
Defines functions rename.replicates

Documented in rename.replicates

#' Rename (renumber) replicate folders within a scenario
#' This function replaces the numbers between square brackets at the end of the
#' folder names of replicates within one scenario with the numbers provided in
#' \code{suffix}
#' \code{rename.replicates} can process one scenario at the time. Processing of
#' multiple scenarios with the same suffix should be achieved using a loop (e.g.
#' lapply). \code{suffix} should be of the same length as the number of
#' replicates.
#' \bold{Note} that the order in which the original folder names are replaced
#' may not be progressive. For example, normally the replicate '10' is renamed
#' after replicate '1' and before '2'. 
#' @inheritParams collate.census
#' @param scenario The scenario whose replicates need to be renamed
#' @param suffix An integer vector to rename the replicates
#' @importFrom tcltk tk_choose.dir
#' @export

rename.replicates <- function(path.results=NULL, scenario, suffix, verbose=FALSE) {
  # Helper functions
  change.run <- function(new.file, suffix, verbose) {
    if(verbose) message(paste("Processing iteration:", basename(new.file)))
    fs <- list.files("[0-9]+.csv$", path=new.file, full.names = TRUE)
    for(f in fs) {
      if(verbose) message(paste("Processing census file:", basename(f)))
      census.data <- fread(f)
      census.data[, Run := suffix]
      write.csv(census.data, f, row.names=FALSE)
  txt <- "Please, select the 'Results' folder within the workspace"
  if(is.null(path.results)) path.results <- tk_choose.dir(caption = txt)
  l.iter.folders <- iter.folders(dir.path=path.results, scenario=scenario)
  if(length(l.iter.folders) != length(suffix)) 
    stop(paste("Different number of replicates found and suffixes provided.\n", 
               "Found", length(l.iter.folders), "replicates, but", length(suffix), " suffixes provided."))
  new.nms <- mapply(sub, l.iter.folders, 
                    replacement=paste0("[", suffix, "]"), 
                    MoreArgs = list(pattern="[[0-9]+]$"))
  exist.checks <- sapply(new.nms, file.exists)
  if(any(exist.checks)) stop("Can't rename folders because at least some already exist")
  message(paste("Found", length(l.iter.folders), "replicates to be renamed."))
  if(verbose) message("Renaming directories...")
  file.rename(from=l.iter.folders, to=new.nms)
  if(verbose) message("Done!")
  l <- mapply(FUN = change.run, new.nms, suffix, MoreArgs = list(verbose=verbose))
  return(list(original.folders=l.iter.folders, new.folders=new.nms))
carlopacioni/HexSimR documentation built on Nov. 28, 2020, 4:12 p.m.