
Defines functions prediction_including_outlier_effect find_and_remove_outliers_testing_set estimate_outliers check_valid_arima_sim

Documented in check_valid_arima_sim estimate_outliers find_and_remove_outliers_testing_set prediction_including_outlier_effect

#' @include sim_class.R generics.R model_helper.R

#' Validity Checker for arima_sim Object
#' @param object A arima_sim object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the input sim object is valid, vector of error messages otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
check_valid_arima_sim <- function(object) {
  errors <- character()
  window_type_choices <- c("max", "avg")
  res_dist_choices <- c("normal", "skew_norm", "empirical", "discretized")
  outlier_type_choices <- c("AO", "IO", "LS", "None", "All")
  outlier_prediction_choices <- c("None", "Categorical", "Categorical-Dirichlet")
  if (any(is.na(object@window_type_for_reg)) | all(object@window_type_for_reg != window_type_choices)) {
    msg <- paste0("window_type_for_reg must be one of ", paste(window_type_choices, collapse = " "))
    errors <- c(errors, msg)
  if (length(object@res_dist) != 1 | is.na(object@res_dist) | all(object@res_dist != res_dist_choices)) {
    msg <- paste0("res_dist must be one of ", paste(res_dist_choices, collapse = " "), ".")
    errors <- c(errors, msg)
  if (length(object@outlier_type) != 1 | is.na(object@outlier_type) |  all(object@outlier_type != outlier_type_choices)) {
    msg <- paste0("outlier_type must be one of ", paste(outlier_type_choices, collapse = " "), ".")
    errors <- c(errors, msg)
  if (length(object@outlier_cval) != 1 | any(object@outlier_cval < 3, na.rm = TRUE) | any(object@outlier_cval > 4, na.rm = TRUE)) {
    msg <- paste0("outlier_cval must be a numeric value within 3 and 4, inclusively, or NA.")
    errors <- c(errors, msg)
  if (length(object@outlier_prediction) != 1 | is.na(object@outlier_prediction) | all(object@outlier_prediction != outlier_prediction_choices)) {
    msg <- paste0("outlier_prediction must be one of ", paste(res_dist_choices, collapse = " "), ".")
    errors <- c(errors, msg)
  if (length(object@outlier_prediction_update_param) != 1 | is.na(object@outlier_prediction_update_param)) {
    msg <- paste0("outlier_prediction_update_param must be length one logical value.")
    errors <- c(errors, msg)
  if (length(object@state_num) != 1 | (!is.na(object@state_num) & (object@state_num < 0 | object@state_num %% 1 != 0)) | (is.na(object@state_num) & object@granularity == 0)) {
    msg <- paste0("state_num must be NA or positive integer, if granularity is 0, then state_num cannot be NA.")
    errors <- c(errors, msg)
  if (length(errors) == 0) {
  } else {

#' @rdname sim-class
#' @param res_dist A character representing the distribution of residual, \code{"normal"} for normal distribution, \code{"skew_norm"} for skewed normal distribution, or \code{"empirical"} for empirical distribution. Default value is \code{"normal"}.
#' @param outlier_type A character representing the type of outlier it will be treated, it can be None for not checking outliers, AO as additive outliers, IO as innovative outliers, LS as level shift, or All for taking account of all outlier types. Default value is \code{"None"}.
#' @param outlier_cval A numeric value representing the critical value to determine the significance of each type of outlier. If NA_real_ is supplied, then it uses defaults: If n ≤ 50 then cval is set equal to 3.0; If n ≥ 450 then cval is set equal to 4.0; otherwise cval is set equal to 3 + 0.0025 * (n - 50). Default value is \code{NA_real_}.
#' @param outlier_prediction A character representing the distribution of occurences of outliers, and the prior distribution for probability of occurences. Current choices are "None", "Categorical" for predictions based on MLE, "Categorical-Dirichlet" for Bayesian prediction and prior distribution.
#' @param outlier_prediction_prior A numeric vector representing the starting value of the hyperparameters of prior distirbution.
#' @param outlier_prediction_update_param A logical value representing whether to update the value of the hyperparameters of prior distribution or MLE estimations of parameters depending on \code{outlier_prediction}.
#' @param freq A numeric value representing the number of observations per unit of time.
#' @param state_num A numeric number that represents the number of states in Multinomial chain.
#' @param train_args A list representing additional call passed into the training function, \code{forecast::Arima}. Default value is \code{list("order" = c(1, 0, 0))}.
#' @export arima_sim
arima_sim <- setClass("arima_sim",
                    slots = list(window_size_for_reg = "numeric",
                                 window_type_for_reg = "character",
                                 res_dist = "character",
                                 outlier_type = "character",
                                 outlier_cval = "numeric",
                                 outlier_prediction = "character",
                                 outlier_prediction_prior = "numeric",
                                 outlier_prediction_update_param = "logical",
                                 freq = "numeric",
                                 state_num = "numeric",
                                 train_args = "list"),
                    contains = "sim",
                    prototype = list(window_size_for_reg = NA_real_,
                                     window_type_for_reg = NA_character_,
                                     name = "ARIMA",
                                     res_dist = "normal",
                                     outlier_type = "None",
                                     outlier_cval = NA_real_,
                                     outlier_prediction = "None",
                                     outlier_prediction_prior = NA_real_,
                                     outlier_prediction_update_param = TRUE,
                                     freq = NA_real_,
                                     state_num = NA_real_,
                                     train_args = list("order" = c(1, 0, 0))),
                    validity = check_valid_arima_sim)

#' Estimate the effect of outliers
#' @param object A arima_sim object.
#' @param ol_type A vector of outlier types to be considered.
#' @param new_train_x A time series representing the train data.
#' @param tso_model A tso object from training data
#' @param trained_model A list containing previous trained model.
#' @return A list containing the means and variance of outliers for each type of outliers.
#' @keywords internal
estimate_outliers <- function(object, ol_type, new_train_x, tso_model, trained_model) {
  if (object@outlier_prediction == "Categorical") {
    param_mle <- do.call(rbind,  lapply(ol_type, function(i) {
      target_ol_info <- tso_model$outlier[tso_model$outlier$type == i,]
      param <- nrow(target_ol_info) / length(new_train_x)
      total <- length(new_train_x)
      if (object@outlier_prediction_update_param & length(trained_model) > 0) {
        param <- stats::weighted.mean(
          x = c(param, ifelse(is.null(trained_model[[1]]$param_mle),
                              trained_model[[1]]$param_mle$param[which(i == ol_type)])),
          w = c(length(new_train_x), ifelse(is.null(trained_model[[1]]$param_mle),
                                            trained_model[[1]]$param_mle$total[which(i == ol_type)])),
          na.rm = TRUE
        total <- length(new_train_x) + ifelse(is.null(trained_model[[1]]$param_mle),
                                              trained_model[[1]]$param_mle$total[which(i == c(ol_type, "NO"))])
      effect_mean <- ifelse(length(target_ol_info$coefhat) == 0, 0, mean(target_ol_info$coefhat))
      effect_var <- ifelse(length(target_ol_info$coefhat) == 0 | length(target_ol_info$coefhat) == 1, 0, stats::var(target_ol_info$coefhat))
      data.frame("param" = param, "total" = total, "effect_mean" = effect_mean, "effect_var" = effect_var)
    NO_param <- 1 - sum(param_mle$param)
    param_mle <- rbind(param_mle,
                       c("param" = NO_param, "total" = length(new_train_x), "effect_mean" = 0, "effect_var" = 0))
  } else {
    param_mle <- do.call(rbind,  lapply(ol_type, function(i) {
      target_ol_info <- tso_model$outlier[tso_model$outlier$type == i,]
      count <- nrow(target_ol_info)

      if (is.na(object@outlier_prediction_prior)) {
        outlier_prediction_prior <- 2
      } else {
        outlier_prediction_prior <- object@outlier_prediction_prior[which(i == c(ol_type, "NO"))]
      if (object@outlier_prediction_update_param & length(trained_model) > 0) {
        outlier_prediction_prior <- ifelse(
          trained_model[[1]]$param_mle$outlier_prediction_prior[which(i == c(ol_type, "NO"))] + count
      effect_mean <- ifelse(length(target_ol_info$coefhat) == 0, 0, mean(target_ol_info$coefhat))
      effect_var <- ifelse(length(target_ol_info$coefhat) == 0 | length(target_ol_info$coefhat) == 1, 0, stats::var(target_ol_info$coefhat))
      data.frame("count" = count, "outlier_prediction_prior" = outlier_prediction_prior, "effect_mean" = effect_mean, "effect_var" = effect_var)
    NO_count <- length(new_train_x) - sum(param_mle$count)
    if (is.na(object@outlier_prediction_prior)) {
      NO_outlier_prediction_prior <- 58
    } else {
      NO_outlier_prediction_prior <- object@outlier_prediction_prior[length(c(ol_type, "NO"))]
    if (object@outlier_prediction_update_param & length(trained_model) > 0) {
      NO_outlier_prediction_prior <- ifelse(
        trained_model[[1]]$param_mle$outlier_prediction_prior[length(c(ol_type, "NO"))]
      ) + NO_count
    param_mle <- rbind(param_mle,
                       c("count" = NO_count, "outlier_prediction_prior" = NO_outlier_prediction_prior, "effect_mean" = 0, "effect_var" = 0))

#' Find and Adjust the Newly Observed Data in Tesing Set
#' @param object A arima_sim object.
#' @param trained_result A tso object.
#' @param new_x A time series of new observations.
#' @param res A time series of residuals up to current time.
#' @return A time series of new observations with outlier effect adjusted.
#' @keywords internal
find_and_remove_outliers_testing_set <- function(object, trained_result, new_x, res) {
  if (is.na(object@outlier_cval)) {
    cval <- ifelse(length(res) <= 50, 3, ifelse(length(res) >= 450, 4, 3 + 0.0025 * (length(res) - 50)))
  } else {
    cval <- object@outlier_cval

  if (object@outlier_type == "All") {
    ol_type <- c("AO", "IO", "TC")
  } else {
    ol_type <- object@outlier_type

  # Find outliers from past residuals and remove their effect.
  pars <- tsoutliers::coefs2poly(trained_result)
  ol <- tsoutliers::locate.outliers.iloop(resid = res, pars = pars, cval = cval, types = ol_type, maxit = 10)

  if (nrow(ol) > 0) {
    non_ol <- tsoutliers::find.consecutive.outliers(ol, object@outlier_type)
    non_ol <- c(non_ol, which(ol$ind <= length(trained_result$residuals)))
    non_ol <- unique(non_ol)
    if (length(non_ol) > 0) {
      ol <- ol[-non_ol,]
    if (nrow(ol) > 0) {
      new_x[ol$ind - length(trained_result$residuals)] <- new_x[ol$ind - length(trained_result$residuals)] - ol$coefhat

#' Do Prediction Considering Outlier Occurrence Probability and Effect
#' @param object A arima_sim object.
#' @param trained_result A tso object.
#' @param pi_up A dataframe containing predictions upper bound using normal distribution without considering outlier effect.
#' @param expected A dataframe containing predictions upper bound using normal distribution without considering outlier effect.
#' @param level A numeric vector representing the level of prediction interval.
#' @return A list containing computed prediction upper bound, expected value and predicted parameters.
#' @keywords internal
prediction_including_outlier_effect <- function(object, trained_result, pi_up, expected, level) {
  if (object@outlier_type == "All") {
    ol_type <- c("AO", "IO", "TC")
  } else {
    ol_type <- object@outlier_type

  ol_occurence <- list()
  if (object@outlier_prediction == "Categorical") {
    ## Probability of occurences
    for (i in 1:(nrow(trained_result$param_mle) - 1)) {
      ol_occurence[[ol_type[i]]] <- trained_result$param_mle[i, "param"]
    ol_occurence[["NO"]] <- trained_result$param_mle[nrow(trained_result$param_mle), "param"]
    ol_occurence <- data.frame(ol_occurence)
    ol_occurence <- do.call(rbind, replicate(object@extrap_step, ol_occurence, simplify = FALSE))
  } else {
    ## Probability of occurrences
    if (object@extrap_step > 1) {
      stop("Multiple extrapolation step for Categorical-Dirichlet is not implemented.")
    for (i in 1:(nrow(trained_result$param_mle) - 1)) {
      ol_occurence[[ol_type[i]]] <- (trained_result$param_mle$count[i] + trained_result$param_mle$outlier_prediction_prior[i]) / sum(trained_result$param_mle$count, trained_result$param_mle$outlier_prediction_prior)
    ol_occurence[["NO"]] <- (trained_result$param_mle$count[nrow(trained_result$param_mle)] + trained_result$param_mle$outlier_prediction_prior[nrow(trained_result$param_mle)]) / sum(trained_result$param_mle$count, trained_result$param_mle$outlier_prediction_prior)
    ol_occurence <- data.frame(ol_occurence)

  predict_var <- ((pi_up[,1] - expected[,1]) / stats::qnorm(sort(1 - object@cut_off_prob)[1]))^2

  mu <- stats::setNames(as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:object@extrap_step, function(h) {
    expected[h,1] + trained_result$param_mle$effect_mean
  }))), paste0("mean.", colnames(ol_occurence)))
  sd <- stats::setNames(as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:object@extrap_step, function(h) {
    sqrt(predict_var[h] + trained_result$param_mle$effect_var)
  }))), paste0("sd.", colnames(ol_occurence)))
  pro <- stats::setNames(as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:object@extrap_step, function(h) {
  }))), paste0("pro.", colnames(ol_occurence)))
  predicted_params <- cbind(mu, sd, pro)

  pi_up <- stats::setNames(as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, lapply(sort(level), function(i) {
    sapply(1:object@extrap_step, function(h) {
      result <- NA
      expand <- 1.0
      while (is.na(result) & (expand >= 0.3)) {
        result <- KScorrect::qmixnorm(i / 100,
                                      mean = predicted_params[h, grep("mean.*", colnames(predicted_params), value = TRUE)],
                                      sd = predicted_params[h, grep("sd.*", colnames(predicted_params), value = TRUE)],
                                      pro = predicted_params[h, grep("pro.*", colnames(predicted_params), value = TRUE)],
                                      expand = expand)
        expand <- expand - 0.05
      ifelse(is.na(result), 100, result)
  }))), paste0("Quantile_", sort(1 - object@cut_off_prob)))
  expected <- stats::setNames(as.data.frame(sapply(1:object@extrap_step, function(h) {
    expected[h] + sum(trained_result$param_mle$effect_mean * ol_occurence[h,])
  })), "expected")

  return(list("pi_up" = pi_up, "expected" = expected, "predicted_params" = predicted_params))

#' @describeIn train_model Train ARMA Model specific to arima_sim object.
          signature(object = "arima_sim", train_x = "matrix", train_xreg = "NULL", trained_model = "list"),
          function(object, train_x, train_xreg, trained_model) {
            if (!is.na(object@freq)) {
              new_train_x <- stats::ts(convert_frequency_dataset(train_x, object@window_size, object@response, keep.names = TRUE), frequency = object@freq)
            } else {
              new_train_x <- stats::ts(convert_frequency_dataset(train_x, object@window_size, object@response, keep.names = TRUE))

            args.tsmethod <- list("include.mean" = TRUE, "method" = ifelse(object@res_dist == "normal", "CSS-ML", "CSS"), "optim.method" = "Nelder-Mead", "optim.control" = list(maxit = 5000))
            for (i in names(object@train_args)) {
              args.tsmethod[[i]] <- object@train_args[[i]]

            if (object@outlier_type == "None") {
              trained_result <- do.call(forecast::Arima, c(list("y" = new_train_x), args.tsmethod))
              trained_result$call$x <- new_train_x
              trained_result$call$orig_x <- train_x
            } else {
              if (is.na(object@outlier_cval)) {
                cval <- ifelse(length(new_train_x) <= 50, 3, ifelse(length(new_train_x) >= 450, 4, 3 + 0.0025 * (length(new_train_x) - 50)))
              } else {
                cval <- object@outlier_cval

              if (object@outlier_type == "All") {
                ol_type <- c("AO", "IO", "TC")
              } else {
                ol_type <- object@outlier_type

              trained_result <- tryCatch({
                tso_model <- tsoutliers::tso(y = new_train_x, types = ol_type, cval = cval, maxit = 4, tsmethod = "arima", args.tsmethod = args.tsmethod, maxit.oloop = 20, maxit.iloop = 10)
                tso_model$fit$call$orig_x <- train_x
                param_mle <- estimate_outliers(object, ol_type, new_train_x, tso_model, trained_model)
                c(tso_model$fit, list("param_mle" = param_mle))
              }, error = function(e) {
                ts_model <- do.call(forecast::Arima, c(list("y" = new_train_x), args.tsmethod))
                ts_model$call$x <- new_train_x
                ts_model$call$orig_x <- train_x
                ts_model$param_mle <- trained_model[[1]]$param_mle

            if (object@res_dist == "skew_norm") {
              trained_result <- c(trained_result, skew_norm_param_estimation(trained_result$residuals))

#' @describeIn do_prediction Do prediction based on trained AR1 Model.
          signature(object = "arima_sim", trained_result = "list", predict_info = "data.frame", test_x = "matrix", test_xreg = "NULL"),
          function(object, trained_result, predict_info, test_x, test_xreg) {
            trained_result <- trained_result[[1]]
            level <- (1 - object@cut_off_prob * 2) * 100

            if (object@res_dist == "empirical") {
              bootstrap <- TRUE
            } else {
              bootstrap <- FALSE

            if (nrow(predict_info) == 0) {
              if (is.null(trained_result$call$xreg)) {
                target_model <- forecast::Arima(y = trained_result$call$x, model = trained_result)
              } else {
                target_model <- forecast::Arima(y = trained_result$call$x, xreg = trained_result$call$xreg, model = trained_result)
            } else {
              new_x <- c(trained_result$call$x, predict_info$actual)
              res <- stats::ts(c(trained_result$residuals, predict_info$residuals))

              if (object@outlier_type != "None") {
                new_x <- find_and_remove_outliers_testing_set(object, trained_result, new_x, res)

              prev_xreg <- trained_result$call$xreg
              if (is.null(prev_xreg)) {
                # Outliers are not found.
                target_model <- forecast::Arima(new_x, model = trained_result)
              } else {
                # Outliers are considered and found
                new_xreg <- matrix(0, nrow = length(new_x) - length(trained_result$call$x), ncol = ncol(prev_xreg))
                colnames(new_xreg) <- colnames(prev_xreg)
                new_xreg <- rbind(prev_xreg, new_xreg)
                target_model <- forecast::Arima(new_x, xreg = new_xreg, model = trained_result)

            if (is.null(trained_result$call$xreg)) {
              # Outliers are not considered or outliers are not found
              predict_result <- forecast::forecast(target_model, h = object@extrap_step, bootstrap = bootstrap, npaths = length(trained_result$call$x), level = level)
            } else {
              dxreg <- matrix(0, nrow = object@extrap_step, ncol = ncol(trained_result$call$xreg))
              colnames(dxreg) <- colnames(trained_result$call$xreg)
              predict_result <- forecast::forecast(target_model, xreg = dxreg, h = object@extrap_step, bootstrap = bootstrap, npaths = length(trained_result$call$x), level = level)

            expected <- stats::setNames(as.data.frame(as.numeric(predict_result$mean)), "expected")
            pi_up <- stats::setNames(as.data.frame(predict_result$upper), paste0("Quantile_", sort(1 - object@cut_off_prob)))
            predicted_params <- data.frame("mean" = as.numeric(predict_result$mean), "sd" = (pi_up[,1] - expected[,1]) / stats::qnorm(sort(1 - object@cut_off_prob)[1]))

            if (object@res_dist == "skew_norm") {
              skewnorm_prediction_result <- skew_norm_param_prediction(object, trained_result, as.numeric(predict_result$mean), level)

              expected <- skewnorm_prediction_result$expected
              pi_up <- skewnorm_prediction_result$pi_up
              predicted_params <- skewnorm_prediction_result$predicted_params
            } else if (object@res_dist == "discretized") {
              compute_pi_up <- function(prob, to_states) {
                current_state <- 1
                current_prob <- 0
                while (current_state <= length(to_states)) {
                  current_prob <- current_prob + to_states[current_state]
                  if (current_prob < prob) {
                    current_state <- current_state + 1
                  } else {
                pi_up <- current_state * (100 / length(to_states))
              predicted_params <- discretized_from_normal_param_prediction(object, expected, pi_up)

              pi_up <- matrix(0, nrow = object@extrap_step, ncol = length(1 - object@cut_off_prob))
              for (j in 1:nrow(pi_up)) {
                pi_up[j,] <- sapply(sort(1 - object@cut_off_prob), function(i) {
                  compute_pi_up(i, predicted_params[j,])
              pi_up <- as.data.frame(pi_up)
              colnames(pi_up) <- paste0("Quantile_", sort(1 - object@cut_off_prob))

              expected <- data.frame("expected" = sapply(1:object@extrap_step, function(i) {
                find_expectation_state_based_dist(predicted_params[i, grep("prob_dist.", colnames(predicted_params))])
            } else {
              if (object@res_dist == "normal" & object@outlier_type != "None" & object@outlier_prediction != "None") {
                if (is.null(trained_result$param_mle)) {
                  if (object@outlier_type == "All") {
                    ol_type <- c("AO", "IO", "TC")
                  } else {
                    ol_type <- object@outlier_type

                  expected <- expected
                  pi_up <- pi_up

                  mu <- stats::setNames(as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:object@extrap_step, function(h) {
                    rep(0, times = length(ol_type) + 1)
                  }))), paste0("mean.", c(ol_type, "NO")))
                  sd <- stats::setNames(as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:object@extrap_step, function(h) {
                    rep(0, times = length(ol_type) + 1)
                  }))), paste0("sd.", c(ol_type, "NO")))
                  pro <- stats::setNames(as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:object@extrap_step, function(h) {
                    rep(0, times = length(ol_type) + 1)
                  }))), paste0("pro.", c(ol_type, "NO")))

                  predicted_params <- cbind(mu, sd, pro)
                } else {
                  outlier_prediction_result <- prediction_including_outlier_effect(object, trained_result, pi_up, expected, level)

                  expected <- outlier_prediction_result$expected
                  pi_up <- outlier_prediction_result$pi_up
                  predicted_params <- outlier_prediction_result$predicted_params
            return(list("predicted_quantiles" = cbind(expected, pi_up), "predicted_params" = predicted_params))

#' @describeIn train_model Train ARMA Model specific to arima_sim object.
          signature(object = "arima_sim", train_x = "matrix", train_xreg = "matrix", trained_model = "list"),
          function(object, train_x, train_xreg, trained_model) {
            if (!is.na(object@freq)) {
              new_train_x <- stats::ts(convert_frequency_dataset(stats::setNames(train_x[(max(object@window_size_for_reg, object@window_size) + (object@extrap_step - 1) * object@window_size + 1):nrow(train_x),1], rownames(train_x)[(max(object@window_size_for_reg, object@window_size) + (object@extrap_step - 1) * object@window_size + 1):length(train_x)]),
                                                                 keep.names = TRUE,
                                                                 right.aligned = TRUE),
                                       frequency = object@freq)
            } else {
              new_train_x <- stats::ts(convert_frequency_dataset(stats::setNames(train_x[(max(object@window_size_for_reg, object@window_size) + (object@extrap_step - 1) * object@window_size + 1):nrow(train_x),1], rownames(train_x)[(max(object@window_size_for_reg, object@window_size) + (object@extrap_step - 1) * object@window_size + 1):length(train_x)]),
                                                                 keep.names = TRUE,
                                                                 right.aligned = TRUE))

            new_train_xreg <- as.matrix(convert_frequency_dataset_overlapping(stats::setNames(train_xreg[1:(nrow(train_xreg) - object@window_size * object@extrap_step),1], rownames(train_xreg)[1:(nrow(train_xreg) - object@window_size * object@extrap_step)]),
                                                                              keep.names = TRUE,
                                                                              jump = object@window_size,
                                                                              right.aligned = TRUE,
                                                                              length.out = length(new_train_x)))
            colnames(new_train_xreg) <- "xreg"

            args.tsmethod <- list("include.mean" = TRUE, "method" = ifelse(object@res_dist == "normal", "CSS-ML", "CSS"), "optim.method" = "Nelder-Mead", "optim.control" = list(maxit = 5000))
            for (i in names(object@train_args)) {
              args.tsmethod[[i]] <- object@train_args[[i]]

            if (object@outlier_type == "None") {
              trained_result <- do.call(forecast::Arima, c(list("y" = new_train_x, "xreg" = new_train_xreg), args.tsmethod))
              trained_result$call$x <- new_train_x
              trained_result$call$xreg <- new_train_xreg
              trained_result$call$orig_x <- train_x
              trained_result$call$orig_xreg <- train_xreg
            } else {
              if (is.na(object@outlier_cval)) {
                cval <- ifelse(length(new_train_x) <= 50, 3, ifelse(length(new_train_x) >= 450, 4, 3 + 0.0025 * (length(new_train_x) - 50)))
              } else {
                cval <- object@outlier_cval

              if (object@outlier_type == "All") {
                ol_type <- c("AO", "IO", "TC")
              } else {
                ol_type <- object@outlier_type

              trained_result <- tryCatch({
                tso_model <- tsoutliers::tso(y = new_train_x, xreg = new_train_xreg, types = ol_type, cval = cval, maxit = 4, tsmethod = "arima", args.tsmethod = args.tsmethod, maxit.oloop = 20, maxit.iloop = 10)
                tso_model$fit$call$orig_x <- train_x
                tso_model$fit$call$orig_xreg <- train_xreg
                param_mle <- estimate_outliers(object, ol_type, new_train_x, tso_model, trained_model)
                c(tso_model$fit, list("param_mle" = param_mle))
              }, error = function(e) {
                ts_model <- do.call(forecast::Arima, c(list("y" = new_train_x, "xreg" = new_train_xreg), args.tsmethod))
                ts_model$call$x <- new_train_x
                ts_model$call$xreg <- new_train_xreg
                ts_model$call$orig_x <- train_x
                ts_model$call$orig_xreg <- train_xreg
                ts_model$param_mle <- trained_model[[1]]$param_mle

            if (object@res_dist == "skew_norm") {
              trained_result <- c(trained_result, skew_norm_param_estimation(trained_result$residuals))

#' @describeIn do_prediction Do prediction based on trained AR1 Model.
          signature(object = "arima_sim", trained_result = "list", predict_info = "data.frame", test_x = "matrix", test_xreg = "matrix"),
          function(object, trained_result, predict_info, test_x, test_xreg) {
            trained_result <- trained_result[[1]]
            level <- (1 - object@cut_off_prob * 2) * 100

            if (object@res_dist == "empirical") {
              bootstrap <- TRUE
            } else {
              bootstrap <- FALSE

            if (nrow(predict_info) == 0) {
              target_model <- forecast::Arima(y = trained_result$call$x, xreg = trained_result$call$xreg, model = trained_result)
            } else {
              new_x <- c(trained_result$call$x, predict_info$actual)
              res <- stats::ts(c(trained_result$residuals, predict_info$residuals))

              if (object@outlier_type != "None") {
                new_x <- find_and_remove_outliers_testing_set(object, trained_result, new_x, res)

              prev_xreg <- trained_result$call$xreg

              new_xreg <- c(trained_result$call$orig_xreg[,1], test_xreg[,1])
              new_xreg <- as.matrix(convert_frequency_dataset_overlapping(new_xreg[1:(length(new_xreg) - object@window_size * object@extrap_step)],
                                                                          keep.names = TRUE,
                                                                          jump = object@window_size,
                                                                          right.aligned = TRUE,
                                                                          length.out = length(predict_info$actual)))
              if (ncol(prev_xreg) > 1) {
                # Outliers are considered and found.
                new_ol <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(new_xreg), ncol = ncol(prev_xreg) - 1)
                new_xreg <- cbind(new_xreg, new_ol)
              colnames(new_xreg) <- colnames(prev_xreg)
              new_xreg <- rbind(prev_xreg, new_xreg)
              target_model <- forecast::Arima(new_x, xreg = new_xreg, model = trained_result)

            dxreg <- c(trained_result$call$orig_xreg[,1], test_xreg[,1])
            dxreg <- as.matrix(convert_frequency_dataset_overlapping(dxreg,
                                                                     keep.names = TRUE,
                                                                     jump = object@window_size,
                                                                     right.aligned = TRUE,
                                                                     length.out = object@extrap_step))
            if (ncol(dxreg) < ncol(trained_result$call$xreg)) {
              dxreg <- cbind(dxreg, matrix(0, nrow = object@extrap_step, ncol = (ncol(trained_result$call$xreg) - ncol(dxreg))))
            colnames(dxreg) <- colnames(trained_result$call$xreg)
            predict_result <- forecast::forecast(target_model, xreg = dxreg, h = object@extrap_step, bootstrap = bootstrap, npaths = length(trained_result$call$x), level = level)

            expected <- stats::setNames(as.data.frame(as.numeric(predict_result$mean)), "expected")
            pi_up <- stats::setNames(as.data.frame(predict_result$upper), paste0("Quantile_", sort(1 - object@cut_off_prob)))
            predicted_params <- data.frame("mean" = as.numeric(predict_result$mean), "sd" = (pi_up[,1] - expected[,1]) / stats::qnorm(sort(1 - object@cut_off_prob)[1]))

            if (object@res_dist == "skew_norm") {
              skewnorm_prediction_result <- skew_norm_param_prediction(object, trained_result, as.numeric(predict_result$mean), level)

              expected <- skewnorm_prediction_result$expected
              pi_up <- skewnorm_prediction_result$pi_up
              predicted_params <- skewnorm_prediction_result$predicted_params
            } else if (object@res_dist == "discretized") {
              compute_pi_up <- function(prob, to_states) {
                current_state <- 1
                current_prob <- 0
                while (current_state <= length(to_states)) {
                  current_prob <- current_prob + to_states[current_state]
                  if (current_prob < prob) {
                    current_state <- current_state + 1
                  } else {
                pi_up <- current_state * (100 / length(to_states))
              predicted_params <- discretized_from_normal_param_prediction(object, expected, pi_up)

              pi_up <- matrix(0, nrow = object@extrap_step, ncol = length(1 - object@cut_off_prob))
              for (j in 1:nrow(pi_up)) {
                pi_up[j,] <- sapply(sort(1 - object@cut_off_prob), function(i) {
                  compute_pi_up(i, predicted_params[j,])
              pi_up <- as.data.frame(pi_up)
              colnames(pi_up) <- paste0("Quantile_", sort(1 - object@cut_off_prob))

              expected <- data.frame("expected" = sapply(1:object@extrap_step, function(i) {
                find_expectation_state_based_dist(predicted_params[i, grep("prob_dist.", colnames(predicted_params))])
            } else {
              if (object@res_dist == "normal" & object@outlier_type != "None" & object@outlier_prediction != "None") {
                if (is.null(trained_result$param_mle)) {
                  if (object@outlier_type == "All") {
                    ol_type <- c("AO", "IO", "TC")
                  } else {
                    ol_type <- object@outlier_type

                  expected <- expected
                  pi_up <- pi_up

                  mu <- stats::setNames(as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:object@extrap_step, function(h) {
                    rep(0, times = length(ol_type) + 1)
                  }))), paste0("mean.", c(ol_type, "NO")))
                  sd <- stats::setNames(as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:object@extrap_step, function(h) {
                    rep(0, times = length(ol_type) + 1)
                  }))), paste0("sd.", c(ol_type, "NO")))
                  pro <- stats::setNames(as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:object@extrap_step, function(h) {
                    rep(0, times = length(ol_type) + 1)
                  }))), paste0("pro.", c(ol_type, "NO")))

                  predicted_params <- cbind(mu, sd, pro)
                } else {
                  outlier_prediction_result <- prediction_including_outlier_effect(object, trained_result, pi_up, expected, level)

                  expected <- outlier_prediction_result$expected
                  pi_up <- outlier_prediction_result$pi_up
                  predicted_params <- outlier_prediction_result$predicted_params
            return(list("predicted_quantiles" = cbind(expected, pi_up), "predicted_params" = predicted_params))

#' @describeIn train_model Train ARMA Model specific to arima_sim object.
          signature(object = "arima_sim", train_x = "matrix", train_xreg = "list", trained_model = "list"),
          function(object, train_x, train_xreg, trained_model) {
            if (!is.na(object@freq)) {
              new_train_x <- stats::ts(convert_frequency_dataset(stats::setNames(train_x[(max(object@window_size_for_reg, object@window_size) + (object@extrap_step - 1) * object@window_size + 1):nrow(train_x),1], rownames(train_x)[(max(object@window_size_for_reg, object@window_size) + (object@extrap_step - 1) * object@window_size + 1):length(train_x)]),
                                                                 keep.names = TRUE,
                                                                 right.aligned = TRUE),
                                       frequency = object@freq)
            } else {
              new_train_x <- stats::ts(convert_frequency_dataset(stats::setNames(train_x[(max(object@window_size_for_reg, object@window_size) + (object@extrap_step - 1) * object@window_size + 1):nrow(train_x),1], rownames(train_x)[(max(object@window_size_for_reg, object@window_size) + (object@extrap_step - 1) * object@window_size + 1):length(train_x)]),
                                                                 keep.names = TRUE,
                                                                 right.aligned = TRUE))

            new_train_xreg <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:length(train_xreg), function(reg) {
              temp_reg <- train_xreg[[reg]]
              convert_frequency_dataset_overlapping(stats::setNames(temp_reg[1:(nrow(temp_reg) - object@window_size * object@extrap_step),1], rownames(temp_reg)[1:(nrow(temp_reg) - object@window_size * object@extrap_step)]),
                                                    ifelse(length(object@window_size_for_reg) == 1, object@window_size_for_reg, object@window_size_for_reg[reg]),
                                                    ifelse(length(object@window_type_for_reg) == 1, object@window_type_for_reg, object@window_type_for_reg[reg]),
                                                    keep.names = TRUE,
                                                    jump = object@window_size,
                                                    right.aligned = TRUE,
                                                    length.out = length(new_train_x))
            colnames(new_train_xreg) <- names(train_xreg)

            args.tsmethod <- list("include.mean" = TRUE, "method" = ifelse(object@res_dist == "normal", "CSS-ML", "CSS"), "optim.method" = "Nelder-Mead", "optim.control" = list(maxit = 5000))
            for (i in names(object@train_args)) {
              args.tsmethod[[i]] <- object@train_args[[i]]

            if (object@outlier_type == "None") {
              trained_result <- do.call(forecast::Arima, c(list("y" = new_train_x, "xreg" = new_train_xreg), args.tsmethod))
              trained_result$call$x <- new_train_x
              trained_result$call$xreg <- new_train_xreg
              trained_result$call$orig_x <- train_x
              trained_result$call$orig_xreg <- train_xreg
            } else {
              if (is.na(object@outlier_cval)) {
                cval <- ifelse(length(new_train_x) <= 50, 3, ifelse(length(new_train_x) >= 450, 4, 3 + 0.0025 * (length(new_train_x) - 50)))
              } else {
                cval <- object@outlier_cval

              if (object@outlier_type == "All") {
                ol_type <- c("AO", "IO", "TC")
              } else {
                ol_type <- object@outlier_type

              trained_result <- tryCatch({
                tso_model <- tsoutliers::tso(y = new_train_x, xreg = new_train_xreg, types = ol_type, cval = cval, maxit = 4, tsmethod = "arima", args.tsmethod = args.tsmethod, maxit.oloop = 20, maxit.iloop = 10)
                tso_model$call$orig_x <- train_x
                tso_model$call$orig_xreg <- train_xreg
                param_mle <- estimate_outliers(object, ol_type, new_train_x, tso_model, trained_model)
                c(tso_model$fit, list("param_mle" = param_mle))
              }, error = function(e) {
                ts_model <- do.call(forecast::Arima, c(list("y" = new_train_x, "xreg" = new_train_xreg), args.tsmethod))
                ts_model$call$x <- new_train_x
                ts_model$call$xreg <- new_train_xreg
                ts_model$call$orig_x <- train_x
                ts_model$call$orig_xreg <- train_xreg
                ts_model$param_mle <- trained_model[[1]]$param_mle

            if (object@res_dist == "skew_norm") {
              trained_result <- c(trained_result, skew_norm_param_estimation(trained_result$residuals))

#' @describeIn do_prediction Do prediction based on trained AR1 Model.
          signature(object = "arima_sim", trained_result = "list", predict_info = "data.frame", test_x = "matrix", test_xreg = "list"),
          function(object, trained_result, predict_info, test_x, test_xreg) {
            trained_result <- trained_result[[1]]
            level <- (1 - object@cut_off_prob * 2) * 100

            if (object@res_dist == "empirical") {
              bootstrap <- TRUE
            } else {
              bootstrap <- FALSE

            if (nrow(predict_info) == 0) {
              target_model <- forecast::Arima(y = trained_result$call$x, xreg = trained_result$call$xreg, model = trained_result)
            } else {
              new_x <- c(trained_result$call$x, predict_info$actual)
              res <- stats::ts(c(trained_result$residuals, predict_info$residuals))

              if (object@outlier_type != "None") {
                new_x <- find_and_remove_outliers_testing_set(object, trained_result, new_x, res)

              prev_xreg <- trained_result$call$xreg

              new_xreg <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:length(test_xreg), function(reg) {
                temp_xreg <- c(trained_result$call$orig_xreg[[reg]][,1], test_xreg[[reg]][,1])
                convert_frequency_dataset_overlapping(temp_xreg[1:(length(temp_xreg) - object@window_size * object@extrap_step)],
                                                      ifelse(length(object@window_size_for_reg) == 1, object@window_size_for_reg, object@window_size_for_reg[reg]),
                                                      ifelse(length(object@window_type_for_reg) == 1, object@window_type_for_reg, object@window_type_for_reg[reg]),
                                                      keep.names = TRUE,
                                                      jump = object@window_size,
                                                      right.aligned = TRUE,
                                                      length.out = length(predict_info$actual))

              if (ncol(prev_xreg) > ncol(new_xreg)) {
                # Outliers are considered and found.
                new_ol <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(new_xreg), ncol = ncol(prev_xreg) - ncol(new_xreg))
                new_xreg <- cbind(new_xreg, new_ol)
              colnames(new_xreg) <- colnames(prev_xreg)
              new_xreg <- rbind(prev_xreg, new_xreg)
              target_model <- forecast::Arima(new_x, xreg = new_xreg, model = trained_result)

            dxreg <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:length(test_xreg), function(reg) {
              temp_xreg <- c(trained_result$call$orig_xreg[[reg]][,1], test_xreg[[reg]][,1])
                                                    ifelse(length(object@window_size_for_reg) == 1, object@window_size_for_reg, object@window_size_for_reg[reg]),
                                                    ifelse(length(object@window_type_for_reg) == 1, object@window_type_for_reg, object@window_type_for_reg[reg]),
                                                    keep.names = TRUE,
                                                    jump = object@window_size,
                                                    right.aligned = TRUE,
                                                    length.out = object@extrap_step)
            if (ncol(dxreg) < ncol(trained_result$call$xreg)) {
              dxreg <- cbind(dxreg, matrix(0, nrow = object@extrap_step, ncol = (ncol(trained_result$call$xreg) - ncol(test_xreg))))
            colnames(dxreg) <- colnames(trained_result$call$xreg)
            predict_result <- forecast::forecast(target_model, xreg = dxreg, h = object@extrap_step, bootstrap = bootstrap, npaths = length(trained_result$call$x), level = level)

            expected <- stats::setNames(as.data.frame(as.numeric(predict_result$mean)), "expected")
            pi_up <- stats::setNames(as.data.frame(predict_result$upper), paste0("Quantile_", sort(1 - object@cut_off_prob)))
            predicted_params <- data.frame("mean" = as.numeric(predict_result$mean), "sd" = (pi_up[,1] - expected[,1]) / stats::qnorm(sort(1 - object@cut_off_prob)[1]))

            if (object@res_dist == "skew_norm") {
              skewnorm_prediction_result <- skew_norm_param_prediction(object, trained_result, as.numeric(predict_result$mean), level)

              expected <- skewnorm_prediction_result$expected
              pi_up <- skewnorm_prediction_result$pi_up
              predicted_params <- skewnorm_prediction_result$predicted_params
            } else if (object@res_dist == "discretized") {
              compute_pi_up <- function(prob, to_states) {
                current_state <- 1
                current_prob <- 0
                while (current_state <= length(to_states)) {
                  current_prob <- current_prob + to_states[current_state]
                  if (current_prob < prob) {
                    current_state <- current_state + 1
                  } else {
                pi_up <- current_state * (100 / length(to_states))
              predicted_params <- discretized_from_normal_param_prediction(object, expected, pi_up)

              pi_up <- matrix(0, nrow = object@extrap_step, ncol = length(1 - object@cut_off_prob))
              for (j in 1:nrow(pi_up)) {
                pi_up[j,] <- sapply(sort(1 - object@cut_off_prob), function(i) {
                  compute_pi_up(i, predicted_params[j,])
              pi_up <- as.data.frame(pi_up)
              colnames(pi_up) <- paste0("Quantile_", sort(1 - object@cut_off_prob))

              expected <- data.frame("expected" = sapply(1:object@extrap_step, function(i) {
                find_expectation_state_based_dist(predicted_params[i, grep("prob_dist.", colnames(predicted_params))])
            } else {
              if (object@res_dist == "normal" & object@outlier_type != "None" & object@outlier_prediction != "None") {
                if (is.null(trained_result$param_mle)) {
                  if (object@outlier_type == "All") {
                    ol_type <- c("AO", "IO", "TC")
                  } else {
                    ol_type <- object@outlier_type

                  expected <- expected
                  pi_up <- pi_up

                  mu <- stats::setNames(as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:object@extrap_step, function(h) {
                    rep(0, times = length(ol_type) + 1)
                  }))), paste0("mean.", c(ol_type, "NO")))
                  sd <- stats::setNames(as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:object@extrap_step, function(h) {
                    rep(0, times = length(ol_type) + 1)
                  }))), paste0("sd.", c(ol_type, "NO")))
                  pro <- stats::setNames(as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:object@extrap_step, function(h) {
                    rep(0, times = length(ol_type) + 1)
                  }))), paste0("pro.", c(ol_type, "NO")))

                  predicted_params <- cbind(mu, sd, pro)
                } else {
                  outlier_prediction_result <- prediction_including_outlier_effect(object, trained_result, pi_up, expected, level)

                  expected <- outlier_prediction_result$expected
                  pi_up <- outlier_prediction_result$pi_up
                  predicted_params <- outlier_prediction_result$predicted_params
            return(list("predicted_quantiles" = cbind(expected, pi_up), "predicted_params" = predicted_params))

#' @return A list containing all numeric parameter information.
#' @rdname get_param_slots
#' @export
          signature(object = "arima_sim"),
          function(object) {
            numeric_lst <- methods::callNextMethod(object)
            numeric_lst[["freq"]] <- methods::slot(object, "freq")
            numeric_lst[["outlier_cval"]] <- methods::slot(object, "outlier_cval")
            numeric_lst[["state_num"]] <- methods::slot(object, "state_num")

#' @return A list containing all character parameter information.
#' @rdname get_characteristic_slots
#' @export
          signature(object = "arima_sim"),
          function(object) {
            character_lst <- methods::callNextMethod(object)
            character_lst[["res_dist"]] <- methods::slot(object, "res_dist")
            character_lst[["outlier_type"]] <- methods::slot(object, "outlier_type")
            character_lst[["outlier_prediction"]] <- methods::slot(object, "outlier_prediction")
            character_lst[["outlier_prediction_update_param"]] <- methods::slot(object, "outlier_prediction_update_param")

#' @return A list containing all character parameter informations.
#' @rdname get_hidden_slots
#' @export
          signature(object = "arima_sim"),
          function(object) {
            hidden_lst <- methods::callNextMethod(object)
            hidden_lst[["train_args"]] <- methods::slot(object, "train_args")
            hidden_lst[["outlier_prediction_prior"]] <- methods::slot(object, "outlier_prediction_prior")
            hidden_lst[["window_size_for_reg"]] <- methods::slot(object, "window_size_for_reg")
            hidden_lst[["window_type_for_reg"]] <- methods::slot(object, "window_type_for_reg")

#' @export
setAs("data.frame", "arima_sim",
      function(from) {
        object <- methods::new("arima_sim")
        for (i in names(from)) {
          if (i %in% methods::slotNames(object)) {
            if (methods::is(from[, i], "character")) {
              if (length(strsplit(from[, i], ",")[[1]]) == 1) {
                methods::slot(object, i) <- from[, i]
              } else {
                methods::slot(object, i) <- as.numeric(strsplit(from[, i], ",")[[1]])
            } else {
              methods::slot(object, i) <- from[, i]
carlonlv/DataCenterSim documentation built on Jan. 9, 2022, 3:26 p.m.