Man pages for caravagnalab/CNAqc
CNAqc - Copy Number Analysis quality check

analyze_peaksQC by peak-detection algorithms.
annotate_variantsAnnotate variants and drivers.
as_maftools_cohortConvert a list of CNAqc object to a maftools object.
as_maftools_objConvert a CNAqc object to a maftools object.
augment_with_mafImport MAF annotations.
augment_with_vepImport VEP annotations.
auto_toleranceDetermine the optimal error tolerance to QC clonal simple...
CCFExtract CCF estimates.
chr_coordinates_GRCh38Coordinates for GRCh38 chromosomes.
chr_coordinates_hg19Coordinates for hg19 chromosomes.
CNAExtract CNAs.
CNA_geneExtract per-gene copy number status.
CNAqc-packageCNAqc: CNAqc - Copy Number Analysis quality check
compute_CCFCompute CCF values.
detect_arm_overfragmentationDetermines arm-level over-fragmentation patterns.
example_dataset_CNAqcExample CNAqc dataset.
example_PCAWGExample PCAWG tumour
fpr_testData (simulation performance) from the trainig set to...
gene_coordinates_GRCh38Coordinates for GRCh38 genes
gene_coordinates_hg19Coordinates for hg19 genes
get_driversExtract drivers data.
get_PASS_percentageReturns percentage of passed segments
initCreates a CNAqc object.
inspect_segmentPlot VAFs across chromosomes.
intogen_driversList of Intogen driver genes per tumour type.
MutationsExtract mutations.
parse_BattenbergParse Battenberg calls.
pipePipe operator
plot_arm_fragmentationPlot the arm level fragmentation test.
plot_CCFPlot the CCF estimates in the data.
plot.cnaqcPlot for class "cnaqc".
plot_data_histogramPlot the read-counts data histograms.
plot_gw_ccfPlot genome-wide CCFs.
plot_gw_countsPlot genome-wide mutation counts.
plot_gw_depthPlot genome-wide coverage.
plot_gw_vafPlot genome-wide VAFs.
plot_icon_CNAA circular plot for simple clonal CNAs.
plot_karyotypesPlot counts and numbers of clonal simple CNAs.
plot_multisample_CNAPlots CNAs from multiple samples.
plot_peaks_analysisPlot the results of peak analysis.
plot_qcPlot a summary of QC results.
plot_SBSPlost SBS counts
plot_segmentsPlot CNA segments.
plot_segment_size_distributionPlot the length of clonal simple CNAs.
plot_smoothingPlot smoothed and non-smoohted segments.
print.cnaqcPrint for class "cnaqc".
SBSAugment SBS data for mutational signatures deconvolution
SBS_countsExtract SBS count data
Sequenza_CNAqcCNAqc-based purity-optimisation pipeline for Sequenza.
smooth_segmentsSmooth simple clonal CNAs.
split_by_chromosomeSplit a dataset by chromosome.
subsampleRandomly subsample mutations.
subset_by_minimum_CCFSubset mutations by minimum CCF
subset_by_segment_karyotypeSubset by clonal segments.
subset_by_segment_minmutationsRetain clonal segments with minimum number of mutations.
subset_by_segment_totalcnSubset clonal simple segments total copy number.
subset_snvsSubset only SNVs.
wt_mutant_allelesCompute WT and mutant alleles per gene
caravagnalab/CNAqc documentation built on Oct. 31, 2024, 3:54 a.m.