
# mqmaugment.R
# Copyright (c) 2009-2012, Danny Arends
# Modified by Pjotr Prins; slight modification by Karl Broman
# first written Februari 2009
# last modified Nov 2012
#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
#     version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
#     merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU
#     General Public License, version 3, for more details.
#     A copy of the GNU General Public License, version 3, is available
#     at http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/GPL-3
# Part of the R/qtl package
# Contains: mqmaugment

# mqmaugment_on_cofactors: Data Augmentation routine for MQM only using the cofactors, the other markers are filled by fill.geno()

mqmaugment_on_cofactors <- function(cross, cofactors, maxaugind=82, minprob=0.1, strategy=c("default","impute","drop"), verbose=FALSE, ...){
  markernames <- as.character(unlist(lapply(pull.map(cross),names)))
  todrop <- markernames[which(cofactors==0)]
  toaugment <- drop.markers(cross,todrop)
  cross <- fill.geno(cross, ...)
  augmented <- mqmaugment(toaugment,maxaugind,minprob,strategy,verbose)
  newgenomatrix <- NULL
  for(marker in markernames){
    if(marker %in% todrop){
      newgenomatrix <- cbind(newgenomatrix,pull.geno(cross)[augmented$mqm[[3]],marker])
      newgenomatrix <- cbind(newgenomatrix,pull.geno(augmented)[,marker])
  colnames(newgenomatrix) <- markernames
  augmented$geno <- vector("list",nchr(cross))
  for(chr in 1:length(cross$geno)){
    augmented$geno[[chr]]$map <- cross$geno[[chr]]$map
    augmented$geno[[chr]]$data <- newgenomatrix[,names(cross$geno[[chr]]$map)]
    names(augmented$geno) <- names(cross$geno)
    class(augmented$geno[[chr]]) <- as.character(class(cross$geno[[chr]]))

# mqmaugment: dataaugmentation routine for MQM

mqmaugment <- function(cross,maxaugind=82, minprob=0.1, strategy=c("default","impute","drop"), verbose=FALSE) {
  starttime <- proc.time()
  maxiaug = maxaugind
  maxaug=nind(cross)*maxiaug   # maxaug is the maximum of individuals to augment to
  if(minprob <= 0 || minprob > 1){
    stop("Error minprob should be a value between 0 and 1.")
  supported <- c("default","impute","drop")
  strategy <- pmatch(strategy, supported)

  # ---- check for supported crosses and set ctype

  isF2       = 1
  isBC       = 2
  isRIL      = 3

  isAA       = 1
  isAB       = 2
  isH        = 2
  isBB       = 3
  isNOTBB    = 4
  isNOTAA    = 5
  isMISSING  = 9

  crosstype <- class(cross)[1]

  if (crosstype == "f2") {
    ctype = isF2
  else if (crosstype == "bc" || crosstype == "dh") {
    ctype = isBC
  else if (crosstype == "riself") {
    ctype = isRIL
  else {
    stop("Currently only F2, BC, and selfed RIL crosses can be analyzed by MQM.")

  if (verbose) cat("INFO: Received a valid cross file type:", crosstype,".\n")

  # ---- Check sex chromosome
  # check whether the X chromosome should be dropped
  # (backcross with one sex should be fine)
  chrtype <- sapply(cross$geno, class)
  if (any(chrtype == "X") && (ctype == isF2 ||
    length(getgenonames(crosstype, "X", "full",
    getsex(cross), attributes(cross))) != 2)) { # drop X chr
      warning("MQM not yet available for the X chromosome; omitting chr ",
      paste(names(cross$geno)[chrtype == "X"], collapse=" "))
      cross <- subset(cross, chr=(chrtype != "X"))

  # ---- Count
  n.ind <- nind(cross)
  n.chr <- nchr(cross)
  n.aug <- maxaug
  if (verbose) {
    cat("INFO: Number of individuals:",n.ind,".\n")
    cat("INFO: Number of chr:",n.chr,".\n")

  # ---- Genotype
  geno <- pull.geno(cross)
  chr <- rep(1:nchr(cross), nmar(cross))
  dist <- unlist(pull.map(cross))
  #Fake Phenotype
  pheno <- rep(1:n.ind)
  n.mark <- ncol(geno)
  if (verbose) cat("INFO: Number of markers:",n.mark,".\n")
  # Check for NA genotypes and replace them with a 9
  geno[is.na(geno)] <- isMISSING
  if (ctype==isRIL) {
    nH = sum(geno==isH)
    if (nH>0) {
      #warning("RIL dataset contains ", nH," heterozygous genotypes")
      if (any(geno==isBB)) { # have 3/BB's, so replace 2/H's with missing values
        geno[geno==isH] <- isMISSING 
        #warning("Removed heterozygous genotypes from RIL set")
      } else {
        #warning("Converting heterozygous genotypes to BB from RIL set")
        geno[geno==isH] <- isBB
  } # end if(RIL)

  # ---- Call data augmentation
  result <- .C("R_mqmaugment",
    as.integer(1),    # 1 phenotype
  n.indold = n.ind
  n.ind = result$nind
  n.aug = result$naug
  markONchr <- 0
  markdone <- 0
  pheno <- NULL
  pnames <- phenames(cross)
  oldpheno <- pull.pheno(cross)
  result$augIND <- result$augIND+1
  for(x in result$augPheno[1:n.aug]){
      pheno <- rbind(pheno,oldpheno[x,])
      pheno <- c(pheno,oldpheno[x])
  for(c in 1:n.chr){
    matri <- NULL
    markONchr <- dim(cross$geno[[c]]$data)[2]
    #print(paste("# markers",markONchr,"\n",sep=""))
    for(j in markdone:(markdone+markONchr-1)){
      ind2 <- NULL
      ind2 <- result$augGeno[(1+(j*maxaug)):(n.aug+(j*maxaug))]
      matri <- rbind(matri,ind2)
    matri <- t(matri)
      colnames(matri) <- colnames(geno)[markdone:(markdone+markONchr)]
    } else {
     colnames(matri) <- colnames(geno)[(markdone+1):(markdone+markONchr)]
    cross$geno[[c]]$data <- matri
    markdone <- (markdone+markONchr)
	colnames(pheno) <- colnames(cross$pheno)
  cross$pheno <- as.data.frame(pheno, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
  #Store extra information (needed by the MQM algorithm) which individual was which original etc..
  cross$mqm$Nind <- n.ind
  cross$mqm$Naug <- n.aug
  result$augIND <- result$augIND-1
  cross$mqm$augIND <- result$augIND[1:n.aug]
  # ---- RESULTS
  endtime <- proc.time()
  if(n.ind != n.indold){
    if(verbose) warning("SERIOUS WARNING: Dropped ",abs(n.ind - n.indold)," original individuals.\n  Information lost, please increase minprob.")
  if(verbose) cat("INFO: DATA-Augmentation took: ",round((endtime-starttime)[3], digits=3)," seconds\n")

  colnames(cross$pheno) <- pnames # fix up phenotype names problem

  cross  # return cross type
byandell/qtl documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:28 a.m.