
Defines functions r_vitals

Documented in r_vitals

#' Generate random life histories/vital rates
#' Draws values from a random uniform distribution (see function runif() ) between a minmum and maximum value.
#' TODO: split this up into sep function
#'       1st, generate random valueas
#'       2nd, make sure high quality > low quaity
#'       3rd, contstain to a particular lambda value
#'       output diagnostic plots to examine
#'       be able to set lambda values from function (current hard coded)
#'       be able to allow any lambda values
#'       allow tolerances to be set on lambda values being used as references
#'       (currently use round() as a clunky way to make this work)
#' @import stats
#' @param d sets range of data to draw random values from (delta)
#' @param n number of simulated life histories
#' @param params. starting values for parameters. Defaults to output of param_set()
#' @return px2 xxx
#' @examples
#' random.vitals <-r_vitals()
#' head(random.vitals)
#' @export

r_vitals <- function(d = 0.25,   #
                     n = 10000,                     #
                     params. = param_set() #

 #focal params to
 j.params.vary <- c( "S.w.fg","S.w.fp"

  params.init <- params.[   , j.params.vary]

  #create min and max values to use for random number generation
  params.min   <- params.init-params.init*d
  params.min$f <- 0.5
  params.max   <- params.init+params.init*d
  params.max$f <- 0.5

  #fix survival params so they dont exceed 1
  i.surv.params <- grep("^S",names(params.max))
  params.max[i.surv.params] <- ifelse(params.max[i.surv.params]>1,

  # Generate random data
  px <- runif(n = length(params.min)*n,
              min = as.numeric(params.min),
              max = as.numeric(params.max))
  px <- matrix(px, nrow = n,byrow = T)
  px <- data.frame(px)
  names(px) <- names(params.init)

  # Check to make sure parameters in source habitat are not
  # less than parameters in sink habitat
  i.bad0 <- with(px, which(S.w.fg <=  S.w.fp))#
  i.bad1 <- with(px, which(S.m.fg <= S.m.fp))
  i.bad2 <- with(px, which(S.b.fc <= S.b.fk))
  i.bad3 <- with(px, which(S.f.fc <= S.f.fk))
  i.bad4 <- with(px, which(S.y.fc <= S.y.fk))

  # fecundities?
  #R.base.rate vs R.hab.effect?  I dont think this needs
  # to be checked...

  i.bad <- unique(c(i.bad0,i.bad1,i.bad2,i.bad3,i.bad4))

  # drop bad values
  px <- px[-i.bad,]

  #calcualte demography summary stats for high quality habitat

  # High quality habitat base rates (using middle value, from param_set()

  ## Adults in high quality habitat
  ## breeding survival * fall mig surv. * winter surv. * spring mig surv.
  ### in source habitat
  S.ad.hi  <- with(params.init, S.b.fc*S.f.fc*S.w.fg*S.m.fg)

  ## Juveniles originating from high quality habitat
  ## fall migration survival * winter surv. * spring mig surv.
  ###   note that there is no summer survival
  S.juv.hi <- with(params.init,        S.y.fc*S.w.fg*S.m.fg)

  Fec.hi   <- with(params.init, R.base.rate)

  # Lambda = Adult survival + Juv. survival * fecundity*sex ratio
  Lamb.hi  <- S.ad.hi+ S.juv.hi*Fec.hi*px$f[1]

  #low quality habitat base rates
  S.ad.lo  <- with(params.init, S.b.fk*S.f.fk*S.w.fp*S.m.fp)
  S.juv.lo <- with(params.init, S.y.fk*       S.w.fp*S.m.fp)
  Fec.lo   <- with(params.init, R.base.rate*R.hab.effect)
  Lamb.lo  <- S.ad.lo+ S.juv.lo*Fec.lo*px$f[1]

  # For random data
  #high quality habitat rand data
  px$S.ad.hi  <- with(px, S.b.fc*S.f.fc*S.w.fg*S.m.fg)
  px$S.juv.hi <- with(px, S.y.fc*       S.w.fg*S.m.fg)
  px$Fec.hi   <- with(px, R.base.rate)
  px$Lamb.hi  <- px$S.ad.hi+ px$S.juv.hi*px$Fec.hi*px$f
  #hist(px$Lamb.hi )
  ##abline(v = Lamb.hi,col = 2)

  #low quality habitat rand data
  px$S.ad.lo  <- with(px, S.b.fk*S.f.fk*S.w.fp*S.m.fp)
  #hist(px$S.ad.lo);#abline(v = S.ad.lo,col = 2)

  px$S.juv.lo <- with(px, S.y.fk*       S.w.fp*S.m.fp)
  #hist(px$S.juv.lo);#abline(v = S.juv.lo,col = 2)

  px$Fec.lo   <- with(px, R.base.rate*R.hab.effect)
  #hist(px$Fec.lo);#abline(v = Fec.lo,col = 2)

  #hist(px$S.ad.lo +  px$S.juv.lo*px$Fec.lo*px$f )

  px$Lamb.lo  <- px$S.ad.lo + px$S.juv.lo*px$Fec.lo*px$f
  #abline(v=Lamb.lo, col = 2)

  #with(px, scatter.smooth(Lamb.hi ~ Lamb.lo))
  #abline(a = 0, b = 1)
  #with(px, scatter.smooth(S.b.fc ~ S.b.fk))
  #abline(a = 0, b = 1)
  #with(px, scatter.smooth(S.y.fc ~ S.y.fk))
  #abline(a = 0, b = 1)

  #with(px, #hist(Lamb.hi))
  #with(px, #hist(Lamb.lo))

  #extract values approx equal to average lambda from R&M
  i.1.06  <- which(round(px$Lamb.hi,1) == round(1.06,1))
  i.0.624 <- which(round(px$Lamb.lo,1) == round(0.624,1))

  px2 <- px[intersect(i.1.06,i.0.624),]

  #with(px2, plot(Lamb.hi ~ Lamb.lo))
  #abline(a = 0, b = 1)
  #with(px2, scatter.smooth(S.b.fc ~ S.b.fk))
  #abline(a = 0, b = 1)
  #with(px2, scatter.smooth(S.y.fc ~ S.y.fk))
  #abline(a = 0, b = 1)


brouwern/FACavian documentation built on June 1, 2024, 10:32 p.m.