
Defines functions histobs.plot

Documented in histobs.plot

# Plot histogram of four NCA metrics

# roxygen comments
#' Plots histogram of selected set of NCA metrics.
#' \pkg{histobs.plot} plots histogram of selected set of NCA metrics (e.g.
#' AUClast, AUCINF_obs, Cmax and Tmax).
#' \pkg{histobs.plot} plots histogram of selected set of NCA metrics. The 
#' allowed NCA metrics for this histograms are "AUClast", "AUClower_upper", 
#' "AUCINF_obs", "AUCINF_pred", "AUMClast", "Cmax", "Tmax" and "HL_Lambda_z". By
#' default, this function produces histogram of AUClast, AUCINF_obs, Cmax and 
#' Tmax.
#' @param plotData A data frame with the estimated NCA metrics
#' @param figlbl Figure label based on dose identifier and/or population 
#'   stratifier (\strong{NULL})
#' @param param A character array of the NCA metrics. The allowed NCA metrics 
#'   for this histograms are "AUClast", "AUClower_upper", "AUCINF_obs", 
#'   "AUCINF_pred", "AUMClast", "Cmax", "Tmax" and "HL_Lambda_z". 
#'   (\strong{c("AUClast", "AUCINF_obs", "Cmax", "Tmax")})
#' @param cunit Unit for concentration (default is \strong{\code{NULL}})
#' @param tunit Unit for time (defulat is \strong{\code{NULL}})
#' @param spread Measure of the spread of simulated data (ppi (95\% parametric 
#'   prediction interval) or npi (95\% nonparametric prediction interval)) 
#'   (\strong{"npi"})
#' @return returns a graphical object created by arrangeGrob function
#' @export

histobs.plot <- function(plotData,
  "..density.." <- "TYPE" <- "Obs" <- "arrangeGrob" <- "scale_linetype_manual" <- "scale_color_manual" <- "xlab" <- "ylab" <- "guides" <- "guide_legend" <- "theme" <- "element_text" <- "unit" <- "element_rect" <- "geom_histogram" <- "aes" <- "geom_vline" <- "melt" <- "ggplot" <- "coord_cartesian" <- "facet_grid" <- "labs" <- "gtable_filter" <- "ggplot_gtable" <- "ggplot_build" <- "textGrob" <- "gpar" <- "..count.." <- "..PANEL.." <- "scale_y_continuous" <- "percent" <- "sd" <- "quantile" <- "na.omit" <- "packageVersion" <- NULL
  if(!all(param %in% names(plotData))){
    stop("One or more of the param variables not present in the data.")
    plotData <- subset(plotData, select = param)
  alwprm <- c("AUClast","AUClower_upper","AUCINF_obs","AUCINF_pred","AUMClast","Cmax","Tmax","HL_Lambda_z")
  npr    <- length(param)
  fctNm  <- data.frame()
  if (!all(param%in%alwprm)){stop("Incorrect NCA metrics. Please select NCA metrics from \"AUClast\", \"AUClower_upper\", \"AUCINF_obs\", \"AUCINF_pred\", \"AUMClast\", \"Cmax\", \"Tmax\", \"HL_Lambda_z\".")}
  for (p in 1:npr){
    if (param[p] == "AUClast" | param[p] == "AUClower_upper" | param[p] == "AUCINF_obs" | param[p] == "AUCINF_pred"){
      if(is.null(cunit) | is.null(tunit)){
        fctNm <- rbind(fctNm, data.frame(prmNm=param[p],prmUnit=param[p]))
        fctNm <- rbind(fctNm, data.frame(prmNm=param[p],prmUnit=paste0(param[p]," (",cunit,"*",tunit,")")))
    }else if (param[p] == "AUMClast"){
      if(is.null(cunit) | is.null(tunit)){
        fctNm <- rbind(fctNm, data.frame(prmNm=param[p],prmUnit=param[p]))
        fctNm <- rbind(fctNm, data.frame(prmNm=param[p],prmUnit=paste0(param[p]," (",cunit,"*",tunit,"^2)")))
    }else if (param[p] == "Cmax"){
        fctNm <- rbind(fctNm, data.frame(prmNm=param[p],prmUnit=param[p]))
        fctNm <- rbind(fctNm, data.frame(prmNm=param[p],prmUnit=paste0(param[p]," (",cunit,")")))
    }else if (param[p] == "Tmax" | param[p] == "HL_Lambda_z"){
        fctNm <- rbind(fctNm, data.frame(prmNm=param[p],prmUnit=param[p]))
        fctNm <- rbind(fctNm, data.frame(prmNm=param[p],prmUnit=paste0(param[p]," (",tunit,")")))
  devtag <- "2.5th and 97.5th percentile boundaries"
  medianObs <- sapply(plotData, FUN=function(x) median(as.numeric(x), na.rm=T))
  meanObs   <- sapply(plotData, FUN=function(x) mean(as.numeric(x), na.rm=T))
  sdObs     <- sapply(plotData, FUN=function(x) sd(as.numeric(x), na.rm=T))
  xlow      <- sapply(plotData, FUN=function(x) unname(quantile(as.numeric(x), 0.01, na.rm=T)))
  xhgh      <- sapply(plotData, FUN=function(x) unname(quantile(as.numeric(x), 0.99, na.rm=T)))
  if (spread=="ppi"){
    sprlow <- meanObs-1.96*sdObs
    sprhgh <- meanObs+1.96*sdObs
  }else if (spread=="npi"){
    sprlow <- sapply(plotData, FUN=function(x) unname(quantile(as.numeric(x),0.025, na.rm=T)))
    sprhgh <- sapply(plotData, FUN=function(x) unname(quantile(as.numeric(x),0.975, na.rm=T)))
  longData <- melt(plotData, measure.vars = param)
  names(longData) <- c("TYPE","Obs")
  longData <- cbind(longData,medianObs=0,meanObs=0,sdObs=0,sprlow=0,sprhgh=0,xlow=0,xhgh=0)
  for (p in 1:length(param)){
    longData[longData$TYPE==param[p],"medianObs"] <- medianObs[param[p]]
    longData[longData$TYPE==param[p],"meanObs"]   <- meanObs[param[p]]
    longData[longData$TYPE==param[p],"sdObs"]     <- sdObs[param[p]]
    longData[longData$TYPE==param[p],"sprlow"]    <- sprlow[param[p]]
    longData[longData$TYPE==param[p],"sprhgh"]    <- sprhgh[param[p]]
    longData[longData$TYPE==param[p],"xlow"]      <- xlow[param[p]]
    longData[longData$TYPE==param[p],"xhgh"]      <- xhgh[param[p]]
  longData <- na.omit(longData)
  longData$TYPE <- factor(longData$TYPE, levels=unique(longData$TYPE), labels=unique(longData$TYPE))
  param <- as.character(unique(longData$TYPE))
  fctNm <- fctNm[fctNm$prmNm%in%param,]
  gplt <- list()
  for (p in 1:length(param)){
    df <- subset(longData, TYPE==param[p])
    df$TYPE <- factor(df$TYPE, levels=param[p], labels=fctNm[fctNm$prmNm==param[p],"prmUnit"])
    df$FCT  <- paste0(df$TYPE,"\nmedian(obs)=",out.digits(df$medianObs[1],dig=4),"\n+/-spread=(",out.digits(df$sprlow[1],dig=4),",",out.digits(df$sprhgh[1],dig=4),")")
    xl <- df$xlow[1]; xu <- df$xhgh[1]
    bw <- diff(range(range(as.numeric(df$Obs))))/round(sqrt(length(as.numeric(df$Obs))),0)
    # bw <- diff(range(as.numeric(df$Obs)))/(2*IQR(as.numeric(df$Obs)))/length(as.numeric(df$Obs))^(1/3)
    gplt[[p]] <- ggplot(df,aes(x=as.numeric(Obs))) +
      geom_histogram(aes(y=(..count..)/tapply(..count..,..PANEL..,sum)[..PANEL..]), size=0.6, color="black", fill="white", binwidth = bw) +
      geom_vline(aes(xintercept=as.numeric(medianObs), color="median(obs)", linetype="median(obs)"), size=1, show.legend=T) +
      geom_vline(aes(xintercept=as.numeric(sprlow), color="+/-spread", linetype="+/-spread"), size=1) +
      geom_vline(aes(xintercept=as.numeric(sprhgh), color="+/-spread", linetype="+/-spread"), size=1) +
      facet_grid(~FCT, scales="free") +
      xlab("") + ylab("") +
      scale_y_continuous(labels = percent) +
      coord_cartesian(xlim=c(xl,xu)) +
      guides(fill = guide_legend(override.aes = list(linetype = 0 )), shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(linetype = 0))) +
      scale_linetype_manual(name="",values=c("median(obs)"="solid","+/-spread"="dashed")) +
      scale_color_manual(name = "", values=c("median(obs)"="blue","+/-spread"="blue")) +
      theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=45,vjust=1,hjust=1,size=10),
            axis.text.y = element_text(hjust=0,size=10),
            strip.text.x = element_text(size=10),
            legend.text = element_text(size=12),
            title = element_text(size=14,face="bold"),
            legend.position = "bottom", legend.direction = "horizontal",
            legend.background = element_rect(),
            legend.key.height = unit(1,"cm"))
  mylegend <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(gtable_filter(ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(gplt[[1]])), "guide-box", trim=T)))
  lheight  <- sum(mylegend$heights)
  for (p in 1:length(param)){gplt[[p]] <- gplt[[p]] + theme(legend.position="none")}
    Label <- paste("Histogram of NCA metrics estimated from the observed data\n(spread = ",devtag,")\n\n",sep="")
    Label <- paste("Histogram of NCA metrics estimated from the observed data (",figlbl,")\n(spread = ",devtag,")\n\n",sep="")
  nc <- ifelse(npr<2, 1, ifelse(npr>=2 & npr<=6, 2, 3))
  plot_args <- list(top = textGrob(Label,vjust=1,gp=gpar(cex=0.8,fontface="bold")),
                    bottom = textGrob("Value\n",vjust=1,gp=gpar(cex=1,fontface="bold")),
  if(packageVersion("gridExtra") < "0.9.2"){
    arg_names <- names(plot_args)
    arg_names <- sub("top","main",arg_names)
    arg_names <- sub("bottom","sub",arg_names)
    names(plot_args) <- arg_names
  gdr <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(do.call(arrangeGrob,c(gplt,plot_args))))
  histobsgrob <- list(gdr=gdr,legend=mylegend,lheight=lheight)
cacha0227/ncappc documentation built on Nov. 14, 2020, 9:09 a.m.