i] <- apply(as.matrix(old.global[,old.levels]), 1, sum)

    # combine factor 1
    if(mix$n.effects > 0){
      for(f1 in 1:mix$FAC[[1]]$levels){
        new.fac1.tmp <- matrix(NA, nrow=n.draws, ncol=source.new$n.sources)
        colnames(new.fac1.tmp) <- paste0("p.fac1[",f1,",",1:source.new$n.sources,"]")
        old.fac1.tmp <- post.mat[,grep(paste0("p.fac1\\[",f1,","), colnames(post.mat))]
        for(i in 1:source.new$n.sources){
          old <- groups[[i]]
          old.levels <- match(old, source$source_names)
          new.fac1.tmp[,i] <- apply(as.matrix(old.fac1.tmp[,old.levels]), 1, sum)
        new.fac1 <- cbind(new.fac1, new.fac1.tmp)
    # combine factor 2
    if(mix$n.effects > 1){
      for(f2 in 1:mix$FAC[[2]]$levels){
        new.fac2.tmp <- matrix(NA, nrow=n.draws, ncol=source.new$n.sources)
        colnames(new.fac2.tmp) <- paste0("p.fac2[",f2,",",1:source.new$n.sources,"]")
        old.fac2.tmp <- post.mat[,grep(paste0("p.fac2\\[",f2,","), colnames(post.mat))]
        for(i in 1:source.new$n.sources){
          old <- groups[[i]]
          old.levels <- match(old, source$source_names)
          new.fac2.tmp[,i] <- apply(as.matrix(old.fac2.tmp[,old.levels]), 1, sum)
        new.fac2 <- cbind(new.fac2, new.fac2.tmp)

  # Post-processing for 2 FE or 1FE + 1RE, calculate p.both = ilr.global + ilr.fac1 + ilr.fac2
    fac2_lookup <- list()
    for(f1 in 1:mix$FAC[[1]]$levels){
      fac2_lookup[[f1]] <- unique(mix$FAC[[2]]$values[which(mix$FAC[[1]]$values==f1)])
    ilr.both <- array(NA,dim=c(n.draws,mix$FAC[[1]]$levels, mix$FAC[[2]]$levels, n.sources-1))
    p.both <- array(NA,dim=c(n.draws,mix$FAC[[1]]$levels, mix$FAC[[2]]$levels, n.sources))
    cross.both <- array(data=NA,dim=c(n.draws,mix$FAC[[1]]$levels, mix$FAC[[2]]$levels,n.sources,n.sources-1))
    e <- matrix(rep(0,n.sources*(n.sources-1)),nrow=n.sources,ncol=(n.sources-1))
    for(i in 1:(n.sources-1)){
      e[,i] <- exp(c(rep(sqrt(1/(i*(i+1))),i),-sqrt(i/(i+1)),rep(0,n.sources-i-1)))
      e[,i] <- e[,i]/sum(e[,i])
    for(i in 1:n.draws){
      for(f1 in 1:mix$FAC[[1]]$levels) {
        for(f2 in fac2_lookup[[f1]]){
          for(src in 1:(n.sources-1)) {
            ilr.both[i,f1,f2,src] <- jags.1$BUGSoutput$sims.list$ilr.global[i,src] + jags.1$BUGSoutput$sims.list$ilr.fac1[i,f1,src] + jags.1$BUGSoutput$sims.list$ilr.fac2[i,f2,src];
            cross.both[i,f1,f2,,src] <- (e[,src]^ilr.both[i,f1,f2,src])/sum(e[,src]^ilr.both[i,f1,f2,src]);
            # ilr.both[,f1,f2,src] <- ilr.global[,src] + ilr.fac1[,f1,src] + ilr.fac2[,f2,src];
          for(src in 1:n.sources) {
            p.both[i,f1,f2,src] <- prod(cross.both[i,f1,f2,src,]);
          p.both[i,f1,f2,] <- p.both[i,f1,f2,]/sum(p.both[i,f1,f2,]);
        } # f2
      } # f1

    # Now combine sources for p.both
    for(f1 in 1:mix$FAC[[1]]$levels){
      for(f2 in 1:mix$FAC[[2]]$levels){
        new.both.tmp <- matrix(NA, nrow=n.draws, ncol=source.new$n.sources)
        colnames(new.both.tmp) <- paste0("p.both[",f1,",",f2,",",1:source.new$n.sources,"]")
        old.both.tmp <- p.both[,f1,f2,]
        for(i in 1:source.new$n.sources){
          old <- groups[[i]]
          old.levels <- match(old, source$source_names)
          new.both.tmp[,i] <- apply(as.matrix(old.both.tmp[,old.levels]), 1, sum)
        new.both <- cbind(new.both, new.both.tmp)
  } # end fere

  # Combine posterior matrices
  post.new <- cbind(old.other, new.global, new.fac1, new.fac2, new.both)

  # Error check on prior input
      stop(paste("*** Error: You cannot set any alpha = 0.
      Instead, set = 0.01.***",sep=""))
  if(is.numeric(alpha.prior)==F) alpha.prior = 1 # Error checking for user inputted string/ NA
  if(length(alpha.prior)==1) alpha = rep(alpha.prior,n.sources) # All sources have same value
  if(length(alpha.prior) > 1 & length(alpha.prior) != n.sources) alpha = rep(1,n.sources) # Error checking for user inputted string/ NA
  if(length(alpha.prior) > 1 & length(alpha.prior) == n.sources) alpha = alpha.prior # All sources have different value inputted by user

  # Simulate old prior
  N = 20000
  p.old = MCMCpack::rdirichlet(N, alpha)
  alpha.unif <- rep(1,n.sources)
  p.unif.old = MCMCpack::rdirichlet(N, alpha.unif)
  alpha_lab <- paste0("(",paste0(round(alpha,2),collapse=","),")",sep="")
  alpha.unif_lab <- paste0("(",paste0(round(alpha.unif,2),collapse=","),")",sep="")

  # Calculate new prior with aggregated sources
  prior.new <- rep(NA, source.new$n.sources)
  p.new <- matrix(NA, nrow=N, ncol=source.new$n.sources)
  for(i in 1:source.new$n.sources){
    old <- groups[[i]]
    old.levels <- match(old, source$source_names)
    prior.new[i] <- sum(alpha[old.levels])
    if(length(old.levels) > 1) p.new[,i] <- apply(p.old[,old.levels], 1, sum)
    if(length(old.levels) == 1) p.new[,i] <- p.old[,old.levels]

  alpha.unif.new <- rep(1,source.new$n.sources)
  p.unif.new = MCMCpack::rdirichlet(N, alpha.unif.new)
  alpha.lab.new <- paste0("(",paste0(round(prior.new,2),collapse=","),")",sep="")
  alpha.unif.lab.new <- paste0("(",paste0(round(alpha.unif.new,2),collapse=","),")",sep="")

  dev.new(width=9, height=7)
  layout(cbind(matrix(c(seq(1:(2*n.sources)),(2*n.sources)+1,(2*n.sources)+1), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE), 
              matrix(c(seq((2*n.sources)+2, 2*n.sources+2*source.new$n.sources+1), rep(2*n.sources+2*source.new$n.sources+2, 2), rep(2*n.sources+2*source.new$n.sources+3, 2*(n.sources-source.new$n.sources))), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)), 
  for(i in 1:n.sources){
    hist(p.old[,i], breaks = seq(0,1,length.out=40),col="darkblue", main = source$source_names[i], xlab=expression(p[i]),xlim=c(0,1))
    hist(p.unif.old[,i], breaks = seq(0,1,length.out=40),col="darkgrey", main = source$source_names[i], xlab=expression(p[i]),xlim=c(0,1))
  legend(x="center", ncol=2,legend=c(paste0("Original prior\n",alpha_lab),paste0("\"Uninformative\" prior\n",alpha.unif_lab)),
         fill=c("darkblue","darkgrey"),bty = "n",cex=1.5)

  for(i in 1:source.new$n.sources){
    hist(p.new[,i], breaks = seq(0,1,length.out=40),col="red", main = source.new$source_names[i], xlab=expression(p[i]),xlim=c(0,1))
    hist(p.unif.new[,i], breaks = seq(0,1,length.out=40),col="darkgrey", main = source.new$source_names[i], xlab=expression(p[i]),xlim=c(0,1))
  legend(x="center", ncol=2,legend=c(paste0("New prior\n",alpha.lab.new),paste0("\"Uninformative\" prior\n",alpha.unif.lab.new)),
         fill=c("red","darkgrey"),bty = "n",cex=1.5)

*** WARNING ***

Aggregating sources after running the mixing model (a posteriori)
effectively changes the prior weighting on the sources. Aggregating
uneven numbers of sources will turn an 'uninformative'/generalist
prior into an informative one. Please check your new, aggregated
prior (red), and note the difference between it and the original prior 
(blue). The right (grey) column shows what the 'uninformative'/generalist 
prior would be if you aggregate sources before running the mixing model 
(a priori).

  return(list(post=post.new, source.new=source.new, groups=groups, jags.1=jags.1, source.old=source, mix=mix, prior.old=alpha, prior.new=prior.new))
brianstock/MixSIAR documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 4:48 a.m.