
Defines functions spatialDetectionHistory

Documented in spatialDetectionHistory

spatialDetectionHistory <- function(recordTableIndividual,
                                    stationCol = "Station",
                                    speciesCol = "Species",
                                    recordDateTimeCol = "DateTimeOriginal",
                                    recordDateTimeFormat = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
                                    occasionStartTime = 0,
                                    includeEffort = TRUE,
                                    scaleEffort   = FALSE,
                                    binaryEffort  = FALSE,

  wd0 <- getwd()

  # check input
  if(class(recordTableIndividual) != "data.frame") stop("recordTableIndividual must be a data.frame", call. = FALSE)

  stopifnot(length(species) == 1)

  if(hasArg(makeRMarkInput)) stopifnot(is.logical(makeRMarkInput))

  output <- match.arg(output, choices = c("binary", "count"))


  # check recordTableIndividual
  stopifnot(c(speciesCol, recordDateTimeCol, stationCol, individualCol) %in% colnames(recordTableIndividual))

  checkForSpacesInColumnNames(stationCol = stationCol, Xcol = Xcol, Ycol = Ycol, 
                                         recordDateTimeCol = recordDateTimeCol, speciesCol = speciesCol, individualCol)
  if(class(CTtable) != "data.frame")       stop("CTtable must be a data.frame", call. = FALSE)
  if(!stationCol %in% colnames(CTtable))   stop(paste('stationCol = "',   stationCol,  '" is not a column name in CTtable', sep = ''), call. = FALSE)
  if(!Xcol %in% colnames(CTtable))         stop(paste('Xcol = "',   Xcol,  '" is not a column name in CTtable', sep = ''), call. = FALSE)
  if(!Ycol %in% colnames(CTtable))         stop(paste('Ycol = "',   Ycol, '" is not a column name in CTtable', sep = ''), call. = FALSE)
  if(!stationCol %in% colnames(recordTableIndividual))            stop(paste('stationCol = "',   stationCol,  '" is not a column name in recordTableIndividual', sep = ''), call. = FALSE)
  if(!recordDateTimeCol %in% colnames(recordTableIndividual))     stop(paste('recordDateTimeCol = "', recordDateTimeCol,  '" is not a column name in recordTableIndividual', sep = ''), call. = FALSE)
  if(!speciesCol %in% colnames(recordTableIndividual))            stop(paste('speciesCol = "', speciesCol,  '" is not a column name in recordTableIndividual', sep = ''), call. = FALSE)
  if(!individualCol %in% colnames(recordTableIndividual))         stop(paste('individualCol = "', individualCol,  '" is not a column name in recordTableIndividual', sep = ''), call. = FALSE)
  stopifnot(length(stationCol) == 1)
  recordTableIndividual[, stationCol] <- as.character(recordTableIndividual[,   stationCol])

  stopifnot(length(speciesCol) == 1)
  recordTableIndividual[, speciesCol] <- as.character(recordTableIndividual[, speciesCol])

  stopifnot(length(individualCol) == 1)
  recordTableIndividual[, individualCol] <- as.character(recordTableIndividual[, individualCol])

  stopifnot(length(recordDateTimeCol) == 1)
  recordTableIndividual[, recordDateTimeCol] <- as.character(recordTableIndividual[, recordDateTimeCol])

  # check CTtable
  if(any(is.na(CTtable[,Xcol]))) stop("there are NAs in Xcol")
  if(any(is.na(CTtable[,Ycol]))) stop("there are NAs in Ycol")
  if(any(is.na(CTtable[,stationCol]))) stop("there are NAs in stationCol of CTtable")

  checkForSpacesInColumnNames(stationCovariateCols = stationCovariateCols)
    if(!all(stationCovariateCols %in% colnames(CTtable))) stop("did not find stationCovariateCols in column names of CTtable (",
                                                               paste(stationCovariateCols[which(stationCovariateCols %in% colnames(CTtable) == FALSE)], collapse = ", "),
                                                               ")", sep = "", call. = FALSE)
  if(!all(recordTableIndividual$Station %in% CTtable$Station)) stop ("there are entries in stationCol of recordTableIndividual that are not found in stationCol of CTtable")

  # check sessionCol argument
  if(hasArg(sessionCol)) {
    checkForSpacesInColumnNames(sessionCol = sessionCol)
    if(sessionCol %in% colnames(recordTableIndividual) &
       sessionCol %in% colnames(CTtable)) stop(paste("both CTtable and recordTableIndividual contain sessionCol '", sessionCol, "'", sep = ""), call. = FALSE)

    if(sessionCol %in% colnames(recordTableIndividual) == FALSE &
       sessionCol %in% colnames(CTtable) == FALSE) stop(paste("neither CTtable nor recordTableIndividual contain sessionCol '", sessionCol, "'", sep = ""), call. = FALSE)

    if(sessionCol %in% colnames(recordTableIndividual)) {
      if(!all(sort(unique(recordTableIndividual[,sessionCol])) == seq.int(from = 1, to = max(recordTableIndividual[,sessionCol]), by = 1)))
        stop("Problem in sessionCol: Values must come from a gapless sequence of integer numbers starting with 1", call. = FALSE)

    if(sessionCol %in% colnames(CTtable)){
      if(!all(sort(unique(CTtable[,sessionCol])) == seq.int(from = 1, to = max(CTtable[,sessionCol]), by = 1)))
        stop("Problem in sessionCol: Values must come from a gapless sequence of integer numbers starting with 1", call. = FALSE)
      # introduce sessionCol in recordTable by matching station IDs
      recordTableIndividual <- merge(recordTableIndividual, CTtable[,c(stationCol, sessionCol)], by = stationCol)

  if(any(CTtable[,stationCol] != rownames(camOp))) stop ("there is a mismatch between station IDs in CTtable and rownames in camOp")

  if(hasArg(timeZone) == FALSE) {
    warning("timeZone is not specified. Assuming UTC", call. = FALSE)
    timeZone <- "UTC"
  if(!is.element(timeZone , OlsonNames())){
    stop("timeZone must be an element of OlsonNames()")

    stopifnot(minActiveDaysPerOccasion <= occasionLength)

  if(length(occasionStartTime) != 1) stop("occasionStartTime must have length 1")
  occasionStartTime    <- as.integer(round(occasionStartTime))
  if(occasionStartTime != 0 & !is.integer(occasionStartTime)) stop ("occasionStartTime must be between 0 and 23")
  if(occasionStartTime < 0 | occasionStartTime >= 24)         stop ("occasionStartTime must be between 0 and 23")

  occasionLength    <- as.integer(round(occasionLength))
  if(occasionLength <= 0)             stop("occasionLength must be a positive integer and not 0")
  if(occasionLength > ncol(camOp)/2)  stop("occasionLength may not be greater than half the total number of days in camOp")

    maxNumberDays    <- as.integer(maxNumberDays)
    if(maxNumberDays > ncol(camOp))    stop("maxNumberDays must be smaller than the number of columns of camOp")
    if(maxNumberDays < occasionLength) stop("maxNumberDays must be larger than or equal to occasionLength")

  if(hasArg(buffer)) {
    buffer <- round(buffer)
    stopifnot(buffer >= 1)

  if(species %in% recordTableIndividual[,speciesCol] == FALSE) stop("species is not in speciesCol of recordTableIndividual")

  # check all stations in recordTableIndividual are matched in CTtable
  if(all(recordTableIndividual[,stationCol] %in% CTtable[,stationCol]) == FALSE) {
    stop(paste("items of stationCol in recordTableIndividual are not matched in stationCol of CTtable: ", paste(recordTableIndividual[-which(recordTableIndividual[,stationCol] %in% CTtable[,stationCol]),stationCol], collapse = ", ")))

  if(includeEffort == TRUE){
      if(class(scaleEffort) != "logical") stop("scaleEffort must be logical (currently only FALSE is allowed)")
      if(isTRUE(scaleEffort))             stop("currently scaleEffort must be FALSE")
      if(class(binaryEffort) != "logical") stop("binaryEffort must be logical (TRUE or FALSE)")
    if(binaryEffort == TRUE & scaleEffort == TRUE) stop("'scaleEffort' and 'binaryEffort' cannot both be TRUE")
  } else {
    scaleEffort  <- FALSE
    binaryEffort <- FALSE

  # bring date, time, station ids into shape

  subset_species           <- recordTableIndividual[recordTableIndividual[,speciesCol] == species,]
  subset_species$DateTime2 <- as.POSIXlt(subset_species[,recordDateTimeCol], tz = timeZone, format = recordDateTimeFormat)

  # if sessionCol is defined and present in CTtable, check if all records are within correct session. remove if not
    if(sessionCol %in% colnames(CTtable)){

      rec_station_session <- unique(subset_species[,c(stationCol, sessionCol)])
      cam_station_session <- unique(CTtable[,c(stationCol, sessionCol)])

      rec_station_session$included_rec <- TRUE
      cam_station_session$included_station <- TRUE
      merged_tmp <- merge(rec_station_session, cam_station_session, all=TRUE)

        which_to_remove_mismatch <- which(subset_species[,stationCol] == merged_tmp[is.na(merged_tmp$included_station), stationCol] &
                                            subset_species[,sessionCol] == merged_tmp[is.na(merged_tmp$included_station), sessionCol])
        if(length(which_to_remove_mismatch) >= 1){
          warning("there are records at stations which were not used during sessions. They will be ignored. \nrows: ",
                  paste(rownames(subset_species)[which_to_remove_mismatch], collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)
          subset_species <- subset_species[-which_to_remove_mismatch,]

  # check consistency of argument day1
  stopifnot(class(day1) == "character")

  if(day1 == "survey") {day1switch <- 1} else {
    if(day1 == "station") {day1switch <- 2} else {
      try(date.test <- as.Date(day1), silent = TRUE)
      if(!exists("date.test")) stop("day1 is not specified correctly. It can only be 'station', 'survey', or a date formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DD', e.g. '2016-12-31'")
      if(class(date.test) != "Date") stop('could not interpret argument day1: can only be "station", "survey" or a specific date (e.g. "2015-12-31")')
      if(hasArg(buffer)) stop("if buffer is defined, day1 can only be 'survey' or 'station'")
      day1switch <- 3

  if("POSIXlt" %in% class(subset_species$DateTime2) == FALSE) stop("couldn't interpret recordDateTimeCol of recordTableIndividual using specified recordDateTimeFormat")
  if(any(is.na(subset_species$DateTime2))) stop("at least 1 entry in recordDateTimeCol of recordTableIndividual could not be interpreted using recordDateTimeFormat")

  checkCamOpColumnNames (cameraOperationMatrix = camOp)
  cam.op.worked0 <- as.matrix(camOp)

  if(all(as.character(unique(subset_species[,stationCol])) %in% rownames(cam.op.worked0)) == FALSE){
    (stop("Not all values of stationCol in recordTableIndividual are matched by rownames of camOp"))

  # compute date range of stations and records

  arg.list0 <- list(cam.op = cam.op.worked0, subset_species_tmp = subset_species, stationCol_tmp = stationCol, day1_tmp = day1, occasionStartTime_tmp = occasionStartTime, timeZone_tmp = timeZone)

  if(hasArg(maxNumberDays))  arg.list0 <- c(arg.list0,   maxNumberDays_tmp = maxNumberDays)
  if(hasArg(buffer))   arg.list0 <- c(arg.list0, buffer_tmp =  buffer)

  date_ranges <- do.call(createDateRangeTable, arg.list0)


  # adjust camera operation matrix

  cam.op.worked <- adjustCameraOperationMatrix(cam.op = cam.op.worked0, date_ranges2 = date_ranges, timeZone_tmp = timeZone, day1_2 = day1)

  # append occasionStartTime (if != 0) to column names for output table
  if(occasionStartTime != 0){
    colnames(cam.op.worked) <- paste(colnames(cam.op.worked), "+", occasionStartTime, "h", sep = "")

  # calculate trapping effort by station and occasion

  arg.list0 <- list(cam.op = cam.op.worked, occasionLength2 = occasionLength, scaleEffort2 = scaleEffort, includeEffort2 = includeEffort)

  if(hasArg(minActiveDaysPerOccasion))  arg.list0 <- c(arg.list0, minActiveDaysPerOccasion2 = minActiveDaysPerOccasion)

  effort.tmp <- do.call(calculateTrappingEffort, arg.list0)


  effort <- effort.tmp[[1]]
  if(isTRUE(scaleEffort))     scale.eff.tmp.attr <- effort.tmp[[2]]
  if(isTRUE(binaryEffort))    effort             <- ifelse(effort >= 1, 1, 0)

  # remove records that fall into buffer period or were taken after maxNumberDays

  subset_species <- cleanSubsetSpecies(subset_species2 = subset_species, stationCol2 = stationCol, date_ranges2 = date_ranges)

  #  define the 1st day of the effective survey period.

  if(day1 %in% c("survey")){
    time2 <- date_ranges$start_first_occasion_survey[match(subset_species[,stationCol], rownames(date_ranges))]
  } else {
    time2 <- date_ranges$start_first_occasion[match(subset_species[,stationCol], rownames(date_ranges))]

  # calculate time difference between records and first day of detection history (the occasion each record belongs into)
  occasionCol <- "Occasion"

  subset_species[,occasionCol] <- as.numeric(ceiling((difftime(time1 = subset_species$DateTime2,
                                                               time2 =  time2,
                                                               units = "secs",
                                                               tz    = timeZone)
                                                      / (occasionLength * 86400))))

  if(max(subset_species[,occasionCol]) > ncol(effort)) {stop("encountered a bug. I'm Sorry. Please report it.")}

  # column names for effort matrix
  if(includeEffort == TRUE) {colnames(effort) <-  paste("o", seq(1,ncol(effort), by = 1), sep = "")}

  # build spatial detection history

  # get relevant columns from subset_species
    sdh0 <- subset_species[, c(individualCol, occasionCol, stationCol, individualCovariateCols)]
    colnames(sdh0) <- c("ID", occasionCol, "trapID", individualCovariateCols)
  } else {
    sdh0 <- subset_species[, c(individualCol, occasionCol, stationCol)]
    colnames(sdh0) <- c("ID", occasionCol, "trapID")

  # add required session column to captures
  if(hasArg(sessionCol)) {
    sdh1 <- cbind(Session = subset_species[,sessionCol], sdh0)
  } else {
    sdh1 <- cbind(Session = 1, sdh0)

  # remove unidentified individuals from captures
  remove.tmp <- which(is.na(sdh1[,"ID"]))
  if(length(remove.tmp) >= 1){
    sdh1 <- sdh1[-remove.tmp,]
    warning(paste("removed", length(remove.tmp), "records because of missing individual IDs"), call. = FALSE)

  # if requested,  remove duplicate records (makes capthist binary. otherwise it returns counts)
  if(output == "binary"){
    sdh2 <- unique(sdh1)                  # remove duplicate rows
  } else {
    sdh2 <- sdh1                          # keep duplicate rows

  # remove records for which effort was 0 or NA

  rowindex_sdh_to_remove <- vector()

  for(rowindex_sdh in 1:nrow(sdh2)){
    if(is.na(effort[match(sdh2$trapID[rowindex_sdh], rownames(effort)), sdh2$Occasion[rowindex_sdh]]) |   # if effort = NA or
       effort[match(sdh2$trapID[rowindex_sdh], rownames(effort)), sdh2$Occasion[rowindex_sdh]] == 0){     # if effort = 0
      rowindex_sdh_to_remove <- c(rowindex_sdh_to_remove, rowindex_sdh)                                   # save row index into temporary vector
  # if there were records in occasions with effort = 0/NA, remove these records
  if(length(rowindex_sdh_to_remove) != 0){
    warning(paste("removed ", length(rowindex_sdh_to_remove), " record(s) because of effort = 0/NA, incomplete occasions (if includeEffort = FALSE), or effort < minActiveDaysPerOccasion \n(rownames: ",
                  paste(rownames(sdh2)[rowindex_sdh_to_remove], collapse = ", "), ")", sep = ""),
            call. = FALSE)
    sdh2 <- sdh2[-rowindex_sdh_to_remove,]
  rm(rowindex_sdh, rowindex_sdh_to_remove)

  # make sure we have no NA in effort matrix (overwrite with 0)
  # otherwise secr::verify() will crash if there are NAs in the trap usage information
  effort[which(is.na(effort))] <- 0

  # make secr traps object

  coord.ct <- CTtable[,c(Xcol, Ycol)]
  colnames(coord.ct) <- c("x", "y")
  rownames(coord.ct) <- CTtable[,stationCol]

  # set detector type according to desired output (count or binary)
  detectortype <- ifelse (output == "binary", "proximity", "count")

# make station covariate data frame

    whichstationCovariateCols <- which(colnames(CTtable) %in% stationCovariateCols)
    stationCovsDF <- data.frame(CTtable[, whichstationCovariateCols])
    if(length(stationCovariateCols) == 1) {
      colnames(stationCovsDF) <- stationCovariateCols

  # if sessionCol is defined and it is found in CTtable, make a list of traps objects (one for each session)

    if(sessionCol %in% colnames(CTtable)){
      secr.traps <- list()

      # if(any(CTtable[,stationCol] != rownames(cam.op.worked))) stop ("there is a mismatch between station IDs in CTtable and rownames in camop")
      if(any(table(CTtable[,sessionCol]) == 1)) stop ("there is a session in CTtable that has only one station.")

      for(sessionID in 1:max(CTtable[,sessionCol])){
        which.session.tmp <- which(CTtable[,sessionCol] == sessionID)   # index of all stations active during session
        if(includeEffort == TRUE) {
          secr.traps[[sessionID]] <- read.traps(data         = coord.ct[which.session.tmp,],
                                                detector     = detectortype,
                                                binary.usage = binaryEffort)

          effort_session_tmp <- effort[which.session.tmp,]              # subset effort to active stations only
          secr::usage(secr.traps[[sessionID]]) <- effort_session_tmp[,which(colSums(effort_session_tmp) != 0)]  # only occasions with >1 active station
          # fix occasions (if there were occasions without active cameras before an occasion)
          # if a session is empty (e.g. because day1 was after end of that session, all records will be removed from sdh2)
          # that session then needs to be deleted with a warning
          sdh2[sdh2[, "Session"] == sessionID, "Occasion"] <- sapply(sdh2[sdh2[, "Session"] == sessionID, "Occasion"],
                                                                     FUN = function(x){x - length(which(which(colSums(effort_session_tmp) == 0) <  x) == TRUE)})

        } else {
          secr.traps[[sessionID]] <- read.traps(data         = coord.ct[which.session.tmp,],
                                                detector     = detectortype)
        if(exists("stationCovsDF")) secr::covariates(secr.traps[[sessionID]]) <- stationCovsDF[which.session.tmp,]
# remove sessions with empty effort (caused by day1 after last station retrieval)
      if(any(sapply(secr::usage(secr.traps), sum) == 0)){
        if(day1switch == 3){
          warning("will remove data from session  ", paste(which(sapply(secr::usage(secr.traps), sum) == 0), collapse = ", "), "  because the effort matrix was empty.
                  This is probably due to the usage of a date outside the station operation range in argument 'day1'", call. = FALSE)
        } else {
          warning("will remove data from ", paste(which(sapply(usage(secr.traps), sum) == 0), collapse = ", "), " session because the effort matrix was empty.", call. = FALSE)
        secr.traps <- secr.traps[-which(sapply(secr::usage(secr.traps), sum) == 0)]

  # otherwise (sessionCol not in CTtable or not defined) make traps object for all stations
    if(includeEffort == TRUE) {
      secr.traps <- read.traps(data         = coord.ct,
                               detector     = detectortype,
                               binary.usage = binaryEffort)
      # if there are columns in effort which have colSum = 0 (no station active), remove these from effort/usage information
      secr::usage(secr.traps) <- effort[,which(colSums(effort) != 0)]
      # consequently, occasions need to be adjusted too (if occasions were lost before a specific occasion, reduce occasion by number of removed occasions before that occasion)
      sdh2$Occasion <- sapply(sdh2$Occasion, FUN = function(x){x - length(which(which(colSums(effort) == 0) <  x) == TRUE)})

    } else {
      secr.traps <- read.traps(data     = coord.ct,
                               detector = detectortype)
    if(exists("stationCovsDF")) secr::covariates(secr.traps) <- stationCovsDF

  # find number of occasions
  if(includeEffort == FALSE) {
    noccasions <- ncol(effort)
  } else {
    if(all(class(secr.traps) == "list")) {
      noccasions <- sapply(secr::usage(secr.traps), ncol)
    } else {
      if(class(secr::usage(secr.traps)) == "matrix"){
        noccasions <- ncol(secr::usage(secr.traps))
      } else {
        noccasions <- ncol(effort)

  # make capthist object

  capthist.secr <- make.capthist(captures   = sdh2,
                                 traps      = secr.traps,
                                 fmt        = "trapID",
                                 noccasions = noccasions,
                                 bysession  = TRUE)

      RMarkDataframe <- RMarkInput(capthist.secr, covariates = TRUE)

carlopacioni/camtrapRdeluxe documentation built on Nov. 29, 2023, 3:37 a.m.