
Defines functions unit_test_geographic_segregation get_raster_extent_enclosing_xtracks get_empty_raster_defined_by_extent get_empty_raster_enclosing_xtracks equalizeAxesLimits get_hab_exp_across_days get_raster_of_land_visited_binary_summed_across_xtracks calculate_geographic_overlap_and_segregation

Documented in calculate_geographic_overlap_and_segregation get_hab_exp_across_days

#' An xtrack object represents the movement of one individual throughout one day.
#' @field trackpoints A dataframe of trackpoints
#' @field track_length_km The length of the trajectory in km
#' @field track_duration_hr the total duration of the xtrack in hours
#' @export xtrack
#' @exportClass xtrack
xtrack <- setRefClass("xtrack",
                     fields = list(pk_track_id="numeric", int_track_id="numeric", int_res_sec="numeric", person_id="character", age="numeric", sex="character",
                                   trackpoints="data.frame", out_of_camp_bout_records="data.frame",
                                   utm_epsg="numeric", utm_proj_args="character", sfc_linestring_object ="data.frame",
                                   camp="character", date="character", camp_lat="numeric", camp_lon="numeric",
                                   track_length_km="numeric", track_duration_hr="numeric",
                                   min_x_utm="numeric", max_x_utm="numeric", min_y_utm="numeric", max_y_utm="numeric",
                                   furthest_trackpoint_id="numeric", outbound_section_starting_trackpoint_id="numeric", inbound_section_ending_trackpoint_id="numeric",
                                   length_outbound_section_km="numeric",length_inbound_section_km="numeric",  sp_distance_outbound_km="numeric",
                                   sp_distance_inbound_km="numeric", outbound_sinuosity="numeric", inbound_sinuosity="numeric",mean_sinuosity="numeric", has_bout_appropriate_for_sinuosity_measures="numeric"
                       initialize=function(lat, lon, elevation_m, in_camp, unix_time, distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg, total_length_sin_criteria_m=500, distance_from_camp_sin_criteria_m=500)
                         "Creates an xtrack object. To construct an xtrack object, one must specify: the lat, lon, elevation, in-camp status, time, distance from camp centroid, whether each trackpoint is \'in camp\' or not, and the utm_epsg code. lat and lon are expected to be in decimal-degree, WGS 84 format, which is the default in most GPS devices mobile devices. Elevation is expected to be in meters above sealevel. the \"in_camp\" parameter refers to whether each trackpoint is within or outside the boundaries of a residential area, which in Wood et al. 2021 refers to the spatial boundaries of a Hadza camp; but could more generally be considered the boundaries of a residential or habitation area, something like a village or a camp, as appropriate in a given field setting. This is useful for indicating travel for the purpose of aquiring resources -- AKA foraging travel, and needed for sinuosity measures.Distance from camp centroid is expected to be the as-the-crow-flies distance from the center of a residential area  or 'camp' in meters (also needed for sinuosity measures). The epsg code identifies the UTM zone of your study location. This is needed for projecting lat / lon coordinates into UTM space. To find the epsg code for your study location region of your track, check out <https://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/>"
                         trackpoints <<- data.frame(lat=lat, lon=lon, elevation_m=elevation_m, in_camp=in_camp, unix_time=unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=distance_from_camp_m)
                         trackpoints <<- trackpoints[order(trackpoints$unix_time),]
                         trackpoints$pk_trackpoint_id <<- 1:nrow(trackpoints)

                         pts = matrix(0, length(lon), 2)
                         pts[,1] = lon
                         pts[,2] = lat
                         ls = sf::st_sfc(sf::st_linestring(pts), crs = 4326)
                         sfc_linestring_object <<- data.frame(ls)

                         track_length_km <<- round(sp::LineLength(pts, longlat=TRUE, sum=TRUE), 3)

                         trackpoints$seconds_since_prior_trackpoint <<- c(0,diff(trackpoints$unix_time))
                         trackpoints$meters_from_prior_trackpoint <<- 0
                         #this needs to show up
                         distances <- geosphere::distHaversine(p1=cbind(trackpoints$lon[1:(nrow(trackpoints)-1)], trackpoints$lat[1:(nrow(trackpoints)-1)]), p2=cbind(trackpoints$lon[2:nrow(trackpoints)], trackpoints$lat[2:nrow(trackpoints)]))
                         trackpoints$meters_from_prior_trackpoint <<- c(0,distances)
                         trackpoints$speed_m_s_from_prior_trackpoint <<- trackpoints$meters_from_prior_trackpoint/trackpoints$seconds_since_prior_trackpoint
                         trackpoints$speed_m_s_from_prior_trackpoint[1] <<- 0

                         track_duration_hr <<- (trackpoints$unix_time[nrow(trackpoints)]-trackpoints$unix_time[1])/60/60
                         utm_epsg <<- utm_epsg
                         # this code is specific to where I work in Tanzania. Need to add this as a general function to translate data to UTM

                         #y = lat
                         #x = lon

                         tps <- data.frame(lon=trackpoints$lon, lat=trackpoints$lat)
                         lat_lon_args = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84"
                         utm_proj_args <<- paste0("+init=epsg:",utm_epsg)
                         sp::coordinates(tps) = cbind("lon", "lat")
                         lat_lon_crs = sp::CRS(SRS_string='EPSG:4326')
                         sp::proj4string(tps) <- lat_lon_crs
                         utm_crs = sp::CRS(SRS_string=paste0('EPSG:', utm_epsg))
                         trackpoints_utm <- sp::spTransform(tps,  utm_crs)

                         trackpoints$utm_x <<- sp::coordinates(trackpoints_utm)[,1]
                         trackpoints$utm_y <<- sp::coordinates(trackpoints_utm)[,2]
                         range_utm_x <- range(trackpoints$utm_x)
                         range_utm_y <- range(trackpoints$utm_y)
                         min_x_utm <<- range_utm_x[1]
                         max_x_utm <<- range_utm_x[2]
                         min_y_utm <<- range_utm_y[1]
                         max_y_utm <<- range_utm_y[2]

                         set_sinuosity_indices(total_length_sin_criteria_m = total_length_sin_criteria_m, distance_from_camp_sin_criteria_m = distance_from_camp_sin_criteria_m)

                         #to do
                         #print("finished setBearingsAlongTrack")

                       as_mapview = function(format=c("line"), ...)
                         "# A call to as_mapview is a thin interface to the package mapview, producing a dynamic plot that harnesses the power of package mapview. This function accepts all parameters that can be fed to the function mapview in the package mapview, such as layer.name, color, etc."
                           mapview::mapview(.self$as_sfc_linestring(), ...=...)

                         } else if (format=="points")
                           return(mapview::mapview(x=data.frame(lon=trackpoints$lon, lat=trackpoints$lat), xcol=c("lon"), ycol=c("lat"), crs=c("WGS84"), ...=...))

                       # as_spatial_lines <- function()
                       # {
                       #     #t <- .self$as_sfc_linestring()
                       #     sfc_ls <- .self$as_sfc_linestring()
                       #     t2 <- sf::as_Spatial(from=sfc_ls, cast=FALSE)
                       #     return(t2)
                       # },
                       {"Provides a SpatialLinesDataFrame representation of the track. This is an object type in the sp package, an important R package for spatial analysis."
                        the_spatial_lines <- sp::SpatialLines(list(sp::Lines(sp::Line(cbind(trackpoints$lon,trackpoints$lat)), ID="a")))
                        emptyData <- data.frame(matrix(0, ncol = 2, nrow = length(the_spatial_lines)))
                        the_spatialLinesDataFrame <- sp::SpatialLinesDataFrame(sl=the_spatial_lines, data=emptyData, match.ID=FALSE)
                       as_raster_of_habitat_visited_binary=function(cell_size_m=10, xmin=NULL, xmax=NULL,ymin=NULL,ymax=NULL,selected_trackpoints="all")

                         "Raster analysis to categorize places on the landscape as visited or not visited. This is a binary raster representation of the xtrack, where cells that are visited / intersected are given value 1, and those not visited given value 0. The length and width of the raster cells in meters is determined by the parameter cell_size_m and is by default 10. This function accepts a parameter called selected_trackpoints which determines which of the trackpoints are rasterized. The acceptable values are all, in_camp, or out_of_camp. The default is all, as used in Wood et al. 2021."

                         the_extent <- NA

                           selected_trackpoints <- trackpoints
                         } else if(selected_trackpoints=="in_camp")
                           selected_trackpoints <- trackpoints[trackpoints$in_camp==1,]
                         } else if(selected_trackpoints=="out_of_camp")
                           selected_trackpoints <- trackpoints[trackpoints$in_camp==0,]
                         } else {
                           print("value supplied for selected_trackpoints is invalid (should be 'all', 'in_camp', or 'out_of_camp')")

                           xmin <- min(selected_trackpoints$utm_x)
                           xmax <- max(selected_trackpoints$utm_x)
                           ymin <- min(selected_trackpoints$utm_y)
                           ymax <- max(selected_trackpoints$utm_y)
                           the_extent <- raster::extent(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
                         } else {
                           the_extent <- raster::extent(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

                          tp_r <- raster::raster(the_extent)
                          raster::res(tp_r) <- cell_size_m
                          rasterized_trackpoints <- raster::rasterize(x=selected_trackpoints[c("utm_x", "utm_y")], y=tp_r, fun='count')
                          cells_visited_today <- rasterized_trackpoints>0
                          cells_visited_today[is.na(cells_visited_today[])] <- 0

                       as_raster_of_habitat_visited_counts=function(cell_size_m=10, xmin=NULL, xmax=NULL,ymin=NULL,ymax=NULL, selected_trackpoints="all")
                         "Raster analysis to categorize variable visitation intensity of places on the landscape. This is a integer raster representation of the xtrack, where the count for each cell represents the number of trackpoints that fell within that cell's boundaries. Assuming that trackpoints are logged at regular time intervals, this raster provides a measure of the amount of time spent within each cell. un-visited cells are given value 0. As with the binary raster representation, the length and width of the raster cells in meters is determined by the parameter cell_size_m and is by default 10."

                         the_extent <- NA

                           selected_trackpoints <- trackpoints
                         } else if(selected_trackpoints=="in_camp")
                           selected_trackpoints <- trackpoints[trackpoints$in_camp==1,]
                         } else if(selected_trackpoints=="out_of_camp")
                           selected_trackpoints <- trackpoints[trackpoints$in_camp==0,]
                         } else {
                           print("value supplied for selected_trackpoints is invalid (should be 'all', 'in_camp', or 'out_of_camp')")

                           xmin <- min(selected_trackpoints$utm_x)
                           xmax <- max(selected_trackpoints$utm_x)
                           ymin <- min(selected_trackpoints$utm_y)
                           ymax <- max(selected_trackpoints$utm_y)
                           the_extent <- raster::extent(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
                         } else {
                           the_extent <- raster::extent(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

                         tp_r <- raster::raster(the_extent)
                         raster::res(tp_r) <- cell_size_m

                         rasterized_trackpoints <- raster::rasterize(x=selected_trackpoints[c("utm_x", "utm_y")], y=tp_r, fun='count')
                         rasterized_trackpoints[is.na(rasterized_trackpoints[])] <- 0
                         # #print("as_sfc_linestring being called")
                         # y = trackpoints$lat
                         # x = trackpoints$lon
                         # pts = matrix(0, length(y), 2)
                         # pts[,1] = x
                         # pts[,2] = y
                         # ls = st_sfc(st_linestring(pts), crs = 4326)
                       get_trackpoints = function()
                       {"Returns a data frame of trackpoints. This representation has more columns / more information and annotations that the 'raw' data used to construct an xtrack. This includes columns for the time between each trackpoint, meters traveled between trackpoints, speed of travel between trackpoints, and the utm coordinates of each trackpoint."
                       get_out_of_camp_bout_records = function()
                       {"Segmentation of travel into bouts of out of camp travel. An out of camp bout is when an individual leaves camp, travels some distance, and then returns to camp."
                       get_trackpoints_of_longest_distance_bout = function()
                       {"Get the trackpoints of the longest distance out of camp bout"

                           #print("there are no out of camp bouts")

                         distance_longest_bout <- max(out_of_camp_bout_records$total_length_of_bout_m)
                         id_of_longest_distance_bout <- out_of_camp_bout_records$bout_number[out_of_camp_bout_records$total_length_of_bout_m==distance_longest_bout]

                         start_time_lb <- out_of_camp_bout_records$time_leaving_camp[out_of_camp_bout_records$bout_number==id_of_longest_distance_bout]
                         end_time_lb <- out_of_camp_bout_records$time_returning_to_camp[out_of_camp_bout_records$bout_number==id_of_longest_distance_bout]

                         after_leave_time <- trackpoints$unix_time >= start_time_lb
                         before_return_time <- trackpoints$unix_time <= end_time_lb
                         during_longest_bout <- after_leave_time & before_return_time
                         trackpoints_of_lb <- trackpoints[during_longest_bout,]

                       get_trackpoints_of_longest_duration_bout = function()
                       { "Get the trackpoints of the longest duration out of camp bout"

                           #print("there are no out of camp bouts")

                         duration_longest_bout <- max(out_of_camp_bout_records$total_time_of_bout_seconds)
                         id_of_longest_bout <- out_of_camp_bout_records$bout_number[out_of_camp_bout_records$total_time_of_bout_seconds==duration_longest_bout]

                         start_time_lb <- out_of_camp_bout_records$time_leaving_camp[out_of_camp_bout_records$bout_number==id_of_longest_bout]
                         end_time_lb <- out_of_camp_bout_records$time_returning_to_camp[out_of_camp_bout_records$bout_number==id_of_longest_bout]

                         after_leave_time <- trackpoints$unix_time >= start_time_lb
                         before_return_time <- trackpoints$unix_time <= end_time_lb
                         during_longest_bout <- after_leave_time & before_return_time
                         trackpoints_of_lb <- trackpoints[during_longest_bout,]
                       get_spatially_shifted_trackpoints = function(new_mean_lat=-3.618489, new_mean_lon=35.06232)
                       { "this function will return your trackpoints such that their mean lat and lon are the values you specify. Useful for sharing sensitive data."
                           current_mean_lat <- mean(trackpoints$lat)
                           current_mean_lon <- mean(trackpoints$lon)
                           lat_shift <- new_mean_lat - current_mean_lat
                           lon_shift <- new_mean_lon - current_mean_lon
                           shifted_trackpoints <- trackpoints
                           shifted_trackpoints$lat <- shifted_trackpoints$lat + lat_shift
                           shifted_trackpoints$lon <- shifted_trackpoints$lon + lon_shift
                       get_outbound_sinuosity = function()
                       {"Get outbound sinuosity following the methods of Wood et al. 2021"
                       get_inbound_sinuosity = function()
                       {"Get inbound sinuosity following the methods of Wood et al. 2021"
                         "Get more measures related to inbound and outbound sinuosity. These include: The length (km) of the outbound and inbound segments as traveled; the length (km) of the 'as the crow flies' distance from the point of leaving camp to the most distant point (sp_distance_outbound_km).
; The length of the 'as the crow flies' distance from the most distant point to the point of returning to camp (sp_distance_inbound_km); The mean sinuosity of the inbound and outbound segments; The trackpoint_id of the most distant (from camp centroid) trackpoint."
                         return_value <- data.frame(cbind(length_outbound_section_km,length_inbound_section_km, sp_distance_outbound_km,sp_distance_inbound_km,outbound_sinuosity,inbound_sinuosity,mean_sinuosity, furthest_trackpoint_id))
                       plot_nice_map_of_track=function(the_title="", line_color="black")
                       {"A call to plot_nice_map_of_track creates a 'nice map' that harnesses ggplot2 functions. It is a clean plot of the xtrack's travel path with a simple ggplot2 black and white theme, a customized scale bar, and some metadata displayed in the subtitle area. This function accepts parameters for a title (the_title), and the color of the line representing the xtrack (line_color)."

                         dist_m <- track_length_km*1000#track_length_km <- ti$track_length_km
                         time_seconds <- track_duration_hr*60*60#track_duration_hr <- ti$track_duration_hr
                         average_speed_m_second <- round(dist_m/time_seconds,2)
                         #the_label <- paste("track_id:",  pk_track_id)
                         n_trackpoints <- nrow(trackpoints)
                         the_subtitle <- paste("Km traveled: ", round(track_length_km,2), ", Hours worn: ",round(track_duration_hr,1), "\nn trackpoints: ", n_trackpoints, sep="")
                         range_lon <- range(trackpoints$lon)
                         range_lat <- range(trackpoints$lat)
                         min_x <- range_lon[1]
                         max_x <- range_lon[2]
                         min_y <- range_lat[1]
                         max_y <- range_lat[2]

                         x_lim<-c(min_x, max_x)
                         y_lim<-c(min_y, max_y)

                         res <- equalizeAxesLimits(x_lim, y_lim)
                         x_lim <- res$x_lim
                         y_lim <- res$y_lim
                         new_dist_y_axis_km <- res$new_y_axis_distance_m/1000

                         #this creates a 10% buffer at the bottom of the plot area
                         #to permit a scale bar from being placed and not interfering with any
                         #points or lines on the map.

                         footer_fraction <- .1
                         footer_km <- new_dist_y_axis_km*footer_fraction
                         footer_m <- footer_km*1000
                         ll_with_footer <- geosphere::destPoint(p=c(x_lim[1], y_lim[1]), b=180, d=footer_m)
                         y_min_with_footer <- ll_with_footer[2]
                         y_lim[1] <- y_min_with_footer
                         res <- equalizeAxesLimits(x_lim, y_lim)
                         x_lim <- res$x_lim
                         y_lim <- res$y_lim

                         dist_y_axis_m_with_footer <- res$new_x_axis_distance_m
                         map_width_m <- res$new_x_axis_distance_m
                         map_width_km <- map_width_m/1000

                         right_nudge_distance_m <- map_width_m*.05
                         scale_lon_nudged_right <- geosphere::destPoint(p=c(x_lim[1], y_lim[1]), b=90, d=right_nudge_distance_m)[1]
                         scale_lon <- scale_lon_nudged_right
                         scale_lat <- y_lim[1]

                         new_dist_y_axis_km <- res$new_y_axis_distance_m/1000
                         one_third_map_width_km <- map_width_km/3
                         scale_width_km <- 0
                         scale_units <- "km"

                         } else if(one_third_map_width_km>0.6) {
                         } else if(one_third_map_width_km>0.2) {
                         } else if(one_third_map_width_km>0.15) {
                         } else if(one_third_map_width_km>0.10) {
                         } else if(one_third_map_width_km>0.05) {
                         } else if(one_third_map_width_km>0.01) {

                         the_white_map <- ggplot2::ggplot(trackpoints) +
                           ggplot2::geom_path(ggplot2::aes(x=lon, y=lat), color=line_color, show.legend = TRUE, data=trackpoints) +
                           ggplot2::coord_equal() + ggplot2::xlim(x_lim) + ggplot2::ylim(y_lim) +
                           scale_bar(lon = scale_lon, lat = scale_lat,
                                     distance_lon = scale_width_km, distance_lat = new_dist_y_axis_km*.02, distance_legend = new_dist_y_axis_km*.05,
                                     dist_unit = "km", orientation = FALSE) +
                           ggplot2::labs(title=the_title, subtitle=the_subtitle, x="Longitude", y="Latitude", fill="") +
                           ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = 12) +
                           ggplot2::theme(legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
                           ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = c("red", "blue"), guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(
                             linetype = c("solid", "blank"), shape = c(NA, 16))))


                       plot_sinuosity_map=function(the_title="Sinuosity map")
                         "A call to plot_sinuosity_map creates a visual representation of the outbound travel segment (red), the inbound segment (blue),  travel in camp or during shorter out of camp segments (green), the 'as the crow flies' shortest path segments used to  calculate sinuosity measures (grey dashed line). The trackpoint that is maximally distant from the camp centroid is plotted  in yellow. The sinuosity measures themselves are plotted in the subtitle and the plot accepts a parameter for the map title."
                         #trackpoints <- t$trackpoints
                         #out_of_camp_bout_records <- t$out_of_camp_bout_records
                         #furthest_trackpoint_id <- t$furthest_trackpoint_id
                         #out_of_camp_bouts <- t$
                         #con_gsm <- opencon()

                         sin_rec <- get_sinuosity_measures()

                         min_x <- min(trackpoints$lon)
                         max_x <- max(trackpoints$lon)
                         min_y <- min(trackpoints$lat)
                         max_y <- max(trackpoints$lat)

                         x_lim<-c(min_x, max_x)
                         y_lim<-c(min_y, max_y)

                         res <- equalizeAxesLimits(x_lim, y_lim)
                         x_lim <- res$x_lim
                         y_lim <- res$y_lim

                         if(sin_rec$inbound_sinuosity==0 | sin_rec$outbound_sinuosity==0)
                           p <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::geom_path(show.legend = TRUE, ggplot2::aes(x=trackpoints$lon, y=trackpoints$lat), color='yellow') +
                             ggplot2::coord_equal() + ggplot2::xlim(x_lim) + ggplot2::ylim(y_lim) +
                             ggplot2::theme(legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
                             ggplot2::labs(title=the_title, subtitle="There are no bouts out of camp to display", x="Longitude", y="Latitude", fill="") + ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = 12)

                         } else { #if there are sinuosity calculations to work with

                           trackpoints$path_segment <<- "In camp / other"
                           #trackpoints$path_segment <- "In camp / other"
                           trackpoints$path_segment[trackpoints$is_in_outbound_segment]<<-"Outbound segment"
                           #trackpoints$path_segment[trackpoints$is_in_outbound_segment]<-"Outbound segment"
                           trackpoints$path_segment[trackpoints$is_in_inbound_segment]<<-"Inbound segment"
                           #trackpoints$path_segment[trackpoints$is_in_inbound_segment]<-"Inbound segment"

                           sorted_bouts <- out_of_camp_bout_records[order(-out_of_camp_bout_records$total_length_of_bout_m),]
                           most_distant_bout <- sorted_bouts[1,]

                           most_distant_lon <- most_distant_bout$max_dist_during_bout_lon
                           most_distant_lat <- most_distant_bout$max_dist_during_bout_lat

                           start_outbound_lon <- trackpoints$lon[trackpoints$unix_time==most_distant_bout$time_leaving_camp]
                           start_outbound_lat <- trackpoints$lat[trackpoints$unix_time==most_distant_bout$time_leaving_camp]
                           end_inbound_lon <- trackpoints$lon[trackpoints$unix_time==most_distant_bout$time_returning_to_camp]
                           end_inbound_lat <- trackpoints$lat[trackpoints$unix_time==most_distant_bout$time_returning_to_camp]

                           longest_bout <- get_trackpoints_of_longest_duration_bout()
                           outbound_sp <- data.frame(x=c(start_outbound_lon, most_distant_lon), y=c(start_outbound_lat, most_distant_lat))
                           inbound_sp <- data.frame(x=c(most_distant_lon, end_inbound_lon), y=c(most_distant_lat, end_inbound_lat))
                           outbound_section <- longest_bout[longest_bout$is_in_outbound_segment,]
                           inbound_section <- longest_bout[longest_bout$is_in_inbound_segment,]
                           outbound_sp$spath_segment<-"outbound shortest path"
                           inbound_sp$spath_segment<-"inbound shortest path"

                           the_subtitle<- paste("Outbound sinuosity:", round(outbound_sinuosity,1), "\ninbound sinuosity:", round(inbound_sinuosity,1))
                           #trackpoints <- t4235$trackpoints

                           trackpoints$path_segment <<- factor(trackpoints$path_segment, levels=c("Outbound segment", "Inbound segment", "In camp / other"), labels=c("Outbound segment", "Inbound segment", "In camp / other"))
                           trackpoints$`Track segment` <<- trackpoints$path_segment
                           p <- ggplot2::ggplot(trackpoints, ggplot2::aes(lon, lat, color=`Track segment`))+ ggplot2::geom_path() +
                             ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values=c("red","blue","darkgreen")) +
                             ggplot2::coord_equal() + ggplot2::xlim(x_lim) + ggplot2::ylim(y_lim) +
                             ggplot2::theme(legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
                             ggplot2::geom_path(data=outbound_sp, ggplot2::aes(x=x, y=y, color=spath_segment), linetype=2, color='grey') +
                             ggplot2::geom_path(data=inbound_sp, ggplot2::aes(x=x, y=y, color=spath_segment), linetype=2, color='grey') +
                             ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x=most_distant_lon, y=most_distant_lat), color='yellow') +
                             ggplot2::labs(title=paste(the_title), subtitle=the_subtitle, x="Longitude", y="Latitude", fill="") + ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = 12)

                       scale_bar = function(lon, lat, distance_lon, distance_lat, distance_legend, dist_unit = "km", rec_fill = "white", rec_colour = "black", rec2_fill = "black", rec2_colour = "black", legend_colour = "black", legend_size = 3, orientation = TRUE, arrow_length = 500, arrow_distance = 300, arrow_north_size = 6)
                         the_scale_bar <- create_scale_bar(lon = lon, lat = lat, distance_lon = distance_lon, distance_lat = distance_lat, distance_legend = distance_legend, dist_unit = dist_unit)
                         # First rectangle
                         rectangle1 <- ggplot2::geom_polygon(data = the_scale_bar$rectangle, ggplot2::aes(x = lon, y = lat), fill = rec_fill, colour = rec_colour)

                         # Second rectangle
                         rectangle2 <- ggplot2::geom_polygon(data = the_scale_bar$rectangle2, ggplot2::aes(x = lon, y = lat), fill = rec2_fill, colour = rec2_colour)

                         # Legend
                         scale_bar_legend <- ggplot2::annotate("text", label = paste(the_scale_bar$legend[,"text"], dist_unit, sep=""), x = the_scale_bar$legend[,"long"], y = the_scale_bar$legend[,"lat"], size = legend_size, colour = legend_colour)

                         res <- list(rectangle1, rectangle2, scale_bar_legend)

                         if(orientation){# Add an arrow pointing North
                           ???#what package is this???
                           coords_arrow <- create_orientation_arrow(scale_bar = the_scale_bar, length = arrow_length, distance = arrow_distance, dist_unit = dist_unit)
                           arrow <- list(ggplot2::geom_segment(data = coords_arrow$res, ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend)), annotate("text", label = "N", x = coords_arrow$coords_n[1,"x"], y = coords_arrow$coords_n[1,"y"], size = arrow_north_size, colour = "black"))
                           res <- c(res, arrow)
                       create_scale_bar = function(lon,lat,distance_lon,distance_lat,distance_legend, dist_units = "km")
                         # First rectangle
                         bottom_right <- maptools::gcDestination(lon = lon, lat = lat, bearing = 90, dist = distance_lon, dist.units = dist_units, model = "WGS84")

                         topLeft <- maptools::gcDestination(lon = lon, lat = lat, bearing = 0, dist = distance_lat, dist.units = dist_units, model = "WGS84")
                         rectangle <- cbind(lon=c(lon, lon, bottom_right[1,"long"], bottom_right[1,"long"], lon),
                                            lat = c(lat, topLeft[1,"lat"], topLeft[1,"lat"],lat, lat))
                         rectangle <- data.frame(rectangle, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

                         # Second rectangle t right of the first rectangle
                         bottom_right2 <- maptools::gcDestination(lon = lon, lat = lat, bearing = 90, dist = distance_lon*2, dist.units = dist_units, model = "WGS84")
                         rectangle2 <- cbind(lon = c(bottom_right[1,"long"], bottom_right[1,"long"], bottom_right2[1,"long"], bottom_right2[1,"long"], bottom_right[1,"long"]),
                                             lat=c(lat, topLeft[1,"lat"], topLeft[1,"lat"], lat, lat))
                         rectangle2 <- data.frame(rectangle2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

                         # Now let's deal with the text
                         on_top <- maptools::gcDestination(lon = lon, lat = lat, bearing = 0, dist = distance_legend, dist.units = dist_units, model = "WGS84")
                         on_top2 <- on_top3 <- on_top
                         on_top2[1,"long"] <- bottom_right[1,"long"]
                         on_top3[1,"long"] <- bottom_right2[1,"long"]

                         legend <- rbind(on_top, on_top2, on_top3)
                         legend <- data.frame(cbind(legend, text = c(0, distance_lon, distance_lon*2)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL)
                         return(list(rectangle = rectangle, rectangle2 = rectangle2, legend = legend))
                       has_data_for_sinuosity_measures = function()
                       {"Test if the xtrack has data sufficient to enable sinuosity calculations of the manner carried out in Wood et al. 2021."
                       set_bout_records = function()

                         trackpoints$bout_number <<- "in camp"

                         bout_records <- data.frame(time_leaving_camp=numeric(100),

                         bout_record_index <- 1

                         #this code identifies each time the track 'leaves camp'
                         for(x in 2:nrow(trackpoints))
                           in_camp_time_n_minus_1 <- trackpoints$in_camp[x-1]
                           in_camp_time_n <- trackpoints$in_camp[x]

                           if(in_camp_time_n_minus_1==1 & in_camp_time_n==0)
                             #print(paste("left camp at time", trackpoints$unix_time[x], "inserted in row: ", bout_record_index, "of bout records"))
                             bout_records$time_leaving_camp[bout_record_index] <- trackpoints$unix_time[x]
                             bout_record_index <- bout_record_index+1


                         bout_records <- bout_records[bout_records$time_leaving_camp!=0,]
                         #print(paste("there are", nrow(bout_records), "bout records to scan"))

                           #out_of_camp_bout_records <<- NULL
                           #print("Warning: In this track, there were no bouts of out of camp travel by which to calculate sinuosity of out-of-camp travel")

                         #this code figures out, for each time the track leaves camp,
                         # the next time in which the track re-enters camp.
                         for(i in 1:nrow(bout_records))

                           trackpoints_to_scan <- trackpoints[(trackpoints$unix_time > bout_records$time_leaving_camp[i]),]
                           #if they left camp on the very last trackpoint of a track file

                             bout_records$time_returning_to_camp[i]<- bout_records$time_leaving_camp[i]
                             bout_records$total_time_of_bout_seconds[i] <- 0
                             bout_records$bout_identified[i] <- 0

                           for(j in 1:nrow(trackpoints_to_scan))
                             in_camp_status_now <- trackpoints_to_scan$in_camp[j]

                             #if(is.na(in_camp_status_now)) {in_camp_status_now<-0}

                               #print(paste("returned to camp at time:", trackpoints_to_scan$unix_time[j], "inserted in row", i, "of bout records" ))
                               bout_records$time_returning_to_camp[i]<- trackpoints_to_scan$unix_time[j]
                               bout_records$total_time_of_bout_seconds[i] <- bout_records$time_returning_to_camp[i] - bout_records$time_leaving_camp[i]
                               bout_records$bout_identified[i] <- 1

                         bout_records <- bout_records[bout_records$bout_identified==1,]

                           #out_of_camp_bout_records <<- NULL

                         bout_records$bout_number <- 1:nrow(bout_records)

                         for(b in 1:nrow(bout_records))

                           time_left <- bout_records$time_leaving_camp[b]
                           time_ret <- bout_records$time_returning_to_camp[b]

                           trackpoints_of_bout <- trackpoints[(trackpoints$unix_time>=time_left&trackpoints$unix_time<=time_ret),]
                           length_of_bout_m <- sum(trackpoints_of_bout$meters_from_prior_trackpoint)-trackpoints_of_bout$meters_from_prior_trackpoint[1]
                           max_dist_from_camp_during_bout_m <- max(trackpoints_of_bout$distance_from_camp_m)
                           trackpoint_id_max_dist <- trackpoints_of_bout$pk_trackpoint_id[trackpoints_of_bout$distance_from_camp_m==max_dist_from_camp_during_bout_m][1]
                           max_dist_lon_during_bout <- trackpoints_of_bout$lon[trackpoints_of_bout$pk_trackpoint_id==trackpoint_id_max_dist]
                           max_dist_lat_during_bout <- trackpoints_of_bout$lat[trackpoints_of_bout$pk_trackpoint_id==trackpoint_id_max_dist]
                           max_dist_unix_time <- trackpoints_of_bout$unix_time[trackpoints_of_bout$pk_trackpoint_id==trackpoint_id_max_dist]
                           mean_dist_during_bout_m <- mean(trackpoints_of_bout$distance_from_camp_m)


                         out_of_camp_bout_records <<- bout_records

                         n_bouts <- nrow(out_of_camp_bout_records)

                         for(i in 1:n_bouts)
                           s_time <- out_of_camp_bout_records$time_leaving_camp[i]
                           e_time <- out_of_camp_bout_records$time_returning_to_camp[i]
                           distance_m <- round(out_of_camp_bout_records$total_length_of_bout_m[i],0)
                      set_sinuosity_indices=function(total_length_sin_criteria_m=500, distance_from_camp_sin_criteria_m=500)
                        #print("in set sinuosity indices")
                        # true at initialization, may be set false if this track does not have a bout long enough to qualify for sinuosity measures

                        # for debug (Oct 2022)
                        # trackpoints <- xt_1$trackpoints
                        # total_length_sin_criteria_m =50
                        # distance_from_camp_sin_criteria_m=50

                        has_bout_appropriate_for_sinuosity_measures <<- 1
                        furthest_trackpoint_id <<- trackpoints$pk_trackpoint_id[trackpoints$distance_from_camp_m==max(trackpoints$distance_from_camp_m)][1]
                        trackpoints_of_longest_distance_bout <- get_trackpoints_of_longest_distance_bout()
                        #trackpoints_of_longest_bout <- xt_1$get_trackpoints_of_longest_distance_bout()
                        #pk_track_id <- test_track$pk_track_id

                        # print(paste("setting sinuousity indices for track", pk_track_id))

                          has_bout_appropriate_for_sinuosity_measures <<- 0
                          outbound_section_starting_trackpoint_id<<- -99
                          inbound_section_ending_trackpoint_id<<- -99

                        #out_of_camp_bout_records <- xt_1$get_out_of_camp_bout_records()

                          sorted_bout_records <- out_of_camp_bout_records[order(-out_of_camp_bout_records$total_length_of_bout_m),]
                          stats_on_longest_distance_bout <- sorted_bout_records[1,]
                          max_dist_on_longest_dist_bout <- stats_on_longest_distance_bout$max_dist_from_camp_during_bout_m
                          total_length_of_bout <- stats_on_longest_distance_bout$total_length_of_bout_m

                          # this tests whether the longest distance bout is too short to consider for calculations,
                          # following Raichlen et al. 2014, in Wood et al. 2020 we only considered bouts where the
                          # subject has traveled at least 500 m and has gone 500 m from camp.

                          if(max_dist_on_longest_dist_bout < distance_from_camp_sin_criteria_m | total_length_of_bout < total_length_sin_criteria_m)

                            #print(paste("xtrack does not have data for sinuosity measures"))
                            has_bout_appropriate_for_sinuosity_measures <<- 0
                            outbound_section_starting_trackpoint_id<<- -99
                            inbound_section_ending_trackpoint_id<<- -99
                          } else {
                            #this means there is a bout, and that it is long enough to
                            #merit calculation of sinuosity measures

                            start_trackpoint_of_bout <- trackpoints_of_longest_distance_bout[1,]
                            end_trackpoint_of_bout <- trackpoints_of_longest_distance_bout[nrow(trackpoints_of_longest_distance_bout),]

                            furthest_trackpoint <- trackpoints_of_longest_distance_bout[trackpoints_of_longest_distance_bout$unix_time==stats_on_longest_distance_bout$max_dist_unix_time,]

                            furthest_trackpoint_id <<- furthest_trackpoint$pk_trackpoint_id
                            furthest_trackpoint_unix_time <- furthest_trackpoint$unix_time
                            #furthest_trackpoint_id <- furthest_trackpoint$pk_trackpoint_id

                            outbound_section <- trackpoints_of_longest_distance_bout[(trackpoints_of_longest_distance_bout$unix_time < furthest_trackpoint$unix_time),]
                            inbound_section <- trackpoints_of_longest_distance_bout[(trackpoints_of_longest_distance_bout$unix_time >= furthest_trackpoint$unix_time),]


                            trackpoints$is_in_outbound_segment <<- trackpoints$pk_trackpoint_id %in% outbound_section$pk_trackpoint_id
                            #trackpoints$is_in_outbound_segment <- trackpoints$pk_trackpoint_id %in% outbound_section$pk_trackpoint_id

                            trackpoints$is_in_inbound_segment <<- trackpoints$pk_trackpoint_id %in% inbound_section$pk_trackpoint_id
                            #trackpoints$is_in_inbound_segment <- trackpoints$pk_trackpoint_id %in% inbound_section$pk_trackpoint_id

                            n_trackpoints_outbound_segment <- sum(trackpoints$is_in_outbound_segment)
                            n_trackpoints_inbound_segment <- sum(trackpoints$is_in_inbound_segment)

                            #if there is no segment to be considered inbound or outbound --
                            #this can happen with very short trips out of camp.
                            if(n_trackpoints_outbound_segment<=1 | n_trackpoints_inbound_segment<=1)

                              #pp("outbound or inbound segment less than 1 trackpoint long, so no sinuosity calculated")
                              print(paste("xtrack does not have inbound or outbound data, thus not good for sinuosity measures"))
                              has_bout_appropriate_for_sinuosity_measures <<- 0
                              sp_distance_outbound_km <<- 0
                              sp_distance_inbound_km <<- 0
                              outbound_sinuosity <<- 0
                              inbound_sinuosity <<- 0
                              mean_sinuosity <<- 0
                              outbound_section_starting_trackpoint_id<<- -99
                              inbound_section_ending_trackpoint_id<<- -99

                            } else{
                              #pp("sinuosity calculated successfully")
                              length_outbound_section_km <<- round(sp::LineLength(as.matrix(cbind(outbound_section$lon, outbound_section$lat)), longlat=TRUE, sum=TRUE), 2)
                              length_inbound_section_km <<- round(sp::LineLength(as.matrix(cbind(inbound_section$lon, inbound_section$lat)), longlat=TRUE, sum=TRUE), 2)
                              start_trackpoint_lat <- start_trackpoint_of_bout$lat
                              start_trackpoint_lon <- start_trackpoint_of_bout$lon
                              furthest_trackpoint_lat <- furthest_trackpoint$lat
                              furthest_trackpoint_lon <- furthest_trackpoint$lon
                              end_trackpoint_lat <- end_trackpoint_of_bout$lat
                              end_trackpoint_lon <- end_trackpoint_of_bout$lon
                              start_coords <- as.matrix(cbind(lon=start_trackpoint_of_bout$lon, lat=start_trackpoint_of_bout$lat))
                              furthest_coords <- as.matrix(cbind(furthest_trackpoint$lon, lat=furthest_trackpoint$lat))
                              end_coords <- as.matrix(cbind(lon=end_trackpoint_of_bout$lon, lat=end_trackpoint_of_bout$lat))
                              sp_distance_outbound_km <<- sp::spDistsN1(start_coords,furthest_coords, longlat=TRUE)
                              sp_distance_inbound_km <<- sp::spDistsN1(furthest_coords,end_coords, longlat=TRUE)
                              outbound_sinuosity <<- length_outbound_section_km/sp_distance_outbound_km
                              inbound_sinuosity <<- length_inbound_section_km/sp_distance_inbound_km
                              mean_sinuosity <<- mean(c(outbound_sinuosity,inbound_sinuosity))

                        } else {
                          #this means there are no out of camp bout records ...
                          print("there are no out of camp records in this xtrack, thus no way to calculate sinuosity")
                          has_bout_appropriate_for_sinuosity_measures <<- 0
                          outbound_section_starting_trackpoint_id<<- -99
                          inbound_section_ending_trackpoint_id<<- -99

                        #print(paste("in the longest distance bout there are:", nrow(trackpoints_of_longest_bout), "trackpoints"))

                          #to do
                      write_gpx_file=function(gpx_file_name="test.gpx", gpx_track_name="test")
                      { "writes a GPX file representation of the track. GPX files are widely used in GIS and GPS applications."
                        #trackpoints <- trackpoints_2
                        elevation = trackpoints$elevation_m
                        lat = trackpoints$lat
                        lon = trackpoints$lon
                        utc_datetime = as.POSIXlt(trackpoints$unix_time, origin="1970-01-01", tz="UTC")
                        utc_datetime_format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
                        utc_datetime_formatted <- format(utc_datetime, format=utc_datetime_format)

                        # gpx_track_name="test_track"
                        # gpx_file_name="noname.gpx"

                        iso_8601_date_time <- format(strptime(utc_datetime, format=utc_datetime_format, tz = "UTC"), format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
                        gpx_open <- "<gpx><metadata></metadata>"#if the metadata node is not present, then this gpx file
                        #will not be able to be read using read_xml -- so that is why it is there (after lots of headaches testing)
                        track_open <- paste("<trk><name>", gpx_track_name, "</name>", sep="")
                        trackseg_open <- "<trkseg>"
                        the_trackpoints<-paste("<trkpt lat=\"",lat, "\" lon=\"", lon, "\"><ele>", elevation, "</ele><time>",iso_8601_date_time,"</time></trkpt>",sep="")
                        trackpoints_collapsed <- paste(the_trackpoints, collapse="", sep="")
                        trackseg_close <- "</trkseg>"
                        track_close <- "</trk>"
                        gpx_close <- "</gpx>"
                        all_gpx <- paste(gpx_open, track_open, trackseg_open, trackpoints_collapsed,trackseg_close,track_close,gpx_close, collapse="", sep="")

                        #write_file(x = all_gpx, path = "test_lat_lon_with_quotes.gpx")

                        # all_gpx_with_metadata<-paste("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\" ?><gpx xmlns=\"http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1\" xmlns:gpxx=\"http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/WaypointExtension/v1\" xmlns:gpxtrx=\"http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/GpxExtensions/v3\" xmlns:gpxtpx=\"http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/TrackPointExtension/v1\" creator=\"Oregon 550t\" version=\"1.1\" xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1 http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1/gpx.xsd http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/WaypointExtension/v1 http://www8.garmin.com/xmlschemas/WaypointExtensionv1.xsd http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/TrackPointExtension/v1 http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/TrackPointExtensionv1.xsd\"><metadata><link href=\"http://www.garmin.com\"><text>Garmin International</text></link><time>2017-07-13T16:53:53Z</time></metadata>
                        # ", all_gpx, collapse="", sep="")

                        write(x = all_gpx, file = gpx_file_name)
                      write_kml_file=function(kml_file_name="test.kml", kml_track_name="test", color="red", lwd=3, kml_name="", kml_description="")
                        "Writes a KML file representation of the xtrack. KML files are used in Google Earth and elsewhere."
                        # kml_file_name="test.kml"
                        # kml_track_name="test"
                        # color="red"
                        # lwd=3
                        # kml_name=""
                        # kml_description=""
                        # lon <- xt_1$trackpoints$lon
                        # lat <- xt_1$trackpoints$lat
                        the_spatial_lines <- sp::SpatialLines(list(sp::Lines(sp::Line(cbind(trackpoints$lon,trackpoints$lat)), ID="a")))
                        emptyData <- data.frame(matrix(0, ncol = 2, nrow = length(the_spatial_lines)))
                        the_spatialLinesDataFrame <- sp::SpatialLinesDataFrame(sl=the_spatial_lines, data=emptyData, match.ID=FALSE)
                        maptools::kmlLines(obj=the_spatialLinesDataFrame, kmlfile=kml_file_name, name=kml_name, col=color,lwd=lwd,kmlname=kml_name, kmldescription=kml_description)



#' @title Analysis of geographic overlap and geographic segregation between two groups of xtracks
#' @description
#' This analysis calculates measures of geographic overlap and geographic segregation
#' between all the xtracks in one group and all the xtracks in another group. These groups could be gender groups (as done
#' in Wood et al. 2021), or they could represent age groups, family groups, gender X age groups,
#' all could be potentially interesting. This analysis should be done with two lists of xtrack objects, with each xtrack representing
#' one day of travel. The lists can be of any length, but for an apples-to-apples empirical comparison, should be approx. equal in length.
#' @param xtrack_list_1 a list of xtracks representing 'group 1'. Does not need to be a named list.
#' @param xtrack_list_2 a list of xtracks representing 'group 2'. Does not need to be a named list.
#' @param cell_size_m The resolution of the raster analysis -- i.e. the height and width of each cell in the raster representation of the landscape, in meters.
#' @returns A list presenting analysis results
#' \describe{
#'   \item{square_meters_visited_1}{square meters of unique landscape areas visited by all xtracks in group 1}
#'   \item{square_meters_visited_2}{square meters of unique landscape areas visited by all xtracks in group 2}
#'   \item{square_meters_visited_1_or_2}{square meters of unique landscape areas visited by 1 or 2 (geographic union)}
#'   \item{square_meters_visited_by_1_and_2}{square meters of unique landscape areas visited by 1 and 2 (geographic intersection)}
#'   \item{percent_of_what_1_visited_that_was_visited_by_2}{percent of land visited by group 1 that was visited by group 2}
#'   \item{percent_of_what_2_visited_that_was_visited_by_1}{percent of land visited by group 2 that was visited by group 1}
#'   \item{percent_of_what_was_visited_by_1_or_2_that_was_visited_by_1}{percent of unique land visited by 1 or 2 that was visited by 1}
#'   \item{percent_of_what_was_visited_by_1_or_2_that_was_visited_by_2}{percent of unique land visited by 1 or 2 that was visited by 2}
#'   \item{percent_of_what_was_visited_by_1_or_2_that_was_visited_by_1_and_2}{percent of unique land visited by 1 or 2 that was visited by both 1 and 2.}}
#' @examples
#' data(d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7,d8)
#' xt_1 <- xtrack(lat=d1$lat, lon=d1$lon, elevation_m=d1$elevation_m, in_camp=d1$in_camp, unix_time=d1$unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=d1$distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg=32736)
#' xt_2 <- xtrack(lat=d2$lat, lon=d2$lon, elevation_m=d2$elevation_m, in_camp=d2$in_camp, unix_time=d2$unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=d2$distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg=32736)
#' xt_3 <- xtrack(lat=d3$lat, lon=d3$lon, elevation_m=d3$elevation_m, in_camp=d3$in_camp, unix_time=d3$unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=d3$distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg=32736)
#' xt_4 <- xtrack(lat=d4$lat, lon=d4$lon, elevation_m=d4$elevation_m, in_camp=d4$in_camp, unix_time=d4$unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=d4$distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg=32736)
#' xt_5 <- xtrack(lat=d5$lat, lon=d5$lon, elevation_m=d5$elevation_m, in_camp=d5$in_camp, unix_time=d5$unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=d5$distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg=32736)
#' xt_6 <- xtrack(lat=d6$lat, lon=d6$lon, elevation_m=d6$elevation_m, in_camp=d6$in_camp, unix_time=d6$unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=d6$distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg=32736)
#' xt_7 <- xtrack(lat=d7$lat, lon=d7$lon, elevation_m=d7$elevation_m, in_camp=d7$in_camp, unix_time=d7$unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=d7$distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg=32736)
#' xt_8 <- xtrack(lat=d8$lat, lon=d8$lon, elevation_m=d8$elevation_m, in_camp=d8$in_camp, unix_time=d8$unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=d8$distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg=32736)
#' list_1 <- list(xt_1, xt_2, xt_3, xt_4)
#' list_2 <- list(xt_5, xt_6, xt_7, xt_8)
#' geo_seg_results <- calculate_geographic_overlap_and_segregation(list_1, list_2, cell_size_m = 10)
#' @seealso For example of geographic segregation and overlap analysis see figure 4 in Wood et al. 2021 publication see \url{https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-020-01002-7}
#' @export
calculate_geographic_overlap_and_segregation <- function(xtrack_list_1, xtrack_list_2, cell_size_m=10)

  xtrack_list_both <- c(xtrack_list_1, xtrack_list_2)
  union_1_or_2 <- get_raster_of_land_visited_binary_summed_across_xtracks(xtrack_list_both)
  extent_of_union <- raster::extent(union_1_or_2$the_raster)
  sum_1 <- get_raster_of_land_visited_binary_summed_across_xtracks(xtrack_list_1, extent=extent_of_union)
  sum_2 <- get_raster_of_land_visited_binary_summed_across_xtracks(xtrack_list_2, extent=extent_of_union)
  extents_match <- raster::extent(union_1_or_2$the_raster)==extent(sum_1$the_raster) & extent(sum_1$the_raster)==extent(sum_2$the_raster)
  resolutions_match <- raster::res(union_1_or_2$the_raster)==res(sum_1$the_raster) & res(union_1_or_2$the_raster)==res(sum_2$the_raster)
  resolutions_match <- resolutions_match[1]

    print("error: extents of supplied xtracks do not match")
  } else if (!resolutions_match){
    print("error: resolutions of supplied xtracks do not match")

  # square meters visited by 1
  square_meters_visited_1 <- sum_1$square_meters_visited

  # square meters visited by 2
  square_meters_visited_2 <- sum_2$square_meters_visited

  # square meters visited by 1 or 2
  square_meters_visited_1_or_2 <- union_1_or_2$square_meters_visited

  # square meters visited by 1 and 2
  sum_of_1_and_2 <- sum_1$the_raster + sum_2$the_raster
  n_cells_visited_by_1_and_2 <- sum(raster::values(sum_of_1_and_2)==2)
  square_meters_visited_by_1_and_2 <- n_cells_visited_by_1_and_2 * cell_size_m * cell_size_m

  # percent of what 1 visited that was visited by 2
  percent_of_what_1_visited_that_was_visited_by_2 <- round(square_meters_visited_by_1_and_2/square_meters_visited_1*100,2)

  # percent of what 2 visited that was visited by 1
  percent_of_what_2_visited_that_was_visited_by_1 <- round(square_meters_visited_by_1_and_2/square_meters_visited_2*100,2)

  # percent of what was visited by 1 or 2 that was visited by 1
  percent_of_what_was_visited_by_1_or_2_that_was_visited_by_1 <- round(square_meters_visited_1/square_meters_visited_1_or_2*100,2)

  # percent of what was visited by 1 or 2 that was visited by 2
  percent_of_what_was_visited_by_1_or_2_that_was_visited_by_2 <- round(square_meters_visited_2/square_meters_visited_1_or_2*100,2)

  # percent of what was visited by 1 or 2 that was visited by both 1 and 2
  percent_of_what_was_visited_by_1_or_2_that_was_visited_by_1_and_2 <- round(square_meters_visited_by_1_and_2/square_meters_visited_1_or_2*100,2)

  r_list <- list(square_meters_visited_1=square_meters_visited_1,

# This function receives as input a list of xtracks, and a resolution in meters for a raster analysis.
# The function sums together all the xtracks and then calculates the total square meters
# of land visited across the tracks, at the specified raster-resolution.
# The function returns a list containing:
# 1) square_meters_visited The total square meters of land visited summed across list_of_tracks and
# 2) the_raster a Raster object that is the result of the summation. Each cell will have a value of
# zero (not visited) or 1 (visited at least once).

get_raster_of_land_visited_binary_summed_across_xtracks <-function(xtrack_list, cell_size_m=10, extent=NULL)
  #xtrack_list <- mm
  #xtrack_list <- xtrack_list_1
  #extent<- extent_of_union

  sum_r <- NA

    sum_r <- get_empty_raster_defined_by_extent(boundary_extent = extent, resolution_m = cell_size_m, utm_proj_args = xtrack_list[[1]]$utm_proj_args)
  } else {

    sum_r <- get_empty_raster_enclosing_xtracks(xtrack_list, resolution_m = cell_size_m)

  n_xtracks <- length(xtrack_list)

  for(i in 1:n_xtracks)
    #print(paste(camp, i, "of", nrow(ts), "track", ts$fk_track_id[i]))
    t <- xtrack_list[[i]]
    r <- t$as_raster_of_habitat_visited_binary(xmin = sum_r@extent@xmin, xmax = sum_r@extent@xmax, ymin = sum_r@extent@ymin, ymax = sum_r@extent@ymax)
    vals <- raster::values(r)
    raster::values(r) <- vals
    sum_r <- sum_r + r

  sum_r[sum_r[]>1] <- 1

  total_cells_visited <- sum(raster::values(sum_r))

  square_meters_per_cell <- cell_size_m * cell_size_m

  square_meters_visited <- square_meters_per_cell * total_cells_visited

  return_list <- list(square_meters_visited=square_meters_visited, the_raster=sum_r)

#' @title Analysis of rates of habitat exploration.
#' @description Following Wood et al. 2021, this analysis computes the habitat visited / explored
#' each day, the marginal 'new' habitat visited for each day, and the cumulative habitat explored across all days.
#' @param list_of_xtracks This analysis should be done with a temporally-sorted list of xtrack objects, with each xtrack representing
#' one day of travel of the same person. In the list, the first day of data should be in position 1.
#' @param cell_size_m The x and y size of each raster cell in the raster representation of the landscape, in meters.
#' @returns A dataframe (format described below) in which rows represent days, and columns provide analysis outcomes
#' \describe{
#'   \item{day}{day number}
#'   \item{sum_cells_visited_this_day}{the number of cells intersected on that day}
#'   \item{cum_sum_cells_visited_across_days}{cumulative number of cells intersected from day 1 to current day}
#'   \item{n_new_cells_visited_this_day}{number of cells visited that day and not on prior days}
#'   \item{square_meters_per_cell}{the area of each cell in square meters}
#'   \item{sum_square_meters_visited_this_day}{area in square meters of all cells visited that day}
#'   \item{cum_sum_square_meters_visited_across_days}{cummulative area of cells visited from day 1 to the current day}
#'   \item{square_meters_new_habitat_visited_this_day}{the square meters of cells visited on that day and not on prior days.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' xt_1 <- xtrack(lat=d1$lat, lon=d1$lon, elevation_m=d1$elevation_m, in_camp=d1$in_camp, unix_time=d1$unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=d1$distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg=32736)
#' xt_2 <- xtrack(lat=d2$lat, lon=d2$lon, elevation_m=d2$elevation_m, in_camp=d2$in_camp, unix_time=d2$unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=d2$distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg=32736)
#' xt_3 <- xtrack(lat=d3$lat, lon=d3$lon, elevation_m=d3$elevation_m, in_camp=d3$in_camp, unix_time=d3$unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=d3$distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg=32736)
#' xt_4 <- xtrack(lat=d4$lat, lon=d4$lon, elevation_m=d4$elevation_m, in_camp=d4$in_camp, unix_time=d4$unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=d4$distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg=32736)
#' xt_5 <- xtrack(lat=d5$lat, lon=d5$lon, elevation_m=d5$elevation_m, in_camp=d5$in_camp, unix_time=d5$unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=d5$distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg=32736)
#' xt_6 <- xtrack(lat=d6$lat, lon=d6$lon, elevation_m=d6$elevation_m, in_camp=d6$in_camp, unix_time=d6$unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=d6$distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg=32736)
#' xt_7 <- xtrack(lat=d7$lat, lon=d7$lon, elevation_m=d7$elevation_m, in_camp=d7$in_camp, unix_time=d7$unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=d7$distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg=32736)
#' xt_8 <- xtrack(lat=d8$lat, lon=d8$lon, elevation_m=d8$elevation_m, in_camp=d8$in_camp, unix_time=d8$unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=d8$distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg=32736)
#' list_of_xtracks <- list(xt_1, xt_2, xt_3, xt_4, xt_5, xt_6, xt_7, xt_8)
#' hab_exp_results <- get_hab_exp_across_days(list_of_xtracks, cell_size_m = 10)
#' @seealso For Land exploration analysis described in Wood et al. 2021 publication see \url{https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-020-01002-7#Sec15}
#' @export
get_hab_exp_across_days<-function(list_of_xtracks, cell_size_m=10)

  n_xtracks <- length(list_of_xtracks)
  # calculate the extent needed to contain all the supplied tracks

  min_y_all_xtracks <- NA
  max_y_all_xtracks <- NA
  min_x_all_xtracks <- NA
  max_x_all_xtracks <- NA

  for(i in 1:n_xtracks)
      min_y_all_xtracks <- min(min_y_all_xtracks, list_of_xtracks[[i]]$min_y_utm, na.rm=TRUE)
      max_y_all_xtracks <- max(max_y_all_xtracks, list_of_xtracks[[i]]$max_y_utm, na.rm=TRUE)
      min_x_all_xtracks <- min(min_x_all_xtracks, list_of_xtracks[[i]]$min_x_utm, na.rm=TRUE)
      max_x_all_xtracks <- max(max_x_all_xtracks, list_of_xtracks[[i]]$max_x_utm, na.rm=TRUE)

  #this is just for the aesthetics; when the rasters are plotted it is
  #good to have a little buffer / margin for sanity's sake
  min_y_all_xtracks <-min_y_all_xtracks-20
  max_y_all_xtracks <-max_y_all_xtracks+20
  min_x_all_xtracks <-min_x_all_xtracks-20
  max_x_all_xtracks <-max_x_all_xtracks+20

  #create list to hold raster representations of xtracks
  list_of_rasters <- vector(length=n_xtracks, mode = "list")

  for(i in 1:n_xtracks)
    list_of_rasters[[i]] <- list_of_xtracks[[i]]$as_raster_of_habitat_visited_binary(cell_size_m = cell_size_m, xmin=min_x_all_xtracks, xmax=max_x_all_xtracks, ymin=min_y_all_xtracks, ymax=max_y_all_xtracks)

  #create data frame to hold results of habitat exploration analysis

  res <- data.frame(day=1:n_xtracks)
  res$sum_cells_visited_this_day <- NA
  res$cum_sum_cells_visited_across_days <- NA
  res$n_new_cells_visited_this_day <- NA

  cum_sum_raster <- list_of_rasters[[1]]

  res$sum_cells_visited_this_day[1] <- sum(raster::values(list_of_rasters[[1]]))
  res$cum_sum_cells_visited_across_days[1] <- sum(raster::values(cum_sum_raster))
  res$n_new_cells_visited_this_day[1] <- sum(raster::values(list_of_rasters[[1]]))

  #the heart of the matter is here
  for(i in 2:n_xtracks)
    cum_sum_raster <- cum_sum_raster + list_of_rasters[[i]]
    cum_sum_raster[cum_sum_raster[]>1] <- 1
    res$sum_cells_visited_this_day[i] <- sum(raster::values(list_of_rasters[[i]]))
    res$cum_sum_cells_visited_across_days[i] <- sum(raster::values(cum_sum_raster))
    res$n_new_cells_visited_this_day[i] <- res$cum_sum_cells_visited_across_days[i] - res$cum_sum_cells_visited_across_days[i-1]

  square_meters_per_cell <- cell_size_m * cell_size_m

  res$square_meters_per_cell <- square_meters_per_cell

  res$sum_square_meters_visited_this_day <- res$sum_cells_visited_this_day * square_meters_per_cell

  res$cum_sum_square_meters_visited_across_days <- res$cum_sum_cells_visited_across_days * square_meters_per_cell

  res$square_meters_new_habitat_visited_this_day <- res$n_new_cells_visited_this_day * square_meters_per_cell

  #the concept of 'new habitat visited today' doesn't make sense on the first day, hence NA
  res$n_new_cells_visited_this_day[1] <- NA
  res$square_meters_new_habitat_visited_this_day[1] <- NA


equalizeAxesLimits<- function(x_lim, y_lim)

  x_axis_meters <- geosphere::distm(x = c(x_lim[1], y_lim[1]), y=c(x_lim[2], y_lim[1]))[1,1]
  y_axis_meters <- geosphere::distm(x= c(x_lim[1], y_lim[1]), y=c(x_lim[1], y_lim[2]))[1,1]

  new_min_x <- 0
  new_max_x <- 0
  new_min_y <- 0
  new_max_y <- 0
  new_x_axis_distance_m <- 0
  new_y_axis_distance_m <- 0
  new_x_lim <- c(0,0)
  new_y_lim <- c(0,0)

    mid_x <- (x_lim[1]+x_lim[2])/2
    new_min_x <- geosphere::destPoint(p = c(mid_x, y_lim[1]), b = 270, d = y_axis_meters/2)[1]
    new_max_x <- geosphere::destPoint(p = c(mid_x, y_lim[1]), b = 90, d = y_axis_meters/2)[1]
    new_x_axis_distance_m <- geosphere::distm(c(new_min_x, y_lim[1]), c(new_max_x, y_lim[1]))[1,1]
    new_y_axis_distance_m <- y_axis_meters
    new_x_lim <- c(new_min_x, new_max_x)
    new_y_lim <- y_lim
  } else if(x_axis_meters>y_axis_meters) {

    mid_y <- (y_lim[1]+y_lim[2])/2
    new_min_y <- geosphere::destPoint(p=c(x_lim[1], mid_y), b=180, d=x_axis_meters/2)[2]
    new_max_y <- geosphere::destPoint(p=c(x_lim[1], mid_y), b=0, d=x_axis_meters/2)[2]
    new_x_axis_distance_m <- x_axis_meters
    new_y_axis_distance_m <- geosphere::distm(c(x_lim[1], new_min_y), c(x_lim[1], new_max_y))[1,1]
    new_x_lim <- x_lim
    new_y_lim <- c(new_min_y, new_max_y)
  return(list(x_lim=new_x_lim, y_lim=new_y_lim, new_x_axis_distance_m=new_x_axis_distance_m, new_y_axis_distance_m=new_y_axis_distance_m))

#` This function creates an empty raster layer with values of 0 in all cells.
# This layer that should spatially enclose all the
# trackpoints recorded for the supplied list of xtracks.
# The resolution of the raster is set by the parameter resolution_m, sent to the function.
# The coordinate system of the map will be taken from the first xtrack in the list, unless
# a non-null value (e.g. 32736) is supplied for the parameter utm_proj_args.
# To enable better plotting, there is a small buffer of size 'buffer_m' added to all four edges of the raster.
get_empty_raster_enclosing_xtracks <-function(list_of_xtracks, resolution_m=10, utm_proj_args=NULL, buffer_m=10)
    utm_proj_args <- paste0("+init=epsg:",list_of_xtracks[[1]]$utm_epsg)
  } else {
    utm_proj_args <- paste0("+init=epsg:",utm_proj_args)

  # calculates and sends us the extent needed to contain all the supplied tracks
  boundary_extent <- get_raster_extent_enclosing_xtracks(list_of_xtracks, resolution_m = resolution_m, buffer_m=buffer_m)

  r <- raster::raster(xmx=boundary_extent@xmax, xmn=boundary_extent@xmin, ymn=boundary_extent@ymin, ymx=boundary_extent@ymax)
  raster::res(r) <- resolution_m
  raster::crs(r) <- utm_proj_args
  values(r) <- 0

get_empty_raster_defined_by_extent <- function(boundary_extent, resolution_m=10, utm_proj_args=NULL)

    print("Error: utm epsg needed for defining the empty raster")
  } else {

  r <- raster::raster(xmx=boundary_extent@xmax, xmn=boundary_extent@xmin, ymn=boundary_extent@ymin, ymx=boundary_extent@ymax)
  res(r) <- resolution_m
  crs(r) <- utm_proj_args
  values(r) <- 0

get_raster_extent_enclosing_xtracks <- function(xtrack_list, resolution_m=10, buffer_m=10)

  n_xtracks <- length(xtrack_list)
  # calculate the extent needed to contain all the supplied tracks

  min_y_all_xtracks <- NA
  max_y_all_xtracks <- NA
  min_x_all_xtracks <- NA
  max_x_all_xtracks <- NA

  for(i in 1:n_xtracks)
    min_y_all_xtracks <- min(min_y_all_xtracks, xtrack_list[[i]]$min_y_utm, na.rm=TRUE)
    max_y_all_xtracks <- max(max_y_all_xtracks, xtrack_list[[i]]$max_y_utm, na.rm=TRUE)
    min_x_all_xtracks <- min(min_x_all_xtracks, xtrack_list[[i]]$min_x_utm, na.rm=TRUE)
    max_x_all_xtracks <- max(max_x_all_xtracks, xtrack_list[[i]]$max_x_utm, na.rm=TRUE)

  # this is just for the aesthetics; when a raster is plotted it is
  # good to have a little buffer / margin for sanity's sake
  min_y_all_xtracks <-min_y_all_xtracks-buffer_m
  max_y_all_xtracks <-max_y_all_xtracks+buffer_m
  min_x_all_xtracks <-min_x_all_xtracks-buffer_m
  max_x_all_xtracks <-max_x_all_xtracks+buffer_m

  llpoint <- data.frame(x=c(min_x_all_xtracks), y=c(min_y_all_xtracks))
  lrpoint <- data.frame(x=c(max_x_all_xtracks), y=c(min_y_all_xtracks))
  ulpoint <- data.frame(x=c(min_x_all_xtracks), y=c(max_y_all_xtracks))
  urpoint <- data.frame(x=c(max_x_all_xtracks), y=c(max_y_all_xtracks))

  boundary_points <- rbind(llpoint, lrpoint, ulpoint, urpoint)
  boundary_extent <- raster::extent(boundary_points)

unit_test_geographic_segregation <- function()


  xt_1 <- xtrack(lat=d1$lat, lon=d1$lon, elevation_m=d1$elevation_m, in_camp=d1$in_camp, unix_time=d1$unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=d1$distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg=32736)
  xt_2 <- xtrack(lat=d2$lat, lon=d2$lon, elevation_m=d2$elevation_m, in_camp=d2$in_camp, unix_time=d2$unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=d2$distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg=32736)
  xt_3 <- xtrack(lat=d3$lat, lon=d3$lon, elevation_m=d3$elevation_m, in_camp=d3$in_camp, unix_time=d3$unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=d3$distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg=32736)
  xt_4 <- xtrack(lat=d4$lat, lon=d4$lon, elevation_m=d4$elevation_m, in_camp=d4$in_camp, unix_time=d4$unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=d4$distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg=32736)
  xt_5 <- xtrack(lat=d5$lat, lon=d5$lon, elevation_m=d5$elevation_m, in_camp=d5$in_camp, unix_time=d5$unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=d5$distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg=32736)
  xt_6 <- xtrack(lat=d6$lat, lon=d6$lon, elevation_m=d6$elevation_m, in_camp=d6$in_camp, unix_time=d6$unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=d6$distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg=32736)
  xt_7 <- xtrack(lat=d7$lat, lon=d7$lon, elevation_m=d7$elevation_m, in_camp=d7$in_camp, unix_time=d7$unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=d7$distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg=32736)
  xt_8 <- xtrack(lat=d8$lat, lon=d8$lon, elevation_m=d8$elevation_m, in_camp=d8$in_camp, unix_time=d8$unix_time, distance_from_camp_m=d8$distance_from_camp_m, utm_epsg=32736)

  mv_1 <- xt_1$as_mapview(color="red")
  mv_2 <- xt_2$as_mapview(color="blue")
  mv_3 <- xt_3$as_mapview(color="green")
  mv_4 <- xt_4$as_mapview(color="orange")
  mv_5 <- xt_5$as_mapview(color="purple")
  mv_6 <- xt_6$as_mapview(color="white")
  mv_7 <- xt_7$as_mapview(color="lightblue")
  mv_8 <- xt_8$as_mapview(color="pink")

  #exploring the data using plots, to inform testing
  # mv_1
  # mv_2
  # mv_3
  # mv_4
  # mv_5
  # mv_6
  # mv_7
  # mv_8
  # mv_1 + mv_6
  # mv_6 + mv_3
  # mv_2 + mv_5
  # mv_7 + mv_8

  # known facts for testing:
  # 1. with xt_1 and xt_6, xt_1 has larger area visited
  # 2. with xt_1 and xt_6, percent AND overlap is modest
  # 3. with xt_1 and xt_6, xt_1 visits all areas visited by xt_6
  # 4. with xt_7 and xt_8, percent AND overlap is more than modest
  # 5. with xt_2 and xt_5 there is zero overlap
  # 6. with xt_5 and xt_5 there is 100 percent overlap

  group_1 <- list(xt_1)
  group_2 <- list(xt_6)
  res_1 <- calculate_geographic_overlap_and_segregation(xtrack_list_1 = group_1, xtrack_list_2 = group_2, cell_size_m = 10)
  test_1 <- res_1$square_meters_visited_1 > res_1$square_meters_visited_2
  print(paste("test 1 passed:", test_1))

  res_2 <- calculate_geographic_overlap_and_segregation(xtrack_list_1 = group_1, xtrack_list_2 = group_2, cell_size_m = 10)
  test_2 <- res_2$percent_of_what_was_visited_by_1_or_2_that_was_visited_by_1_and_2 < 25
  print(paste("test 2 passed:", test_2))

  test_3 <- res_2$percent_of_what_2_visited_that_was_visited_by_1 == 100
  print(paste("test 3 passed:", test_3))

  group_4 <- list(xt_7)
  group_5 <- list(xt_8)
  res_4 <- calculate_geographic_overlap_and_segregation(xtrack_list_1 = group_4, xtrack_list_2 = group_5, cell_size_m = 10)
  test_4 <- res_4$percent_of_what_was_visited_by_1_or_2_that_was_visited_by_1_and_2 > res_2$percent_of_what_was_visited_by_1_or_2_that_was_visited_by_1_and_2
  print(paste("test 4 passed:", test_4))

  group_6 <- list(xt_2)
  group_7 <- list(xt_5)
  res_5 <- calculate_geographic_overlap_and_segregation(xtrack_list_1 = group_6, xtrack_list_2 = group_7, cell_size_m = 10)
  test_5 <- res_5$percent_of_what_1_visited_that_was_visited_by_2 == 0
  print(paste("test 5 passed:", test_5))

  res_6 <- calculate_geographic_overlap_and_segregation(list(xt_1), list(xt_1), 10)
  test_6 <- res_6$percent_of_what_1_visited_that_was_visited_by_2==100
  print(paste("test 6 passed:", test_6))
brianwood1/xtracks documentation built on Oct. 12, 2022, 7:42 a.m.