
Defines functions detect_arm_overfragmentation

Documented in detect_arm_overfragmentation

#' Determines arm-level over-fragmentation patterns.
#' @description
#' The fragmentation of a chromosome arm is assessed with a statistical test based
#' on counting the size of the copy number segments mapping to the arm. This analysis
#' works only at the level of clonal CNAs.
#' CNAqc counts, for every arm with lenght $L$ nucleotides:
#' - the number of mapped CNA segments shorter than a percentage of $L$;
#' - the number of mapped CNA segments longer than a percentage of $L$.
#' A one-sided Binomial test is used to compute a p-value. In this way the test accounts
#' for the difference in lenghts of the chromsome arms; a p-value per arm is reported and
#' adjusted for multiple hyoptheses (Bonferroni).
#' @param x A CNAqc object.
#' @param alpha Confidence level for the tests, for instance \code{0.05}.
#' @param genome_percentage_cutoff Segments are considered long or short depending on whether
#' they are longer (in basepairs) than \code{genome_percentage_cutoff * L} bases, where \code{L}
#' is the arm length for the reference genome. Default is \code{0.2} (twenty percent).
#' @param minimum_segments_for_testing Smallest number of segments required to actually test
#' a certain arm Default is \code{10} segments. This number influences the correction for mulitple
#' hypothesis testing.
#' @return A CNAqc objectwith the results.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data('example_dataset_CNAqc')
#' x = init(mutations = example_dataset_CNAqc$mutations, cna = example_dataset_CNAqc$cna, purity = example_dataset_CNAqc$purity)
#' x = detect_arm_overfragmentation(x)
#' # Report to console
#' print(x)
detect_arm_overfragmentation = function(x,
                                        alpha = 0.01,
                                        genome_percentage_cutoff = .2,
                                        minimum_segments_for_testing = 10)
  clonal_cna = x$cna %>% filter(CCF == 1)

  # Split calls in arms p and q
  expanded_reference = CNAqc:::expand_reference_chr_to_arms(x)

  # Chromosome length
  L = nmfy(expanded_reference$chr,

  # Break segments by arm
  clonal_cna = CNAqc:::split_cna_to_arms(x, CNAqc:::relative_to_absolute_coordinates(x, clonal_cna)) %>%
      L = L[paste0(chr, arm)],
      perc_length = length / L,
      smaller =  perc_length <= genome_percentage_cutoff

  # Extract the counts of segments sizes
  counts = clonal_cna %>%
    dplyr::group_by(chr, arm, smaller) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(n_short = n()) %>%

  # Detect overfragmentation exception - no short segments (will not compute)
  if (all(counts$smaller == FALSE)) {
    cli::cli_alert_warning("No short segments with these parameters.")

  # Detect overfragmentation exception - only short segments
  if (all(counts$smaller == TRUE))
    counts = counts %>%
      tidyr::spread(smaller, n_short) %>%
      dplyr::rename(n_short = `TRUE`)

    # Force this in
    counts$n_long = 0
    counts = counts %>%
      tidyr::spread(smaller, n_short) %>%
      dplyr::rename(n_short = `TRUE`, n_long = `FALSE`)

  # NAs are 0s
  counts$n_long[is.na(counts$n_long)] = 0
  counts$n_short[is.na(counts$n_short)] = 0

  # Jumos
  counts$jumps = apply(counts,
                         CNAqc:::compute_jumps_segments(clonal_cna, x['chr'], x['arm']))

  # Test only those entries with at least minimum_segments_for_testing segments
  testable = counts %>%
    dplyr::mutate(total_segments = n_short + n_long) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(testable = total_segments >= minimum_segments_for_testing) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(desc(testable), dplyr::desc(total_segments))

  # Test p-value
  N_tests = sum(testable$testable)

    "One-tailed Binomial test: {.value {N_tests}} tests, alpha {.value {alpha}}. Short segments: {.value {genome_percentage_cutoff}}% of the reference arm."

  testable = testable %>%
    dplyr::rowwise() %>%
      p_value = frequentist_test_fragmentation(
        p_cutoff_short = genome_percentage_cutoff,
        N_tests = N_tests,
        alpha = alpha
      Bonferroni_cutoff = alpha / N_tests,
      significant = ifelse(N_tests == 0, FALSE, p_value < (alpha / N_tests))
    ) %>%
    arrange(p_value) %>%

  N_sign = sum(testable$significant)

    "{.value {N_sign}} significantly overfragmented chromosome arms (alpha level {.value {alpha}})."

  x$arm_fragmentation =
      table = testable,
      alpha = alpha,
      N_tests = N_tests,
      genome_percentage_cutoff = genome_percentage_cutoff,
      minimum_segments_for_testing = minimum_segments_for_testing


nmfy = function (x, y)
  names(y) = x
caravagnalab/CNAqc documentation built on Oct. 31, 2024, 3:54 a.m.