
#' Geocode
#' geocodes an address using Google or Baidu Maps Geocoding API. Note that in most cases by 
#' using this function you are agreeing to the Google Maps API Terms of Service 
#' at \url{https://developers.google.com/maps/terms} or the Baidu Maps API Terms 
#' of Use at \url{http://developer.baidu.com/map/law.htm}.
#' @param address a character vector specifying a location of interest (e.g., 
#' "Beijing Railway Station").
#' @param api use Google or Baidu Maps Geocoding API. When using Baidu Maps Geocoding API, the address must be in Chinese.
#' @param key an API key must be provided when calling Baidu Maps Geocoding API. When calling Google Maps Geocoding API, you'd better provide an API key, though it is not necessary.
#' @param ocs output coordinate systems including WGS-84, GCJ-02 and BD-09, which
#' are the GCSs of Google Earth, Google Map in China and Baidu Map, respectively. 
#' For address out of China, ocs is automatically set to 'WGS-84' and other values 
#' are igored.
#' @param output lat/lng coordinates or lat/lng coordinates with location type (Goolge Map) | confidence #' (Baidu Map) or lat/lng coordinates with formated address and address components (only available for #' Google Map API).
#' @param messaging turn messaging on/off. The default value is FALSE.
#' @param time the time interval to geocode, in seconds. Default value is zero. 
#' When you geocode multiple addresses, set a proper time interval to avoid 
#' exceeding usage limits. For details see 
#' \url{https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/usage-limits}
#' @return a data.frame with variables lat/lng or lat/lng/conf 
#' @author Jun Cai (\email{cai-j12@@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn}), PhD candidate from 
#' Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University
#' @details note that the google maps api limits to 2,500 free requests per day and 50 requests per second.
#' @seealso \code{\link{revgeocode}}, \code{\link{geohost}}.
#' Google Maps API at \url{https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/} 
#' and Baidu Maps API at \url{http://lbsyun.baidu.com/index.php?title=webapi/guide/webservice-geocoding}
#' @export
#' @import plyr
#' @importFrom utils URLencode
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' geocode('Beijing Railway Station', api = 'google', ocs = 'GCJ-02')
#' geocode('Beijing Railway Station', api = 'google', ocs = 'WGS-84', 
#'         messaging = TRUE)
#' geocode('Beijing Railway Station', api = 'google', ocs = 'WGS-84', 
#'         output = 'latlngc')
#' geocode('Beijing Railway Station', api = 'google', ocs = 'WGS-84', 
#'         output = 'latlnga')
#' geocode(c('Beijing Railway Station', 'Beijingxi Railway Station'), api = 'google', 
#'         ocs = 'GCJ-02')
#' geocode(c('Beijing Railway Station', 'Beijingxi Railway Station'), api = 'google', 
#'         ocs = 'WGS-84', output = 'latlngc', messaging = TRUE)
#' geocode(c('Beijing Railway Station', 'Beijingxi Railway Station'), api = 'google', 
#'         ocs = 'WGS-84', output = 'latlnga', messaging = TRUE)
#' geocode(c('Beijing Railway Station', 'Beijingxi Railway Station'), api = 'google', 
#'         ocs = 'WGS-84', output = 'latlngc', messaging = TRUE, time = 2)
#' geocode('Beijing Railway Station', api = 'baidu', key = 'your baidu maps api key', 
#' ocs = 'BD-09')
#' geocode('Beijing Railway Station', api = 'baidu', key = 'your baidu maps api key', 
#' ocs = 'GCJ-02', messaging = TRUE)
#' geocode('Beijing Railway Station', api = 'baidu', key = 'your baidu maps api key', 
#' ocs = 'BD-09', output = 'latlngc')
#' geocode(c('Beijing Railway Station', 'Beijingxi Railway Station'), api = 'baidu', 
#' key = 'your baidu maps api key', ocs = 'BD-09')
#' geocode(c('Beijing Railway Station', 'Beijingxi Railway Station'), api = 'baidu', 
#' key = 'your baidu maps api key', ocs = 'WGS-84', output = 'latlngc')
#' }

geocode <- function(address, api = c('google', 'baidu'), key = '', 
                    ocs = c('WGS-84', 'GCJ-02', 'BD-09'), 
                    output = c('latlng', 'latlngc', 'latlnga'), messaging = FALSE, 
                    time = 0){  
  # check parameters
  api <- match.arg(api)
  output <- match.arg(output)
  ocs <- match.arg(ocs)
  # vectorize for many addresses
  if (length(address) > 1) {
    if (api == 'google') {
      s <- 'google restricts requests to 2500 requests a day.'
      if (length(address) > 2500) stop(s, call. = F)
      if (length(address) > 200 & messaging) message(paste('Reminder', s, sep = ' : '))
    return(ldply(address, function(add){
      geocode(add, api = api, key = key, ocs = ocs, output = output, messaging = messaging)
  # location encoding
  address <- enc2utf8(address)
  # different google maps api is used based user's location. If user is inside China,
  # ditu.google.cn is used; otherwise maps.google.com is used.
  if (api == 'google') {
    cname <- ip.country()
    if (cname == "CN") {
      api_url <- 'https://ditu.google.cn/maps/api/geocode/json'
    } else{
      api_url <- 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json'
  } else{
    api_url <- 'http://api.map.baidu.com/geocoder/v2/'
  # format url
  # https is only supported on Windows, when R is started with the --internet2 
  # command line option. without this option, or on Mac, you will get the error 
  # "unsupported URL scheme".
  if (api == 'google') {
    # https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=ADDRESS&sensor
    # =false&key=API_KEY for outside China
    # https://ditu.google.cn/maps/api/geocode/json?address=ADDRESS&sensor
    # =false&key=API_KEY for inside China
    url_string <- paste(api_url, '?address=', address, '&sensor=false', sep = '')
    if (nchar(key) > 0) {
      url_string <- paste(url_string, '&key=', key, sep = '')
  if (api == 'baidu') {
    # http://api.map.baidu.com/geocoder/v2/?address=ADDRESS&output=json&ak=API_KEY
    url_string <- paste(api_url, '?address=', address, '&output=json&ak=', key, sep = '')
  if (messaging) message(paste('calling ', url_string, ' ... ', sep = ''), appendLF = F)
  # geocode
  con <- curl(URLencode(url_string))
  gc <- fromJSON(paste(readLines(con, warn = FALSE), collapse = ''))
  if (messaging) message('done.')  
  # geocoding results
  if (api == 'google') {
    # did geocode fail?
    if (gc$status != 'OK') {
      warning(paste('geocode failed with status ', gc$status, ', location = "', 
                    address, '"', sep = ''), call. = FALSE)
      return(data.frame(lat = NA, lng = NA))  
    # more than one location found?
    if (length(gc$results) > 1 && messaging) {
      Encoding(gc$results[[1]]$formatted_address) <- "UTF-8"
      message(paste('more than one location found for "', address, 
                    '", using address\n"', tolower(gc$results[[1]]$formatted_address), 
                    '"', sep = ''), appendLF = T)
    gcdf <- with(gc$results[[1]], {
      data.frame(lat = NULLtoNA(geometry$location['lat']), 
                 lng = NULLtoNA(geometry$location['lng']), 
                 loctype = tolower(NULLtoNA(geometry$location_type)), 
                 address = tolower(NULLtoNA(formatted_address)),
                 row.names = NULL)})
    # address components
    attrdf <- ldply(gc$results[[1]]$address_components, function(l){
      l <- lapply(l, function(li) {
        if (length(li) == 0) li <- NA else li
      as.data.frame(l, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[1, ]
    attrdf <- attrdf[!is.na(attrdf$types), c('types', 'long_name')]
    gcdf <- within(gcdf, {
      poi <- 
        tolower(NULLtoNA(attrdf$long_name[attrdf$types == 'point_of_interest']))
      street_no <- 
        as.numeric(NULLtoNA(attrdf$long_name[attrdf$types == 'street_number']))    
      route <- 
        tolower(NULLtoNA(attrdf$long_name[attrdf$types == 'route']))
      subloc_l3 <- 
        tolower(NULLtoNA(attrdf$long_name[attrdf$types == 'sublocality_level_3'])) # village
      subloc_l2 <- 
        tolower(NULLtoNA(attrdf$long_name[attrdf$types == 'sublocality_level_2'])) # township
      subloc_l1 <- 
        tolower(NULLtoNA(attrdf$long_name[attrdf$types == 'sublocality_level_1'])) # district|county
      locality <- 
        tolower(NULLtoNA(attrdf$long_name[attrdf$types == 'locality'])) # prefecture
      admin_area_l2 <- 
        tolower(NULLtoNA(attrdf$long_name[attrdf$types == 'administrative_area_level_2'])) # US county
      admin_area_l1 <- 
        tolower(NULLtoNA(attrdf$long_name[attrdf$types == 'administrative_area_level_1'])) # province | municipality or US state
      country <- 
        tolower(NULLtoNA(attrdf$long_name[attrdf$types == 'country']))      
      postal_code <- 
        tolower(NULLtoNA(attrdf$long_name[attrdf$types == 'postal_code']))          
    # convert coordinates only in China
    if (!outofChina(gcdf[, 'lat'], gcdf[, 'lng'])) {
      gcdf[c('lat', 'lng')] <- conv(gcdf[, 'lat'], gcdf[, 'lng'], from = 'GCJ-02', to = ocs)
    } else{
      if (ocs != 'WGS-84') {
        message('wrong usage: for address out of China, ocs can only be set to "WGS-84"', appendLF = T)
        ocs <- 'WGS-84'
    if (output == 'latlng') return(gcdf[c('lat', 'lng')])
    if (output == 'latlngc') return(gcdf[c('lat', 'lng', 'loctype')])
    if (output == 'latlnga') return(gcdf[!names(gcdf) %in% c('loctype')])
  if (api == 'baidu') {
    # did geocode fail?
    if (gc$status != 0) {
      warning(paste('geocode failed with status code ', gc$status, ', location = "', 
                    address, '". see more details in the response code table of Baidu Geocoding API', 
                    sep = ''), call. = FALSE)
      return(data.frame(lat = NA, lng = NA))
    gcdf <- with(gc$result, {data.frame(lat = NULLtoNA(location['lat']), 
                                        lng = NULLtoNA(location['lng']), 
                                        conf = NULLtoNA(confidence), 
                                        row.names = NULL)})
    # convert coordinates
    gcdf[c('lat', 'lng')] <- conv(gcdf[, 'lat'], gcdf[, 'lng'], from = 'BD-09', to = ocs)
    if (output == 'latlnga') {
      message('Baidu map geocoder cannot return address, please try Goolge map geocoder.', appendLF = T)
      output <- 'latlng'
    if (output == 'latlng') return(gcdf[c('lat', 'lng')])
    if (output == 'latlngc') return(gcdf[c('lat', 'lng', 'conf')])

# fill NULL with NA
NULLtoNA <- function(x){
  if (is.null(x)) return(NA)
  if (is.character(x) & length(x) == 0) return(NA)

# option ip.country to store IP country and avoid calling geohost() repeatedly 
# when geocoding multiple addresses or revgeocoding multiple locations
ip.country <- function(){
  if (!"ip.country" %in% names(options())) {
    options(ip.country = geohost(api = "ipinfo.io")["country"])
caijun/geoChina documentation built on May 13, 2019, 11 a.m.